Headphones for PC USB Connector

Where can be appliedUSB headphones

No one will probably argue with the fact that wireless technology - it's comfortable. First, there are no heaps of wires, secondly, freedom of movement is not limited (except that the radius of the device). And the fact that USB headphones appeared is a pattern. Much more pleasant not to be confused in the wires, listen to music or

skype and move around the apartment or office. Wireless headphones can be connected to a computer, laptop or netbook, telephone, smartphone or ipad or any other device that has the appropriate connector. Usually headphones are also equipped with a microphone - you can not only listen to and perceive audio information, but also to talk on Skype or telephone. In order to similar devices Consistent with the computer, the driver supplied in the kit. If you bought USB headphones for use on a PC or laptop and you have installed Windows, then in most cases the definition of the device and its matching computer, loading drivers occur in automatic mode without your participation. Simply

connected USB headphones, waited a few seconds and began work. In addition to home use it wireless device can be used in offices. There are even special models for business use. They differ from domestic things that have one earpiece, that is, they are monophonic. Instead of the second, soft emphasis is usually installed. This is due to the fact that when conducting business negotiations, it is necessary to hear not only what the interlocutor says, but also to perceive information coming from people nearby.

As connected

Usually they can be connected directly to the corresponding connector on the device. But there are models having a mini-USB connector or a standard jack plug for audio systems. If there is no appropriate nest on your device, do not be mistaken, exists USB adapter For headphones. it small device, with help

which can be connected headphones with a standard Jack type connector. Another adapter allows you to connect headphones with a mini-USB connector, there are also special miniature models for connecting to the iPhone.

Sound quality in wireless headphones

Wireless technology is no doubt convenient. But in the case of headphones there are nuances. USB headphones are suitable for communication, negotiating, they are comfortable in the game. In the case of listening to music, watching the film requires careful calibration of sound, especially low frequencies: without this you can even break the eardrum. Also there are questions when playing several sounds at the same time: if the plot of the film is dynamic and music is superimposed on the dialogues, they can sometimes sound unfortunately. There are also disadvantages when playing music: the sound is flatter and inexpressive, and the adjustment capabilities are more than modest. To date, no model of wireless headphones can be compared to the quality of sound playback with wired "counterparts". If you need a headset for playing or communication, USB headphones are an excellent choice, but if you want to listen to music or voice acting to the film in good qualityKeep ordinary (wired) or decent speakers.

Today there is a huge variety of different headphones - even the most demanding amateur can choose the optimal model for itself high-quality sound. What is usually based on the choice of headphones?

First of all, attention is drawn to the most basic sign - the method of fixing the headphones on the ears. On this basis, the device is divided into inserts - placed inside the ear and overheads - pressed to ears outside. You can also divide the headphones on wired and wireless, open and closed, liners and vacuum headphones, monitors and household ...

The only sign seemed to unite absolutely all the headphones - one way or another they all connect to the sound key of the sound source by linear output - Jack 6.3 mm, mini-jack 3.5 mm or micro-jack 2.5 mm. So the headphones are connected to computers, telephones, tablets and even TVs.

But what to do if there is no sound card? For example, the integrated board in the computer burned down, and there is no possibility to buy a new discrete? The standard sound connector stopped working, none of the speakers or sound headphones do not publish. In this case, USB headphones will come to the rescue, which have a built-in sound card, handle sound themselves, and connect to the sound source via the standard USB 2.0 or 3.0 connector. What is characteristic of such headphones and do they cost their money?

Features of USB headphones

Unlike most headphones that are connected to linear output On the sound source housing, USB headphones are connected to any free USB port. Thus, the connection will not cause problems practically in any situation - almost any modern device is equipped with at least one such connector. Exception make up perhaps mobile phones. But it is possible to avoid problems with them - it is possible to find headphones using the Micro-USB port to connect.

When connecting such headphones to a mobile device, it is necessary to remember, however, that the USB headphones are very demanding devices. Through this interface, it is transmitted not only information about the reproducible sound, but also electricity for nutrition - and, in much larger quantities than in the case of conventional passive headphones. From USB feeds the built-in sound card, sound amplifier and dynamic emitters themselves. As a result, when using such headphones, a mobile phone or tablet battery can quickly discharge.

The assignment of USB headphones is not limited to only the situation in which the usual acoustic connector is not detected at the sound source. Another use option is to connect in parallel with conventional columns or built-in laptop speakers. While ordinary headphones are defined by the system as a replacement of columns, USB headphones is a separate device that can be used simultaneously with columns. Due to the built-in sound card, they can be served separate sound information - For example, listen to music through the columns and at the same time talking through Skype using headphones.

Pros and cons of USB headphones

Of all the features characteristic of the headphones described, it is easy to conclude about their merits and disadvantages. The advantages include the following features:

  • built-in sound card that allows you to process the sound regardless of the sound source;
  • thanks to some independence, the manufacturer is easy to provide high quality Headphone fillings and, accordingly, sound quality;
  • reliability and durability;
  • easy to care for the device;
  • many USB headphones have a highly high-quality microphone in their design, which allows you to communicate without problems through voice chats and IP telephony.

Unfortunately, nothing can do without a number of minuses. Negative sides of the USB headphones are as follows:

  • as in the case with any other headphones, sound quality, although it is on high levelstill far from full-fledged acoustic systems - the diversity of reproducible frequencies may not be enough for high-quality listening of individual musical genres;
  • due to a powerful filling that includes a sound card and a sound amplifier, the cost of USB headphones is very high;
  • unlike a simple acoustic cable, which can have a length of more than a meter, the USB cable is usually quite short, which limits the use of such headphones;
  • no ability to connect standard USB headphones to most mobile phonesSince usually a similar interface is not installed on them.

Despite the disadvantages, the USB headphones may well help in various situations and bring the sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure from listening to music. The main thing is to choose them correctly. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the characteristics of electronics, but also on the features of the headphone housing - they should conveniently sit on the head, so as not to bring discomfort during the long-term device. So, some headphones are capable of memorizing the form of the ears and it is convenient to facilitate them regardless of individual characteristics.

Setting up USB headphones

Since headphones this type The computer or laptop system is defined as a separate device that is not associated with sound system Sound source, when connected, there may be a number of problems that do not allow using technique in normal mode.

The most common problems are related to the fact that headphones either do not work or work only separately from the columns. What to do?

First, you need to connect the USB headphones correctly. This is done as follows:

  • you can not pay attention to linear outputs - if something is connected to them already, let it remain there, to prevent the columns or other headphones should not;
  • find a free USB connector on one of the draws;
  • connect the headphone cable to the connector;
  • the system will immediately begin the process of determining the equipment - its type and title, as a rule, will be determined without problems, but with automatic search Drivers may arise;
  • if the drivers were not automatically found, they should be installed from the disk, which was included with headphones.

Delete drivers that stood on the computer before, do not need - they are not connected with USB headphones and are responsible for the sound card built into the computer. If you delete them, the usual acoustic connectors will stop working.

In some cases, driver incompatibility is observed. If this happened, you need to do the following:

  • open the control panel;
  • locate the "Sound" menu;
  • the window that opens appears a list of discovered audio devices, among which you need to find connected USB headphones;
  • in the properties of headphones, you need to make them the default device.

After committing these actions, the sound will begin to shut down on the headphones regardless of the columns. To assign one or another program on them, you will have to use the mixer - it is started by means of the corresponding button near the volume controller, which is located in the tray, next to the clock.

Thus, USB headphones are a very convenient acoustic device that significantly expands the computer capabilities in terms of removal of sound.

You decided and bought a USB headphones for listening to music on a computer or laptop, or for voicing computer games. In any case, you made the right choice.

Basic uSB advantage Headphones before ordinary lies in stable quality sound, because USB computer sends a signal to digital video And already the headphones themselves are on their own forces, they are transferred to an analog view and you hear it. While the quality of the sound of ordinary wired headphones It critically depends on the quality of the sound card or the amplifier to which they are connected.

USB Headphones are designed to significantly simplify and unify the quality of the sound.

However, if you have never come across USB headphones, you may have questions about how to connect them and how to use on full coilAfter all, many USB headphones have additional features.

I will show you the whole process of connecting and setting on the example of a magnificent headphone amplifier. Do not be surprised, I will show you an example with an amplifier, but because USB Headphones All computers perceive as an external audio device, then no difference will be. Another reason is that now I do not have a full-fledged headphone usb on my hands and I can not make the necessary screenshots, and there is an amplifier and I took pictures for each step setting your headphones.

How to connect headphones with a microphone to a USB computer

Connection process:

Remember that I bring you an example on Sennheiser GSX 1200 Pro equipment, in your case the device will have the name of your headphone model.

Step 1 - uSB connection Headnikov

Select a convenient free USB port of a computer or laptop and connect headphones to it. Try to choose the USB port to which you will constantly connect headphones. Of course, you can then connect to any other free USB port, but there is no warranty that the settings will not be dropped.

Step 2 - Nuance with Microphone

If your headphones do not have a built-in microphone, the computer will see them as an external audio device. If the headphones have a built-in microphone - there are nuances here. Some manufacturers do so that the computer sees the microphone and headphones as 2 different audio devices, and some manufacturers do so that the computer sees the microphone and headphones as one device.

From my experience I can state the following: If USB headphones have the function of the voluminous virtual sound, most likely the computer will see 2 virtual devices: one we will use to output the main sound (music, games, movies, system sounds), and the second device will be used Only for voice communication programs (Skype, Discord, Raid Call and Similar). 2 virtual devices are not created by chance, so the headphones will be able to handle sound from games to give it more volume and depth, while not affecting the voice of your interlocutors.

In the case of my example, 2 virtual devices.

Step 3 - Configuring Drivers

Connect the headphones to the USB port, the computer must inform you that I found a new device. If your USB headphones have a virtual volume function, make sure that you downloaded from the official site of the manufacturer required drivers. There are headphones that do not need drivers, you need to make sure that if the drivers are needed - they are downloaded and installed.

Remember that you need to install the drivers when connected headphones.

In the lower right corner of your screen there is a speaker icon, click on it right-click Mice. You will see a menu, the snapshot of which is located above. Select "Playback Devices".

Step 4 - Differentiation of Device Rights

If your headphones sees the system as 2 virtual devices, carefully read what they are called. Usually, the device that is intended for the output of the main sound has the status of "speakers", and the secondary, which is intended for voice communication has the status of the "Headset Earphone" or a similar way.

Select the main device (Main Audio) and click on it with the right mouse button. Select "Use Default" item.

If the system sees your headphones as one device, click on it right-click and select "Use Default".

Step 5 - Select a device for a conversation

Find the device with the "Headset Earphone" status in the list, click on it with the right mouse button. Select "Use default communication device".

The main thing is not to confuseOtherwise, you will not get a multi-channel sound in games, and some applications will work at all with errors.

Step 6 - Setting the Volume Sound

If your headphones support virtual volumetric sound, you need to configure sound output in Windows so that the headphones receive a multichannel signal. To do this, find your headphones in the list of devices with the "Dynamics" status from step 4, click on it with the right mouse button. Select "Set the speakers".

Step 7 - Multichannel Sound

Select the speaker configuration 7.1 or 5.1 depending on which option you are available. If both options are available - choose 7.1

Step 8 - Setting the Communication Sound Configuration

Step 9 - Sound Broadband

Be sure to check that all checkboxes are included.

Step 10 - Disable additional features

Select the Main Audio device and click on it right-click. Select "Properties".

Select the Enhancements tab. Check that all checkboxes are removed.Otherwise, the device will not be able to independently process the sound and create a virtual volumetric sound.

In the last major windows update 10 A new item "Spatial Sound" appeared. In our case, it must be disconnected. This item was added to ensure that people using simple built-in motherboards And the laptops sound codecs were able to get a software emulation of the volume sound in games. Power used for processing central processor And the quality of virtual sound is weak.

If you enable this item when using your USB headphones, the sound will be very distorted, be sure to turn off this item..

Everything, initial setting and connecting a USB headphone to a computer or laptop is over. Then everything depends on what drivers and the program to control the functions of the headphones you installed.

Remember that in programs voice communication You need to always select the communication device a secondary virtual device with the "Headset Earphone" status for the correct demarcation of sound streams and their subsequent processing, of course, if your headphones see the computer in the form of two virtual device. If you have one device - you do not need to choose, the programs should work properly automatically.

Some computer headphones are connected to the sound source through uSB port. Their feature is the use of a digital signal processing system. We will also tell about its advantages and the most important characteristics of such devices.

Main advantages

Headphones with a connection to a USB connector significantly reduce the level of noise and normalize amplitude-frequency characteristics. With them, the sound becomes the most clean, alive and saturated. Many of these models support configuration using simple applications. They allow you to choose the optimal modes of operation for different tasks:

  • full transmission of all ranges for listening to music;
  • cleansing voice from noise to communicate online;
  • strengthen bass and various special effects for games.
USB headphones can be bought not only for desktop computer, but also for a laptop. They are compatible even with the latest devices devoid of classic analog connectors.


Gamers will certainly appreciate high-class headphones with supporting audio technology. They use integrated audio cards with a USB connector that share a signal into several channels and change its characteristics. Thanks to this, the user is completely immersed in the virtual world. Such technology allows him to instantly detect opponents, focusing on the sounds of steps, shots and explosions.
Many headphones with the UWB plug are equipped with microphones. They are suitable for communicating online with special messengers and game chats. In order to make each conversation as convenient and more productive, it is worth choosing headphones with a digital noise reduction system. Such devices with a USB input transmit even the thinnest nuances of the user's voice.

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Proper connection of the audio device to the sound source - whether it is a computer, laptop, smartphone, TV, a music center or something else - an important aspect of the arrangement of your own acoustic system. The connection of speakers or headphones with a sound source is a very simple task for specialists or just experienced users of technology. Anyone who disassembled in computers without thinking will be able to connect ordinary headphones to the standard sound card of the device. However, an inexperienced user may have a number of difficulties associated with a relatively large variety of connectors and plugs used to connect headphones.

Strictly speaking, even a experienced person may have some questions if the circumstances of the headphones connect are non-standard. What features are the connection of certain headphones for different techniques?

Why do you need adapters?

We live in an era of mass standardization, to which manufacturers of mobile and stationary equipment pushing advanced companies. It took the time when, when you break down the headphones, I had to search for all the surrounding stores, hoping to find a suitable headset to the phone - as a rule, you could connect only those headphones that were included in the kit.

Computers have never suffered such a problem - standard mini-jackie is always used in sound maps - 3,5 mm acoustic connectors with a diameter of 3.5 mm, referred to as linear outputs, to which most headphones fit. Problems could (and so far may) occur only when using professional or non-standard equipment.

The fact is that headphones can be connected through one of the three types of Jacks:

  • Standard - with a diameter of 6.3 mm, which is used in professional monitor headphones, microphones, electrical musical instruments. Most of the audio cards for computers do not have similar connectors.
  • Mini-jack - 3.5 mm, which is available on the main part of the headphones and headphones.
  • Micro-jack, which has a diameter of 2.5 mm - is rare, but also such headphones may sometimes be needed to connect to an ordinary sound card.

With the connectors, too, everything is not so simple. Everything is very straightforward, if a modern smartphone, a tablet, a player or computer, and a computer, can be found in them as a sound source - you can only find a standard mini jack. But sometimes it may be necessary to connect to another technique - TV, music center, old telephone or old gaming console. And they can not always find a mini-jack, usually the only analog connector is RCA. What to do in such cases?

Thus, we have several possible plugs that need to be connected to some variety of connectors. To make it possible, you need to either turn the plug into an appropriate or another connector, or vice versa - make the connector suitable for the existing plug. It is for this that various adapters are used.

How to choose the right adapter?

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of an adapter, you must carefully inspect the existing equipment and understand which set of connectors and which plug is available to you. Consider several situations:

  1. There is a standard linear output on the sound card of a computer or phone and non-standard headphones - for example, with micro-jack. In this case, you need an adapter 3.5 mm plug - 2.5 mm socket.
  2. There is a TV without linear output and standard headphones. Immediately drop the ability to use digital interfaces - of course, convert the number into an analog signal is possible, but such a transformer will fall into a too large amount. It is much easier to connect headphones to an analog connector that is practically on all TVs - RCA. This is a tulip consisting of three connectors, of which you need only red and white. Accordingly, the adapter must have an RCA plug and a 3.5 mm outlet.
  3. There is a computer that has a sound card burned down. A difficult case - an acoustic connector will not be able to use. Fortunately, you can use the USB adapter to the mini-jack - in fact, it is an outer sound card that will process the sound yourself. At one end of such a device there will be a USB plug, and on the other - one or two 3.5 mm jack - for headphones and for the microphone.

In the future, one may appear, another situation will appear - connecting standard headphones to the iPhone, in which only the Lightning software connector will have. Most likely, it will become another sphere of mass use of adapters for headphones.

Connecting headphones through an adapter

As follows from the foregoing, adapters may only be needed for wired headphones. Wireless Bluetooth headphones are usually connected directly because it is usually used with mobile deviceswhich always have a built-in transmitter. In principle, a private case of using adapters can be considered a connection wireless headphones to an analog connector through an external transmitter.

Connecting headphones to a sound source using an adapter, in principle, no features are different. This is true for typical situations - when wired devices are connected to analog audio connectors. It is necessary to act like this:

  • the adapter connects to the appropriate connector on the sound source;
  • headphones are connected to the adapter.

After that, it remains only to adjust the sound, and you can start using.

The procedure is somewhat different in the above-described cases: when using USB or wireless headphones. Adapters used in this case are several conditionally used, although they have similar functionality: allow you to connect the device to a source on which there is no corresponding connection interface.

The main principle of connecting a USB adapter, or an external sound card, exactly the same - the device only needs to be included in another one. After that, such operations should be done:

  • the device is determined by a computer, like everything that connects to USB, and search for drivers;
  • you should install the drivers so that the computer recognize the adapter and the sound was able to handle them;
  • the device is configured in the same way as the built-in sound card - by utility from the manufacturer or the standard Windows tool.

If the Bluetooth adapter for the TV is used or music CenterNo configuration will be required. So that such a system has earned, the transmitter connects to a linear output on the sound source housing (if there is no 3.5 mm connector, the second adapter will be required - with RCA on minijack). When the device earn and determines the TV, you can turn on the headphones. They themselves connect with the transmitter, which will begin to feed the sound to the audio device.

Thus, adapters may be required in a variety of situations. It is worth noting that, in most cases, their use does not affect the sound quality, since the signal transformation does not occur - only the connection interface changes.