Is it possible to distribute Wai Fi from the netbook. Methods of quick distribution Wi-Fi from a laptop and PC. Settings on the actual OS

Nowadays, no one person goes without the Internet. Cable Internet There are almost every apartment. However use it convenient to stationary computer or on a laptop. However, what to do if there are other mobile devices in the house, such as tablet, smartphone and so on? mobile Internet It is quite expensive, and the speed is lower. Because of this, the question arises, how to distribute the Internet on WiFi on a computer with Windows 7?

It should be noted that the easiest way to create a virtual WiFi network is to acquire wireless routerBut what to do, if not? Everything is very simple.

How to distribute wifi with a laptop

First of all, it should be said that today there are two ways to distribute Wi Fi from a computer with Windows 7:

  • Using the built-in Windows.
  • Using special software.

It should be noted that the creation of a virtual WiFi group using the built-in operating system tools can be carried out in two ways:

  • Using the network management center and shared access.
  • Using the command line.

All these methods we will look at detail.

How to distribute WiFi in Windows 7: Video

Setting the network environment for WiFi distribution from a computer

It is worth noting that any modern laptop supports the Virtual WiFi function, which appears it is possible to distribute the Internet via WiFi. But now let's look at how to organize the distribution of the Internet using the network environment setting (network and shared access control center).

To do this, log in in the "Start" menu and start the control panel. In the window that appears, you must run "Network and the Internet", after which go to the "Network and Shared Access Center" section. Either click on the network connection icon in the tray and run the network management center.

Here you should run "Settings of the new connection or network", then click the "Computer-Computer" button and click "Next" and "Next". In the window that appears, you must fill out all the fields and save the settings.

Fill the fields to configure the virtual network:

  • Name wireless network: maybe any, at your discretion (you can use letters and numbers, as well as their combination).
  • Password: can also be any at your discretion. It is necessary for connecting to the group.
  • Security type: It is recommended to choose "WPA2-Personal".

After filling in all fields, you must check the box to "save the parameters of this network" and click "Next". After that, the system will create virtual Network. In the window that appears, click "Enable Share Internet Connection". Close all windows.

  • In the Network and Shared Access Center menu, select "Changing the Adapter Settings". Here you need to find a connection, with which the computer gets access to the Internet, and click on the label right-click Mouse. In the window that appears, select "Properties". Next, you need to go to the "General" tab. Here you need to put a tick on "Allow other users to use the Internet connection this computer", And below choose" Wireless network connection 2 "(This is the created virtual network) and click the" OK "button;
  • After that, you should return to the "Network and Shared Access Center";
  • Next, select "Change additional shared options";
  • In the window that appears, you must mark "Enable network detection", As well as" enable sharing files and printers ";
  • After that, click the "Save Changes" button.

This is configured to set the Internet distribution via WiFi in Windows 7 completed. If everything is done correctly, other devices will be able to connect to the virtual network, and will have access to the Internet.

WiFi distribution setting with command line

First of all, it must be said that this method is suitable only if the driver wireless adapter Supports the Virtual WiFi function.

Create virtual WiFi Network You can using the command line. To do this, you need to run a notebook and register in it such a line: Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d MY_VIRTUAL_WIFI KEY \u003d 12345678 KEYUSAGE \u003d Persistent.

Here SSID is the name of the group, and Key is a password. That is, in the example, the name of the MY Virtual WiFi group, and the password for connecting 12345678. Password can be used any. After that, the file must be saved. Next, you need to change the extension and file name.

What to do is, you must right-click on the saved file and select "Rename the file". It is recommended to call the file just as you called your network. After the file name, put the point, and after the point instead of .TXT you need to write .Bat. Next, you should run a file with administrator rights. To do this, press the file with the right mouse button again and select the "Run from the administrator" item.

All the above, the actions described can be performed in the most command line. You can do this. In the "Start" menu, in the search, we prescribe a "command line" and run it on behalf of the administrator by pressing the right mouse button. A command line appears in which you need to register Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d MY_VIRTUAL_WIFI KEY \u003d 12345678 KEYUSAGE \u003d PERSISTENT as shown in the photo.

Thanks to this, the system will install this command. It is worth noting that new equipment should appear in the task manager. Check it easy. In the "Network Adapters" item, a device entitled "Adapter Mini Port of Virtual WiFi Microsoft".

Next, you need to go to the "Network and Common Access Center" and select "Changing the Adapter Settings". There should be a shortcut called "Wireless Network 2" name. The label should show the status "No connection", as shown in the picture.

The next step is to start the network. To do this again we call command line And we prescribe in it: Netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork. This will launch the created network. It should earn a virtual access point (SOFTAP). In this case, the "Wireless Network 2" label will change its status on "My Virtual WiFi".

In order to provide other membership participants, the ability to enter the Internet should follow these steps:

  • Go to the network management center and shared access.
  • Go to "Changing the Adapter Settings".
  • and find a connection by which the computer (or laptop) is connected to the Internet, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Properties";
  • Here in the "Access" tab, perform the following steps:
    • In the "Home Network Connection" item, select the created virtual group (in our case, "Wireless Network 2").
    • After that, set the checkbox to "Allow other network users to use the connection to the Internet of this computer."
    • Click "OK" and that's it. The network is fully configured and ready to use.

To manage a virtual group, there is a set of simple commands that must be prescribed on the command line:

  • Allow or disable network use - Netsh Wlan Set HostedNetwork Allow | Disallow.
  • Group Setup - Netsh Wlan Set HostedNetwork<идентификатор_SSID> <парольная_фраза> Persistent | Temporary. Instead of the words "Password phrase" you enter your password, and instead of the "SSID identifier" write the name of your group (in our case, My Virtual WiFi).
  • Properties and state status - Netsh Wlan Show Settings.
  • Virtual Group Security Settings - Netsh WLAN Show HostedNetwork Setting \u003d Security.
  • Run the virtual group work - Netsh WLAN Start HostedNetwork.
  • Stop the work of the virtual group - Netsh WLAN Stop HostedNetwork.

As you can see, distribution of Internet via WiFi from a computer with Windows 7 using the command line is quite real. Moreover, everything is quite easy and simple. The main thing is to carefully prescribe commands.

How to distribute WiFi on a laptop using the command line: Video

WiFi Distribution from Computer With Special Software

The easiest I. simple method Internet distributions via WiFi from a computer - this is the use of third-party software.

There are a huge set of such programs. They can be paid and free. At the same time, the configuration of all these programs is reduced to the three main parameter - the network name, password, as well as the selection of the connection, with which the computer gets access to the Internet. And the name and password you must come up with yourself. After making these uncomplicated settings, click the "Start Hotspot" button.

Here are some of the programs that enjoy the greatest popularity:

  • Connectify.

So that the house was WiFi optionally buy a router. In the apartment can also distribute the laptop to which the Ethernet cord is connected. The network has enough instructions, how to do it on Windows 7 and older, but if you have XP, do not rush to make a complete reinstalling of the operating system.

Laptop as a router on the old OS

On any operating system From Microsoft, the distribution of the Internet via WiFi can be organized both built-in means and third-party utilities. But why litter hDD superfluous programs? On Windows XP step by step, follow these steps:

  • Open the "Start" and go to My Computer.
  • In the left pane, select "Network Circle".
  • Next, go to "Display Network Connections" section.

  • Next, go to "Wireless Networks" - "Advanced".
  • Here, select the "Computer-Computer" option and confirm your choice.
  • Click "Add" and enter data created network (Name, password, encryption method) and confirm.
  • Next, open the General tab and highlighting the IPv4 item, click on the "Properties" button.
  • In this window, install the indicator to the "Use the following IP ..." point and enter such data:

IP -

Subnet mask -

Distribution is created, it remains only to enable the ability to connect to it from other devices located in the wireless network zone. To do this, go back to the window network connections And I click on the right mouse button on the local connection, open its properties. You need to put the indicator opposite item "Allow other network users ...".

Now the Waifa distribution must fully function.

Settings on the actual OS

Similar actions can be done with Windows 7. In order for Wi-Fi with a computer or laptop, as in the previous example, step by step to create a new virtual network. Difference only in some steps.

  • You need to look at the "Network and Shared Access Center".
  • Run "Setting up a new connection ...".

  • After switching to "Setting up a computer-computer wireless network and click the Next button.

As you can see, actions are similar. In a new window, enter the network name, encryption type and password. Save the changes and press "Next". It remains only to apply the "Enable Sharing ..." setting.

But that's not all. To connect to WiFi, you can connect from other devices. Return to "Network and Shared Access Center" and find the line "Change additional parameters ..." in the left side of the window.

Opening this menu, make active items selected on the screenshot:

Ready! But Windows 7 offers another, more advanced and easy way to organize a WiFi distribution from a computer or a laptop equipped with a wireless adapter. This is using the command line. Find it in the list of all windows programs and open with administrator rights (click on the right-click label and select the appropriate item).

In the window that opens, enter the command of this type:

netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d »Name of the new network (at least 8 characters)» Key \u003d »Password»

and press ENTER. This is a quick creation of distribution, and so that the Internet begins to distribute from the laptop, use the command:

netsh Wlan Start HostedNetwork

It remains only to go to the "Network Management Center ..." - Properties Local connection (of the one, which is the wire, according to which the Internet "comes in the apartment). Open the "Access" tab and install both checkboxes. Now the distribution of WiFi works.

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Connect the phone, tablet and any other device to the Internet with a modem. But what if there is no router at hand? In this case, other devices will have to use as a router. For example, you can distribute Wai Fi from a laptop. But how to do that? This will be discussed in this article.

  1. OS, which supports the distribution of Wi-Fi network. On the laptop should stand the operating windows system 7 or older versions. The fact is that in early versions OS (for example, in the same Windows XP), the network support for Wi-Fi is implemented at a low level. So hardly you will have to distribute the Internet on old versions of Windows.
  2. Relevant hardware. Leptop must have a hardware component called WiFi adapter. Without it, the Internet will not work out. To check if this module is on your laptop, you need to go to the Device Manager (you can do it through the search). Then you need to open the "Network Adapters" tab and find wiFi adapter. It is called by type Wireless 802.11.
  3. Internet (wired or wireless connection).

If your device complies with all the above requirements, then you can refuse the router and distribute WiFi with windows laptop.

Standard tools of Windows

Windows has standard system components that allow you to create an access point. Consider how to distribute Wai Fi with windows Computer On the phone and other devices.

Widows 7 and older

To distribute the Internet from the computer you need to use the built-in software module. In Windows OS, this system component is called "Network Management Center". Before distributing the Internet from a computer to the phone, you need to create a virtual router. It is done in the following way:

The virtual access point is created. Now you can try to distribute WiFi without a router. For this you need:

  1. Go to the "Network Management Center". There it is necessary to select a network through which the computer is connected to the Internet, and open it "properties".
  2. Go to the "Access" tab and allow other users will connect to our network. To do this, opposite the corresponding item put a tick. After that, select the device through which the connection will occur. In our case, it is Wi-Fi.

After performing all the actions described above, you can include the search for WiFi on the smartphone. Find the created network, then connect to it using the specified access key.

Windows 10.

Creating an access point via the command line

To create a virtual access point, you can use the standard operating system console. How to turn on hot spot via the command line? It is necessary to be guided by the following instruction:


If you create an access point standard system components Failed, then try to apply third-party software. On the scope World Wide Web There is uyma free software for distribution WiFi from a laptop. One of these utilities is MYPUBLICWIFI. To distribute the Internet with its help you need:

If you want a program for creating a virtual access point on your own on your own when you turn on the computer, then you need to go to the Management Menagement. There, mark the checkbox, which is shown in the picture.

Vivid wireless networks now enjoys almost every person in our world, as it is very convenient. Thanks to the internal wireless Internet, you can connect any devices that have a special module to the worldwide network. And in the absence of a router, it is possible to get an access point using your laptop.

How to prepare a laptop?

The first question that may appear in your head: "Can my laptop distribute Wi-Fi?" Yes. Any wireless adapter can work on receiving / data transfer, which means that the laptop will be able to both receive and distribute the Internet.

The first thing is worth starting, - update network Drivers. You can find and download suitable from the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop.

The next step is to set up shared access. Find the Wi-Fi icon in the system notifications and click on it to go to "Network Management Center". A window will open in which you want to select "Change Advanced Sharing Options".

This opens a menu in which you can configure sharing for remote devices, after which it remains only to include it in all points. Immediately cancel the sharing with protection, password and click "Apply". From this point on, you can configure the distribution of the Internet.

Distribution methods

To your computer can play the role of a wireless adapter, you need to create a virtual bridge that connects Wi-Fi adapter and network fee. To configure such routing, you can use the following tools:

  • standard means of the operating system;
  • additional software.

Regardless which you select the method, follow several conditions:

  1. The Windows operating system must be not lower than the 7th version, and better, if even higher - in older versions, supporting the wireless Internet is implemented at a fairly low level, which may complicate your attempts to set up distribution.
  2. Check for the Wi-Fi adapter driver. To do this, use the device manager. Select the Network Adapters tab and see necessary information. Wi-Fi adapter may have the name Wireless 802.11.
  3. Must work the Internet.

Using the Windows menu

Using the operating system menu is the easiest method of creating a virtual router. For this you need to take the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the access icon global Network and click "Network and Shared Access Center".
  2. Select the New Connection function in a new window, followed by the connection to the connection. Wi-Fi network manually.
  3. Give a wireless network name, select Security Type and Access Key. The key is needed in order for the outsiders to be connected to your network.
  4. Click "Next" to create an access point.

Through the command line

If the previous method did not work, you can perform the procedure by setting up through the command line. This requires the following steps:

Using a BAT file

Not very convenient waySince after each shutdown computer you need to re-prescribe all commands. therefore this method Used only for disposable internet connection.

This process can be automated. For this follows text editor Windows Write a small script, after which you save the document on the desktop in format.Bat. To start distributing the Internet, run this file using administrator rights.

Windows 10 has a tool that allows you to quickly run the access point. It is called "Mobile Hot Spot". To go to it, select the "Start" menu, go to "Parameters", select "Network and Internet" and open the "Mobile Hot Spot" item.

Sometimes during the inclusion of mobile hot spot, the user shows an error, for example, "cannot be configured to customize the mobile hot spot. Turn on Wi-Fi. " This is quite a common mistake, and the reason for it can be in driver Wi-Fi adapter.

There are several solution solutions:

  1. Reset settings. Go to "Network and Internet" - "Status" - "Relief Network".
  2. Remove the driver and download the new on the manufacturer's website. There are situations where the manufacturer has no drivers for Windows 10, then try download for Windows 8.
  3. See if there is a Microsoft virtual adapter, and turn it on.

Using a computer-computer wireless network

This method can be used in Windows 7. Using the "Connection Wizard" to select "Setting up a computer-computer wireless network". Such a network can be useful to configure sharing files, games or for other purposes, provided that you have 2 computers, but there is no wireless router.

We appeal again to the lower right corner on the screen, we find the "Internet connection", click on it and select "Network Management Center and Common Access". In the window that appears, select "Configuring a new connection" and click "Setting up a wireless network computer-computer".

In the window that will appear, you need to fill 3 graphs:

  • network name;
  • security type;
  • security key.

In the "Changing Advanced Sharing Options" section, check the "Enable ..." checkbox at all items and do not forget to check the "Remember Network Settings".

When the system configures the distribution, in the window that appears, you need to select "Enable access to the Internet connection".

Creating a virtual router through additional software

For those people who do not want to bother with various settings in their operating system, a lot of auxiliary software was developed, which can turn the laptop in the router's similarity. It works fine enough and has an understandable interface.

Consider some programs.

MypublicWi-Fi. The algorithm for working with this application consists of the following steps:

  • download from the official site patch;
  • install it and restart the laptop;
  • run utility;
  • enter the name of the access point in the "Network Name" line;
  • enter password;
  • put a tick near the line "Enable Internet Sharing";
  • select a relevant wireless network;
  • complete the setting by clicking on the "SET UP" button.

Connectify. There is a paid I. free version This program, but for periodic use you will be enough and the second option. To connect the distribution of the Internet from a laptop, you should:

  • download and install software;
  • select the version of Lite;
  • in the Application menu, you must register the name and password of the access point, specify the Internet source, the interface to be connected to other devices;
  • in the Sharing Mode string, you must also additionally specify the type of network - open or closed with authorization;
  • to start distribution, click "Start Hotspot".

Watch the video on connecting the Internet using this program:

Virtual Router Plus. The site of developers of this program is not working now, so to download it, you will have to search the Internet and download installation file.. After the program is installed, configure the Internet by performing steps such:

  • set the network name in the Network Name field;
  • set a password that should be no less than 8 characters;
  • in "Shared Connection", select Connection, which will be distributed from the laptop.

Click the "Run Virtual Router" button, after which a new access point is created. After creating a wireless network, you need to provide it with access to the Internet.

Go to "Network and Shared Access Center", select "Changing the Adapter Settings", in the "Open" field nCPA.cpl and click "Enter".

The network connections section will open. Select the right mouse button. The desired connection is "Properties" - "Access" and check "Allow others Use Connection" - "Connecting over the LAN" - "OK".

Wi-Fi Hotspot Creator. Very simple application that does not need routers, only the built-in Wi-Fi adapter in the laptop itself. Find a utility on the Internet is not a problem, install too. Then:

  • install the software;
  • enable the program;
  • enter the invented name;
  • fill out the password field;
  • in the "Network Card" window, select an existing Internet connection;
  • specify the number of possible connected devices;
  • click "Start" to start the program.

The program can "hang." In this case, restart and / or turn off / turn on the power adapter.

How to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop (video instruction)

The simplest and most popular ways, how to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop, you will find in this video:

Possible mistakes and difficulties

There are a number of errors faced by users when trying to distribute wireless Internet from a laptop:

  • The virtual router did not start, or this network Not supported. In such cases, try refreshing the drivers or go through this path: click "Start" - "Device Manager" - "Network Adapters". In the pop-up window, find and update the adapter called "Wi-Fi" or "Wireless".
  • Devices are connected, but cannot enter the network. Check in the router settings, whether there were changes with the name of the connected network. The title of the point should coincide with it.
  • Access is blocked by antivirus or firewall. In this case, install permission to connect in the settings.

Safety when distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop

Before you do this setting, you should think about security, because if a stranger can be connected to your network, it can jeopardize the confidentiality of your data. To ensure security, you should listen to such advice:

  • Install the reliable password. When you try to connect to your network at an attacker, the system will ask for a password. What it is more difficult, the harder the person will hack him.
  • Include distribution only if necessary. Include distribution only when you need access to the Internet. It does not need it to be incorporated constantly.
  • Watch the monitor of your laptop. Track the number of devices connected to you. If you detect an unauthorized connection, you can immediately disable distribution and change or put a password.

How to remove Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop?

To stop the distribution of the Internet from a laptop follows:

  • open the "Start" menu with the right mouse button;
  • start the command line;
  • enter netsh WLAN Stop HostedNetwork;
  • press "Enter".

A situation can always appear when the wireless Internet is required, and there is no router at this moment at this moment. In such cases, you can resort to one of the methods for setting the Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop. There will be no special skills for this, the main thing is to carefully follow the instructions.

Hello. Recently saw the comment on the site with the question how to use a laptop as Wi-Fi Router. The laptop is connected to the Internet on the cable and how to make it so that he would distribute the Internet on Wi-Fi to other devices.

Seeing this comment, and remembered that you can really create a connection "Computer-Computer" By Wi-Fi, I decided that this is an excellent topic for a new article. Here is the comment itself:

In general, I want to use a laptop as Wai Fi Router (the laptop itself is connected through a regular cable). Through the connection of the computer-computer, I want to connect to it there is no beech, so to use the Internet on a laptop and no beech. Is it possible? The problem is that I have all connected and the icon on the taskbar shows on the netbook that there is access to the Internet, but when I open the browser (I have exploit and google chrome), then it does not enter the Internet, and I can not understand what problem??

Really good questionwho are probably interested in many. For example, you have a laptop with Wi-Fi to which the Internet on the cable is connected. You have for example another laptop or netbook. And you want to connect a new device to the Wi-Fi Internet. Wi-Fi router You have not yet, well, not purchased yet, or at all you do not want to install it and configure it.

In such a situation, you can use a laptop connected to the Internet as a Wi-Fi router (access point). Wi-Fi adapter, which is in the NotBuk, can work not only on reception, but also distribute the signal. It is only necessary to make some settings, create a computer-computer connection and a laptop will distribute the Internet by Wi-Fi.

Checked and works!

For the experiment and the quality of this article, I have two laptops ASUS K56CM. and Toshiba Satellite L300.. ASUS We connect to the Internet on the cable, it will give us the Internet, it will have the role of Wi-Fi router. A laptop Toshiba. We will connect to ASUS on Wi-Fi and use the Internet on it. And on a laptop that will work as an access point, the Internet should also work. Let's get on business.


On Wi-Fi to distribute a laptop, only other computers will be connected (laptops, netbooks). Phones, tablets and other mobile devices will connect to Wi-Fi will not be able. In order for the laptop to distribute the Internet to mobile devices, you must use the Virtual WiFi Router program, etc.

And on the notification panel, the status of connecting to the Internet should look like this:

If you have everything like me, you can start configuring the connection.

Configuring Connection "Computer Computer"

We continue the setup of the laptop, which will be used as an access point. We need to create a connection to which another device will connect.

Right-click on the Internet Connection Status and select.

Press the button "Add".

Choose Create a computer-computer network. Such connections can be used not only to connect to the Internet, but also to create a conventional LAN via Wi-Fi, for example, to exchange files. How to set up a local network through a router, I wrote in the article.

In the next window you can read the functions of this connection, and click "Further".

If you want your network to be protected by password, then I advise you to leave WPA2-personal. If you want the network to be open, select "No authentication".

Security key - Enter the password for Wi-Fi network. Only choose more complied with me I am so for example.

Then we see the information about the network we created, namely name and password (really he is hidden). But the most important thing that we need to do in this window is press the "Enable Internet Connection Communication" button ". If you do not press this button, then when connecting to the network on this laptop, there will be only the local networkAnd the Internet will not work on the connected devices.

How to see the inscription General access To connect to the Internet included ", window can be closed.

Our laptop that will distribute the Internet We set up. Now let's try to connect another laptop to it, I have this Toshiba Satellite L300.

Connecting a laptop to the created wireless connection

We turn on the Wi-Fi on the laptop and click on the Internet connection on the notifications panel. As you can see in the screenshot below, there is our network that I called "F1comp". Click on it, then click on the button. "Connection".

A window will appear with a request for a security key for the network that we created above. Enter the password if you installed it, and click "OK".

Attention! At this moment, on the computer that distributes the Internet will appear in which you need to choose. You can choose I. home networkbut I have not connected a laptop to the Internet when choosing a "home network", but it is most likely due to the fact that nod32 Smart Security 6 blocked the connection.

Then on the laptop that we connect to the Internet, I have this Toshiba, the status will appear that the laptop is connected to the "F1comp" network created by us and have access to the Internet.

All friends, this is a victory :)! We have just turned the laptop in a Wi-Fi router and connected another laptop to it.


As you probably understood, I wrote this article (like almost everything on this site) And at the same time he conducted settings on two laptops. So all information is verified in practice. As you can see, everything worked, and I hope that you also have learned everything.

As always, you can leave your questions in the comments to this article. Good luck.