I want to learn to repair electronics and household appliances. How to learn to make repairs and what you need to know to fulfill finishing works? From this series of articles you will learn


Computers and other smart devices tightly entered our lives.

We do not imagine how they did without them before!

But the computer can pretrately pount the user with life if it breaks.

Good news: you can learn how to repair computers, as well as another craft.

Would a desire!

But the computer is complicated, so the repairman must have knowledge in several areas.

Why start?

What do you need to know the repairman of computers?

Computers repair specialist should be advanced user personal computer (PC).

This means that the repairman should general features know how operating system (OS) computer, office programs (text editors, email, browsers, image viewing programs, etc.), be able to use the Internet.

Most often on operate with Windows different modifications office package MS Office, chrome browsers, Opera, Yandex browser. An advanced user, unlike the kettle, is able to select the source of the OS load or service programs ( hDD, Flash drive, dVD drive etc.), to see what "iron" (processor, memory, video card, etc.), find on the Internet it is interested in its material, including on repair of computers.

Without this, the minimum is nowhere. But today it is taught even in high school! If you want to become a repairman, but strolled at school informatics lessons, you can go to the courses of advanced users.

What parts is the computer?

But to be only an advanced user is completely insufficient!

The repairman of the computers should know from which parts the computer consists, how they are arranged as they interact with each other. Start to get acquainted with the computer "hardware" best on the stationary computer , not on a laptop or tablet.

Stationary computer contains separate system unit, Monitor, Mouse Manipulator and Keyboard.

Such a system unit can be easily opened and disassembled using a curly (crucible) screwdriver.

Disassemble a laptop or tablet is much more difficult, moreover, a special tool will be required.

The system unit contains with a processor and memory, a video card (separate or integrated), network adapter For communication S. foreign world (Separate or integrated in the motherboard), DVD or Blue-Ray drive (optional), (electromechanical or solid-state - SSD).

You can get acquainted with the computer and its component parts on this site in the heading.

I note that I do not use sophisticated terms without the need (which are so frightened by newcomers) and tell about complex things with a simple human language.

To repair computers, the volume of knowledge should be large enough and they must be accumulated gradually. Being an advanced PC user and knowing how composite parts of the computer are arranged, you can go further.

What malfunctions are in computers?

Faults in the computer can be a great set. But they can be divided into two types: malfunctions of the hardware, "iron" (hardware) and software (Software).

The hardware is the most components of the computer that we have already mentioned.

Software is not only an operating system and office programs, but also drivers of various internal and external devices.

The driver is a separate program to interact some part of the computer or peripheral device (printer, scanner, etc.), embedded in the OS.

Without Driver any piece of iron - just a set of metal, plastic and electronic parts.

Now you understand what you need to be an advanced user and know how it works and how does the Iron of Computer work? To find out where to dig - towards hardware or software.

The fault is usually accompanied by characteristic features. For example, the computer "slows down" is not loaded, does not work or. Analysis of these features, knowledge of the operation of the OS and the "iron" of the computer will help to form the troubleshooting algorithm.

For example, if you cannot print from the computer on the printer, but the print test of the printer itself is successful, then you should not immediately reinstall OS, and check the interface cable and the printer driver at the beginning.

With different troubleshooting recipes, you can find the heading on this site.

Block and component computer repair

After you have accumulated some kind of knowledge, you can proceed to practice. Any knowledge without practicing is dead and useless!

Beginner repairmen are usually beginning with block repair. If the hardware malfunction (motherboard, memory module, power supply, video card) is revealed, it is replaced similar.

The complexity here is that it may be necessary to reinstall drivers or even OS. In addition, due to malfunction hard disk You can lose all your data that is extremely annoying. To identify the hardware malfunction, you must perform the appropriate tests - memory tests, hard disk, etc. Many modern computers (and especially laptops) already contains such tests.

Therefore, the novice repairman must study at least a specific user manual (User Manual).

There are still so-called (repair and maintenance guides) that contain more detailed information and ways to eliminate typical faults.

Note that when buying a USER Manual, the buyer may not be provided.

Service Manual is most often on english language, Therefore, knowledge of technical English is an extra plus repairman. At the same time, there are many online translators, which, undoubtedly, facilitates the life of beginners.

But the highest pilot is a component repair!

That is, the replacement of not the entire component of the computer, and some parts on it, for example, or capacitors on the motherboard or in the power supply. What does it give? With the necessary qualifications, repairs can do it much cheaper, since the transistor or the condenser is much smaller than motherboard or power supply.

But to go to this level, you need to know much more than all of the above! Need to know electronics on good level, be able to use measuring instruments. This is also described on this site, in particular, in the heading.

If you have a desire - Meet, learn. It's free!

Why learn to repair computers?

The number of computers and other smart techniques will only increase, so specialists will always need to be repaired. This kind of services is now extremely demanded. So that workplace You, consider, provided!

Repair of computers can be learn how to other craft. This will help you and this site. In conclusion, we remind the old Good Truth - "Education Method to help overcome the infancy of fate."

So, summarize. To learn to repair computers, you first need to become advanced PC user. Then get acquainted as it works and how computer iron works. After that, you can proceed to practice. To master the component repair, it is necessary to study the electronics, learn how to use measuring devices and other auxiliary equipment.

The volume of knowledge that must be learned is quite large. But this is, as in any other profession! Select the profession of the repairman go any other - to solve you. If you want to become a repairman of computers - in good time!

And my site to help you!

From this series of articles you will learn:

  • What knowledge and skills are needed for repair?
  • How much is the repair?
  • How much do the wizard masts earn?
  • Where to learn how to repair and decoration in Moscow?

With the need to repair sooner or later faces each. The need to live in a neat, functional and cozy space inherent in people with any level of wealth. This need is built a whole industry, including designer services, designers and repair specialists and premises.

Advantages of independent repairs

If you need a repair, there are several ways: contact the repair and finishing company, hire a private wizard or do everything yourself. It would seem that in the first two cases your task is reduced to the formulation of tasks and control of the work performed. However, there are your pitfalls here. Finding competent and reliable contractors is extremely difficult even with a decent budget - the market is still filled with unscrupulous masters, which may disappear after making a prepayment.

In order for the work to be completed on time and in compliance with all the requirements, you will have to spend a lot of time and delve into all the details. In the estimate there may be unnecessary figures, and it is almost impossible to obtain the guarantee that all purchased materials are practically impossible. Knowledge of the market, understanding of pricing and proper finishing technologies will be your advantage.

If you do a repair yourself, it will have to come true even more responsibly, but the invested efforts will pay off. Professional training in the field finishing work It does not require much time and money, but will help choose the item to choose the materials, avoid errors and unnecessary expenses and as a result to save significant funds. In addition, in your asset will remain truly popular skills that can become a profession and bring good income!

First step: Theoretical repair bases

To begin with, decide on the budget and scope of work. A highly specialized tasks, for example, the installation of internal communications, the design of wiring and cable laying still recommend to leave specialists. In order to correctly put the tasks, it is desirable to determine the functional purpose of each room, the number and location of light sources, switches and sockets.

To explore the market for materials and tools, highlight a few days to visit the construction bases and hypermarkets and price comparison. After that, spend the study of professional forums for the advantages and disadvantages of certain materials. You can also get these knowledge by posting the finishing courses.

The minimum volume of knowledge for planning and organization of finishing works includes:

  • Basics of design and zoning premises;
  • Knowledge of the finishing materials market: primer and moisture insulation compositions, dry mixtures for putty and plaster, paintwork materials, adhesive bases, different types finish finish;
  • The choice of facing materials and their characteristics: drywall, outdoor and wall tiles;
  • The ability to read and draw up drawings and plans of the premises;
  • Knowledge of classification and appointment of finishing, measuring, laser and electromechanical instruments;
  • Knowledge of the basics of rationing and consumption of materials per square meter of the square;
  • Knowledge of safety and fire fighting measures.

Step two: what practical skills are needed for repair

To get an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe work stages, you can contact several repair companies to compile estimates. This service costs a symbolic amount or is generally free, but you will learn the opinion of professionals, find the places that you did not take into account, and compare the options of the estimate of different companies (they can differ much).

Suppose you still decided to make repairs on your own. For this you will need the following skills:

  • Dismantling and preparatory work: cleaning of walls from the residues of the previous finishes, processing of moisture insulation compositions, thermal insulation, applying primer and markup;
  • Drawing finish: alignment of walls and floors, sealing cracks and joints, spacure surfaces;
  • Finishing decoration depending on the selected materials: work with dry plastering mixtures, painting and lacquer coating, plating wallpaper, facing tiles or framework work (gyro).

How much is the repair in Moscow?

For those who range between repair on their own and the choice of external contractors, we present a review of repairs for repair work.

Prices for repairs in Moscow:

  • Cosmetic repair "turnkey": from 4500 rubles / m 2 (by floor);
  • Standard turnkey: from 8500 rubles / m 2 (by sex);
  • Improved turnkey repair: from 11500 rubles / m 2 (by sex);
  • Dismantling work: stripping from plaster from 150 rubles / m 2, removal of old wallpaper from 40 rubles / m 2;
  • Putty works (in 1 layer, excluding draft and finishing materials): from 190 rubles / m 2;
  • Plastering (excluding draft and finishing materials): from 490 rubles / m 2;
  • Tile work (excluding draft and finishing materials): from 850 rubles / m 2;
  • Wallpaper sticking (excluding draft and finishing materials): from 220 rubles / m 2.

Consider that all preparatory and intermediate work (primer, alignment, grinding, waterproofing, additional layers for complex areas, tile grout) are charged separately. Now you can predict the cost level and decide whether to hire performers or repair yourself.

Many often ask how to learn to repair cars. Do not worry, friends, I have an answer to your intimate question.

The fact is that if you decide to become an avid car repairureter, then you will often get a difficult choice, for example "Hmm, is it worth going to the shower now and change clothes into clean clothes? Although, I still blobbed with oil. ". Or, for example, you get out of the workshop, all torn and dirty and go to the store for spare parts. We meet along the path of your friends, who then call back to your wife and ask why she kicked you out on the street and bred. But it's all the little things.

If you are ready to start such a lifestyle, then sit down comfortably and get ready to heed.

1. Buy yourself break

Want an express car repair course? Buy yourself. The best way Learn to repair cars consist of studying their structure. Especially if you are young and you have no extra money to repair your car. Perfect option.

Many excellent masters are up to the twentieth age and know did not know how to change the oil or candles. But then they bought a car, which was older than themselves, and began to sort out it, thus teaching art.

Ask the Soviets from friends, at the Father, at the grandfather. Learn the basics. Change the oil, candles, air filters, extract technical documentation and everything will go like oil. Rusty bucket helps you fall in love with cars and understand how to care for them.

2. Buy a set of tools

Hands of nuts do not turn, especially if they are ten years old as rusted. Go to the store and wait at a good set of tools.

I advise you to start with a screwdriver and a rich set of replaceable bits. If you have no money at all, you can go to FixPrice and see something there, but do not count on the long service of such tools. I recommend immediately to invest 3-4 thousand and buy a good, branded kit.

3. See Youtube videos

Even if you do not have breakdown, you can always get a certain set of knowledge from training rollers.

It is difficult to calculate how many videos I reviewed in search of answers to my questions on the repair of the car. In fact, the range is simply huge.

However, I advise you to lay down and look at the feedback and number of views, since YouTube is open to all. Therefore, if you see that the guy on the video cuts the clutch cable or breaks the brake, then turn on the brain on a second and aware what is happening.

4. Buy the repair manual

Very useful thing. Step-by-step instructions for the repair of your car will help you deal with any problem. They are not expensive, and if you are ready to read from the screen, you can download such online for free. Such books will retain you a lot of time and effort.

5. Register on the forum

Most useful information Can be found on the forums. Dozens of knowledgeable guys share their experience, photos and step by step instructions. In addition, they will tell you how to make this or that work, having lost as little fingers as possible. Useful thing!

6. Help your friends

A friend has done a car? Rather help him. You will get invaluable experience and prove yourself. In addition, if you ever break something, your friend will come to your help with a greater hunt.

7. Talk to sellers

In the markets of spare parts, the short-circuited vehicle workers are working, which can give you any advice. Do not underestimate their talents.

If you have done the fuel pump, go to the market and chat with the seller. He will tell you how to replace it, what details you need and, perhaps, will provide you with a small discount.

But you should not rush for each seller. Pre-make sure it is well versed in his case, and then start the conversation. As a rule, a good vehicle can be seen at first glance (see paragraph 1).

8. Sign up for mechanics courses

It is absolutely optionally to go to the school and receive education, because today it opens more and more private courses. Go to a couple of lessons, and you will learn a lot of new and useful about the automotive world.

9. Read books

Buy or download several books on mechanics and electronics. After reading them, you will be much clearer how your car works. As soon as you figure it out with this, repair will cease to be a problem for you.

10. Read Auto Blogs

For example, Carakoom.com. Every day we lay out a lot of interesting material dedicated to the world of cars. In addition, our permanent rubrics on the structure of various parts of the car, for example, or, will help you easily understand the basics of the construction of machines. We try to use the most understandable analogies with which we explain complex car concepts. We still have in which you can emphasize a lot of knowledge and ask questions knowing people. Join us, and you will be crazy about cars too!

Articles and Lifehaki.

In this article we will look at the base part How to learn to repair cell Phones on your own.

The first one step on this path is to acquire a tool without which the repair will be impossible. Of course, it is screwdrivers with different tips. Cross-shaped slots on the screws are rarely used, for example, in Samsung models.

In other phones, as a rule, the Slots "Star" are used. Now finding such screwdrivers is not difficult. You need tweezers to work with small details, brushes for cleaning. The soldering iron and thermofen will be needed in difficult repairs.

Learn to look soberly for your upcoming work. Without a certain experience, it is better not to take place for the repair of the device that requires the replacement of parts with the use of thermofen.

First stage of learning

  • At the first stage of training, phones are better to take from the category "not subject to repair". Such devices can be taken for free in the workshop.
  • They work out the skills of disassembling and assembling the phone, starting with the removal of the lid, all parts fixed with screws, boards, loops, displays.
  • Immediately get used to folding all fasteners into a small box, preferably with compartments for sorting screws. Her stay away from the edge of the table, to then not try to collect screws from the floor with a flashlight.
  • On the surface of the table should not be present subject items, only the tool, table lamp And, of course, the repaired apparatus.
  • Also, do not forget to record and sketch all the stages of disassembling the device. Until confidence in his power, knowledge of the design of various models - do not be able to repair sliding and folding models.
  • Your rule should be: not sure - look at the Internet. When washing the phone, in no case, alcohol should not get inside the display nodes. To delete the stain it appeared after this.


  • Take the present repair only after you confidently disassemble, collect the phone, replace removable knots in it. First try repairing devices that are not sorry to spoil.
  • Make sure that the reason for the breakdown and the repair was performed successfully.
  • Having learned to restore removable nodes, you should also for more complex repair to master the work on the replacement of microcircuits and other components using thermofen. With these works, the display must be removed.
  • But it is quite difficult to get the skills of working with the thermofine. Therefore, the replacement of chips and the restoration of its attachment is desirable to conduct after training from a specialist.
  • There are also specialized courses. The cost of them pays off for six months.

number electronic devices Every year it grows with an unprecedented speed.

So, the production of electronics in St. Petersburg can only delight. However, no matter how high its quality, it can break it all. Sometimes a breakdown can be fixed and on its own, so you do not need to carry equipment without any need for a service center.

Where to begin

Correction of electronic device problems The thing is thin, and to learn how to do it yourself, you need some knowledge of physics, minimum school courses.

You at least need to have the concept of what:

  • current strength;
  • metal resistance;
  • inductance, etc.

You also need to gain the experience of the soldering of radio components, and will learn how to use the electric tester and multimeter. To repair you will need to purchase all necessary equipment, as well as depending on the type of repaired technology, you will need to understand the electrical strokes.

Many people think that PC repair is a work of workshops. But even newcomers can kill a computer at home without having special skills in the presence of mining equipment. Alone, if you have a soldering iron, you can replace capacitors. But in case of the need for a replacement of chips, if you do not have experience and equipment, such a breakdown is not desirable to repair yourself.

If the electronics does not turn on

When connected K. electrical network The device does not work, no LED signals are triggered or sound is not issued, the reason for the burned power supply. Try to turn on the device sequentially with powerful lamp incandescent, to prevent short circuit. When the power supply is running, the lamp will not be lit, and in the case of a short circuit on the block, the lamp will light up.

Then we are looking for a malfunction in the power supply itself. It can be a simple cable break or fuse burning. In case of success, we eliminate the problem with the replacement of new parts or soldering broken.

Incorrect work

If your electronics works with interruptions, periodically issuing a problem, the causes of this work set. For example, when with loads on the computer, it is turned off, and after some time it works again, the malfunction can be covered in overheating or damage to the contacts.