How to use the EU Explorer. "ES Explorer": File Manager and not only. Remote access with any device

Pure operating android system I never had a built-in conductor program (they are also called file managers). That is, to move or copy files inside the phone, it was necessary to connect it to a computer or use third-party applications. Only in Android 6.0 Marshmallow has a certain session of the conductor. To open it, go to "Settings" -\u003e "Storage and USB drives", then turn the open list down and click the Open button:

Well, so far google Company did not make a full-fledged embedded file manager, you will have to use third-party products. And now we will look at the best representative - "ES Explorer", it is very convenient and absolutely free.

Very simple, ES conductor is installed, like any other application, from the store google applications Play, here is a direct link to the ES conductor.

  • How to move downloaded video from ES conductor to tablet or on SD card
  • Message: ES Explorer does not respond. Close?
  • You can completely see the file system of your phone, including the data and the SD card. You can highlight a long click of the folder group and files, copy, transfer, rename, delete, and much more.

    Also, ES conductor works great with archives, sometimes it is simply necessary.

    What else can ES conductor

    Additional features of the program a great set. She knows how to work with any network folders, FTP, with all cloud storage. You can open access to your phone folders via Wi-Fi.

    There are also convenient libraries that select files by type from all over the phone, for example, only music or video.

    If you have any questions - be sure, our experts will be glad to help you!

    Any Android Device owner knows that the own means of the system for managing data on internal accumulator or a removable memory card is sufficiently scarce. Therefore, the majority tries to simplify the work with information or even closer to what is made in the same Windows and establishing a different kind of file managers. One of these and "Explorer ES" belongs. However, under the clue, the program turns out that there are so many possibilities that at first glance and you will not evaluate this entire volume.

    What kind of application - "ES Explorer" ("Android") in Russian?

    The fact that many users initially install this software With the sole purpose - to use it as an ordinary file manager, is normal. The fact is that the rest of the possibilities are manifested if the app shock deeper.

    In fact, the "Explorer ES" is a truly unique program, which is a real combine with a huge number of tools for all occasions. First of all, it is worth noting that the application supports more than 30 languages \u200b\u200band has a friendly interface with convenient navigation.

    Main appointment and functions

    But what is the uniqueness of this program, and how does it differ from most of themselves? The fact is that many users of themselves simply do not represent that this application is capable. In addition to the main purpose of managing files and folders, it is worth noting what deserves separate attention:

    • the ability to work in root mode;
    • the presence of a built-in browser with search engine, archiver and player;
    • convenient analysis system for memory card content;
    • gesture management;
    • advanced monitoring tools;
    • opportunities for creating an FTP server;
    • use of "cloud" services;
    • sending information to social networks;
    • access to PC files when installing communication;
    • the ability to manage installed applications.

    Application "ES Explorer": first acquaintance

    So, let's see what the program can actually know how. "ES Explorer" ("Android") can be free of charge anywhere, and even in the same google Market Play. The program is installed as usual.

    After the first launch of the application, the user hits the main window. Here all folders are represented as icons, although the view can be changed. The management of folders and files looks simple and even somewhat standard. Moving between windows is performed using a conventional swipe.

    Gesture management

    However, you can use non-standard gesture management, which seems more convenient. Here you do not need to bury on the icon and wait until the contents of the folder opens context menuin which you need to go to some operation. It is enough just to clamp the icon, and with the slightest movement towards around the edges and in the center of the screen, large icons arise corresponding to the most commonly used actions.

    Thus, all standard operations or even sending a file over the network is performed by one movement. In the middle of the screen there is a translucent circle that allows you to set up the gesture of any level of difficulty in binding to some operation.

    Monitoring capabilities

    Since the user when starting the program comes from main screen, Most of what can offer "ES Explorer", simply ignored. The user, as a rule, makes the simplest operations and comes out of the application.

    From above there are icons of a network and a house. In fact, they are responsible for moving on the list of tabs. You can view the list itself by pressing the "Window" button in the lower right corner of the screen. When choosing homepage The user sees all the key information on the device, and can also view the contents of the drives. Many will immediately please that files are sorted by type.

    If, for example, select the image folder in the documents, they can be viewed on the screen in group mode as a miniature. Using the built-in player, you can easily lose your favorite track.


    Concerning personal settingsThe "Explorer ES" involves the use of two techniques: you can change each group of elements manually, and you can download a special addition called ES Themes. Here, to change the theme, color, type or applied effects, there are quite a lot of opportunities.

    Network Settings and FTP

    Finally, one of the most interesting sections. Of course, install the "ES conductor" does not work on the computer (it is simply not intended for this), but, like on a PC, you can completely connect files with "cloud" storage facilities. They, regardless of service, will be displayed as separate folders. Access to the settings is carried out in the network section.

    In addition, you can immediately organize a home network with the ability to create an FTP server or data transfer via the network on Android TV or by the usual wireless connection Bluetooth. It goes without saying, completely simply configures and remote access to any mobile device or to the PC. As already understandable, the need to install "ES conductor" on the computer is not necessary. The main thing is that the terminal is simply connected to the network.


    As can be seen from the foregoing, "Explorer ES" is a very extraordinary program and with incomprehensibly huge tools, and such that other programs can simply envy. Naturally, on the development of some additional features required a certain timeBut believe me, it is worth it.

    To transfer pictures from a smartphone to a computer and to view movies on the tablet from the computer.

    Over time, as you noted, the application began to acquire a new functionality that seems to be redundant. First, I also seemed so. Even annoyed at no less than advertising. And then I thought that you need to use the capabilities of the application to the entire coil and the problem will disappear by itself. I was right - the problem almost disappeared.

    Free Explorer for Android, Extended Features ES Explorer

    I will list what you always have at hand, but you, like I used third-party applications.

    Cool pieces of ES applications Explorer who are not used:

    Journal of Action on the Smartphone. It helps it very much. The magazine is very informative and remembers all the actions with files: creating, downloading, moving. Nothing is lost.

    The most important thing is in the log you can find an unclear where the saved file.

    Function Sender (Sender) - Analogue Share Link and similar applications for transferring files from one device to another via Wi-Fi. For example, you can roll pictures from one smartphone to another. On the first, the "Getting" mode is set, on the second - the "Send" mode. Devices must find each other, then you select files and send. Everything is simple. More information about such applications for transferring files between smartphones / tablets wrote. The files thus obtained can be slightly lower and viewed.

    Let's go further. Mode "S. stiff " Shows all archives on your device. Frequently extra garbage on the smartphone remains downloaded archives from the Internet, such as books. It turns out that this mode is a filter search for archives.

    Mode Cleaning I like that it displays everything you can delete. I recommend carefully watching what you delete. But do not worry, remote files They will fall into the basket and you can restore them. Yes, this conductor has its own basket and if you delete files, pictures, music, then the data can be easily restored if necessary. Just restore from the basket.

    APPS. Allows you to delete, archive and block installed applications.

    Images - Analogue of the gallery, an amateur. There is a function to show the last viewed. Works slower than the standard gallery.

    For pictogram Music Hiding a simple catalog of music device. There is support for the covers, the file (s) can be easily downloaded, there is an access button to record recorders. This is convenient when the built-in voice recorder does not have a convenient file catalog interface.

    Cloud - Good mode. Replaces a single interface for access to multiple cloud services. It takes place. You must pre-configure accounts.

    Loader Shows downloads. Please note that only those downloads that have been made using ES conductor are shown. Uploaded files using, for example, chromium you will not see there.

    Documents are sorted in mode Documentation. The conductor understands the formats of e-books.

    Remotely manage your device over the network wi-Fi Available by clicking tab Remote access. If your home smartphone or tablet is connected to the same wi-Fi networkAs a computer / laptop, you can manage a mobile device from a computer. Run and after connecting to the network on your computer in the browser, enter

    That's how it will look like. You can download the desired file to the computer. But the full exchange of data is better to organize.

    For castle applications You will need to establish an add-on. File encryption is made by choosing the right file or folders.

    Smartphones play an important role in the modern world. In addition, these devices allow you to communicate at a distance and share instant messages, smart phonesAlso perform a number of other functions. First, the smartphone is significantly expanding the communication abilities of the device, allowing you to communicate in messengers and make video calls. And secondly, the smartphone provides its owner wide multimedia capabilities to which you can attribute: playing music, video recordings, launch video game, use the device as GPS navigator And a lot of other.

    In addition, the phone itself is able to shoot high-quality video and take photos with high resolution. In other words, there is a need.

    Methods of synchronization

    Due to large amounts of data, the file sharing process may be rather long. Even USB cable It cannot fully ensure fast data exchange, not to mention the inconvenience of using this method. Regular connection and deactivation of the cable may result in an accelerated wear of the device connector.

    Other data transmission methods, such as Bluetooth, are not fast enough, due to which synchronization can stretch for several hours.

    The fastest I. in a convenient way Data transfer can be considered. Unfortunately, staten tools Android does not provide for data exchange between the mobile device and the computer.

    To establish synchronization, the user will have to install third-party software, FTP server or file manager. One of the most convenient applications, it could be considered ES conductor. This program Provides several ways to connect a smartphone to a computer, on FTP protocol and directly to shared files. local network. For both the first and second method, a Wi-Fi router is necessary.

    To connect to the home LAN network, you need to set specific computer settings.

    To begin with, you should call the control panel and go to the network management section, after which, change the additional parameters.

    In the window that appears, you must select " current profile"And include in all points network access, after which, choose " All networks"And at the bottom, put a tick at the point" Disable common …».

    Now, you need to select any folder on local disk computer, click on it right mouse button and go to the tab " Access».

    Next, you must click on the key " General access "And in the window that appears, specify users with access to the selected catalog. To have access to network folder on the mobile device, as a user, you should choose " Everything", As well as, specify read and write rights.

    In the general directory, you can copy or move any files that will now be available for download from the smartphone.

    To access network directors, in ES conductor, do not need to customize anything, just enter the application, swipe to the right to deploy the toolbar and go to section " Net».

    In this section, select the subsection " Lan.", And run scanning available directories.

    The names connected to the window will appear in the window. home network Computers by clicking on one of them, you can see the most, shared folder.

    The general directory can be used both to download files from it and for loading materials from the smartphone itself. Unlike other data transmission methods, using the LAN connection, you can move dozens of directories with files and subfolders inside.

    To make sure that the connection speed can be placed in the shared video file folder, after which, open them on the smartphone. The data transfer rate is so great that the files will open not as a streaming video, but as a full video file, which can be "spilled" to the middle or end of the timeline.

    In the ES conductor, you can configure access to a full FTP server, moreover, if desired, you can make an FTP server from the smartphone itself.

    In fact, this method Suitable for those who, for some reason, failed to access common folders On the local network. Launch FTP Server, you need to go at the same section " Net"But this time choose a subsection" Remote access ».

    The new window displays the status available network and key " Enable" After switching on, the address is displayed on which you can access the device files.

    It is of interest that in the settings, you can select the root directory, so this can be both the memory of the phone and microSD.

    To access the catalogs of the smartphone, you can use both the browser and the computer explorer. Although the conductor is much more convenient, because with it you can drag any files from other sections.

    As in cases with LAN, this method allows you to move files from both the computer on your smartphone and back.

    To quickly access the memory of the smartphone, you can go to the section " This computer"And with the help of right button Mice Add new element, indicating in the field " address", The very FTP address from the smartphone screen. Thus, after starting the FTP server on the phone, a person can get access to it as easily as to the local disk.

    There are many other data tools, take at least a file manager for Android Total Comander or cloud servicesBut unlike other applications, ES conductor does not need to install additional modules, and it does not need to perform tedious registration.

    To date, there is a considerable number of different conductors (or file managers) for Android OS. Devices on the basis of this system every day more and more. Not so long ago, the Android was mostly smartphones with a small diagonal of the screen. But today the list of devices has increased huge tablets and even desktop computers. ES conductor has well-deserved on such devices. How to use this program? And why so many of the owners of smartphones prefer such a decision? Then we will discuss how to work with the ES conductor for android; What basic functions it has. We also consider the main differences between the EU from competitors.

    IN Play Market. From Google, you can find almost any application that is supported. operating system Android. And for sure ES will be among the first, you just have to start searching in the file manager directory. A large number of users who do not use third-party managers on their devices at all are known. Those who actively apply them prefer ES conductor. For what it is needed - it is for an effective organization of work with files, greater flexibility and fast navigation by file System.

    The conductor on the android phenomenon is quite common. Therefore, the store software will offer a number of other file managers. Pay attention to some of them.

    If you choose at ES, you are sure to ask how to work with ES conductor in Android. This will be discussed.

    Installation and Setup

    ES Explorer - What is this program? Universal file manager who loved the owners of smartphones for functionality, simplicity and ease of configuration. Its menu is logical, and appearance It helps to navigate in the smartphone file system.

    It is enough to find it in Play Market, click "Set" and take all the necessary permissions. After downloading, the program will appear in the application menu. How to install the EU conductor on android, you already know. Next, you can try to sort out this program.

    The interface is not particularly standing out against the background of competitors. Is that the bright blue color of the folders adds paints into the overall picture. Otherwise, everything is completely standard - the navigation line is met from above, and below the two main functional buttons. But the appearance is quite simple to change. You must click the "View" button on the bottom panel. So you can go to another view of files and folders.

    Immediately you can connect to the conductor cloud storage. To do this, click "Create", and follow the instructions on the screen.


    It is worth considering the main tabs of the program:

    • "Bookmarks". Here you can see all the folders and files added to quickly call. To return to them again, click on one of the bookmarks.
    • "Funds". Many additional tools for working with Android. Memory management, downloads, network manager, root conductor and other.
    • "Net". Configure the network whose files will be displayed.
    • "Libraries". Fast access The main libraries of the user. This is an analogue of the name folder in

    You briefly figured out how to use the EU conductor for android. As you can see, it does not require a lot of effort. The newcomer can easily cope, because the program interface is sharpened to almost all needs already "out of the box." A B. Google Play. You can find a rich selection of topics for the program. They will help those whom for some reason does not suit the appearance of the conductor.

    Moving files

    Move files in the program is easy. To do this, delay your finger on the file or folder and wait for the appearance on the check mark item. If necessary, you can select multiple items in a similar way. If one element is selected - all the following are selected by a short press.

    Using ES Explorer, how to move files from the folder to the folder? Find the "Move to ..." button on the bottom or side of the menu and select the destination folder. All selected items will be moved to it.

    Other features

    In the EU, the conductor is also well implemented by the management of gestures. You can configure it using the main menu items. When gestures are on, you will see a round item on the screen, which will show where the gesture should be entered. Gestures can be programmed and give it any complexity - the main thing is that you remember the combination. Over time, you can easily figure out how to install a variety of file manager functions on gestures.

    About how to run an ES conductor on Android, we have already spoken. Some elements of this file manager are installed so as to run in automatic mode. It can be cleaners of garbage, audio and video players, and other no less useful programs.

    ES Explorer for Android turned out to be simple. How to use other similar programs, you can read in detail on the pages of our site. If you have questions, or you want to discuss something with other users - Welcome to the comments!