How to find a tablet if it is lost. How to find a stolen or lost Android tablet? Presetting android in case of loss

V recent times more and more users are asking themselves: is it possible to somehow find a tablet on Android base OS if the device is already lost? How do you need to properly configure your device in advance, so that in case of further loss, its search can be simplified? In fact, there are several important rules to consider; following the instructions, the user can easily find his electronic gadget.

Stole a tablet without special programs

If the user has not performed any special settings your gadget, then if you lose it, the chances of finding the device are reduced. You can try to find a lost device through a service from Google, which was created specifically to find stolen Android devices. This service called "Android Device Manager", it can be launched through any browser, and through any device, including a PC, tablet, smartphone, etc. You must first of all select the tablet you are looking for from the list and then click the round icon with four lines, located in the upper right corner.

Click on the start search icon

Necessary conditions for the search to work

In order for the search to work, you need an activated GPS module or the Internet. If you have lost your tablet in your apartment and cannot find it, use the "Call" function. The device beeps loudly. You can also delete all data from memory if the tablet fell into the hands of an intruder.

Performing presetting

To make it easier to find your tablet, we recommend setting it up in advance. The first thing to do is install Avast! Mobile Security". This antivirus program allows you to protect your tablet. When you install the antivirus, you will need to go to the settings and put a checkmark in front of the item "PIN protection". Enter your PIN there.

Please note that you need to write down the PIN-code and put it in a safe place, or remember; if you forget your PIN, you will no longer be able to change the program settings!

Avast Anti-Theft

Download Avast! Anti-Theft ". To do this, follow the link, click on the "Free Download" button. You will be redirected to Google play where you can install the application. Now you need to configure the program in such a way that the thief cannot do any manipulations with the device.

Create an AVAST account. Enter "" in the browser, click "Create ...". Next, you will need to enter your e-mail / password. Open Avast! Anti-Theft ", and follow 6 steps in sequence:

  1. Enter a name;
  2. Enter PIN;
  3. Specify a phone number (SMS with information about SIM change will be sent to it);
  4. Click the item "Account Settings";
  5. Login to your account;
  6. Enter phone number, password.

You have just linked your account to your tablet. You will carry out further manipulations on the web resource.


Avast settings

It is necessary to go to the item "Advanced settings" => "Protective actions", and then configure the protection according to three main points, which will be given in the table with brief description of each item.

Paragraph Description
"Block" If the tablet is lost, it will be completely locked; any manipulations with it can be carried out only by specifying the PIN
"Signaling" Loud alarm signal; most likely, it is better to leave this function deactivated, since the siren will only frighten off the intruder, and he will press the Reset button or remove the battery
"Without access to settings" Complete blocking of access to deletion, device settings

Item "Advanced settings"

The process of finding a tablet

Go to, login, open "My devices" => "View data". Find: "Choose a team." In this column, do the following:

Call: This feature involves making an invisible call from a stolen Android device. Thus, you can listen to what is happening around, for example, whether the tablet is in the house or on the street. All this will also be useful when connecting the police. For example, at first, using the "Device Manager", you can calculate the house where the thief lives, and then watch him near the entrance and use the microphone and the "Call" function in order to make sure that the person who stole the tablet came out of the entrance. You can say something loudly, cough, etc. By combining several functions, the likelihood of finding your device will increase.

When you press "Lost", the tablet will be locked, the possibility of shutdown is eliminated. If you turn on the alarm, the siren will howl until the battery is discharged.

It is important to set up your tablet in advance: in this case, the likelihood of finding it increases!

If you did not manage to install any programs, and your tablet was stolen, then the only option for you remains - the "Android Device Manager" service.

Finding a lost device

It's hard to find someone these days who doesn't have cell phone... Now the mobile phone is not only a means of communication, but also a storage of very important and valuable information. These are not only phone numbers and photos, but also various applications with which you can control bank account or an electronic wallet. Therefore, losing your electronic gadget can be a real problem. How to find a lost phone and protect yourself from this in the future?

What to do if you lost your phone

There are several ways to find a lost phone, it primarily depends on how and where you lost it.

If you lost your phone at home

If you lost your phone in your apartment, then consider yourself lucky, because in such circumstances, the chances of finding mobile device significantly higher than in other cases.

The easiest way is to call your number from another phone, but this method is only suitable if the gadget is turned on.

If you know that you have it turned off, then the following search methods are suitable:

  1. Remember where and when you last held the phone in your hands, what you did next. Go through the entire route from the beginning, following the same steps, looking around in parallel. You could have dropped it behind the sofa, left it on the shelf and put something on top, or even put it in the refrigerator by mistake, and that happens.
  2. Consider even the most unusual options at first glance. After all, you can, holding the phone in one hand, and the banana skin in the other, distract yourself and accidentally throw something that was not planned in the trash bin.
  3. Ask those who were in the apartment with you at the time of the loss if they took your phone to call. They may have moved your cell phone elsewhere, or they simply forgot to return it. If you have children, look in their toys, children are very attracted modern gadgets and they always pull their little hands towards them.
  4. Combining the search process with general cleaning is very useful, it will help you to more thoroughly explore all the hidden places that you would not think to check. As a result, you will not only find your loss, but also make your house cleaner, and, possibly, find something else from the lost earlier.
  5. Use a flashlight to check areas that aren't getting enough light. For example, under a sofa or behind a wardrobe.
  6. If you know that an alarm is set on your device, then most likely it will go off even if the phone is turned off. Make sure that there is silence in the apartment by the appointed time, listen carefully and go to the sound.

Video on how to find your phone

If you lost your phone on the street or in a public place

Of course, your chances of finding a phone in such a situation are much lower than in the first case, but it's still worth trying.

Try to identify where you may have lost your phone. Remember where you used it the last time, if you usually carry your phone in your bag, you might have dropped it when something was taken out of it. Your memories will help you to narrow your search significantly.

You can post announcements along your route, where you inform about your situation and promise to pay a reward to the person who found your cell phone. It is much more convenient to receive a reward for your find than trying to sell a phone without documents.

Finding a switched off phone is very difficult, you will increase your chances of success if you install one of the applications on your phone in advance that will help you find your smartphone. One of these applications is Signal Flare, it will help in the event that the phone has turned off due to a low battery. As soon as the system signals that the battery is running low, the application starts recording the location of the gadget, it uses GPS and a Wi-Fi network signal.

If your phone is stolen

In this case, it is very important to act quickly, it is easiest to find the thief in hot pursuit. Contact the police station in the area where the theft was committed. Write a statement, indicate a description of the suspect, if there is one, tell the time and place where you found the loss.

Give the number in the application IMEI your device. This individual identification number is assigned to each smartphone; you can find it on a sticker that is located under the battery in the phone or on the box from your device. IMEI consists of fifteen digits, it includes the phone model number, manufacturer's country and individual code. This number remains unchanged even if you change the SIM card.

You can download a special software, which, using the IMEI number of your phone, will inform you via SMS to the selected number that your device has changed the SIM card and will send a new phone number.

By court order, the operator mobile communications can provide law enforcement agencies with information using your phone identification number, which will include information about the time of calls, their duration and, most importantly, the location of the mobile device relative to the nearest telephone tower. Such information is stored in the server's memory. billing.

In theory, everything sounds easy and simple, but in practice you will face problems in detecting your phone using this method.

  1. First, thousands of telephones are lost and stolen in cities every day, and law enforcement agencies are in no hurry to open a case for each of these cases. Perhaps you will be discouraged from writing a statement, hinting that the chances of finding the loss are very low.
  2. Second, the operators cellular communication They are far from always inclined to cooperate, without a court order, you may be refused to provide billing data, referring to the legislative framework, which does not regulate the process of work in such cases.
  3. Thirdly, a request from law enforcement agencies to provide data can be processed for a very long time, during which time an attacker can already change the IMEI number by reloading the software on the phone, which makes it impossible to further identify it in the operator's database.

How to protect yourself from loss or theft of your phone

It is impossible to protect yourself 100% from the possibility of losing your phone, but you can minimize this probability by observing simple rules and recommendations.

  • Always keep your phone in the same place. If you go with a bag, then allocate a separate inner pocket for your mobile, preferably with a zipper. Thus, you will get used to the fact that the phone is always there and you will immediately notice that it is missing. At home, keep your phone, for example, on your bedside table or anywhere else, so that you always know where your favorite gadget is.
  • There are headsets that notify the owner that the mobile device to which they are connected is more than five meters away. This signal will help you not to leave your phone in the office or on a table in a cafe, and will also inform you that your phone may have been stolen, and right now the thief is running away.
  • During rush hour in public transport a lot of people are packed, everyone is very close to each other and in such a situation it is almost impossible to feel that your phone is being pulled out. To protect yourself from this, use headphones, turn on your favorite music on your phone, this will not only brighten up the trip, but also the sudden disconnection of the song will signal that someone has stolen the cell.
  • Hang a keychain on your phone that's specially designed to help you find your missing item in your home or office. There are several principles of operation of such devices, some are starting to publish sound signal by responding to a clap or whistle, while others respond to a signal from the transmitter, which you can keep in your wallet or bag.

Losing your phone has always been a frustrating experience, but with advances in technology, it can be a fixable problem. It is best to worry in advance about the likelihood of such an incident: install special programs designed to help find the loss; set a password when unlocking so that attackers cannot use your phone; save all important data in cloud storage so that you can always use them.

I will analyze the current question: how to find lost phone android in very cool and cool ways.

All smartphones work via android or ios. The ios protection system is known to everyone and is carried out using special program which allows you to track and locate your phone. But what should the owners of the android do? Is there protection here and can a lost phone be found? Let's figure it out further.

How to find a lost android phone when the phone is lost

Unfortunately, situations often occur when the phone is stolen or lost, and the question arises of how to find the lost Android phone. Many of you will immediately go with a statement to the nearest police station, but at the same time you know that the option positive result minimum.

Now I will tell you about reliable and effective ways find a smartphone, rather than going to the authorities. In order for you to be able to find your smartphone and track its location, no complicated steps are required. However, you must have a Google account. If your data is not entered into the phone, then you will not be able to find it.

You need to activate the "Remote control" item yourself, in other words, set all the parameters. To do this, go to "My location" in the smartphone settings item and put a tick on "Allow to track coordinates".

As you can see, everything is easy and simple. Google takes the issue of protecting personal information very seriously, therefore, by checking the box, your smartphone will always be in touch in case of loss.

How to search through a computer

Exists android service Device Manager is specially designed for viewing through a computer, but if the gadget is turned off or all settings have been reset, then the capabilities are not so functional. However, no one claimed that thieves would be the masters of this business, did they? To search for a device in this way, you need to do the following on your computer:

  • Follow the special link remote control
  • Enter your username and password, and then log into your account. If you do not have an account yet, be sure to create it, as it is very useful and necessary (after creating, you can also log into your account via your smartphone).
  • Then everything happens in automatic mode and you will see a window with the following information.

As you can see in the example, here you can remotely block your smartphone via a computer by pressing the corresponding button. You can also make a call or clear all data from the phone's memory.

If you lost your phone at home

Due to forgetfulness or their own absent-mindedness, a person can easily lose the phone at home. In this case, you can call yourself using this program via the Internet.

Within a few minutes, your phone will ring, and this does not depend at all on established regime... Thus, even in a silent state, the phone will ring loudly and you can easily find it.

Sending a message to a lost or stolen phone

If you have lost a gadget, and the person who found it wants to return it to the owner, because even in our time there are responsible people among us, then this can be facilitated. You can send a message to the number that will come to the screen of your lost smartphone. We use the same service and the "Configure blocking and deletion of data" button.

In the window that appears, you can do the following:

  • Enter a password with which you can lock the device.
  • Write a message after reading which the person will return the mobile phone.

If there is no way to return the gadget, then it is recommended to protect your personal data. To do this, press the "Clear" button. In this case, everything will be deleted and the phone will go to the default factory settings.

Additional programs

In addition to remote access there are many other programs with similar functionality. The best one is Lost Android... It is installed in the phone in the same way as other programs, that is, using the Play Store.

Helpful hint: after installation, the program will appear as Personal Notes with the appearance of a regular notebook. This is done so that thieves do not suspect anything. So don’t worry if you don’t find this program as it is written in the Market.

After starting this program, give it administrator rights. To do this, press the appropriate button. How to do this can be seen from the screenshot below.

Then go to the official website of the application and log in again via Google. Enter your username and password, and then go to your account. All available functions are listed there.

These two methods listed by me, through Google and the program, allow you to find even a turned off smartphone. This is achieved by the fact that Google services record the moment when the device was turned on for the last time, and accordingly the location.

Find phone by imei (via satellite) and by sim card (by mobile phone number)

Here I hasten to disappoint, none of these methods will give results even through a computer by phone number. Only law enforcement agencies, and even the most advanced ones, can track by imei through a computer number. Those in the provinces may not hope for this method.

Of course, through a computer on a SIM card, you can determine extremely vague data like "Your phone is in the city of Ivanovo." Modern search services will not provide correct and accurate information; only the police own such technologies.

By the phone number, it’s also unlikely. Because as soon as they find a phone and want to keep it for themselves, they immediately throw out the SIM card, which makes tracking difficult. Can't even be found through the computer if it's on (phone), mobile operators do not bother with such actions, although they must.

Do not waste time on these methods, but about them below, at the end of the article.

Protection with avast! Anti-Theft for android

In case of loss, you can pre-configure your phone. For this I found a very interesting program that caught my attention. Here's what to do:

  • Downloading avast antivirus! Mobile Security and open it.
  • Go to the settings menu and put a mark in the item "PIN code protection" and "Protection against deletion". If a person detects an antivirus, then until he enters a pin code, he will not be able to get rid of it.
  • Then we create account avast.
  • We go to the official antivirus service and click Create Account Now, put the mail and drive in the password.

From now on, your phone is protected.

Setting up the avast! Anti-Theft in the gadget

The advanced settings menu in this program provides the following functions:

  1. Protective, that is, what the phone needs to do if it is lost. You can block a gadget, set an alarm, block access to settings, notify about a low battery charge.
  2. Blocking text, information deletion and GPS tracking. Here you can enter the text that will be shown on the phone screen. Your device is now fully protected.

The last way

If previous ways did not give results for one reason or another, for example, you forgot the login and password from your Google account or did not create an account at all, that is, another one, as they say, as a last resort.

Your smartphone cannot be found using the phone number. But you, as a victim, can come to the police station, write a statement and attach proof that this is really your phone. Among them are the following:

  • Warranty card.
  • Purchase receipt.
  • Gadget box.
  • IMEI code.

Advice for those who have not lost their phone yet: be sure to write down your IMEI code. You can find it out using the command * # 06 #.

Based on the past text, it is not very easy to find a phone by an imei address, more precisely, it is 0.5%, as statistics show, and every year less. But if you decide to go with this method, then I do not envy you, it is very difficult, the only worthwhile means is the police.


That's all, dear friends! I have listed the most reliable ways to find a stolen phone. In conclusion, I want to give two main and useful advice:

  1. If possible, turn on the Internet on your smartphone to access data in case of loss.
  2. Install a lock on the screen. It is done like this: security - encrypt the device - configure the type of lock - a password or a picture.

I hope my advice will be useful to you and you will find the answer in the article to the question of how to find a lost android phone, although it is better not to face this situation at all. Subscribe to my blog, leave comments and share the link on social networks.

Did your parents hide something you want to return? Maybe you are very interested in what kind of gift awaits you for your birthday or New Year? Your parents may not understand this, but you are too smart and not easily fooled by hiding things in typical places! If you check every room, every corridor and nook and cranny, you can find what you are looking for.


Find the room you want

    Take into account the size of the item you are looking for. If your parents are hiding something large from you, they will choose a different place for it than for a small object (for example, your favorite DVD). Think about where the item you are looking for will fit best.

    • Very small items (e.g. DVD discs) can be hidden in narrow secluded places. For example, you can search between books, inside bags or bags, under light objects.
    • If you are looking for something large (like a bicycle), you should immediately cross off the list of those rooms where it definitely cannot be (for example, a bathroom).
  1. Look in the bedroom. The parents 'bedroom is usually considered the parents' private space, so this is the most obvious place. Think about what place in the room is the most secluded, which is considered a "no-go zone" for you.

    • Check the boxes. Obviously, the underwear and socks drawer is a "no-go" area and is difficult to fully inspect. Therefore, it is a very typical place to hide an item there.
    • Look in the closet. There are a lot of places in the closet where you can hide various items. Check all the shelves, the cracks between the folded clothes, check all the places that seem to be cluttered.
    • Look under the bed. For some reason, many people think that the space under the bed is great for hiding something. Plus, it's harder for adults to search under the bed because they have to bend over and lie on the floor.
    • Look behind the TV. It is usually dusty and unclean behind the TV, because this place is difficult to get to. Plus, it's a great place to hide something.
    • Check the bathroom. There are not many secluded areas in the bathroom, so you should check other areas.
  2. Look in the most cluttered rooms. The more different furniture and objects in the room, the easier it is to hide something there. Flowers, various figurines, souvenirs - all this creates a kind of background with which other objects merge. In addition, the more items you have to move to get to a secluded place, the less likely someone will climb there to look for something.

    • The pantry is the perfect place to hide something. The pantry is usually full of heavy overflowing cans, cookbooks, household tools - all of which interfere with the view. The more things block the way to the hidden object, the more difficult it is to find it.
    • Examine your closet. If you very rarely change bed linen or towels, then a linen closet is a great hiding place for various delicate items (for example, DVD discs, books, games).
    • If your parents have home Office, you can search there. Examine the papers on the table and don't forget the drawers. Be sure to look behind every item, turn every page.
  3. Look for this item in your room. Yes, yes, in my room. Hiding an item where you least expect to find it (for example, in a drawer of socks) is a pretty original idea. Most likely, parents will hide the item where you rarely look. If your parents struggle to persuade you to clean the room, chances are they could have hidden the item in a pile of junk in your room.

    • Check your closet. If you rarely look into upper part closet, this place is also worth checking out.
    • Most people rarely look behind dressers and wardrobes. If you are looking for something subtle you can look at these locations.
  4. Search the garage. The garage has a huge number of secluded places. Look in trash cans, assorted boxes and baskets, and paint cans. In some cases, such as with an electric drill, there are several secret places where you can hide a small object.

    Search in different places

    1. Go up to the attic. The attic is a place where it is easy to hide a thing and difficult to find it. Try to look in there when you are alone at home. But be very careful not to step in areas with weak floorboards. You don't want to leave holes in the ceiling with nothing to seal.

      Inspect the car. If you are not using a car, this automatically makes it the perfect place to hide something there. After your car ride, pretend to leave something there and quickly return and inspect everything. There are many places in the car where you can hide things, so it is worth looking into the most typical ones.

      • The glove compartment is the most obvious place to hide something. If you are looking for something small (like keys or remote remote control), be sure to look in the glove compartment.
      • The armrest area is also a suitable storage space. Flip through the receipts for the payment of gasoline, documents on the registration of the car. Thin objects (cards, phone numbers, games) can be found between them.
      • Examine the trunk. There is a special button to open the trunk. Large items can be hidden in the trunk.
    2. Think about your parents' hobbies. Chances are, your parents have some hobbies that they do in their free time. Hobby items can be a great place to hide something because parents often check these items and know when they fail.

      • For example, a golf bag is a great place to store long or bulky items. If you're looking for a baseball bat, for example, a golf bag is the place to go.
      • If your dad does some housework and your mom is into gardening, you probably have a lot of different tools in your yard. If these tools are dirty, your parents will most likely think that you will not touch them, so they may hide an object there.
      • Books, crosswords, and sudoku are great places to hide various subtle items (gift cards, photos, or concert tickets).
    3. Inspect ventilation. Many air vents have small spaces to hide things. If your parents choose this place to hide something from you, then most likely they will hide it for a while. After all, this object will interfere with air ventilation in the house.

      • Large items can be hidden in spacious areas. Therefore, check the largest ventilation hole first.
      • Small vents often have small nooks and crannies. Short items will most likely fall directly into the ventilation, so longer items can be hidden in such openings so that they will not fall into the ventilation.

    Explore the most unusual places

    1. Check the freezer. The freezer is an unusual place to hide something because the temperature is low. Some items cannot be stored at this low temperature. Therefore, it is worth looking there for small items, the storage of which does not depend on temperature.

      • Small items fit perfectly into the freezer. Parents know that you don't like broccoli, so they will decide to hide something from you in a place where you are unlikely to look.
      • For example, storing something like frozen dessert in the freezer is a great idea. The frozen sandwich box is good for hiding small items. Your parents know that you love dessert very much, but you cannot eat it without permission. You will most likely know exactly how much dessert is left.
      • Check the space behind the ice. If there are ice cube trays in the freezer, rearrange them and check the space behind them. Also, some older freezers often have ice build-up in which you can hide something like a small charger.
    2. Check the vegetable bags. Believe it or not, there are special boxes and safes that look like groceries. Books, safes, and miscellaneous folders are more obvious places to hide an item than food-shaped safes.

      Check the bottles. There are many ways to make the hiding place difficult to find. Parents can wrap the item they want to hide in bubble wrap to keep it quiet.

      Examine the appliances. Your parents know that somehow household appliances you hardly use it. Try looking for your item in various household items that are large enough to hide an item in or behind them.

    Make sure you don't get caught

    1. No need to touch the wrapped items. No matter how carefully you try to wrap them again, you cannot make them look intact. If you are unsure if an item is worth inspecting, follow the steps below:

      • removing the tape is likely to damage the wrapping paper, leaving evidence that you tried to open the item. Therefore, it is better not to touch the tape;
      • packing paper is difficult to replace. If you try to wrap an item with wrapping paper again, chances are you won't succeed, because your parents have experience with this and they know how to wrap items with wrapping paper;
      • bows - exactly a stop signal. If you untie the bow and the ribbons are curled in the wrong direction, you are unlikely to be able to get them back together again.
      • Clear your browser history. Make sure your parents don't see you visit this page! If they see this page in your browser history, it won't matter how well you covered your tracks. They will know for sure that you were looking for something. Your parents won't trust you.

        • If your parents find out that you are looking for something everywhere, they may hide the item elsewhere.
        • Log out of your user on the computer. Try not to leave any traces that you were looking for something on the Internet.
        • Turn off your computer. If your computer was turned off before you arrived, remember to turn it off again after using it.
    • Delete your browser history after reading this article.
    • Make sure your brothers and sisters don't know about it. They don't know how to keep secrets!
    • Make sure no one has seen you.
    • If someone sees you, come up with an excuse in advance or pretend to clean up.


    • If you are caught digging through things that you are not allowed to dig into, chances are you are in trouble.
    • If you lose your parents' trust, it will be very difficult for you to regain it. Do not forget to put all the items in their places, as if you did not touch them.

If stolen, lost mobile phone, tablet or laptop, don't worry. At the present stage of development information technologies finding these things is not difficult. Let's take a closer look at this.
I think everyone knows that every phone has its own unique number IMEI, which is stitched at the factory and does not change during the entire life of the phone (rare exceptions when thieves reflash the phone and forcibly change this number). The same IMEI is available in tablets and laptops that work with cellular operators (have slots for SIM cards). If the phone is stolen, you can look at this number on the cell phone box and contact the police with it.

Will the police find my phone? The answer to this question is rather no than yes…. This is caused by the following factors:
- in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation to establish the location of the subscriber (in this case, the telephone), receive detailed calls, etc. a court decision is necessary, and this is how you understand certain difficulties for the investigator and not in every case this is done;
- in the case of establishing the location of the phone and its new owner by IMEI, it can be difficult to prove that this particular person was involved in the crime, since, in accordance with the presumption of innocence, he is a “bona fide purchaser”;
- it is not always possible to establish the location and real data of the person who uses the phone by the number of the subscriber. A SIM card can be issued for "left-wing persons", relatives, etc.
- Databases of mobile operators, as a rule, are limited to some region, therefore, there are tendencies to export stolen cell phones to other regions and their sale already there….

Consider other options for self-search stolen cell phone, tablet, laptop.

1) Without a doubt, if the phone / tablet is modern running an operating room IOS systems or Android it makes things a lot easier. In the data operating systems already in stock firmware the ability to control the contents of the phone, establish its location, block it at a distance, etc. These programs include "FIND IPHONE", "AIRDROID" and many others. Moreover, these phones / tablets allow you to remotely load into your phone / tablet any other programs that will make the life of the new owner unbearable - you can offer him a reward, threaten, etc. Of course, it is technically possible to reflash the devices, but this requires special knowledge or money. And not everyone wants to deal with this, it may be easier to return the phone to the owner.

2) If the phone is not running IOS or Android, then the algorithm of actions is as follows: be patient and look for connections to cellular operators (this is not difficult to do). You need anyone working in cellular operator(even an office cleaner will do). The task is as follows - to put the magarych, to get into trust, to put pressure on the pity of any employee and already through him (or ask to do it on his own behalf) to punch your phone / tablet through the database. It is enough to establish communication in one cellular operator, and only then it will not be difficult to contact other operators. As practice shows, phones are found in 80% of cases. From the point of view of the law, there is no violation, because you do not wiretap anyone and do not invade anyone's privacy. When you find the phone, feel free to leak information to the police.

3) If the phone is registered for a homeless person or a left-handed person, then the algorithm of actions is as follows - break through the details of calls and find subscribers with whom your phone often calls up and calculates a real person. After talking with him, you go to your phone.

4) Finding a laptop / tablet without a SIM card is also not difficult. The difference is that you will need to know the MAC address of the laptop / tablet (this can be obtained from your provider, to which you previously connected). The search is carried out according to a similar scheme, only not by the IMEI number, but by the MAC address and not through the mobile operators, but through the providers. Even if the thief goes online only from McDonald's, then there he can be detained.