Engineering menu on Android - we understand the details. How to expand Android off menu How to replace the standard phone off menu

Android in its standard form looks poor. Yes, all the necessary functions seem to eat, and turn on the point of interest of the battery is still impossible. There is a beautiful load animation, but a sense of it is zero. Support for how it was not and not. And now what is the next caste, tomorrow's night assembly of which will definitely illuminate? No, we will do everything, having only root. Read on and find out how to change the Android interface.

Preparatory steps

To fulfill the many styles described in the article, you need root and dependent on it. In the standard version it will be 100% correctly working only in AOSP firmware, but even glitches can meet. Problems with XPosed modules can often occur in stock firmware With modifications from the manufacturer, but for them there is a special version of XPosed: for Touchwiz, for MIUI, for firmware based on Android 5.0+. HTC owners can set an official assembly, but almost always requires S-OFF.

Got root, installed Xposed? Then we went.

1. Change the download animation

The loading animation is stored in the /Systemation/media/ file. Internally, there is a text document Desc.txt, it shows the frame change frequency, horizontal resolution and verticals and so on. There are also the images themselves (frames), which change with the frequency specified in Desc.txt. The order and rules for playing animation from folders are also spelled out in this file.

All you need to do is to get an archive from the device using a root file manager, unpack and replace images, without forgetting them to pre-press them in the desired resolution. Next, it is enough to pack the archive without compression and return to the place. But, of course, it is easier to take a ready-made archive. Online Such is full.

On the other hand, look at the animation, though it is interesting, but no sense. But see which services are running, it is useful. The easiest option is to install a LiveBoot that displays Logcat and Dmesg, that is, Android messages and the Linux kernel.

2. Add your sounds to the standard set.

Sounds can be thrown out in one of the folders in / System / Media / Audio. Alarms - melodies for alarm clock;
Notifications - sounds for notifications;
Ringtones - ringtones;
UI - System Sounds, such as low battery charge, camera focus, selection of interface elements. Some applications can refer to them by default, therefore, they can be replaced with their own.

Why lay melodies in the system section? First, the files are able to withstand a common reset to the factory settings; Secondly, the sounds from special folders can be put on the signal (the sound of the alarm clock, the bell, obtaining SMS) in almost any application.

3. Change fonts

In the utility of these actions, I am very and very doubtful because the standard Android font is almost perfect. But taste and color ...

You can use a special application to install fonts. For example, Hifont allows without root to change fonts in sAMSUNG firmware, HTC, Motorola, Lenovo, Huawei, Nokia X. And if there is root, then in all other devices. You can how to use the fonts in the application directory and add your own.

But where to take them? There are three options:

  • fonts, extended from different firmware Android devices, can be found in the post at 4pda;
  • on the 4pda, there is a good collection of fonts created by users, in the next post;
  • collection on XDA.

Install fonts can and without using a special application. We take from the archive files.ttf, throw them with replacing in / System / Fonts / (ROOT) and reboot the device.

4. Change icons

Icons can be changed using special Appendix̆, for example Unicon - Icon Themer. After installation, you must activate the application in the XPosed settings (it will notify you). Next, reboot your smartphone and open the application. It remains to click on the download themes from Google Play and choose the icon package, install it and restart the smartphone. But it should be borne in mind that the icons do not change in some launchers, such as Google start.

5. We add support to

Before installing the topic, HKThemeManager will show the entire list of applications to which the topic will be applied. We remove the ticks from those that are not needed, click on the "Apply theme" and reboot the device.

There is an alternative installation option to the Layers Manager application. It works in any firmware on Android 5.0+ due to the emergence of the RRO resource reassignment mechanism. The base the app is enormous and is located on Play Market. To see her, it is enough to dial in the search for Layers Theme.

Keep in mind that the application does not work on firmware based on CyanogenMod: the local engine and RRO conflict.

6. Turn Android 5.x + in Android N

This will help us the Android N-IFY module. After installation, the following chips from Android N will appear:

  • the notice panel design will be changed. The quick settings panel will appear;
  • in the settings under some items there will be interesting inscriptions.
  • For example, under Wi-Fi it will be written the name of the current access point, under the battery, the remaining time of operation and the charge of the battery in percentage;
  • the "On Phone" menu will change easter bag;
  • will appear fast switch Between the last two launched applications using double clicking on the "Recent" button.

Android N-Ify and useful settings through which you can not only disable, but also configure individual changes made.

7. Improve the status bar

For me, the status string in the stock of Android is the most unfinished thing. Fortunately, using Xposed you can change a lot and make it more comfortable.

8. We change the battery indicator

Battery Home Icon Sets the battery indicator instead of the "Home" button. Moreover, this indicator is well configured: you can change colors, turn on / disable percentage show, charging animation, and so on.

XBatteryThemer - Setting the battery icon. There are many different topics of both ordinary and very extraordinary.

9. We bring the speed of the Internet connection

Network Speed \u200b\u200bIndicator - Network speed indicator. Able to show the speed of mobile networks, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Ethernet. All is configured from units of measurement and speed threshold to color and font size. You can also add the number of Internet traffic using DataUSAGE to the status bar. The data is shown the same as in the "Data Transfer" settings section.

10. Display a real signal level

Sometimes you need to know how well the Internet catches in different parts of the room, as the position of the smartphone affects the signal reception level, or simply must compare the reception level of your smartphone and other models. This will help Netstrength. The module is able to display the signal level of the cellular network in decibels to the milliwatite (DBM or DBM). This unit of measure is negative, and the more closer to zero, the better the reception. You can also enable ASU display (Arbitrary Strength Unit - signal / noise ratio in the pilot channel). It is calculated by the formula asu \u003d (DBM + 113) / 2.

By the way, the module knows how to show the reception level of Wi-Fi in DBM, MBPS (Mbps - Megabit per second) and percent.

11. Follow the download process

Statusbar Download Progress is one of the most useful modules XPosed. It displays the download process from the Play Market or file from the Internet as a thin white strip over the status bar. Immediately I recommend to activate the "God's Mode", thanks to which progress will be displayed for any applications that have an execution indicator. In the settings, you can put the display above the status bar or under the string.

Once upon a time, 5 years ago the popularity with operating devices were rapidly recruited android system. There was a good time, the world came out of the crisis, there was a lot of interesting things and on each device there was a menu button.
Two years later, the Android guys reported that the "Menu" button on the case of the device is now no longer fashionable and can be without it. Since then, each of us (the guild of the developers) knows how to call the menu on the overwhelming majority android devices.
To whom it will seem terrible accordion, let it, but last week we spent 2 hours of our lives to explain to the user. It was impossible to put up with this, so below I give a description of how to call the menu function on android devices.
This is how the mechanical menu buttons look like most common devices:

Moreover, in most cases, one short touch is enough to call the menu function. However, often the menu call can be added to the button to select the running applications. She looks like this:

In this case, the menu will open only with a debt (the so-called Long Click)! I.e not just jerked with your finger, and pinched and held. Many say after that Wow!

Tablet owners, I advise you to pay attention to the work area, it is there most often the buttons are, including the menu.

And it's not always the right to right as possible, but this button looks like this.
On fresh android versions OS The menu button looks like this.

Android supports multiple menu types. First - there is a separate button on the phone Menu. (In old phones), pressing which causes the menu. In the new devices, the separate button was removed, replacing the menu icon in the form of three points in the vertical orientation. The second type is the context menu that appears when you press and hold the finger on the screen in the desired place (you can also click and hold the center button on the phone). Context menu In turn, may have a submenu. Today we will get acquainted with the first type of menu. This article will consider working with the menu on new devices under android management 4.0 and higher.

In the template Empty Activity No menu, so we will create it yourself. This will help you understand the principle of work and get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe project. Measure the names of classes, methods and code for processing the selection of menu items optionally. In other menu templates, the menu will be built in and you can immediately use it.

Create a new project based on Empty Activity And run it. No menu is not yet.

Create several string resources in the file rES / VALUES / STRINGS.XMLthat will be responsible for the menu items:

Settings Cat Cat Kitty

Now create new folder menu. in folder rES. rES., | New | Directory.). Next, create a file in the created folder menu_main.xml. - the name indicates that the menu refers to the main activity MainActivity. (right mouse click on folder menu. | New | MENU RESOURCE FILE). If you create an application with multiple screens, each activity will have a separate menu with your own settings. While open the file menu_main.xml. And add your code to the resulting template:

Open file. MainActivity.. Now in it only one method onCreate (). Add a new method onCreateOptionsMenu (). It is this method that is responsible for the appearance of the menu in activity. Choose in Studios Menu Code. | And in the following window, start entering the name of the method according to the first letters. Can be administered according to the first capital letters, i.e. OCOM ( o.n. C.reate. O.ption M.eNU) to quickly find the desired string. Press the button OK. And get the workpiece.

@Override Public Boolean OnCreateOptionSmenu (Menu Menu) (Return Super.oncreateOptionsMenu (Menu);)

Add a method into the workpiece that takes data from the menu resources and converts them to menu items on the screen.

@Override Public Boolean OnCreateOptionSmenu (Menu Menu) (GETMENUINFLATER (). INFLATE (R.MENU.MENU_MAIN, MENU); RETURN TRUE;)

In the method iNFLATE () You specify the menu resource ( R.Menu.Menu_Main.) and class object Menu..

In English "inflate" is translated as inflated, i.e. According to Android developers, we, as it were, inflation to the data object, for example, the menu. But in fact, the word "inflate" comes from the phrase in Flat. - in the apartment. There is an old tradition to launch the first cat in the apartment, which explores all the catches of the house and declares her agreement to live in it. So we launch the data from the XML file to the Menuinflater object.

Run the project. Now on the right side of the title you will see the icon of three points built in vertical line. Click on the icon to see the menu item Settings.

How not hard to guess, element item. Responsible for a separate menu item. Add three more items on the same principle by changing the identifier and text for the menu:

Run the project and try calling the menu again. You will see three new items.

Parameters id and title Do not need explanations. Parameter orderIncategory. Allows you to set your own menu items. Suppose you created five menu items, but have not yet been determined with the order of their output on the screen. In order not to move the entire code blocks for the menu items in the desired order, you can use this parameter.

And finally, an important attribute app: ShowasAction Defines the behavior of the menu in ActionBar.. Value never means that the menu item should not be displayed in the title, but only in the pop-up menu, i.e. Being in three points. If you set the value always, Item Settings Immediately appears in the title of your application. Also available values iFROOMS., wITHTEXT. and collapseActionView.. Try yourself. For example, iFROOM. Displays the menu item if the place allows. If there are many items, they will only interfere. As a rule, in this embodiment, a very short word or icon is displayed for frequent operations to avoid unnecessary clicks for three points.

Pay attention to the attribute app: ShowasActionwhich refers to the space names xMLNS: App \u003d "". There was a time when such a space named did not exist and the attribute was used in projects android: ShowasAction From the standard namespace. If the studio will swear to an error, then edit the code.

While the menu items do not fulfill useful work. Any click on the item simply closes the menu without visible consequences. We have not yet written the code for handling clicks.

Select menu items

We learned how to create a menu. But while it is useless, since the menu items do not respond to our press. To handle clicks of menu items, is another method onOptionSItemSelected (). We add the method according to the same principle as for the previous example. We get the workpiece.

@Override Public Boolean OnoPtionSemSelected (Return Super.OptionSemSelected (Item);)

Parameter item. responsible for the menu item. You should get the menu identifier through the method getItemid () And specify code for it. Since usually the menu consists of several items, it is convenient to use designs if / else or switch. To display information, we use the text tag. Add a component to the activity screen TextView.. You can use available TextView. With the inscription "Hello World!", just give him an identifier.

android: id \u003d "@ + ID / TextView" Android: layout_width \u003d "wrap_content" Android: layout_height \u003d "wrap_content" Android: text \u003d "Hello World!" /\u003e

Add code to the workpiece for the selected menu item:

@Override Public Boolean OnoPtionSemSelected (Menuitem Item) (// We receive the identifier of the selected menu item Int ID \u003d item.getItemid (); TextView InfotextView \u003d (TextView) FindViewByid (R.ID.TextView); // Operations for the selected Switch menu item ( id) (case infotextView.settext ("You chose a cat!"); Return True; case infotextView.settext ("You chose a cat!"); Return True; Case R. ID.Action_cat3: infotextView.SetText ("You have chosen a kitten!"); Return True; Default: Return Super.OptionSItemSelected (Item);))

Run the application, call the menu and select any menu item. A message should appear in the text box.

There is an alternative way through XML, similar to the processing of clicking the button (starting with Android 3.0). You can add an attribute android: OnClick. in the menu resources, and you do not need to use the method call onOptionSItemSelected (). With help android: OnClick. You can point out the necessary method When selecting the menu item. Add this attribute to the item Settings

Now in the activity code, we will write the following:

// attribute at the Settings menu item is set android: onClick \u003d "onSettingsMenuClick" public void onSettingsMenuClick (MenuItem item) (TextView infoTextView \u003d (TextView) findViewById (; infoTextView.setText ( "You have chosen the item Settings, better would have chosen a cat ");)


The appearance of the menu items can be changed in view of the switches. To do this, add an item group. With an attribute android: Checkablebehavior \u003d "Single":

I don't see much sense in this mode. And we will not consider it.


In Android Studio 2.2, a graphical mode of constructing a menu is similar to the toolbar to add new components to the screen. The panel menu consists of four elements: Menu Item., Search Item., Menu., Group..

The principle is the same, choose the desired item and drag it on the screen in the menu area. If you have studied manual menu creation, then this method Will not cause you difficulty. With it, you can quickly draw the menu structure, and then reform manually.

So, let's create a simple menu for the Android application. Create a new project. Let's call him MyMenu, click Next. Choose Empty Activity. Click Finish.

The Android Studio system will prepare us a new project, let's go to Gradle Scrolls. In Build Gradle, add a new implementation. We will need a package

implementation ""

At least in my project. Click synchronize the project.

Menu items

We turn to the RES folder and create a new Andriod resource folder in it with a resource type - Menu. In it, let's create a new resource menu file. The name of the file is assigned as the name of the folder - MENU.

On our main menu by dragging, add Menuitem in the amount of 3 pieces.

In the strings.xml file you will write a new name for menu items by creating additional string values \u200b\u200bfor them.

Let Item1 be item 1, Item2 item 2, and Item3 let it be out.

Paragraph 1 Point 2 Output

In the menu.xml text version, you assign names from Strings.xml for our items. Also for each Item we will add, Android: ID named Action1, Action2, Action3,

to interact with these items. Action number 1 will be responsible for something, some kind of reaction, pressing the Action 2 item, respectively, will be responsible for other action, Action 3 will be responsible for output from the application.

In the MainActivity file, write several functions to work with the menu:

onCreateOptionsMenu @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu (Menu menu) (getMenuInflater () inflate (, menu);. return true;) onOptionsItemSelected @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected (MenuItem item) (int id \u003d item.getItemId (); SWITCH (ID) (Case R.ID.Action1: Txt.SetText (R.String.Item1); RETURN TRUE; Case R.ID.Action2: Txt.SetText (R.String.Item2); Return True; Case R. ID.Action3: Txt.setText (R.String.Item3); finish (); Return True;) Return Super.OptionSItemSelected (Item);)

We will declare the TEXTVIEW TXT type variable and connect it with the TextView element, in OnCreate through

tXT \u003d (TextView) FindViewByid (R.ID.TXT),

in the Activity_Main.xml layout, adding it

android: id \u003d "@ + id / txt"

to display text.

Start our application in the emulator. As you can see, the menu items appear, when you click on the value item 1 or 2, the text changes to paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, when you press the output button, the output appears and the application closes.

Layout menu

It seems, everything is fine. However, as always in Android Studio is given The menu will work only on the emulator, and therefore will add a small code to the styles.xml file, and before it in AndroidManifest.xml will change

android: Theme \u003d "@ STYLE / APPTHEME"

android: Theme \u003d "@ Style / AppTheme.noactionBar"

which says that a new style without ActionBar. Also in the MainActivity OnCreate we will make the Toolbar variable with Toolbar. We define it through Toolbar \u003d (Toolbar) FindViewByid (R.ID.Toolbar), and connect SETSupportactionBar support (Toolbar).

In the ACTIVITY_MAIN.XML layout in front of the textView add the following code:

Connect these widgets to import our application.


Click Alt + Enter, and we will add, the import of our application will be updated. Perhaps you have to do several times to connect the widget. Click Save.

Now we can run our application in the emulator. Everything looks likewise, but without this code, our application cannot be installed on a real device. Let's make a signed application.

First month of learning. Consider working from the menu deeper. There will be considered both old devices for Android 2.3 and new phones on Android 4.0.

Options Menu (Options Menu)

The menu meets the class android.View.Menu.. Each activity is associated with one menu object. Menu itself contains menu items (class android.View.Menuitem.) and submenu (class android.View.submenu.).

When pressing the button Menu. On old phones, a set of menu items attached to activity. The menu may contain icons. Such a menu may contain six items (usually). If there are more than six items, an extended menu is used - in this case, item appears instead of the sixth item Options (More). When you click this item, an extended menu with the list of points that did not fit in the main part of the option selection menu are displayed.

When the menu opens for the first time, Android causes a method onCreateOptionsMenu ()transmitting object as a parameter Menu.. Menu can be created as resources in the XML file or use the method add ().

In a standard project, when choosing a conventional template there is already a blank for the menu from one item Settings And the method call for the menu (you already know about it).

Creating a menu using resources

Consider work from the menu through the resources. To create the menu, resources are used to be stored in an XML file. The file itself must be in the folder rES / MENU / Your project. The menu consists of the following items:

Defines the menu that will contain menu items. Element Must be a root element in the XML file structure and may contain one or more elements. and Creates directly menu items. This element may have an embedded element To create a submenu If you wish, you can also use an invisible element container . This allows you to achieve some effects.

Suppose we decided to use the menu for some game. Create a new file game_Menu.xml.:

We have created a menu with two points. Each item includes the following attributes:

Android: ID ID ID, by which the application can recognize when highlighting the menu item by the Android user: title text that will be displayed in the menu

There are other attributes for the element. item., eg android: icon \u003d "@ Drawable / Home" will also make an icon for the menu item, and android: Enabled \u003d "False" Allows you to make the menu item inaccessible.

Attribute android: TitleCondenseD. It is used if the usual header is too wide and not "placed" in the selected menu item.

Attribute android: OrderIncategory. Determines the order in which the menuitems menu items are displayed.

When creating the menu, we pointed to string resources @ STRING / NEW_GAME and @ String / Help. You must add new lines in the file. strings.xml:

A new game reference

Now you need to make changes in the class of activity in which the menu will be displayed. The program must convert the menu resource to the program object. For this purpose there is a special method Menuinflater.inflate ()which is called in a special callback method onCreateOptionsMenu (). This method and is designed to display the menu when you press the button Menu. On the device:

@Override Public Boolean OnCreateOptionSMenu (Menu Menu) (Menuinflater Inflater \u003d GetMenuInflater (); inflater.inflate (R.Menu.Game_Menu, Menu); Return True;)

After inserting the code, the development environment will ask you to import missing namespaces.

Import android.view.Menu; Import android.view.Menuinflater;

Method onCreateOptionsMenu () The method initiates the first appearance of the menu on the screen and accepts the MENU object as a parameter (for old devices). You can save the link to the menu and use it anywhere code while the method onCreateOptionsMenu () Again will not be called. You need to always use the implementation of this handler from the parent class, because it automatically automatically includes the additional system items in the menu. In new devices, the method is called when creating activity. The method must return the value true.So that the menu is visible on the screen.

Running the program, click Menu. On the emulator to see POPs this menu.

Method getmenuinflater () Returns a class instance Menuinflater.We use to read the menu data from XML.

As you can see, the menu appears at the bottom of the screen. You can simultaneously display six menu items. If items are larger, then five points will be displayed plus the sixth paragraph Morethat will allow you to see the rest points. Let's check and add new menu items.

First add six points.

Add another item to the menu to make them seven.

Select menu items

We learned how to create a menu. But while it is useless, since the menu items do not respond to our press. For processing pressing menu items is the method onOptionSItemSelected (). The method recognizes the item selected by the user through Menuitem.. We can now define the selected item through the call. getItemid ()which returns the menu item identifier. Next through the operator switch We still have to determine the necessary commands:

@OverRide Public Boolean OnoPtionSemSelected (Menuitem Item) (// Operations for the selected Switch menu item (Item.GetiteMid ()) (Case R.ID.New_Game: NewGame (); Return True; Case R.ID.Help: showhelp () ; Return True; Default: Return Super.OptionSitemselected (Item);)) Public VoidGame () (edtext.settext ("Selected New Game");) Public void showhelp () (edtext.settext ("Help clause" );)

Run the application, call the menu and select the first or second menu item. A message should appear in the text box.

In the example above getItemid () Requests the ID for the selected menu item and begins to compare through the SWITCH selection operator with identifiers that we specified in XML resources. When the desired identifier is detected, the handler is performed for the specified menu item. If the program does not detect anything, then the operator is performed default.which returns the Super Class.

You can add an attribute in Android 3.0 android: OnClick. in the menu resources, and you no longer need to use onOptionSItemSelected (). With help android: OnClick. You can specify the desired method when you select the menu item.

// Attribute the menu item is set to Android: OnClick \u003d "OnMenuclick" Public Void OnMenuclick (MenuItem Item) (edtext.settext ("Selected Cat feed"););)

Software creation menu

Consider the programming menu for completeness of the picture. We will need to define several constants for menu items:

// Identifiers for the menu items Private Static Final int iDM_Open \u003d 101; Private Static Final int iDM_SAVE \u003d 102; Public Boolean OnCreateOptionSmenu (Menu Menu) (// Add menu items menu.add (menu.none, idm_open, menu.none, "open"); menu.add (menu.none, idm_save, menu.none, "save") ;)

Method add () There are four parameters:

  • group identifier - allows you to link the menu item with a group of other items of this menu
  • identifier Identity for the menu item selection event handler
  • the order of the location of the item in the menu - allows you to determine the position in the menu. By default (menu.none or 0), items go in order as specified in the code
  • the header is the text that is displayed in the menu item. You can use a string resource

The method returns the object Menuitem.which can be used to set additional properties, for example, to set the icon, hot key, etc.

If you want to create menu with icons, then use the method seticon ()

Menu.add (menu.none, idm_open, menu.none, "open") .seticon (r.Drawable.icon_menu_open);

Recall once again that the icons can only be added to the six menu items (or to five, if more than six).

Method onCreateOptionsmenu. Called by the system only once when creating a menu. If you need to update the menu while program operation, use the callback method. oNPREPAREOPTIONSMENU ().

When the menu item is selected, the method is called onOptionSItemSelected.which transmits the object Menuitem. - The menu item selected by the user. Using the method getItemid. You can get the identifier of the selected menu item. After identifying the menu item, you can write code for processing the menu selection event:

Public Boolean OnoPtionSemSelected (Item.getItemid ()) Case IDM_Open: Return True; Case IDM_SAVE: Return True; Return False;)


You can also set hot keys for quick accessUsing keyboard symbols, using several methods:

  • sETALPHABETICSHORTCUT (CHAR) - adds a symbol
  • sETNUMERICSHORTICUT (INT) - adds number
  • setshortcut (char, int) - adds a combination of a symbol and number

For example, if you set the setalphabeticshortcut hot key ("q");, then when opening the menu (or while holding keys Menu.) keystroke Q. Select this menu item. This hot key (or key combination) will be shown as a hint displaying below the menu name. In the new keyboards there is a separate key Ctrlwhich works as well as on conventional keyboards.

Hot keys can be created via XML: android: AlphaBeticShortcut \u003d "C".

You can process pressures through the activity method onKeyShortcut ():

@OnderRide Public Boolean OnkeyShortcut (Int Keycode, KeyEvent Event) (SWITCHODE_R: toast.maketext (this, "reply", toast.length_short) .Show (); Return True; Default: Return Super. OnKeyShortcut (Keycode, Event);))

Creating a submenu

Submenu can be added to any menu, except for the other submenu. Submenu is created in the callback method onCreateOptionsMenu () Using the method addsubmenu ()which returns the object Submenu.. In the object Submenu. You can add additional items to this menu using the method add (). For example:

Public Static Final int iDM_HELP \u003d 101; Public Static Final Int IDM_NEW \u003d 201; Public Static Final int iDM_Open \u003d 202; Public Static Final Int IDM_SAVE \u003d 203; Public Static Final int iDM_Cut \u003d 301; Public Static Final int idm_copy \u003d 302; Public Static Final Int IDM_PASTE \u003d 303; @Override Public Boolean OnCreateOptionsMenu (Menu Menu) ("File"); submenufile.add (menu.none, idm_new, menu.none, "new"); submenufile.add (menu.none, IDM_OPEN , Menu.none, "open"); submenufile.add (menu.none, idm_save, menu.none, "Save"); submenu submenuedit \u003d menu.addsubmenu ("Edit"); submenuedit.add (menu.none, IDM_CUT , Menu.none, "Cut"); submenuedit.add (menu.none, idm_copy, menu.none, "Copy"); submenuedit.add (menu.none, idm_paste, menu.none, "insert"); Menu. Add (menu.none, idm_help, menu.none, "help"); return super.oncreateOptionsmenu (MENU);) @Override Public Boolean OnOptionSemselected (CHARSEQUENCE MESSAGE; SWITCH (Item.getItemid ()) : message \u003d "Selected item new"; Break; Case IDM_OPEN: message \u003d "Selected Open"; Break; Case IDM_SAVE: message \u003d "Save item" selected "; Break; Case IDM_CUT: Message \u003d" Selected Cut item "; Break; Case IDM_COPY: Message \u003d "Selected item Copy"; Break; Case IDM_Paste: Message \u003d "Selected Point"; Break; CASE IDM_HELP: message \u003d "Selected Help"; Break; DEFAULT: RETURN FALSE; ) // Display notification of the selected menu item toast toast \u003d toast.maketext (this, message, toast.length_long); toast.setgravity (, 0, 0); (); RETURN TRUE; )

Now, when you select the menu item, another window with submenu will appear. Try yourself.

Adding flags and switches

The menu items may add flags or switches. To add a check box or switch for a separate menu item, you must use the method setCheckable ():

Menuitem Item \u003d Menu.add (0, IDM_Format_Bold, 0, "Bold"); Item.Setcheckable (TRUE);

If there is a need to add multiple menu items with flags or switches, you can combine them into the menu groups by creating a separate identifier. The menu item is added to the group through the method. add ()By giving it a menu group identifier as the first parameter. Suppose we have announced identifiers for the menu group Color and menu items to install the color:

Public Static Final int idm_color_group \u003d 400; Public Static Final int IDM_COLOR_RED \u003d 401; Public Static Final Int IDM_COLOR_GREEN \u003d 402; Public Static Final Int IDM_COLOR_BLUE \u003d 403;

Now to create a menu group with flags, you need to assign a group identifier to each menu item and call the method setGroupCheckable () For the whole group (this case, there is no need to call the method setCheckable () For each menu item):

Submenu submenucolor \u003d menu.addsubmenu ("color"); submenucolor.add (IDM_COLOR_GROUP, IDM_COLOR_RED, MENU.NONE, "Red"); submenucolor.add (IDM_COLOR_GRUP, IDM_COLOR_GREEN, MENU.NONE, "GREEN"); submenucolor.add (IDM_COLOR_GROUP, IDM_COLOR_BLUE, MENU.NONE, "Blue"); submenucolor.setgroupcheckable (IDM_COLOR_GROUP, TRUE, FALSE);

Method setGroupCheckable () Three parameters:

  • the first parameter is the menu group identifier;
  • the second parameter is true if switches or flags are allowed in the group;
  • the third parameter - sets the only (true) or multiple (false) selection of menu items. This parameter actually defines the appearance of the menu - it will be a menu with switches or flags.

    To control the status of flags and switches in the menu item selection event handler, you need to write the following:

    @Override Public Boolean OnOptionSemselected (Charsequence Message; Switch (Item.getItemid ()) (... Case IDM_COLOR_RED: // Invert the Item.SetChecked checkbox (! Item.ISCECKED ()); message \u003d "Red "; Break; Default: Return False;)

    Run the project, call the menu and select Menu. Color. You will have a submenu with three points (red, green, blue) in the form of flags. The status of flags and switches is processed in the program code and is saved when the menu is repeatedly.

    You can immediately assign an intention to the selected menu item through the setIntent () method, which will work when you press this item if this event was not intercepted by OnMenuiteMClicklistener (Statute) or OnOptionSItemSelected. Having worked, the intention is transmitted to the Startactivity method.

    Menuitem.Setintent (New Intent (this, MyotherActivity.class));

    Software opening or closing menu

    If for some reason you need to programmatically open the menu (for example, by demonstration purposes), then use the method openOptionsMenu ():

    OpenOptionsMenu ();

    For software closure, use the method closeOptionsMenu (), however, I have a re-calling method openOptionsMenu () Also closes the menu.

    Software deletion of the menu item

    Suppose we defined the menu item in the XML file:

    To delete clearly an overview menu item from our program about cats, you need to access the menu item through the method findItem () And make it invisible. Link to the Menu object must be transferred to the method onCreateOptionsmenu.So that the program learns about changing the menu composition.

    // variable class MENU MENU; @Override Public Boolean OnCreateOptionSmenu (Menu Menu) (Menu); // Transfer a link to our object This.Menu \u003d Menu; GetMenuInflater (). Inflate (R.Menu.Test, Menu); Return True;) / / click Public Void OnClick (VIEW V) (IF (MENU! \u003d NULL) (// Find the desired menuitem_dog \u003d menu.finditem (R.ID.Action_DOG); // Make it invisible Item_Dog.Setvisible (FALSE); ))

    But W. this solution There is a deficiency if we turn the screen, the activity will re-create and the remote menu will appear again. How do we get rid of the selected pussy?

    It is necessary to remember the status of the menu item and save it in the Bundle object in the method oNSAVEINSTANCESTATE., and in the method onCreate () Remove the saved state and transfer the method onprepareOptionsmenu.which is called before displaying the menu on the screen:

    Package ru.AlexanderKlimov.test; Import; Import android.os.Bundle; Import android.view.Menu; Import Android.view.MenuItem; Import Android.View.View; public class TestActivity extends Activity (Menu menu; Boolean savedMenuDogIsVisible; final static String KEY_MENU_DOG \u003d "KEY_MENU_DOG"; @Override public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) (super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); setContentView (R.layout.activity_test); // extract visibility data menu item if (savedInstanceState \u003d null!) (savedMenuDogIsVisible \u003d savedInstanceState.getBoolean (KEY_MENU_DOG, true);)) @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu (menu menu) (super.onCreateOptionsMenu (menu); \u003d menu; getMenuInflater () .inflate (R.Menu.test, Menu); Return True;) Public Void OnClick (VIEW V) (IF (Menu! \u003d NULL) (MenuItem Item_dog \u003d Menu.FindItem (R.ID.Action_DOG); // Hide Item_dog.Setvisible menu item (false);)) @Override Protected voidsaveinstancestate (Bundle Outstate) (// TODO AUTO-GENERATED METHOD STUB SUPER.ONSAVEINSTANCESTATE (Outstate); if (Menu! \u003d NULL) (MenuItem Item_dog \u003d Menu. FindItem (R.ID.Action_DOG); // We save the current status of the menu item - TRUE or FALSE Outstate.PutBoolean (key_menu_dog, item_dog.isvisible ()); )) @Override Public Boolean OnprepareOptionSmenu (Menu Menu) (IF (SAVEDMENUDOGISVISIBLE! \u003d NULL) (MenuItem Item_Dog \u003d Menu.FindItem (R.ID.Action_DOG); // Before displaying on the screen, learn the desired state of the Item_Dog.Setvisible menu item (SavedMenudogisvisible );) Return super.ONPREPAREOPTIONSMENU (MENU);))

    Determine the presence of the MENU button

    On old devices used the real Menu button. In the new versions of Android, the menu was removed in ActionBar and its presence in the form of a separate button has become optional. But many manufacturers still release phones with a button for the menu. To determine if there is such a button, in Android 14 added a new method that allows you to determine the presence of this button.

    If (build.version.sdk_int.<= 10 || (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >\u003d 14 && ViewConfiguration.Get (this) .HaspermanentMenuKey ())) (// Menu Key is present toast.maketext (this, "Menu button is", toast.length_long) .show ();) Else (// No Menu Key toast.makeText (this, "Menu buttons no", toast.length_long) .show ();)

    Marking for menu

    In modern devices, the menu is part ActionBar.. And you can configure the markup of the menu via XML.

    Suppose you chose this option:

    In attribute showasAction. Do not use the value never, otherwise you will not see the markup. Marking itself is set through the attribute actionLayout. Code for marking:

    Menu in fragments

    The menu can be not only part of the activity, but also part of the fragment. The principle of operation is practically no different. The fragment has an appropriate method.

    @Override Public Void OnCreateOptionsmenu (Menu Menu, MenuInflater Inflater) (Menu, Inflater); inflater.inflate (R.Menu.fragment_crime_List, Menu);)

    FragmentManager. responsible for the challenge onCreateOptionsMenu () When receiving a callback activity onCreateOptionsMenu () from the system. You must explicitly inform the manager FragmentManager.that a fragment should get a challenge onCreateOptionsMenu (). For this, the method is called sethasoptionsmenu ():

    // In the @Override Public Void OnCreate (SavedInstanceState) fragment (SavedInstancestate); Sethasoptionsmenu (TRUE); getActivity (). Settitle (; ...)