New Counterparty 1C. Accounting info. If the counterpart is a legal entity

As in the program "1C: Accounting 8" (ed. 3.0) correctly introduce details (INN, CAT, etc.) of Russian and foreign counterparties?

In "1C: Accounting 8" (ed. 3.0) There is an opportunity to specify the country of registration of the counterparty. The registration country is the country in which the head unit of the counterpart is registered. Country of registration in the configuration can only be specified if information base In chapter Program functionality Included Controlled transactions(for corp version) or Imported goods (Bookmark Stocks) - See Fig. one.

Fig. 1. Section "Program Functionality"

After turning on one of the specified options, the Country of registration can be specified in the counterparty card. For legal entities and individuals registered in the Russian Federation, the Registration Country is indicated - "Russia". When entering Russian counterparties, the following codes are indicated for legal entities:

  • OGRN.

Fig. 2. Enter the details of Russian organizations

When entering individual entrepreneurs registered in the Russian Federation, the following codes are indicated:


Fig. 3. Enter the details of Russian entrepreneurs

For Russian legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the correctness of the INN and PPC are monitored according to the service. If the counterpart is registered outside Russian FederationThe following codes are indicated for individuals and legal entities:

  • Tax number;
  • Registration;

Fig. 4. Enter details of foreign counterparties

The tax number is a tax number assigned to the taxpayer in the registration country, an analogue of the INN for Russian organizations.

Registration number is registration numberassigned to the taxpayer in the country of registration, analogue of OGRN / OGRNIP for Russian organizations.

In the event that a foreign organization registered with the Tax Inspectorate in the Russian Federation, it is assigned to the INN. The reasons for registration may be several: the opening of the branch, the acquisition of property in the territory of the Russian Federation, the opening of the current account in the Russian bank. The Inn Foreign Organization is assigned once and does not change during the entire period of activity of a foreign organization. In the event that a foreign organization received the Inn on any of the grounds, you need to specify this TIN in the counterparty card.

For foreign counterparties, the service is not performed.

As part of its activities, the Organization interacts with other organizations or individuals who will be counterparties towards it. These can suppliers of goods or services, buyers. Consider how to create a new counterparty and correctly fill its data for accounting in 1C: Managing Trade Version 11.3.

The handbook of the counterparties is in the "NSI and Administration" section in the top of the program interface panel. Going to the section, you need to select the "Counterparties" item, a list of existing counterparties will open. To add a new counterpart in the directory, use the "Create" button:

Assistant registration of a new counterparty opens in which we will fill out this moment information.

Note, in this version of the program, the creation of a new counterparty occurs when a step-by-step data fill. The program will not let go to the next step, if required or not fully satisfied for the current step.

Here you need to specify who is a counterparty - a physical or legal entity, fill in its INN and CAT, add the name (it will be displayed in the printed form), fill in the company's contact details.

As a rule, the organization communicates with some determined representative of the counterparty. When creating a new counterpart, it is convenient to immediately fill the contact person data. To do this, you need to check the "Specify the contact's data" and add the details of this person to the appropriate fields.

After filling out the data, the first stage of creation is completed, you can press the "Next" button. The UT 11.2 program will offer to clarify which category of counterparties is the created: client, and supplier or you are in other respects:

Also at this stage information is made about the actual and legal address, VAT rate.

After filling contact information By pressing the "Next" button, we turn to the filling of bank details (if calculations with the counterparty are planned through the current account):

Details are best to get a counterparty in paper or in electronic format, to avoid possible errors. Also in this respect, the service "1C: Counterparty" is convenient. The next stage is to check the correctness of filling information about the counterparty, the program will propose this to do this when you use the "Next" button:

If an error is detected, you can return to the previous steps by pressing the "Back" button and edit the data. With the right fill, confirm the creation of a new counterpart in 1C: Commerce Management 11.3 You can create a "Create" button. A counterparty card opens, which is already saved in the information base. There are bookmarks on which you can see the relationship with the counterparty and its details. Also, it is also required to fill out the tab "Agreements with the Supplier" (if the type of Customer's counterpartier was chosen, the tab would have the name "Agreement with the Buyer"):

The tab shows contracts with this supplier (there may be one or more of them). To add a new document, the "Create" button is pressed, and information about the contract is filled in the form:

Fields filled in the form:

    The number is to enter the number of the contract from the printed document;

    From - date of concluding a contract from a printed document;

    The name is the internal name of the document by which you can identify it subsequently;

    Supplier - indicated automatically from the counterparty card for which the contract is created;

    The manager is indicated by the manager responsible for working with the counterparty under this Agreement;

    Status - the current status of the contract;

    The period of action - is indicated for an urgent contract, for an indefinite field are not filled;

    Operation - "Purchase from the Supplier" is selected for the supplier.

After that, you can start filling the "Procurement Terms" tab. In addition to the rest of the settings, it is important in this tab to fill the type of price, which relates to this provider. Typically, the type of procurement prices is created or selected:

The "Other Conditions" tab indicates the article of the DS Movement:

How to work with counterparties in 1C 8.3 accounting, make a new supplier or buyer

Counterparties in 1C is one of the most important reference books in almost all typical configurations. This directory stores information about buyers, suppliers and other legal entities and individuals with which the company interacts.

Creation of a new counterparty

Consider as in 1C add a counterparty. To maintain a list of counterparties in 1C: Accounting, there is a reference book "Counterparties". To go to it, you need to go to the "Directories" menu, the item "Counterparties".

A reference list shape window opens. To add new element Director, click the "Create" button or the Insert key on the keyboard. The form will open to fill and edit the counterparty data.

Currently, in the 1C system: Accounting, the possibility of obtaining a counterparty data and verification by its INN or name has appeared. The data are taken from the state registers by EGRUL / EGRIP.

And so, we start filling. The system immediately proposes to introduce the Inn or the name of the counterparty. You can simply enter the Inn so as not to enter data manually. We press the "Fill" button and immediately we can get a warning that there is no existing contract for information support.

This means that the parameters of the Internet support are not specified, namely the login and password obtained at the conclusion of the contract.

Who has the same situation, we do the following: Go to the "Administration" menu, the item "Connecting Internet Support". Press the "Connect Internet Support" button. In the window that opens, enter the login and password to connect. Press the "Login" button and if everything is entered correctly, connecting to 1C Pantargent.

Now you can return to the commissioning of the counterparty.

Introduce the Inn, click the "Fill" button and if the counterparty is found in state registryWe get the following picture:

As you can see, all necessary fields The counterparty data is filled, it remains to check them just in case and click the "Record" button. The line "Address and phone" is disclosed if you press the "\u003e" button. Here we will see the legal, actual and email address. If they match, you can set the corresponding checkboxes.

If you do not have Internet support, you can enter the details of the counterparty manually, starting with the field "The form of a counterparty".

If you want to start a foreign counterpart in 1C, you need to establish the country of registration. After that, it will be available for filling out a foreign supplier or buyer. At the same time, the fields of the Inn and the PPC will be hidden.

In 1C: Accounting Virtually any document requires the instructions of the contract of the counterparty, so you should immediately make at least one contract. Every counterparty for our organization can be a buyer, supplier, committee, etc. Therefore, contracts are divided into species. All are provided for the following types of contracts:

  • With supplier
  • With buyer
  • With Comitant
  • With a commissioner
  • Other

Suppose these counterparty will mainly carry out operations for the sale of goods and services. Then, according to the link "Treaty" we turn to the list of contracts and add a new treaty there. Treaty of Agreement - "With the Buyer", the name "Main Treaty". Now, for example, in the document "Implementation of goods and services" when choosing this counterparty, the "Treaty" field will be filled automatically.

To make banking operations, you must add one or several bank accounts to the counterparty (link "Bank accounts").

Counterparty is ready to work.

Based on:

One of the main operations when working with the program 1C 8.3 is to fill the directory of the counterparties, which is a list of all suppliers, buyers, etc. Associated certain obligations under the contract with which the organization works.

Let's look at what is a reference book "Counterparties" in 1C 8.3 and how to work with it.

The handbook "Counterparties" is located in the "Directories" block - "Shopping and Sales" - "Counterparties".

Before us opens a log with elements of the reference book. For convenience, we can group counterparties in folders, for any accessory be it supplier, buyer, bank, etc.

If we need to create a new group for counterparties, we choose "Create a group", and the "Counterparties (Group Creating)" window opens, where you need to fill the "Name" field, and optionally and the "Comment" field. After clicking "Record and Close". A new group will appear in the directory.

Also for convenience and acceleration with the reference book "Counterparties" can be applied different modes viewing elements.

Click on the value "More" and in the list that opens, select "View Mode", where you can specify one of the three options for viewing mode:

  • Hierarchical - elements will be displayed in the selected group;
  • 5 list - all elements of the reference book will be displayed without grouping;
  • 6 Tree - all directory groups and selected items in submission will be displayed.

How to create a new element of the reference book "Counterparties" in 1C 8.3

The new counterparty is entered into the handbook through the "Create" value.

Before us opens an empty card of the counterparty, which must be filled.

At the same time, the user has 2 options for filling the counterparty card:

Filling with automatt only works when connecting "1C counterpart". Wherein:

* If the INN is highlighted in red, the counterpart is missing in the FTS database.

When creating a counterpart and fill the card in manual mode, the user must fill all the main fields ...

... Specify the "Counterparty Type" and select one of the values \u200b\u200bin the dropping list:

  • Entity;
  • Individual;
  • A separate division;
  • State body.

Depending on the selected view of the counterparty will change table parts Document and mandatory fields.

In the counterparty card there is a functionality "Help 1 Risks", which helps to be aware of changes from your counterparties and customers: the service every day provides information on bankruptcy, liquidation, reorganization plans, changing the legal address and leader. The service helps track changes, uses various sources of information, including an incorporation and a single federal register of information on the facts of legal entities.

This option only works in the case of a 1spark risk.

Directly in the counterparty card, we can create a bank account. To do this, choose "bank accounts" - "Create".

In the opened card, fill out such mandatory fields, as a bank, account number, currency. If payments are carried out through the correspondent account, open in another bank, you must specify a bank for calculations. If the current account is used for calculations on the counterparty of the state order, it is necessary to indicate the "state contract".

You can also configure the output of the necessary information in payment orders and requirements. In this setting, you can register:

  • The name of the counterparty, which will be displayed in the "Recipient" field of the payment order or in the Panel "Payer" in the payment request;
  • Identify where the counterparty gearbox will be indicated (only in payment orders to the budget or in all payment orders);
  • Write text that will be automatically displayed in the appointment of payment when creating a new payment order.

In the "Bank Account" tab of the counterparty, you can create many current accounts, while you can specify one of several P / sch "Use as the main one". When you form a document, write-off from the current account in the payment order "Main Current Account" will be filled by default.

In the counterparty card, you can immediately create a document "Contracts". To do this, choose "contracts" - "Create".

In the opened card, fill in the type of contract:

  • With supplier;
  • With the buyer;
  • With committee (principal) for sale;
  • With a committee (principal) for the purchase;
  • With a commissioner (agent) for procurement;
  • With factoring company;

Fill in the fields "Treaty number" and "Date". At the same time, the name program fills automatically, focusing on information from these fields. We prescribe the organization with which this counterparty concludes a contract.

To the contract, the user can attach files in any format.

Attached files can be viewed, edited (each version of the edited file is stored in 1C 8.3, wherever they can be viewed when, at what time, and what user edited the attached file), print the document.

It is important to remember that after the user has edited the attached file, the file must be released from editing through "More" - "complete editing".

In the "Contract" tab, you can create a variety of contractual elements, and one of several "use as a primary" can be specified. When forming documents in the program, the contract will be filled by default.

In the counterparty card, there is an opportunity to maintain the history of the fields of "Full name" and "CPP". If the counterpart has changed the "gearbox" or "full name" in "History" to make a date and new meaning. After making changes to the program, the data in all documents before the specified date in history will take the importance of the initial details, and in the documents starting from the date of the new value, the new value of the props will be indicated.

In the Card "Counterparty" there is an opportunity to view all the documents in which the current counterpart is indicated, its settlement accounts, contracts. To do this, choose "Documents". In the list that opens, all documents of the counterparties will be displayed, which, if necessary, can be sorted under a contract or organization. The user has the ability to view wiring for the document you are interested in by selecting the document and pressing the "Show Wiring and Other Document Movements" icon (DT / CT).

In conclusion, we consider the functionality provided for for the convenience of sending letters to counterparties.

In 1C 8.3 there is the ability to configure and print an envelope, with a machine-filled targeted lines and an index.

The user is invited to choose the option of filling the address of the recipient's counterparty:

  • Mail;
  • Legal;
  • Actual.

The address will be filled automatically from the counterparty card.

You can also choose one of the three options for the envelope format and print the organization logo (download the organization's logo in details of the organization in, section "Logo and Print").

After the selected settings, the printed form of the document will appear, where the user can save it in any format, or immediately send to print.