How to find a stolen phone yourself. Do they find phones if they are stolen. Lost phone How to get back a stolen phone app

Due to mobile phones are becoming more and more popular, and cases of their loss are becoming more frequent, so it would be useful to figure out how to find lost phone Android... It is possible that the phone was stolen. In any case, for devices on the Android platform, there are only a few ways to find a stolen or simply lost phone. But it is worth noting that all of them act only if the owner took certain actions even before the loss of his device. What are these actions and what to do if the owner did nothing before the loss, we will analyze further.

Method number 1. Using a Google account

Now the owners of almost all phones on the Android platform have a Google account. Actually, with its help, they have the ability to download games, log in to different sites and in in social networks without creating a new account and perform many other operations.

So, it is the Google account that allows you to find the lost phone and find out its exact location, even if it is on this moment off. The fact is that all versions of Android have a so-called device manager.

If you turn it on (dispatcher), this will make it possible in the future to easily and quickly find out the location of the phone.

5 useful Google tools

This is done in the following way:

  • Go to the settings, then go to the "Security" menu (on some versions "Protection"), then click on the "Device Administrators" item, appearance which is shown in figure # 1.

  • The Device Administrators section contains a single item called Device Manager. There is a checkbox next to it. Actually, all the user needs to do is put a tick in that box and exit the settings. However, after the checkbox is ticked, a message will appear, the form of which is shown in Figure 2.

This message tells about what this "Device Manager" can do, namely:

  1. Delete all data from the device;
  2. Change passwords on it;
  3. Lock your phone.

You just need to agree with this message by clicking on the "Activate" button.

Note: On all versions of Android, starting from 5.0, all the above settings do not need to be done. They have Device Manager enabled by default.

By the way, this is the only case when a stolen or lost phone on the Android platform can be found without any actions taken even before its loss - if it has a version of the operating system 5.0 or higher. In all other cases, it is simply impossible to find him without the help of law enforcement agencies.

Interesting mobile apps

That's all. The process of connecting the phone, in fact, to the tracking service is over. Now you can try to find out the location of the device. To do this, you need to follow the link for automatic device tracking, which looks like this: Of course, you will need to log in there, if this has not been done even earlier. After that, the system itself, in automatic mode, will find the phone that is registered to this account. Again, in order for the phone to be linked to a Google account, you must log in to Google once. The very same view of the window is quite classic for such programs.

The main control panel is highlighted in figure # 3. As you can see, it has three buttons that allow you to make a test call to your phone, block it, or clear all data from the device. To carry out one of these actions, you just need to click on the corresponding button. In addition, this window has a map where you can see the real location of the phone. Even if it is turned off now, the system will show the place where the phone was the last time it was connected to the Internet. Thus, we can say that Google services are simply irreplaceable help if you lost your phone. They allow you to track the location of the device in a matter of minutes via a computer.

Method number 2. Using pre-installed programs

In general, there are quite a lot of all kinds of programs that help in finding a lost phone via the Internet. All of them perform the same function as the "Device Manager" from Google, namely, displaying the location of the device on the map, but each has its own unique features in terms of functionality, interface or other nuances. Therefore, below is a list of the most popular programs to find a phone or other device on the Android platform via the Internet:

Lost Android

This program is interesting, first of all, because the attackers really know little about it, and even if the phone is in their hands, they are unlikely to guess about the presence of such a program on it. Accordingly, they will not understand that the owner can know where his device is at the moment. And all thanks to the fact that in the list of programs Lost Android appears simply as Personal Notes and has a shortcut to a regular notepad. Accordingly, the attacker will think that this is just some kind of notebook and nothing else.

How to protect your phone from wiretapping?

On the official website of this program ( you can find a link to download and full instructions for use. To start using Lost Android, you must also log in to Google using the button highlighted in Figure 4.

Lost Android features are:

  1. Find out the location of the phone;
  2. Give sound signal(for example, a siren);
  3. Make the device vibrate;
  4. Send a message about the incorrectly entered PIN-code to the mail;
  5. Send the location of the device to the mail.

Lookout Security & Antivirus

Here it comes about a full-fledged system for protecting the phone from unauthorized access, viral and spyware and from all kinds of other threats. In addition, functions such as location determination, sound notification and device locking are available, which are standard for such programs. Among the features, it is worth noting an unusual interface that will appeal to hi-tech lovers, as well as the ability to recover data from a phone that was in the hands of intruders. In general, it is also very useful application if you lost your phone.

Is there a virus on your phone? Find out how to get rid of it

By the way, Lookout Security & Antivirus is often in the TOP of the best on Google play(link:, and the 4.5 rating says a lot!

Where's My Droid

Everything here is based on sending an SMS message with a special syntax. So, using special codes, you can make the phone call itself or send its coordinates to the specified phone. The Pro version also has the ability to do hidden photos... This means that the person who holds the device in his hands will not even know that he is being photographed at that moment, and the received photos are sent to the specified mail. Download link -

All these programs allow you to find your phone through your computer.

Method number 3. Law enforcement

So, if you have an Android version on your phone less than 5.0 and no special programs you have not installed before, there is only one way, which is to contact the police. There you just need to write a statement about the missing mobile phone. It is possible that law enforcement officers will be able to recognize your device by IMEI, that is, a unique identifier that each phone has.

Advice for those who have not yet lost their phone. Write down your identifier somewhere so that law enforcement officers can later recognize your device by IMEI. To find out it, you just need to dial * # 06 # on your phone.

The application will need to indicate all the data about the phone. To prove that it is you who are its owner, take with you a box, a receipt from the store or any other documents and things that may indicate this.

Below you can clearly see how the phone search is performed using standard services Android connected to Google.

A smartphone is a thing dear to the heart and wallet. On the mobile devices ah invaluable information is stored: contacts, photos, passwords, open accounts on social networks, work and personal mail.

Itcrumbs has compiled a small guide for smartphone users to help protect content on devices with operating iOS systems, Android, Windows Phone and return the gadget if it was stolen or lost.


Because of high cost and the popularity of Apple technology has become the number one target for thieves and fraudsters. And Apple, taking care of its customers, has developed the Activation Lock service, which is able to lock the iPhone, turning it into useless scrap metal for an attacker.

Setting up Activation Lock on iOS 7:

Turning on Activation Lock in iOS 7 is easy. At primary iPhone setup you need to specify parameters account iCloud, and then activate Find My iPhone. That's all, Activation Lock will be enabled on the iPhone.

Now, even if the attackers reflash the stolen device, it will still not be possible to activate it. A screen asking you to enter an address Email and the password cannot be bypassed.

Remote control of an iOS 7 device:

To control your device remotely, you need to go to, select the Find iPhone app, and select your lost device.

More about the features:

Play Sound - This feature will make your iPhone ring. Such a call will reveal the smartphone if it is somewhere nearby, for example, fell under the sofa.

Lost Mode - Turn this feature on without delay if you are sure your smartphone has been stolen. Lost Mode blocks access to data and allows you to monitor the device on the map.

Erase iPhone - this function will completely erase your data on the device so that it cannot get to intruders in any way.

As of today, there is no way to bypass Activation Lock. Even the American authorities who tested this mechanism in iOS 7 were pleased.


For Android, there are a huge number of programs that can help in finding a stolen smartphone, blocking it or deleting data. Is in operating system and a built-in tool called Android Device Manager. For older phones, the function is available without updating the OS.

With built-in security, you can:

  • find the phone on the map;
  • remotely delete data from it;
  • make the smartphone ring, even if the sound is set to minimum and there is another SIM card in it.

Setting up an Android smartphone:

It is very simple to work with the function, you do not need to install or radically change anything in the device settings. All you need is an Android smartphone linked to your Google account. The device can be remotely controlled from any computer with Internet access.

For turning on android Device Manager you need to go to the menu -> Settings -> Security -> Device Administrators. Next, enable Android Device Manager by checking the box.

The next step is to confirm that you allow Android Device Manager to delete data, change graphic password and block the smartphone display (at your command) and press the "Activate" button.

That's it, the device is ready for remote control.

Remote Android control-smartphone:

In order to find a stolen or lost Android smartphone or use other remote control functions, you need to go to the official Device Manager portal:

Immediately on home page you will see the main functions of the "Device Manager" and a mark about the location of your smartphone on the Google map.

Learn more about the Device Manager feature:

Find Smartphone Location - This feature works with GPS, Wi-Fi and cellular networks even if a different SIM card is installed in the smartphone. To detect a smartphone, it must be connected to the Internet. If the device is now disabled, Google will show its preliminary location and time of the last activity.

Make the phone ring - with this function, your smartphone can ring at full volume for 5 minutes. The function will be useful for those who may lose their smartphone in the apartment, but there is no second phone to call.

Erase all data from device - this function resets all settings to factory defaults. Wherein inner memory the phone will be erased. Separate SD card, depending on phone model and Android version, may or may not be erased.

Windows Phone

Setting up a smartphone on Windows Phone:

For finding a lost device on Windows based Phone answers easy to use system function"Phone search". Please note that this feature is disabled by default to conserve battery power. To enable it, go to system settings by selecting "search for phone" and activate both options available there. Now you will always know where your smartphone is.

Remote control of a smartphone on Windows Phone:

To see the locations of your smartphone, go to the Windows Phone service (, where you will immediately see a map on which the approximate location of the smartphone is marked. On the service, you can use three functions: Call, Block and Clear.

More about the features:

Call - activate this function and your smartphone will ring at full volume, even if it is switched to silent mode.

Block - this function completely blocks access to smartphone data. In the Find My Phone service, you can write a text message that will be shown on the lock screen and set a PIN code to unlock your smartphone. In the message, be sure to indicate the phone number to which the person who found your device will be able to call and agree on a return. If someone tries to enter your PIN, you will be immediately notified of this.

Clear - use this function to remotely erase data from your smartphone and reset the settings to factory defaults.

The cell phone is a serious nuisance. There are at least two reasons for frustration in this case. First, the device itself often costs a lot of money. And secondly, his memory contains information that is extremely necessary for the owner and is not intended for prying eyes... It can be both personal correspondence, photos and videos, and secret data, for example, passwords from payment services or working documents. How can I find my phone if it is lost or stolen? This article provides an efficient way to find mobile devices even when they are turned off.

If your phone is lost at home

How to find a mobile phone if you know for sure that it is lost in a house or apartment? The most in a simple way search will, of course, call your number from another device. In this case, the gadget must be in the on state.

If the phone battery is discharged, then you can only hope for your own memory and attentiveness. In this case, it is recommended to try to restore in memory to the smallest detail the events preceding the loss of the mobile device. You should follow this route, scrupulously examining everything around. After all, the gadget could, for example, fall over the sofa, or it lies imperceptibly on the shelf, covered with another thing. Could even end up in the refrigerator or trash can.

If an alarm is set on the phone, this can greatly facilitate the search, because the signal almost always goes off even when the device is turned off. Provide silence when your mobile is about to ring, and listen carefully while walking towards the sound.

If your phone gets lost on the street

Obviously, the chances of finding a lost mobile device on the street or in a public place are significantly lower than in the previous case. But do not give up. How do you find phones under these circumstances?

First of all, you should call your number. A mobile device could be picked up by a person who, free of charge or for a certain reward, would gladly return the gadget to its rightful owner.

If this action does not bring results, you need to strain your memory and try to determine the place where the mobile phone was lost. You should remember where the gadget was last used and thus try to narrow the search area. It is worth posting ads about the loss of the device along the entire route of travel with a request to return the mobile for a fee. It can also be an effective way to post a note in the appropriate groups of social networks.

And if the device is turned off, how can I find my phone? By the IMEI number, which is unique for each mobile and does not change when the SIM card is changed, you can search for a gadget even when it is not working. This process will be described in detail below.

If the phone is stolen

In the case when it is known for sure that the phone was stolen, a reward for returning the gadget should be offered. After all, this thing was stolen precisely for the purpose of profit. You need to send a message to your number from a mobile device, which belongs, for example, to your friend, indicating the amount that you are willing to pay the thief for the phone.

You should also check with family members and loved ones if any of them are using applications that determine your location by mobile. If this is the case, then you need to report the available phone coordinates to the police so that their employees find and return the gadget to the owner.

How to find phones that have been stolen if the above methods turned out to be ineffective in your case? You must submit To do this, you need to collect evidence that will confirm that the device belongs to you. That is, find the package of documents received upon purchase. Next, you need to go directly to the police and write an appropriate statement. After you need to report the theft of the device to the operator mobile communications... After providing the required package of documents confirming that the phone is indeed stolen and you are its rightful owner, permission will be issued to access information about this device. The operator will need to notify you if anyone uses the device.

Are there other ways to find a phone? You can also try to find the device using the IMEI number. To do this, add this unique mobile code to the worldwide database. And if someone finds your phone, he will be able to contact you using the specified coordinates.

Depending on the operating system with which the mobile device is managed, there are several ways to find the phone. Android, iOS and Windows Phone support various applications which have similar principles of work. More follow detailed description such search methods.

Find your iOS phone

How to find phones with iOS installed? It won't be difficult at all. After all, the iPhone initially has a function to determine the location of the device. The main thing is that it is activated before the gadget is lost or stolen.

In order to locate such a phone, the owner should log into iCloud using their account and click "Find iPhone". After that, the screen will display a list of your devices controlled by iOS help... If the gadget search function is active, and the phone itself is turned on, the service will determine the location of the iPhone.

If you select the "Information" icon on the location panel, you can send an SMS, play the selected melody, block the device or delete all available data from it.

After determining the location of the phone, you need to analyze the information received. If the specified area is not familiar to the owner, his friends and acquaintances do not live there, then the device is in the hands of a thief. You need to immediately block the gadget before the ill-wisher has time to use your personal information or turn off the "Find iPhone" function.

The specified coordinates of the location of the device must be reported to the police so that its employees can find and return the phone to the rightful owner.

Find your Windows Phone

If the lost device is controlled from using Windows Phone, how to find the phone? A special application from Microsoft corporation that allows you to determine the location of a mobile device should be launched through a computer.

There are also other useful functions in this program. If you press the "Call" button, the phone will beep until the corresponding key on the device is pressed.

When you press the "Lock" button, a blocking message will appear on the device screen, which can be removed by entering a password known only to the owner.

If you press the "Erase" key, all data contained in the phone will be erased. Please note that even the location function cannot be used after this.

After establishing the coordinates of the location of the device, you need to report them to the police, reporting theft.

Find your Android phone

If the missing device has this operating system, how do I find my phone? Android supports applications like PlanB. This program compares favorably with analogs in that it can be installed on a phone that has already disappeared.

To do this, you must enter Android Market using your account. Then you need to install the specified program on the missing device and run it. On the e-mail the owner will receive a letter indicating the location of the gadget. Then it remains only to report the received coordinates to the police, and they will help to return the phone to the owner.

Search phone by sim card

You can try to locate the device by contacting directly mobile operator... This is another of effective ways how to find a phone. By the name of the owner and the number of the sim card, the mobile company is able to determine the location of the device using its own channels. The main condition for this search method is that the phone must be switched on.

Find your phone by satellite

How to find phones via satellite? To do this, one of the special applications must first be installed on the mobile device. Programs can notify about the current location of the gadget and the replacement of the sim-card, allow you to control the camera of the missing mobile, block or delete the information contained on it. There are a number of such applications, each of which is supported by a specific operating system.

If your mobile device has a receiver GPS systems, then there are certain programs to search for it too. In order to see the location of such a phone, you need to register on a special website, and after that it will be possible to determine the necessary coordinates at any time.

How to find the switched off phone? It is impossible to do this by satellite, because a prerequisite when searching for a device in this way is that the mobile must be turned on.

Find phone by IMEI code

This is the only way that can help you find a missing phone while it is off. The IMEI code is 15 digits long. It is individual for each device and does not depend on the SIM card used.

How to find a phone via IMEI? First, you need to write a statement to the police with the code. And secondly, you need to register the IMEI number in the worldwide database. If someone finds your mobile device, he will be able to contact you using the coordinates left on the site.

If the location of the stolen phone can be determined, it is not recommended to try to get your mobile back on your own. You should contact the police.

All documents confirming that you are the legal owner of the device must be kept in a safe place during the entire time of using the phone.

If the gadget still could not be found, block the account and restore the sim card by contacting the mobile operator. The IMEI code of the stolen phone must be blacklisted. After such actions, an attacker will not be able to use the device, even using another SIM card. These are the last resort measures that should be taken if you are certain that your phone will not be found.

The owner of the gadget should install the necessary applications to determine the location of the device in advance, without waiting for loss or theft.


There are several ways to find a missing phone. They differ depending on the location where the device was lost or stolen, the operating system installed on the gadget, and other factors. The owner of the mobile should set in advance special applications that will help determine the location of the phone in case of loss, protect the device with a password, use not a smartphone memory card to save data, but you need to act quickly after revealing the fact of loss, because time plays a key role here, and delaying the situation only plays into the hands of attackers.

For the modern user, a smartphone has become not just an expensive toy, but also a place of work, study, and an opportunity to communicate with the whole world. Therefore, for many people, its loss can bring tangible financial and personal problems.

If the gadget is still lost, you can get it back with the help of a few simple tips. You can find a phone in several ways: it is important to understand that the choice of the device search option depends mainly on the operating system on which it runs. It can be Android, iOS or Windows Mobile system.

There are many methods that can be used on all systems to find a stolen phone, even if it is not connected to the Internet.

Call or send SMS

Sometimes a simple phone call may be enough. If it has not been stolen or disabled, then there is a high probability that it will be found and returned to its owner.

Lost phone

If the call is not answered, then it is necessary to send an SMS with information about the loss and a request to call back to the specified number. Precautions should be taken when meeting with whoever found the phone. It could be an intruder. The meeting should be made in a crowded place during daylight hours. It is better not to come alone, but to take another person with you.

Search phone

It often happens that a lost device may end up in your bag, car or home. It is worth carefully checking all possible places and things in the apartment and at work before taking active steps.

Contact your cellular operator

Whether the phone is turned on or not, the operator can track its SIM card using GPS.

If this fails, the operator will block the card so that thieves cannot use it to call or withdraw funds.

Contact law enforcement

If it is known for sure that the smartphone was stolen, then the first thing to do is to file a report with the police. It is necessary to indicate the time and place of the disappearance and the signs of the kidnapper.

To search for a device through the police, it is advisable to have the following:

  • device make and model;
  • unique identification number;
  • the passport;
  • purchase documents (check, receipt, box);
  • photograph of the phone.

The more information the department employees have about the missing gadget, the greater the chance of successfully finding the device.

Stealing a phone from a bag

To advertise

An effective way can be an advertisement in newspapers or on Internet sites with a message about the loss and a phone number. This is especially important if it is turned off.

Using IMEI

IMEI is unique number device, which is located on its battery, under the case or on the box. You can also find it out by dialing the call command * # 06 # in advance. This number must be entered into one of the lost device registries.

The most popular ones are:


On the site, you can check if the gadget was previously wanted, submit a missing announcement, and read useful instructions on how to find a missing or stolen phone.

Attention! Fraud is possible. It should be remembered that such sites do not provide services for determining the location of the device by. This can only be done by a mobile operator.

How to find your missing Android

In addition to those described above, the Android system offers its users several ways to quick search missing devices:

Using a Google account

If your device has google account, then you need to go to the site, enter your account login and password and enable remote control. If the device is on the network, the system will determine its location with an accuracy of 200 meters.

Also, in the search for the phone will help the Google Maps service, which displays the history of the movement of the smartphone. To do this, the "Geolocation" function must be enabled on it.

Your phone must always have location tracking enabled

Using the app

There are several applications for finding a device, which are installed in advance, and have several useful functions... Firstly, this is the ability to determine the position of the phone using geolocation, and if this does not work, then block all the data on it.

Popular search engine programs for Android:

  • Lost Android - the application looks like a regular notepad, so an attacker will not even guess that it is transmitting data about the location of the gadget.
  • Lookout - turns on a signal beacon on the map, allowing you to find a phone with geolocation enabled by address. Antivirus and a detailed system scan are built into the program.
  • Find my device - can signal the location of the gadget with a sound, which allows you to find even a hidden device.

Even nowadays, phone theft is a common occurrence.

Using device manager

Every Android smartphone can use data administration to protect it. To do this, in the settings you need to find the item "Device Manager", and allow the device to:

  • erase user data;
  • change the screen lock code;
  • block the screen.

How to find a lost Android phone if it's turned off

If the device is turned off or is not online, you need to use your account and enable the Lost Mode function. This will lock the device and prevent attackers from taking advantage of its features.

You can disable this mode by entering a special password in personal account Google.

How to find a missing iOS

Developers iPhone smartphones provided its owners with a wide range of services for finding lost and stolen gadgets:

"FindMyPhone" is recognized as the best app for finding a missing iOS device

Using an iCloud account

To do this, you need to go from another device to the iCloud application or to the site, and activate the "Lost Mode" function. This will restrict free access to the gadget and display on main screen message about the loss with the user's contact details.

The iCloud function also includes the deletion of all user information from the smartphone. This completely locks the device, making it unusable without entering a special password. True, it will no longer be possible to return the deleted data if the device is found.

Using the app

Several useful apps can help you find your lost device:

  • Find iPhone - the most popular application has the following functions: data lock, display of a lost message on the main screen, sound signal;
  • Tracker Plus - in addition to the above features, it allows you to build a route for your smartphone. For this, an Internet connection is not required, only the "Geolocation" function is enough;
  • Contact if found - the application allows displaying information about the owner on the desktop splash screen.

To find your missing smartphone, go to google app or iCloud

How to find a missing iOS phone if it's turned off

If the device is turned off, its current location cannot be found. But, with the help iCloud service you can find out the location of the device before shutting down. To do this, you need to enable the "Find my phone" and "Geolocation" functions in the settings in advance. In the future, the application will show the mark of the last activity of the smartphone.

Unfortunately, this feature is only available for iOS 8 and higher. It is not supported on earlier models.

How to find a missing Windows Phone

For Windows devices, there is a search from the Microsoft account. If the smartphone has been authorized in the system, the "Find phone" function will show its current location.

If the phone was turned off (or discharged), then using the account Microsoft records you can block or delete the user's personal data.

Several useful tips to protect your phone from theft and protect your personal data.

  • You need to register in advance with Google and iCloud services - this is the most effective method to find the device.
  • Setting a password or pattern key on the phone will prevent a thief from gaining access to personal data.
  • The enabled "Geolocation" function will provide constant tracking of the device on the map.
  • The sooner measures are taken to find the phone and block the SIM card, the more likely it is to avoid losing funds from the account and leaking personal information.

Losing mobile phone, we lose contact with our environment, partners, friends and colleagues. Despite the fact that the phone has ceased to be something out of the ordinary, there are no fewer cases of theft. Therefore, the risk that someone will "cut off" your faithful assistant is quite high - especially if you yawn and do not look around. How to find a stolen phone? There are quite a few ways to search, which we'll cover in our review.

If you are sure that you have lost your phone in a certain place (for example, in a cafe), you can try to file a report with the police. It is likely that your application will still be accepted. If you have lost the phone in some undefined place, then you will still be refused to accept the application. It must be said that the police are reluctant to search for stolen phones, despite the fact that they have all the necessary tools for this.

The police will be able to find the stolen phone through inquiries to mobile operators. When registering in the network, each handset sends its IMEI to the operator... At the request of the police, the operator will give an answer, which will indicate whose SIM card is currently in the stolen device. Further investigation will be carried out with the owner of the SIM-card, even if he has nothing to do with theft and does not have this phone in his hands at all.

Stolen phones are sold by fraudsters to ordinary people who may not be involved in this crime. The likelihood that the search will come to a standstill is quite high. Therefore, you should not consider contacting the police as a panacea - the police are extremely reluctant to take on such things.

Search by IMEI

Phone stolen - how to find it by IMEI yourself? Here we have to disappoint you - there are no tools for an independent search for stolen phones by IMEI. Many people believe that there are services on the Internet that can show a stolen device on a map.

But in fact, such services do not exist, since information about the location of mobile devices by operators in third party services not getting through... If you find such a service on the Internet, then you can safely question its functionality - this is just a tool for fraudulently pulling money.

If your phone is stolen, then only law enforcement agencies will be able to find it by IMEI. But we have already told you that the police very rarely undertake the disclosure of such crimes - they need efficiency, which in such cases does not appear.

Other search methods

If your phone is stolen, can you find it? There is always a chance of finding a stolen device. What can be done?

  • Hang up paper notices in the area of ​​loss about the search for the phone and its return for a fee;
  • Find a phone through geolocation services (must be pre-configured);
  • Try to call your own number and ask to return the handset for a reward.

The methods are not the most effective, but it's worth trying - what if something of this really works? In fact, the likelihood of finding a stolen phone is extremely low.... Pickpockets act quickly, and stolen equipment is sold for a penny to buyers and individuals. By the way, it is for this reason that the police do not undertake a full-fledged search - it is very difficult and labor-intensive.

Precautionary measures

So that you do not wonder whether a stolen phone can be found, we recommend that you protect yourself and your data from theft. For example, you can configure geolocation on your phone - if the phone suddenly disappears, you will find its location using the web interface of the selected geolocation service.

Also many tools are provided to remotely block stolen pipes- they are blocked via SMS commands and via the Internet. That is, if you cannot return the phone, then you can at least block its work.

In the operating room Android system there is a basic remote locking feature. But this feature must be configured in advance - go to "Settings - Security - Device Administrators" and put a checkmark " Remote control". In case of phone theft, go to the page Google service"Android remote control" and block access. Also, here you can remotely erase the contents of your smartphone - useful for eliminating confidential information.