Cam module connection to samsung TVs. Satellite TV MTS: CAM module. Which TV models are suitable for using the CAM module

In the fall of 2013, a new product appeared on the Russian TV equipment market - Cam CI + tricolor TV. More precisely, this is an improved version of the old generation tricolor device. The previous equipment could only open packages of optimum and super optimum, while channels with improved quality.

Are available

Updated CAM for viewing encoded operator channels version 1.3. The device is suitable for receiving both MPEG2 and MPEG4, HDTV channels. The main purpose is to work with modern TVs with a built-in satellite DVB-S2 tuner, as well as a card slot.

Are available

A conditional access device designed to work both in receivers supporting the CI + technology and having a CAM slot, as well as in modern S2 TVs. To check the TV, we look at the presence of a screw-on connector on the rear panel or support for the DVB-S2 standard in the technical data sheet for us.

Are available

Conditional access card and pcmcia slot included for receiving NTV plus programs. The device is designed to work with modern TVs that support satellite signal DVB-S2 and set-top boxes that have a pcmcia slot and work with CI + technology. In order to pick up a TV by ..

Are available

The official Viaccess encoding slot. Works with old generation NTV plus card. This device not suitable for viewing channels in HD and MPEG4 standards. The device can be used both in modern TVs that receive a satellite signal, and in set-top boxes with slots for ..

Are available

Provides viewing of paid Telekarta TV channels on TVs with a built-in satellite DVB-S2 tuner. Supplied complete with an access card with payment for 1 month of the "Standard" package. The card is rechargeable and allows you to select and activate any of the package options offered by the operator.

Are available

A new tricolor TV slot that supports the operation of all available operator packages. The device can view news, music, film, sports and other operator packages. HD channels are also available for equipment owners. The device works in techno.

Not available

What is Cam module?

The word "cam" stands for Conditional Acess Module, that is, a conditional access module, which is a device with which paid channels transmitted from satellites are decoded. The equipment does not receive a signal from the satellite, but is used only as additional device to your TV or satellite receiver. The devices are installed in different systems - cable networks, terrestrial broadcasting, satellite TV. Most common use this equipment found. To work with the cam module, the TV must support the required standard. Today, three options can be distinguished - DVB-S / S2 (SAT), DVB-T / T2 (Ostankino), DVB-C (cable networks). To connect via a satellite box, the receiver must have special slots. Conditional access devices differ in the supported coding system. As a rule, each operator has its own chosen option for coding paid content and for each coding its own equipment is produced. Of the operators on the market, the most common are tricolor access modules and NTV access modules. Devices for paid channels are supplied complete with a smart card, the task of which is to receive information for activation and deactivation of paid or unpaid channels. The use of devices on TVs is quite convenient, since the subscriber has only one remote control for working with television and satellite channels, and there are no additional set-top boxes next to the TV.

What are Conditional Access Modules?

All devices can be divided into household and professional ones. The former are usually used for home use, the second in professional cable networks with headend. Household options allow decoding no more than one channel at a time, for private users this is quite enough. Professionals can simultaneously decrypt from 2 or more channels, which is important when connecting stations, since there is no need to purchase several TV access modules. But the price of such equipment is much more expensive.

Each device operates in a specific coding system. The most common encodings are Viaccess, Irdeto, Cryptoworks, DRE Crypt, Conax, Mediaguard. There are also universal hd access slots that support multiple systems at the same time. The main manufacturer of devices is currently the Chinese company SMIT, the equipment of this company is sold on the Russian telecommunications market.

CI + Access Modules

The CI + standard has appeared relatively recently. Allows you to protect content from copying, preventing the recording of many programs and broadcasts, rewinding, deleting ad units. This technology also allows you to bind the module to the receiving equipment - TV, receiver. For the user, this system carries restrictions, many programs and programs cannot be recorded, everything depends on how the content owner has agreed with the broadcaster - operator. All modern TVs with DVB-S2 input and a cam slot support the CI + standard. If you are going to connect a module using a prefix, then here you should look at the possibility of working with this standard. Quite often, this is done by installing special software for CI +.

Our company has been working for over 12 years in the sale, installation and configuration of satellite and television equipment and can offer its clients both consultation in the selection and fish connection at the Customer's site. You can buy the CI + conditional access module either through the order form from the website, or by making the registration by phone.

Televisions have become an integral part of life modern man... They provide a more comfortable rest while watching your favorite movie or TV show. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of home appliances, among which Smart TV devices are gaining popularity. These models have special advantages and some rules of operation.

The CI slot is located on the back of the TV. What does he look like? The slot is a fairly wide slot for a module Common Interface, which opens access to encrypted channels. This interface is used for digital broadcasting and protects the user from illegal viewing of paid or prohibited TV channels. This feature provides its owner with the ability to record or save content, and also provides support for viewing with the possible disablement of commercials.

REFERENCE! Many manufacturers install a more modern and improved module on their devices: CI Plus. It differs from the previous one in some characteristics, has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Features and benefits of the CI module

Like any product, the CI program has some advantages that make it stand out from other similar inventions.

Key features:

  • there is no need to purchase a receiver, since the signal is received using an access card;
  • guaranteed access to encrypted digital television channels;
  • the absence of connecting drives eliminates the possibility of interference;
  • the ability to view media content in HD quality without connecting special additional devices;
  • eliminating the need to purchase a special attachment helps to significantly save money;
  • minimum action and low level difficulties allow you to carry out the connection process yourself;
  • viewing digital channels on any device, including an outdated model of technology.

When connecting to outdated equipment, a special CI slot is required to make the connection.

REFERENCE! The advantages also include the control of equipment using one remote control remote control... When connected to CI, you can switch, control or rewind with one device.

Installing the moduleCI

Installation and connection have some rules. To avoid the occurrence possible mistakes, the prescribed recommendations should be adhered to.

ATTENTION! Installation is carried out only on a household appliance that is disconnected from the electricity network.

The first step is to insert the smart card into the adapter. Make sure that when inserting, the position of the card is with the electronic chip facing up. To do this, place the module itself with its front side facing you.

After completing, insert the adapter into the slot on the TV. Many manufacturers seal the slot with a special protective film, which indicates the marking. Carefully remove the film and install the adapter with the card. Please note that when installed in a slot, the module must be facing out. Otherwise, the workflow will not start.

With a few simple steps, the module is installed.


After installation, a setup process is required. When the TV is connected to the network, an inscription about the connection of a new device pops up on the screen. In most cases, new channels are launched automatically. In some situation, you may need automatic search programs. To do this, go to the settings, select the item "Search for programs" and run. The procedure ends automatically if necessary.

The module is installed, the channels are configured. You can enjoy watching any program.

REFERENCE! Installation and configuration are carried out according to a similar algorithm, regardless of the manufacturer or model of equipment.

Actions if the module does not connect

Many users are faced with a situation where the installation process went through, but the module does not connect. In many cases, the problem can be resolved within a few minutes:

  1. The most common mistakes include incorrect installation card or the adapter itself. To eliminate errors, turn off household appliances from the network, pull out the adapter, insert the card correctly and put the module in the slot. After that, we check the notification about connecting a new device by connecting the TV to the electricity network.
  2. After connected, a situation is possible when the channels are not configured. If the equipment is connected according to all the rules, and the TV finds a new device, but does not connect the channels, you should consult with the service provider.
  3. With absence automatic connection TV channels are manually tuned in.

TVs are one of the mandatory household appliances in the House. They differ in size, production technology and additional functions... Among the wide variety presented on the modern market, each buyer will be able to choose for himself the best option... TVs with an additional CI module are gaining wide popularity. Such a device will become a full-fledged family member in any home.

So, as I wrote earlier, the classic way to connect satellite TV is as follows:

Satellite dish - satellite receiver - TV.

Benefits of using a satellite receiver:

For this method, you can use any TV, no matter whether you bought it a year ago or 10 years have passed, the main thing is to choose a cable for connecting a satellite receiver and a TV;

Satellite receiver can act not only as a receiver satellite signal, but also have other functions, for example: Internet access, Smart TV, DLNA, etc.

Cons of using a satellite receiver:

Inconvenience when using two remote controls (from a TV and from a satellite receiver). Although modern TVs use various technologies to unite all devices and use only the TV remote control (for example, the anynet + technology in Samsung-e), such technologies are not suitable for all equipment and do not always work perfectly.

Connecting satellite TV using the CAM module.

Another way to connect satellite TV is to use CAM module. CAM module(Conditional Access Module) - electronic device, used as an adapter of a specific coding system to common interfaces of conditional access (Common Interface) in televisions and digital television receivers to provide subscribers with access to encrypted media content in digital television(Wikipedia).

Most modern TVs already have a built-in satellite receiver (DVB-S2), which only needs to add a device for decoding channels - a CAM module. Since each operator has its own coding system, then each operator (Tricolor, NTV +, etc.) has its own CAM module. Thus, using the CAM module of a certain operator, you activate the receiver built into the TV and watch satellite channels of the selected operator without using an external satellite receiver.

pros using CAM module:

Control from one remote control. It would seem a trifle, but it is VERY CONVENIENT.

TV must support DVB-S2 and the module Cl +. You can find out this information from the technical documentation for the TV or by telling the model of your TV when purchasing a CAM module.

How to connect and configure the CAM module ?! In fact, connecting and configuring the CAM module is extremely simple and can be dealt with without the help of specialists. Below is a detailed description of how to install and configure the CAM module, it will be relevant for all popular operators - Tricolor, NTV +, Telekarta, Rainbow etc.

Installing and configuring the CAM module.

The first step is to correctly insert the access card into the CAM module. To do this, turn the access card with its metal contacts up and insert it all the way, with the CAM module facing you.

Then turn off the TV and insert the CAM module into a special slot (PCMCIA slot), usually located on the back side of the TV. The module must be inserted with the front side facing the wall.

Connect satellite dish to the TV.

Then turn on the TV.

Before setting satellite channels, I recommend to make sure that the TV "sees" your CAM module, for this go to the TV settings and look at the information about the CAM module. For example, on LG TVs, for this you need to go to "Settings" - "Fast" - "Search for channels" - "CI data (CAM)"

After that "Module".

Select your module, in my case it is Tricolor CI plus CAM

And see information about him.

If the TV does not "see" the CAM module, it means that you inserted it incorrectly, turn off the TV and insert the CAM module correctly.

Setting up satellite channels through the CAM module.

Below I will describe how to set up the CAM module on an LG TV, for other TV models (Philips, Samsung, Sony, etc.) everything will be the same.

Go to the TV menu, for this press:

1) on a regular TV remote, the "Settings" button

2) on the magic remote the "Input" button

and select the "Settings" button on the TV.

From the "Quick" menu, select "Search for channels".

Select "Autosearch"

Specify "Satellite" in the settings mode and click "Next".

From the list, select the operator whose CAM module you are using, in this case Tricolor.

If you are using the popular operator Tricolor, NTV +, etc., then in the next step just click "Next", otherwise click "Settings" and make the settings appropriate for your satellite operator.

The next step is to click "Run" to start searching for channels. You can also specify more exact search selecting, for example - Skip scrambled channels, etc.

The automatic search for satellite channels will start, you need to wait a few minutes before it ends.

As a result, you will see the number of channels and radio found, now you can click "Finish".

As a result, you have configured satellite TV using the CAM module.

Video settings for the CAM module Tricolor, NTV +, Telekarta, Rainbow.

During the initial setup of the LG Smart TV, the system will be prompted to select which TV channels will be broadcast. The user can choose from three options, cable, digital or satellite television. In the process or at the end of the setup of cable channels, an error often occurs - there is no CL module, LG TV, what to do in such a situation, we will consider in this review.

The cl module opens access to the provider's encrypted channels, its absence, accordingly, blocks this possibility altogether. In fact, the solution to the problem lies in the same setting, which, most likely, was performed incorrectly, as a result of which this error appeared.

During the setup process, pay your attention to the choice of the search parameters for TV channels, if you check the box on the digital TV item, and the built-in dv module is not provided for by the equipment, the same error will appear. That is, we select the item " cable TV»And wait for the end of the search process for available programs, after which it is unforgettable to save the settings, otherwise the error will appear again.

If this method does not work, it is quite possible that software your TV is out of date and unstable. In this case, contact the masters for help. service center LG, so you can count on professional hardware diagnostics and software updates for LG Smart TVs.

There are also alternative way settings, which can also help solve the problem with the missing CL module on your LG TV, however, there is no guarantee of success.

This method involves changing the region, if you set Russia at the very beginning as your place of residence, then now replace it with Germany or Finland. After this is done, search for TV channels again. The module missing error should go away, provided everything is done correctly. I repeat, similar method is not suitable for all TV models, in addition, it may depend on the provider who provides the cable TV service.

Where to buy an MTS cam-module? Who can answer my questions?

You can fill out an application on this site: just click on the red "Connect" button at the top. The manager will call you back, answer all questions, arrange the delivery of equipment or tell you where you can come to buy.

What is better to choose - cam-module or TV-box?

If your TV supports the installation of the module, then select it. This compact device fits inside the TV and saves space. The quality of the image and the set of channels do not differ from them.

Is it possible to buy the MTS module separately, without an antenna?

Oh sure. Such a kit costs 3400 rubles.

Does the CAM allow you to watch free channels from the same satellite?

We would formulate it differently. The module is not involved in this process. If your TV has DVB-S2 support, it will find open (unencrypted) channels on the ABS-2A satellite and you can watch them.

Is it true that you need a module to view UltraHD (4K) channels?

Yes it's true.

If the TV does not support the HEVC codec, but has the DVB-S2 and CI + options, can a cam module be installed in it?

Yes, you can, and everything will work. But those channels that are encoded using HEVC will not be shown.

I have a cam-module for MTS cable TV, can I use it for satellite TV?

This will not work, the devices are not interchangeable, since they differ in the software installed on them.

Do I need to buy and install an antenna for the module itself?

Yes, of course, you always need an antenna to watch satellite TV.

What is the difference between cam module version 1.3 and 1.1?

Compared to 1.1 CI +, 1.3 added:
various enhancements of Content Control mechanism - improvements in the content limiting mechanism
coordination of parental control PIN code handling between CAM and its host - parameters synchronization parental control between the module and the device in which it is installed (TV or set-top box)
better IP communication support (increased data throughput) - improved communication speed
VOD support - added support for video on demand service
a new Operator Profile resource allowing CAM to adapt non-standard broadcast-specific service information to standard DVB format understandable by Host. - added settings that allow you to adapt the broadcast to the parameters of the received device