Microsim and nanosim sizes. How to cut a SIM card for a nano-SIM? Is it worth the risk?

At the end of May, the European Telecommunications Standardization Institute (ETSI) will vote on a new SIM card standard, the so-called nano-SIM, which will be 20-35% smaller than the current micro-SIM used in the iPhone. Nokia Lumia and other devices. To answer the question, why else should they be reduced, let’s go a little deeper into history.

For any device to operate on any provider network, some kind of identifier is required. In the era of the birth of mobile communications, this identifier served unique number, which was assigned at the manufacturer, the so-called ESN (Electronic Serial Number). Switching from one operator to another was quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible without purchasing a new telephone. When purchasing a new device, it was necessary to come with it to the operator’s office to register it. This was extremely inconvenient, especially as the number of subscribers grew. With time mobile connection became available to almost everyone, and the number of devices began to grow continuously.

During development GSM standard engineers moved the subscriber identifier into a separate module, which they called SIM (Subscriber Identity Module). Essentially, a SIM card is a microcomputer that verifies the legitimacy of the equipment and registers the terminal on the network.

Let me remind you that on this moment Three types of SIM cards have been standardized

  1. SIM card size credit card(86*54mm). Appeared at the stage of formation of mobile communications of the GSM standard. Used in then popular Motorola phones StarTAC series.
  2. Mini-SIM is a classic small SIM card measuring 25*15mm. Ubiquitous in the vast majority of mobile devices.
  3. Micro-SIM - a type of card popularized by Apple (15*12mm)

In the days of bricks, the size of SIM cards was of little importance, because... the equipment itself was quite large. External antennas, large batteries. For example, back in 1992, the first “handheld” GSM phone, Nokia 1011, measured 195 x 60 x 45 mm and weighed 475 g. Times changed, technological evolution moved forward, and the size of phones decreased. There was a need to reduce device components without compromising functionality. That's when it became necessary to reduce the size of SIM cards. All manufacturers began to switch to mini-SIM, the size of which was more than 12 times smaller than a standard SIM card. The emergence of mini-SIM was largely due to the race for phone sizes. Let's remember such phones as Panasonic GD55 or Motorola T191. These phones were so small that even the female half often experienced inconvenience in using them.

Now they are going to reduce the size of SIM cards again. There are four contenders for standardization. These are Nokia, Motorola, RIM (BlackBerry brand) and Apple. I'll tell you a little more about the SIM cards themselves.

Apple proposes to standardize a 12*9 mm SIM card, which will be held in devices using a special tray (which is already familiar to users of Apple gadgets), for which the company has received a patent. But Apple promised that if its decision was accepted, the company would license all patents needed for the standard for free.

Strongly against this decision The Motorola-Nokia-RIM alliance came up with their own version of SIM cards, which are something similar to micro-SD cards and are held in the device in exactly the same way. The sizes of SIM cards offered by companies vary slightly. Nokia offers a SIM card size of 10*8mm, while RIM insists on a size of 11*9mm. Nokia, which has said it will not license its patents that would be necessary if the European Institute chooses Apple's solution as the standard, is leading a particularly fierce fight for the standard.

The selection of the standard will be carried out by voting by ETSI members. At the moment, 759 organizations from 60 European countries are members of the institute. And there is another scandal associated with voting. RIM accused Apple of trying to influence the outcome of the vote by registering its employees as representatives of other companies that are members of ETSI. In addition, Apple is now registering subsidiaries in European countries that are also members of the institute. Currently there are 6 companies registered in the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal and Italy, while Nokia has 2 companies registered, Motorola has 3, and RIM is not represented at all. According to rumors, Apple will also be supported by telecom operators, but this is just a rumor. According to preliminary data, the vote should take place at the end of May, but there is no certainty that it will take place. Most likely, it will be postponed again and give time to the companies to come to an agreement among themselves.

The main question that may concern us, ordinary consumers, is what does changing the size of SIM cards give us? It is quite difficult to find positive as well as negative sides. With SIM cards getting smaller, phone sizes are unlikely to become smaller than they are now. Indirectly, this proves that no one except Apple was in a hurry to change mini-SIM cards to micro-SIM, although this standard was adopted long before Apple appeared as a player in the market mobile phones. And no one will make phones smaller - on the contrary, the trend of increasing screen sizes, as well as phone sizes, cannot be ignored.

Some might say that this will free up space in the devices for other components. But the freed-up volume is so small that it can hardly be used effectively. Also, changing the standard is unlikely to affect the final cost of the device. The only thing that can cause us inconvenience is visiting the operator’s office to replace the SIM card when purchasing a new device, but this is done only once. And you are also unlikely to experience any inconvenience from replacing SIM cards. Remember the last time you changed your SIM card.

Why is Apple trying to change the standard? This is understandable. They've already run it in this technology, only the size of the SIM cards will change. Perhaps in the future they will still license their technology with royalties. And there is no such thing as extra money. Why does the rest of the alliance need this? It seems to me that this is just to protect yourself from a possible monopoly by Apple and, of course, to make yourself known. As you can see, the “apple company” is opposed by players whose market performance has greatly declined in recent years. Sales volume is steadily decreasing, revenue and profits are falling. My statement indirectly proves the fact that such “giants” as Samsung, HTC and Asus do not speak out on this topic at all.

In conclusion, I want to say that whatever the result of the vote, there will be no shocks in the market, and this will affect you and me to a lesser extent. And even more so, do not forget that in extreme cases, all sorts of adapters will appear, with the help of which you can easily insert SIM cards into one or another device.

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Sahakyants Mikhail (

Today you won’t surprise anyone with SIM cards of different sizes, although a couple of years ago this led mobile users to some confusion. When purchasing a new phone, you need to clarify which type of cards is acceptable for this model. Many of the devices are adapted to all three types (standard card, micro and nano SIM cards). But what to do in a situation where the phone only receives data? It is in this article that you can learn about what types of SIM cards there are, what is the difference between a regular SIM card and Nanosim, and also how to cut a SIM card for nano.

SIM card formats for phones and their differences

What types of cards are there for mobile phones? In fact, there is nothing complicated here. Modern phone models support three types of SIM cards:

  • Standard;
  • Microsim card;
  • Nano SIM card.

The difference between them is only in the dimensions of the cards; the innovations did not affect the electronic chip at all. The dimensions of the regular SIM card, the predecessor of all current SIM cards, are 25x15 mm with a beveled corner.

It is used in most modern phone models, but in Lately Mini-UICC cards measuring 15x12mm have become increasingly popular.

For the first time, such an example began to be used on the iPhone, and then the fashion was picked up by other “flagship” manufacturers.

After the release of the fifth iPhone, SIM card standards again required changes, because the devices themselves are now of completely different dimensions. Now the dimensions had to be even smaller, in addition to this their thickness also changed. And then a nano SIM card appeared, what it is, I think, is already clear from the name itself.

Reference. Nano SIM is the smallest SIM card used in modern gadgets.

Let's summarize the dimensions of the cards:

Is it possible to get nano yourself?

And now you have a brand new phone in your hands, but the problem is that the old one has a mini card, but just give this one a nano SIM. What to do? Of course, you can use the services of communication shops and purchase a completely new number. Or change the card format itself to a nanosim card, so Beeline offers to do this for free and at the same time you will retain your phone number, balance on your SIM card and tariff plan.

But useful information There was a lot on the old card, and you don’t want to lose it, right? In this case, we suggest that you take the situation into account. own hands and use the same hands to start cutting the map.

To make a mini micro SIM card (for example, for an iPhone 5 s) you will need:

  1. A ruler, but a caliper is better.
  2. Good sharp scissors for cutting out SIM card plastic.
  3. Pen or pencil.
  4. Sandpaper (it is better to use fine sandpaper, since the work ahead is delicate).

The first step is to save all important information from a SIM card, because this method transformation has a high chance of damaging the technical part. Therefore, if you do not want to risk important contacts on the card, then it is better to go to your native operator and change the SIM card.

If you are not afraid of difficulties, then feel free to proceed to the next stage: building a template. For this you need not only a ruler, but also a good eye, since every tenth of a millimeter is worth the price. For your convenience, here you will find a diagram that will help you cut out the required part of the SIM card. This template can be downloaded, printed and transferred directly to the SIM card.

When marking, be sure to mark the cut corner first, as this will help you determine which side to insert the SIM card into the phone. This is very important, since the chip is divided into certain contact zones, which must subsequently fall into place in the device.

Therefore, do all the work very carefully so as not to cut or leave anything unnecessary. When cutting, try not to touch the electronic chip of your SIM card.

When you are done with measuring work and getting rid of excess parts, proceed to sanding the SIM card. But before that, check: is it really necessary? this procedure. Most devices perceive cards that are only 0.1 mm thick as their own, and perhaps the need to work with “sandpaper” will disappear by itself.

Now insert the cut card into your phone. Works? We congratulate you on successfully completing the quest. If it doesn’t fit, you should cut it or sand it again.

Well, if it works like a glove and the phone can’t detect it, then you can’t do without operators - feel free to go to a communication store and buy a new SIM card. To prevent such a nuisance from happening, practice on some old and unnecessary SIM card that is lying around idle.

Is it worth the risk?

In fact, you can do without this whole procedure of trimming excess parts. You can use a special device - a cutter. It will reduce the SIM card to the size you need in a matter of seconds.

A similar tool can be found in all communication shops in any city. The price of such a service is ridiculous, and in certain cases you won’t spend a penny. It all depends on the operator. Also, such establishments can change the SIM card format to a nano card.

To issue a new kit, you just need to fill out an application and do not forget to bring your passport.

If at some point you suddenly want to use this card on a phone of an older model that supports earlier formats, do not panic ahead of time. For this there is special adapter, by inserting a nano SIM card into it, you can easily use it even in very ancient devices.

Adapter for nano-SIM card

Attention! This article serves only as advice on how to change your SIM card, but not as an instruction. Therefore, all responsibility for further actions and their consequences lie entirely with its owner and the performer of the above-described manipulations.

Video on the topic

MTS nano SIM card is a chip that is used in many modern smartphones. But how to get it or make it yourself? We will study all the nuances in our article and provide advice for subscribers.

Nano SIM is a card with dimensions of 9x12 mm. Outwardly, it looks like a small chip; there are no plastic edges, or they are minimal. Has a compact size.

Why did manufacturers start creating slots of this format? The main reason is the desire to save space. A regular card takes up a lot of space inside the case.

Do not forget that manufacturers have switched to a completely monoblock design. Consequently, the cards are now installed on the side. I had to reduce the format and get rid of excess plastic around the edges of the chip.

What are the advantages?

  1. The card takes up less space.
  2. You can make a slot for two SIM cards.
  3. It is possible to optimize the placement of components inside the case.
  4. The plastic part around the chip is still unnecessary and has no practical function.

Users have found out what a nano-sim looks like. But where can I get it? Let's explore the possible options.

Where can I get nano sim?

There are a number of ways:

  • Buy a new card.
  • Order an exchange.
  • Perform trimming.

How to order?

Where can I get a card? The client can purchase a nano sim along with the tariff from the operator. Necessary:

  1. Come to the nearest salon.
  2. Ask to connect.
  3. Select a tariff.
  4. Provide a passport.
  5. Sign an agreement for the provision of services.

How much does an MTS nano SIM card cost? The price of a new card is 0 rubles. The client makes only an advance payment according to the tariff; the chip for access to the network is provided free of charge.

Delivery is available in major cities. The availability of such a service should be clarified separately by contacting the contact center specialists at 8-800-250-0890.

The client is given a medium similar to a bank card. The usual mini-SIM is squeezed out of it. Then take out the central part; the grooves were made during production.

You should not throw away excess plastic elements. In the future, they can be used as an adapter, which will facilitate installation in other phones.

How to order an exchange? Necessary:

  • Come to the salon.
  • Provide a passport.
  • Ask to exchange the card.
  • In the future, the client will be given a modern product.

Important: only the owner can request an exchange upon presentation of a passport! Employees do not have the right to perform an operation at the request of the user of the number if the account is not registered to him.


Old media can be trimmed. Necessary:

  1. Choose any store that sells smartphones.
  2. Find out about the availability of trimming services.
  3. Come to the point of sale in person.
  4. Give the media to a specialist.
  5. He will trim it and return it to the owner.


The cost of the service is from 100 to 500 rubles. Usually the price is in the range of 100-200 rubles, the procedure takes no more than 1-2 minutes for a specialist. You can clarify the specific parameter in the selected store.

How to trim yourself

You learned how to get a nano SIM MTS. But is it possible to cut the card yourself and how safe is this procedure?

Doing the process yourself is highly not recommended! What problems may you encounter:

  • Chip damage.
  • Complete card failure.
  • You need to spend time replacing it.
  • If the card is registered to another person, you will have to ask him to visit the office and leave a request for exchange.

Aren't you afraid to risk the performance of your SIM card? Then we offer a simplified method:

  1. You need to download the template online.
  2. Print it on paper.
  3. Cut out.
  4. Stick to back side on double-sided tape.
  5. Perform trimming.

Experienced communication store consultants still remember the time when customers were perplexed by the fact that there were SIMs of non-standard sizes. Nowadays, having several types of SIM cards is commonplace. Manufacturers are giving preference to increasingly smaller cards, because this saves space inside the device body. Standard-sized SIM cards, bulky by modern standards, are about to “sink into oblivion.”

In this article we will talk about all types of SIM and teach you how to turn a large card into a small one.


Nano-SIM– the newest and smallest card for the phone. Its dimensions are only 12x5 millimeters. Visually, the card is a chip with a minimum of plastic edging.

Apple is again the innovator. Exactly Nano-SIM users had to insert the 5th modification into the iPhone. Later, other well-known manufacturers began to produce devices with Nano-SIM slots - for example, Samsung And .

The following illustration will help you understand the differences between the three types of SIM cards:

How to change the SIM card size for your phone?

The most obvious way to change the SIM card size is replace it in the operator's cabin. This procedure is completely free, takes only a couple of minutes, and the phone number does not change subsequently. However, this method still has a number of disadvantages:

  • On new SIM card there will be no numbers saved in the old memory. Of course, a similar problem easy to solve: in the article “” we talk about several export methods at once telephone numbers. But, alas, many users consider their time too valuable to waste it on mastering third-party software and methods for creating backup copies.
  • You have the right to replace your SIM card in the office only its designer and only according to the passport. If the card was given to the user, for example, by his parents, he himself will not be able to replace it. Sometimes this becomes a real problem.

If a consultant changes a SIM card to a person who is not its issuer, this is fraud! For such an operation, the consultant will, at a minimum, be deprived of his bonus, and at maximum, he will be fired in disgrace. Therefore, demanding to “make an exception” is meaningless; no one wants to find themselves unemployed with unflattering wording in their work book.

There are several ways to change the dimensions of a SIM card without resorting to replacement. For example, a user can purchase adapter(aka - adapter). The adapters look like this:

Order adapters for SIM is better on Chinese sites - there they cost a mere trifle. For example, a set of adapters from Noosy along with a needle for iPhone will cost only 17 rubles. When purchasing in a salon, the user may be charged up to 250 rubles - the difference is more than noticeable!

The set usually includes adapters of 3 types: Nano-SIM to SIM, Micro-SIM to SIM And Nano-SIM to Micro-SIM. Since SIM cards of reduced sizes continue to be associated with Apple, manufacturers do not forget to include needles in the kits to remove the SIM card slot. Adapters are easy to use: a small SIM card is inserted into a suitable adapter, then the adapter itself with the card inside is placed in the slot of the mobile device.

Adapters help when you need to increase the size of a SIM card, but what should the user do if, on the contrary, the card needs to be reduced? The owner of the gadget should think about the fact that such a need may arise even at the stage of purchasing a SIM card - and insist on issuing him a so-called Combi-SIM. Combi-SIM is a standard-sized card from which you can make a micro-SIM card in a split second.

Inside a SIM card, standard in size, Micro-Sim is already cut along the contour, so it is easy for the user to press with a finger and break off a piece of plastic.

There is no need to rush to throw away the frame– she is still capable of doing a good service. If you need to reinsert the card into the slot under Mini-SIM the frame can be used as an adapter.

Usage Combi-SIM- one of the ways to change the size of the SIM card downward. Cards Combi provided to mobile users for free- of course, if they are available in the operator’s office.

If the user already owns a standard SIM card and wants to turn it into Micro, without losing contacts, he has no other choice but to cut the SIM card. Pruning is usually carried out using a special device called stapler for Sim(aka - Sim cutter, it’s the same - Sim-Cutter).

Make from a standard card Micro-SIM If you have such a stapler, it’s a second procedure. However, expect that the sales office or workshop will carry out this procedure for free, not worth it. The salon employees will demand 149 rubles for trimming and will even knock out a check for providing a paid service. Repair shops will also ask for money, or even send the user to deal with the operator.

Cutting a SIM card is associated with some risk - if the person performing the procedure is in a hurry or is inattentive, he will damage the chip and, as a result, the SIM card will not function. Hence high price pruning services – no one wants to take risks “for nothing.”

How to cut a SIM card with your own hands?

Not in all salons cellular communications There are staplers for SIM - some consultants continue to cut cards with their own hands and regular scissors. The reader may be surprised to learn that no one trains consultants to do this. They hone this skill on their own, and many are able to successfully cut a SIM card the first time.

No wonder - in fact, the procedure is extremely primitive! Usually the main difficulty is finding a pattern. Consultants usually have their whole table covered with SIM cards. various sizes, working and having served their time - they use them as models. The average user can only dream of such abundance - however, if he still managed to borrow a SIM card the right size acting as a template, he can safely try trimming with his own hands. If not, he should resort to using a printer and a template print(here is the relevant link).

To cut a SIM card, you don’t need felt-tip pens, rulers or pencils - if you follow these instructions:

  • Take the large SIM in your hand with the chip facing up.
  • Place the sample card on top so that it completely covers the chip, press it tightly with your thumb and do not let go. If desired, the template can be attached to a large SIM using double-sided tape, but experts do not recommend doing this - you can damage the chip.
  • Carefully trim the sides of the plastic. Try not to have too much, otherwise the SIM card in the slot will “dangle” and the signal will be lost.
  • Cut the card according to the template across. Here you can act less scrupulously; The main thing is not to touch the chip.
  • Remove the corner and slightly round the edges - otherwise the SIM card will not fit into the slot.

Next, put the template aside and try to install the cut card into the phone to check its functionality. If the SIM card does not fit into the slot, carefully trim the plastic and try again. If the card slot is just the right size and can be read by the phone, rejoice - you just cut a SIM card with your own hands!

note that not just any card can be “cut” to the desired size. Easiest to redo Mini-SIM V Micro SIM – Such pruning should not cause any difficulties for the user at all. Trim under Nano-SIM always more difficult; plastic around the chip on the card Nano almost none, so the risk of snagging the chip with the blades of the scissors is quite high.

Old-style SIM cards with large chips are still in use:

Cutting such SIMs is a real nightmare! With some luck, from such a card you can make Micro-SIM, but turn it into Nano It definitely won't work.


The fact that smartphone manufacturers have begun to produce gadgets that support SIM cards different types, salon sellers have become quite rich. Of course, not all paid services pass through the cash register - in many cases, the money for trimming is sent to the consultants' pockets. Cutting SIM cards for sellers is a “bread and butter” business, which means free there is nothing to count on for help from consultants.

Therefore, a user who does not want to “feed” salon employees is better off mastering pruning skills himself. This procedure is quite simple and does not require “surgical precision”.

Over the history of mobile communications, the SIM card has changed its format and size four times already.

Each subsequent change made the map smaller mobile operator, and by 2021 experts predict the abandonment of plastic cards in favor of built-in eSIM. Improvement mobile networks, the trend towards narrower smartphone bodies and the development of gadgets have reduced the size of SIM cards by more than ten times. We tell you what SIM cards are and how they differ.

First generation

The first replacement card of a mobile operator is considered to be a full-size 1FF format card. Its dimensions are similar to modern bank card. This form factor of a mobile operator card was relevant in the period from 1991 to 1996.


In 1996, under the influence of the global shrinkage of phones, the SIM card was cut down to the mini-SIM format. The size of such a card is only 25 x 15 mm, it is also found in some budget segment phone models. It was with these SIM cards that the 2G and 3G standards came.


Apple as a trendsetter in mobile world, in 2003, for the first time introduced a smartphone that supports a Micro SIM card. Its dimensions are 15 x 12 mm. Most gadget manufacturers supported the idea, and over the next few years this format became the standard. Along with this size of SIM cards, 4G Internet became available.


Today, the most popular format in smartphones is nano-SIM - the most compact card ( 12.3 x 8.8 mm), the implementation of which began with a company from Cupertino. iPhone 5 was the first gadget to introduce a slot of this format. And if you could turn a mini-SIM into a Micro-SIM using scissors or a special cutting device, then to adapt a SIM card to nano size you had to go to a communication store.

Almost the entire plane of the new format card is occupied by the chip, and its damage will lead to the card failure. Nano-SIM is the most popular format at the moment.

eSIM in the smartphones of the future

Traditional and familiar slots for SIM cards will be replaced in the coming years, and information about network data will be available after entering information from the operator. This approach has already been implemented in smart watch Samsung Gear S2 (Classic 3G).

The introduction of eSIM will not only save case space, but will also facilitate the transition from one operator to another. Together with the built-in information about the operator, the maximum Internet access speed will increase. It is predicted that gadget manufacturers may take over the regulation of tariffs for using operator services, so there is a possibility that mobile communications will become more accessible.