Where firewall in windows 8

Windows is equipped with its own protection system, which is based on the work "Firewall" or systemic firewall. This system Carries out the blockage of unwanted applications, which in its view are potential carriers of malicious viruses or spy modules. To avoid blocking the desired software and achieve efficient work All those installed sometimes have to deactivate such protection. This article discusses disabling methods in the most popular versions of Windows (7, 8, 10).

Windows 7.

The algorithm of action is very simple:

  1. As soon as all the actions described were performed, the management window of our defender should become red. Systemary tray will give a pop-up message about the firewall deactivation.

But it is worth noting that when the firewall itself is turned off, the service responsible for its operation continues to function. Intervention in the work of this service can provoke malfunctions in the network. Therefore, all the actions described in the future can be performed for fear and risks, or require a professional intervention.

  1. Next, the computer will be prompted to reboot the system to be given its consent.
  2. After rebooting the service will be disabled.

Windows 8.

For this version of the operating system in the actions algorithm, there is a single change in which it is necessary to enter the firewall control window through the control panel. The input is carried out when you press the combination "Win" + "i" and selecting in the list of the control panel "that appears. Next, you must select the corresponding firewall icon, if all the icons in the window that opens is divided into categories, then it is necessary to change the viewing parameter to "large icons" in the upper right corner of the window.

Disconnection on Windows 10

In this version of the operating system, all actions are repeated similar to two previous waysdespite the fact that the "Control Panel" can again be opened through the Start menu, as in Windows 7. Also available additional way Turning off command lineBut it is not more or less efficient, but requires the ability to use the specified service. Therefore, it is more expedient to turn off the method described above.

Of the foregoing, it becomes clear that it is not difficult to disconnect the protection system, but it is more expedient to change your decision in advance, since it is very often that the system of systemic firewall saves unprepared users from various kinds of malicious manifestations in the operating system, which lead to malware. Also do not take any action in case unsuccessful attempt Disable. It is best to contact professionals that will be able to restore the operating status of the device, and also explains errors in the actions performed.

Video via OS version.

Configuring Windows 8 firewall how to enable / disable firewall, as using a firewall to prohibit a specific Internet access program, how to add an exception, additional settings Windows Firewall. Unlike described in another article, the firewall in Windows is not as simple, as at first glance it may seem, and under its hood there is a huge number of diverse configuration options.

The main Windows 8 firewall window does not offer many functions. Just gives information about the network to which you are connected to this moment and shows the current state of the firewall, in relation to this network.

However, even in the main window of firewall there are many additional options. You can access them in the menu on the left. Let's try to tell about each of them in turn. The first option - resolving interactions with a component or application in Windows Firewall - allows you to unlock a previously blocked program (it may be blocked due to suspicious activity Or you yourself accidentally banned).

But keep in so easy to allow applications to exchange windows 8 will not allow. First you have to click " Change parameters"What will confirm Windows your desire for these changes. This protection prevents the automatic penetration of malicious programs, even if you accidentally allowed the installation through the UAC.

If the program or application does not appear in the list, you can click the " Allow another application"And to find it manually.

Council. If you have any problems with your firewall, click on its main window by parameter " Restore default values", And reset it settings to the default configuration.

Prohibit in firewall exit programs on the Internet.

Press the "Change Settings" button in the upper right corner and enable or lock the program, or the application to the Internet through the firewall. To do this, check or uncheck the checkbox on the network parameters of this program: Private (for example, at home, at work) and public (cafe, library). It may be necessary to set these parameters individually, for example, you have a lock needing when connecting to public networks, file synchronization program (SkyDrive or Dropbox), you do not want your transmitted filesSomeone could intercept.

As mentioned above, if on this list the necessary program You did not see, add it manually. After clicking on the "Allow another application" button, a new window will appear with full list yours installed applications and programs. In principle, it should not differ from the main list of permissible applications, but may be changes, it depends on whether you have installed user programs.

To add any desktop software that is not included in this list, click " Overview" When you select the program you need to add, click the " Types of networks"(Public and private), networks to which you want to allow the program to connect, and finish the addition by clicking the" button " Add».

Enable / disable Windows 8 firewall.

In the main window of Windows Firewall, you can change the notification settings and enable / disable Windows Firewall. Both references lead at the same place.

Although you can disable the network screen in private networks, but leave it working in public networks. Why can this need it? Suppose you Game and Firewall prevents you in online games At home, or office worker, whose IT department requires the shutdown of Windows Firewall, as it conflicts with something on the computer.

But on a laptop, if you are outside the house, it is recommended to have a firewall protection. So leave the firewall included for public networks and disconnect for private.

The advanced security mode of Windows Firewall.

There is also a check box that blocks all incoming connections, which provides enhanced security, especially in public networks, but noting it you may find that some programs or applications have stopped working, since this function is needed. So, if some application suddenly stopped working adequately, check the settings for your network screen.

The next item resets the Windows Firewall settings to default values. This option is very useful, especially if you changed something and do not remember what it is.

Additional Firewall Parameters.

In the main firewall window, click the option " Extra options»And go to another window in which you can specify specific rules for incoming and outgoing traffic; And also perform other operations, such as opening and blocking the connection ports.

The main area in the center open window, Displays the current status of the firewall, but do not familiarize themselves well with two side panels. On the left side of the tree showing the different parameters of the firewall: incoming and outgoing rules, security rules for connecting and monitoring firewall. FROM right side There are controls, including the parameters for creating and managing firewall rules.

To create a new network screen, click on the left pane to some of the items: Rules for incoming / outgoing connections or security rules, and in the right pane, click " New rule" You will open the window " Wizard create a new rule».

The rules for outgoing / incoming connections will allow you to control and establish rules for individual programs. To create a new rule for the program, or allow / block the port on your computer, click on the right pane, on the desired item.

Opening and blocking ports is important for specific applications, such as games and file sharing in which usually not used communication ports are blocked by default firewalls.

Here you can install, work some programs or ports only in the case of a secure data connection.

If you use your computer to work in any important industry: security, business, research and so on, you may need to allow the operation of applications for transmitting and receiving data only when connected to a secure encrypted network. Here you can specify specific programs or applications only under these conditions.

For the reliability of the connection, even if you connect to your company through virtual private network (VPN) You may be asked to establish specific security rules for connectivity. This is done in the Connection Safety Rules section, which indicates the type of communication (there is a description), and the authentication type required for connection.

When setting, you will probably need certain input parameters that your company or organization will provide you.

One of the most useful features - Creating a custom connection rule, according to which you can configure a connection between two or more specific, which have specific IP addresses with computers, with encryption and authentication or without it.

If you have a closed connection in your office and you need to connect only to specific computersFor example, to be able to connect and check their work, here you can install their IP addresses. However, do not forget that you need to create rules for both incoming and outgoing connections.

Note. If you allow you to connect your computer with other computers, make sure that they have static IP addresses in the router.

(or firewall, firewall, firewall) this is softwarewhich protects the computer from hacker attack through computer network. Firewall checks all traffic and blocks potentially dangerous connections. Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems have a built-in firewall.

But, despite the fact that it performs an important protective function, sometimes there is a need to disabling it. For example, if you installed firewall from another manufacturer and do not want it to conflict with the solution already built into the system. In this situation, the question arises how to disable the firewall in Windows 7 or Windows 8 (depending on which windows version You have installed). In this article we will tell how to solve this problem.

Disable Windows 7 and Windows 8 firewall through the control panel

Open the control panel. If you have Windows 7, then click the Start button and select "Control Panel". If you have Windows 8, then open the start screen and. In the search results you will see the control panel icon.

After you open the Control Panel, go to the "System and Security" section.

After that, you will open a window with Windows Firewall settings. Here you need to turn off the firewall for the home and public network.

Disable the firewall service in Windows 7 and Windows 8

After turning off the firewall, the protection control panel stops working. But if necessary, you can disable and the service that serves Windows Firewall.

To do this, open the Start menu (if you have Windows 7) or start windows screen 8 and enter "Computer Management".

Open the "Computer Management" and go to the "Services" section.

In the "Services" section you need to find a service called " Windows Firewall».

Double click left mouse button or using context menu Open the properties of this service. In the window that opens, you need to change the "type of service" type from "automatically" to "disabled".

After that, you need to click on the "Stop" button.

Firewall in Windows 8 is designed to protect the computer from viruses or hacking through the Internet. This application is different from the antivirus program that finds and removes viruses that computer can be infected. The firewall is an excellent protection against attackers and network worms, however, against malicious programs it is powerless.

Do I need to turn off the firewall?

Initially in Windows 8, the application is included. Moreover, it is recommended to use its default parameters. Settings should be installed so that the application blocks all connections, except for those permitted by the user. In addition, it is recommended to enable it for all types of networks.

Some antiviruses have built-in firewalls. If there are two of these applications on the computer at the same time, this may cause irrational resource use. Also, such a situation can lead to conflicts and problems. If you installed third-party antivirus, in which there is already a firewall, it is recommended to disable the built-in tool. But do not forget to disable service in Windows 8, if a similar application is not activated, it is not recommended, as it will make the computer quite vulnerable.

Some firewall settings

Initially, the firewall blocks many applications, including useful for the user. In order to avoid this, you will need to get data through the firewall. To do this, you need to run the service.
Open the firewall by entering the name of the application to the search bar. After that, in the window, select a string that will allow you to interact with applications in the service. Click change the parameters and select the application you need. We note the types of networks for which you need to allow the exchange of data and click OK.

How to turn off the firewall

To disable the firewall, you should click Win + I on the desktop, which will call the menu in which you want to select the control panel. What other ways to open the control panel can be from this. Opening the window, you should go to the view mode. Large or minor icons. Now you need to select a system and security, in the window of which to click directly on the inscription Windows 8 firewall. In the left side of the screen, select the power button on or off the firewall button. Next, select shutdown in both items that will open. I confirm your choice by pressing OK.

After you have turned off the firewall, keep in mind that only part of the firewall is deactivated. In other words, the application is still running, however, does not fulfill its direct functions. Consequently, resources will continue to be consumed by the Service. In order to avoid this, you will need to disable firewall with unloading service.

So, we click the combination of Win + R and enter the Services.msc command. You can enter it directly in the start menu. After that, a window will appear in front of us in which you can manage services. In his right part, we find Windows Firewall and click on it twice. In the window that opens, go to the General tab. Here in the start type, select the status is disabled, click the Disable button. Close window by pressing OK.

Windows 8 Firewall Parameters must arrange you. If the service prohibits access to any applications, it is possible to disable it for a while or turn. Of course, it is not recommended to leave a computer without protection, so you need to activate third-party antivirus, in which your firewall is usually installed. The choice of antivirus program is quite wide about the most popular types of antiviruses you can read. And how to turn off the firewall we considered higher, and it should be noted that this is a very simple procedure.

Firewall is software or equipment that does not allow hackers and some types of malicious programs to receive a computer via the network or the Internet. Its action is to check the information received from the Internet or local network, and block them or resolve access to the computer.

Firewall is not the same as the antivirus program or program to protect against malicious code. Firewall protects against Internet worms and attacks of hackers, antivirus programs Provide protection against viruses, and applications for protection against malicious code provide protection against malicious programs.

All these types of applications are needed on the computer. You can use software anti-virus protection And protection against malicious code of Windows Defender, which is included in the package of Windows 8 or other antivirus, protecting against malicious code.

It is enough to install one firewall application on the computer (except for the built-in network router firewall). Using multiple firewall applications on a computer can cause conflicts and problems.

Windows Firewall Included in the default system.

This image shows the principle of action of firewall:

  • Firewall is enabled for all network connections.
  • Firewall blocks all incoming connections, except for those that cannot be prohibited.
  • Firewall is included for all types of networks (private, public or with a domain).

Note: Computers with operating room windows system RT or Windows 8 cannot be attached to the domain. Connection to the domain is supported only for computers with operating system Windows 8 Pro or Windows 8 Enterprise.

Enabling and disable Windows Firewall

Do not do it turn off Windows FirewallIf no other firewall is included. The Windows Firewall Disabling may lead to the fact that the computer (and network, if any), will be more vulnerable to hacker attacks or worms.

Note: If the computer is connected to the network, the network policy settings may prohibit the execution of these actions. To get more detailed informationContact your administrator.

Windows Firewall Parameters

For each type of network (publicly accessible, private or in the domain), you can configure four parameters. To find these parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Open Windows Firewall.
  2. Click Enabling and disable Windows Firewall.

The following is described, for which these parameters are needed, and when to use them:

  • Turn on Windows Firewall. This parameter is selected by default. If Windows Firewall is enabled, obtaining information through most applications is blocked. To make the firewall allowing the reception of information, the application must be added to the list allowed by performing the steps described in the next section. For example, receiving photos in instant messaging It may not be possible until the corresponding application does not add to the list of allowed applications.
  • Block all incoming connections, including applications in the list of allowed programs. Using this parameter leads to blocking of all unauthorized attempts Connecting to a computer. It provides maximum protection Computer, for example, in case of connecting to a public network (at the hotel or at the airport). In case of blocking all incoming calls, you can still view most web pages, send and receive messages. email, as well as exchange instant messages.
  • Notify, when Windows Firewall blocks new program . When this check box is installed, Windows Firewall will inform you about blocking the application and provide you with unlocking it.
  • Disable Windows Firewall (not recommended). Do not use this option if another firewall is not running on the computer.

Note: If some firewall parameters are not available, and the computer is connected to the domain, it is possible that the administrator controls these parameters using Group Policy.

Permission to receive information through applications

By default, most applications blocked Windows FirewallTo increase computer security. However, some applications for proper work It may be necessary to obtain information through the firewall.

Before applying permission to receive information through the firewall, it is necessary to take into account related.

Opening a port in Windows Firewall

If Windows Firewall blocks the program you want to enable information over the Internet, it is usually done by adding a program to the list allowed as described in the previous section.

However, if there are no programs in the list, you may need to open the port through which the program receives data through the firewall. For example, if you are going to use an online multiplayer application together with friends, you may need to open the port for this program so that the firewall allowed input information about the game.

The ports remain open constantly, so close those that are not needed.