Slot for memory card in lg TV. PCMCIA card slot in LG TV what is it. Benefits of using a CAM module

Smart card for TV allows you to use more possibilities modern digital television broadcasting. With her help television equipment decodes encrypted channels. How does a SMART card work and is it easy to install it yourself?

This is an ordinary plastic card with electronic chip andIDsubscriber(individual user number). It allows you to watch additional TV channels not only in good resolution with a high-quality picture, but also with excellent sound.

An individual subscriber number allows the provider to control access. Thanks to this, the card holder, by contacting the company's office, can easily connect and disconnect additional broadcasting channels. Also, if the contract has ended on the account cash, the operator can restrict access to services.


The mobile operator broadcasts digital channels via a smart card through the IDRETO system. The adapter along with the chip can be bought or rented in stores. cellular communication brand. Similar equipment can also be found in specialized points of sale certified by MTS.

The brand offers a number of packages, each with a different thematic channel focus. For example, "Basic" includes 130 common programs... Whereas satellite solutions have almost 200 channels. The latter requires additional equipment that supports the DVB-S2 standard.


To watch paid channels, you need to buy a proprietary receiver of the provider, or a separate module with DRE Crypt encryption. There are more than enough tariffs:

  1. "Base". Most affordable with 25 channels.
  2. "Football". 6 or 2 programs to choose from.
  3. "Night". 9-channel package for adults.
  4. UltraHD. Broadcast in high quality for 4 programs.
  5. "Children's". 17 channels for young viewers.
  6. "Single". Almost everything is included - 217 programs.


When concluding a contract, the provider provides equipment for temporary use. Encoding is done using VIAccess protocols. If necessary, you can buy a separate receiver that comes with a smart card. The equipment is sold in stores certified by the provider.

NTV-Plus offers general packages, which include the current set of channels: federal, regional, culinary, etc. There are also highly specialized solutions: cinema, music, sports, etc.

Benefits of using

Connecting such additional equipment allows you to make the most of the opportunity to comfortably receive information from the TV screen. Thanks to the purchase and installation of SMART cards from well-known providers (MTS, NTV +,, Tricolor TV), the user:

  • enjoys quality digital broadcasting high definition which is less sensitive to noise and distortion with improved picture and sound;
  • he chooses the list of paid channels he needs;
  • has the ability to easily connect and disconnect paid channels;
  • gets text version of the TV program programs on your screen (depending on the provider and the capabilities of the TV model).

How to install a smart card

Such a card is installed either in a slot on the panel of the TV itself with helpCAM module, or into a special receiver - as a rule, this is a branded TV box of a service provider, for example, Tricolor. Before purchasing a smart card andCAM module, you need to make sure that the TV model allows the installation of such equipment. For example, modern LCD LED TV models Samsung and Lg have a slot for connecting a digital card through a CAM module on the back panel.

Let's consider a step-by-step connection algorithm.

  1. Turn off the TV before installing the equipment.
  2. First of all, the card is installed in the CAM module. Both are provided by the provider (MTS, NTV +,, Tricolor TV). The module into which the SMART card is inserted is not customizable equipment; it serves as a kind of adapter. When installing the electronic chip on plastic card must be at the front of the module (this side usually has some kind of drawing, such as the logo of the service provider).
  3. After that, the cartridge with the card inserted into it is installed in the corresponding slot. In this case, the connectors on the installed equipment and the CI / PCMCIA input must match. It is worth noting that most modern models of Samsung TVs and lzh have shortened connector forCAM module... After installation, the cartridge is more than half visible. Therefore, during installation, you should not try to insert it further.
  4. If the module with the SMART card is installed correctly, after turning on the TV, a corresponding record will appear on the screen.

Most often, after installing such equipment, it is required to manually set up digital broadcasting TV programs, for example, from the MTS provider or This process has its own characteristics for different TVs, and how to do it will be described below.

Where is the SMART card installed if the TV does not have a corresponding connector?

If the TV does not have a CI / PCMCIA connector for the CAM module, to be able to connect digital broadcasting, the user needs purchase a TV set-top box (receiver). It is not difficult to choose this device: today there is a wide range of devices on the market that meet any requirement. There should be no problems with connecting the set-top box either. Some providers, for example MTS, when connecting, install their TV set-top boxes to their subscribers, including payment for using it in a monthly payment, or providing it free of charge (as a rule, during the period of the company's promotions). Installing a smart card and CAM module into the receiver is done in the same way as connecting through the connector on the TV panel.

Smart Card Activation

The smart card activation procedure allows the operator to identify the subscriber in the Pay TV system. Depending on the operator, the activation procedure may differ.

  1. MTS offer to activate the card in one of four methods: through the operator hotline 8 800 250 08 90, by sending an SMS message, at the place of purchase of a smart card (from a dealer) or online on the company's website.
  2. Tricolor offers only two options: fill out a special form on the website or send an SMS (which one and where is indicated on back side cards).
  3. Smart Card Activation NTV-Plus takes place on the operator's website.

Setting up paid channels on a TV device

If the adapter is inserted correctly, and the TV's operating system was able to identify the card, then you need to proceed to setting channels. The procedure may vary depending on the TV manufacturer.

Configuring channels from different manufacturers:

  1. Samsung. Open the menu and go to the "Channels" branch. Select "Cable" as a signal source and put a tick on the line "Digital broadcasting".
  2. Lg... In the options menu, we indicate the country - Russia. If it is not on the list, then Germany or Finland. Go to settings and click on "Autosearch".
  3. Philips... Go to "Configuration" and find the "Reinstall channels" branch. If the system asks for a country, then we expose Russia or the one that is marked on the TV label (on the rear wall). In the menu we specify the signal source (cable) and activate the search (section "Autosearch").
  4. SHARP... Open the menu and go to the "Installation" branch, then "Auto installation". We choose a country - Russia (in the absence of - Sweden, France or Finland). We activate the search.
  5. Sony... In the menu we open "Digital configuration". We click on the automatic scanning of digital stations. Then we search for channels.
  6. Panasonic. Open local settings and click on the "Add TV signal" line. We put a tick on DVB-C and activate the search in automatic mode.

Some models require manual setting ... In this case, you need to find out the broadcasting frequency, station number and other parameters. All data must be indicated on the official website of the provider.

Important! If the TV is turned on automatic update programs, this function must be deactivated. Otherwise, the settings will constantly go astray.


Thus, almost any user can connect digital broadcasting at home, regardless of the TV model. SMART card that allows you to control pay-per-view channels with high definition ( HDTV) can be installed directly into the TV itself, via CI / PCMCIA connector and TV box.

In the second case, the user will have to control the channels using two remotes. remote control or buy and configure a universal remote control.

Notebook for beginners. Mobile, accessible, convenient Kovalevsky Anatoly Yurievich

PC CARD (PCMCIA) and Express Card

PCMCIA(Personal Computer Memory Card International Association, PC Card, PC Cards, CardBus, JEIDA). Since the abbreviation is in itself dissonant, and the decoding is even more so, a joke appeared: PCMCIA - People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms - People cannot remember stupid computer abbreviations. Therefore, a shorter name was invented - PC Card ... which did not catch on, because everyone was already accustomed to PCMCIA. As a result, such adapters are sometimes called PCMCIA Cards, which is incorrect. Just as the name went wrong, so did the connector itself, although you will find it in any laptop.

Initially, the connector was created to be able to connect additional modules in the same way as modules are connected to the PCI bus in a desktop PC. Thus, you can connect any device at high speed - USB, any memory card reader, HDD, TV / FM tuner, Internet port, LTP port, COM port, IDE, SATA, eSATA, SCSI interface, IEEE port 1394, S-video, DVI port, RS-232, GPS navigator, etc. Developed at a time when there were no high-speed connections, but now there is USB and FireWire. Therefore, in fact, it lost its meaning, especially due to the much higher cost. Those who have a desktop PC should keep in mind that there is an AT-WR PCI 2411 adapter that can be installed in a desktop PC, so that the purchased hardware will not be lost.

There are four types of PCMCIA (all have a 68-pin connector, 85.6 mm long, 54 mm wide).

Type I - 3.3 mm height, 16-bit data exchange, now almost never found (they work only as memory cards, to emphasize the difference from flash drives, they are called "linear"). Analogue ISA bus, operating voltage 3.3 / 5.0 V. PCMCIA 2.0 standard.

Type II - 5.0 mm height, 32-bit communication, the most common option. Analogue PCI bus, operating voltage 3.3 V. Type I cards can be connected to Type II, but not vice versa (this is prevented by a special metal shield with eight bulges). PCMCIA standard starting from 3.0.

Type III - 10.5mm high, 32-bit communication, designed to fit two Type II cards in its place. PCI bus analog, operating voltage 3.3 V. PCMCIA standard, starting from 4.0.

Type IV - 16.0 mm height, 32-bit communication, development discontinued.

In parallel with PCMCIA, Japan was implementing its own standard - JEIDA. Since 1991, the JEIDA 4.1 and PCMCIA 2.0 specifications have been released and are fully compatible. Further standardization has led to the introduction of enhanced Plug & Play functionality, power management and many other improvements. For this version, the name CardBus was introduced (specifications PCMCIA 5.0 and JEIDA 4.2), as a result, now modern cards are often called so - PCMCIA CardBus.

Please note that PCMCIA is not an extension random access memory- the delusion arose due to the external similarity of some old RAM modules and PCMCIA cards. If the pads are not 68, but 108, then this is a Small-PCI (SPCI) card: it is similar in size to PCMCIA, it is divided into two types - Style A and B, can directly connect to the PCI bus, but does not support hot plugging. SPCI is extremely rare in notebooks.

The compartment should be protected from dust by at least a plastic plug, or better by a lid - try not to lose it. During operation, the card can get very hot (up to 55–60 ° С) - be careful when removing it. Be sure to provide a ground connection when connecting the antenna.

When disassembling, keep in mind that PCMCIA connectors are connected as a single module. Most of the screws that hold them in place are located in the bottom of the laptop, sometimes under the covers of other compartments, in the worst case, inside the case. After removing all the bolts, the compartment is removed as a single block.

PCMCIA cards are hot-swappable, that is, the adapter can be removed / inserted into the slot without rebooting the OS (this is ensured by the fact that hardware resources are initially reserved, regardless of whether the device is connected or not). The exceptions are cases of incorrectly written drivers that are unable to implement the Plug & Play procedure. If this happened, let's try to figure out why. Let's take a look at the diagram:

Adapter> Enabler Module> Card Services Driver> Socket Services> socket> Windows

From the presented chain, it can be seen that Windows does not have direct access to the hardware component of the card. If there are PCMCIA connectors not only in a laptop, but also in a docking station, several Socket Services drivers (there may be several) interact with one Card Services service (only one). The Enabler module receives parameters from Card Services and configures the adapter and Plug & Play (be sure to install the latest PCMCIA drivers from the laptop manufacturer and PCMCIA drivers from the card manufacturer). Sometimes, especially on OSes before Windows XP, a boot record is needed required drivers in config.sys and autoexec.bat. Make sure Socket Services loads before Card Services.

ExpressCard makes it possible to connect additional modules in the same way as modules are connected to the PCI Express bus in a desktop PC. The main advantages are the speed of the PCI Express bus is about 2 times higher, extended support for energy saving, driver support at the OS level. It is backward incompatible with the PCMCIA connector, is promoted to the market as its replacement.

Available in two versions. Each of them is subdivided into a regular version (which fits entirely into the slot) and Extended (significantly protruding from it).

SW (Single Wide), aka ExpressCard-34 - single width, 34x75x5 mm, 32-bit communication, 3.3 V.

DW (Double Wide), aka ExpressCard-54 - double wide, 54x75x5mm, 32-bit communication, 3.3V operating voltage. This text is an introductory fragment.

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Expansion module that is designed Personal Computer Memory Card International Association(PCMCIA). The port is mainly used in laptops, and modules made according to the PCMCIA specification are usually called PC cards(PC Card).

Originally, the acronym PCMCIA stands for Peripheral Component Microchannel Interconnect Architecture. A little later, the name of the standard began to be deciphered in accordance with the name of the organization that standardized the bus: the International Association of Computer Memory Cards - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. The difficulty in decoding the abbreviation led to the fact that starting from the second version of the specification, modules use the term PC Card.

From the very beginning, the specification was developed to standardize memory expansion cards and the interface for connecting the same cards. Over time, the specification was finalized and it became possible to use PCMCIA to connect all kinds of peripheral devices... Usually, through the PCMCIA interface, connect network cards, modems, HDD.

In the past, most laptops were equipped with two Type II card slots, allowing you to connect either two Type II cards or one Type III card to your laptop. As the "old" slow I / O interfaces (for example, RS-232 or LPT port) disappeared from laptops, and built-in high-performance interfaces (for example, USB, IEEE1394, Ethernet) became the norm, the need for PCMCIA began to disappear and most modern laptops have only one Type II slot.

PC cards (PCMCIA) are 85.6 mm long and 54 mm wide.

Version 1.x of the PCMCIA specification described Type I cards equipped with a 16-bit interface. Type I cards were used only for memory expansion. They were 3.3 mm thick and used a single-row connector.

Type II cards are equipped with either a 16- or 32-bit interface; the connector has two rows of contacts. The cards are 5 mm thick. Type II cards support I / O so they can be used for connecting peripherals.

Type III cards support a 16- or 32-bit interface and use four rows of pins. These cards are 10.5 mm thick, which allows standard connectors to be installed on the card. external interfaces and get rid of additional cables... For example, a full-fledged RJ-11 telephone jack can be built into a 10.5 mm high modem card, which allows it to be connected to telephone network standard cable.