A program that limits computer operating time for a child. Parental controls on your computer - detailed setup instructions

The programs included in the review are usually included in the category “ Parental control" In general, according to Wikipedia’s definition, parental control is a set of rules and measures to prevent the negative impact of the Internet and computer on the person under their care (usually a child). The scope of application of such software can be expanded to include almost any user who needs to restrict access to local or network functions of the computer. This material is a complement to the review, which already covered some aspects of parental controls.

ChildWebGuardian Pro

After installing the program, you will need to configure the primary settings: password, specify an email address for sending reports, select a computer profile - home, school or office. Next, after entering the password, the user is taken to the program settings section, where he can manage groups of users with limited rights and administrators. To change the role, just move the system profile name to the desired group. It is also easy to create additional profiles that may be needed for more or less strict control of actions.

The “Banned Words” section contains a list of stop words that block the content of Internet pages, email messages and correspondence on ICQ. Here you can create your own groups of words, as well as regulate maximum amount prohibited words acceptable in the content of the text.

The “Web Filter” section contains white and black lists of sites where you can add other addresses. One of the most relevant options is blocking social networks, including VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. There is no option to disable all social networks with one click, and methods of blocking based on other criteria are also not available: apparently, only URL addresses are blocked, while there are many ways to bypass the ban using anonymizers. In the same section, you can configure a schedule according to which the Internet will be available to users with a limited profile. For each site, you can set up an individual schedule through the context menu. There is no ability to specify URL masks, however, as can be seen from the available lists, it is enough to simply specify a keyword that will be mentioned in the address bar.

ICQ & Email - setting up filters for appropriate communication formats. In the case of email correspondence, you can create a list of trusted addresses that will not be blocked during transmission. But the outdated ICQ, apparently, should be supplemented by developers with other IM clients, including the much more popular Skype with its own transmission protocol. Therefore, it is strange that ICQ is given too much attention in ChildWebGuardian Pro. On the other hand, as an option, you can use the adjacent section - “Filter by program”, where you can block any application.

Returning to the reports. If there is a need to remotely monitor and record user actions in a log, you can go to the section of the same name and activate the “Log events” option. Events such as visited sites and blocked content from prohibited lists are recorded in the log file. Also in this section you can configure sending reports to the email specified immediately after installing the program. What's perhaps missing is more detailed statistics on time spent on the Internet/system, logging of keyboard shortcuts entered, and similar information - tools that are found in other review programs.

ChildWebGuardian Pro is available initially in Russian. You can freely explore all the functions without restrictions and intrusive notifications. In addition, there is a free and less functional edition of the program (for a list of differences from the Pro version, see).


ChildWebGuardian is a program with an extremely intuitive interface and section organization. It contains basic options that will help parents limit children's access to the Internet, programs, and games. The main emphasis is on network security.

In Hidetools Parental Control there is a clear division of functions into 3 modules: reports, limiting control and settings. Access to each of the items in these sections is available through the menu in the main window, as well as in the tabs.

In the first section, Reports, you can view statistics in detail: application launches, sites visited, text input from the keyboard (divided by the corresponding programs where the typing took place), screenshots of active windows. In a word, the reporting function is implemented quite fully. The whole question is how to use the program’s capabilities without going too far, because, in fact, many programs, including this one, are no different from keyloggers and other “spy” programs.

The second section, Controls, does not so much control as it imposes all sorts of restrictions on the user’s actions. However, it remains unclear how the prohibited categories in the Website Blocking tab relate to websites. Apparently, they exist separately from each other. In the same settings section, you can also create white and black lists of resources by adding addresses/keywords to the desired list.

Unlike, say, ChildWebGuardian, there is no schedule according to which you can regulate access to a particular application or site. Of the available funds, only a limitation is available public access to PC (PC Usage Limits), this option can be found in Time Controls → Time Limits.

In the Application blocking tab, you can block the launch of specified applications (most often, computer games) or select an option from the list of popular browsers and instant messengers. In Windows Security, you can block Control Panel, Device Manager, Registry Editor and others system components, which open a “loophole” for a user with limited rights (be it a child or any stranger).

There are several interesting options worth noting in the settings module. Firstly, for each account in the User Account tab you can activate rules that will be applied during the session. This includes: monitoring, website and application filter, time control and system security - that is, the options already mentioned. However, for complete convenience, this section lacks groups and a mechanism for managing them (at least as simplified as in ChildWebGuardian Pro).

Secondly, detailed settings of statistics are available in Monitoring Settings, and thirdly, reports are sent to the administrator’s email at a certain interval.

14 days Hidetools Parental Control is available in trial mode.


The Hidetools Parental Control program is designed to monitor user activity (monitoring function) and restrict access to system settings and the Network. If the monitoring part is quite functional, I would like to see more options for restricting access - otherwise, roughly speaking, the program has a “spyware” orientation.

[+] Functional monitoring module
[+] Convenient switching of protection to active/inactive mode
[−] Profile management is poorly developed
[−] No scheduled access ban for individual sites

KinderGate Parental Control

KinderGate Parental Control is an application for restricting children's access to web resources, developed by Entensys, a well-known company in the field of Internet security. Includes a number of tools for applying scheduling restrictions, filtering by site categories, blocking dangerous sites, as well as monitoring and statistics.

During installation, KinderGate requires you to set a password to enter the administration interface and select an access level, which determines how strict the filtering of Internet resources will be.

By going to the “Rules - Banning Categories” tab of the KinderGate Management Console, you can familiarize yourself with the categories that will be blocked.

By the way, the program uses the Entensys URL filter module, which includes an updated database of 500 million (!) sites. True, it is necessary to take into account that Western resources are not so dangerous for a child, and in general, they are less relevant.

Also in certain sections of KinderGate Parental Control you can see the “Trusted Sites” button. Clicking it opens a list of “white” sites, where you can easily add other resources. The blacklist is formed in the “Address Ban” section, where you need to specify keywords or URL masks.

Setting up a schedule is available in the “Work Schedule” section. The restriction can be configured according to a fixed schedule or in a custom format. Unfortunately, you cannot specify a time limit without reference to a schedule.

Parental Control has a tool called “Advanced Rules”, which allows you to combine several rules at the same time: to deny access to a protocol, sites, linked to a schedule, etc. Unfortunately, the offline documentation does not provide a sufficient number of full-fledged examples that would talk about practical benefits of applying such rules. There are more examples in the online help.

A small but important note. You need to be very careful when installing and uninstalling KinderGate PC. The operation of the application affects network drivers and system services, disabling which will entail unpleasant consequences, in particular, restricting access to the Network. The same rule applies to all programs mentioned in the review. You should not install more than one or two of them at a time to avoid conflicts.


KinderGate Parental Control is a program with a pre-installed filter system and the ability to configure scheduled access. Equipped with tips, help, available in Russian. One of the most optimal solutions on the identified problem.

[−] Problematic removal
[−] Limited functionality scheduled access settings
[+] Updated filter database
[+] Combined rules

Kids PC Time Administrator

Kids PC Time Administrator's features, as the name suggests, focus on scheduling access restrictions.

Initially, it seems that the program has a setup wizard. However, the jump buttons appear to be intended only for navigating between sections. Carry out the settings in the established order or go to each section through the menu - there is no fundamental difference.

For each user, you can specify an individual schedule; profile selection is available in each section. In addition, in some cases it is easier to set the same limits for everyone.

The schedule is configured in the “Allowed time periods” section, where using the calendar you can allow or deny access with minute-by-minute precision. If the administrator finds this option of restrictions inconvenient, you can go to the next section and set the number of hours per day that the user will have at his disposal.

A certain part of the Kids PC Time Administrator settings relate to the usual system “tweaks”: blocking the Device Manager, uninstalling programs through the control panel, prohibiting account management, etc. Here the choice of options is very modest. Another restrictive section not related to the schedule is “Folder Protection”. Using the program, you can hide selected folders with important data or protect them from changes.

Some tools for reporting in Time Administrator are available, but the absence of any settings, remote control and sending logs by email - all this indicates a weak implementation of other aspects of the program.


Kids PC Time Administrator can be used if a child spends too much time on the computer and the session needs to be limited. There are no filters, prohibited lists or other additional tools provided here.

[+] Wide range of time limits
[−] No filters
[−] Inconvenient calendar interface

Child Control 2013

Unlike Kids PC Time Administrator, Child Control 2013 allows you to restrict not only access to system resources, but also access to the Internet according to a schedule. This and similar tasks are simplified by a step-by-step wizard. In short, there are only 4 sections with parameters:

  • Time Limits: hourly limitation of work in the system/on the Internet
  • Blocked Times: time intervals when access to the system/Internet will be blocked
  • Internet Control: Internet filter containing lists of allowed and prohibited resources. Optionally, you can allow access only to sites from the white list (“Allow only these websites”). It is not possible to block an address based on keywords; you must enter at least the domain URL
  • Other Settings: configure the security level, reporting options and remote access to the program.

Next, the user goes to the main window of Child Control 2013. In addition to the settings related to time restrictions (section “Time Limits”) and already mentioned in the step-by-step wizard, a number of other options are presented here.

In the “Internet” section there is an Internet filter already familiar from alternative products. The categories and their contents, of course, were created by the developers without taking into account the Russian locale, so the available data can be regarded rather as a sample for compiling lists. There are white and black lists available, and in the “Misc” tab you can select the program’s action when blocking a site.

In the adjacent “Programs” section there are practically the same options, with the only difference being that they apply to programs. Here you can also manage prohibited and allowed lists, configure scheduled launch (group of Time-limited applications). For Windows 8, a corresponding tab is provided; with one click, all Windows 8 Apps, as well as the Windows Store, are blocked.

In the “Windows Security” subsection of the “Security” section, blocking is carried out system partitions, third party access to which it is undesirable. Moreover, Child Control 2013 has a very wide range of options: disabling secure boot, time settings, changing user accounts, etc.

The “Usage Log” section provides detailed statistics on the use of system resources, as well as website visits. Statistics include information for the day, week and month. For convenience, it can be opened in the viewer by clicking the “Report” button. In addition, it is possible to send statistics to the specified email (see “E-mail Report”).

In Child Control 2013, the developers have provided a large number additional settings. The “Settings” section allows you to configure notifications and other messages to the user, the behavior of the program when limits are exhausted; Advanced filter settings and group management are possible.

Finally, it is worth paying attention to such a possibility as remote control program through a browser - the “Remote Control” section is intended to activate it.


One of the most functional programs in this review, including the number of additional settings. One of the attractive aspects of Child Control 2013 is the reporting in the form of graphs.

[+] Detailed reports, graphics
[+] Versatility
[+] Remote control

Pivot table

ProgramChildWebGuardian ProKinderGate Parental ControlKids PC Time AdministratorChild Control 2013
DeveloperS. Zimin, S. MarkinHidetoolsEntensys Corporationphomesoft.comSalfeld Computer
PlatformsWindows XP+
LicenseShareware (RUB 750)Shareware ($39.95)Shareware ($19/year)Shareware ($15)Shareware ($29.95)
Localization+ +
Access limitationScheduled+ + + + +
website filter+ + + +
to programs+ + +
Remote access+ +
Reporting+ + + +

Let's look at how to set up parental controls on any computer and protect your child's online activities.

Parental control is a special feature that allows you to easily set restrictions on how children can use the computer.

In operating systems, you can use the built-in functions or download special programs for this task.

Below is a selection of the best ways to organize safe PC work for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

The ability to limit the functionality of the OS will be useful for any family, because this is the only way parents can always be aware of what sites their children visit.

Also, you can configure the time you work at the computer - turning it on only at certain hours or turning off the system after a specified period of time.


Parental controls in Windows are available as standard function operating system.

All versions of Windows OS have the ability to configure Parental Control.

Function characteristics:

  • Recording of all computer activities in the form of a separate report. You can log in under your admin account at any time to see all the information about using the browser, games and other programs. This allows you to analyze exactly how restrictions should be set;
  • Game installation control. Before launching the installer with any game or application, parental controls will check whether the software has age restrictions. If a child tries to install a program with a high age rating, the OS will generate an installation error and the user will not realize that the action was limited by parental controls;
  • Creating a list of prohibited sites or allowed resources. You yourself can create a list of URLs that your child is allowed to access or use the built-in library of links to sites to which access will be blocked;
  • Timely shutdown of the computer. If you cannot agree with your child on the optimal time for finishing games on the computer, simply use the electronic work log function. You select a date in the calendar, a user name, and indicate at what hours the computer can be turned on. For example, if you allowed playing games only until 17:00, then exactly at this time the computer will automatically turn off. The child will be able to turn it on again, but will not be able to log into his account.

How to set up standard Parental Control?

In Windows, the parental control option is enabled and configured as follows:

  • Open the search box at the bottom of the taskbar and type "Family settings." Click on the found settings item;
  • In a new window you will have access to all the functions that will simplify your work with your computer. In the “Parental Controls” section, configure the desired restriction - Internet protection, setting operating hours, generating reports, limiting the purchase of games, etc.

After selecting the desired setting, you will be automatically redirected to the official Microsoft website.

Child Web Guardian

Child Web Guardian is a program that will allow you to completely organize control parameters for another PC user.

Please note that the application can only be launched and configured from an administrator account.

After installation and registration, you can select the one you need other user's profile type:

  • "Home";
  • "School Computer";
  • "Office".

Depending on the account type, a window with a list will open required settings. Program features:

  • Managing user groups. Child Web Guardian allows you to create user groups and set rules for working with the computer for them. Convenient if you want to set up accounts for several children at the same time;
  • List of prohibited words. You can activate ready-made lists of words and expressions that will be monitored in the background on all Web pages. If prohibited words are found on the site, such a resource is blocked;
  • Web filter. Parents will be able to create white or black lists of sites by simply copying their addresses. This is an easy way to ban social media use in one click. Note that a child can bypass this ban with the help of anonymizers, so along with blocking sites, it is better to set a time limit for the OS;
  • Schedule. As in the standard version of parental control, here you can set the hours your child sits at the computer.

Hide Tools Parental Control

Hide Tools Parental Control allows you to configure all parental control features:

  • Launching applications. Here you can specify a list of allowed programs and games, as well as set their operating hours;
  • Lists of sites. Limit the use of untrusted resources in all browsers;
  • Typed text filter. All phrases typed by your child will be monitored by the program for the presence of profanity;
  • Computer activity. Specify days or individual hours when the PC can be turned on;
  • Taking screenshots. In this window, you can configure the regular creation of hidden screenshots, which will then be added to the parent report.

You can download the utility for free using the link.

Kindergate Parental Control

Kindergate Parental Control is a new development from Entasys, which is known for its computer security systems.

The application is aimed at limiting work according to a given schedule.

Also, you can control the sites you visit or block unwanted content.

More features:

  • Selecting the content access level. You do not need to create lists of prohibited sites. Just select the level of protection (there are 5 in total) and the program itself will organize your child’s work on the Internet;
  • Automatic database update. The application connects to a database that contains more than 500 million sites, so you can be 100% sure that the user will not be able to access prohibited resources;
  • Installing and uninstalling parental control software is only possible from an administrator account.

Child Control 2013

The main feature of this program is the ability to set up a work schedule not only with the computer itself, but also with the Internet.

You can activate the function to block access to global network or set up a schedule.

The program also monitors the OS for viruses and malware.

The built-in setup wizard allows you to use 4 parameters quickly organize the Child Control utility:

  • The “Time limits” parameter allows you to select the hours during which work is allowed;
  • The “Blocked times” field is necessary to set the time interval during which access to the computer or Internet will be frozen;
  • Web Control – a list of allowed and prohibited sites that you can always edit;
  • Other settings. With their help, you can select an acceptable level of security, configure the creation of reports, or receive remote access to the program from your smartphone.


In recent Mac versions OS now has an improved parental control option.

To enable the function, go to the “Apple” menu, click on “ System Settings" and select the "Parental Controls" section.

  • At the bottom, click on the lock icon to allow setting restrictions;
  • Check the “Enable Parental Controls” checkbox. And click on the “Open Controls” button;
  • In the new window, configure the controls. First you need to determine which applications the other user will have access to. From the list of programs that appears, you need to check the allowed options. Contacts with whom the child can correspond are selected in the same way. If he tries to send a message to prohibited addresses, you will receive a message about this on your iPhone or email;
  • To set restrictions in your browser, open the Web tab and select the control method - no restrictions, Automatic blocking using Apple algorithms or banning websites from your list.

Also, parental controls on Mac OS allow you to limit the use App store Store, iTunes and iBooks Store service.

Other features include limiting PC operation, managing privacy, and viewing activity history.

Mipko Control app

Almost none for OS X third party programs parental controls, but recently the Mipko development studio introduced new software that will keep your child safe while working on the computer.

The application is also available for Mac OS.


  • Full control over how your computer is used via messages on your iPhone or iPad;
  • View Internet surfing history, even if it was deleted by the user;
  • Record Skype conversations and text messages;
  • Tracking the history of correspondence on social networks;
  • Taking screenshots and sending them to your phone;
  • Recording the time of computer startup and shutdown;
  • Blocking unwanted content in browsers and games.

The free version of the application is available for 7 days from the date of installation. You can download Mipko from the link.


In Linux OS it is quite difficult to set up parental controls, but there is one effective method installation of such a service.

With GNOME Nanny you can control the following actions of the child:

  • Working with websites;
  • Setting the duration of work with the computer for each day of the week;
  • Data tracking Email and social networks.

Such a small number of functions is explained by the fact that the utility is still in the process of development and testing.

It can be installed on all versions of Linux and Ubuntu.

Download the application through the developer's website.

Since all parental control programs offer approximately the same list of functions, you can set up restrictions for your child’s account in any case.

If you want to receive real-time messages about what is happening on your PC, it is better to use third-party software, since standard services There is no such function for Windows and Mac OS.

Thematic videos:

Almost every child between the ages of seven and fourteen has a device that allows them to freely “travel” around the world. World Wide Web. And their first contact with a laptop occurs at an early age.

Parents understand that the Internet is not only a way to quickly get necessary information or the opportunity to communicate with people on another continent. The Internet is full of content that is not suitable for children. But how can you limit your children's access to the Internet so that they can still study? There are several ways to block inappropriate content on different devices.

How to restrict children's access to the Internet?

First, parents need to understand what the essence of parental restrictions on access to the Internet and applications is. This protective measure is a control over the impact of the Internet and personal computer on a child. Parental controls are activated either using software built into the operating system or using third-party applications.

To understand how to restrict children's access to the Internet, you need to understand the types of parental controls. Access restriction can be divided into two main subtypes:

  • Active parental controls.
  • Passive parental control.

Active control consists of total monitoring of all the child’s actions. Software sends the parent a list of sites visited by the child. An adult can also impose a ban on loading sites containing inappropriate content.

Passive parental control allows you to introduce a time limit for using a personal computer or smartphone. The parent can also prohibit the downloading, installation or launch of certain applications, for example, games. Children can only have access to a certain list of sites, and so on. It’s easy to figure out how to restrict children’s access to the Internet. No special skills or knowledge required. The menu of specialized applications is intuitive.

Parental controls on a computer or laptop

Many parents wonder how to limit their child's access to the computer. Setting in operating system Windows doesn't take long.

First you need to go through the following path: “Start” - “Settings” - “Accounts” - “Family”. Next, you need to create a new profile by clicking on the “Add family member” button. The system will then prompt you to “Add a child account.” After entering the basic data, you must indicate the age of the child. If you enter a date indicating that it is less than eight years old, the operating system will automatically set the maximum security level.

Parental controls in action

After installing parental controls, questions about how to restrict your child’s access to the Internet do not arise. Windows will automatically block unwanted content. But parents themselves can make some changes.

For example, a parent can set a timer. Having asked exact time operation of the device, adults can be sure that the child will not spend the whole day playing games. Parental controls allow you to block certain applications. The program also allows you to track how much time your child spent on specific applications.

In addition, every week the parent will receive complete information about the activity of the child who used this device.

Setting up Internet access restrictions on a smartphone or tablet

There are several options for limiting your child's Internet access. Android devices allow you not only to use the built-in functions, but also to download a special children's launcher from the Play Market.

"PlayPad Children's Launcher" after a simple installation will allow parents to strictly limit the list of applications that can be launched. The program will also ensure that the child does not wander into online stores and make purchases. In addition, exiting “child mode” will be available only to parents.

The launcher gives parents the ability to control the device remotely, set time limits for using the gadget, and will also help track the child’s location.

Devices running Android version 5.0 and below have a built-in Pin to Screen feature that allows you to limit access to one pinned program. In order to configure this function, you need to go to “Settings” - “Security” - “Attach to Screen”. In the window that opens, you need to select one of the proposed programs and secure it. The child will not be able to exit the application without the parent's permission.

One of the problems that parents are forced to solve is their child’s access to a computer and the Internet. How much time can a child spend in front of a monitor screen? How long is he allowed to play games? How to make your little user’s time on the Internet safe? Each family answers these and many other questions for itself.

However, the fact that the problem of parental control has long been common is evidenced by the fact that tools for restricting access to applications, games and sites have been included in Windows Vista. Similar features have recently appeared in many comprehensive security applications, for example, Norton Internet Security and Kaspersky Internet Security. There are also special programs designed exclusively for parental control. If a few years ago almost all of them were English-speaking, today it is not a problem to find an application developed specifically for Russian-speaking users, which undoubtedly indicates that there is a demand for such solutions.

Parental Controls in Windows Vista

If you are using on home computer Windows Vista, you can use built-in parental controls.

To do this, the child must have their own account created. It is clear that you do not need to assign administrator rights to it. Next, you need to go to the Control Panel and in the “User Accounts” section, click on the “Set parent controls” link. Next, you need to select the user for whom restrictions will be enabled, and in the “Parental Controls” group, set the switch to the “On” position.

Windows Vista makes it possible to control your child's computer use in four ways: limit the time he spends in front of the monitor screen, block access to certain sites and other Internet services, and prohibit the launch of certain games and programs.

In the “Restrictions on Internet Use” section, rules for a child’s access to Internet resources are established, and you can also prohibit downloading files.

By default, the medium level of protection is enabled, which filters for sites dedicated to weapons, drugs, pornographic content and obscene language.

By selecting a custom protection level, you can add to the prohibited categories sites about alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, as well as those sites whose content the filter cannot evaluate automatically. The most serious restrictions on web content are imposed when using a high level of protection, when a child can only visit sites that are identified by the filter as “children’s”.

Regardless of which content filtering mode is selected, you can create a black and white list of sites, that is, determine which resources a child can or cannot access, regardless of the automatic filter settings.

Since the filter does not always work, it is very useful to keep the activity tracking function turned on. In this case, Windows will save the addresses of all sites that the child viewed. If an unwanted address is found in the generated report, it can be added to the blacklist.

In the "Games" section, restrictions on launching games are set.

Let us note right away that you should not rely on this section of the settings, since Vista does not perceive some games as such, mistaking them for ordinary applications. The same applies to rating restrictions. In theory, you can specify a rating for games that a child cannot play, but in practice, a child may be running a game that won't be found in the Vista database.

That is why it is much safer to use the “Allow or block individual programs” section. It displays all the applications that are installed on the computer, and parents can mark those that the child is allowed to run. You can add a program to the list manually. This approach is good because the child will not be able to launch, for example, a new game that he borrowed from a classmate without showing it to you.

Parental controls in Kaspersky Internet Security

Parental controls can often be found in online safety apps.

Let's take the Parental Control module in Kaspersky Internet Security 7 as an example.

When parental control is enabled, all users are assigned the “Child” profile and, accordingly, the restrictions set for it in the program settings are set. The second profile - "Parent" - allows you to freely surf the Internet, without restrictions, without turning off parental controls. The first thing you need to do when setting up this module is to select the “Parent” profile and set a password for it. After this, you can turn off parental controls or switch to the “Parent” profile only after entering your password. With help

Kaspersky Internet

Security 7 allows you to configure access rights to certain sites, mail and other Internet services. Parents can select categories of sites that the child will not be able to access, and prohibit his communication by mail and chats. In addition, you can create black and white lists of resources.

All pages that are visited by a child when parental controls are enabled are recorded in the report.

Kaspersky Internet Security 7 does not have the ability to restrict computer work in general, but the program can be successfully used in conjunction with applications such as CyberMama.


Developer: Cybermama
Distribution size: 3 MB

"CyberMama", unlike Kaspersky Internet Security 7, allows you to control the time a child spends on the computer, but does not have tools for filtering web content.

After launching "CyberMom", the computer can operate in one of two modes - "parent" and "child". When you first start it, the “parent” mode is set and you can enter a password. It is this set of characters that will be used to unlock the computer after the time allotted for the child to work with it has expired.

Using "CyberMom" you can set restrictions on working with the computer, as well as prohibit the launch of certain applications.

The parameters responsible for time limits are quite flexible. A schedule is selected separately for working days, as well as for weekends and holidays. In the program settings there is a calendar in which you can mark all holidays. A very thoughtful decision, considering that each country has its own holidays.

Parents can decide how many hours a day the child can work on the computer, allow or prohibit the use of the Internet. In addition, you can allow the use of the PC only during certain periods of time, and for each of such periods, allow or deny access to the Internet.

Everyone knows that you need to take breaks while working at the computer, but not everyone adheres to this rule. Meanwhile, this is especially important for a child’s body. Using CyberMom, parents can set the frequency of breaks (for example, every 45 minutes) and their duration. During this time, the computer will be locked.

Regarding launching applications, “CyberMama” provides two modes of operation: when the child can launch all programs except those that are blacklisted, and when he can launch only those applications that are whitelisted.

When you switch to “child” mode, an alarm clock icon appears at the bottom of the screen. It shows the child how much time he can still use the computer. However, if desired, the child can turn it off by clicking on the program icon right click mice.

The child can also look at his work schedule - how long he can still work, how long the break will last, etc.

Five minutes before the allowed time expires, a warning appears on the screen reminding you to save all documents.

When the program is running in "child" mode, it is impossible to close it from the task manager window - it immediately starts again. Attempts to turn time back are also unsuccessful. Moreover, if a child tries to do something similar, the strict “CyberMom” will immediately record these actions in a report, which the parents will then view. Rebooting does not help get rid of the program either - “CyberMama” remembers that the allowed time has already expired and blocks the computer immediately after startup.

KidsControl 1.6

Developer: YapSoft
Distribution size: 4.4 MB
Distribution: shareware

The purpose of KidsControl is to control the time a child spends on the Internet. The peculiarity of the program is that if a prohibited site is detected or an attempt is made to access the Internet at the wrong time, the child will not be able to load the web page. In other words, the program does not reveal itself in any way - it does not show any warning messages, does not say that the page is blocked, etc., it just displays a blank “Server not found” page in the browser.

KidsControl consists of two modules - the application itself, which is responsible for blocking sites, and the control panel. To enter the control panel, a code is used (yes, it’s a code, not a password). The control panel login window contains buttons from zero to nine, with which you can set the access code. This was done to prevent possible password interception by keyloggers.

The control panel provides several profiles - “child” and “no restrictions”; you can also set profiles for other family members. If a code is not entered when starting KidsControl, the program will start with the “child” profile; to switch to another profile, you need to enter a certain combination of numbers. The code for accessing the control panel and for activating the “without restrictions” profile and others are different things; each profile has its own combination of numbers for access.

For a child, KidsControl provides the following restrictions: a web filter by category, black and white lists of sites, a time limit on working on the Internet, and a ban on downloading certain types of files.

Despite the fact that the web filter, according to the developers, is based on a directory consisting of a million sites, our testing showed that it can hardly be relied on. By turning on all filter categories, which even included video and music sites, we freely opened resources from the first page Google search by request "mp3". Pages found for the query “porn” also opened without problems.

Therefore, KidsControl is best used in conjunction with Kaspersky Internet Security 7, where the filters are more stringent.

Limiting work on the Internet by time works more correctly - during prohibited hours it is impossible to open a web page or even check email. However, the bad thing is that there is only the ability to create a work schedule, and it is impossible to set the total number of hours that a child can spend on the Internet per day.

Black and white lists work a little differently than in other programs. If you create a white list of sites, this will not mean that the child will be able to visit only these resources, just such pages will not be blocked. When creating a black and white list of sites, you can use the "*" symbol. For example, if you blacklist the string “*tube*”, then the child will not be able to access either Youtube, Rutube, or any other sites whose names contain this combination of characters. However, if you whitelist Youtube.com, it will not be blocked.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the restrictions on downloading different types of files. Our testing showed that it works quite correctly, but it would be nice to add the ability to add prohibited file types manually.

For example, KidsControl has the ability to block the downloading of ZIP files, but RAR archives can be downloaded without problems.
Time Boss 2.34
Distribution: shareware

Developer: NiceKit Distribution size: 1.6 MB Time Boss, as well as

standard remedy

The tools for limiting work time are quite flexible - you can set how many hours the user can work per day or per week, specify the hours during which the computer can be used, and create a schedule by day of the week. There are also separate buttons to quickly add bonus time for the current day or weekend.

Similar restrictions can be set for working on the Internet. It should be taken into account that by default the program perceives only Internet Explorer, Opera and Firefox browsers as Internet applications; all others must be added manually in the program settings. True, there is a checkbox for automatic detection applications that use the Internet, but it's better to be safe.

One of interesting features Time Boss – the ability to set the time for using a specific application. With its help, you can limit the time your child spends playing computer games.

Time Boss allows you to set system limits. These include: a ban on the use system registry, control panel, task manager, changing the date and time, downloading files through Internet Explorer. In addition, you can disable the ability to search and run applications from the Start menu and set restrictions on access to disks.

Depending on the administrator's preferences, Time Boss can operate in one of two modes - normal and invisible.

In the first, the user sees how much time is allotted for him to work by clicking on the icon in the taskbar, but in the “Invisible” mode the program does not reveal itself at all. To alert the user that the time limit has expired, you can enable alerts that will appear five minutes before the end of the allowed time. The warning can be displayed as a text message, picture, or as a system error.

A separate section – “Prizes” – is designed to add additional time to the user while working with the computer or the Internet. If you check the “Disable time limits” checkbox in the prize parameters, the user will be able to use the computer and the Internet, regardless of the set schedule. Time Boss keeps detailed statistics of each user's work on the computer and presents it in a visual form. In the Log you can view all the actions performed by users, and it is possible to filter the logs. For example, only attempts to access prohibited sites or a list of. In addition, statistics on computer and Internet use are provided in text and graphic form.

It is worth noting very useful opportunity taking screenshots. Time Boss will take screenshots at set intervals, which can then be viewed in a log. For convenience, you can start a slide show by setting the time for each photo to be displayed on the screen.

However, it is necessary to take into account that by default, screenshots are saved in a very unreliable place - in the Screenshots folder, which is placed in the Time Boss installation directory. To prevent the users you are monitoring from discovering it, you should specify a more secure location and also deny everyone access to this folder.

Finally, it is worth noting that getting rid of Time Boss is very difficult - the program is not removed from Startup; when the process is completed, it immediately restarts. To unload it, you need to click the "Prepare for deletion" button in the settings.


Of course, children are sometimes much smarter than their parents, and there is probably no way to stop them from finding a way around the restrictions. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on programs for providing parental control; they will not replace conversations with mom and dad about the rules of behavior on the Internet and why you need a computer. On the other hand, they can become excellent educational assistants, and in combination with live communication about the benefits and harms of a computer, they can provide excellent results.

The task of every parent is to protect their child from the dangers that may lie in wait for them on the Internet, as well as from computer and gaming addiction. While adults are still able to control themselves when using PCs and smartphones (and even then not all of them) and distinguish the harmful content of all kinds of sites from acceptable ones, then a child cannot do this. Parental control programs make it possible not only to track your children’s activity on the computer, but also to limit it according to certain parameters.

Key Features

The most accessible tools that do not require special configuration are selection in a search engine and in the operating system itself. Among search engines, Yandex and Google provide content filtering based on automatic restrictions. One “but”: you can only configure the degree of filtering, and the types of content are not determined. Only porn sites are effectively removed from the search results.

Google allows you to set a password for your account with security settings. In this case, children will not be able to change search settings and remove restrictions.

If your child has an account on a social network, be sure to study its security settings and set up the highest possible level of protection. Possible measures: setting minimal page visibility for strangers, disabling the ability to find a child through email address, phone number, division of friends and subscribers into groups according to the level of access to information from the page. It can also be helpful to take a personal interest in the content of your child's friends' posts. If one of them posts objectionable content, limit the possibility of showing news from this person on the social network.


If you own a Windows computer, you can use the Family Safety utility. It can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website if you have an account and an OS version starting with Vista. Create a separate account for your children on your computer and enter restrictions for it - the settings here are flexible.

  1. Activity log with data on when and how long the child sat at the computer;
  2. Limiting the time you work at the computer (for example, two hours a day);
  3. Prohibition of computer use at night;
  4. List of visited sites and open programs;
  5. Request system: when a child tries to open a prohibited site or program, his parent (account creator) receives a request to allow or block this action;
  6. Built-in Internet filter based on the principle of whitelisting sites and notifying about inappropriate content.


Parental controls have been provided here since version 10.5. Fewer options than Windows:

  1. Allowing or blocking sites, e-mail recipients, messenger subscribers, applications;
  2. Introduction of a computer work schedule;
  3. Limiting the duration of computer use and access to certain equipment.

Additional features

A win-win option is to limit visits to certain sites from your computer and phone that are connected to your home Wi-Fi networks. To do this, you need to enable content filtering in the router settings. Most serious manufacturers include this function in their devices. You need to enter the MAC address into the router's memory (address network card) of the parent's computer, and after that any changes to the filtering settings will be possible only from it. And in order to set up restrictions only for your child’s devices, enter their MAC addresses into the router database.

Parental controls on smartphones and tablets iOS, Android, Windows

The most serious parental controls are provided in devices Apple:

  1. Obviously obscene applications are not allowed on the AppStore.
  2. It is possible to set additional restrictions on launching the browser and installing new applications.

Mobile equipment has Android There are fewer built-in capabilities for total control - at least because you can download applications not only from the Play Store, and it is more difficult to keep track of all sources. In the application store, you can adjust the level of content acceptable for children based on what the system offers for a certain age. The Application Protection function is suitable for blocking the installation of unknown applications.

IN Android versions From 4.3 on tablets and some phones there are built-in parental controls. Functions:

  1. Create a separate profile with limited access(without Internet content filtering);
  2. Disabling the Internet on a smartphone remotely;
  3. A complete list of visited sites and applications;
  4. Ban on downloading new applications.

Smartphones and tablets on Windows boast the ability to connect to the same Parental Safety account as their home computers.

Control capabilities:

  1. Filtering Internet addresses in the browser;
  2. Requesting access to launch games and applications;
  3. All parental controls made for PC.

If you are not satisfied with the functionality of the built-in parental control on your child’s technology, you can supplement it with one of the many programs for child safety. They are divided into programs for protecting information on the parent’s smartphone, which they let children “play,” and into applications for devices owned by the children themselves.