Open multimedia. How to open MMS message on a computer. Adding multimedia by dragging items

On the topic settings DLNA. I have already published not one article. We launched a DLNA server different ways, on the different devices, and for different TVs. In this instruction, I will show how to enable a DLNA server in Windows 10. Let it be a computer, or a laptop, no matter. The main thing is that Windows 10 is installed on it. There are many different programswhich can run the media server on the computer. But in this instruction, we will not use any third-party programs. We will use only standard means Windows 10. Other, this feature is also in Windows 8, and in Windows 7. There are few differences there.

And so, first we will understand what DLNA is, why start this server on your computer, laptop and what to do with it. Everything is very simple. On DLNA technology, you can transfer a media system (video, photo, music) between devices B. local network. Most often, this technology is used to view on tV Smart. TV video, or photos that are on the computer. In more detail about this technology, I wrote in the article :. If I wonder if you can read.

How it all works: SMART TV TV must be connected to our router. By Wi-Fi network, or cable. It does not matter. To the same router, a computer must be connected on which we want to run a media server, and from which we want to play on a video video, photo, or music on TV. The main thing that devices were in one local network (were connected via one router). This does not mean that there should be only one computer and one TV, there may be several of them. Moreover, the network may have other devices that support DLNA. For example: gaming consoles, TV consoles, satellite receivers, etc.

Before proceeding to the setup, make sure that your computer and TV are connected to your Wi-Fi network, or with the help cable to the router. Check if the Internet works on the TV. If you do not know whether your tV DLNA.This information can be viewed in characteristics. I will say so if there is a Smart TV on the TV, then everything will work.

And B. browser Microsoft. EDGE In Windows 10, it is possible to display video, photos and music right from the browser. How to do it, I wrote in the article.

I think with all the nuances figured out, now you can start setting up.

Tell video from Windows 10 to the TV: fast and easy way

Video, film, almost any video can be displayed from a computer to a TV in a few clicks with the mouse. Turn on the TV. Make sure it is connected to the Internet (to your router).

On the computer, open the folder with the video, and right-click Mice click on the file that we want to play on the TV (Smart TV). Next, we bring the cursor to the "pass on the device" item. Our TV will appear there. If there is an inscription "Search devices ...", then you need to wait a bit. Leave open menu, Or try in a couple of seconds. As you can see in the screenshot below, I have Windows 10 found two TVs: LG and Philips.

Choose TV. Immediately appears the player control window. In it, you can manage video playback on the TV, add other files to the playlist, you will see information on TV, etc.

On the TV immediately starts playing a running movie.

We just launched watching video from a computer to a TV using DLNA technology. As you can see, everything works. And all this without wires, by air. It is over if you both devices are connected via Wi-Fi.

Starting a DLNA server on windows 10 standard tools

Above, we looked at the method when you can send files to the TV from the computer. But, there is still an excellent opportunity when we can view all the files from the TV. (to which access is open)which are stored on our computer. I think this is what you need.

To start the DLNA server you can use third-party programs, eg, " Homemade media server (UPNP, DLNA, HTTP) ". About configuration With this program, I wrote in the article. This program is suitable for all TVs. But each manufacturer, as a rule, has its own program. LG, for example, is Smart Share. About configuration which I wrote.

Well, on the other hand, why do we need third-party programs if everything in Windows 10 can be configured by built-in tools.

1 First thing, we need to open the "Multimedia streaming parameters". There is this item in the control panel. You can simply search for you to start entering its name and run.

2 In a new window, click on the "Enable Multimedia streaming" button. Thereby we turn on the DLNA server in Windows 10.

3 Further specify the name of your DLNA server. Then, in the list of devices you can enable, or prohibit access to the media server for specific device On your network. If you are connected to your home networkYou can leave all devices.

If your TV in the list is not, then wait a bit. Or close and re-open the multimedia streaming settings.

Near each device will be the "Set up ..." button. If necessary, you can set individual settings For each device.

4 Now on the TV you can access the running server. On different TVs it looks different. On Philips TVs (with Android TV), for example, you need to start the media application. Or select this source in the available sources of the signal.

As you can see in the screenshot above, access will immediately be opened to three standard folders: "Video", "Images", "Music". All files that are in these folders can be viewed on the TV.

These three folders are on system disk. Agree, it's not very convenient to copy the necessary movies and other files to watch them from the TV all the time. Therefore, you can just open general access to other folders.

How to add a folder for dlna server

Run the player Windows Media..

If you want to add a video folder, for example, then press on the left to the appropriate item, and select "Video Management".

In a new window, click on the "Add" button. Highlight the folder to which you want to open access via DLNA, and click on the "Add folder" button.

All, the required folder will appear in the list, and will be displayed on the TV. For example, I have opened access to the "Video" folder, in which the films are stored.

You can add any folders in this way, or delete them from the list.

1 If you need to open the multimedia streaming settings, it can be done with windows player Media. Just click on the "Stream" menu item, and select "Advanced streaming parameters ...".

2 If in the process of playing files by DLNA, the computer will go into sleep mode, and playback will be interrupted, then simply turn on the "High Performance" power supply circuit.

Several articles

With the development of the MMS era should have linger their former popularity. But this did not happen for various reasons: first, not all people have access to the Internet, and secondly, to send MMS messages much faster than in some messenger.

In contact with

Benefits MMS

MMS on Android

FROM operating system Android is in most cases supporting data transmission mMS. Just need to configure it. You can change configurations on android with automatic settingYou can immediately contact the mobile operator, configure manually or order settings on the operator's website.

Automatically setting MMS

This method is very convenient, because the technique will make everything instead of the user. The probability of allowing an error or to harm the mobile device is striving for zero. The only minus: You can only use the automatic configuration once (at the first registration on the network mobile operator). How to set up MMS automatically:

  1. Install the SIM card.
  2. Run mobile device And enter the PIN, if required.
  3. Get settings in the form of SMS messages from the mobile operator.
  4. Run the configuration and wait for the installation.
  5. Now you can read the sent messages.

Simcard prices


Appeal for help to the operator

In contrast to the previous wayYou can ask for help from the operator an unlimited number of times. But here the user will have to clearly execute instructions to achieve positive result. Each operator mobile network There is your own free room Technical support. You need to ask for sending MMS settings on mobile phone number:

  • MTS - 0890;
  • MegaFon - 0550;
  • Motive - 111;
  • Beeline - 0611.

After ordering the settings, they must be taken, and then restart the device to start using and send messages. It happens that the service does not connect from the first time and requires additional activation. In this case, you need to call again technical support and ask to turn on the service for this room cell phone. After all manipulations, graphic messages will be activated..

Prices for mobile phones

cell phones

MMS manual setting

If the operator is not possible to call, and the MMS service is necessary from minute to minute, then it will have to be installed on its own. Instruction:

The following steps depend on the operator. Only some graphs are the same for users of biline, megaphone, MTS, tele 2, motive. This "Access Point Type" - MMS and Port MMS - 8080 (there is an alternative code 9201 in MTS subscribers and tele 2). An example of settings for mobile operator Beeline.

Username You can specify any (Use the symbols of the Latin alphabet). Access point is Login, or username, there will be Beeline and password coincides with it (also Beeline). In the MMSC column, you should enter http: // MMS /. IP address for this mobile operator -

You only need to enter the specified information, and leave the remaining graphs unchanged. After you only need to save the entered data and restart the mobile device.

Order settings on the website of the mobile operator:

  1. Go to the site of the mobile operator.
  2. Select among the listed model of your cellular apparatus, enter your mobile phone number.
  3. Click "Send".
  4. For some time, the settings will come to the phone to be installed.
  5. Reload the device upon completion of the installation.

If success failed to succeed, the problem is most likely in the user's actions or in the settings of the phone itself. If you correct the problem independently impossible, it is worth contacting service center Mobile operator.

Those who worked with Ahead Nero. - An application for writing multimedia content, faced with the possibility of keeping the project, which is called halfway. This wonderful property is expressed in saving data to the NRG file.

How to open such a file, I will clarify the action. At first, I will tell you what is for the file, then - "what they eat with it."

1. What is NRG format. Purpose

Program to work with disk images. The image is an exact copy of the media of the information, in this case, the CD. If such a disk is inserted into the drive, the application can create it formnRG.and save on the available location.

When you need to restore the data in reverse order - Record them on a CD, you can use Nero and other means to work with images. Created in advance Archive.NRG as it were transferred to CD.

2. How to record the NRG file. How to open the created image

Suppose you have created a copy of the data in the specified format. And now this information was needed to transfer to the CD. Therefore, we consider how to open such a file and ways to recognize it in AheadNero..

3. Opening

  • slip your CD without data in the drive tray. If autorun triggers, the program "My Computer" will open. In this case, close or roll it on the taskbar.
  • open the Nero Application File executable. Then points "File" - "Open". In the file selection window that appears, place the type filter nRG.And in the File name field, enter the desired option. Or carry out a vertical scrolling if the files are a bit.
  • The second way is to click on the appropriate icon on the toolbar. The result is similar.

4. Record Settings for Nero

So, NRG. How to open the image - understandable. Now you need to decide on optimal settings Entries.

  1. Determine the maximum speed - a function that calculates which data can be written without failures in operation.
  2. Chekbox "Imitation" - imitates data record, but nothing writes. This is useful for a CD service test.
  3. Chekbox "Finalization of the project" - sets the label of the only and final recording of the image of the disk. Further dashing data will be impossible.
  4. Big - The result of recording with the visualization of the user window to monitor the process.

5. Alcohol 120%, Daemon Tools ... NRG format than to open, In addition to Nero

The above programs also know how to work with a disk image, as are virtual emulators.

Open any of the emulation applications. Using the interface, add a new to the system. After that, the image.NRG will only remain mounted on the expected device.

To do this, select "Mount the image file" or with a synonymous name (depends on the program). In the standard dialog box, specify the image source and click on the "Open" task.

6. Why not write a Nero file to a CD conductor

When you write data through the CD drive using the built-in shell, the information is transmitted as it is. The same will happen in the way Ahead.Not the internal contents of the image will be recorded, but simply the NRG file.

In the case of using emulators, the expansion of which we speak is unpackled in a temporary folder, and then the unpacked image image data on the disk is recorded.

7. Archives

Once again about NRG. How to open this file as a folder for reading? Some archivers can read images as directories. For example, WinRar and 7-Zip programs perfectly "cope" with iSO files. The likelihood of what is their analogues can read form nRG. directly.

At the same time, again, the time is unpacking, and no content inside the container changes.

Now the situation with the trade of multimedia products has changed. The trade was very reduced by unlicensed discs, which opened the way for entrepreneurs who want to engage in sales of licensed multimedia products. Here we will talk about opening a license multimedia store.

What is usually trading such a store. it computer games (games for PC and consoles), videos, music, audiobooks, software (on CD and DVD media).

Choosing a place

You need to start with finding a profitable store location. We are interested in places with great traffic. That is, it is necessary to determine the passability of the place in different time day and on different days of the week.

Estimate the quality of traffic, that is, the correspondence of your target audience and purchasing power. We will be interested in the central streets of the city and shopping centers. These places most meet the requirements for this store.

Premises and equipment

Shopping room for a store of this type should be within 50-100 square meters. m. The form of the hall is best rectangular. This will optimally place all the equipment. Production racks are needed special, taking into account the packaging form. It is necessary to compactly place the products as much as possible, and provide good visualization.

So, on the racks we place the main product, related products and accessories. We must have stands with new products and hits, audio and video equipment, a computer to demonstrate the goods, a cash node.

The form of calculation must be open, it increases sales. The problem of theft is struggling with traditional methods, by installing anti-fruits. Empty boxes also put on the storefronts, and the disk is investing when buying.

You must have software for trading. Since the goods are petty and a lot of it. Everything should be in the computer's database, it will allow you to control the dynamics, sales volumes, turnover of the inventory, all changes in the range.

Purchase of goods

Most Western companies specializing in the release of multimedia eats their representatives in Russia. There are official dealers who shop purchases the goods. They need to negotiate cooperation, price discounts, delay in payment, etc.

The average turnover of goods is 3 -4 months. If the timeline is higher, then there are problems in the structure of the range.


Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe sales area, up to four sellers of consultants (two in shift). We still need a procurement manager. For this business key position.

He is responsible for the store's assortment matrix, decides how many and what positions it is necessary to purchase, follows that new items and hits promptly appear in the store. At the box office it is better to plant a separate employee, although the sellers can work at the checkout. At the work of the entire store watches the administrator.

Correctly open the store and establish operational activities in it, here are two key points in the success of your company.

Perhaps the Windows Player Library has elements that do not have or contain false multimedia, such as songs, record numbers, performers' names, album names or genres. Perhaps the false information was added during the extraction of records from the CD or as a result of the use of another program for mining CDs.

Regardless of the cause, the player uses multimedia to streamline the library elements, so it is important that all the elements have accurate and complete multimedia data.

Automatic adding multimedia data

In many cases, the player can automatically download multimedia and add them to files. For example, when copying a CD player, the player can find on an online database and upload to the computer multimedia about the record contained on the CD.

The player also periodically checks the library for the presence of elements without multimedia. If the online database found entries that match the library elements, the player automatically download multimedia data And add them to library files.

Adding or changing multimedia manually

Can add or modify multimedia data manually. If there are elements for which there are no multimedia or false in the player's library, there are several methods that allow you to correct the multimedia manually.

Adding multimedia from an online database

An easy way to add multimedia data through a file that is already in the player's library is to find information on an online database. This method is best working when the information is available in the database, but the player cannot automatically find them for a file from the player library.

  1. Switch to the library
  2. In the player's library, right-click and select the command. Find album information. The player will connect to the Internet and displays the dialog box. Search for album information.
  3. To select multiple adjacent items, click the first item and holding the SHIFT key, click the last item. To select unless items, click each of them by holding down the Ctrl key.
  4. In the dialog box Search for album information Match the item or items with the right album in the list or specify the search.

The player closes the window and add information to the player library. After some time (depending on how many changes, other operations have been done and executes), the information is added to the file.

To the player updated the file immediately, click Arrange And select Team Apply changes to multimedia.

Adding multimedia using the Editing command

If it is convenient to enter information manually, you can not use an online database and correct the information directly in the player's library using the Editing command.

  1. Open Windows Player.
  2. If the player is already open and is in playback mode, click the Switch to the library in the upper right corner of the player.
  3. In the player's library, right-click the name of the item, the name of the artist or other multimedia attribute and select Edit.

    If the attribute is not displayed in the player's library, you may need to scroll using the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the player library window (if available), to the left or right, or configure the player's library, display the attribute column, is hidden by default.

    To make the same attribute change for multiple items, you can save time by selecting a group of elements before right-click the appropriate attribute. To select multiple adjacent items, hold down the SHIFT key when choosing. To select multiple unbendable items, hold down the Ctrl key when choosing.

  4. Enter the information you want to add or fix, press the ENTER key.
  5. Information will be added to the player library. After some time (depending on how many changes, other operations were done and executes) the information is added to the file.
  6. If necessary, repeat steps 1 and 2 to correct other attributes.


  • Some attributes, such as duration, size and flow rate, cannot be changed.
  • Some attributes, such as the performer and genre, can have several elements separated by communal points.

Adding multimedia by dragging items

If there are elements that contain the correct multimedia in the player's library, and you need to copy these attributes to another item that contains false information, you can quickly do it by dragging the wrong element to the correct one.

  1. Open Windows Player.
  2. If the player is already open and is in playback mode, click Switch to the library In the upper right corner of the player.
  3. In the player's library, press the view in the field of transitions, for example Executor, Album or Genre.
  4. In the field of information, drag the element containing false multimedia to the element with the correct multimedia.

    For example, drag the "unknown album" on the album "Giant Steps". All elements of the "unknown album" will become part of the album "Giant Steps".

  5. If the confirmation window appears, click Yes.

Protection of multimedia data from overwriting

After the multimedia is added to the files, it is advisable to make them later not overwriters player.

  1. Open Windows Player.
  2. If the player is already open and is in playback mode, click Switch to the library In the upper right corner of the player.
  3. In the player library, click Arrange, Select Parameters and click the tab Library.
  4. In area Automatic update Multimedia file information Make sure the checkbox is Add only missing information.
  5. This will not allow the player to accidentally change the correct multimedia that have been added to false information that can be contained in the online database.

Note: If the command is used Find album informationTo manually download multimedia from an online database, multimedia data will be overwritten, regardless of the selected parameters.