Data recovery services with SSD. What you need to know by buying an SSD disk and is it possible to restore the data from it. How to know that the disc broke

Solid-state drives (or SSD) are currently more and more relevant and displaced from the market already familiar HDD hard drives. On the this moment Users who have a drive in the form of SSD use it for storage and system files, some of the necessary and important programs, documents, settings, and the like.

SSD discs began to gain such popularity due to the fact that they have no moving elements, unlike their HDD predecessors. So, errors, viruses and termination of the system can very much to harm the data saved on such disks. And therefore files are deleted, discs are formatted, partitions are damaged and system files On such drives, as often as on ordinary magnetic.

But how to restore lost data on a solid-state disk and is it possible at all?

How information is restored on ordinary hard disks, significantly different from how it can and requires that recovery on SSD disks. The information here can be restored here and not restore. But you can consider the data recovery method if you use special program called Hetman Partition Recovery.

The process of recovering data from the disk, which were removed, which is made on SSD technology, is almost impossible.

In many cases, the data that has been deleted specifically, or inadvertently, cannot be restored. This conclusion can both scare, because many would not be ready to hear such an answer, but it is so. Distinctive traitThat has a SSD drive, unlike other traditional devices, is Trim. It - special team In the ATA interface, due to which the solid-state controller literally physically clears the data blocks previously used for storing remote files. That is, the controller receives the command at the time when the file is deleted, but the immediate removal of the available information is not instantly. However, now the controllers in SSD work so that the message that the data block is empty comes at once when the removal command is received, without looking at the fact that the cleansing of the data block can be performed and later.

And what is it possible to do with it? In general, not much, but nevertheless. You can also say that even in this rule there is an exception. When the Trim command is not executed, or this option is not at all supported by the disk, in the operating system itself or in the interface between personal computer And the SSD drive, then you can make file recovery, as if they were saved on the usual disk. But today most SSD drives support Trim command. There are Mac OS versions that do not support this function and therefore you can safely recover deleted files. In the same way you can restore files on versions that were before Windows Vista.. They also do not have the support of the Trim team. And just as general note It can be said that this command does not have the ability and is not supported by USB and FireWire protocols. Because data from your external carriers May be calmly recovered.

It is also not recommended to restore remote files from already formatted SSD drives.

There are two types of formatting - full and fast. If used completeThen all the information is maintained, which is stored on the hard disk. But if you use fastThe only partition table is cleared, which contains information about files. This allows the program with the name of Hetman Partition Recovery qualitatively, and also also quickly, restore lost and deleted files. But now, for users who have SSD drives, this number will not pass. At the time when the disk is formatted, and it does not matter, full or fast formatting, herself operating system Gives the green TRIM light. Next, the SSD controller is literally the physical method erase the information that is contained in the data blocks. And again it must be said that such a procedure is not instant, but nevertheless many controllers are developed in such a way that it is resetting the available data after the Trim command is performed. If you do not take into account the exceptions that are mentioned above, the data after the formatting of the SSD disk is not restored. And even when a quick type of formatting was selected.

How to restore a broken or damaged SSD drive?

If your SSD type disk has deteriorated or has very serious damage, it stops reading and does not see the system, it is also plus. The irony of fate, possibly, but at this very moment all files are securely stored on the disk, because the TRIM team did not have a place to be running under the influence of the operating system. In other words, you can safely use the Hetman Partition Recovery program, which is designed to restore data from already spoiled, damaged, as well as with unreadable and inaccessible SSD drives. With this program, you can get back all lost data or almost everything.

Summing up, we can say that the data that was lost on the SSD storage devices is not so easy to restore, but you can, if you follow the entire instructions described above.

Imagine the situation: data from SSD retired, or a solid-state drive failed. Is it possible to restore the information? Consider what programs the data is restored from the SSD disk, and when it is possible.

A bit of theory

Only the index is deleted on the traditional HDD. OS marks file entry in file SystemTo declare these blocks available. They record other information, but the old data remains available. Therefore, they. Real contents remain in this sector, new data will not be written.

What happens when removing

Data is written in empty NAND Cells. When the OS is removed, refers to the SSD controller, passing the Trim command (delete). What is this team?
Trim - ATA interface technology (used to connect drives). Reports OS which cells with information can be cleaned by the disk. It instantly deletes the contents of the blocks without notifying the user. Such a mechanism makes it impossible.
If SSD is embedded in a PC via SATA and it is OS, or used as an additional file storage - to restore lost information will not work. Cause - TRIM command. When deleting the controller receives a command to physically delete information in the block at the same time.
Consider cases when possible data recovery with SSD disks.

When recovery is possible

  1. The Trim command was not executed: File System Failure;
  2. Trim is not supported by the old OS, below Windows 7;
  3. The disk is used as an external drive;
  4. TRIM command is not supported by the device;
  5. Disc is formatted in Fat;
  6. In case of failure in the table of disk partitions. Lost access to information, but the Trim command will not start.

How to know that the disc broke

If the device does not work, the following happens:

  1. Constant tapping or buzz;
  2. The software is not installed, the games do not start. Associated with the advent of the BAD sectors
  3. An error "File system is damaged" appears.

How to recover

Install the Renee Undeleter program. Press the LCM on the installation "EXE" file to start the installation. It is simple will not cause difficulties even from novice users. The program offers to use four recovery options:

The next step is to select the device.
If you know what files you need to restore, select the user settings. This will reduce the scan time. Otherwise, select the default.
After scanning, deleted files will appear.
Restore the desired data.

Hetman Recovery.

Download the utility from the official site. Thanks to the built-in master, the work will not cause difficulties even from unprepared users. It will show a sequence of actions.
After opening the program, the list of all HDD will appear. Even those that are not defined by the system. Display as not marked areas.
Run the master. By clicking on the "Wizard" button.
Choose disc.
Determine how the program will analyze the data. Two options are offered: fast or full. For SSD, use the second option "FULL".
Run the scan. After completing it, restore the files by clicking on "Recovery".

Data recovery from SSD hard disk program DMDE

Download the app from the official site. Free version has a limit. Restores files one by one. Run the program, select the media from which you want to restore information.
The utility will analyze the SSD structure, displays the sections information. Select the desired one to "open".
In the left part of the program, select "Found", install "Clean" to the right in the parameters, then put the value "Enable deleted".
Found files The program will celebrate the cross. Select those that need to be restored, specify the directory where the program will save the recovered information.

Advanced Search

After selecting, click the "Full Scan" button.

When you command the MFT read errors, press the "OK" button. A further analysis will be made.


Download the utility at: examscovery/. Run the installation "EXE" file for installation.
The program window opens where:
Going to the "Settings" section, select Scan Type:

  1. Fast. Search for remote information based on the file table;
  2. Full. Definition of deleted files by signature.


We looked at how to restore data from a SSD disk. Use for this the applications described above. I recommend using the use of Hetman Partition. Thanks to the embedded master, the recovery process will not cause difficulties.

SSD drives are solid-state drives Small size and high speed. But whether we know about them and are they so good.

For the past few years, there is a constant increase in the number of SSD discs on the market and a gradual decrease in their value (although the difference in price with traditional hard drives still remains tangible). What is an SSD disk and how to extract the maximum benefit from it? What is special in it?

What is a solid-state drive?

In fact, SSD technology is far from new. SSD drives in multiple video There are long ago. The first were created on the basis of RAM technology but were as far as expensive that were used only in high-class computers. Another 90s appeared SSD based on flash memory, but they were too expensive for a regular user and were used exclusively in specialized techniques. Only in the 2000s, their price fell enough in order to be used in personal computers.

What is an SSD drive?

HDD disc, simply speaking, is a set of metal plates covered with ferromagnetic material, which are assembled on one axis. The surface of the plates is recorded with the head on the mechanical lever. Data is saved when changing the polarity of magnetic bits on the surface of the plates. Of course, everything is much more complicated, but the principle of operation is similar to the old player in which the tracks were sought by the gunpoint of the mechanical handle. When we write or read the data from the HDD plates, the head is looking for and finds the data. This is a more mechanical process than digital.

SSD, on the contrary, do not have movable parts. Although the scales are different, but SSD has more common with a simple flash drive than with HDD. The overwhelming majority of SSD are varieties of NAND, the type of non-volatile memory which does not require electricity to maintain the data storage potential (unlike random access memory Computer with which data is deleted after turning off the power). Nand memory also provides a significant increase in speed compared to mechanical hard drives, as it does not spend time on the head movement.

Comparison SSD and HDD

Here are some key differences between SSD and HDD:

Time "Promotion": SSD has no promotion, since nothing rotates in it. HDD takes this a few seconds. These are clicks that we hear with hard disk At that moment, when a computer is drawn to it.

Data Access Time and Delay: SSD Very fast and search 80-100 times faster than HDD. Locking mechanical part of the work The solid-state drive instantly gets access to data on it, wherever they are. HDD quick operation prevent physical movements of parts and rotation of the plates.

Noity: SSD silent - there are neither movable parts, no sounds. HDD discs Permanently publish different sounds, clicks and clasons.

Reliability: We do not take into account the quality of assembly and production (which also affects the operation of the devices). From the point of view of physical reliability, SSD discs are also ahead. HDD discs are subject to mechanical failures and failures. Of course, tens of thousands of hours are needed for this, but after some time they just wear out. But in terms of the ability to perform the number of read-write operations, the HDDs won, since the magnetic plates do not have restrictions on these indicators.

Simply put, SSD is limited by the number of cycles of rewriting, for which they are constantly criticized. But in reality, the average PC user is hard to use this limit.

And in SSD disks there is one interesting feature: When the NAND sector of the module lives to the end, it becomes only readable. Then the drive reads data from such a sector and rewrites them to another disk space. In other words, SSD will die gradually, and will not get caught in some one moment. And you will have enough time to get a new disk and save the data.

Energy consumption: SSD discs are consumed by 30-60% less energy than HDD, which saves 6-10 watts.

Price: SSD discs are not cheap. HDD is much cheaper. And if you look at the calculation of 1 GB of memory, then the difference in price is still tangible.

"Care" for a solid-state drive

In the daily use of SSD, running OS, saving data, and otherwise working on a computer you do not feel any difference, except for increasing the speed of its work. However, there are several points you need to know.

Do not defragment disk. Defragmentation is useless for a solid-state drive, it only reduces his life. Defragmentation is needed to accelerate hDD works. SSD does not need it, and in the last windows versions This function is generally disabled for SSD.

Turn off indexing. If a computer is enabled on the computer - turn it off. He will only slow his work.

Your OS should support Trim. The Trim command allows your operating system to interact with SSD, and tells it which cells are not used and you can clean them. Without trim, the performance of the drive will fall. But for the sake of justice, we say that almost all modern operating systems support Trim.

Part of the disk must be empty. Most manufacturers recommend leaving 10-20% free disk. This place is necessary to distribute data through the NAND modules to minimize disk wear and provide its optimal performance.

Keep the data on another carrier. While SSD does not fall in price, it makes no sense to buy them for storing media files. You can buy cheaper than 1 TB HDD and save your movies and music on it. And SSD use to quickly work the operating system.

Do not skimp on RAM. Compared to the price of SSD, the computer's operationer is much cheaper. The more RAM memory in the computer, the smaller the operating system will use system Disk. Thus, the life of the SSD disk is extended.

Data recovery with SSD disks

Among the usual PC users there is an opinion that data recovery from the SSD disk is impossible. Looking in advance, let's say that this is an incorrect opinion. C SSD Disc Data can be restored in the same way as with HDD.

This opinion arose thanks to the Trim command, which is aimed at optimizing the main advantage of the SSD disk, namely the acceleration of its work. The use of Trim allows the SSD device to reduce the effect of garbage collection, which otherwise will be further expressed by a drop in the performance of record operations in the affected sectors. Simply put - Trim cleans the sectors from which data was given.

But the TRIM command is inherent only at the interface. Those. It only works with embedded SSD, but does not affect the work of external flash and SSD discs.

An experiment that was repeatedly conducted using one of the data recovery programs, Hetman Partition Recovery, this proves again.

Does your SSD disk?

Here you can decide. In order to understand such a need to try to answer the following questions:

  • Do you need in fast loading operating system?
  • Do you need a quiet and energy-economy computer?
  • Ready and can you use two drives (if you plan to store family photos and video archives on the computer, a lot of music or movies)? On some computers, it has nowhere to connect the second disk on some computers.
  • What data do you work on a PC? How important are they? After all, data recovery from the SSD disk is a special case.
  • Is it comparable to speed up the computer with the amount of money that you need to spend on the acquisition of SSD?

There is a generally accepted point of view that it is impossible to restore data on a solid-state drive, which can be done only on the usual hard disk. But this concerns only the built-in media. Files on USB flash drives and external solid-state drives (SSD) are subject to recovery, which is often perceived as a vulnerability in protecting personal information.

But, on the other hand, this is good. On such devices can be restored by chance remote filesthat, by itself, is a useful property. On the other hand, strangers can use this to gain access to confidential information.

Why you can not restore remote files from the built-in SSD

The reason for which the files can be restored on the usual built-in rigid disk is very simple. When you delete a file from such a disk, it is not deleted by and large. These data remain on the hard disk, simply marked the system as remote. The operating system saves information until it needs more disk space to save other data.

For the operating system, it makes no sense to instantly clean the sectors, as this will make the file deletion process longer. And the recording of information in the previously used sector takes the same time as the recording of information in the empty sector. Due to the large number of such remote data, data recovery programs can scan hDD For unused space and restore information that is not yet overwritten.

SSD discs are different. Before any data is recorded in the flash memory cell, this cell is pre-cleaned. New drives are initially empty, and the record on them takes up as quickly as possible. On the filled disk with a multitude of remote files, the recording process is slower, since each cell must be cleaned before the record will be recorded. This means that over time the SSD disk will become slower. In order to avoid this, Trim was introduced.

Trim (English to Trim - Cut) - the ATA interface command that allows the operating system to notify the solid-state drive about which data blocks are no longer contained in the file system and can be used by a physical removal storage.

When the operating system deletes files from the built-in SSD, it refers to the Trim command, and that instantly removes the sector data. It speeds up the recording process in the future and makes data recovery on such a disk almost impossible.

Trim works only with built-in discs

So, it is believed that it is impossible to restore files on the SSD disk. But this is not the case, because there is one very important nuance: Trim is supported only by embedded (internal) discs. It is not supported by USB or FireWire interfaces. In other words, when you delete a file from a flash drive, an external SSD, a SD memory card or a solid-state drive of another type, the system simply marks it as a remote and it can be restored.

This means that on any external disks you can restore the data in the same way as on the usual HDD disk. In fact, such media are even more vulnerable than the usual built-in HDD, they are easier to steal them. They can be left somewhere, lend or lose.

Try yourself

You can try yourself. Take the USB flash drive, connect it to the computer and copy files to it. Delete these files and run the program to restore the remote data. Schedule your flash drive with it, and the program will see all remote files and will offer them to restore.

The program has found remote files using a quick scan.

Fast formatting will not help

But what about formatting? Format the flash drive, and nothing will restore! After all, formatting deletes all files on the media and creates a new file system.

To check this, format our USB flash drive using the default installed quick formatting. Yes, indeed, using the quick scan of Hetman Partition Recovery could not detect remote files. But a deeper full analysis was able to detect a large number of remote files that were on the flash drive before formatting it.

Fast formatting does not rub

We remove a tick with quick formatting and format anew. After that, the program finds it difficult to find remote files.

When format the USB flash drive, do not forget to remove a tick with quick formatting

How to make sure that remote files can no longer be restored

You can use such encryption solutions such as TrueCrypt, Microsoft BitLocker, built-in Mac OS or Linux tool. Then no one can restore remote files without a key, and it will protect all the files on the carrier, including remote.

But this is important only if the media is used to store important data. If this is a flash drive for listening to music in a car, then understandable, it is not necessary to encrypt it.

Trim is a feature that helps to get the maximum performance from the built-in SSD. However, it is not a security tool. Many people think that it guarantees the irrevocable deletion of data from any solid carrier. It is not so - you can restore the data on any external disk. Be sure to take it into account when you delete confidential or simply important data.

Is it possible to recover data from a SSD disk? Recommendations of specialists to restore files and troubleshooting solid-state drive.

from 430 r. RUB.

Restoration of damaged data on the SSD drive (in other words - solid-state disk) is a rather complicated and time-consuming procedure that requires considerable skill and scrupulousness. Only when our specialists are taken for work, you can be sure that the work will be performed on summit - You give your disc into rugged hands.

It is often believed that solid-state drives are more reliable than old good hard drives, since, as opposed to the latter, the solid-state are not equipped with moving components. But it is not so. Everything breaks - no matter how new, comfortable and quality it is.

In particular, the most frequent causes of the SSD breakdown and the loss of data can be:

  • External, mechanical impacts,
  • damage to files due to software failure or viral infection,
  • defects in memory cells.

Yes, in most cases, such breakdowns do not bear the full and irreversible loss of information, but it is not so easy to restore it.

It is even more complicated by the fact that this technology is relatively new and difficult to find masters who have already managed to get sufficient experience in the work.

Is it possible to restore the SSD disc at home?

There is a delusion that, since the SSD disk does not use the magnetized disk technology (as an HDD), it looks like its structure to a regular USB flash drive. And, accordingly, its repair is not a big problem.

Having robbed you, it is not. Data recovery with SSD in terms of time consideration does not matter any comparison with similar works with Flash, which a good specialist takes a few minutes.

SSD differ from Flash with a whole complex characteristics. And so they need to have a completely unique approach, tools and skills.

Recovery sSD data The disk must not only be a professional lead in this business, but also to have quite complex and expensive equipment, such as:

  • Oscilloscope;
  • Soldering stations;
  • Voltmeters and multimeters;
  • Complex PC-3000, etc.

Of course, it is also necessary to use everything, a team of specialists is needed.

In case of amateur intervention in the work solid-state disk Or the use of unverified software in order to restore certain files, there is a chance not only not to correct the situation, but it is significantly aggravated - many irreversible breakdowns are a consequence of users' attempts to independently repair small malfunctions.

Our team operates according to the scheme, tweeted practice and consisting of a number of stages that pass using high-quality equipment:

  1. Definition of order;
  2. Combining results;
  3. Selection of the work algorithm that emulates the functioning of SSD
  4. Creating a disk image.

The complexity of this approach is due to the fact that the SSD drive includes many chips - this significantly increases the number of ways to solve exactly the problem that originated.

So you need to be really a master of your case to find exactly the solution that will allow you to quickly and efficiently identify and eliminate all faults.

After all, specifics SSD drives Such is that the data on them anyway does not disappear completely, even though access to them is sometimes much more complicated. But while at hand there are all the necessary tools, and in the headquarters - a team of highly specialized professionals - none, even the smallest file will not be lost irretrievably. You just need to find someone who can correct the damage.