How to archive HTML files. How to archive the file in Windows. How to archive the file in zip format

In this manual you will learn how to archive the file in Windows. Windows is the most popular operating system For PC. Programs to archive files are always built into Windows, so you don't have to download and install third-party programs. Archiving can be useful for creating your site if you want to transfer a large number of files, it is recommended to archive them for more convenient, fast and secure transmission.

What you need

Before we begin this guide, you will need the following:

  • Windows operating system

Step 1 - Archiving Files or Folders

  1. First you need to find the files you want to archive and highlight them. You can highlight all files by pressing the keyboard key. Ctrl + A.. If you want to choose separate filesHold down the key Ctrland select each file separately.
  1. As soon as the files that you want to archive are selected, click Right-click, select Send → Compressed zip folder. The new archive will be created in the same place where these files are located.

  1. You can rename your new archive. Highlight the created file, click on it right-click Mice, select Rename And enter the name you need.

Step 2 - Unzipping files or folders

Using the function to extract all

Extract files archive in Windows Very easy:

  1. To extract (unzip) files or folders, find the directory containing these files.
  2. Click on it right-click and select Extract files.

Removing files using Windows Explorer

On some versions Windows Function Extract files may not be available from the context menu. In this case, you can use Windows Explorer:

  1. Find the file or folder you want to unzip.
  2. Press the right mouse button and select Open with → Explorer

  1. New window will open Windows Explorer. Select the files you want to extract or simply drag them to another folder.


Having finished this guide, you learned how to archive the file in Windows. It is very convenient if you need to quickly send several files at a time, since the loading of many individual files through will take much longer than the zip archive.

In this article, we will consider the concept of "archiving" and get acquainted with how to archive files. And although it may look awesome, in fact this process is quite simple.

What is archival?

Archiving is a process of compression of information, that is, a decrease in its size. Perhaps, almost everything heard about archiving. We will try to figure it out more. For example, your file takes on a disk 1 MB. Archiving allows you to reduce the size of the document without losing the quality of the source information. That is, after compression, it will weigh 700 kb. In addition, archiving allows you to connect several words into one document, in other words, package. For example, you have about 25 text documents. To send them all in one letter, you will have to attach each document separately. And if you archive the whole folder, you will have to attach only one document - archive. It is very convenient and fast.

File archivation

First you need to check if you have a program for this for this, you need to click on any document right-click. In the menu, you must see the "Add to Archive" line ("Add to Archive"), "WinRAR" or "7 ZIP". If such a string is available, then the archiver is already installed on your computer. If there are no lines, then you will have to download WinRar 7 zip or any other program for archiving. Archives can be free and paid. WinRar is paid programAnd 7 Zip can be downloaded for free.


Now we will learn to compress information using the WinRar program. To solve the problem, you need to click on the file or immediately folder with the right mouse button. The menu will open where to select the "WinRAR" item, and then "Add to Archive" or "Add to". In the window that appears, we can define compression parameters, that is, we can choose on the volume that you need if the file weighs a lot, to determine the name of the future archive, the place of its saving, as well as additional options. Additional options include the ability to delete the source file after compression, the creation of a password-blocked archive, a continuous archive and so on. It is also possible to check the resulting archive after the archiving procedure. Determine the compression parameters and click on "OK".

A status window will appear where we can monitor how the compression procedure occurs and how much it will take time. It is necessary to wait when it disappears. If you decide to cancel the process of archiving a document or change the parameters, the process can be canceled.

After the status window disappears, the archive will appear in the folder you specified. Now you know in WinRar. You can compare how much it takes the disk space, and how much the source file weighed. As a rule, the archives weigh significantly less. However, this method will not be able to ensure large compression of films, music and images. To do this, you have to use another program.

Archiving data program 7 zip

The program 7 zip is free. In this program, file archiving is also quite simple. You must also click the right button on the folder or the file you want to add to the archive and select the "7 zip" item. Then in the additional menu, select "Add to ...". The name of the archive may be different, but the extension will be zip. A status window will also appear, where the archiving course will be reflected. After it disappears, the archiving will be completed.

Now you know how to archive files and folders. It is simple enough, but it allows you to save space on your hard disk and your time. You can choose how the archiver, free or paid, give preference. However, such a program is necessary on each computer, since most of the information on the Internet is stored in the form of archives.

There is not enough space on the flash drive or fails to send a folder with photos by e-mail? You should use archives. But how to archive the folder or file? There are many programs designed to archive data, but, as always, are the most popular. It belongs to them winrar archiver. Probably, everyone who has worked at least a little with a computer, this utility is known, but, as practice shows, not everyone can work with her. In this article, I want to tell about its main opportunities, how to archive files is correct.

Its main purpose is to reduce file size.. The amount of information with which we have to work and store is growing faster, so the problem of placing it on hard disks, flash drives, CD and DVDs. Compression allows you to reduce the size of files or folders by 20-30%. It should be immediately noted that not all files are compressed well. For example, in format .jpeg. Will have a small degree of compression.

The second program function - combining multiple files to one compressed, Moreover, each of them inside maintains its name. This makes it possible to send a large number of documents by e-mail or immediately.

In addition to these basic functions, these utilities can also perform some other operations that I will tell below.

Winrar interface

Download And install the program will not make much difficulty for you. After installing the default, the label will appear in the main menu and, in addition, new items will be added to the context menu (although the setting can be changed).

The main window of the WinRar program contains a text menu with drop-down commands, a graphical menu with the basic command buttons, the address bar to select a directory and, in fact, the working window with a list of files and folders, similar to the window windows Explorer.

Consider main teams. The picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.

  • Add - Creates a new archive or adds files to the previously created.
  • Extract - extracts data from the archive.
  • Test - verification for errors.
  • View - shows content.
  • Delete - deletes a selected file or folder.
  • Find - search for files or folders.
  • Master - new featureThrough which the newcomer gets step-by-step prompts.
  • Information - shows information about the selected object.
  • Fix - corrects errors.

Archive formats

Archiving is a complex mathematical process carried out with the code. It can be performed according to various algorithms that are constantly being improved. That is why there are many formats of archive files - .rar, .tar, .zip, .taz, .gz other. WinRAR works with most of these formats.

By the way, when installing the program, you can specify, putting a tick, with what formats it will work. This can be done and then by following commands.

Parameters - Installation - Integration

Creating an archive

You can create it different ways.

1 way.

Run the program by clicking on the label in the menu Start or at Desktop (If you created it there), choose the documents in the window that opens, which we want to archive, and click on the button Add. Now we open the most important dialog box - setting up the future archive. What can I configure here?

On the tab General:

  • We give the name archive.
  • Select it Type: RAR, RAR5, ZIP
  • Compression method.
  • Size of the dictionary.
  • Tom size. WinRAR can create multi-volume archives, about them below.
  • Set password. This feature is used if you need to close information from foreign access.
  • In addition to these settings, there are several more checkboxes where you can put ticks. A little about them.
  • Delete files after archiving. Here, I think everything is clear.
  • Create a SFX archive. This is the so-called self-expanding archive. About it more - below.
  • Create a continuous archive. In it, all data is saved by a single stream, thereby turning out a higher compression ratio, but operations, for example, adding data, are slower. It is advisable to create a continuous archive if many small files are compressed and no modifications are not supposed.
  • If you have chosen the maximum compression ratio, or in your list there are many objects, it is recommended to add data for recovery, since there is a possibility of getting errors.
  • Test files after packaging. It is also clear.
  • Block the archive. This is done in order to then even with the help of the WinRAR program it was impossible to change.

2 way

This method implies the use of the context menu. We highlight the files to be compressed, click PKM and select item Add to archive. After that, the settings window appears, which we have considered above.

3 way

It is used more often than others, as it is the easiest. As in the first way, the context menu is used, but the item is selected. Add to archive name archive.rar. In this case, the volume with the specified name and default settings is immediately created.

Archiving profiles

When we viewed the settings window, they missed the button Profiles. This button allows you to create multiple profiles with specified settings, select the default profile.

After installation, there are already several finished profiles:

Creating a self-extracting archive

If when creating an archive in the settings dialog box, put a check mark in Chekbox Create a SFX archiveThe self-expanding archive will be created. What it is? Such archives are designed for unpacking without the use of the archiver. They have extension.exe, that is, they themselves are programs. It can be said that these data are combined with a simplified version of the archiver intended for unpacking this particular archive. Of course, they are more in size than ordinary. You can even notice that if you create a SFX archive from a small file, its size can be greater than the original.

Removing files from the archive

Extract data from WinRar is very simple. It can be done double-click on the archive icon, or choosing the icon in the window already open program. After that, archived files and folders will appear in this window.

You can extract individual files. To do this, you need to pre-allocate them. You can unpack the entire archive, for this allocated the folder icon with the dot upstairs should be.

After selecting, press the button Remote and in the window that opens Explorer Select a place to save unpacked files.

Sometimes this error is allowed when working with compressed information - files open directly from the archiver window. After working with it, it needs to be saved twice: first we save changes in the document, and then update the archive. For the second operation, many inexperienced users sometimes do not fulfill, especially if dialog boxes Not Russified. I recommend first to unpack the volume, and then work with the documents received.

One more useful feature WinRar utilities, which I often use - unpacking disk images. He is perfectly unpacking images in formats .iso, .mdf, .nrg. Such formats are often used to distribute large software packages through the Internet.

These are the most basic features archiver winrar.. Write in the comments as you use this program, which are not yet all the well-known features it has.

Most convenient way Send by mail a whole folder with files - after having squeezed it into the archive, thereby reducing the amount of data to send via the Internet and compactly placing all files to one.

You can archive folders and files by both the Windows ZIP-archiver built into any version and third-party software programs that are the most popular of which is WinRar and 7-Zip.

The main advantage of the first method is that your addressee can in any case be able to open a simple zip archive, because it is supported by all by default windows versions. However, the degree of compression of files will not be so high as when using third-party programs, which is important when sending big File through the Internet.

When using third-party archivers, you can select the archive compression level in order to maximize its size. At the same time, it is worth remembering that more high level Compressions will also lead to a longer archiving process and subsequent unzipping files.

Archiving S. using windows Zip.

To archive files and folders to the zip archive there is no need to download and install third-party software. Enjoy several simple actions in Windows.

Highlight the desired file. or folder and right mouse button to cause context windows menu.

Select the menu item "Send", in the sub-menu that opens, select "Compressed Zip-Folder".

After that, archiving folder to the archive archive will begin. After completing the archiving process, it will appear in the same directory / folder as the source.

After that, you can safely send this archive by mail or transfer using a flash drive or write to the archive DVD, etc.

Archiving with WinRar / 7-Zip

In case you need to send a large number of files, you may need a stronger data compression than provided in the standard ZIP archiver. In this case, we recommend using popular programs archivers. We will demonstrate the archiving process on the example of WinRar. You can download this program from the developer's official site.

Select the localized version of WinRAR in Russian. If you do not know the discharge of your system, choose 32 Bit, it will work on any windows system XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.

After installing the program, several new items will appear in the context menu.

Select the desired file or folder and right-click to call the Windows context menu, select "Add to Arhive ..." (Add to Archive).

The WinRAR archive menu opens. To change the degree of compression of the file, select the compression method from "speed" to "maximum". The more carefully the program will compress the file, the longer the time will take this process, but the archive itself will have a smaller size.

You can also change the name of the file, select its format or split into several archives. If your addressee has this program Not installed, select Zip format.

If you do not want to execute these settings for archiving, simply select "Add to Archive" name Archive.rar ", in this case, archiving will start instantly, without additional settings, on the" average "compression level.

With all the advantages this archiverIt is worth remembering that WinRAR is a conditionally free program. One month after installation, each time it will offer to acquire a full license. In this case, the archiver will remain full-featured. If you use the archiver only from time to time - the license can not be purchased. You can also install a free archiver with no less wide functionality - this is 7-ZIP with

class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e

In order to add files or folders to the archive using WinRAR, you need to go to WinRAR to open the folder in which the files or folders are desired to archive. Select what you need and click "Add".

If the settings when installing the program in Windows are installed by default, you can simply click on the file or folder with the right mouse button and in the menu you have opened "Add to Archive".

In the appeared window, you can configure many additional settings. In the General tab, you can:

1. Set the name of the archive in the input field indicated in the picture number 1.

2. Specify the folder to create an archive by pressing the button " Overview"And specifying the path to the folder.

3. Choose the archive format RARor Zip.: "

  • 3.1 RAR is a format that can be opened only with the archiver program (WinRAR, 7zip, etc.). And if you need to transfer to anyone this archive through the Internet, media, or something else, and you are not sure that the recipient is not installed on the recipient's computer, then this is not necessary. But the advantage of this format in the WinRar program is that, when archived, the files are compressed stronger than when archiving, using the ZIP format. You can also create a continuous archive, block it, add electronic signature and add information to restore. "
  • 3.2 ZIP is a format that can be opened on any computer, for this format is standard and is supported by almost any platform, which is a certain plus when transmitted by the user who may not have on the computer-archiver program. Minuses this format Opposite the advantages of RAR format.

4. Select the compression method, and their 6 pieces ranging from "without compression" and ending "maximum". I will explain about some of them. "

class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e

  • 4.1. "Without compression" is useful for those cases when you just need to archive a large number of files. In order to simplify life, namely, if you need to pass by mail or copy to any carrier (yet, you probably know that copying to 1 gigabyte with one file will be much faster than copying it, but only permiss 1000 files). And besides, archiving this method will be performed very quickly. "
  • 4.2. "Speed" has the same advantages as "without compression" and in addition information will be sorry. "
  • 4.3. The "ordinary" method is useful for those who want to bring order on the computer and increase a slightly place on their car, but at the same time have permanent access to the archived information. "
  • 4.4. "Maximum" is convenient because the information compresses the information as possible in order to save precious megabytes. It is useful when necessary, let's say, download a toy or the like in a friend. And there is a little lack of space on the disk or flash drive. It is also useful for saving traffic on the Internet if it is necessary to transfer some of the information to anyone. "
  • 4.5 about "fast" and "good" I did not write, because well, they are so fast and good)) and, if in fact, did not write, because They are intermediate and uniqueness I do not see them ... a little better in front of him standing and a little worse than the next one.

5. Separate the archive on the volume, indicating the necessary size for yourself. It is very convenient if it is necessary to transfer a large amount of information and there are somewhat identical carrier-tank. You just need to specify the size of one volume. The program indicates the size of the volumes for standard media:

  • "Diets - 3.5" "(approximately 1.4 megabytes)
  • "Mini-disk - zip100 (approximately 95 megabytes)
  • "CD - CD700 (700 megabytes)
  • "DVD disk - DVD + R (approximately 4.5 gigabytes)

6. Select the update method.

7. Specify additional archiving parameters "

  • 7.1. "Delete files after packaging." Immediately after your selected files are archived (pack), they will be deleted, but it will remain in the archive. This item can be chosen if you want to archive rarely used information to save space on the hard disk. "
  • 7.2. "Create a SFX archive." After selecting this item, WinRAR will create a SFX archive. What is a sfx archive? The SFX archive is a self-expanding archive, the same archive as an ordinary, only with a slight improvement: a special module is added to it, which adds a self-extracting function, i.e. "SFX archive \u003d RAR archive + SFX-module." When you open such an archive, you will be asked to specify a folder for unzipping and actually confirm or cancel extraction. It will look like this:

7.3 "Create a continuous archive"

And after clicking "OK", the folder will start and after a certain period of time will finish archived.