What phones are suitable for Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go: System requirements for Android and iOS devices. System requirements Pokemon Go for Android

Of course, no supernatural requirements for the phone makes the game, and if your smartphone is two or two or even three, then, most likely, Pokemon Go will work on it without problems. But to get the maximum pleasure from the game and fully plunge into the world of augmented reality, the corresponding smartphone should be selected. For Pocketrer ( Pokemon Trainer - a person involved in the capture of wild pokemon and their training for battles with the Pokemones of other coaches. May be included in one of the three fractions - Team Instinct (yellow), Team Mystic (blue), Team Valor (red) this is main tool And weapons, as for the real knight, his faithful sword. However, the endless legs, sharp eyes and an exact finger for ICOOBOL rolls ( Poke Ball - a mystical device designed to capture Pokemon by converting them to the energy clots. Technology functioning unknown. Looks like a revealing ball with a button) - But do not buy them. So focus on choosing a smartphone. Agree, it will be a shame if during a rare pokemon tracking ( Pokemon (Pokemons) - supernatural invisible creatures living among ordinary people. They are moderately intelligent, some even know how to talk. They are divided into many varieties, each of which has its own unique abilities. You can see the Pokemon only with the help of a special device (smartphone)) You will fall off the Internet, a connection will disappear with navigation satellites or simply will sit the battery.

So, let's start choosing a smartphone on items. I do not exclude that our list will be useful not only to the future heroes of Ineaker, but also everyone will buy a new modern smartphone.

Operating system

You need a smartphone that works under android managementStarting with version 4.4, or running iOS, starting with version 8.0. There are information about users who managed to start the game on Android 4.0.1, 4.2.2, 4.3 by the trickle manipulations. But it is unlikely that I can recommend doing something like this: if the game is shy, hang and bite, then you will not get any pleasure from the process.

But the fans of mobile operatingers from Microsoft are forced to upset - they are not supported and nothing is known about support plans in the future.

Perhaps the optimal OS for the game will be Android 6.0 - improved performance and stability, optimized electricity consumption and other cool features of this series will be completely alike. And in general, Android 7.0 will be announced - at the same time buy the device on the ancient Android 5.1 is somehow strange; Expect to update the firmware up to 6.0, also short-sighted - the units of manufacturers produce official updates.


The game is "sharpening" under the standard resolution of 720x1280. However, to find a smart with a smaller screen resolution is now problematic. However, such models are still found, for example, sold under the operating brands "for a penny": Tele2 MIDI, Beeline Smart6, MTS Smart Start SIM, etc. Be careful not to be fan for advertising!

Considering that you have to play on the street, it is imperative that the image on the screen is distinguished when direct sunlight gets. This, unfortunately, not all devices boast. Also, the brightness of the screen brightness in a wide range should be present - because the game can be continued and after sunset - the screen should not turn into a bright flashlight that will shine directly into the player's eyes.

But with the size of the diagonal, I can not advise you. It all depends on your personal preferences. Someone likes "brick", someone is important that the device be placed in the pocket of the shirt. Particularly small details are not necessary in the game.

It is also useful if the screen will have a good sensitivity. After all, the fishing of Pokemon is in the shots of the shearbol, which are produced using the finger wiring across the screen. Moreover, it is necessary to do it quickly, exactly, according to a certain trajectory, depending on the location of the Pokemon on the screen, which, in addition, also jumps. Therefore, the capacitive screen with a multitatch - must be necessary!

Probably the most optimal screen - For Pokemon Go - AMOLED. They are most economical, contrast, bright, provide good color reproduction, remarkably show with bright sunlight. Also in the game there is special setting « Battery Saver.", Which allows you to additionally save energy on OLED screens due to wider use of black. Lack of amoled one - high price. However, a good IPS screen is also a wonderful choice for Pokemon GO - the difference with AMOLED is often completely insignificant.

RAM, storage, processor

Everything is simple - it takes at least 1 GB of RAM and 200-300 MB of free space on the drive (it may be a Sd card). But, of course, it will be better to buy a device with 2-3 GB random access memory - Fortunately, the difference in the price has become insignificant. To the processor requirement only one thing - this should not be Intel Atom. However, it is not sure that the smarts on the atom are still present on the market.


During the game, the screen should be constantly turned on, navigation must work, connect to the Internet - to be active. Graphics, although not too complicated, but three-dimensional - redraws constantly. Frequently triggered vibration, sound. There is a good computing load on smart, the back side of the device is noticeably heated. Is it worth saying that the battery charge melts literally in front of his eyes? Fully charged enough for just a few hours of the game! For example, on my device (Android 6.0, battery 4150 mAh) with not the highest screen brightness, for 2.5 hours of the game, the charge decreased from 100% to 60%.

So the battery, the recommendation can be only one - the more, the better. However, it will not work out from the device for more than 3 hours of the game, so it makes no sense to chase maximum capacity battery. It will be more correct external battery (The so-called. Energy Bank or Zagalno "Bank") with a capacity of about 10,000 mA / h - and then you can play 8 hours without a recharging break.


The thing that most infuriates in the Pokemon GO is GPS navigation errors. Especially they are strongly manifested in places of dense high-altitude urban development and settlements located in northern latitudes (for example, St. Petersburg). It looks like this: come close to gym ( GIm or Arena (GYM) - a place where workouts and the battle of Pokemon are occurring. It can be captured by a certain fraction. Marked on the map with stylized towers painted by the color of the corresponding fraction), But your character on the map is dried somewhere at a considerable distance - in the neighboring yard or on the other side of the road, and you can't start the battle. We have to run around the gym in the hope that the character will still deign to approach the right place. Sometimes it takes 20 minutes and does not always lead to positive results. Sometimes, but not always, the restart of the game or restart the smartphone is helped. At the same time, the situation is straightforwards mystical - today positioning on the gim is perfect, tomorrow - in any way. At such moments, a strong desire arises to break and throw the phone. At the same time, on the same smartphone, automotive navigation works fine - apparently, thanks to the algorithms that "attract" coordinates to the road. Alas, in Pokemon GE, such algorithms are not implemented, and the admission to activate the beaches ( Pokestop - place where the selection can replenish the reserves ofone and get other useful gaming items. Marked on a map of blue cubes. Most often are located in the location of real attractions and other interesting places - monuments, museums, temples, art facilities.) or gima, according to my feelings, not more than 20 meters.
Therefore, I am not afraid of this word - archived - so that the Smart would have a qualitatively implemented navigation - was GPS, A-GPS, GLONASS. GLONASS - be sure, because It is optimized, unlike GPS, to Russian northern latitudes. Also remind you - what would work A-GPS - you need to be enabled Wi-Fi, the GSM module (and better both if your device supports simultaneous operation with two SIM cards).


For the game requires a permanent connection to the Internet. As soon as it disappears - a warning is issued and the gameplay stops. But the requirements for speed and volumes of transmitted data are small. So, I have a fairly active game for a month (more than 200 km passed) less than 500 MB of traffic took place. Mine tariff plan - "100 MB per day for 5 rubles" grabs "for the eyes".

So for Pokemon Go more important is not the speed of the connection with the Internet, but the density of the coating. Of course, in reasonable limits. At least 3G. But, naturally, if you choose new smartphone - Take the device with 4G.


I hope no longer left people who continue to assume that, the more megapixels in the phone chamber, the better the high-quality pictures do it? Although, partly it is. But not because there are many megapixels, but because more megapixels, as a rule, in more modern and expensive smart photo modules that have a better and high-quality lens, the sensor is made on more advanced technology, etc. In addition, some chitryat manufacturers - put the sensor, let's say on 8 MPIXs, stretch the pictures with a software algorithm to 13 MPIX, and in characteristics they write, respectively, 13 MPIX. As you understand, the stretching of the picture does not increase its detail. So when choosing a smart to megapixels, do not look at the camera at all. The only thing to watch is examples of pictures on the Internet. Fortunately, to get to type the name of the device and "examples of images" in the search engine, how it will give a lot of links. These pictures should be viewed on a computer monitor on a scale of 1 to 1. and better evaluate the pictures made not in ideal conditions - in the evenings, in cloudy weather, in rooms with low lighting, snapshots of fast moving objects. In a bright sunny day, even a crazy camera is capable of making a decent shot. The difference is manifested just in difficult conditions.

Gyroscopic sensor, digital compass

The main "feathers" Pokemon Go is, of course, augmented reality mode (AUGMENTED REALITY - AR), when virtual pokemon is superimposed on the image of the objects of this world, obtained from the camera in real time. The game even provides a special function to make screenshots in this mode. And the Internet is already filled with a lot of funny pictures with Pokemones in the most unusual places.

But what would AR work, it is necessary that the smartphone would be equipped with a gyroscope sensor and a digital compass. Fortunately, the game allows you to play and without a gyroscope / compass, but then the fishing of Pokemon occurs in a virtual environment, which is not so fun.

However, it is worth noting that many players specifically turn off the mode of augmented reality, since The enabled camera spends the battery and the player does not need to spin with the phone around, looking for Pokemon.

Other features

From the other features of a smartphone, useful for playing in Pokemon Go I would noted by:
- Durable case and scratch-resistant glass - after all, in the process of the game, the phone can jump out of the hands and fall on the asphalt; Fluncing the game can be crashed into a pillar; Your wife, irritated by the fact that you have ceased to pay attention to her, can put your smartphone under the hydraulic press, etc.
- reasonable price - for the same reasons as a durable case. After all, even the most durable case may in some cases not help and have to buy a new device. And certainly not worth buying a smart to play on credit.
- Waterproofing - rains in our climate are not uncommon and if because of each rain, interrupt the game and hide a smart in your pocket - you do not get into the glory hall of the greatest beds. I will tell one lifehak - during precipitation you can hide the phone into a regular file - the screen works perfectly perfectly and at the same time water does not fall on the device.
- Powerful vibration - Pokemon Go notifies the player about the appearance in the visibility zone with vibration, better if it does not remain unnoticed.
- the ability to change the battery - due to the frequent need to charge the phone, the battery will not live for a long time - therefore it is better if there is full opportunity Replace it.

Auxiliary devices

I think you already guessed - the first thing you may need for a successful game is Power Bank. (Universal External Battery). Not in vain, according to some information, sales of Power Bank, in the USA, from July 6th (the release date of Pokemon Go on the US market), increased 2 times! The market presents a huge number of similar devices from different manufacturers, different tanks and cost. Advise some specific model I can not - I'm not a specialist in them and in my opinion they differ from each other not much. The main thing, before buying, make sure that the adapter comes with the adapter comes to your phone (especially this is true for the iPhone). Well, that would have enough tanks at least one full charge of your device.

The second one can also come in handy - a protective case or silicone bumper. The cover / bumper should be necessarily for your smartphone model - that he would accurately approached the size and coincided all the holes for the camera lens, connecting the charging cable, etc.

In the process of the game you have to overcome long distances between the poles and gimami. We are talking about dozens of kilometers. So, to "sit out" a good face ( Painso (EGG) - Pochkrener has 2 ways to get Pokemon - catch the wild pokemon with the help of Sieffolat or sit down Pokyuji. Incubator is used to surround the face. But the incubator works only when the Pochterer goes) - You need to pass 10 kilometers. Therefore, it will be worthwhile to get a bike, scooter, roller skates or similar personal vehicles. And there are a fan of technical innovations - then you can pick up anything electric, such as a new-fashioned gyro or monocoles. Just follow that your speed does not exceed 15 km / h, because The game tracks speed, and if it is too high, ceases to take into account "Mileage".

Another interesting device, useful for the game is a special "Pokemon Go plus" bracelet from Nintendo (http://www.pokemongo.com/ru-ru/pokemon-go-plus/). It connects to the Bluetooth smartphone and signals vibration and LEDs when the player approaches the pokes and the pokemon. Moreover, by touching the bracelet, you can "clean" a beaker, and the button on it allows you to throw meekol. Thus, you can play without getting a smartphone out of your pocket! However, it is very difficult to find this device in the Russian Federation. I tried to adapt to the same tasks a fitness bracelet MI BAND, but not yet happened.

Of course, listed - not all gadgets that can be useful for a successful game. You can recall the umbrella, pepper can, spray from bears, whistle, frightening dogs, etc. - But this is the topic of another article.


For a full-fledged game in Pokemon Go you will need a smartphone with the following characteristics:

  • high-quality high-contrast IPS or AMOLED screen with capacitive multitatch, resolution of at least 720x1280;
  • battery with good capacity;
  • well implemented GPS / GLONASS module, A-GPS;
  • 1-2 GB of RAM;
  • gyroscope sensor / digital compass;
  • high-quality chamber;
  • contemporary operating system (Android 6 or iOS 9-10);

However, if any characteristic smart does not satisfy, it does not mean at all that you can not play. This is not true. Thanks to the efforts of developers from the Niantic Labs, the game may be with some restrictions, it will work and it will not affect the gameplay. So, the author of this article uses the device in price category "To 7 tr." And it did not prevent him from reaching the 22nd level and get great pleasure from the game.

Initially, I had a thought to make top-5 devices for Pokemon GO. But now I refused this idea, because Models, satisfying even the most stringent requirements on the market dozens and constantly appear new. So the top will endure very quickly. You can only list some manufacturers. Perfectly show themselves latest models from Apple and Samsung. If you need a device in a more budget segment, you can take Xiaomi, HTC or Huawei. And these are not tips, but only examples. The choice is great.

I wish everyone a fascinating game and the rarest pokemon! And please observe the safety rules: Do not play during the car management, do not try to penetrate the protected areas, try not to make the camera on random passersby, avoid deserted places, especially in the dark time.

It is important to recall that while in Pokemon Go in Russia, you can only play unofficially, installing the application not from the application store (it will appear there only after the official release in Russia), but Niantic promises to come to the Russian market.

For fun, write again: Pokemon Go. Ah, what a charm ... Not all the players of the current generation are confident: to start an unforgettable adventure or not. Many do not know the recommended requirements, and most simply does not understand what faces. I will explain!

What phones work Pokemon go?

The game comes down to a little functions: walking (exclusively walking distance) at your settlement, and participation in battles with other players.

In order to join the lucky people, steeply changed their lives (it has become more active and joyful), you should have a phone with certain system parameters that satisfy the specified:

  • Android 4 and higher operating system. As analog it can be used iOS version 6.0 or more modern.
  • Any processor with a frequency of 1GHz.
  • 10 megabytes of free space and exactly 1 GB of RAM.
  • If you have an Android axis, then you need to have a graphic chip Adreno 305 or better. Well, for the owners of iOS - PowerVR SGX535 or the model with a higher rank will be required.
  • Stable connection to the Internet. Still, the application completely relies on this foundation, associating a process with a surroundings in which you are. The presence of a GPS module is not even discussed.

It also happens that the requirements correspond to, and the game does not start. You should not fall into prostration, because, perhaps, with servers, problems or any other errors have arisen, which will later disappear.

Pokemon GO launch conventions

It is possible that these are not the only phones on which Pokemon GO works. Even in the case of less strong devices, try to start the application. It happened and, therefore, try! On the Web we met craftsmen who can run the game and on older and non-demanding phone models, but it is necessary to install new firmware On your device and do not forget about the mandatory availability of the GPS module !!!

To run on memory phonestry 512MB below Set GLTOOLS. (Required rOOT rights) and for application Pokemon Goreduce texture on x0.25.

Given the sufficiently high demands of modern games for mobile devices, it is desirable to have a view of the desired configuration of the hardware of the smartphone.

Below will try to consider in detail which phone is needed for Pokemon.

Phone characteristics for Pokemon Go

It is immediately necessary to clarify that cheap phones for Pokemon go are not suitable. This application has sufficiently high requirements for smartphone performance, so the most cheap products will not work for the game.

Also not suitable for this purpose Windows telephone. On the this moment The game is released only in versions for two types of operating systems - Android and iOS. Therefore, to use Microsoft phone for fishing Pokemon will not work.

To determine which phones are suitable for Pokemon Go, it is necessary to study the basic system requirements for this application. In addition, the requirements for the phone for Pokemon is largely dependent on the type of operating system used on the device.

So, for the normal launch of this game, a smartphone running android systems Must have the following characteristics:

  • processor: Two nuclei with a clock frequency of at least 1 GHz;
  • video Pressure: not lower than Adreno 305;
  • optimal permission Screen 720x1280;

When using an Apple smartphone, system requirements will be as follows:

  • processor: Cortex A8 generations or better with a clock frequency from 1 GHz;
  • rAM: at least 1 GB;
  • the presence of a GPS - module and gyroscope.

As can be seen from the information provided, Apple products make it possible to run this application with a much smaller computing power of the device.

The answer to the question of which phone is better, there will be the most powerful model, since simultaneous tracking of maps, an image from the camera and synchronization with a gaming world requires a sufficiently powerful hardware.

At the moment, the price of the cheapest phone for Pokemon go starts from about $ 100. Less expensive versions will not meet any requirements of this game, for example - they may have a gyroscope.

An important parameter for the device running Android will be the quality of adaptation software Under the hardware. On cheap products, even with a fairly powerful hardware stuffing, there is a significant reduction in performance precisely because of the insufficient adaptation of the operating system under the "iron".

For weak phones that are not corresponding to the above requirements, there is also the possibility of launching this game, only overall impression It will most likely deteriorated from it because of the insufficient speed of synchronizing the image of the camera and the gaming world.

Best Phone for Pokemon Go

Definitely the best model mobile device It is impossible to name for this game. Preferred are flagship models from leading manufacturers mobile phones, Which can be attributed to the iPhone 6, Samsung Galaxy S6, LG G4, HTC One. M8 and other devices of a similar class.

The final decision, which phone to buy, is made on the basis of the specified systemic requirements and the available financial capabilities.

How to set up a phone for pokemon go

To start the game, the special settings for the phone are not required. To start the application, it is only necessary to enable the GPS module.

Pokemon go is a pretty resource-intensive game, it will start not on each phone. You will have to choose either the phone more expensive than 20 thousand rubles, or a Chinese smartphone. Now the crisis, so consider the alignment.

System requirements

First, for Pokemon I need operating system Either Android, or iOS, the rest are not supported. IPhone is suitable from the fifth version and above, but at the same time it is necessary to install IOS from the 8th version.

Android It is good from version 4.4.. I tried to put the game on tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab. 2 is Android 4.1. He set up, but at startup hung. So system requirements are critical.

Here is the official website of the game, where the latest requirements are indicated (in case there is a new version of Pokemon, and they will change). And the article you read is written in November 2016.

By itself, you need the Internet(Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G). If you take a new smartphone, choose 4G.

It is very important to have High-quality GPS / GLONASS module - Define your location in space. For Russia, GLONASS is preferable. The main problem in the game is now - this is the inaccuracy of determining the location of Pokemon, that is, navigation errors. This problem is especially relevant in large cities in high-rise places. At the same time, automotive navigation works well, as it is tied to roads. In general, if you want to avoid the situation when Pokemon is somewhere near, and I can't catch it, take a phone with a high-quality module. Otherwise, the game will turn into nerves spending. Not only is the game eating the battery, it will eat and your nerves, and this can not be allowed. Why then the game and the phone itself?

Still needed gyroscope - This is a device that determines where the top, and where the bottom. (That is, when the device is rotated, the screen rotates). Need compass.

But the game can work without a gyroscope. Just a gyroscope allows you to impose a virtual pokemon on the reality, visible in the chamber. Although some disconnect this opportunity, as it slowly discharges the phone.

RAM from 1GB, Better 2-3GB. Do not confuse with disk memory. (RAM is not the place where files are written, for example, memory cards, and inner memorywhich is used to work programs). For example, imagine that you change the three-digit numbers in the mind: then the RAM is how many intermediate digits you can remember when multiplying, without using the paper sheet. And the memory card is a paper sheet. If the RAM is small, the game either will not go at all, or you cannot use another app simultaneously with it. For example, at 2GB of RAM on Samsung the game is comingBut write to the messenger is already problematic: Pokemon will hang, and it will have to be restarted.

In addition, this game quickly discharges the phone, so the longer the charge is holding, the better. And in any case, you can only count on a few hours of the game. With the spread of the game in large cities, even special places where the smartphone can be charged. Or you need to buy an external battery (see Google Power Bank)

You can see the system parameters on your device in the settings - the version of the OS is exactly indicated. Either find the model of your device on the Yandex mark and deposit all items.

The game is made under the standard resolution 720 × 1280. And fewer you are unlikely to find on the market.

What else: waterproofing. If you have rains. But it is not necessary to take a waterproof phone, There is a small lifehak: Wrap it in a regular file, and everything will work. And navigation, and screen.

And still the vibration of the phone should be noticeable - so he signals about new pokes. There is, by the way, a special Pokemon GO Plus bracelet (costs about 2700r), which signals the vibration about Pokemon. He binds to the phone via bluetooth (i.e., the phone will be discharged even faster, so for me this accessory is irrelevant).

What smartphones are suitable


IPhone 5 (version 6, 7, 8 are suitable

Budget smartphones on Android

For the game often advise models Xiaomi. Redmi 3S, Redmi Note 3 Pro are powerful smartphones for their money. But like everyone else chinese smartphones, Great percentage of marriage. Here as lucky, I would not have to take the Chinese in the first month of use.

You can consider the company HTC or Huawei.

On the Yandex Market in the characteristics of the phone, the presence of a gyroscope is not always properly displayed - this moment is necessary to specify separately.

If there is a lot of money, I would take the Samsung or Apple of the Fresh Version.

The number of people wishing to hunt behind pocket monsters is constantly increasing. With a new superpopular free game for Smartphones Pokemon Go, you can catch packemones not only in virtual spaces, but also in real cities. Technology " additional reality"It makes it possible to meet charming monster and in the kitchen, and on the shore of the lake, and in the museum, and in the playground. The creation of characters of this game is the heroes of such legendary video games as Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Red.

Those who truly became interested in Pokemon Go understood that not all smartphones are well suited for this game. And all because that the toy very quickly absorbs the charge of the gadget battery Due to the constantly turned on the camera, display, GPS and the Internet. To make you much easier to collect manual monsters, while enjoying the game process, we created a list of the most the best smartphones For Pokemon Go.

Moto G4.

A good option for the above game is smartphone Moto. G4. Those who have already tried to play the toy on it, noted that this unit, having a battery for 3000 mAh, demonstrated good autonomy indicators compared to other models with almost the same battery.

In general, the phone is designed in such a way that it is easily located in the hand, it is convenient to use what has a certain value for the game. Users will delight a fairly large display - 5.5 inches, it has Full HD-resolution. Even under the right sunlight, the backlight is enough for a comfortable recognition of the image on the screen. Its size allows you to perform any tasks with maximum convenience.

The speaker at the model is very high-quality, the sound is loud and clear. He is well reproduced any video, music, as well as sound accompanying games. The main camera of the smartphone has 16 MP, with autofocus and flash shows good quality Snapshots. Excellent selfie can be obtained using a 5 megapixel front chamber. The device works on eight year snapdragon processor 617.

Google Nexus 5X.

Relatively compact Nexus 5X smartphone with a 5.2-inch display - another excellent choice for playing Pokemon Go. For many, this device is a flagship, although it has only 2 gigabytes of RAM. Today, this model is rather not expensive, which also turns Nexus 5x in a good option for Pokemon Go.

In the production of the model used grungy plastic. And the front side covers the protective glass with an excellent oleophobic coating. The clarity of the screen of this model is excellent.

The basis of Nexus 5X is a very productive platform. It includes a quaalcomm Snapdragon 808 quad-core processor, Adreno 418 graphic, 2 GB and 16/32 GB of integrated memory.

Gadget is perfectly coping with serious applications, games, no performance problems. The main "chip" of the device is the 12.3 megapixel main chamber. It demonstrates gorgeous pictures even with poor lighting. In addition, the camera has a double flash and autofocus.

Google Nexus 6p.

Device has a good 5.7-inch display. Works on the SNAPDRAGON 810 processor, has 3 GB of RAM and good camera. Given all the positive moments of the characteristics of the model, it is an attractive option for Pokemon GO.

The gadget has an unintended housing, the matrix is \u200b\u200bclosed protective glassthat supplemented by oleophobic coating. The phone is equipped with an amoled matrix, and it is not just like that. It provides the right implementation of the "Active Display" function, and is also able to consume less energy than the usual IPS.

Image quality can be considered good. Image colors are slightly oversaturated. For this model, the most productive platform is chosen - Qualcomm Snapdragon 810. The speakers work normally, the sound stream and volume are clear and high-quality. The vibrating alert works significantly and not loud. Music playback occurs without problems, sound clean, volumetric, with a good volume of volume.

A non-removable battery is embedded in the smartphone, the capacity of which is 3450 mAh. Based on user's impressions, it can be noted that with autonomy of this unit everything is fine. Complete charge occurs in just an hour and a half.

The model accommodates two chambers - the main 12.3 megapixel, with a laser autofocus and LED flash, and a front-end per 8 megapixel. They coped perfectly with most popular tasks and complex shooting conditions.


Smartphone refers to the category of budget gadgets. In just 100 dollars you will receive a device with quite positive qualities. The device operates on Android 6.0 OS. The gadget is very light and thin, its thickness is only 8.5 mm. If there is a screen of 5 inches, it is good indicators.

By the way, the screen resolution is 1280x720 pixels. Gadget heart - Soc MediaTek MT6735. Supplement the filling of the device 1 GB of RAM and 8 GB of Flash Memory. If you seem not enough memory, you can purchase a modification with a double memory. It is a little more expensive than this model. In general, the device is fully suitable for such a kind of toys like Pokemon Go.

Huawei Honor 5X.

Huawei products were very loved by many users because of their pleasant design and a pleasant price. The model has an excellent 5.5-inch display, a 13 megapixel chamber, as well as a good battery for 3000 mAh. This indicator is quite enough to toy Pokemon Go.

In size, the smartphone is quite large, but it is convenient to hold it in the hand due to a small mass and curved shape. It has a very high-quality sensor. The front side is completely closed with protective glass.

Screen resolution is 1920x1080 points. The display brightness can be adjusted manually or use automatic adjustment. And multitouch technology processes about 10 simultaneous touches. Color balance on the screen is slightly different, and the colors are oversaturated. The model creates clean and very loud noise Even at the maximum level.

The phone has two modules of digital cameras at 13 and 5 Mp. The shooting quality is not bad, you can manually adjust the brightness, contrast, white balance. The main chamber has a single-section LED flash. There is also autofocus, almost not mistaken and very fast.

Huawei Honor 5x supports the operation of two SIM cards. Both maps can be in active standby mode, but cannot work simultaneously, as only one radio module. The device provides the Google platform Android version 5.1 Lollipop. The hardware platform consists of a single-litthical eight-year 64-bit SOC QUALCOMM SNAPDRAGON 615 processor, with a frequency of 1.5 GHz.

The device battery has a quite decent capacity of 3000 mAh. It helps Huawei Honor 5x Show high level Autonomy. With an average load, the device can work up to 13.5 hours. However, the battery is charged enough for at least 3 hours.


Classical smartphone Samsung. Galaxy S7 has a 5.1-inch screen. It is convenient to keep it even in a female handle. The model is very qualitatively assembled, there are no backlats and screens. The device is water and dustproof. It will not even affect the 30-minute immersion in the water, though it is not more than one meter to depth. SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 support drives up to 200 GB. At any time, you can expand the amount of memory to your requirements.

A strong telephone place is also a display. The 5.1-inch display is protected by glass with anti-reflective coating. Colors are obtained natural, clear and juicy. SAMSUNG chambers Galaxy S7 is perfect, the shooting quality is very decent. Photographing, focus occurs instantly, without delay and delay. 12 MP for the device is enough to perform any tasks to perform any tasks. But the front camera does not boast of expansion imagination with the characteristics. Having 5 megapixel, it gives good selfie.

The smartphone has a non-removable battery of 3000 mAh, which is complemented by a function fast charging. It is very convenient, especially for those who choose a model for working with game applications.