Rehabilitation of conference congresses. International Conference "Rehabilitation Technologies: Science and Practice. Place and time

Dear Colleagues!

we invite specialists in the field of rehabilitation, managers of rehabilitation centers, federal and regional bodies of state power, incl. social protection of the population, education, health care, research and practical centers and institutions, professional organizations to participate

in the International Scientific Conference

"Rehabilitation technologies: science and practice"

Location: St. Petersburg, FGBU FNCRI them. G.A. Albrecht Minthouse of Russia, ul. Bestuzhevskaya, D.50


The purpose of the conference - Combining the efforts of leading scientists, practitioners, middle and senior executives, exchange of experience and research results in all aspects of rehabilitation and auxiliary technologies. The conference provides an interdisciplinary platform to discuss recent innovations, trends and problems, including organizational and technological.

The conference will discuss issues: development of a system of rehabilitation and rehabilitation services, taking into account international standards and programs of the UN and WHO; Applications of assistive tools and technologies in violation of the functions of the body and livelihoods.

Main questions Conferences:

  1. WHO initiative "Rehabilitation 2030: Call for action"
  2. Rehabilitation in Russia: development paths
  3. Assistive technologies in teaching basic skills, in education, employment
  4. Communication and assistive technologies
  5. Rehabilitation technologies and mobility
  6. Use of assistive technologies in self-service and in everyday life

September 27 - 28 In Moscow, the XVI International Congress took place in the city hall of Moscow "Rehabilitation and spa treatment 2018". For 16 years, Congress remains one of the most authoritative scientific events, highly rated by experts in the field of rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment. I would like to note that interest in the congress is invariably growing from year to year. So, this year the forum gathered orders 2,000 delegates of different regions Russia, neighboring countries and far abroad, such as: Bahrain, Israel, Malaysia, Latvia, Kazakhstan and a number of others.

"The health of citizens is the main capital of any developed society. Undoubtedly, this is the sphere where it is necessary to strengthen and consolidate the efforts of power, science and business ... I am confident that Congress will contribute to the improvement of the organization of the system of rehabilitation of patients and improving the quality of reducing treatment, will allow to establish an effective exchange of experience between specialists "- with such words in the welcome Letter appealed to the participants of the Congress President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation - S.N. Katyrin.

Opened the work of the Congress: Semenova Tatyana Vladimirovna director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Health Care of the Ministry of Health of Russia; Ivanova Galina Evgenievna- Chief Freelance Specialist medical rehabilitation Ministry of Health of Russia, Chairman of the All-Russian public organization of promoting the development of medical rehabilitology "Union of Rehabilitologists of Russia"; Batysheva Tatyana Timofeevna Chief Freelance Children's Rehabilitation SpecialistMinistry of Health of Russia, the main freelance children's specialist Dzz on neurology; Nikitin Mikhail Vladimirovich- Chief Freelance Specialist in Sanatorium Resort Treatment of Mindzrava of Russia.; Korchazhkin Natalia Borisovna deputy Head of the Main Medical Department of the Office of the President Russian FederationHead of the Department of Recovery Medicine and Medical Rehabilitation with Courses of Pediatrics, Nursing Cases, Clinical Psychology and Pedagogy FGBU DPO "Central State Medical Academy" of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation.

The scientific program of the Congress sounded more than 200 reports from leading industry authorities, representatives of the largest research institutes, medical rehabilitation centers and sanatorium institutions. The key areas of work Congresses were a discussion of the following topics: "Prospects for the development of medical rehabilitation in Russia and the world"; "Prospects for the development of the sanatorium-resort industry in the Russian Federation"; "Rehabilitation programs of patients with comorbid states"; "The organizational and methodological foundations of the development and introduction of new technologies in medical rehabilitation"; "Regulatory legal regulation medical care for medical rehabilitation "; "Training for the improvement of a medical rehabilitation medical care system"; "Actual issues of medical rehabilitation of children and adolescents"; "Modern medical rehabilitation technologies in cardiology, gynecology, neurology, pulmonology, oncology, neuromology and spa practices."

All themes tagged rehabilitation

10 Sep, 2014

The venue of the congress:

The main directions of the Congress:

Organization of traumatuary and orthopedic assistance in the Russian Federation

Modern technologies of continuous medical education and innovative forms of training in traumatology and orthopedics

Modern technologies of diagnosis and rehabilitation in traumatology and orthopedics

Modern methods of treating damage and diseases of the musculoskeletal

Current issues of damage and diseases of the spine

Actual questions of children's traumatology and orthopedics

Actual issues of sports traumatology and orthopedics

Actual issues of regeneration, tissue transplantation and cellular technologies in traumatology and orthopedics

Endoprosthetics joints

Reconstructive plastic orthopedics



The conference will be held on 4-6 September 2014 on the basis of St. Petersburg GBUZ "City Hospital №40" (Sestroretsk)


Health Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg,

Regional Public Organization "Doctors of St. Petersburg",

All-Russian public organization of promoting the development of medical rehabilitation "Union of Rehabilitologists of Russia",

St. Petersburg GBUZ "City Hospital No. 40",

Department of Postgraduate Medical Education of the Medical Faculty of St. Petersburg State University,

Open Forum LLC.

Location and time:

September 4 and 5, 2014St. Petersburg, Hotel "Oktyabrskaya", Ligovsky Avenue, House 10 (fare to the metro station "Vosstaniya Square").

September 6, 2014 On the basis of St. Petersburg GBUZ "City Hospital No. 40" (Sestroretsk, ul. Borisov, d. 9).

Scientific program:

  • Issues of medical cooperation and continuity of treatment between emergency medical care and a multidisciplinary hospital;
  • High-tech methods of surgical treatment in a multidisciplinary hospital;
  • Organization of the work of the Vascular Center on the basis of a multi-profile hospital;
  • General issues of medical rehabilitation. ...

We invite you to take part in the conference with international participation "Robotic technologies and functional stimulation in neurorelabation", which will take place April 17, 2014 In the National Medical and Surgery Center. N.I. Pirogov.

Conference organizers:

NMHTS them. N.I. Pirogov

Association of Recovery Medicine Specialists (Asvomb

Supported by :

Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia

GBOU VPO First MGMU. I.M.Sechenova of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

GBOU VPO RNYMU them. N.I.Pirogova MZ of the Russian Federation

GBOU VPO MGMS them. A.I.Evokimova MH of the Russian Federation


FGBU RNC medical rehabilitation and resortology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

SSC RF - Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

FGUN Scientific Center for Neurology Ramna

GBUZ MNPs of medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation and sports medicine DZ Moscow Moskva

25 Feb, 2014

Conference Program (February 26-27, 2014). Venue: FGBU "RRTS" Childhood "Ministry of Health of Russia

02.26.2014 Plenary day:

10.00 - 10.20 Opening of the conference. Welcome word to the main rehabilitologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation G.E. Ivanova. "The main directions of rehabilitation in Russia"

10.20-11.20 CPUP goals, tasks, fundamental principles and efficiency. Evaluation of the possibility of verticalization and moving the child with motor disorders, application technical means rehabilitation. Rapporteur Bente Storm. Physical therapist, member of the International Association of Physical Therapists.

11.20-11.40 Testing the function of the hand and rehabilitation at cerebral palsy. E.V. Romanovskaya, Ergotherapist in OJSC Center for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities "Overcoming"

11.40-12.40 International experience on the inclusion of technical means in the rehabilitation of children with a violation of the musculoskeletal system. Rapporteur Bente Storm. Physical therapist, member of the International Association of Physical Therapists.

12.40- 13.10 Evaluation and testing of speech function. Tasks and methods of rehabilitation. Classification of speech disorders (dysarthritia, discharge, general underdevelopment of speech)) and the peculiarities of the rehabilitation center of the pathology of speech. Break from 13.10 to 14.00. ...

05 Sep, 2013

Conference organizers: Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation OJSC NPO Screen Scientific Program and Topics of the Conference - Equity and Gynecology; -proofilactic medicine; -Allergology, immunology; -pulmonology; -Artology, vertebrology; -Sekopathology; -gasorentherology; -stomatology; -hematology; -Strassology; -Dermato-venereology; - export medicine; -cardiology, rheumatology; -Travmatology and orthopedics; -Lor-disease; -urology; -Medicin radiology; -Farmakology, pharmacy; -neurology; -phtisate; -neurosurgery; -surgery; -oncology; -endocrinology; -ophthalmology; -Epidemiology, hygiene and sanitation; -pediatrics; -The best diagnosis and radiation therapy. Abstracts of reports are accepted until September 15, 2013. The size of 1.5 - 2 pages in Word format for Windows (98/2000 / XP) as a file.doc. with an interval of 1.5. Theses need to be sent by e-mail: or Conference will be held on October 17-18, 2013 in Moscow at the address: 129301, Moscow, ul. Kasatkin 3.

September 24 - 25, 2013 in the building of the city hall of Moscow (ul. New Arbat, d. 36) will be held the International Congress "Rehabilitation and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment". Organizers: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Russian Association for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation of Patients and Disabled Patients (Rubirby) Russian Society Cardiosomatic Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention of Russian State Medical University with support: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency Direction: Development of a medical care system , organizational and methodological foundations of the development and implementation of innovative technologies for medical rehabilitation; Cardiorevatilization issues; Medical rehabilitation of persons with impaired activities of the endocrine system; Medical rehabilitation of persons with diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract; Modern medical rehabilitation technologies for gynecological and urological diseases; Multidisciplinary approach in the rehabilitation of osteoporosis; Medical and social rehabilitation of people nephrological profile; Current issues of medical rehabilitation of children and adolescents; Modern spa programs and medical rehabilitation in sanatorium-resort conditions; Training personnel to improve the system for medical rehabilitation; ...

I invite you to take part in the III International Congress "Modern Technologies of Diagnostics, Treatment and Rehabilitation for Damage and Diseases of the Upper Limit", which will be held on May 16 - 17, 2013, the venue - the world ave 36, the structure of the Federation "Federation of Peace and Accord" . Congress holds the Ministry of Health and social Development Russian Federation, Russian National Research Medical University. N.I.Pirogova, All-Russian Society of Kistere Surgeons "Russian Cystric Group". Scientific program -Organization aspects of ensuring medical care patients with damage and diseases of the upper limb. -Atual technologies for diagnosing diseases of the upper limb, error of diagnosis and treatment. - Problems of treating patients with acute damage to bones, joints, tendons and nerves of the upper limb. - Running injuries and severe injuries of the upper limb. -Rexual surgery of the effects of injuries and diseases of the upper limb. - Possibility of using microsurgical equipment during damage and consequences of the injuries of the upper limb. - Revenge pathology, degenerative-dystrophic diseases and tumors of the upper limb. - Summing up diseases and injuries of the upper limb. - Actual principles of diagnosis and treatment of purulent diseases of the upper limb. -Rehabilitation...

I invite you to visit the International Congress "Rehabilitation and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment" on September 24-25, 2012 Moscow, ul. New Arbat, d. 36, building of the City Hall of the Work: Development of a medical care system, organizational and methodological foundations of the development and implementation of innovative technologies for medical rehabilitation. Regulatory legal regulation of medical care for medical rehabilitation. Modern programs medical rehabilitation of patients with somatic diseases in sanatorium-resort conditions. Training of personnel to improve the system of medical care for medical rehabilitation. Actual issues of medical and social expertise and the rehabilitation of patients and disabled. September 24 09: 00-10: 00 Registration of participants 10: 00-13: 00 Solemn opening of the Congress Plenary meeting Big Hall Presidium: V.I. SKVORTSOVA (Ministry of Health of Russia), N.S. Semenov (Ministry of Health of Russia), S.N. Katyrin (TPP RF), V.I. Sergienko (TPP RF), S.V. Kalashnikov (State Duma of the Russian Federation), V.M. Cherepov (RSPP), S.A. Afanasyev (FSS), L. M. Roshal (National Medical Chamber), G.E. Ivanova (Rnimim. N.I. Pirogova), NB Korchazhkin (FMBA of Russia), B.A. Polyev (Rasserby), L.V. Adamian (NC Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology Ramna), K.V. Lyadov (FGBU "Medical Rehabilitation Center"), ...

This year the second scientific-practical conference "Rehabilitation in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system" will be held, the organizers of which are the Russian Association for Sports Medicine and the Rehabilitation of Patients and Disabled, Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova, Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. N.N. Priorov with support: Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, FMBA of Russia. The conference is devoted to the issues of medical rehabilitation of patients with damage, spinal diseases and their consequences. The main directions of the conference: Modern approaches to the diagnosis and medical rehabilitation in the pathology of the spine. New medical technologies in the system of medical rehabilitation in the pathology of the spine among athletes. High-tech types of medical care in the pathology of the spine and spinal cord. Prospects for the development of rehabilitation of patients with spinal pathology at Russian resorts. Social and professional rehabilitation in the pathology of the spine and spinal cord. Modern approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation activities. The conference will be attended by leading experts in the field of vertebrology, neurosurgery, medical physical education, ...

The international scientific and educational seminar "Clinical and sports rehabilitation" will be held on April 19-20, 2012, the FGBUS CCBD FMBA of Russia. Organizational Committee Chairman: Uyba Vladimir Viktorovich Head of FMBA Deputy Chairperson: Havingina Elena Yurievna Deputy Head of FMBA Russian Federation Mitkovsky Valery Gennadievich Head Physician FGBUZ TsKBVL FMBA Russian Federation Members of the Organizing Committee: Stalls Igor Mikhailovich Head of Medical Assistance Organization of FMBA Russia Miroshnova Julia Vyacheslavovna Medicine FMBA Ross V Vladimir Dmitrievich Rector FGBOU DPO IIKP FMBA RUSSIA Zelenskaya Natalia Alexandrovna Head of the Department of Medical Support of Sports Commands of Sports Commands of the Russian Federation Kochetkov Andrei Vasilyevich Chief Freelance Specialist in Medical Rehabilitation FMBA Russia, Head FMBA Medicine FSBOU DPO IPC FMBA Head Lidov Information and Analytical Department of the FGBU CSM FMBA Russia Tereshchuk Alexander Vasilievich Director of FGBUZ TsKBVL FMBA Russia Sumilina Elena Nikolaevna Deputy Chief Doctor F GUZ TsKBVL FMBA Russia Seminar program on April 19. 10.00-10.15. Opening a conference. Greetings: Mightkovsky V.G. - Chief Physician of the FGBUZ TsKBVL FMBA ...

A.N. Razumov

V.G. Zilov

Photo Gallery Photo Victor Boldrev

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September 26-27, 2013 in the first MIMU. THEM. Sechenov passed the I scientific and practical conference with international participation "Rehabilitation and prevention - 2013" (in medicine and psychology) and a specialized exhibition "Modern technologies of diagnosis, rehabilitation and prevention."

The conference was organized by the Department of Non-Council of the Treatment and Clinical Physiology of FPPs and was held with the support of Persons Medtechprokor LLC, Assvomed, a professional psychotherapeutic league.

The purpose of the conference was the consolidation of the efforts of doctors of various specialties, psychologists, scientists, developers and the creators of the newest medical equipment, profile software, as well as stimulation of the productivity of students and young scientists in creating innovations in the field of rehabilitation and prevention.

The preventive direction of human health has become particularly popular in connection with a critical reduction in the level of population health, a demographic crisis, progressive shortage of forces and means to ensure the necessary amount and quality of medical care for patients and disabled.

Conference "Rehabilitation and Prevention - 2013" (in medicine and psychology) was a real scientific holiday in the field of rehabilitation and preventive medicine. In modern conditions, the transition of health systems of Russia and European states on the concept of preventive, and personalized medicine is extremely relevant to the accounting of the best achievements of world schools to create educational projects of recovery of the population and strengthen contacts between states.
The conference was attended by over three hundred participants from different cities of Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Rostov, Kirov, Tula, Eagle, Surgut, Makhachkala, Sarov, Petrozavodsk, Cherepovets.

Speed \u200b\u200bwith reports and foreign guests from Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Germany, Spain, Finland.

The issues discussed at the conference were interested in representatives of medical universities and research institutes, public and private clinics; practitioners and specialists of various areas of medicine and pharmacology; representatives of companies involved in the development, research and production of drugs, medical equipment and software; psychologists, psychotherapists, representatives of public organizations and the media.

At the plenary session, Academician Ramne, D.N., Professor, Head. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine A.N. Razumovwhich noted the acute need of society in the further development of the recovery medicine system. The unrealizations of previously declared priorities of preventive medicine; Lack of solid infrastructure of health and prophylactic medical organizations, training systems of relevant specialists.

Academician Ramne, D.M., Professor, Head. Department of Imparious Treatment Methods and Clinical Physiology V.G. Zilov He made a report on therapeutic mechanisms of non-good methods, which stressed the special significance and relevance of the wide integrated use of complementary treatment methods from the position of integrative medicine in modern conditions.

Sectional sessions were covered the most actual questions fundamental and practical approaches of rehabilitation and prevention, namely: development and implementation of modern methods for assessing human functional reserves; preservation of professional health and longevity; improve the quality of life of chronic patients and disabled; development of the infrastructure of the restorative medicine service; creation of software for the formation of individual programs of wellness activities, monitoring systems of functional reserves in the population; Creation of resource-saving and high-tech corrective rehabilitation technologies, and prevention on the basis of the integrated use of therapeutic natural factors.

The saturated work of sections was accompanied by stormy and fruitful discussions.

When summing up the work of the Conference, the organizational committee was noted a high scientific and methodological level of submitted reports, the growing interest of medical and researchers in the study of new approaches to rehabilitation and prevention.

A distinctive feature of the conference along with an interdisciplinary approach was the widespread attraction of young scientists under the age of 35, the most interesting speeches were marked by diplomas and valuable gifts.

The success of the conference was confirmed by numerous wishes of participants on the regular annual scientific and practical conferences further. This will further unite the efforts of young scientists and experienced specialists to create scientifically based educational and rehabilitation programs for practical health care and draw attention to the problems of early diagnosis and prevention.

At the end of the Conference, the participants adopted a resolution with proposals aimed at the active implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bformalizing the capacious direction of the health-rehabilitation system of the population; Expanding the scope of competence of legal, economic, social, medical institutions from health restoration in a practically healthy person before restoring the most important functions of the body at all stages of prevention and medical rehabilitation.

Photo Gallery Photo Victor Boldrev

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