How to create a new folder on Samsung. Create a folder on the Android desktop. When required

A folder on the tablet's desktop is created in two ways. Which method is suitable for your gadget depends on the version of Android.

Creating a folder on an Android tablet

1) You should press with your finger and hold an area on the desktop free of icons. A menu window will appear where you can find the “folder” option. Click there, and all that remains is to enter the name for the created folder.

2) Not everyone likes the above method of creating a folder on an Android tablet. It happens that after a long press, not a folder at all appears on the display, but a dent. But there is a way out: instead, you should display the shortcuts that you plan to place in the folder on the desktop. Task in progress in the following way: The application shortcut is pinched and then released into an empty space on the desktop that appears. After that, grab any icon on the desktop and drag it to another icon. Through the method of combining two icons, a folder appears. To carefully sort applications, you can make several folders. They are given names after clicking: click on the folder, click on the bottom edge of the frame that opens, activating the keyboard, after which you can type the name.

If the tablet does not “agree” to create folders in the two ways indicated above, there is one more option - through installing any third-party graphical shell (launcher) that has tools for creating folders.

We make a folder in the internal memory of the Android device or on a micro-SD flash drive

A “file manager” will come to the rescue - standard application, or other of your choice. Through the main menu, go to the file manager, select a location for the intended folder, then click on the three vertical dots located below in the control toolbar. A small window appears on the right side, where you should select “new directory”, type the name of the folder and click the “create” button. IN different tablets this procedure may vary slightly, but the essence remains the same. To create a folder in the AntTek Explorer file manager, click on the three dots at the top of the screen on the right, and select the “create folder” option.

Not everyone knows that the Android operating system allows you to create folders on the desktop. Why is this necessary, you ask? Just an example: you downloaded and installed 20 games, the icons of which are located on several desktops at once. Isn't it easier to put them in one folder for easy access? Another thing is that the process of creating folders may differ from the launcher installed on your smartphone or tablet. Let's consider several options.

First, let's talk about the standard and painfully familiar Android shell. The folder creation here is very thoughtful. Look, in the screenshot you see several applications.

To create a folder, drag one application icon onto another, as a result of which the folder will be created automatically.

Now you can add other icons to it.

But why is the folder untitled, you ask? Because you have to come up with the name. To do this, open the folder (tap on it once) and click on the words “Untitled folder”. A keyboard will appear and you can name your folder.

For example, let's name the folder “Applications”.

As you can see, everything is easy and simple when we're talking about about the standard Android shell. But there are others. For example, let's take TouchWiz - a shell from Samsung on Android based(in a specific example - version 4.4.2). Here, a different process is used to create the folder.

We see the desktop.

To create a folder, click on an empty space on the desktop until it appears extra menu(about a second), consisting of several points.

Here, as you guessed, we must click on the word “Folder”, after which we will need to give a name to this very folder. After writing your name, click "Yes".

The folder has appeared on the desktop, you can fill it with application icons.

Video instruction

How to delete a folder from Android desktop?

Nothing could be simpler. If you want to delete the entire folder with icons, just tap on it and, while holding it, drag it to the trash can that appears at the top of the screen.

Or just move the icons from the folder to the desktop and it will disappear by itself ( this method does not work on all shells, so you will have to use the method described above).

On Android 6.0, 7.0 or older Android 5.1, 4.4, like on all phones including Samsung or Lenovo, you can create as many folders as you want.

You can create a new folder on the desktop, in the gallery, in the menu, on the memory card, and so on.

They are extremely useful in applications such as clustering. Due to their purpose and general “cleaning of desktops”.

Especially useful when you want to have more on hand fast access to applications on the desktop.

Creating new ones is very simple, although it may seem that it is not, for example, in older Samsung models.

Overall this good idea, to save space where applications can be grouped with similar effects or purposes.

Built-in way to create a new folder on the home screen of your tablet or smartphone

I will now show how to create a folder on a tablet or smartphone running Android 7.0 - on others it’s almost the same, with the exception of very old versions.

Unlike old androids, you won’t be able to create a folder just like on a computer, but the process is still simple.

Go to the menu, press your finger on any icon, hold it for a moment and drag it to the desktop.

Do the same with the other one. For example, I chose “Music” and “Video” (you can do this with already installed icons).

Now I click on the video shortcut and drag it onto the music shortcut.

This creates a new folder and at the top you can give it your name - I’ll call it “My Music” and press “OK” on the keyboard.

The entire created folder appeared on the main screen.

Place whatever you want in it, and you can delete those icons that are there - they will not disappear, but will remain in the menu.

That's all, only there is a better way - using a file manager.

How to create an empty separate folder on a memory card using a file manager

Create empty separate folder On the memory card there is no built-in Android tools, especially in the latest versions.

Now, at the top right, click on the vertical ellipsis and select “Create”.

Enter the name and click “OK”.

How to create a hidden or invisible folder on Android

To create a hidden or invisible one you will also need a file manager. Then in the folder you want to hide you need to create a file with the name - .nomedia.

You can do it differently. Select a folder and file manager Click “Rename” and then just put a dot in front of the name.

After that, in the file manager, uncheck the box next to the “Show hidden files” line.

How to create a folder with a password on Android

It is quite possible to create a private folder on Android, for example, obb, but not with the built-in tools.

To create a secure, password-protected folder, you'll need to download a locking app.

There are many of them: KNOX, Apps Locker Master and Smart AppLock, but you need to choose one that supports your goal.

For example, AppLock allows you to lock photos and videos. You can open and view them only by entering your password.

A program for organizing folders on an Android tablet or smartphone - Folder Organizer

You may have wondered how to organize your apps on your phone.

Of course, if there are few of them, then this is not a problem for you. The problem starts when you have tens or even hundreds.

Yes, yes, I know people who have more than 200 of them. To do this, of course, you will need to “twist the screen” a lot, which is naturally annoying

With the Folder Organizer app, you can assign tags to all the apps on your phone.

This way you can group them and create shortcuts and widgets for them. For each, you can add any icon and make a shortcut on the main desktop.

How does this work in practice? The screen will show the abbreviation “Tools”. This is the shortest path to the place where the tools are grouped.

You will have office, Android, photos, Wi-Fi, games, multimedia, internet, navigation and so on - you can create as many as you want and name them as you like.

To install, you can find the program in two versions: paid and free. The Lite version is free and absolutely sufficient for your needs. Good luck.

How to create a folder to store files on Android - quite frequently asked question that are asked by users. The number of owners of smartphones with this OS is becoming more and more, while almost every user is trying to customize the interface to suit their needs.

How to make storage for files and applications

Organizing files by format, storing music, games, and other data, one way or another, makes them easier to find. Folders for storing information can be created not only through file managers, but also through standard menu smartphone. The process for creating such a section may vary slightly. Everything will depend on what type of placement is required: on the main screen, in the menu or in your documents.

To create a new folder on your smartphone, you will have to log into it. After that, tap on the “Menu” key. This button is available on every device (next to the “Home” command). Also this key is also available in the navigation of the Android system. It can be located in a corner and have the shape of three points standing in a vertical position. After tapping the button, an additional menu appears in which you can find the “New Folder” section. After that, select the file that requires moving and click on the “Ok” button. As you can see, everything looks very simple.

Using the same example, you can create a folder for applications on the desktop itself. Go to main screen and tap on the button you already know. Now tap on the “Add” command. Next, select the “Folder” option. The system will show everything possible files, which can be moved to a new directory.

If the user needs to create a folder in Explorer, then there are no particular difficulties in this section. At the very beginning, go to the required partition, for example, to the built-in memory card. Now call the “Menu” button again and find the option of interest in the list shown.

Now you need to come up with a name for the created directory and tap on the “Ok” button.

The user should not have any difficulties with this process. Now let's move on to creating a password for an application or folder.

How to set a password

IN standard package options Android systems, setting a password for partitions or applications is not included. But we can easily install special utility to protect programs from entry. There are a large number of such applications. The best of them are KNOX.

The main difficulty is to find a version for your smartphone that can support the folder locking option. A program called AppLock “Gateway” creates storage for pictures and material captured on camera: launch the utility and open the main menu. All will be presented here required folder. Everything that ends up in the folders will be password protected. It will be possible to open the folder only using the code.

Every active user of Android applications rarely spends his day without downloading another useful utility. Moreover, new programs are constantly adding to the already extensive database of the digital store Google Play. Applications for fitness, watching movies, audio players, language programs or games - those who like to solve any problem using Android programs are constantly adding to their collections on their smartphone.

However, saturating the gadget with new applications ultimately leads to the fact that the eyes begin to dazzle from the huge number of shortcuts with which the gadget’s desktops are crammed to capacity. As a result, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out which application is which and what it is responsible for. To organize your shortcuts and get things organized, it's best to use this system function, like creating folders into which you can sort specific applications, such as games, financial accounting programs, or banking utilities.

In our article, we will tell you how to create a folder on the Android desktop, and also explain how to create a system folder.

Creating a folder on the desktop

On Android latest versions The methods for optimizing shortcuts using folders are the same. To do this, you don’t need to delve into the menu - everything happens directly on the phone’s desktop:

Select the shortcuts that you want to place in one folder. If they are on different desktops, it is most convenient to move them to the same screen.

    Click on one icon

    Move it on top of the other

    The system will automatically create a folder with shortcuts

    Transfer the rest of the shortcuts into it

    Click on the resulting folder

    In the settings you can set the color of the folder, as well as its name

A similar algorithm is used if you use a third-party Android launcher, for example, Nova Launcher. In this case, only the animation of folder creation and the placement of its settings will change.

Creating a system folder

If you have mastered how to create a folder on the Android 6 or 5.1 desktop, you can organize the files that are inside operating system or on a memory card. To do this, you will need to download and install a special file manager. We'll tell you how to create system folder using the utility Total Commander.

    Launch the application

    To avoid confusion, it is best to create a new folder in the root directory

    Click on the drop down menu in the top right corner

    Type the name of the new folder and click OK.

The entire process of creating a folder in the file manager can be seen in this video:

Which phone is most convenient for creating folders?

On phones with older OS versions installed Android process creating a folder is either extremely confusing or there is no such function at all. Therefore, it is highly desirable that mobile device The current version of the operating system has been installed.

Whether you prefer to keep all your shortcuts in sight or plan to sort them into folders, it's important that the most convenient way to store your tools for work, communication and entertainment is on your smartphone with big screen where they will always be in sight. In addition, if you are a true fan of Android applications and constantly try something new, your smartphone should be equipped with powerful processor and a capacious battery for long and stable work with programs.

We recommend paying attention to British products Fly company. Smartphones of this brand are always based on the latest version of the OS, equipped with powerful and productive hardware, and are also very affordable.

Among the models that have appeared over the past few months, the Fly Cirrus 9 smartphone, a powerful LTE device with a large screen, is perfect for creating folders on your desktop. The bright and clear 5.5-inch IPS HD screen makes it very convenient to place a large number of shortcuts, both individually and in the form of folders. The algorithm we described can be safely used on this model, since the smartphone runs on Android 6.0 OS.

The user can quickly switch between running applications thanks to the fast 1.25 GHz 1 GB quad-core processor random access memory. And for long hours working with utilities answers capacious battery at 2800 mAh.