See all accounts. How to restore Google account on android if you forgot your password. Google Account Synchronization after recovery

Show how to check the Google Security Account. This will help you find out which applications have access to your Google Account and you can see where and when your account was used.

Go to the page and click on security checking to protect your account safer, check the steps in it and security settings.

Starting security check You will see your number tied to your Google account and backup address email. Here you can also change the phone to Google Account and Backup E-mail. After everything checked or changed click "Finish".

Now check the list of connected devices. Check the list of devices connected to your Google Account. Tell us if you find an unfamiliar device, and we will help protect your data. Your device will be displayed here on which you are currently viewing this page, and other smartphones, the tablets where you entered your Google Account.

If you have found unfamiliar actions here, which you did not do, click "unfamiliar actions", if all is well, click "everything is in order".

Next, check the account access settings. Browse the list of applications, sites and devices associated with your Google Account. Make sure that they are all reliable, and remove unnecessary. There may be your browser, games that write down or contact your Google + page, postal clients And your affiliate application on YouTube, which allows you to view basic information about your account.

If you want to close your application to your account, click "Delete. Next, click "Finish."

Confirmation method: SMS to your number. Reserve methods ACCount entry: backup phone number.

Press "ready."

Ready. If we are notifying something suspicious, I will notify you. You can repeat this check at any time.

  • Telephone and backup address checked
  • List of actions Verified
  • List of devices checked
  • Access settings updated
  • Gmail settings are checked
  • Two-Factory Authentication Settings Verified

Click "Continue".

The best place to save passwords is your head. This golden rule does not even challenge. Every year accounting is becoming more and more, and in the head there is less and less in the head. Now almost all browsers offer to save their passwords to accounts in key bundles. After visiting the next site, the browser urgently offers to insert saved data. We agree and successfully enter our account. Over time, there accumulates a huge number of saved logins and passwords. Today I will tell you how it can be easily found all your saved passwords on the example Google Chrome.And in the second part of the post I will show where I keep all my documents, accounts and passwords to them.

I can assume that many of you know how to see your passwords saved in google browser Chrome, however, many of my acquaintances did not even guesses themselves naively believing that everything is stored somewhere in an inaccessible place of Silicon Valley for them.

Everything is much easier. Open your Google Chrome browser, in the upper right corner click on the settings button:

In the window that opens, you need to go down and click "Show Advanced Settings":

We find a button with HTPPS / SSL certificates, as shown in the screenshot:

The control panel will open, where you want to select the Passwords tab to the left. There are also secret notes here. You can save something important. But we are interested in accounting. In the upper right corner there is a convenient search string. There you can start entering the address of the site where you have an account, the password to which is saved in Google Chrome. In my case, we will look at the Echo of Moscow. It is highlighted in blue. Click on it:

The window opens with an account account. If you put a tick "Show password", then after entering the computer's protective password, you will see the saved password to the open account:

All of the above is indicated for Mac. In a Windows computer, you can copy this address: chrome: // settings / passwords and paste it into the address string of chromium. Next select an account of interest.

You can still see your saved passwords remotely, from any computer connected to the Internet. Go through this link and enter your credentials.

What is it for? It is clear that if you forgot the password to some site, it can be restored via mail or SMS. But passwords are stored not only for accounts. There is still network storage, routers, smart televisions and other devices, where there are also protected information.
Agree, it is always convenient to have all the passwords at your hand towards your accounts. There are cases when you need to go to mail or a bank client from someone else's computer. It is much easier to enter your login and password.

Where to store them?

Personally, I, all your logins and passwords I have been stored in the mobile application of Vikarman. In addition, it is very convenient to keep all the documents bank cards And their copies. So for example, my passport looks like in this application:

This is not his copy, this is a form of passport of the Russian Federation to which I entered my data and inserted a photo. You can also attach a photo of this document to this form. Any document by one click can be sent by email.

For accounts and social waste in the appendix there are a huge number of icons. Look at their roller presentation:

The application is free, but to extend the list of document templates, you need to purchase a package. It is not expensive and forever:

The application is securely protected and all information is stored in an encrypted form. The most pleasant thing is synchronized with other devices. Supports iCloud for iOS and DropBox for any other devices. Available for iOS, Android, Windows. Here are their website

In general, I tried many applications for storing data and stopped on VKKARMAN. Now I have not only all the logins and passwords are always at hand, but the documents needed to me (bank cards, passports, rights, insurance, SNILS, etc.)

While everything works fine and I really like it.

Recover account google can different wayswhich depend on exactly how you lost access. You can unlock your account in several known methods, depending on which data from Google services you have preserved. Below are instructions on what to do if I unexpectedly forgot my password how to restore the Google account. If the specified ways are not suitable for you, we will solve your problem personally, you only need to unsubscribe in the comments.

Restoration of remote account

The ability to restore the deleted Google account depends on the timing of its removal. If no more than 5 days have passed since the removal of the Account, Google's support will help you restore the account.

When you try to enter your account, Google requires enter the mailbox address and password.

If you forgot your password, the system will offer you your help to restore lost data. To do this, do the following:

  1. Click on the "Help" string. A window appears with a choice of one of three positions.
  2. You need to put a mark in the first line, "I do not remember the password." At the same time, the window will open with the proposal to enter the address of its mail.
  3. Enter the real email address. After that, the next window will appear. Enter the numbers or letters that you even remember a little. If you do not remember perfectly, at least make an attempt to restore your account data in this way.
  4. What if the credentials have forgotten completely? If you do not remember your password, then specify what makes it difficult to answer. You will be prompted to unlock your account by introducing your present phone number that you currently use. If you specified in the settings of your account phone number, and it remains the same, then unlock the remote Google account will be available via SMS or as a result of the phone call. A confirmation code will come to your number very soon. It must be entered into the corresponding field, and you can unlock Google's recording.
  5. On the new page Enter the changed password, and then confirm it. After that, click the "Reset Password" button, which is located at the bottom of the window. old password From your account will be reset. Access to Google will be restored with a new password.
  6. If you do not have the ability to use the phone, you can restore access after deleting the Google account you can be on the backup email address. Usually when creating google account You are asked to keep an additional postal address. Enter it to the appropriate field. For further steps, click the "Continue" button. And now open your backup mail, and read the letter coming from Google. It will be an instruction that tells what you need to do if the ACC is mistakenly removed.
  7. In the event that you do not specify the phone number data and an additional email box, you can unlock your Accc, only responding to several additional questions. For example, issues such as: "When your Google account was created", "when you went to it for the last time", some email addresses, the name of the created shortcuts, etc., according to the results of your answers, Google will conclude that whether you are the owner of the account. Accordingly, it will be decided to unlock it or not.

Tip: If the questions asked Google will seem too complicated, and you will not know the answer to them, try simply guess some data. The system will decide on the basis of most answers.

The last step is to change the password. Come up with any option that will be taste.

How to restore forgotten password?

Consider 2 methods that can be restored. forgot password To google account, if the login is known.

Phone or another email address is tied to the account

In case the password only forgot, the following operations will have to do:

How to restore the password if the data is not specified

Unlock access, knowing login in Google, you can, if you answer correctly for several questions. All of them will concern your account. Specify the approximate time and date of visiting your account. The fact that the date you entered will be closer to the real, the easier it will prove that the profile belongs to you.

Tip: If you chose a secret question when creating an account, and answered it, then there will be no problems with recovery. Always write down such questions and answers to them.

If you answered correctly, Google will take a positive decision to restore your password. After confirming the account, you will be asked to change the password on which you yourself will pick up. So you will be able to quickly unlock your account.

In e-mail, as a rule, you can find not only personal information - hence the hackers are able to open their way and to the other services to which you asked the password. And everything is simply carried out - through the recovery of the password. What actions need to be performed first?

We find someone else's presence in the logs

On the site it is easy to check if your email address did not pop up during data leaks

Find out if you have access to your accounts, it is often possible by analyzing the statistics of the account of the account (logs) that all major services lead. However, such logs are hidden deep in the settings. We will show where they need to look for, on the example of Gmail.

Information about the entrance to the account.When viewing information about entering your Google account, pay attention to information about the device and location (1). In the settings, you can enable suspicious actions (2) alerts.

IN mail service Google if you wish, you get alert when someone successfully comes into your account with an unfamiliar computer or mobile gadget. To activate sending such messages, after entering the credentials, click on your profile and click on the My Account button. Here, select the "Actions on the device and alert" section and click on "Settings Management".

Mailbox protection
Many providers are provided for this purpose. secret questions. Periodically, it is worth changing them

Specify the way Google subsequently will share with you similar information about the right. Getting notified can signal that someone has tripped and opened your account. In this case, go again, as described above, in the "Actions on the device and alert" and click on "View connected devices". You will see a list of all devices with which Google is logged in under your login.

Remove the tokens of hackers

If in the list google service The device unfamiliar to you appeared, it is necessary to urgently take action - change the password immediately and repay the intruders. Since those after a successful login are directly connected to services through the so-called token, a simple password change is not enough.

The meaning is that the token is an individual access key, with which a PC or smartphone is registered in the service. It does not change even when resetting the password and acts up to its deactivation.

To do this, go to Gmail again in the account settings and there click on "Related Applications and Sites | Application Management. In the window that opens, you will see all the services connected to the token and devices.

If you are not sure which keys were created from your computer, delete everything for precautions. The only drawback: after that you will have to be re-logged in Gmail from all devices.

Photo: Manufacturers companies

In this article we will find out how to restore our accounting Google.


Many users familiarize the situation when the password from the desired service is lost or is forgotten. One of the most frequently forgetting is the Google account, which makes it possible to use many services. Moreover, access is lost and after voluntary Removal account. What to do in the situation when the password is forgotten or lost? How to restore Google Account?

Restore Google Remote Account

The ability to recover an account depends on when it was removed. If no more than five days have passed from that moment, you can easily go back. Otherwise, recovery is not subject to recording.

To log in to your account, you must specify the standard data - login and password.

If you forget the password, the system will offer it to restore. For this you need:

  • Click on line "Help"

Section "Help"

  • You will open the window to select one of the three options.
  • Put the mark in front of "

  • You will be taken to the email input window. Enter the current address and pass further

  • Next will open a new window to enter an old password, suddenly you even remember something
  • If you don't remember anything at all, then at least just try to restore the account to this method

How to restore Google account by phone number?

How to do if the data is forgotten at all?

  • Then put a mark on the contrary "I find it difficult to answer"
  • You will be offered to unlock the account using your phone number, which was used when registering
  • Press the corresponding button to send code

  • You will be sent with a password
  • Specify it in a special line and confirm the action.

  • You will find yourself on the new page to enter a new password and its confirmation.

  • As soon as you specify the desired data, then press "Password reset"
  • After that you can enter your account with a new password.

How to restore Google account using an additional email?

If you do not have the ability to use the phone, you can recover from the backup email address. As a rule, it also as the phone is indicated when registering.

  • Enter your backup email

  • Click "Proceed"
  • On the specified mailbox immediately comes a letter from Google

  • It contains instructions for recovery.

What if there is no mail and phone numbers?

In this case, you can unlock through a response to a few questions. For example, it may be a question about the date of creating an account, some personal data, the name of the folders and so on. According to the results of your replies, the system will be able to conclude, you are an account owner or not. Accordingly, on this basis, it will be decided to restore.

If the questions that the system specifies you seems difficult, then try to pay a little. The system will decide if most answers are correct, not necessarily.

When the system approves the recovery of the page, then specify two times new password And confirm it with the corresponding button.

Google Account Synchronization after recovery

If yours account Related to multiple devices, then after changing the password, they can work incorrectly, as they do not know the new password. What to do for quick synchronization?

There are several ways to do this.

Method 1. Restart the application

  • Open any application Google

  • It will immediately ask you to enter the password
  • After entering it, synchronization will restore

Method 2. Remove the account

  • Open the device settings
  • Go to "Accounts and synchronization"
  • Find the account Google

  • Remove account
  • Now create a new account

That's all! Now your account is synchronized

Method 3. Change the gadget settings

  • Go to section "Applications"
  • Find subsection "Gmail"
  • Select " To stop forcibly
  • Further clean the cache by pressing the appropriate key
  • Now open mail Gmail.
  • Enter a new password
  • Now the account is synchronized

Video: How to restore google account?