Windows 7 adapter parameters. The driver for the network adapter is a detailed installation instruction. Changing registry parameters

If you at least once come across technical support Internet provider, or with a support of some program associated with a local network or Internet access, most likely you have asked about configuring computer network settings. For novice users - this is a dark forest, of course. And such a question enters the poor fellow in the complete stupor. As a result, for the simplest manipulations, you have to call a computer master and pay him money. But everything is very simple. In this post, I will tell you in detail about the main network settings in Windows 10.

In the Windows 10 operating system, the network parameters implies the TCP / IP protocol configuration on the network adapter, as well as configure the access parameters to the computer from the network (local or global).

1. IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4) protocol

Press the Start button and enter the word in the search bar:

View network connections

The result should be like this:

Click on the icon from the control panel and we open the Windows 10 Network Connections window:

Select then from the right and press on it with the right mouse button. The properties window opens. These are the main network adapter settings in Windows 10:

Now you need to find the parameter IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4) And click on it twice with the left button rodent. So we get into the configuration of the basic Network IP protocol. Options for its setting can be two:
1 - Dynamic IP address.

This option is relevant when the DHCP server works in LAN and the computer is already obtained from it. It is used usually when connecting a PC to a home wifi-router or network operator network. The protocol configuration of the protocol in this case looks like this:
That is, all addresses the system gets automatically from a special server.
2 is a static IP address. In this case, Ay-Pi is required to register statically, that is, this address will be fixed precisely behind this computer on an ongoing basis. It looks like this:

What addresses should be inserted into the fields?
See, the screenshot is presented with an option with connecting to a router or a modem that the DHCP server is turned off.
The IP gateway is the address of the router itself on the network. It will be used as the main DNS.
Secondary DNS you can specify the provider server, or public DNS GUGL servers ( or Yandex (
The mask used in home networks in 99 cases out of 100 is the usual, 24-bit:
The IP address must be selected from the subnet of the gateway. That is, if the gateway is, then the computer can be taken from to
The main thing is that he is not busy anything else.
Click on OK and close all windows! The main network protocol in Windows 10 is configured.

2. Common access

Setting up these network settings is responsible for accessing the computer from the network. To get here to get into the section Network and Internet Select your adapter (WiFi or Ethernet) and click on the "Changing Extended Shared Parameters" icon. This window will open:

Here you can sees the settings of network access parameters for multiple profiles: Private, guest or all networks. Choose the one who has a mark at the end (current profile).
First goes Network detection . He is responsible for whether your PC is seen from the network or not. If you are connected to a local home network or at work, it is better to leave it included. But when the computer is connected to the Internet directly, then to avoid threats and attacks, detection is better disconnected.
Next goes General access to files and printers. If it is enabled, then to the printer, which is connected to your PC, will be able to connect and use anyone. For the home network, it does not play roles, but in corporate or public it will be better to turn it off.
Last parameters - Connection home group . It is responsible for guests from the network to the computer. If you allow Windows to manage connections, then access will be accessed through the guest account. In the home network it is more convenient. For others - it is better to use accounts Users so that anyone could not go to you.
We save changes.

These are the main networks windows settings 10, responsible for the operation of the network and connect the computer to the Internet.

Often the situation occurs when proper connection Router or Modem to PCs in the bottom corner of the computer monitor no icon "Wireless Network windows connection 7. And no matter how much the user switched the wires, the stubborn "network connections" do not appear. In this case, it is necessary to postpone "cable work" and check (possible, and reinstall) the connection parameters over the local network.

Configuring Windows 7 Network Connection

  • 1. Click on the left mouse button (hereinafter all the time left, unless otherwise specified) the "Start" menu button.
  • 2. Select the control panel icon.
  • 3. In the "Control Panel" click "Network and Internet" - "View network status and tasks" (if you do not see - translate the viewing mode in the "Category" view).

4. Go to the "Changing Adapter Settings" menu.

5. Right-click on the "Local Network" icon, select "Properties" from the context menu.

6. Double-click Open the Properties of the Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4). "

7. First check box: "Get the IP address automatically", the second to "get the DNS address of the North automatically".

8. If the flags have already been in the specified position, then we change the first to: "Use the following IP address".

We put the following values: "Ip Address":, "Subnet Mask", "Main Gateway":; "Preferred DNS server.":

Do not forget to click on the "OK" button in all open windows To save the installed settings.

Setting up a network connection in Windows 8:

In general, setting the parameters of the connection here is carried out similarly previous version OS. The only nuance: Many users do not know how to open network connections in Windows 8. Therefore, at this stage, we will dwell in more detail:

1. Press the right mouse button on the Start menu and select "All applications" in the menu

2. In the "Applications" menu by click the control panel icon.

3. Click on the "Network and Internet" icon.

5. We find and click "Change the adapter parameters" (on the left above).

Further setting is carried out similarly to "seven": Run items from 5 to 8 and check the connection over the network - the corresponding icon must appear in the lower corner of the monitor.

Good afternoon friends! I am very pleased to welcome you on our learning Internet portal http: // Site. We continue to talk about configuring home network. The topic is extensive, but interesting and very important.

Today we will deal with network liberation or network settings. To make it possible to configure home networkIt is necessary to obtain a minimum of ideas about how the local computing network works.

The "Network Connections" page appears. This page lists all your network adapters. If there is more than one adapter on the device, additional adapters will appear on this page. The Properties dialog box appears for the network adapter. This dialog box contains seven tabs that allow you to configure the adapter.

Antivirus, firewall, third-party programs and drivers

To view the settings of a specific property, select Properties in the drop-down list. This parameter is usually used with peer-to-peer networks, but you can use it, even if your network has selected servers.

  • Events.
  • The list of recent events that have been registered for the device.
  • Power management.
  • Allows you to configure power management options for the device.
  • He must always be present.
A dialog box appears with a question, whether you want to add a network client, protocol or service.

We will talk about terminology local networks, To configure network adapters, and also consider the connection of two or more computers to the network.

When you configure the Internet connection, pay attention to the IP address entry field: if the provider specifies you to the IP address, then enter it into the appropriate field, if it was not provided to you, then simply select "Get an IP address automatically.

Sometimes it happens that the network adapter connected to the USB port is not determined by the operating system and, accordingly, cannot work correctly. In such a situation, you can advise to do the following.
1. Right-click on the My computer icon, located on the desktop, and select Properties in the context menu that appeared. In Windows 9X / ME, go to the Device tab, in the Windows NT / 2000 / XP network cable, run the device manager by clicking on the Equipment tab and clicking the Device Manager button. 2. Find the controller in the list of equipment. uSB tires:

  • if the USB bus controller is missing in the list, install it and configure it using the hardware setup wizard;
  • if the USB bus controller is present in the list, but works with errors or causes conflict with other devices, set the appropriate drivers for it, which are usually included in the package

Network adapter - One of the main components of the computer, because it is difficult to even imagine a PC, not connected to the Internet. Microsoft Corporation is in this report, so support for the overwhelming majority of network cards is already included in the operating system distribution windows systems 7. But time and progress do not stand still: from the moment of release of Windows 7, almost eight years have passed, new network controllers have appeared and even data transfer methods, and with them new network adapters. The use of such components requires additional settings both at the OS installation phase and in the process of its operation.

Why set up Windows 7 network card

The change basic settings The network adapter may be necessary to expand the tasks circle performed by the network client:

  • thin wi-Fi Setup under operating conditions with lots wireless devices (Apartment house, office building);
  • installing drivers for a network card, the support of which is not provided by OS "out of the box";
  • some Internet providers (VPN, PPTP, WiMAX) require additional network parameter settings;
  • installing and configuring extended wireless communication channels using RadioETherNet adapters.
Wireless adapter provides communication at a distance of two kilometers away

How to find out what network cards are installed in the system

It is possible to find out the availability and number of active network adapters of your PC using one of the following ways: viewing the "Network Adapters" branch in the Device Manager System Utility or the contents of the control panel's network connections.

Or open the Device Manager using the command line:

If you have installed software packages work with 3G modem, VPN clients or virtual machines, then in the "Device Manager", and in " Network connections»Software network cards created by these programs will be additionally displayed.

Forced shutdown of such adapters can lead to the most unpredictable consequences, up to the inability to load a PC.

Video: How to find out the model of your network card

How to enable or disable a network card (including using BIOS)

In laptops, turning on and off network interfaces is available using key combination, in stationary PCs - with bIOS settings or "control panels".

When operating system Reset, the user may encounter the problem of the lack of a network driver. Without this driver, it is impossible to run no wireless or wired network. If you have a disc, there are no problems, just install the program. And with its absence, it is necessary to find, for example, a mobile phone / tablet with a connected network to download the driver. In order not to have such problems, when reinstalling the operating system, it is necessary to adhere to the correct algorithm of action.

The driver is a link between the operating system and the internal components of the computer, that is, this program connects the OS with motherboard, video and network cards, office equipment. These programs are developed by the same companies that produce equipment for PC and electronic office equipment, what interacts with personal Computer. Buying a computer, the user does not think about various drivers, since they are already pre-installed in the system. But, for example, after the first reinstallation of the OS or the purchase of a non-new computer, the user will face their absence.

In the absence of a driver for the network, there is no possibility to enter the Internet and download from official sites that automatic mode Schedule the operating system and install all missing drivers. When you may encounter the driver's installation problem network device? In these three cases:
  1. Even in the new, only from the store, the computer may be missing operating system, and as a result of the driver.
  2. When the operating system is installed / reinstalled.
  3. When occurs system failureAnd the driver stops working.
The first case is the easiest. In a purchase box, there should be drivers with drivers. The network device driver is on a disk with motherboards.

Since B. lately users are increasingly collecting computers themselves (choose internal components), then the DVD drive may be absent, and as a result, it is not submitted possible installation Any drivers from the disk.

In this regard, you can advise to keep full set Drivers B. separate folder On the PC or download them on the flash card. In this case, you do not have to look mobile deviceTo enter the official pages of manufacturers sites and from there, download the program that automatically installs missing drivers.

Installing a network driver

Before installing the driver, you must identify the computer. All brands and models of internal computer equipment are coded by special "ciphers". This is done to install the driver and its manufacturer when installing the driver. The network device driver code looks like this: PCI / TECH_XXXX & DEV_XXXX & SUBSYS_XXXXXX. Tech means that the computer equipment was produced by A4Tech, and Devis Dev - Device ID.

Step 1. Equipment identification

In order to learn the code, press the startup, enter the device manager in the search field. Next, the menu opens, with which you can identify the equipment. Press " Network adapters"And select the name of the controller.

As soon as you do this, the "Details" section will open. Find them "properties" and select "ID of the model". The first line contains complete information about the device model.

Step 2. Installing / Upgrading the network adapter driver

This will be the identifier of your equipment. Now it must be found on the Internet by typing the name in any search engine for example.
The search engine will give the official driver page, and you need to download it on the PC. And then the procedure for its installation itself. If you need to upgrade the network device driver, you do absolutely the same: find ID, enter into the search, download and install.

To establish a missing or fresh version of the driver, use the Device Manager. Make the same actions and in the last step. " Refresh Drivers».

Select "Run the driver search on this computer."

Go to the folder where you retain the manufacturer's injected on the official website required driversAnd install them using the "Next" button.

Many users, before installing new versions of the drivers, remove old to avoid conflict and inoperability, because, even if you did everything right, the Internet may not appear on the computer. In this case, you still need to use user tips and delete old versions.

How to do it! In the device manager, you can delete old version Network driver. Agree with the choice, and the system will delete the network device driver, which was on your computer before installed.

There are two steps left and your computer will earn full. Step One - Reboot and open the Device Manager. At the place of the remote driver will appear " Network controller" In chapter " Other devices».

At the final stage, follow the steps (Update / Installation network drivers devices).