What is the ASP file extension? Various VBScript and JavaScript

Updated: 03/09/2020

How to open ASP file?

No ability to open files with the ASP extension may have different origins. What is important, all common problems associated with files with ASP extension, All users can decide. The process is fast and does not require the participation of an IT specialist. Below is a list of recommendations that will help you identify and solve problems related to files.

Step 1. Get Web Browser

Problems with opening and work with ASP files are most likely associated with the lack of proper softwareCompatible with ASP files on your computer. This light. Select Web Browser or one of the recommended programs (for example, Text Editor, Adobe Fireworks, Microsoft Visual Studio) and download it from the corresponding source and install it in your system. Full list Programs grouped by operating systems can be found above. Most safe method Web Browser Downloads Set - To do this, go to the developer website () and download the software using the links provided.

Step 2. Check the Web Browser version and update if necessary.

If you have already installed Web Browser. In your systems and ASP files still do not open properly, check if you have the latest software version. Software developers can implement support for more modern file formats in updated versions of their products. The reason for the Web Browser cannot handle files with ASP, it may be that the software is outdated. The latest version of Web Browser is back compatible and can work with file formats supported by older software versions.

Step 3. Assign Web Browser for ASP Files

If the problem has not been solved in the previous step, you should associate ASP files with the latest version of Web Browser installed on your device. The next step should not create problems. The procedure is simple and largely independent of the system.


  • Pressing the right mouse button on ASP will open the menu from which you must select the option To open with
  • Next, select the option Select another app And then with the help of more applications, open the list of available applications.
  • Finally, select Find another application on this ... specify the folder in which Web Browser is installed, select the check box. Always use this application to open ASP files your choice by clicking the OK button

Select the first choice application in Mac Os.

  • By clicking the right mouse button on the selected ASP file, open the file menu and select Information.
  • Open the Open section by clicking His name
  • Select Web Browser and click Change for all ...
  • A window should appear with a message that this change will be applied to all files with ASP extension.. Pressing forward, you confirm your choice.

Step 4. Check the ASP for errors

If you executed instructions from previous steps, but the problem is still not solved, you should check the ASP file, which this is speech. The lack of file access can be associated with various problems.

1. ASP can be infected with malicious software - be sure to check it with antivirus.

If ASP is really infected, perhaps malware blocks its discovery. Scan the file immediately using the anti-virus tool or view the entire system to ensure that the entire system is safe. ASP file is infected with malicious software? Follow the instructions of antivirus software.

2. Make sure the ASP file structure is not damaged.

If the ASP file was sent to you by someone else, ask for this person to send you a file. In the process of copying a file, errors may occur that make the file is incomplete or damaged. It can be a source of file problems. If a aSP file Was loaded from the Internet only partially, try downloading it again.

3. Check if the user has entered the system, administrator rights.

Sometimes, to access the files, the user needs administrator rights. Exit your current account and log in to account With sufficient access rights. Then open the Active Server Page file.

4. Check if your system can handle Web Browser

If the system is overloaded, it may not cope with the program you use to open files with the ASP extension. In this case, close other applications.

5. Make sure you have the latest driver versions, system updates and corrections.

The latest versions of programs and drivers can help you solve problems with active Server Page Files and ensure the safety of your device and the operating system. It is possible that one of available updates Systems or drivers can solve problems with ASP files that affect older versions of this software.

If you have on a computer installed antivirus program can scan all files on your computer, as well as each file separately. You can scan any file by clicking right-click Mouse to file and selecting the appropriate option to check the file for viruses.

For example, in this picture allocated file My-File.aspthen you need to right-click on this file, and select the option in the File menu "Scan with AVG". When this parameter is selected, AVG Antivirus will open, which will check this file For viruses.

Sometimes an error may occur as a result invalid software installationWhat can be related to the problem that occurred during the installation process. It may interfere with your operating system. tie your ASP file with proper applied software having an impact on the so-called "Association of File Extensions".

Sometimes simple reinstall Mozilla Firefox. It can solve your problem correctly linking ASP with Mozilla Firefox. In other cases, problems with file associations may arise as a result bad Software Programming Developer, and you may be required to contact the developer for more accommodation.

Tip: Try updating Mozilla Firefox to latest versionTo make sure that the latest fixes and updates are installed.

It may seem too obvious, but often directly the ASP file itself may cause the problem. If you received a file through attachment email or downloaded it from the website, and the download process was interrupted (for example, a power outage or for another reason), the file may be damaged. If possible, try to get a new copy of the ASP file and try to open it again.

Caution: A damaged file may entail the occurrence of accompanying damage to the previous or already existing malware on your PC, so it is very important that the updated antivirus constantly worked on your computer.

If your ASP file associated with hardware on your computerTo open the file you may need update device driversassociated with this equipment.

This problem Usually related to the types of multimedia filesthat depend on the successful opening of hardware inside the computer, for example, sound card or video card. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file, but you can't open it, you may need update sound card drivers.

Tip: If you try to open the ASP file you get error message associated with S.Sys File, the problem is likely to be associated with damaged or outdated drivers Devicesthat need to be updated. This process It is possible to facilitate through the use of software to update drivers, such as DriverDoc.

If the steps did not solve the problemand you still have problems with the opening of ASP files, it may be related to lack available system resources . For some versions of ASP files, considerable amount of resources may be required (for example, memory / RAM, computing power) for proper opening on your computer. Such a problem is often found, if you use a fairly old computer hardware And at the same time a much newer operating system.

Such a problem may occur when a computer is difficult to cope with the task, since operating system (and other services operating in the background) can consume too much resources to open ASP file. Try to close all applications on your PC before opening Active Server Page. After freeing all the available resources on your computer, you will provide the best conditions for attempting to open the ASP file.

If you performed all the steps described above, and your ASP file still does not open, it may be necessary to perform equipment update. In most cases, even when using old versions of equipment, computing power can still be more than sufficient for most user applications (if you do not perform a lot of resource-intensive processor operation, such as 3D rendering, financial / scientific modeling or intensive multimedia work) . In this way, it is likely that your computer lacks the required amount of memory.(more often called "RAM", or rAM) To execute the task of opening a file.

In ASP, you can call the JavaScript procedure on VBScript, and vice versa.


ASP source code may contain subroutines and functions:

Sub VBProc (Num1, Num2)
Response.Write (Num1 * Num2)
End Sub.

RESULT:<%call vbproc(3,4)%>

<% @ Языка = "язык" %\u003e This line is written in the above tag You can use another scenario language to write a subroutine or function:

<%@ language="javascript" %>

Response.Write (Num1 * Num2)


Various VBScript and JavaScript,

When calling a VBScript or JavaScript procedure from ASP file written on VBScript, you can use "Call" keywordBehind which the name of the procedure follows. If the procedure requires the parameters when using the "Call" keyword, the parameter must be enclosed in brackets. If you omit the "call" keyword, the parameters should not be included in brackets. If the procedure does not have parameters, the parentheses are not mandatory.

When calling a VBScript or JavaScript procedure from the ASP file written in JavaScript, you must use parentheses after the subroutine name.

Other examples

Using VBScript Call Subroutine
This example demonstrates how to seek help to VBScript subroutines and subroutines in the ASP JavaScript document.

You can run ASP on your computer.

Your PC with Windows as a web server

  • Your own computer can act as a web server if you install IIS or PWS
  • IIS or PWS turns your computer into a web server
  • Microsoft IIS and PWS Components Free Web Server

IIS - Internet Information Server

IIS is a set of Internet services for servers created by Microsoft for use with Microsoft Windows.

IIS comes with Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7. It is also available for Windows NT.

IIS is easy to install and is ideal for developing and testing web applications.

PWS - Personal Web Server

PWS for old system Windows as Windows 95, 98 and NT.

PWS is easy to install and can be used to develop and test web applications, including ASP.

Versions of Windows Web Server

  • Windows 7 (All Editions) are supplied with IIS 7.5
  • Windows Vista Business, Enterprise and the ultimate come with IIS 7
  • Windows Vista Home Premium comes with IIS 7
  • Windows Vista Home Edition does not support PWS or IIS
  • Windows XP Professional comes with IIS 5.1
  • Windows XP Home Edition does not support IIS or PWS
  • Windows 2000 Professional comes with IIS 5.0
  • Windows NT Professional comes with IIS 3, and also supports IIS 4
  • Windows NT Workstation supports PWS and IIS 3
  • Windows ME does not support PWS or IIS
  • Windows 98 comes with PWS
  • Windows 95 supports PWS

How to install IIS on Windows 7 and Windows Vista

  1. Open the control panel from the Start menu
  2. Double-click Programs and Components
  3. Click for "Turn Windows Features ON OR OFF" (A Link to the Left)
  4. Check the Internet Information Services checkbox and click OK

How to install IIS on Windows XP and Windows 2000

Follow these steps to install IIS:

  1. In the Start menu, select Settings and select the Control Panel
  2. Double-click the Installation and Removal Software icon
  3. Click Add / Delete Windows Components
  4. Click Internet Information Services (IIS)
  5. Click the Details button
  6. Check the World Wide Web Service checkbox and click OK
  7. When choosing windows components, click Next to install IIS

After installing IIS, make sure you have installed all patches for errors and security problems. (RUN. Windows Update.) .

Check your web

After installing IIS or PWS, follow these steps:

  1. Look for new folder entitled Inetpub on hard disk
  2. Open the inetpub folder and find the folder named wwwroot
  3. Create a new folder, for example "MyWeb" under wwwroot
  4. Some ASP write - code and save the file as "test1.asp" in the new folder
  5. Make sure the web server works (See Below)
  6. Open the browser and enter "http: //localhost/myweb/test1.asp" To view the first web page

Note: Look at IIS (OR PWS) in your start menu or taskbar. The program has functions for running and stopping a web server, disable and enable ASP, and much more.

How to install PWS on Windows 95, 98 and Windows NT

For Windows 98: Open Add-ons folder on a compact - windows disk, Find PWS. Folder and run setup.exe. To install PWS.

For Windows 95 or Windows NT: Download "Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack" from Microsoft, and install PWS.

Check your web as described above.

How to install IIS on Windows Server 2003

  1. For launch Windows Server 2003, you should see MANAGE YOUR SERVER WIZARD - MANAGE YOUR SERVER WIZARD
  2. If the wizard is not displayed, go to Administrative Tools, and select MANAGE YOUR SERVER.
  3. In the wizard, click Add or Remove A Role, click Next
  4. Choose Custom Configuration, click Next
  5. Choose Application Server Role, click Next
  6. Choose Enable ASP.NET, click Next
  7. Now, the master can ask Server 2003 CD. Insert the CD and let it work until it is completed, and then click Finish
  8. The master should now show the role of the application server installed
  9. Press MANAGE THIS APPLICATION SERVER to open Application Server Management Console (MMC)
  10. Expand Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, and then expand the server and then the web site folder
  11. You should see Default Web Site, and he should not talk (stopped)
  12. IIS works!
  13. IN Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, click on Web Service Extensions Folders
  14. Here you will see that Active Server Pages Are Prohibited for (This is the Default Configuration of IIS 6)
  15. Highlight Active Server Pages and click Allow. button
  16. ASP is now active!

Do you have a problem with opening.asp files? We collect information about file formats And we can tell what you need ASP files. Additionally, we recommend programs that are most suitable for opening or converting such files.

Why do you need file format.asp?

File expansion .asp It is the designation "Active Server Pages" (active server pages, ASP) and refers to the type of files "ASP script" ( .asp). ASP is a server platform for web applications developed by Microsoft for its server technology on windows database IIS (Internet Information Services). ASP has been further developed by becoming the basis for ASP.NET. Unlike ASP, ASP.NET pages files have the default extension .aspx.

Although ASP is a Windows-oriented technology, the ASP scripted pages can be placed on the APACHE web server standard on other platforms, subject to the connection of additional modules and individual setup Server.

File .asp - It is common text filecontaining HTML markup with VBScript or JScript codes inserts, as well as possible references to COM / ACTIVEX objects. As in the case of PHP, before issuing a dynamically generated final HTML-code ASP page, the ASP page must be processed by the server. ASP scripts can be created and open in the form of source code in any text editor.

In Apple Mac OS X Enfusion .asp Separately associated S. apple application System Profiler (Apple, ASP), indicating the type / file format "ASP report" ( .asp). This often leads to improper processing of Active Server Pages (ASP) files on apple computers And, as a rule, requires manual instructions to open a file through the "Open with ..." command.

Programs for opening or converting ASP files

You can open ASP files using the following programs: