Mechanical or ball mice. What is a computer mouse - simple words about different generations. Optical laser mice

Today, the mouse is the necessary input device for all modern computers. But quite recently everything was different. Computers did not have a graphic command and data could only be entered using the keyboard. And when the very first one, you will be surprised, seeing what evolution was survived by this usual for each item.

Who invented the first computer mouse?

It is considered the father of this device. He was one of those scientists who try to bring science even to ordinary people and make progress accessible to everyone. He invented the first computer mice in early 1960s in its laboratory in the Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International). The first prototype was created in 1964, in a patent application for this invention, filed in 1967, it was named as "XY position indicator for a display system." But the official document at the number of 3541541 was obtained only in 1970.

But is everything so easy?

It would seem that everyone knows who created the first computer mouse. But the tekball technology (ball actuator) was first used much earlier by the Navy by the Canada Navy. Then, in 1952, the mouse was a conventional bowling ball attached to a complex hardware system that could feel the shift of the ball and imitate its movement on the screen. But the world found out about it only years later - because it was a secret military invention, which never patent and did not try to produce massively. After 11 years, it was already known, but D. Engelbart recognized him ineffective. At that moment, he still did not know how to combine his mouse vision and this device.

How did the idea appear?

The main ideas about the invention came to the first time D. Engelbart in 1961, when he was at a conference on computer graph and pondered the problem of improving the effectiveness of interactive calculations. He occurred to him that, using two small wheels, who move across the tabletop (one wheel turns horizontally, and the other - vertically) the computer can track the combinations of their rotation and, accordingly, move the cursor on the display. To some extent, the principle of operation is similar to the plan meter - a tool used by engineers and geographers to measure distances on the map or drawing, etc. Then the scientist recorded this idea into his notepad for further use.

Step into the Future

A little more than a year later, D. Engelbart received a grant from the Institute for the launch of his research initiative called "Improving the Human Reason". Under it, he represented a system where people of mental work, working on high-performance computer stations with interactive displays, have access to extensive information online space. With it, they can cooperate, solving particularly important problems. But this system has lacking a modern input device. After all, in order to comfortably interact with objects on the screen, you need to be able to quickly choose them. NASA became interested in the project and allocated a grant to ensure that a computer mouse was designed. The first version of this device is similar to the modern extent that the size. In parallel with the command of the researchers, other devices were invented, which allowed to control the cursor with the help of the press on the pedal or movement with the knee of a special clamp under the table. These inventions did not fit, but the joystick, invented at the same time, was later improved and is still applied.

In 1965, D. Engelbart team published a final report on his research and various methods Select objects on the screen. There were even volunteers who participated in testing. It happened something like this: the program showed objects in different parts of the screen and volunteers tried to click on them as quickly as possible different devices. According to the results of the tests, the first computer mice unequivocally exceeded all other appliances and were included as standard equipment for further research.

What did the first computer mouse look like?

It was made of wood and was the first input device that was placed in the user's hand. Knowing its action, you should no longer be surprised how the first computer mouse looked like. Under the case there were two metal disks-wheels, a scheme. The button was only one, and the wire led under the wrist of a person holding the device. The prototype collected one of the team members D. Engelbart, his assistant William (Bill) Inglish. Initially, he worked in another laboratory, but soon joined the project to create input devices, developed and embodied the design of a new device.

Tilting and swaying the mouse, you can draw perfectly smooth vertical and horizontal lines.

In 1967, the corps became plastic.

Where did the name come from?

Nobody remembers reliably, who first called this device with the mouse. She was tested by 5-6 people, it was possible that someone from them voiced the similarity. Especially since the world's first computer mouse was with a width-tail behind.

Further improvements

Of course, the prototypes were far from ideal.

In 1968 in San Francisco on a computer conference, D. Engelbart presented an improved first computer mice. They had three buttons, besides them, the keyboard was added to the appliance for the left hand.

The idea was as follows: the right hand works with the mouse, highlighting and activating objects. And the left with convenience causes the desired commands with a small keyboard with five long keys, like a piano. Then it became clear that the wire was confused by the operator when using the device, and that it should be displayed on the opposite direction. Of course, the prefix under the left hand did not take root, but Douglas Engelbart used her on his computers until the last days.

Continuation of work on improving

At the further stages of the development of the mouse, other scientists came out on the scene. The most interesting thing is that D. Engelbart never received deductions from his invention. Since he patented him as a specialist Standford Institute, it was the Institute for Rights to the Device.

So, in 1972, Bill Inglish replaced the wheels onto the trackball, which made it possible to recognize the movement of the mouse in any direction. Since he then worked at Xerox Parc, then this novelty became part of the advanced for the standards of the Xerox Alto system. It was a minicomputer with graphical interface. Therefore, many mistakenly believe that the first in Xerox company.

The next round of development occurred with the mouse in 1983, when Apple entered the game. The enterprising calculated the value of the mass production of the device, which was approximately 300 dollars. It was too expensive for the usual consumer, so it was decided to simplify the mouse design and replace the three buttons one. The price fell to 15 dollars. And at least this decision is still considered controversial, Apple is not in a hurry to change your iconic design.

The first computer mice were rectangular or square shape, an anatomical rounded design appeared only in 1991. He was introduced by Logitech. In addition to an interesting form, the novelty was wireless: the connection with the computer was provided with radio waves.

The first optical mouse appeared in 1982. To work, a special rug with a printed grid was needed. And even though the ball in the trackball quickly contaminated and delivered the inconvenience to the fact that it was necessary to clean it regularly, the optical mouse was commercially unprofitable until 1998.

What's next?

As you already know, "tailed" with the trackball is already practically not used. Technologies and Ergonomics computer mice constantly enhanced. And even today, when devices with touchscreens become increasingly popular, their sales do not fall.

Hello, dear blog readers Computer mice or mice, they are called differently, there is a huge amount. According to the functional purpose, they can be divided into classes: Some - are intended for games, others - for ordinary work, third - for drawing in graphic editors. In this article I will try to tell about the views and a computer mice.

But for a start, I propose to transfer for several decades ago, just at a time when it was invented this complex device. The first computer mouse appeared back in 1968, and came up with her American scientist named Douglas Engelburt. The mouse was developed by the American Agency of Space Research (NASA), which gave a patent for the invention Douglas, but at one point he lost to the development of any interest. Why - read further.

The first mouse in the world was a heavy wooden box with a wire, which in addition to its weight was also extremely uncomfortable in use. For obvious reasons, it was decided to call "Mouse", and a little later, it was artificially invented deciphering this as if abbreviation. Yeah, now Mouse, it is nothing but the "manually operated user Signal Encoder", that is, a device with which the user can manually encode the signal.

All, without exception, computer mice have a number of components in their composition: hull, printed circuit board With contacts, micrographs (buttons), scroll wheel - all of them are present in any modern mouse in any modern. But you probably tormented the question - what then distinguishes them from each other (besides the fact that there are game, not gaming, office, etc.), for which they came up so much different species, look at yourself:

  1. Mechanical
  2. Optical
  3. Laser
  4. Trackball mouse
  5. Induction
  6. Gyroscopic

The fact is that each of the above-mentioned types of computer mice appeared in different time And uses different laws of physics. Accordingly, each of them has its drawbacks and the advantages of which will certainly be told on the text. It should be noted that only the first three species will be considered in the most detailed, the rest are not so detailed, in view of the fact that they are less popular.

Mechanical mice

Mechanical mice - traditional ball models, relatively big sizerequiring constant ball cleaning for efficient work. Dirt and fine particles may be between the rotating ball and the case, and it will be necessary to clean. Without a rug, she will not work in any way. 15 years ago was the only one in the world. I will write about her last time, for already rarity.

From the bottom of the mechanical mouse there was a hole, which covered the rotary plastic ring. Under it was a heavy ball. This bulb was made of metal and covered rubber. There were two plastic rollers and a roller under the ball, which pressed the ball to the rollers. When moving the mouse, the ball rotated a roller. Up or down - one roller rotated, right or left - the other. Since in such models, the strength of gravity played crucial importance, in weightlessness such a device did not work, so NASA refused it.

If the movement was complex, both rollers rotated. At the end of each plastic roller, an impeller was installed, as on the mill, only many times less. On the one hand, the impeller was the light source (LED), on the other - the photocell. When moving the mouse, the impeller spinned, the photocell read the number of light pulses, which came to it, and then transmitted this information to the computer.

Since the blades at the impeller had a lot, the motion of the pointer on the screen was perceived as smooth. Optical-mechanical mice (they are simply "mechanical") suffered to a big inconvenience, the fact is that they periodically needed to disassemble and clean. The ball in the process of work was inserted inside the housing every garbage, often the rubber surface of the ball was so contaminated that the rollers of movement simply slipped and the mouse was buggy.

For the same reason, such a mouse was simply necessary for a rug for correct work, otherwise the ball would slip and fastened faster.

Optical and laser mice

It is not necessary to disassemble anything in the optical mice and clean, since they do not have a rotating ball, they work according to another principle. The optical mouse uses a LED sensor. Such a mouse works like a small camera that scans the surface of the table and "take pictures" of it, such photos the camera has time to do about a thousand per second, and some models and more.

The data of these pictures processes a special microprocessor on the mouse itself and sends a signal to the computer. Advantages of face - such a mouse does not need a rug, it is light by weight and can scan almost any surface. Nearly? Yes, everything except glass and a mirror surface, as well as velvet (velvet absorbs light very much).

The laser mouse is very similar to the optical, but its principle is characterized by the fact that instead of the LED, a laser is used. This is a more advanced optical mouse model, it requires much less energy to work, the accuracy of reading data from the working surface is much higher than that of the optical mouse. Here it can even work on glass and mirror surfaces.

In fact, the laser mouse is a type of optical, since in both cases the LED is used, it is simply in the second case, it radiates an invisible eye spectrum.

So, the principle of operation of the optical mouse is different from the work of the ball. For surface scanning, a small camera is used, which includes: laser diode, Focus lenses, lens, image sensor.

The process begins with laser or optical (in the case of optical mouse) diode. The diode radiates an invisible light, the lens focusing him into a point equal to the thickness of human hair, the beam reflects from the surface, then the sensor catches this light. The sensor is so accurate that even small surface irregularities can catch.

The secret is that it is unevenness allowing the mouse to notice even the slightest movements. The pictures obtained by the camera are compared, the microprocessor compares each subsequent snapshot with the previous one. If the mouse has moved, the difference will be marked between the pictures.

Analyzing these differences mouse determines the direction and speed of any movement. If the difference between the pictures is significant, the cursor moves quickly. But even in a fixed state, the mouse continues to take pictures.

Thus, if your mouse below glows with red or blue, it means that it is optical. And if no light is laser.

Trackball mouse

The trackball mouse is a device that uses a convex ball - "Trackball". The trackball device is very similar to the mechanical mouse device, only the ball in it is on top or side. The ball can be rotated, and the device itself remains in place. The ball makes a couple of rollers to rotate. The new trackballs use optical movement sensors.

The device called "Trackball" may be needed not all, in additions its cost can not be called low, it seems, at least starts from 1400 rubles.

Induction mice

In induction models, use a special rug that works on the principle graphic tablet. Induction mice have good accuracy and they do not need to correctly orient. Induction mouse can be wireless or having inductive nutrition, in the latter case it does not need a battery as ordinary wireless Mouse.

I have no idea who may need such devices that are expensive and which are difficult to find in a free sale. And why, maybe someone knows? Maybe there are some benefits compared to the usual "rodents"?

Gyroscopic mice

Well, we imperceptibly approached the concluding type of computer mice - gyroscopic mice. Gyroscopic mice with a gyroscope recognize movement not only on the surface, but also in space. It can be taken from the table and control the movements of the brush hand. A gyroscopic mouse can be used as a pointer on big Screen. However, if you put it on the table, it will work as usual, optical.

But this type of mice can really be useful and popular in certain situations. For example, on some presentation it will be very useful.

And finally: for normal operation with the mouse, it is very important that the surface on which it moves is smooth. Usually, special mats are used for this. The optical mouse is more demanding on the surface, it is possible to use without a rug, but on the surfaces with chops or on the glass - will be buggy. Laser mouse can work at least on the knee, even on the mirror.

I think this article helped you better understand the computer mouse device, as well as find out what kind of computer mice exist.

Types of computer mice and how to choose the best?

26.04.2014 10979

In order to fully illuminate the question of the types of computer mice, as well as give you advice on how to choose the best for yourself, you must first tell about the history of creating the first computer mouse, show how it looked, who and when was her inventor

History of creating the first computer mouse and who is its inventor?

Douglas AngelBar is considered the inventor of the first computed mouse, he began working on it in 1964. She received her name thanks to the wire, which, according to the inventor, was like a mouse tail. The computer mouse was first submitted to the public on December 9, 1968 in California at the show of interactive devices. The case of the first computed mouse was handmade And was made of wood. From above there was one single button, and two disks from below, one moved when the mouse moved vertically, the other, respectively, horizontally.

In 1970, Douglas AngelBar receives a patent for his invention.

In 1981, Xerox, which currently specializes in the production of printers and cartridges, introduced a computer mouse as part personal computer Xerox 8010 STAR INFORMATION SYSTEM. The manipulator has already three buttons, and the discs on the ball and rollers were replaced. The cost reached this device reached $ 500.

In 1983, Apple introduced its own version of the computer mouse for their Lisa computer. They managed to create a convenient and cheap unit worth $ 20. In many ways, this determined such a stunning success.

In the USSR, a computer mouse was produced a kolobok manipulator, which had a heavy metal ball.

Types of computer mice

There are the following types of computer mice:

  • mechanical
  • optical
  • laser
  • trekball
  • induction
  • gidroskopic
  • sensory

Mechanical computer mice or balls are already practically not used. Their distinctive characteristic is the size and presence of a heavy rubber ball, as well as the mandatory presence of a rug, which is designed to improve positioning, which the mechanical mice leaves much to be desired, especially felt in fast computer gamesoh. Another disadvantage is the need for a constant cleaning of the ball from dirt and small particles.

In optical mice, instead of a rotating ball, a LED and sensor is used, which improves positioning and reduces the size of the device. Such manipulators work as cameras, scanning the surface on which moves. Some models make several thousand pictures per second, which processes the mouse microprocessor and sends information to the computer. This mouse can work without a rug, but not as good as laser.

The laser computer mouse is outwardly not different from optical, but instead of the LED and the sensor it uses a laser. This allows you to significantly increase its accuracy and reduce power consumption. In addition, it can work almost on any surface (glass, carpet, etc.)

The trackball has a convex ball and resembles an inverted mechanical computer mouse. Turning this ball you move the cursor over the screen, the mouse itself is not necessary to move. It follows his advantage, for his work you need less space than a classic computer mouse. In addition, it has a significantly higher ergonomic performance, so studies have shown that after 4 hours of active use of a computer mouse, the hand becomes 60% weaker due to fatigue, while the use of the trackball does not have such a negative influence.

Induction mice work through the use of induction energy. For their functioning, a special rug is required, which works on the principle of graphic planche. Such mice have good accuracy, but they are not very practical and expensive. Gyroscopic mice - a new generation of devices that recognize movement not only in the plane, but also in space, i.e. It can be removed at all from the table.

Touch mice. Latest models these manipulators do not have buttons or wheels, and support technology touchpada. This makes it possible to press, scrolling in any direction, scaling, configure the execution of the commands you need. They are distinguished by an amazing appearance, compactness.

How to choose a better computer mouse for yourself?

  • buy sensory (see description above), or laser optical models
  • wireless mice Much more convenient wired
  • ergonomics, computer mouse should comfortably sit in your hand
  • battery life in operation and expectations
  • dPI indicator (the higher, the more accurate the mouse will be)
  • pay attention to the company most sought-after Razer, Microsoft, A4tech, Genius, Logitech, Defender
  • if this is a push-button mouse, pay attention to the mice that do not hear the press on the buttons, conveniently, if you use the computer at night at night
  • additional software that allows you to set programmable buttons and gestures

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Classification of Computer Mouse Types

The manipulator called "Mouse" has already entered our lives so tightly that we do not even notice how often this device is used. The mouse allows you to drive a computer with maximum comfort. Remove it, and the speed of work with PC will drop several times. But the main thing is to choose the right mouse, based on the types of tasks that you need to solve with it. For some situations, special types of mice will be required.

Types of computer mice

According to constructive features, several types of computer mice are distinguished: mechanical, optical, laser, trackball, induction, gyroscopic and sensory. Each type has its own unique characteristics that allow you to successfully apply the mouse in one way or another. So what mice for a computer is better? Let's try to figure it out in this matter, examined in detail each type separately.

Mechanical mice

This is the same type from which the history of computer mice began. The design of such a mouse implies the presence of a rubberized ball, which slides over the surface. He, in turn, makes the movement of special videos, which transmit the result of the movement of the ball on special sensors. Sensors send the processed signal to the computer itself, as a result of which the cursor moves on the screen. This is the principle of mechanical mouse. This outdated device had two or three buttons and did not differ any characteristics. Connecting to a computer was carried out with COM port (in early versions) and PS / 2 connector (in later models).

The weakest point of mechanical mouse was exactly the ball that "crawled" on the surface. He was very quickly contaminated, as a result of which the accuracy of the movement fell. I had to frequently wipe it with alcohol. In addition, mechanical ball mice categorically refused to slide normally on the bare table. They always needed a special rug. IN currently Such mice are outdated and have not been used anywiches. The most popular manufacturers of mechanical mice at the time were Genius and Microsoft.

Optical mice

The next stage of the evolution of computer mice was the appearance of optical models. The principle of operation is radically different from mice equipped with balls. The basis of the optical mouse is a sensor that registers the movement of a mouse photographing with high speed (about 1000 shots per second). The sensor then sends information to the sensors and after the corresponding processing information enters the computer, forcing the cursor to move. Optical mice may contain any number of buttons. From two in conventional office models to 14 in serious gamers. Thanks to its technology, optical mice are capable of ensuring high accuracy of the movement of the cursor. In addition, they can greatly slide along any smooth surface (except for the mirror).

Now optical mice are the most popular among most users. They combine high DPI and adequate price. Simple optical models are the cheapest mice for the computer. In shape they can be the most different. By the number of buttons too. And there are wired and wireless options. If you need high accuracy and reliability, then your choice is a wired optical mouse. The fact is that wireless technologies put the user dependent on batteries and wireless communications, which is not always at the proper level.

Laser mice

These mice are an evolutionary continuation of optical mice. The difference is that the laser is used instead of the LED. At the present stage of development, laser mice are the most accurate and provide the highest DPI value. That is why they are so loved by many gamers. Laser mice is completely different on what surface "crawl". They successfully work even on a rough surface.

Thanks to the highest DPI among all mice, laser models are widely used by gamers. That is why laser manipulators are wide the lineupfocused on fans of games. A distinctive feature of such a mouse is the presence of a large number of additional programmable buttons. Mandatory condition good gaming mouse - only wired connection Using USB. Insofar as wireless technology Cannot ensure due accuracy of work. Gamers laser mice usually do not differ in low cost. The most expensive mice for a computer based on the laser element are manufactured by Logitech and A4Tech.


This device is not at all like a standard computer mouse. In essence, the trackball is a mechanical mouse "on the contrary." The cursor control is carried out using a ball on the top of the device. But the device sensors are still optical. In their form, the trackball does not resemble a classic mouse at all. And he does not need to move anywhere in order to achieve the movement of the cursor. The trackball is connected to the computer when uSB help.

The advantages and disadvantages of the trackball argue for quite some time. On the one hand, it reduces the load on the brush and ensures the accuracy of moving the cursor. And on the other hand, it is a bit uncomfortable to use the trackball buttons. Such devices are still rare and not finalized.

Induction mice

Induction mice are a logical continuation of wireless devices. However, they are deprived of some properties characteristic of "adverse" models. For example, induction mice are capable of working only on a special mat connected to a computer. To carry the mouse somewhere from the rug will not work. However, there are advantages. High accuracy and lack of need to change batteries, because there are no them in such mice at all. Induction mice get energy from the rug.

Such mice are not very common, as they have a high price and do not differ in particular mobility. On the other hand, these are the most original mice for the computer. Their originality is in the absence of nutritional elements.

Gyroscopic mice

These mice do not necessarily slide on the surface. A gyroscopic sensor, which is the basis of such a mouse, responds to changing the position of the device in space. Of course, it is convenient. But this method of management requires a fairing skill. Naturally, such mice are distinguished by the lack of wires, because with their presence to control the mouse it would be uncomfortable.

Like induction models, gyroscopic devices were not widespread due to their high cost.

Touch mouse

Apple diocese sensory mice. They deprived their Magic Mouse. all buttons and wheels. The basis of such a mouse is the sensory coating. Mouse control is carried out with gestures. The reading element of the mouse position is an optical sensor.

Sensory mice are mainly found in Apple products (IMAC). You can also separately purchase Magic Mouse and try to connect it to the usual computer. However, it is not clear how convenient will be used by such a mouse under Windows if you consider that it is "sharpened" under MacOS.


It remains only to choose the option that is suitable for you.

What is a computer mouse and its views?

Most computer users are unlikely to be able to use the capabilities of their computer without such a device as a computer mouse, because it is easier to perform and work with it, and play computer games. Of course, the question that such a computer mouse is not worried about many, because everything is clear, but not everyone knows about the types of computer mice and their differences.

Computer mouse - mechanical device, manipulator transforming movement to the control signal.

The mouse was first presented in 1968 in the United States of America at the show of interactive devices. And in 1970, a patent was discharged to her. The very first computer that had a mouse in its set, Xerox-8010 Star Information was presented in 1981. Thanks to its functionality, the computer mouse has been attached to information entry devices.

What is a computer mouse

The mouse consists of a movement sensor, buttons and additional control parts (scroll wheels, joystick, potentiometer, trackball, keys).

Types of computer mice

The most evolved over time, movement sensors, structurally representing:

  • Direct drive - two perpendicular wheels protruding from the housing, when the wheel mouse moves, each in its plane is rotated.
  • The ball actuator-protruding from the housing of the steel columnable ball, when moving, the transmitting movement with two pressed rollers in two planes, which translate information to the rotation angle sensors transforming these movements into electrical signals.
  • Optical drive:
  1. Optical 1st generation mouse - mouse in which optical sensors directly track the movement of the working area relative to the mouse. We demanded special rugs, a certain orientation relative to the rug.
  2. The optical mouse of the 2nd generation is a mouse with a matrix sensor, with a special video camera at the bottom, which constantly takes the work surface shots and, comparing them, sets the course and the mouse offset parameters. Sensitive to surface texture.
  3. Optical laser mouse - mouse, with a more advanced variety of optical sensor using a semiconductor laser.
  • Gyroscopic mice are equipped with a gyroscope that recognizes movement not only on the plane, but also in space.
  • Induction mice - a special rug, acting on the principle of the graphics tablet, or is included in the graphics tablet.

The mouse buttons serve to perform the following manipulations: Select the object, move. Mice are single-button (Apple), two-button and three-button. Some models contain additional buttons that serve to set up a mouse, double-triple clicks (for programs and games), other purposes - in the driver are prescribed separate system functions, such as launching applications; double pressing; horizontal scrolling; control the degree of volume and playback of video clips and audio tracks; Navigation B. file managers and browsers.

At the end of 2009, Apple introduced the mouse with the first sensory control, instead of buttons and wheels, it uses a touchpad, which allows you to implement scrolling, scaling, transitions using different gestures.

Connection and Mouse Connection to Computer

Computer mouses are the same as the keyboards are wired, connecting via USB or PS / 2 port and wireless. Points of connection with a computer Wireless mice are:

  1. With infrared bond - between the mouse and the special receiving unit connected to the computer. A significant disadvantage is the need for the absence of an obstacle between the mouse and the base.
  2. With radio communications this species Communications allowed to get rid of the deficiencies in infrared and completely supplanted it.
  3. Induction - feed from a special working rug or graphics tablet. Thus, the mouse is free from the wire, but does not work without an induction site.
  4. Bluetooth - Such mice do not need a receiving block and additional DriversHowever, they differ in high energy consumption.

Computer mice types are much smaller compared to their variety of execution for the end user, when choosing, you should understand what mouse you will suit better and for example, whether you should spend your money on wireless if it is not needed.

Computer mouse: the history of creation. What did the computer mouse look like?

Today, the mouse is the necessary input device for all modern computers. But quite recently everything was different. Computers did not have graphic user interfaceCommands and data could be entered only using the keyboard. And when did the first computer mouse appear? You will be surprised to see what evolution has survived this familiar for each item.

Who invented the first computer mouse?

Douglas Engelbart is considered the father of this device. He was one of those scientists who try to bring science even to ordinary people and make progress accessible to everyone. He invented the first computer mice in early 1960s in its laboratory in the Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International). The first prototype was created in 1964, in a patent application for this invention, filed in 1967, it was named as "XY position indicator for a display system." But the official document at the number of 3541541 was obtained only in 1970.

But is everything so easy?

It would seem that everyone knows who created the first computer mouse. But the tekball technology (ball actuator) was first used much earlier by the Navy by the Canada Navy. Then, in 1952, the mouse was a conventional bowling ball attached to a complex hardware system that could feel the shift of the ball and imitate its movement on the screen. But the world found out about it only years later - because it was a secret military invention, which never patent and did not try to produce massively. After 11 years, it was already known, but D. Engelbart recognized him ineffective. At that moment, he still did not know how to combine his mouse vision and this device.

How did the idea appear?

The main ideas for the first time came to D. Engelbart in 1961, when he was at a computer schedule conference and pondered the problem of improving interactive computing. He occurred to him that, using two small wheels, who move across the tabletop (one wheel turns horizontally, and the other - vertically) the computer can track the combinations of their rotation and, accordingly, move the cursor on the display. To some extent, the principle of operation is similar to the plan meter - a tool used by engineers and geographers to measure distances on the map or drawing, etc. Then the scientist recorded this idea into his notepad for further use.

Step into the Future

A little more than a year later, D. Engelbart received a grant from the Institute for the launch of his research initiative called "Improving the Human Reason". Under it, he represented a system where people of mental work, working on high-performance computer stations with interactive displays, have access to extensive information online space. With it, they can cooperate, solving particularly important problems. But this system has lacking a modern input device. After all, in order to comfortably interact with objects on the screen, you need to be able to quickly choose them. NASA became interested in the project and allocated a grant to ensure that a computer mouse was designed. The first version of this device is similar to the modern extent that the size. In parallel with the command of the researchers, other devices were invented, which allowed to control the cursor with the help of the press on the pedal or movement with the knee of a special clamp under the table. These inventions did not fit, but the joystick, invented at the same time, was later improved and is still applied.

In 1965, D. Engelbart team published a final report on its research and evaluation of the efficiency of various methods for selecting objects on the screen. There were even volunteers who participated in testing. This happened something like this: the program showed objects in different parts of the screen and the volunteers tried to click on them with different devices as quickly as possible. According to the results of the tests, the first computer mice unequivocally exceeded all other appliances and were included as standard equipment for further research.

What did the first computer mouse look like?

It was made of wood and was the first input device that was placed in the user's hand. Knowing its action, you should no longer be surprised how the first computer mouse looked like. Under the case there were two metal disks-wheels, a scheme. The button was only one, and the wire led under the wrist of a person holding the device. The prototype collected one of the team members D. Engelbart, his assistant William (Bill) Inglish. Initially, he worked in another laboratory, but soon joined the project to create input devices, developed and embodied the design of a new device.

Tilting and swaying the mouse, you can draw perfectly smooth vertical and horizontal lines.

In 1967, the corps became plastic.

Where did the name come from?

Nobody remembers reliably, who first called this device with the mouse. She was tested by 5-6 people, it was possible that someone from them voiced the similarity. Especially since the world's first computer mouse was with a width-tail behind.

Further improvements

Of course, the prototypes were far from ideal.

In 1968 in San Francisco on a computer conference, D. Engelbart presented an improved first computer mice. They had three buttons, besides them, the keyboard was added to the appliance for the left hand.
The idea was as follows: the right hand works with the mouse, highlighting and activating objects. And the left with convenience causes the desired commands with a small keyboard with five long keys, like a piano. Then it became clear that the wire was confused by the operator when using the device, and that it should be displayed on the opposite direction. Of course, the prefix under the left hand did not take root, but Douglas Engelbart used her on his computers until the last days.

Continuation of work on improving

At the further stages of the development of the mouse, other scientists came out on the scene. The most interesting thing is that D. Engelbart never received deductions from his invention. Since he patented him as a specialist Standford Institute, it was the Institute for Rights to the Device.

So, in 1972, Bill Inglish replaced the wheels onto the trackball, which made it possible to recognize the movement of the mouse in any direction. Since he then worked at Xerox Parc, then this novelty became part of the advanced for the standards of the Xerox Alto system. It was a minicomputer with a graphical interface. Therefore, many mistakenly believe that the first computer mice invented in Xerox.

The next round of development occurred with the mouse in 1983, when Apple entered the game. An enterprising Steve Jobs calculated the value of the mass production of the device, which was about 300 dollars. It was too expensive for the usual consumer, so it was decided to simplify the mouse design and replace the three buttons one. The price fell to 15 dollars. And at least this decision is still considered controversial, Apple is not in a hurry to change your iconic design.

The first computer mice were rectangular or square shape, an anatomical rounded design appeared only in 1991. He was introduced by Logitech. In addition to an interesting form, the novelty was wireless: the connection with the computer was provided with radio waves.

The first optical mouse appeared in 1982. To work, a special rug with a printed grid was needed. And even though the ball in the trackball quickly contaminated and delivered the inconvenience to the fact that it was necessary to clean it regularly, the optical mouse was commercially unprofitable until 1998.

What's next?

As you already know, "tailed" with the trackball is already practically not used. Technologies, appearance And the ergonomics of computer mice is constantly improved. And even today, when devices with touchscreens become increasingly popular, their sales do not fall.

One of the indispensable components of any modern computing system is a computer mouse. This "rodent" has long become part of not only personal, but also laptops, however, in a slightly modified form.

What a computer mouse looks like, everyone knows. To some extent, it really resembles a famous agricultural pest, however, with a number of reservations. It is believed that the future generations of users this association will be not obvious. If only because a modern computer mouse is increasingly fulfilled by wireless, having lost the "tail".

The principle of operation of this amazing device is extremely simple: when it moves through the surface, the relative coordinates are transmitted to the computer, where special software Converted into the movement of the pointer cursor on the screen. What is interesting, they may not only be a familiar arrow operating system, but also a character in a computer game. For apparent simplicity, engineers, electronic engineers and programmers are hiding. Depending on the constructive featuresThe computer mouse can differently register movements. Let's remember how these seemingly the same devices differ.

The first models that appeared 50 years ago were mechanical. Inside the device was a massive metal ball covered with a layer of rubber. The bottom side is in contact with the outer surface, and two others - with rollers. They could be four, but only two were processed. When moving the hand holding a mouse, the ball rotation was transmitted to the rollers, from them switches, and then it was converted into a sequence of electrical signals sent to the computer. Two rollers are enough to obtain the coordinates of the point on the plane. The disadvantages of such a decision include the need to periodically clean the ball from the puffed dirt (the hair was screwed, dust nalipped) and replacing the wear components.

Soon they replaced optical-mechanical solutions. Externally, everything remained unchanged, but the switches were abolished by giving way to a more reliable solution - optopara. Behind the "terrible" name hid a completely harmless LED and together called a optocoule pair. Each roller was combined with a perforated wheel placed between the sensor and the diode. When rotating, the light stream was interrupted, which was recorded by the sensor and was transmitted to the computer. Knowing the shift frequency "Window / wall", one could determine the speed of movement and direction.

In 1999, an original computer mice appeared, called optical, in which from the mechanical method of registration of movement managed to completely refuse. The LED highlights the surface under the arm, and the primitive camera with a certain frequency takes pictures. Processes them and based on the results obtained makes the output of the speed and direction of the displacement. It remains only to send this data to the driver program.

Soon the laser modifications came to replace. The processor has become more productive, the accuracy of focusing has increased, "problematic" surfaces on which the sensor does not work, almost no left. The main difference from optical in another type of LED, which emits not in the visible, and the infrared range. By the way, the most expensive computer mouse is the laser. True, Her. high price (more than 24 thousand dollars) is due primarily to the inlay of precious stone, and not technical characteristics.

Good afternoon friends!

Today we will talk about one very convenient device, to which we are so accustomed and without which no longer present work on the computer.

What is "mouse"?

"Mouse" is a push-button manipulator designed with the keyboard to enter information in.

Indeed, it looks like a mouse with a tail. The modern computer is already unthinkable without this thing.

"Mouse" use much more convenient than, for example, built-in laptop manipulator.

Therefore, users are often disconnected by a laptop "rug" and connect "mouse".

How does this comfortable thing arranged?

The first designs of manipulators

The first manipulators included a ball that concerned two rollers with disks.

Exterior rim every disk had perforation. Shafts were located perpendicular to each other.

One shaft was responsible for the coordinate x (horizontal movement), the other for the y coordinate (vertical movement).

When moving the manipulator on the table, the ball rotated, passing the torque on the shafts.

If the movement of the manipulator was performed in the direction "to the right and left", then a predominantly shaft was rotable for the coordinate of X. The cursor on the monitor screen was also moved to the right. If the mouse moved in the direction "To myself, from myself," a predominantly shaft, responsible for the coordinate Y. The cursor on the monitor screen was moved up-down.

If the manipulator stirred up in an arbitrary direction, both shaft rotated, respectively, the cursor was moved.

Optical sensors in old "mice"

Such devices contained two optical sensors in themselves - OptoPara. Opopara includes a radiator (LED emitting in the IR range) and receiver - (photodiode or phototransistor). The emitter and receiver are located close to each other.

When the manipulator moves, the shafts are rotated with the disks rigidly fixed on them. The perforated edge of the disk periodically crosses the radiation stream from the emitter to the receiver. As a result, the receiver's outlet turns out a series of pulses that enters the micro-controller. The faster the mouse will move, the faster the shafts will rotate. There will be more pulse frequency, and the cursor over the monitor screen will move faster.

Scroll buttons and wheel

Any manipulator has at least two buttons.

Double "click" (press) on one of them (usually left) launches the execution of a program or file, pressing another - starts context menu For the relevant situation.

The devices intended for computer games can have 5-8 buttons.

By clicking on one of them, you can palpate in the monster from the grenade launcher, to another - to launch a rocket, to the third - to discharge the good old hard drive into it.

Modern mice have in themselves and scroll - the scroll wheel, which is very convenient when viewing a surround document. You can view this document, only rotating the wheel and using the buttons. Some models have two wheels scroll, while you can view text or graphic image Moving both up and down and left-left.

Under the scroll wheel, there is also another button. If, viewing a document, rotating a wheel and at the same time click on it, the manipulator driver connects such a mode that the document itself begins to move up the screen. The speed of movement depends on how speed the user rotates the wheel before pressing it.

In this mode, the cursor changes its drawing. It even more improves the convenience ... In short, they got, prepared, worn, remained only to swallow. Pressing on the wheel carries out the transition from the "auto-dimension" to normal mode.

Optical "Mice"

In the future, the manipulator was improved.

The so-called optical "mice" appeared.

Such devices contain emitting light-emitting diode (Usually red), transparent reflective plastic prism, photosensitive sensor and controller controller.

The LED emits the rays, which, reflecting from the surface, is tracked by the sensor.

When moving the manipulator, the flow of received radiation changes that it is captured by the sensor and is transmitted to the controller that produces standard signals For a specific interface. Optical mouse more sensitive to moving And does not require a rug as an old manipulator with a ball.

In the optical "mouse" there are no rubbing parts (with the exception of the potentiometer, the rotation to which is transmitted from the scroll wheel), which wear out or contaminated. It is also an advantage.

Possible problems with manipulators

Manipulator "Mouse", like any technique, has a limited service life. It's no secret that the main part computer equipment Made in China. The goal of any business is a profit, so Chinese comrades save even on cables for "mice", as much as possible.

Therefore, the first weak point of manipulators is the cable.

Most often internal cliff One or more lived on the scene of the cable input to the mouse.

There are 4 wires in the cable, two of them - food, the third - clock frequency, Fourth - informational.

If the mouse does not see the computer, the first thing you need to "call" the cable.

If a break is found, it is necessary to cut off the part of the cable with the connector (beyond the cable entry into the mouse housing closer to the connector) and the remaining piece to the manipulator printed circuit board, observing naturally coloring.

Mice with PS / 2 connector You can not switch "on the go" .

Otherwise, its controller (the tiny "brain") may fail. And well, if it is limited to just this. May fail the PS / 2 interface controller on motherboardWhat is much worse.

If the cable is intact, and the mouse is not recognized by the controller, then, most likely, its controller failed, and it is subject to replacement. Cable breaking in optical mice can be suspected and in the absence of a luminous LED (which is located near the surface that goes on the table). In other cases, the glow may not be due to the fault of the LED or the controller, but it is rare.

COM or USB interface manipulators can Switch "on the go." However, currently the COM interface devices are practically not found.

"Click" the mouse accounts for many thousands of times, and the buttons after long work may refuse. To replace the button, you need to disassemble the manipulator and solder another. It is not necessary to use the same as it was. The main thing here is to keep the height to keep the length of the progress. However, the manipulators have long been extremely available, and most users do not bother with their repair.

Let's say "Thank you" the good old "mouses" with a ball in the belly - they served us well ...

Ending the article, we note that there are varieties of manipulators with laser emitter Instead of LED, which provide more accurate and fast cursor positioning. These speed and accuracy are especially in demand in games.

There are both Wireless "mouse", in which the exchange of information with the computer is carried out not by the wire, but by radio channel. Therefore, they contain their own power source - a couple of finger electroplating elements AA or AAA. Recall once again that the manipulator connector is inserted into one of the ports.

Today everything.

With you was Viktor Geronda.

Before meeting a blog!

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Computer mice or mice, they are called differently, there is a huge amount. According to the functional purpose, they can be divided into classes: Some - are intended for games, others - for ordinary work, third - for drawing in graphic editors. In this article I will try to tell about the views and a computer mice.

But for a start, I propose to transfer for several decades ago, just at a time when it was invented this complex device. The first computer mouse appeared back in 1968, and came up with her American scientist named Douglas Engelburt. The mouse was developed by the American Agency of Space Research (NASA), which gave a patent for the invention Douglas, but at one point he lost to the development of any interest. Why - read further.

The first mouse in the world was a heavy wooden box with a wire, which in addition to its weight was also extremely uncomfortable in use. For obvious reasons, it was decided to call "Mouse", and a little later, it was artificially invented deciphering this as if abbreviation. Yeah, now Mouse, it is nothing but the "manually operated user Signal Encoder", that is, a device with which the user can manually encode the signal.

Everything, without exception, computer mice have a number of components in their composition: body, printed circuit board, micrographs (buttons), wheel (s) scroll - all of them in one or another are present in any modern mouse. But you probably torment the question - what then distinguishes them from each other (besides the fact that there are game, not gaming, office, etc.), for which so many different species came up, look at themselves:

  1. Mechanical
  2. Optical
  3. Laser
  4. Trackball mouse
  5. Induction
  6. Gyroscopic

The fact is that each of the above-mentioned types of computer mice appeared at different times and uses different laws of physics. Accordingly, each of them has its drawbacks and the advantages of which will certainly be told on the text. It should be noted that only the first three species will be considered in the most detailed, the rest are not so detailed, in view of the fact that they are less popular.

Mechanical mice are traditional ball models, relatively large size, requiring a constant cleaning of the ball for efficient operation. Dirt and fine particles may be between the rotating ball and the case, and it will be necessary to clean. Without a rug, she will not work in any way. 15 years ago was the only one in the world. I will write about her last time, for already rarity.

From the bottom of the mechanical mouse there was a hole, which covered the rotary plastic ring. Under it was a heavy ball. This bulb was made of metal and covered rubber. There were two plastic rollers and a roller under the ball, which pressed the ball to the rollers. When moving the mouse, the ball rotated a roller. Up or down - one roller rotated, right or left - the other. Since in such models, the strength of gravity played crucial importance, in weightlessness such a device did not work, so NASA refused it.

If the movement was complex, both rollers rotated. At the end of each plastic roller, an impeller was installed, as on the mill, only many times less. On the one hand, the impeller was the light source (LED), on the other - the photocell. When moving the mouse, the impeller spinned, the photocell read the number of light pulses, which came to it, and then transmitted this information to the computer.

Since the blades at the impeller had a lot, the motion of the pointer on the screen was perceived as smooth. Optical-mechanical mice (they are simply "mechanical") suffered to a big inconvenience, the fact is that they periodically needed to disassemble and clean. The ball in the process of work was inserted inside the housing every garbage, often the rubber surface of the ball was so contaminated that the rollers of movement simply slipped and the mouse was buggy.

For the same reason, such a mouse was simply necessary for a rug for correct work, otherwise the ball would slip and fastened faster.

Optical and laser mice

In optical mouses, disassemble and cleanSince they do not have a rotating ball, they work in a different principle. The optical mouse uses a LED sensor. Such a mouse works like a small camera that scans the surface of the table and "take pictures" of it, such photos the camera has time to do about a thousand per second, and some models and more.

The data of these pictures processes a special microprocessor on the mouse itself and sends a signal to the computer. Advantages of face - such a mouse does not need a rug, it is light by weight and can scan almost any surface. Nearly? Yes, everything except glass and a mirror surface, as well as velvet (velvet absorbs light very much).

The laser mouse is very similar to the optical, but its principle is characterized by the fact that instead of the LED used laser. This is a more advanced optical mouse model, it requires much less energy to work, the accuracy of reading data from the working surface is much higher than that of the optical mouse. Here it can even work on glass and mirror surfaces.

In fact, the laser mouse is a kind of optical, because in both cases the LED is used, it is simply empty in the second case invisible eye spectrum.

So, the principle of operation of the optical mouse is different from the work of the ball. .

The process begins with laser or optical (in the case of optical mouse) diode. The diode radiates an invisible light, the lens focusing him into a point equal to the thickness of human hair, the beam reflects from the surface, then the sensor catches this light. The sensor is so accurate that even small surface irregularities can catch.

The secret is that it is unevenness Allow the mouse to notice even the slightest movements. The pictures obtained by the camera are compared, the microprocessor compares each subsequent snapshot with the previous one. If the mouse has moved, the difference will be marked between the pictures.

Analyzing these differences mouse determines the direction and speed of any movement. If the difference between the pictures is significant, the cursor moves quickly. But even in a fixed state, the mouse continues to take pictures.

Trackball mouse

The trackball mouse is a device that uses a convex ball - "Trackball". The trackball device is very similar to the mechanical mouse device, only the ball in it is on top or side. The ball can be rotated, and the device itself remains in place. The ball makes a couple of rollers to rotate. The new trackballs use optical movement sensors.

The device called "Trackball" may be needed not all, in additions its cost can not be called low, it seems, at least starts from 1400 rubles.

Induction mice

In induction models, a special mat running on the principle of a graphics tablet is used. Induction mice have good accuracy and they do not need to correctly orient. The induction mouse can be wireless or have inductive nutrition, in the latter case it will not need a battery, as an ordinary wireless mouse.

I have no idea who may need such devices that are expensive and which are difficult to find in a free sale. And why, maybe someone knows? Maybe there are some benefits compared to the usual "rodents"?