Raise the page attendance. How to increase mobile Internet traffic: conditions and ways to increase. How to connect "MTS" options

Let's clean: attendance of your site is not as if you would like to see it.

You would not mind getting more visitors, but it's not just just.

And it is not surprising, because 90% of the entire traffic goes 2% of sites. That small, which remains small slices shares between all the others.

But do not be discouraged, you are not alone in this position. I also experienced something similar on this blog and on client sites.

Today you will get a solution to your problem. If you blog, own an online store or information site - this article is for you. You will be waiting for a time-tested 101 way to improve the attendance of the site.

I am ready to argue, such material you have not met anywhere. Therefore, add this page to bookmarks and begin to get acquainted with the most effective ways to increase the attendance of the site.

Exclusive bonus:This article turned out to be big and not to lose it. Download for free PDF version ( click to download).

How to get more visitors from the search

1. Use keywords to the place

In order to get higher positions in the search, and therefore more traffic, you need to include the main keyword for which you are moving in:

  • Page title (H1)
  • Beginning of text
  • Title
  • Text itself

Key requests still play a large role in the ranking of the site, so their proper use will help get higher positions in the search.

2. Do not ignore the Alt attribute in images

Make sure the images on your site have a filled Alt attribute.

It is desirable that at least one image on the page has in the title and in the Alt attribute the main keyword.

What will this give you:

In addition to the check mark in the eyes of search engines, you will also be ranked in Google and Yandex in the section "Pictures". Your images may unexpectedly become a good source of traffic, given that on each page of them at least several pieces.

3. Dilute text LSI requests

When writing text for the site, use LSI requests. So you can improve positions in the search and even raise the site attendance in secondary requests.

According to definition, LSI is semantically related words and phrases, including synonyms, but not limited to them.

For example, if you write an article about proper nutrition Include the following LSI words in the text: Healthy nutrition, healthy food recipes, Principles of proper power, rules, menu for a week:

With LSI words, the search engine understands the meaning of your text and sends you only target traffic.

4. Become a competitor

You did not think about increasing my presence in the search?

No, I do not mean raising positions. I mean quantitative increase.

For example, on Yandex.Market, Ozon, [email protected] etc.

What is it for?

So your goods will see even more people. If a potential buyer finds your product on one of shopping areasHe can make a purchase or go to your site.

For a larger effect, in the future you can motivate customers to buy directly on your site.

5. Make a laconic URL

According to research, most of the pages from the top 10 search output have short URLs. On average, the length of the URL page located in the first position in the search is 59 characters.

From a visitor's point of view, short URLs are more pleasant to the eye than long.

Compare yourself:


Try to take into account this and when creating new pages to draw up a URL no longer than 60 characters. Plus, add the main keyword to it.

6. Specify the site download

Here are two facts that you will most likely do you:

  • On average, people expect the site download within 2 seconds
  • Site download speed - important factor ranking.

Why don't these facts do you?

Because I bet: your site is loaded for longer than two seconds.

Are you ready to argue?

Check it with the GTMetrix service. As I said, most likely you will not be delighted with the speed of your site.

But how to improve the situation?

Works on a decrease in the site loading time cannot be described in two paragraphs, but if briefly:

  • Pick images of the desired size. Crop them if necessary.
  • Keep pictures for web (Photoshop)
  • Use caching (Super Cache plugin for WordPress)
  • Do not clutch the site by excess code.
  • Use a good hosting
  • Do not install too many plugins
  • Use CDN.

You can also use for measuring the speed of downloading the site google Service PageSpeed \u200b\u200bInsights. After analysis, you will receive advice on accelerating the site.

7. Press the media

Before the appearance of the Internet, no one could think that one person or a small group of people can compete with the media.

But now it is quite possible. Just take a look at the section "News" in search google systems and Yandex. Small sites in some niches stand in a row, and sometimes above the famous media.

For example, by entering the word Tesla word, I saw that the Sites Rybinskonline and Uincar stand above such editions as Interfax and Kommersant:

If you publish news on your site, your main traffic source - Section "News" in Google and Yandex. All you need to do is comply with the technical requirements and follow some rules (the uniqueness of the materials, the lack of obsessive advertising).

Once in the "News" section you can easily get tens of thousands of new visitors.

8. Be easier and people will reach out to you

Often as the site grows complicates its structure. Due to incomprehensible structure search robots may not be able to index important pages.

The most common mistake is when the page is far from home (at a distance of 4-10 clicks).

To solve such problems, follow the golden rule - each page is in the range of 1-3 clicks from main page.

9. Work over the attractiveness of Title

If one, who has a horse faster, will win on the Internet, the one who has a cooler Title wins on the Internet.

You can not believe, but it really is. Think ourselves: it is after reading the header who decides whether to go to the site or not.

Moreover, if your site is on the ninth position in extradition and at the same time receives indecently many transitions, the search engine noticing this will begin to raise it higher.

There are two rapid ways:

  1. Add Title so-called word amplifiers: quickly, easy, simple, step-by-step, best offer, 2017 ...
  2. Make sure to make Title you laid in 60 characters. Otherwise, the search engine will do it yourself.

For advanced: Go to Google Search Console and locate low CTR pages (less than 3%). Using the tips above come up with a clinging look and causing the interest of Title.

Put it instead of the old and ask Google to index the page. To do this, go to the Google Search Console. Go to Scan\u003e View How GoogleBot. Enter the page URL and click "Request Indexing", and then selecting the direct link click "Send".

10. Work with brand mentions

This method of generating traffic is suitable for any sites, but especially good for those who have definitely known.

The essence of the technique in the following: perhaps you or your company were mentioned somewhere, but did not put the link. You need to find such mentions and ask the author to specify a link to your site.

This is a rare case, when 10 out of 10 of your letters can wrap success. Everything is logical: once a person mentioned you on his site, then he was already loyal to you, and nothing prevents him from satisfying your request.

This method is one of my most beloved, since in just a couple of hours you can get a lot of links to your site.

To search for your brand mention, you can use Mention or BuzzSumo services.

Also out free tools You can use Google alerts. When someone will mention you or your company, you will receive a notice to the mail.

11. Give proper undervalued pages

Surely on your site there are pages that occupy 10-30 lines in the search. Such pages are underestimated.

Because if you attach quite a bit effort, they can rise in the top 10. But you do not ...

Here you act as an unlucky woodcutter, which as soon as the greater part of the tree, leaves it and moves to the next one, and not holding the previous one.

Instead of thinking about writing another article or improving the design of the site, make this:

1. Find undervalued pages. Go to Google Search Console\u003e Search Traffic\u003e Analysis search queries. Select the items "Position" and "Requests".

Filter the results on the "positions". After finding a query within 10-30 positions, click on it. Then, click on "Pages". Now in front of you the page you want to strengthen.

2. Strengthen undervalued pages. In order for the page to get to the top 10, you need to strengthen it. How?

First, using links. Find pages from which you can put links to an undervalued page. To do this in the search site: Intext Domain: "Keyword", Where the domain is the address of your site, and in quotes - the keyword for which the undervalued page is moving.

Pages from which you can delive the link will appear. Select those that have more incoming links from the list.

Secondly, look at the CTR Pages in Search Console. If it is less than 3%, allete title guided by the tips above. Then, ask to index the page through the "See How GoogleBot" tab.

Well, if you did everything right, it remains to wait for the results.

12. Make a video transcript

Making video content, remember, robots still do not know how to recognize rollers like live people. Therefore, if you really want to increase the site attendance, publish a text content video.

In the case of an online store, write about the advantages and disadvantages of the goods that you learned during the review.

If you keep a blog, make a brief text of the roller.

As an example, you can bring SEO Profy's blog. Each video from the "on the board" series has a good text description.

13. Content update

You know, there is a lot of continuity between content and food. For example, both the first and the second has a shelf life. Of course, there are types of content that can be compared with the Soviet stew. But basically, with time, the content loses its relevance.

If you have a mature site and there are many informational materials on it, it's time to think about their update.

What is it for?

After the update, some materials can: rise in search results, start ranking on new keywords, get even more repost and decisions.

Prefer the following articles that:

  • Are on 4-20 positions in the search
  • Need update (outdated information)
  • Important in terms of business.

Add topical information, delete outdated data, make an article deeper and more practical.

14. Increase links

There are two extremes in the question of the reference promotion of the site:

First extreme - This is when people believe that the era of links passed and they no longer play any role.

Second extreme - This is when in pursuit of the number of links, people buy them with tons without disaster.

Getting such reference takes a lot of time, although there is also. The classic of the genre is the writing of guest posts and participation in expert surveys.

15. Improve behavioral factors

Search engines view your site under the microscope. They analyze everything: percentage of search transitions (CTR), failure rate, average time on the site, depth of viewing ...

All these metrics affect the site position in the search results. Improving some metrics you will get higher positions.

The primary indicators that you need to improve are the percentage of failures and the average time on the site.

Universal methods that will help you with this:

1. Proper text formatting. Good text holds human attention. Bad text - it does not cause interest. Making the text, write simple words. Pay attention to the design: make short paragraphs, highlight important phrases in bold. Do not comprehend time to draw up a good header and accession. Do not skimp on intriguing subtitles.

2. Add multimedia files. Everyone as in the saying: "It is better to see once than to hear than a hundred times." Use images, videos, infographics, screenshots, animations - everything that helps convey information and keep the reader's attention.

3. Perelinka. The pages of your site must be related to references. With the help of proper overclocking, search robots will be able to index all site pages, it will increase the average time and refuses to decrease. If you have a blog, in each article in a suitable place, put links to other materials. If you have an online store, the blocks are well fit "with this product buy" and "Similar goods."

16. Get rid of broken links

Given this search engines lower the positions of sites that have a lot of broken links.

If you want to download more traffic, your task is to find non-working links on your website and fix them. If you use WordPress, Link Checker plugin will help you. You can also resort to such versatile tools like Xenu and Screaming FROG.

After finding broken links, do this:

  1. If you can, remove them
  2. If without reference your article will lose in value, replace it with the working one. Just find an equivalent article / page and place a link to it.

17. Go to https

Perhaps you have already heard: site on http in browser Chrome. marked as unsafe.

Moreover, Sites on HTPPS will receive an advantage in ranking.

This certainly does not have such a big advantage, but still it is.

If you have on the site there is a register or you work with personal user data, go to HTTPS immediately.

After adding an organization, it can be seen in the search, on Yandex maps and in Yandex. Navigator. The user will be able to see yours:

  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Photos
  • Schedule
  • User reviews.

How to receive visitors from social networks

24. Announcements of articles and goods

When publishing articles on a blog or admission of new products in the online store, make announcements in social networks.

It seems to be elementary, but people often forget about it.

Doing the announcement apply beautiful pictures. According to research, publishing images are obtained greater response.

25. Create a page on Facebook for the company

Create a page to Facebook for your company.

First, you will be easier to contact with your audience and make an announcements of important news.

Secondly, it will be an additional positive signal when starting paid advertising.

26. Profile on Twitter

If you actively use twitter, do not forget to specify a link to your site in the profile.

Usually after subscription, people first look at the profile, and in the presence of the site can visit it.

27. Bio in Instagram

If you are active in Instagram, specify a link to your site in the biography. This is the only place where you can put links, so take advantage of this.

28. Add a link to your Skype

If you often communicate in Skype, it will not be superfluous to specify the address of your site in status.

29. Links to thematic social networks

30. Automation of Announcements

If so, then cool. But I want to ask an equally important question: how often?

A widespread error - to make the announcement once and think that this is enough. Remember, with one tweet or decaying, it is impossible to cover all friends and subscribers.

On the other hand, sit and every day will post articles very tedious ...

The Buffer service will help you in solving this problem. With the help of it you can make an automatic posting on social networks.

Every article I advise you to announce:

* For each shared page, come up with 2-3 different heading. First, shaking the same thing you may seem enthusiastic. Secondly, in the number of transitions, likes and reposts you will understand which heading is attracted the most attention. What for? This title will be a good candidate for title pages.

31. Find like-minded people

Do you know what is the meaning of marketing?

The meaning of marketing is to find the right people and cut off the rest. And this will help you social networks.

32. Link to Google+

Many ignore Google+. But at the same time, in some niches, this social network works well.

If you have a profile on Google+, be sure to specify a link to your site and publish announcements in the thematic groups from time to time.

Also, the availability of an account on Google+ will be an additional positive signal when promoting the site.


If you are present in Instagram, this method is for you.

Step 1. Find Accounts in Instagram to which your signed the target audience.

Step 2. Offer account administrators with the same number of subscribers as you have mutual promotion.

For example, your partner makes a publication in which it tells about your institution, goods or services. In turn, tell your Follovers about the products of your partner.

34. Repographs in WhatsApp

If most visitors enter your site from mobile devices, make the ability to repost through WhatsApp.

You may be surprised how often people are shaking off the content through this messenger.

35. Create your group on Facebook

Cate your group on Facebook and communicate with your target audience.

A large audience in the group will help you in promoting content and in learning the needs of the market.

Just be careful, do not publish too often promotional materials so that subscribers do not have a bad impression of you.

Creating content

36. Take an interview with a popular person in my niche

Make a list of people who have their own large audience and who are known as experts. Spend an interview at least three such experts and publish them on your website.

After the interview, the experts will most likely share it with their audience. If you are lucky, in addition to the growth of attendance of the site, you can even get positions in the search for the name of the expert with whom you interviewed.

37. Create an expert survey

Interview is cool.

But what if I tell you: you are able to bring to the site five to ten times more traffic.

Do you think I'm kidding?

This is quite possible with the help of an expert survey. It looks like this: you involve not one person in your content, but a few. Ideally - several dozen.

Thus, instead of one person, your material will promote a large number of people.

But in addition to promotion, you will get fantastic content. And how can it be otherwise, if a whole bunch of experts is divided with its secrets.

Imagine, you have an online store for the sale of gear for fisherman. You can contact the most famous fishing experts and ask what is better to catch one or another fish. Or which tackle should have every self-respecting fisherman.

Each expert will give valuable advice, share experiences, and after the release of the article, most likely will tell about her readers / subscribers.

I do not particularly understand fishing, but the tactics described above works in many niches. So why don't you try to implement it?

38. Make focus on low-frequency queries

To get visitors to popular requests will need a lot of time. Instead, select the topics for articles at low-frequency requests.

Such requests are less competitive, in connection with which you will quickly leave for good positions in the search and start receiving visitors.

39. Write down the podcast

In addition to the classic interview, you can write a podcast with the experts of your niche.

In addition to publishing a podcast on a blog, you can post it on iTunes, Podster or even on YouTube. So, with the help of more coverage you will achieve the popularity of your site.

Initially, it may not be easy to obtain the consent of large experts to participate in the podcast. But over time, people will readily agree.

After the release of the podcast, ask the guest to tell about this issue to your subscribers, readers.

40. Remove the video

Remember, the content is not limited to the texts. Try to record an interesting video. It may be a review of some service or even its product.

First, sometimes people prefer visual content and perhaps the video is exactly the format that is most suitable for your audience.

Secondly, do not forget that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. Your videos can not only get hundreds of views, but also lead people to your site.

To save time, instead of burning a roller from scratch, you can make a video version of an existing article. Moreover, if in searching for a keyword, according to which you are moving there are videos - you will definitely need to record your own.

* You do not need to buy expensive equipment for writing live video. You can easily start with screenshots (video from the monitor screen). This format works especially well when you need to review some service, program or plugin.

41. Spend the webinar

Perhaps you may doubt that the webinar can increase the site traffic.

I will say this: Much depends on how you come to this issue.

If you make a competent webinar promotion and prepare cool content, then traffic will not wait.

Step 1. Select the topic that is interesting to your audience.

Step 2. Make a condition for participation in the webinar repost or retavit invitation pages.

Step 3. Adjust the webinar on social networks, in the mailing list and on thematic sites.

Important! Do so that each webinar participant has got into your email newsletter. Fart not at a one-time meeting, but for long-term relationships.

44. Create a free product.

Create a valuable product and distribute it for free. It can be an e-book, a small program or something else.

It is important that the product is interesting to your audience. Condition for downloading the product you can make a repost or subscription to the newsletter.

For example, a few thousand decimals received a few thousand decisions: an article Announcement of a free electronic book:

42. Use the Skyscraper technique

Technique "Skyscraper" is one of the best ways to attract traffic to the site. It was invented by the popular Western SEO specialist Brian Din.

The essence of the technique is as follows:

Step 1. Find the most popular articles in your niche. To do this, you can use the SerpStat service by turning to the SEO analysis section. Enter your keyword / niche and the most popular articles in the point of view of decisions will appear. Choose one that has the greatest number of reposts.

Step 2. Write an article, many times superior in quality and benefit the article you chose.

Step 3. Send a letter to everyone who has put a link to a competitor's article, made Retatt and left a comment. Ask you to familiarize yourself with your material: put a link, make a repost and leave a comment.

43. Make digests

Another way to motivate people to promote your content is to make your digest.

It may be a selection of the best articles, the best blogs or goods.

It works ingenious: when the visitor brings the cursor to the picture, the social network icons appear by clicking on which the image can be repospene.

This is an excellent plugin to increase the site WordPress site.

48. Highlighter.

Do you know from what the virus is depends on the article? It depends on the quality of the content and the ease of the decrease process.

As for the quality of the content, you can talk long, but the ease of outerness ... It can be achieved using the Highlighter application - another tool from Sumo.

49. Social Locker

If you are asked how guaranteed to increase the loosenability of the content, I will say: install the Social Locker.

If you do not know, it is a plugin with which you can hide part of the content on your website. A person will be able to see this content only after making a retavit or repost.

In order not to annoy readers, I advise you not to close the content itself, but to create a bonus that can be downloaded only after decaring the article.

Believe me, this is the tool that, with competent use, can increase the viritic materials of your materials at times.

Content promotion

50. Add buttons of social networks

To get more reposts, make the rush process light. If you have a site on WordPress - set the SUMO social networks buttons.

It is desirable that the buttons be left or right from the user screen in a fixed position.


The fact is that you do not know, at what stage of watching the page, a person will want to make a repost. If you have buttons will only be at the top or bottom of the article, the visitor may forget about its intention to make a repost.

51. Viral quotes

People love quotes. They can be found everywhere: in the status of Whatsapp`a, in the subway, on the wall of the entrance ...

People incredibly quickly remember quotes and use them in a conversation.

So why not use the power quotation in your favor?

How exactly?

The person who liked this or another quote can in one click holding it on his page. The chip is that in Tweed will contain a link to your article. In this way the virus effect is formed.

If you have a site on WordPress, you can implement this technique using the Better Click to Tweet plug-in.

52. Tweet it immediately

Surely you noticed that after each method, I have a "Tweet" button.

The chip is for each technique a description appears. Try to make sure 😉

You can do the same on your site using the Click to Tweet service.

After moving to the service, go to the Basic Link section and enter the tweet description. The link you can let you insert anywhere in your site.

53. Make a Slideshare presentation

If you have a blog, determine your most popular articles. Pay attention to the number of views, decisions and comments.

This technique will increase coverage and as a result. additional traffic From Slideshare site.

Plus to this, bloggers who like your presentation can embed it on your site, which will further increase your brand awareness.

You can find out more interesting about Slideshare in the article of the Schrarany's novel.

54. Infographics

Instead of a presentation, you can make infographics of the most popular article.

Here it is important to promote. Publish infographics on social networks and on forums.

55. Work with brand mentions on the contrary

If you mentioned experts or some brands in your materials, let them know about it Writing email.

56. Search for interested readers

Do you know how to most accurately predict whether your material is interesting or not?

I know 😎

Everything is simple:

If a person liked the material on the same topic, he will like your article.

For example, if a certain Vasily Retwittered an article about increasing sales, then surely he will not mind reading your article on the same topic.

But how to find people who repent the article on the same topic as yours?

To do this, enter a competing article in the BuzzSumo URL and click View Sharers. The service will provide a list of people who have made the drawing of this material:

All you need is to write a letter to a person and suggest familiarizing yourself with your article.

You can use the Ready Letter Template 👇

57. Request a link

Obvious, but often ignored method of obtaining links: you find sites, who refer to your competitors and ask to give a link to you.

Although everything looks simple, this method has one condition: your content should be many times better than that of competitors, otherwise why a person change someone else's link to your?

First, find sites from Top 10 in your key query.

Secondly, find the sites that refer to them. To do this, use the SEO SpyGlass program or MOZ, Ahrefs services.

Thirdly, write a letter to owners of referring sites with a request to put a link to your site. You can use the Ready Letter Template 👇

* Perhaps websites from Top-10 bought these links. If so, ask is meaningless. You can find out the bought link or not using this article.

58. Search for brand lawyers

If a person shares your content, it says that:

  • He liked your material
  • He is interested in this topic.

If so, the best thing you can do is to keep the data of this person and notify it about the release of new materials.

On the one hand, Email distributes this task. But on the other hand, not everyone subscribes to it. You can even say that most visitors of your site are not subscribed to the newsletter.

You can understand people in this matter, because so many site owners lead the newsletter incorrectly. Because of this, many losing confidence in this channel of communication. But this is the topic of another conversation.

It is important for us that most people who share your content will no longer return. The wise decision on your part is to find these people and ask if they do not oppose your blog updates.

For example, if a person has repeated your article about increasing sales, you ask him, not against him if you link to him when the next time a useful material will be released on this topic.

Action plan:

Step 1. Enter your article in the BuzzSumo URL.

Step 2. Click on View Sharers to see those who repent it.

Step 3. Find them email addresses. This guide will help you.

Step 4. Write email. Can use this template 👇

* If it is impossible to find an email address of a person, write them right on Twitter through a personal letter or tweet mentioning it at the beginning of its users (@username)

59. Search for discussions

Using the Buzz Bundle tool, you can raise the process of promoting content to a new level.

Buzz Bundle helps find discussions The topics of interest to you all over the Internet. Forums, social networks, blogs - discussions from all these sites carefully collects Buzz Bundle.

You need to turn on the right conversation and give a link, advice or mention of your content. You can find out more about the settings of the program in video times Mikhail Shakina.

Email mailing

60. Start forming the email subscriber database

I hope you have a base of email subscribers. If not, let me ask what you did all this time?

Remember, email subscribers - this the largest asset of the Internet entrepreneur. Loyal subscribers will gladly visit your website and buy your products.

If you come to email marketing with the mind, the subscribers will not only become your friends and customers, but also people who guide you in the market of demand and suggestions.

61. Two-stage subscription

Have you heard about the power of "a few yes"? In brief, the essence is as follows:

A person who answered several times consent will most likely make the same next time.

Knowledge of this psychological feature will help you in an increase in the attendance of the site.

To implement this, you can create a separate page where you will forward people after subscription. Bonus content you can close with the plugin.

62. Announcement of new posts

After publishing a post on a blog or product appearance in the online store tell me about this subscriber By sending a letter.

Someone will read your article and leave a comment. Someone will make a repost.

Someone will see your new product and buy it. Someone will say that at that price he will not do this.

In any case, you win. A good reaction from subscribers - it means you do everything right. Bad reaction? You know what exactly went wrong. Isn't it nice?

Imagine, you have 5 thousand subscribers. If your CTR is equal to 10%, then your site will visit 500 people. Just think, 500 visitors with just one letter. If you make a newsletter weekly, then these are 2 thousand additional visitors per month.

63. For those who missed

Your subscribers like all people have a lot of worries. No matter how they love your newsletter, still sometimes they will skip your letters. I did not see, I missed, I went online ...

What can you do with it?

I thought for a long time over this question and found an answer completely by chance: I signed on many mailings and sometimes some authors sent the same letter twice. True there are a couple of nuances:

  • The second letter came in a couple of days after the first, provided that I did not open it.
  • The topic of the second letter was slightly different from the first.

I decided to try this technique and started sending a second letter not opened the first. I was amazed: a lot of people who did not open the first letter opened the second. The total percentage of letters disclosure increased by about 10%.

Let's say you have 5 thousand subscribers. With this simple technique, your letter will read 500 more. Skilly - the first word that came to my head at that moment 😜

64. Ask subscribers to send a letter

But you know what the most difficult? There is nothing harder than to see how the article on which you worked a lot does not receive due attention.

And more and more often I began to wonder how to make even more people attend my blog and read my newsletter.

And somehow quite accidentally sending another newsletter I saw the link "Send to a friend." This link by clicking on which your subscriber can send your letter to someone else:

And suddenly it dawned on me: if I want my newsletter to read even more people, you just need to ask for help. All that is required of you - sending a letter to subscribers next time ask them to send it to a friend.

That's so simple.

By the way, you can help me with the promotion of this article and right now make it repost / Retwt. Thanks in advance 😉

65. Check the email subscriber database

This method is a bit risky and labor. But with proper execution, you can challenge your problems with the generation of traffic.

What do you need to do:

Option 1. Find the once active site that has suspended its activities. Offer the site owner to sell email subscribers.

Option 2. If you do not want to risk, agree on the pian of your site among its subscribers. With this method you will receive not a one-time traffic, but permanent visitors.

Important: If you seriously think about using this technique, write me a letter to the mail and I will help you.

Write me on Mail (dog) Website


66. Partnership with another site

Do not get tired of talking about the possibility of a successful partnership. You can make much more than alone.

Heard the phrase "one in the field is not a warrior?". It is very fair both in the Internet business.

What do you need to do:

Find the site in the same niche as yours. Offer cooperation to the site owner: You promote them, and they are. You can advertise a friend friend on the blog, in the mailing list or on social networks.

Much better if your partner has any more audience. Do not be afraid here the generality of views is important. The owner of a small site can reject your proposal because of the thiemen of his beliefs. Conversely, a popular blogger can agree with you because of the community of your views.

67. Spend a webinar for someone else's audience

Almost all successful partnerships are built on the principle of Win-Win. If you want fruitful cooperation, you have to get both sides.

Just something similar happens when conducting a webinar for someone else's audience.

First, your potential partner in winning, since you give it to listeners a lot of valuable information.

Secondly, you get new visitors to your site.

All you need to do is to find a person with a large audience and offer to spend a free webinar for his listeners.

During the webinar, refer to your site where people will be able to find more detailed information on this or that matter. But ... Remember, the webinar itself should be valuable. Otherwise, people will not only come to your site, but also score you with "Aquarius".

68. Create a set of products

You did not think why large trading networks often make up a set of several products? Often in supermarkets you can meet the inscriptions "2 at a price of 1", "3 at a price of 2", etc.

They are not fools and know how the psychology of a person works.

Although you are not the owner of the supermarket chain, no one bothers you use the same tactics.

For example, find the product that will be interested in your target audience. Next, contact the author of the product and make an offer to tie your products into one set.

The whole charm is that online such a set of products will receive greater advertising coverage (promotion in two audiences). You both get more traffic and sales.

69. Run the action together with the coupon service

If you have the opportunity, why don't you be attended by coupon services (Biglion, Kupikupon, Groupon)?

If you are lucky, you can not only get traffic from their sites, but also make sales by coupons.

70. Enter partners

You did not notice a lot of ingenious ideas invented sales specialists? Sometimes it makes no sense to invent the wheel, but you just need use the proven methods.

One of these methods is affiliate. The essence is as follows: People advertise your products and give you customers, for which you give them a percentage of sales.

Tell me, isn't it brilliant?

71. Spend a conference or virtual summit

Another method of obtaining high-quality traffic to your site is to hold an online conference or virtual summit.

First, the conference participants (your subscribers) will help you in promoting the event. If you are not sure, just ask them about it.

Secondly, invited speakers also let us lead your audience. As a result, a certain synergistic effect will be obtained.

As an organizer of the IVENT, you will get a lot of traffic and a lot of new subscribers.

72. Partnership with another mailing author

As usual, here is a step-by-step plan:

Step 2. Offer Make Mutual PR: Send a letter with a link to each other's site. For example, it can be a recommendation of a useful article or an interesting partner product.

Traffic with other sites

73. Write a guest post

Guest post is another example of mutually beneficial cooperation.

On the one hand, a person who places your article on its website gets benefits: You give it to the audience valuable information.

On the other hand, you get acquainted with new people and get a lot of traffic to your site.

Step 1. Find popular blogs in your niche. To do this, you can search for the following phrases: "Your niche" + blog, "Your niche" + top blogs.

74. Forums

Forums are good because your target audience is going to there. In addition to attracting traffic here, you can find ideas for future publications.

To find forums on their topics, enter the search: "Your niche" + Forum:

Sign up in several most popular sites. To begin with, participate in discussions and type karma.

Then, start creating your discussions and topics. After a while you can publish on the article forum Your blog with reference to the original. Part of people will go to your site.

Gold Rule Participation in Forums: Be a person giving value. Participate in discussions, share secrets, help other forum users. Try to become a person whose materials people are waiting with impatience.

75. Digests, collections and top lists

One of the most fast ways An independent increase in site attendance is to participate in digests.

In many niches there are a preferences of the best: top articles, top blogs, top authors, top products, etc.

All you need to do is to find such selections and take part in them.

To find a selection, enter in the search: "Your niche" + "Digest", "Your Niche" + "Top Blogs", "Your Niche" + "Top Articles".

* Make sure the material you suggest add to the selection is really one of the best on the market. Otherwise you will receive a refusal.

76. Republication of content on other sites

If you are blogging and you have no time to write guest posts, this method is for you.

Take your old articles and publish them on the sites of aggregators. When republishing, specify a link to the original.

77. Strategic guest posting

This method is well suited for young sites that cannot compete on high-frequency requests.

78. Leave comments on relevant sites

I do not know how you, but I love posts on blogs. And even more I love to read comments under them. I suspect that I am not alone.

In general, the Comment block is a place that many underestimate ...

Think yourself, what do you need to leave a comment? A minute or two extra time?

And now calculate how much time you need to get a guest post on a reputable blog? And the mention of the expert?

Hope you catch the course of my thoughts?

On the one hand, leaving a comment in just a couple of minutes you can lit up on a reputable blog And even tie a conversation with his author.

On the other hand, you can spend a few weeks to publish a guest post on the same blog.

Of course, in the first case you will not get so much attention, but still it is enough to increase the site traffic.

Every month I. i get several hundred visitors On your site only with the help of comments. At the same time, I rarely write them. At best, once a week ...

Moreover, if you leave a valuable comment, the author can add it to the article and put a link to your site.

Let's even make an experiment:

If you write in the comments below this post effective method Improvements attendance of the site, which is not in this list, I will add it to the article with reference to you.

Let's try...

In the worst case, you will practice writing comments. In the best - get a link (about the importance of what we talked) and perhaps additional traffic from my blog.

Offline Methods

79. Add a business card address

If you often exchange business cards, add a link to your site to it. Surprisingly, this way you can get a solid increase in traffic on your website.

For greater effect You can remove the phone number and address from the business card. email. Thus, your contacts will not have a different choice how to find you through the site.

* This method works especially well for corporate sites.

80. Your office

Shopping pavilion, office, warehouse - any place where customers come should assist in Promotion Your site.

If a person is not ready to buy at the moment, remembering the address of your site, he can visit it later and make a transaction.

You can specify the address of the site anywhere: on the walls, in the box office, in promotional materials, on the running line outside the building.

81. Sponsorship at events and conferences

Find conferences and events where your target audience goes. Offer the organizers to become one of the sponsors. So, participants of the event get acquainted with your company And visit your site.

For a larger effect, you can motivate participants with some buns in the form of bounds, trials, discounts, etc.

* Often a sponsorship is much smaller than you might think.

82. Darite branded T-shirts

Take T-shirts with the name of your company And give them to their customers, friends, acquaintances and partners.

Each man who clothes your branded T-shirt will advertise you He wants it or not:

The good news is that you can now order T-shirts with your print online for a completely small amount.

If everything goes well, you will attract a lot of traffic on branded queries.

* You can not be limited to T-shirts and put your logo on the handles, notepads and even the car. Plus, you will get a bigger effect of distributing branded T-shirts and pens on thematic events.

Non-obvious ways

83. Run the competition

How not to twist, people love contests. In the depths of the soul, everyone wants to feel the winner. Who does not like to experience the fortune?

One of the non-obvious methods of attracting traffic to the site is to conduct a competition.

The essence is to come up with such a condition of the competition, which guarantees good website attendance.

For example, it can be:

  • Writing an article with reference to your site
  • Generation of ideas for your future publications
  • Story about the history of using your product. In this case, you will not only get a lot of traffic, but also a large number of stories / cases, the best recognition of the brand and customer loyalty.

The main thing, the prize should be such that motivates your target audience.

84. Organize gift draw

It may be your own product or an annual subscription to use the useful service. The main thing is that your audience knows about the value of the winnings and could not buy it on their own.

You can do one of the conditions for participation Repost of your site. You can even run your hashtag in social networks.

Imagine you have a blog about internet marketing. The annual subscription for the use of SEO service (Topvizor, SerpStat) or Email (SendPulse) is well suited as a gift.

If you have a limited budget, but there is a large subscriber base, you can write to the service support service and ask for an annual subscription. A mutually beneficial solution: the digging receives PR, and you are traffic.

85. Discount for repost

If you have an online store, you can motivate people Make a repost or retavit the goods by giving a small discount.

This technique is effective for two reasons:

  • People love discounts
  • People trust the recommendations of acquaintances.

If you have an online store on WordPress, for these purposes you can use a special plugin.

86. Make a test

In addition to the desire to be a winner, a man loves to learn about himself something new. You can use this feature of human nature in their favor.

How exactly?

Make a test on the topic that worries your target audience. It is important that at the end of the dough, the person has received an assessment.

For example, if you blog about business, There may be a test called "99% of businessmen will not be able to answer these 10 important issues." After reading such a heading, people will begin to ask themselves: "What kind of questions are it?".

If you write about marketing, Your audience may be interested in test "Find out how good you are a marketer."

Most of those who see something similar from a friend in social networks will not be able to deny themselves in pleasure to participate too.

Interesting tests I can bring a lot of traffic. One example is the company GROW FOOD, which with the help of online tests received more than 100 thousand visitors.

87. Use the hot review technique

Hot feedback is one of the most efficient and fast methods receiving traffic and links.

In brief, the essence of this technique is as follows: you make a list of products, services and services that use.

Then, write an honest review for each product and send a company that provides it.

It is important that your feedback is in the form of a successful product use history. Most likely, he (manufacturer) will publish your feedback on its website. If you are lucky, your story will be told on social networks and in the mailing list.

This technique works well due to the fact that all companies need B. good reviews and successful cases.

It is important that your feedback is honest. Do not write lime reviews only for the sake of traffic and links. I know that you will not do this, but I decided to remind you.

88. Update the signature

If you often keep email correspondence, this method is for you. You need to sign a letter specify a link to your site.

And even better, write a small call for action. So that a person has motivation to go to your site.

Signature You can edit in your email client or use a special service (suitable only for Gmail):

89. Use PressFeed

With the help of the PressFeed service, journalists collect information for their materials. They need expert comments in different niches.

If you want to get into the media and get referral traffic Register in this service.

Several times a day you will receive requests from journalists to your mail. After you get a question about your topic call at the request of the journalist. In your answer, you can refer your site or article on this topic.

90. Create a useful tool

Creating a useful tool - one of the most effective ways to attract targeted traffic to the site. Not only people love to tell each other about useful services, so more users will constantly return On your site.

Good examples of useful services: Glavred to test spelling, Advego for semantic analysis of text, etc.

You may not be limited to online services, but create an extension for a browser or a plugin for WordPress.

Paid methods

91. Facebook.

Facebook audience has reached almost 2 billion people. It is almost a third of the population of the Earth.

Here you can go to a big audience for reasonable money.

Plus, you can successfully use retargeting.

92. Google AdWords.

Usually, when the Internet entrepreneur is thinking about advertising, the first thing that comes to mind is Google Adwords.

Also, much depends on your niche. In some subjects, the transfer fee is very small, in some - huge.

93. Google context-media network

94. Yandex Direct

95. Advertising in Instagram

If your products from the category that can be beautifully shown, you can run advertising in Instagram.

96. Advertising in VKontakte

Vkontakte is one of the most popular If not the most popular social network in RuNet.

97. Repeatting

You can create Retareting campaigns on Facebook and VKontakte.

The mechanism works like this: You march people who have already visited your site and then show them advertising in social networks.

Since these people are already familiar with your site, most of them will positively perceive your advertising.

98. Advertising on niche sites

Surely there are popular sites in your niche. If so, you can negotiate with their owners about advertising.

For them, the advantage is that they will be sure: their visitors will see relevant advertising, in contrast to the Google advertising network, which cannot give such a guarantee.

You, in turn, can get a smaller price tag, and as a bonus of interesting people for further communication / partnership.

99. Advertising in the author's distribution

100. Advertising on the gratitude page

Instead of promoting your site in the mailing list, you can do it on a gratitude page. Gratitude page is a place where a person gets after subscribing to the newsletter.

I like this option, because at this stage a person has already passed a few stages, so it is easier for him one more.

For example, on this page you can offer a person your free e-book. The owner of the site that will advertise you can advise this book from Himself, or submit you as your partner.

101. Individual-configured audience on Facebook

If you have a base of email subscribers, you can hardly find the best advertisement channel than an individually-configured audience on Facebook.

That's how it works:

So you get:

2. The best response, as people are already familiar with your brand.


Well, now you know a dozen ways to increase the attendance of the site. You can only implement the methodology for the methodology and reap fruits in the form of endless traffic.

And now I want you to do something ...

I admit honestly, I was left for writing this article for more than a week. If you think that it was worth it, share it on social networks. I would be grateful 😀

VKontakte attendance statistics are a great tool for a person who is engaged in promoting his own page in commercial or creative purposes. It allows the account owner to learn about the target profile audience, their location and track how effective one or another post in the ratio of views and marks "I like" is.

  1. Statistics are conducted in real time, and new data can be obtained with each page update.
  2. All information is presented in the form of charts and interactive graphs. Having a cursor on their elements, you can familiarize yourself with all user interested elements, pre-sorted them in time, location, etc.
  3. At the bottom of each section (under charts), there are buttons with information by clicking on which you can hide or vice versa, display the data.
  4. Unlike communities where access to statistics can be provided to all users, a separate page can be viewed only by the owner, without the possibility of opening access to third parties.

If a person has more than one hundred subscribers in the profile, it can use the statistics tool. It will allow him to learn about current subscriptions to the page, unsubsions and the number of visits for a certain period of time. You can do this by means of a special button located either at the bottom of the profile or under audio and video recordings.

If a person has less than a hundred subscribers, he will not be able to see changes in statistics, coverage and attendance. Even if you use the formula https://vk.com/stats?mid\u003d*, where, instead of an asterisk, you must specify the address of my own page, the statistics will most likely show the zero result.

Terms of access to VKontakte attendance statistics

As noted above, the only condition to which the user's page must correspond - the presence of more than a hundred subscribers. It is important to note that people who are in friends do not belong to this category: if there are more friends more friends, and the subscribers are only 90, the user will not be able to enter the section of statistics, as simply will not find in his profile the corresponding button.
Subscribers are called people who previously sent a request to friends (but the application was not approved, or approved, but the person was removed from the list of friends), or subscribed to updates.

If the user wants to see his attendance statistics in VK, but can not because of the insufficient number of subscribers, it can easily correct the situation. The easiest way is to use third-party services on the cheating of subscribers on social networks. However, there are risks here. For example, in most cases, not real people will come to the VC page, but bots that will soon be deleted by the administration social network. This screen of the cheating may also lead to the blocking of the page itself. The second way requires great efforts: you need to attract subscribers, publishing interesting content and promoting your page.

Audience analysis tools

The statistics section are represented by three tabs: coverage, attendance and activity. In the first tab, the user can find out how popular his page is popular. In particular, it shows the number of people who have seen publications in the news feed, or switched to the wall itself. They can be sorted by age, geographical location and sex.

In the second tab - attendance - unique page visitors are displayed, viewing and transitions inside the profile for a certain period of time (day or month). Sorting also allows you to choose a category: gender, age, geographic location.

This tool includes all that is required to analyze the profile audience and use it:

  • Those who are active in the social network and leads a blog with a constant publication of content.
  • Those who use their own page not only as a means of communication with friends, but also for commercial purposes (in the case of advertising, you can send statistics to advertisers as evidence of high page attendance).
  • Regular users who wish to know which part of the audience regularly browsing VKontakte posts.

The minimum threshold of subscribers for the possibility of viewing statistics is a hundred people. It is believed that only popular users can watch these attendance. To use this tool, you need to open your profile and click on the icon located under the photo or in the sections of audio and video recordings (at the bottom).

Statistical Chart Reading Rules

If the VK page is really popular among users, there will be many different graphs and charts in the statistical sections. They reflect all the information you are interested in information about those people who went to the profile. At the same time it is impossible to recognize their names and address of pages. This tool is necessary, first of all, to know the contingent your audience interested in specific records. In the future, this information can be used to adjust the posting information and increasing popularity.

For what parameters check the attendance of the page

As noted above, the VKontakte user page statistics consists of three tabs: coverage, attendance and activity. Each section presents unique information decorated in the form of graphs and diagrams. Graphic representation These linear segments are accompanied by figures that give a detailed report on how many people went to the page, looked through the posts, left feedback, etc.

The following tools are available in the "Attendance" tab to obtain the most detailed information:

In the aggregate, these parameters give a complete picture of the status and popularity of the profile. From the data obtained, you can make an idea of \u200b\u200ball categories of the audience attending the page.

Differences tab "Coverage" and "Attendance"

The "Attendance" section displays the statistics of the profile itself (guests, subscribers, etc.). In the "Coverage" tab, you can see how many users viewed a certain entry on the wall, be it article, photography, audio or video. In particular, the following parameters are presented here:

  1. Audience coverage. It is divided into two categories: profile subscribers and all users who viewed entry in their tape in the "Recommendations" section or randomly shortened to the page.
  2. Age category and sexuality. Unlike the section "Attendance", the data is provided exclusively about those who viewed the post.
  3. Location. It also takes into account only the targets, namely: from which city or country people who have seen one or another post.
  4. Devices. The tab gives a clear idea, from which device people visit the page: from computers or smartphones.

How to increase the attendance of the page VKontakte

Each user can increase the statistics of visits to his profile on the social network VKontakte independently, without the involvement of specialists for search engine optimization and cheating subscribers and targets on third-party sites and stock exchanges. All that is necessary for this is to build a competent marketing strategy and act in accordance with it. At the beginning, naturally, it is worth thinking about the content that interests the audience.

News, articles or photos should be published regularly and have high quality. It was then that he will interest subscribers, will evaluate it and comment.

For those who do not want to deal with content, but people want to come to his page and improved indicators for statistics and general species (many marks "I like", comments), you can use free Services Cheat. Their essence is simple: you need to perform tasks - subscribe to groups, comment on other people's entries. For this, points are charged, which in the future you can "buy" yourself subscribers, comments, reposts.

It is worth remembering that using similar means of increasing attendance of the VKontakte page should be careful. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting under temporary or constant blocking from the administration of the social network.

Good day! Today I will tell you about. Many, especially novice bloggers, are asked. I will try to answer you and increase Blog Attendance.

The most rough mistake of beginner webmasters is that some of them are trying to immediately conquer the vertices, reach more than 1000 unique visitors a day to your blog. It seems to me, stupid. It is necessary to unwind gradually, put some planks for yourself. Of course, with competent advertising, promotion, you can go out and for a month a few thousand visitors, but for this you need experience, money, etc. Therefore, I will talk about the most common methods that will increase the blog attendance on their vital experience.

How to increase the blog attendance from 0 to 1000

From 0 to 20

When I created a blog, the first plank for me was to achieve attendance in 20 people. Someone will say it very simple, but remembering herself, I will tell you that it was ouste for me as not easy. I wanted the same 20 people to be a minimum. To achieve 20 people a day I tried to write the most useful, some kind of foundation for the blog. I wanted to read the first articles to read the first articles, wanted to stay on the blog, passed other posts and, of course, I wished to hardly become a follower. With blog readers who left a comment, I contacted mail (in the admin desk, you can watch Email every commentator), thanked everyone for the comment, I asked to go to the blog more and more often, told that they were waiting for them in the future and asked.

Also, I asked almost all friends to go, look at the site, evaluate it, ask for advice, where and what is not like improving in design, in articles. In general, I understood that I was visible from the side. The template for his blog was looking for a very long time, I liked him insanely (by the way, he still stands, maybe soon I will order a unique template for a blog), but I wrote with love, I tried, I understood that the main thing began to start, and then everything would work out. In general, I literally fell in love with my blog, I liked almost everything in it. But in the depths of the soul, I understood that it was far from the perfect, which is a lot of shortcomings, etc. unnecessary things. That is why I had to resort to the help of unauthorized persons.

I also commented on other blogs. In the address of the site, of course, left the address of his blog. Moreover, comments should not be by the type "Class article!", "Cool", "I liked it, the author write more!", And there must be a meaningful comment. I subscribed to RSS for several blogs of my niche (the same subject) and followed the ribbon. I was one of those who left comments first, it was important, since it was necessary to try to leave comments, while the article was relevant. As a result, the first transitions from other sites, blogs began.

From 50 to 100

After some time, I somehow reached a daily attendance of 50 people. Another plank appeared in 100 people / day. When he had already scored "Filnica", the presence of regular readers felt, let them even less than 10, but still it was madly happy. I wanted to keep them to keep them. It was necessary to move forward. Now I began to comment mainly on those blogs, where there is a section of top commentators. With the top commentators, the transition of visitors let the small, but it is - about 1% (a little more even even) from the blog attendance. Thanks to the top of commentators, your name will be on the "hearing", some will begin to recognize you. Also on most blogs Link from the Top commentators are not closed from the indexation, which will allow you to get links from the main (!) Pages of that blog. And all this will raise your indicators, PR, etc.

Also, I started writing the "TV shows" of articles to. Began to participate in all kinds of competitions to receive links from other blogs, as well as good prizes. She paid all this a lot of time, now I rarely participate in contests. Cause - lack of time ...

I also registered on several forums, asked to appreciate my blog. Also on the portals, the forums in the form of a signature left a link to his blog and a brief description. Until now, traffic (visitors) comes from some forums, including from regional, although I have already threw it for a long time, although in vain.

In addition to all this, I did the following. On the Internet there is such a service as Google Questions and Answers, come there and drive a question on the subject of your blog. For example, I scored in the search "how to create a blog" and Google gave me some result. And you answer the question, just try to answer and leave a link to your site so that no one can guess that the blog address you advise you, leave it as if unnoticed. The easiest example here (I left a reference to my resource). Answer exactly 5-10 questions (the more, the better) and, if what you recommend a really high-quality project, Google users will put "pluses" of your comment, as a result of what your comment will rise higher. All this will bring a permanent influx of new, the main themed visitors to your blog, so do not miss this method. Similarly, you can work with questions and answers Mail.ru.

From 100 to 300

I will continue to talk about how to increase blog traffic. Next begins the most interesting, namely - search promotion. Now, to reach a new bar, it was necessary to optimize the blog, articles. First of all, I closed from indexation (added Nofollow) unnecessary links (), adjusted all (!) Articles, I optimized the text, added Title and Alt to all (!) Pictures (). Edited headlines and descriptions of articles using (analogue of the most famous All in SEO Pack). Also tried to competently transfer pages among themselves and added to the addition.

From 300 to 1000

Almost all articles (which are possible) began to write a little optimizing (be sure to read the lessons about, and how). Began to write more often, now I am writing 5 times a week, which brings me closer and closer to. Since I am writing, at first, I lacked ideas for new posts, then I realized, you need to carry a notebook with a pen with him, or write everything to the phone, as I do. Often, somewhere in transport, at the university, or at work, various ideas come not only posts, but also to improve blogs, I am still fixing on my phone. So nothing is forgotten.

When I reached the plank about 300 people / day I'm "stuck" in place. For a very long time, my blog could not move forward and hesitated in the range of 300-400 people. But the fact that I optimized all the old articles began to write new optimized, over time all this gave the result. I began to advance in search engines. Yes, and at the beginning of the search engines the filter is superimposed for new blogs, about six months, because of which in many positions I "forcibly lowered down".

Also, all my efforts began to notice other bloggers, natural links began to appear to my blog, which cannot but rejoice me. Thank you

In addition to all this, I purchased links with a budget of only 200 rubles / month in Rookee to climb several keywords up. About the system "Hand" (ROOKEE) and not only, I also will tell you very soon, I will show you on the example, how and why you need to buy links and how much we will continue to earn it. Therefore, do not forget, be sure to subscribe to RSS! I also began to conduct contests myself (good I can afford it, the budget is exclusively from the money earned by me), to put for my own motivation. If I thought it was not bad on the Internet, now this earnings from every day more and more, if everything goes in such a tempo, then I will lead to my work (which in real life) is very soon. And so far, wait and see what we will get.

From 1000 to 3000 and more

Of course, I will continue to expand, develop my blogs, etc. I hope the article on how I reached from 1000 to 3000 visitors on the day will be very soon. I want to catch up with my favorite blogger, Mikhail Shakina (be sure to follow his blog). Yes, I consider it the best blogger of Russia. I like his manner of how he writes articles. I have something to tend to whom! By the way, read the article of the same Misha "how I increased attendance of this blog from 350 to 1000 people in 10 weeks." I am sure in it you will scream a lot of new ideas and ways to increase blog attendance.


If you competently use everything written in this article, and at once, and not only when you reach a certain plank, I am sure you will reach the level of 1000 unique visitors / day. The number of unique visitors I recommend that you look at. Here they are, just the same numbers that show the number of unique visitors: I hope very soon you will become a thousandth, I will help you in every way in this, so do not forget to subscribe to RSS.

Task marathonzam

Dear, for you there will be such a task, you must do so that attendance on the blog was from 50 people / day. Term - March 1, 2011. Who will not reach this indicator, will be excluded from the marathon. Believe me, making a little effort, you will easily achieve desired result. I hope I could answer the question of how to increase the blog attendance.

See you on the following interesting and useful lessons for creating, promoting and monetizing a blog!

If you or you created a site - it does not mean that the flow of potential customers immediately rises to you. In order for this happening, you need to work. Below you learn how to increase the attendance of the site with your own hands most of the most popular ways, even if you only created it and do not understand it at all which side approaches.

But first will understand the goals and objectives that the site can perform, and for what reasons people come to your site.

Learn how to lay the foundation of the foundation - the foundation of the site, without which it makes no sense to move on.

And get free and paid ways to increase the number of visitors.

Objectives and objectives of the site

Recently, a girl appealed to me - a young specialist in setting up advertising in Yandex. Suggested to customize advertising to the site. Previously proposed to analyze my site for readiness to configure advertising.

I was surprised a little, and now you will understand why.

Two days later, she sent a site analysis report with recommendations for correcting errors in her opinion, as a specialist.

I read the report and here it was surprised, as they say in an adult.

And such "specialists" is a pond pond.

In order for you not to have failed with your site, first decide on the goals for which you created the site, if of course you did not put them before creating the site.

Popular site goals

  1. Company / Business / Business Website
    • receipt of applications
    • advertising its products
  2. Freelancer - for earnings
    • sale of partner products
    • earnings on advertising
    • sale of their products or services
  3. Non-profit organization
    • charity
    • attracting people in their ranks
    • advertising for its activities

I repeat - before you increase the site attendance - decide on.

Next question - tasks Which must execute the site. From the tasks being performed, it depends on what kind of site will suit you.

  • single-page site (Landing) - Great for sales, collection of applications and forming a client base;
  • multiple company company - formation of the company's image, attracting visitors, advertising products, collection of applications;
  • online store - sale of goods;
  • blog - attraction of visitors with subsequent sale and collection of applications;
  • universal forms- Multiple Landing with a blog and TD.

From what goals and tasks you put in front of your site will directly depend on the promotion strategy (increase in site attendance).

Causes of low attendance of your site

You created a website or you use the article yourself created the site.

They filled it important, at least it seems to you, with information, prescribed contacts, even made a call to action - call such a phone and ...

Remember, as in the song - "And in response silence ...", there are no calls or visitors.

Where are they all? Let's deal with the reasons for which it is possible.

Internal reasons

  • Design - so pushes that the visitor, seeing, immediately closes;
  • Lack of mobile version - People are massively moving to smartphones, so the mobile version is not enough that it should be in general. It must also be convenient for the user;
  • Foreign advertisement - And this, in my opinion, the disease of the century. You noticed - you go to the site and ... because of various banners, pop-up windows, self-reproducing promotional video it is impossible to read / view information and it scares not only you, but also your visitors;
  • Disadvantage of use sites - the presence and location of the buttons, links and pages;
  • Various technical errors;

External reasons

  • No one knows about your site- Many entrepreneurs who begin their activities on the Internet think that the main thing is to create a website and ... Everything is successful. Unfortunately, this is not so. In order for the site to see your potential customers, it is necessary for key requests by key requests to the first lines in search engines. How to do it - read on.
  • Your site has no brief description page (snippet) when issuing in search- or this is a disgusting description; (Block snippet)
  • Your site slowly loads- Now the age of the speeds and the visitor will not sit and wait when your site will boot, closes the window and goes to another;
  • Antivirus- warns of a potential threat or viral attack on the site.

As long as you do not fix these errors should not be engaged in promoting the site, it will not give anything.

Lay the foundation - Prepare a site for receiving visitors

If you are a fan of trainings of business youth or similar companies, then you can skip this part of the article. But if you came to the Internet for a long time and get your part of the money, carefully read and laid the foundation in an increase in site attendance.

This foundation is SEO-marketing and the semantic kernel of your site.

What is this SEO? "You ask," and why do we need it at all? "

Similar words - this is when you need to find important information, you write in search of Yandex What you need to find and get a list of several tens of thousands of pages - this list is called SEO issuing.

As in the construction of the house you need to start with the foundation, and in the set of visitors to your site you need to start with SEO.

The basis of the site begins with the preparation of the semantic kernel.

Semantic kernel

You know when I first heard about the semantic kernel - I thought it was a certain ball, packed necessary information. Its specially trained people are SEO specialists, somehow placed inside the site and voila ... Do not do anything else, your site is the top 10 search.

It is good that I didn't tell anyone about this, I imagine how I would need it.

But now I'm already a little more competent, so I know that the semantic kernel is a set of all search key queries for which the site will move.

How to start collecting a semantic core?

And you need to start with studying your target audience.

How to increase the site attendance with your own hands - the most popular ways

I will go to the main thing, because of what you started reading this article Popular ways to promote the site.

Free methods

I'll start with free.

In the first place is deservedly worth content MarketingMoreover, you have already prepared the soil for this - laid the foundation in the form of a semantic nucleus.

Now you need to do blog And to write regularly, or hire a copywriter, articles on those key queries that you have selected before.

You can write articles:

  • information
  • educational
  • reviews
  • test drive
  • adventures of your products on the expanses of the immense
  • main comply with one rule - 1 request - 1 article.

Affiliate Marketing (Cross Marketing)

Attract partners with a similar target audience for a mutual man.

Another free way To attract visitors from social networks, it is not necessary to even create groups for this, use others.

  • Collect a list of other people's groups with a similar target audience.
  • Write an excellent useful material - post, an article in which must be link to your site.
  • Offer in each group to publish news - there is such a button to "offer news".
  • Here will work the rule large numbersThe longer offer, the greater the probability that your news will place and visitors will come to you.

Get your channel on YouTube and place rollers with interesting information. Of course, it is better that it was a unique content, but in principle you can duplicate your articles in video format, the main thing is that it is interesting to your target audience.

By the way, YouTube search is no less popular than Yandex or Google. And for some indicators, your videos can significantly overtake the readability of articles on the site.

Email Marketing

Some who say that email marketing died that he was supplied by social networks and messengers, but he works and will also benefit. With a competent mailing setting, this tool brings its 15-25% of visitors to the site.

Webinars and seminars

If you already spend webinars and / or seminars - pay a couple of minutes to advertise your site. If you do not yet, it's time to think and start.

Well, as an additive when you have a site - information about it should be on all your promotional and information media.

Paid ways to increase the site attendance with your own hands

In addition to free there are also paid ways.

It makes it possible to increase attendance in a short time, but for money. Works in the same plane as search queries.

You could see that the first 3 - a maximum of 4 lines on the search page goes commercials.

A very popular method to increase the attendance of the site.

  • time - it works almost instantly and you immediately see what works, and what is not.
  • you can choose the target audience by narrow indicators
  • payment for clicks - Go to the site link
  • statistics - you can evaluate the work of both the entire advertising company and a separate announcement.
  • dysfunction - if you are not a specialist, then or you can not configure or share money, but do not get the result;
  • the cost of clicking - maybe expensive and your competitor can always pay more expensive than you, in this case, visitors will go to the site, and not to you;
  • it works while you pay, as soon as the money on the account of the advertising company is over, the flow of visitors immediately disappears.

In terms of its characteristics, the contextual context only attracts visitors from social networks.

It has almost the same pluses and cons. The only simpler in the setting, and maybe it seemed to me that - you can try to configure yourself.

The main thing is that your target audience be in this social network and responded.

It will work better during various shares - the day of discounts, the night sales and so on. Pros and minuses are practically the same as in context and targeted. But to configure it is better to hire a specialist.

Acquisition and placement of external links

There are special sales exchanges of links, but it is better to buy directly at the site owner.

For a specific fee, a popular person posted a post on a page or in a group, for a certain period, as a rule, a day.

Instagram and channels on YouTube use especially popularity, but you can negotiate in any social network.

Black and gray methods for increasing site attendance

Above, I considered how to increase the site attendance with your own hands the right methods, but there are also so-called black and gray methods. Still recognize, let it be better from me and their it is not necessary to apply in no wayto you and who did not speak.

Add a site to various directories

Programs Cheating attendance

Your site will be listed in the list of unfair, and it disappears from the search. Return it back pretty difficult.

What is seen only by search engines, but not visible to ordinary visitors. It can be links or text that are hidden by pictures or painted with color merging with the background.

Considered spam.

Saving a keyword

There are negligent SEO specialists who meaninglessly insert into the text mass of keywords. As a result, the text is unreadable.

Use of attracting headers not relevant to the subject of the article

The title attracts visitors, they go to your site, and there is written absolutely another text.

Do you know how the behavior of users of search engines has changed over the past 5-6 years?

To date, the average search queries length increased greatly. Turning to search engines, people now formulate accurate, specific requests and expect to receive the same clear answers from them.

Unfortunately, the conveyor methods of promoting sites forced most of SEO-companies to cut down low-frequency queries at the semantic kernel selection stage and then do not use them when promoting the site. And nevertheless, experience shows that low-frequency requests are administered by those people who have already matured and ready to purchase. As a result, the customer loses a large proportion of traffic and "warm" customers.

How to raise the site traffic, conversion and real profit with low-frequency queries? Let's tell and show on examples from practice.

Do not refuse Long-Tail requests!

To speed up the process and obtaining a quick result of SEO-specialists in the preparation of the semantic kernel, throwing multi-frequency requests and work with phrases of up to 3 words. As a result, more than 70% of target traffic is lost. Of course, it is partially attracted to the site, but by chance and uncontrollably.

Thus, in order to increase the traffic of the site on LF requests, you need to work a lot of low-frequency queries. Basically, these are requests from the set of words:

  • "Buy front bumper for the BMW X5 2000 release" - 8 words;
  • "The recipe for beef with lemon juice in the multicooker Redmond SX-232" - 9 words;
  • "Where to eat tasty sausages in Moscow metro on a red branch" - 10 words.

In many subjects, more than 70% of possible traffic contains queries from 4 to 9 words. Working on them, you can consciously increase the search traffic several times without "dancing with a tambourine".

Promotion by low-frequency requests: tagging technique

Most often to attract low-frequency traffic in a large amount, the section of the A la "useful articles" are created. It places 5-10 articles per month. Usually the streaming SEO companies do this. But we know that even famous agencies often resort to fraudulent methods ...

Do the problem solve the problem? Unlikely. Usually it is completely dull texts that do not sell and do not even send the user to the page on which the desired product is located. This solution has a lot of disadvantages: low speed Traffic growth, poor page conversion and transformation of them (with the number of 1000+ articles on the site) into the structureless mixture.

There is another elegant way: create a semantic structure from filter categories. This will increase the volume of landing pages under key requests and will give an increase in traffic to the site 3-8 times depending on the subject of the project.

The best results semantic structure from filter categories brings:

  • online stores;
  • content projects (blogs, portals).

The semantic structure from filter-categories is not suitable for ledging, corporate sites without a directory or subject with a small number of long search queries.

How is the frequency of requests associated with a length?

Consider on the example of LED lamps.

1. Determine semantics

To do this, use one or more of the listed methods:

  • brainstorm;
  • analysis of competitors;
  • harvesting Yandex.Sordstat;
  • collecting search tips;
  • various programs and services (for example, KeyCollector).

Distribution of total frequency by the number of words in the request

Graph "Dependence of the total frequency from the query length"

As you can see, the dependence between the length and frequency of the query exists.

2. We carry out analytics

  • 60% of traffic falls on requests from 5 or more words.
  • The highest frequency is observed in queries of 5 words (18.8%).
  • Inquiries in 2-3 words are only 20% of the total frequency.
  • The identified set of low-frequency query masks can be used to create a semantic structure from filter-categories and attracting targeted traffic to the site.

Advantages of site tagging

Page-filter fully complies with user request. Accordingly, moving to it, the user receives an exhaustive response to his request.

Advantages of pages of filter categories

  1. Low-frequency requests are low-competitive and do not require serious labor costs for promotion.
  2. Correctly identified, structured clouds included in the semantic structure can give total traffic up to 30% of the middle / high-frequency parent request.
  3. Low frequency requests go into top without references, and in some cases - and without texts.

How to form the semantic structure of the site by filter categories?

1. Thunder the future structure of the site as much as possible.

The structure must be thought out, hierarchically correct and scalable. Disorderly creation of pages filters - the path to nowhere. After a few months of work, a lot of doubles will appear, part of the pages will "hang" in itself, not included in the structure of the site. First, such work will give a small increase.

But subsequently to keep the site maintenance will be problematic, so you need:

  • Determine all filter parameters and their characteristics

For example: p 1, p 2, p 3, ..., p n.

  • Perform parameter normalization in page address

For example, if the appeal goes to the type page: / svetilniki /? P3 \u003d LED & p1 \u003d ceiling & p4 \u003d 200 × 200, then due to the arrangement of the redirection rules, normalization should lead a page to mind: / Svetilniki /? P1 \u003d ceiling & p2 \u003d 0 & p3 \u003d LED & P4 \u003d 200 × 200. So you can avoid double pages with the same parameters.

  • Set a clear URL for filters
  • Perform Perelinkovka

And so that the structure of nesting the structure corresponds to the length of the search query.

2. Observe relevance

The basic rule when generating a page is strict compliance with relevance. The page written under the low-frequency request must fully respond to the user's question.

3. Consider all the features of the filter page

There are some technical features of the layout of the document (pages filter):

  • Static CNC URL address should be on Latin. Cyrillic is better not to use.
  • Unique title. Be sure to specify Description. Keywords - at will.
  • H1 is the exact entry of the LF request. For example, a "white metal pipe 60 mm" enters, but does not coincide with title.
  • H2 - diluted H1 (for example, "buy a pipe metal white 60 mm in Moscow").

4. Deliver utility utility pages

The page must be useful for users and keep unique information Compared to other pages of the site. If it is close in meaning to the site pages with search results, search engines will not rank it high.

5. Create high-quality content to improve behavioral factors.

To have good behavioral factors, the page must be high quality. Otherwise, you can encounter sanctions from search engines.

Large retail companies know about it

Example of search results Site Wikimart

Case. How did we increase the number of applications and convert them to sales at the expense of low-competitive requests?

Our client - construction company. We created "landing pages" under short low-frequency queries in the subject:

  • 100% of queries in the top 10 Google search system,
  • 90% of queries in the top 10 search system Yandex.

Key requests from a selected mask (one of the few dozen) with the code name "Selection of color" look like this:

  • "Buy x green",
  • "X colors wenge",
  • etc., where x is the name of the goods (Hi, NDA?).

Attraction: 3500 target visitors per month!

Working with low-frequency requests leads to a noticeable increase in traffic and strengthen site positions in search engines. This clearly demonstrates the schedule:

As you can see, 20 people per week come to the site by key requests. So low-frequency requests are commercial and selling. From them in no case can you refuse!

In just 3.5 months, only 200 people with a low percentage of failures were able to attract 2 requests (15.3%). The viewing depth was 2.21, and the time spent on the site is 2.3 minutes.

If you consider other sets of low-frequency masks that we introduced on the site (today they are about 80), it can be considered that the site attracts 3500 target visitors per month. And this number is constantly growing!

Want to get an offer from us?

Start cooperation

When buying such traffic in contextual advertising, the client would pay at least 200,000 rubles per month. Monthly budget on search engine optimization And writing a new content - 4 times less despite the fact that this result will have a cumulative effect. At a certain point, you can stop the work and be content with the existing traffic without paying more for advertising.

Positions in Yandex and Google search engines

And if you didn't do?

Our client would wait next result:

  • loss of market share, since competitors are actively developing work with low-frequency requests;
  • costs for advertising - tens of times;
  • the cost of circulation of a potential client is significantly higher;
  • customers are much smaller;
  • the quality of appeals of potential customers is low.

Conversion in applications and real buyers - above!

Conversion in the traffic of traffic at low-frequency queries (1.85%) is higher than on the middle site (1.3%); 64% of applications are converted on sale.

With an average check in 32,000 rubles, traffic generates a turnover of 760,000 rubles. If you deduct advertising expenses and the cost of purchasing products, it turns out a margin in the amount of 180,000 rubles.

The game is worth the candle

Working with the determination of low-frequency query masks and building system work with thousands of such requests for the customer and without a threat to obtaining sanctions from the search engine requires greater experience and qualifications of specialists, and also takes a lot of time. Therefore, the majority