How to clean the keyboard on a laptop. Rules for cleaning your laptop keyboard yourself. Getting rid of spilled liquids

Surely, every owner of a laptop or netbook has encountered such a problem as a clogged keyboard. Someone constantly eats over it, someone even manages to spill coffee or tea on the keyboard. And it’s good if, as a result of these barbaric actions, the equipment remains alive and does not short out anywhere. But in any case, sooner or later a dirty keyboard will make itself known: some buttons will stop being pressed, or, on the contrary, they will be pressed spontaneously. What to do in this case? How to clean a laptop keyboard?

Let me say right away that there are two ways to clean a laptop keyboard. The first – long and painstaking – is to clean the keyboard yourself. The second - quick and expensive - contact customer service (or me). But not all computer and office equipment repair service centers will bother with your stained keyboard; the minimum they will offer you is to disable it as a device and offer you to use a connected one. external keyboard. The maximum that the service center can offer you is to replace the entire keyboard, which is not cheap considering the labor and waiting time until the ordered keyboard is delivered.

Disassemble for cleaning

So, the first thing you need to do is, of course, turn off the device and disconnect it from the network. Then you should disconnect the keyboard from the laptop (netbook). As a rule, manufacturers try to simplify the procedure for replacing keyboards on laptops, so it is attached on top with several latches that need to be pulled off with something flat. But sometimes there are also keyboards that are “soldered” into the top cover along with the touchpad and other buttons. In this case, you will have to poke around without disconnecting the keyboard from the device.

To remove the keyboard from the Toshiba NB520 netbook, you need to disconnect the battery from it. Underneath there are five screws that need to be unscrewed.

Then you need to disconnect the small semicircular panel with the power button.

To do this, use a flat, thin screwdriver to pry it off from the side of the keyboard and snap it off. After removal, we can access the top edge of the keyboard

and it can now be removed from the housing. Pull up the sides of the keyboard and release them from the mounts. Carefully turn it over and remove the connecting cable from its socket.

That's it, now we have access to a keyboard separate from the netbook. I came across a not very clean owner of this device:

Let's start analyzing the keyboard. This description will be relevant for owners of all keyboards with a scissor mechanism. First you need to unfasten the keys from the keyboard body. They are mounted on the scissor mechanism itself, which, as a rule, has two types of fastening simultaneously for each key. The first is antennae shaped like an “G” that fit into the corresponding grooves on the key or in the keyboard body. The second is the crossbars, which are inserted into the sockets of the key or housing.

The L-shaped antennae are very, very fragile, so extreme care should be taken when detaching the key. The key must be disconnected from the side of the fastening-crossbar and in no case from the side of the antennae with the letter “G”! Therefore, first you need to slightly lift the key and look under it to find out the side that is attached with the crossbars.

This is the one that needs to be pulled off first. There will be two clicks - the crossbars will come out of their sockets.

Now all that remains is to disconnect the antennae. To do this, pull the key towards one of them, and it will be released.

The principle has been mastered, now you can remove the remaining keys. For convenience, I laid them out on the table in the same order in which they were on the keyboard. Before this, I, armed wet wipes, took an individual approach to each key and wiped it.

When all the keys are unfastened, you can begin to remove the scissor mechanism itself. On different keyboards it is attached to the case with slight differences, but the principle is the same - with its legs it holds onto the small antennae of the case. We find the most movable corner and pull it, releasing it from the tendril. Next, we free another nearby corner in the same way; the remaining two legs of the mechanism will not be difficult to remove from their places. If the mechanism is dirty, it must also be wiped with a damp cloth.

After all the manipulations I got the following picture:

And here’s a “chic” view of a dirty keyboard case:

It should be said that under the keys in the center of the scissor mechanism there are rubber caps, which close the contacts of the pressed key. I was lucky, on this keyboard they were glued to the case, but previously there were removable ones. Special care should also be taken with them, because they are very light and can “fly away” from the slightest exhalation.

You can start cleaning the keyboard case itself. The same wet wipes are used for initial rough cleaning of the surface. Then, armed with cotton swabs and an alcohol-containing solution, cleaning is carried out more thoroughly. After completing the “water procedures”, you can assemble the keyboard in the reverse order. First, we insert the scissor mechanisms into place.

And then carefully snap the keys themselves into place. And this is what I ended up with:

Installing the keyboard on a netbook is done in the reverse order.

I would like to note the fact that on some laptop keyboards one of the contacts is rear end keyboard housing, made in the form of a stretched foil film. Be extremely careful with it when cleaning the case, do not crush or tear it. Any deformation of this contact may lead to sticking of any of the keys during operation of the device.

I hope this article will help you figure out how to clean your netbook keyboard.

You can work on a laptop as carefully as you like, but over time, dirt will still accumulate inside the keyboard. This can occur, among other things, due to the actions of statics. Electronic device It attracts dust. As a result, the keys get stuck and letters cannot be entered. You can clean your laptop keyboard at home. This should be done if liquid, sweet or alcohol-containing drinks have been spilled on it. Cleaning the keyboard on a laptop is quite simple, the main thing is not to rush and use the right products.

  • soapy water;
  • diluted isopropyl alcohol;
  • special care products.

When working, do not use a large amount of the product. They just need to wet the napkin. After this, just thoroughly wash the keys of your HP, Dell, MSI and other favorite. If soapy water was used as a cleaning agent, the residue formed after drying can be removed with clean water by moistening the key with it.

On sale today special napkins. They can not only clean your laptop keyboard quickly and without leaving any residual marks. The display is also wiped with special wipes to remove fingerprints or dust deposits.

Clearing debris

You can remove debris under the buttons yourself; you don’t need to take your laptop to a service center to do this. The following methods are recommended to be used at regular intervals as a preventative measure. It is useful to clean the buttons so that your beloved Asus and Lenovo do not cause problems.

Important! It should be especially noted: all deep cleaning actions must be done after complete shutdown laptop power supply.

Vacuum cleaner

Automotive or household vacuum cleaner will help you quickly clean your keyboard from dust and debris. Before using the device, it is better to turn the laptop over and shake it thoroughly to remove large particles from the structural elements. Some of them immediately spill out.

You need to proceed as follows:

  • use a narrow furniture nozzle;
  • carefully use a vacuum cleaner to go through all the spaces between the keys;
  • You need to move the nozzle slowly, changing its angle.

Important! This method to some extent it will help to quickly save a laptop from a sweet or alcohol-containing drink. The vacuum cleaner will remove some of the excess liquid, preventing it from entering the electronics of the device.

Compressed air

Today in stores selling computer care products you can buy compressed air cans. They are easy to clean the buttons from debris. Instructions for use are included with each can. The main process looks like this:

  • the cylinder tube must be installed at an acute angle to the gap between the buttons;
  • press air supply;
  • Blow the keys first in one direction, then in the other.

Serious cleaning

If dirt accumulates for a long time, or after liquid gets into the keyboard, the keys may become stuck, move hard, or fall through. You can do some serious cleaning. For this top part keyboards, the keycap area will have to be disassembled. This is done as follows:

  • The corner of the button is pryed off with a thin screwdriver or knife;
  • the key stretches up to the compartment;
  • on some laptops you need to pry the front edge of the button, lift it, then move the cover forward to release it.

Important! When performing such work, it is worth understanding that the key parts are made of plastic and thin wire elements. There is no need to put in excessive effort.

Tips on how to clean the keyboard on a laptop are as follows:

  • you need to photograph the area of ​​future work;
  • It’s worth trying to remove the button carefully, understanding the mechanics of the process;
  • you need to work sequentially, removing the keys one at a time or in groups;
  • After cleaning the mechanics block and the plastic cover, you need to put the button back in place.

When cleaning the area under the keys, use the same products as when working on the surface of the buttons. Isopropyl alcohol, undiluted, is quite mild. It will not damage live areas, while quickly dissolving stubborn, caked layers of dirt.


Some models allow you to disassemble the keyboard on a laptop. This refers to its removable top plate, on which the key mechanics are attached. To do this you need:

  • remove the buttons around the perimeter;
  • find metal latches or screws;
  • release the top plate.

You need to remove the mechanics unit carefully. After removing it, it opens access to contact plates. They do not need to be pulled out of the connectors, just wipe them clean from dirt. The same must be done from the bottom of the keyboard, which has a flat cuvette configuration.

Checking the loop

In the case where no amount of cleaning restores the functionality of the keyboard, it is worth checking the condition of its cable. To do this you will have to disassemble part of the laptop. You should look on the Internet to find out how to do this for your model. Access to the cable is usually easy; all you need to do is remove the entire bottom cover. On some models, you will have to lift the main system board.

The condition of the plume is carefully assessed. There may be creases and cracks on it. In this case, the part will need to be replaced, that is, take the laptop to a service center. When the train is visually intact, it is worth service his contacts. To do this, the element is carefully pulled out of the connector. The contact pads are cleaned with alcohol and then thoroughly wiped with an eraser.

Removing the keyboard

If the laptop model does not allow you to simply lift the plate with the button mechanics, you should understand: removing the keyboard will be very difficult. To do this, you will have to disassemble and dismantle almost all parts of the device. If you are confident in your abilities, you can watch a video on the Internet and get down to business.

Advice! To replace or deep clean the keyboard, it is recommended to take the laptop to a service center. Cost of cleaning after pouring or installation new keyboard is great, but there is a guarantee that the specialists will do everything correctly and no problems will arise after their work.

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Every person in the world who has a laptop thinks about how to clean the laptop keyboard at least once in their life.

The problem is that any keyboard, including a laptop, accumulates various dust and dirt.

Moreover, this does not depend in any way on how careful the user is. Only the degree of contamination depends on the degree of accuracy, but the debris and dust itself will definitely accumulate.

Because of this, first of all, the buttons will work worse over time, and in the future dust may get on some significant internal parts of the laptop.

In addition, the buttons may be damaged by spilled liquid.

Moreover, this applies to a variety of brands of laptops - Lenovo, Samsung, Asus, HP, Acer and others. Therefore, every user should know how to clean the keyboard from dirt at home.

Simple Operations

It should be said right away that even before performing certain operations, several actions should be taken, namely:

  1. Turn off the laptop.
  2. Remove the plug from the socket.
  3. Take a photo of the keyboard.

The latter is necessary so that if the user disassembles his keyboard, he can then put all the buttons in their rightful places.

Otherwise, it is likely that some button will be installed in the wrong place and various incidents will arise.

Let's return to operations directly related to cleaning the keyboard. Let's start with the simplest.

The first thing to do is take a regular soft brush and just gently walk it over the entire surface of the keyboard.

These small brushes are sold on the Internet (shown in Figure No. 1), which are supposedly designed specifically for cleaning the keyboard at home.

Advice! In fact, absolutely any brush is suitable for this purpose, even an ordinary children's brush. All you need to do with this tool is just carefully walk over the buttons themselves and the space between them.

You can also find interesting things like this on the Internet (shown in Figure No. 2). These are special sticky elements that are made of high-density transparent rubber.

No. 2. Special rubber nozzles for cleaning the keyboard

Using them is very simple - we put one of these things on the keyboard and press it a little, gradually it fills the space between the buttons, takes on all the dust and, thus, removes it when a person removes this attachment from the keyboard.

You can buy them, for example, on aliexpress (link). Practice shows that such things are very effective in combating dust deposits.

True, they do not get rid of the same traces of spilled liquid very effectively.

Although, it is too early to move on to such problems. Let's stick to something simpler.

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Air assistance

Most often, a regular brush or even the special attachments discussed above do not help with dust deposits that can remain in the keyboard for years.

In this case, it is best to completely disassemble the keyboard and use a vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air.

The term “disassemble” in this case refers to the process of removing all the buttons. You can remove the buttons with a regular flat-tip screwdriver.

In all laptop models, this process looks almost the same - in Asus, Acer, HP, Samsung, Lenovo and everyone else. This process looks as shown in Figure 3.

In some laptop models, in particular on Lenovo, you can remove the entire keyboard. To do this, you need to pry it from the side in the same way with a screwdriver and remove it.

In this case removed keyboard will look like shown in Figure 4.

A computer panel without a keyboard may look something like the one shown in Figure 5.

Accordingly, this is where a regular vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air will come in handy.

In the first case, you should simply move the barrel of the vacuum cleaner over the entire area of ​​the laptop panel and over the keyboard itself, if it has been removed entirely, thereby collecting all the dust and any residues.

You may need to take tweezers and manually remove any particularly small particles of dust that are visible to the human eye.

If you had to remove each button separately, it is better not to blow them with a vacuum cleaner, because you can accidentally suck up the button itself.

Instead, each of them should simply be wiped with a regular rag or brush.

As for compressed air cans, they are sold in abundance on the Internet. It is very easy to use such products.

To do this, you just need to press the button on the top of the can, after which air will come out of its pipe.

Accordingly, the can should be directed at the panel of the laptop without a keyboard. This way all the dust will simply be blown out.

True, after this it is better to immediately put the keyboard back in place so that the same dust does not settle on the panel again.

Still, the first option looks more convenient, which assumes that all dust is irretrievably removed into the vacuum cleaner bag, and not blown into the air, after which it again has the opportunity to settle on the laptop.

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Cleaning with alcohol

This method is especially applicable in cases where something has been spilled on the keyboard, most often something sweet and, therefore, sticky.

In principle, we are not doing anything special in this case.

All that is needed is to remove the buttons or the entire keyboard in the same way and wipe the panel and the buttons themselves with alcohol.

To do this, you should take an ordinary paper napkin, thick enough so that it simply does not crumble from moisture (although it is better, of course, to take a medical swab) and soak it in alcohol.

In this case, it is better not to take cotton wool, because its particles may remain on the keyboard, which cannot have a positive effect on it. further work. You can take a regular ear stick.

The process of cleaning buttons using it is shown in Figure 6.

In general, to get rid of traces of spilled drinks, you should use alcohol on a swab, ear stick or napkin.

In general, the main difficulty is to remove the keyboard itself from the laptop. After this, you can use a vacuum cleaner, a can of air, and a swab with alcohol.

An example of this process is shown in the video below.

In this video, one of the users removes the keyboard from a Lenovo Z580 laptop.

Keyboard repair Acer laptop is, first of all, difficult because the keyboard and the device itself are a single unit. Without removing the keyboard from the laptop, most types of repairs cannot be made, and this is an example with.

2 How to clean the keyboard of an Acer laptop?

You can clean the keyboard from dust, dirt from your fingers, and just crumbs and drops of liquid both at home and in a specialized service.

Typically, several types of materials are used:

  • soft brushes and cloths for;
  • non-aggressive cleaning liquid without acetone or alcohol (you can damage not only the paint of the symbols, but also the contacts under the panel);
  • a special small vacuum cleaner that is powered by USB. He does not have high power, works for blowing. Just be careful with the force of the air flow, otherwise you can knock out the key;
  • compressed air cans for .

Do not use water or liquid with solvent properties to clean the laptop keyboard. Isopropylene alcohol can be used. Also, do not try to pick up dirt with sharp objects. It is recommended to simply wipe it and use soft brushes regularly.

2.1 Repairing an Acer laptop key

The “flight” of a key, which for some reason leaves its place on the keyboard quite easily. The reasons may be:

  • wear due to constant and strong impacts when typing (wear of the “rocker” under the key);
  • using a vacuum cleaner to clean the keyboard from dust with too much power (the key is simply knocked out by a stream of air).

Repairing an Acer laptop key is carried out as follows:

  • if the “rocker” (two fastened spring elements, thanks to which pressing and contact with the electronics occurs) is intact, then the ejected key is cleaned, and the two grooves for the latches and two grooves for the ears of the “rocker” are carefully connected to the corresponding elements of the latter. For convenience, you can use a needle;
  • If the key flies out along with the “rocker”, then first carefully separate it from the key and attach it back to the hinge. There are grooves for this. Then we do the work described in the previous paragraph.

Replacing an Acer laptop keyboard - video

2.2 How the service works

After the laptop has been sent to the service center, the technician must diagnose its condition: whether there are parts burnt out from overvoltage or internal damage from hitting the keyboard. The laptop is also checked for corrosion of parts.

If there is visible damage to the keyboard, it is dismantled. Only when it is separated is the ability of the contacts to close to be checked and the keys that have flown out are returned to their place. After that it is put in place. Additionally, it can be cleaned.

In such types of work - cleaning the keyboard, replacing keys - the cost of the work will be from 10 to 50 USD. It depends on the complexity of the repair. But repairs are even cheaper.

No matter how carefully you work with electronics, there is no escape from manifestations of human nature: someone sins by eating near a laptop, someone likes to drink aromatic coffee and eat crispy crumbly cookies. Therefore, if you do not observe computer hygiene, after a short time the question will inevitably arise: how to clean a laptop keyboard at home?

Why clean and wipe your laptop?

Any device, be it from Asus, HP, Lenovo, Acer, that runs on electricity attracts dust, this is the nature of electromagnetism, and if the device is also equipped with a forced ventilation system, then dust and dirt will collect inside like bees in a hive. A laptop is just such a device.

Care and prevention in relation to a laptop comes down to timely and correct ridding it of dust and stains. This is necessary not only to maintain a neat appearance, but most importantly, for the normal operation of the device and extending its service life.

Important! If your PC is several years old and you need it for work or powerful games You might find ours, compiled from the latest release models, useful.

What can a dirty laptop keyboard cause?

If dust and dirt get inside the keyboard of a regular computer, the only harm they will do is damage the keyboard itself. But when dirt and dust from the laptop keyboard gets onto its “stuffing”, then the following troubles await you:

  • Due to mechanical debris getting inside, one or more buttons may become stuck.
  • Failure of all keys can occur if you accidentally tip a glass of liquid onto the surface.
  • Damage to internal parts of a laptop can also occur due to moisture getting inside;
  • The laptop turns off due to overheating - this can happen if dust and dirt get on the radiator. As a result, the ventilation system stops passing air.

Considering all these factors, every owner needs to know how to clean a laptop keyboard and do it regularly on their own if there is no time to take the device to specialists.

Important! Do not forget that you need to monitor the cleanliness of the system itself. Solve both problems at the same time by choosing a more suitable option from those we propose in a separate article.

How to clean a laptop keyboard?

First, figure out what kind of cleaning you need - superficial or deep:

  1. Superficial cleaning involves cleaning the keys and the space between them.
  2. Deep cleaning will help remove dust from the contacts so that it does not settle on internal devices laptop.

Important! The keyboard of your device needs two types of cleaning, but the more often you do superficial cleaning, the less often you will have to resort to deep cleaning. Please also take into account the fact that not all models allow you to simply remove the buttons. In some laptops and netbooks they are a single design with a panel. Therefore, if you have just such a technique, you will have to almost completely disassemble the device for deep cleaning.

Laptop cleaning products

The keyboard needs to be cleaned regularly, at least once a month. You can buy a cleaning kit in specialized stores. It includes a brush, cloth and cleaning fluid. This kit will help you clean your keyboard more thoroughly. If special liquids for wiping buttons are not on hand, use improvised means to clean the laptop keyboard.

We offer some of them:

  • Diluted isopropyl alcohol. This is the optimal cleaning product that will help get rid of stubborn stains. Soak a soft cloth with alcohol and carefully wipe all the keys. Treat the keyboard carefully, do not overdo it with liquid so that it does not drip between the keys and onto the contacts.

    Important! Acetone and other aggressive substances cannot be used, as they can not only erase the paint of the keyboard, but, worst of all, melt the laptop body. Ethyl alcohol and vodka can also ruin the paint on buttons.

  • Soapy water. Soak a swab or cotton swab in soapy water and carefully remove dirt from the buttons. After the procedure, be sure to wipe the keyboard with a dry cloth, since moisture is contraindicated for the device.

Basic rules for using cleaning products

  1. Use only special liquids, as well as lint-free wipes, which are sold in any computer stores. Users recommend quality products cleaning computer equipment from Defender.
  2. Use special soft brushes to remove dust and dirt between the keys, and it is better to clean the buttons themselves using napkins.

Important! Before cleaning your laptop keyboard at home, completely disconnect it from the power supply and remove the battery.

How to remove dirt from under the keyboard?

Dirt and debris also collect under the keys and interfere with normal operation laptop. The easiest way to get rid of debris is to turn the device over and shake out the contents.

For the same purpose you can use:

  • a brush with long, hard bristles;
  • hair dryer - lift the laptop and tilt it, blow cold air on the keyboard;
  • household vacuum cleaner using a narrow nozzle;
  • portable can of compressed air - this aerosol is sold in computer stores.

Important! When cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, do not turn it on at full power.

Deep cleaning of laptop keyboard

If you want to be sure that there is no dirt left in the keyboard, then run deep cleaning. You need:

  • disassemble the keyboard;
  • remove the keys using a screwdriver;
  • Clean rubber bands and contacts using cleaning agent and soft cloths.

Important! All this must be done very carefully, so if you are not confident in your abilities and the result, do not try it, but contact the service center. There, specialists will remove the buttons with a special tool without damaging them, and after carrying out the necessary cleaning, they will return everything back.

If you still decide to thoroughly clean and wash your laptop at home, use the following algorithm:

  1. Take a photo of the keyboard so that when you're done, you can return everything to its original place.
  2. Use a screwdriver to remove the keys. The fastening of the keyboard buttons, although simple, is very weak. Therefore, proceed carefully so as not to damage the cable.
  3. Once the keys are disconnected, use a brush or a special vacuum cleaner for cleaning laptops to remove dust (a vacuum cleaner for cleaning upholstered furniture will also work).
  4. Return all keys to their places.
  5. If after cleaning a couple of keys do not work, and you are sure that you did everything correctly, then replace the keyboard. Most likely, it's not the dust.

Important! After you have completed all the work, check the operation of the device. You may need to give it a little more time. To do this, we have prepared a selection of methods.

What difficulties may arise in caring for a laptop?

There are times when regular keyboard cleaning is not enough. For example, when you spilled juice or tea on your laptop. Here you will have to completely disassemble the keyboard and wash it with a special solution.

If this happens to you, the first thing to do is:

  1. Turn the device over and pour out as much liquid as possible.
  2. Blot the remaining moisture with cotton wool or dry with a hairdryer.

Only then separate the keys and disassemble the keyboard. Wipe the surface with diluted isopropyl alcohol and then with a dry, clean, soft cloth. If necessary, replace the protective membranes.

Important! This operation is best performed by specialists. service center. The technicians will disassemble the laptop keyboard, carry out the necessary diagnostics, find out whether the contact tracks are damaged, and if the damage is severe and the contacts have oxidized, then in this case you will have to buy new spare parts for the laptop.

Video material

To summarize all of the above, we can conclude: to avoid serious damage to your laptop, regularly clean the device, and also keep mugs with drinks as far as possible from the computer, so that later the flooded keyboard does not have to be replaced at all. Remember that cleanliness is the key to the health of not only the user, but also the key to the long-term and uninterrupted operation of any equipment.