Not extracted flash drive writes that used. Whether safe extraction is always required. Encryption problems when removing the device

Often the situation happens when it fails to turn off the flash drive from the computer in safe mode. When disabling, a window appears with information that the device is still used. You can turn off the flash drive only after closing all programs that use your flash drive.

And how to find such programs because of which the flash drive is not safely removed? At my last work, I often had cases when it seemed to finish working with a flash drive, closed all the files, and when disabling it still writes that the device is still used. My nerves lacked and I just turned off the flash drive from USB port. But destroying several flash drives in such a way, I decided to think how to calculate what the flash drive at the time of shutdown is occupied.

Here's actually such a message appears when you want to disable a flash drive that is used as a program, or the file is open from it.

The device is still used. Complete the execution of all programs and close all windows that can use this device, and then try again.

Fortunately, good programmers wrote a special program with which you can find that the process or file "holds" the flash drive and does not allow it to disable it.

This program is called Dev Eject. The essence of it is to find a process that in this moment It takes your flash drive, from the program this process can be turned off and then safely remove the USB flash drive.

After installation, run the program and select your flash drive

Now click " Eject"For safe shutdown Flashki, if a flash drive is busy with a program, a similar window will appear:

As you can see in this window, the process is shown that currently uses a USB flash drive. In my case, this is a program for viewing images. I forgot to close the picture, which is on the flash drive. Not to look for where you have this picture there is just click right-click On the process and select " Kill Process.

Secure device extraction Users use to keep the performance of external devices connected to a computer, as well as to inform the Windows operating system about their intentions. This will allow the system to complete the work correctly. softwarewhich is responsible for interacting the computer with other devices.

The ability to safely extract the device was in earlier windows versions, for example, as well. Due to its utility, this function is also preserved in the tenth version.

Why need safe extraction

External devices are connected to a computer or laptop, such as USB ports, through special connectors, such as connectors for connecting SD cards, and the like. Through the same ports external devices At the same time, they are connected to the power source, they receive electricity from the computer, from its batteries and power supplies.

Consider why you need to safely extract for external hard disk, flash drives and memory cards, as well as about possible problemsrelated to encryption of data on certain utensils.

Extraction of an external hard disk

Electricity is needed, for example, external hard disksSo that before turning off the head of the hard disk head, "went to the database," located in a safe place, where they will not be able to damage the disk surfaces with data recorded on them. If you do not pack the heads of external hard disks, the situation of their lowering is not excluded directly to the recording surface of rotating disks. This leads to damage to surfaces and to loss of data, sometimes irrevocable loss.

So, before disconnecting external hard drives, they need electricity to perform parking operations. Also, external hard disks need a disconnection team, which they can only be obtained from the computer to which they are connected. So here

a secure disconnection of external hard drives is to submit them to a shutdown command, to stop working with a computer, stopping all reading or writing operations, and give the command to parking reading heads.

Only after the execution of these commands external hard drives You can disable from the computer (laptop), only then the disconnection will pass without excesses, without possible damage to the data stored on the disks.

Safe extraction flash drive or memory card

If not rotating, not to the computer (laptop) are connected mechanical devices Read / write data, such as flash drives or SD cards, then such devices, of course, do not need to park, they do not have mechanics. But,

before disconnection similar devices (flash drives, memory cards), the operating system must first stop all data recording operations on them.

If you disable flash drives or memory cards at the time of recording data, the data on such devices may be lost, get lost, collapse. Part of the information is recorded, and the part is not, since the user has unscluded the device from the computer. And since the data recorded not all, the subsequent reading of such incomplete data may be difficult or impossible at all. You will need to restore the data structure, during which part of the data, and then all the data recorded on the flash drive or memory card will be lost, often without the possibility of recovery.

Encryption problems when removing the device

Some users use data encryption when recorded on media, including external devices (external hard drives, flash drives, memory cards). When using data encryption, the need to properly disconnect external devices is needed to complete all data encryption / decryption operations.

Encryption / decryption slows down recording / reading data. You need to give a time to a computer (laptop) so that it completes all the required data encryption actions.

Otherwise, an abnormal shutdown of an external device on which encrypted data is written can lead to a loss of a part or even the entire information recorded on the disabled device.

Thus, it allows you to disconnect external devices (external hard drives, flash drives, SD cards, and such devices) allows you to safely disable the devices without loss of data recorded on them, without mechanical or other destruction of the information storage devices themselves.

Safe extraction through the taskbar: the first way

Consider this option on the example outdoor hard Disk connected to a laptop via USB port. Instead, a disk can be a flash drive or other device.

Before learning an external hard disk, click on the "Display hidden icons" icon (1 in Fig. 1) in the lower right corner. The menu will appear in which we are interested in the "Safe extraction of devices and disks" icon (2 in Fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Open hidden icons and looking for the "Secure Removing Device" icon.

Click the left mouse button on the found icon

Fig. 2. Click on "Extract Elements 1042"

After clicking on the "Extract Elements 1042" icon, a message will appear: "The equipment can be extracted. Now the "USB storage device" device can be safely removed from the computer. "

Fig. 3. Message that the equipment can be safely removed

After such a message "With a clean conscience", we remove the device from the computer and set it up until it is needed again.

Safe extraction with PCM: second way

Screenshots Below are for a Micro-SD memory card. This example is useful in that the USB port is not used to connect a map, but a special connector. Nevertheless, safe extraction action uses the same as external devices connected via USB.

Since the memory card is connected to a laptop, then you must first find its icon. To do this, in the taskbar, open the "this computer" and PCM (right mouse button) and click on the SD icon (1 or 3 in Fig. 4):

Fig. 4 (Click to enlarge). Click PKM (right mouse button) on the SD card, and then "extract"

Magic Click PKM (right mouse button) Calls on the screen context menucontaining a list of all operations that can be performed relative to the memory card. We are interested in the option "Extract" (2 in Fig. 4).

Now the left mouse button click "Extract", a message will appear: "The equipment can be extracted ..." (Fig. 5):

Fig. 5 (click to enlarge). The message is that everything is OK - you can remove the memory card.

Displays the safe removal icon in the taskbar

If there are no connected external devices, then in the taskbar (Fig. 1) there will be no "Safe Removing Device" icon. If there is a connected device, then such an icon may be true, not for all devices.

You can check the icon display setting to extract the device. To do this, at the free place of desktop, click the PCM (right-click), a menu will appear in which we are interested in "personalization". Open the Taskbar tab (2 in Fig. 6), scroll it on the right side until the option "Select the icons displayed in the taskbar":

Fig. 6. Personalization - Taskbar - Select the icons displayed in the taskbar

Opposite the "Explorer" icon Safe extraction of devices and disks check the position of the toggler. It must be in the "On" position (Fig. 7):

Fig. 7. In order for the "Safe Device Removing" icon in the taskbar, the "ON" checkbox is needed.

Is it always a safe extraction

If you connect to the computer, in most cases the safe removal icon will not appear in the taskbar. The fact is that there are devices that operating windows system 10 Determines as a media device. These include players, Cameras, connected via USB, Tablets and Android phones, iPhone and other similar external devices. In this case, the icon is not shown for safe extraction, it is missing. It means that they can be removed simply, without resorting to "superfluous" manipulations.

It also does not require a safe extraction for flash drives that are protected from recording, as well as for CD and DVD discs, memory cards that have read-only access. In this case, operating system There is no ability to change information on devices, as they are used to read, but not for recording.

Use the "Safe Removing Devices and Disc" icon if you are inserted into the computer (laptop):

  • external hard drive,
  • flash drive with disabled protection from recording or
  • memory card with disconnection of recording.

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We all actively use various drive drives (flash drives, hard drives, memory cards) and know: so that no failure arose and did not lose important files with a sudden disconnection of the disk from the computer under windows control During their transfer, it is necessary to safely remove the device every time. It happens that it is not so easy to do, because the hard disk is used by the program or application. How to be?

How to remove an external hard drive?

We all know that it is impossible to just take and disconnect an external hard disk or a flash drive from the cord or USB port system Block Computer, without pressing the tray of such a badge:

In the list that opens, we choose the drive you need, click on it with the left mouse button:

Voila! A message appears that the device can be safely removed from the computer.

There is another simple way to safely extract the device - through the "Computer" folder: click on the right mouse button on the device you want to disconnect from the computer left-click "Extract". If the device is "busy", then the OS will ask whether it is necessary to interrupt all current operations.

But not always everything goes so smoothly, as if we wanted. Often, when you try to safely extract a device in Windows, a message pops up that it is used by other programs and cannot be extracted. Processes that block the device cannot be forcibly completed using this system function! It remains only to determine what kind of programs are occupied by the device and close them.

Easy to disable external storage From the computer, you can using the task manager called by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys. We go into the Processes tab, find our device there and clicking on it right-click to "complete the process".

What if the external hard disk is not removed by any of the above methods?

Well, if no programs have been running manually, and the device is still used something - what to do? Here without special utilities It is difficult to find the cause.

One of best ways Disabling the external drive, which is used unknown by what programs and can not be stopped standard means Windows is the use of special programs To extract flash drives and disks like USB Safely Remove. Unlocker It also helps to identify and disable the processes that the external information drive is occupied, after which the disk or flash drive can be safely removed.

It happens that safely remove the USB HDD is not obtained by any of the above methods, which was noticed in Windows 7, and when using absolutely different external disks. If the discs were connected to the computer in the current session, everything is usually removed without problems. However, it is necessary to restart the system with connected disks, it will be impossible to extract them, because they will be occupied by "unbound" even with UNLOCKER system processes System.exe and svchost.exe.

Unlocker shows that the device is occupied by Explorer.exe and svchost.exe processes

And even if you disable indexing on all discs! In order not to break your head, you can just remove the disk after completing the computer.