Why is it that when I search in Yandex, my email opens. Why is Yandex switching to mail? Method #1: cleaning with standard products

    In this case, the user means that when he opens the Yandex Internet browser, it’s not him, but the email search pops up and probably extraneous advertising - so you need to remove all this from all places - autoload, make Yandex the start page , the main browser is also Yandex and so on. All this is in the browser settings and Control Panel.

    Personally, I have exactly the same situation - the start page of the Google Chrome browser is the Mail.ru page, and I regularly receive proposals to make the Yandex website the start page. True, in the case of Mail.ru, this is not as simple as it might seem - here are detailed explanations and a way to solve the problem:

    And this is some kind of bullshit for you (from Mail.ru, of course) or home page, or the default search (it’s not clear from your question, unfortunately) replaces it.

    Go to the Control Panel, to Programs, find everything there that has Mail.ru in its name, and delete it.

    Most likely, it makes Mail the start page, for example, in my Google Chrome browser I always need to switch to Yandex, but it doesn’t open right away. You can look in the browser settings and change one start page to another, and also, just in case, scan your computer for viruses and malware, because sometimes it happens that an ordinary Trojan changes programs. You also need to look at what extensions, applications, plugins and modules are installed on your computer.

    You can fix the problem by clicking on the 3 lines at the top right and going to Settings.

    Yandex itself won’t switch to anything, but it doesn’t get to the point. Mail.ru willingly occupies start and home pages. Change them back to Yandex. Mail will be in prolt. In the control panel and in the search in the C drive, look for files with Mail in the names and delete them, this will not break the system, but will clear the computer of Maila.

    As I understand it, this is about the start page...

    Those. You have a Yandex browser, and it regularly switches to the mail.ru start page.

    In the browser settings you need to change the start page and that's it... you can also do this by going to the Yandex start page and setting it as the default start page.

    Everything can be changed in the browser settings. Choose whichever search engine is convenient for you or you like and install the starting one. You can select and install in the settings so that you immediately go to the page you need. Apparently, now you have a specified mail page in your settings, so set open at startup - new tab . To enter the browser settings, in the top right we find the icon - three horizontal lines, open it and follow the recommendations described above.

    Most likely it's something to do with computer virus. Therefore, first check your PC with an antivirus. You can also change your browser settings and change the search system to the one you need, or change the start page. This could also happen if you downloaded the Amigo browser. Then simply remove it from the Programs and Settings menu.

    Did you download anything by chance? This happened to me a few days ago. I went to the site to look for information and accidentally clicked on the download button. I simply didn’t recognize my computer. Mail and all the programs accompanying it immediately appeared. It was absolutely impossible to work. We cleaned the computer twice of all files and programs that came with the file, but in the end we had to change Windows. No matter what we remove, it still appears every other day. I had to contact the youth and they fixed the problem. But I had a clear reason for the problem.

    But for you everything may be simpler - the start page on Yandex is not installed.

    P.S: Although everything can be much simpler - open the extensions and look there. Delete anything related to Mail.

Question: Yandex search is being replaced by mail.ru search

Hello. I'm not particularly good at computers. but I would like to solve the problem. I want to find something in Yandex or Google, for example. A search page automatically changes to email. help me please. I do not know what to do

Answer: Hello!

Read and follow

Yandex search with search results is redirected via search-engine.ru to the site go.mail.ru
The same thing happens with a Google search.

Chrome browser
I did not install the mail.ru extension

Question: Redirecting searches from Google to go.mail.ru/

Redirection when searching in Google to mail.ru search. Help me get rid of the arrogant bastards. I tried the adwcleaner utility, antivirus 360 - nothing helped. I am attaching the archive.

Question: Google Search redirects to email search

After completing the request in the address Google line redirects to go.mail.ru

Answer: For whom is it written?

Message from thyrex

Follow the rules AGAIN, attach NEW logs to the message

Question: Yandex search in Opera automatically switches to mail.ru search

when you start a search in Yandex on Opera, it automatically switches to mail. I set it to Yandex by default, it doesn’t help. What should I do? Help. I’m attaching a list of logs

Answer: Download and save to your desktop.

  • Note: You must select a version compatible with your operating system. If you are not sure which version will do for your system, download both and try to run. Only one of them will run on your system.
1. Launch the program double click. When the program starts, click Yes for agreement with warning.
2. Make sure that the window Optional Scan marked "List BCD" And "Driver MD5".

3. Click the button Scan.
4. After scanning is completed, a report will be generated ( FRST.txt) in the same folder from where the program was launched. Please attach this report in your next post.
5. If the program was launched for the first time, a report will also be generated ( Addition.txt). Please attach that too in your next message.

Question: Yandex search automatically changes to mail.ru

Good afternoon! I accidentally picked up a virus somewhere, and now when I launch a Yandex search in Opera, it is automatically redirected to mail.ru. I am attaching the logs. help me fix it. Thank you

Answer: Good luck!

Question: In Chrome, Yandex and Opera browsers, YouTube videos in 720 resolution start to lag after a couple of seconds

Good afternoon. Dell laptop 1546. Installed XP 8.1 and 10. In the Yandex Opera Chrome browser, YouTube videos in 720 resolution start to lag after a couple of seconds. But at 10 s edge browser handles 720r without any problems. Is it possible to configure Opera or Chrome so that it also reproduces 720? Or is it possible to install edge in 8.1?

Added after 3 hours 58 minutes
none of the topics in the links helped

Answer: and what did I say, it’s not available for 8K, but Crap Why doesn't Google and Opera and Explorer open like eje

Question: Yandex.Browser

Yandex browser

Latest version: 15.6 (09.06.2015)

Yandex. Browser- a browser created by Yandex based on a browser with open source code Chromium.
Yandex.Browser has all the basic capabilities of modern browsers, and also has a number of distinctive features. The web browser comes with a built-in file viewer. PDF format And Adobe player Flash Player(same as in Chrome). The browser is integrated with Yandex services: mail, translator, Yandex.Disk and search.

It is possible to synchronize bookmarks, extensions, passwords, browser settings between various devices, and Reserve copy this data on the Yandex cloud server.

Like Chromium, when you enter text into the address bar, it is sent to the Yandex server as search query, and the search results are added to the autocomplete list.

It is possible that the default search changed to another search engine without your knowledge or got lost personal settings browser. This may happen after installing messaging programs, browser panels, or other software.

Advice. To avoid involuntary change search engine, disable the option Set as default search when installing programs on your computer.

If you often encounter this situation, we recommend that you install the Browser Manager program, which will warn you every time you try third party programs change your browser settings during installation, and will also allow you to undo changes that have already been made.

How to remove programs that prevent you from using your default search

    "Control Panels"Programs and components:

    1. Start → Control PanelPrograms and components "Control Panels".

      In the window

If user settings, extensions or applications are missing in the browser:

Setting the default search you have chosen may not be performed correctly if there are programs in the system that affect search settings browser. Programs of this type can be [email protected] and [email protected]. If Yandex search is not installed or was installed but changed to [email protected], and some browser settings have also changed, use the following instructions:

    Remove the programs [email protected] and [email protected] from section "Control Panels"Programs and components:

    1. On MS Windows, go to menu Start → Control PanelPrograms and components or use search by "Control Panels".

      In the window Uninstalling or changing a program right click mouse select the line [email protected]/ [email protected], and then click the Remove button. Confirm the removal of the program.

    Check startup for the presence of Mail.Ru elements:

    1. Press the key combination Win + R.

      In the Open box, enter msconfig and click OK.

      Uncheck the boxes where mail.ru is mentioned and click OK.

    If necessary, remove bookmarks from your browser that were added automatically during the installation of the program:

    Set Yandex as the default search for the address bar:

    Set Yandex as home page:

Setting your chosen search as the default may not work correctly if there are programs in the system that affect the browser's search settings. Programs of this type can be [email protected] and [email protected]. If Yandex search is not installed or was installed but changed to [email protected], and some browser settings have also changed, use the following instructions:

    Remove the programs [email protected] and [email protected] from section "Control Panels"Programs and components:

    1. On MS Windows, go to menu Start → Control PanelPrograms and components or use search by "Control Panels".

      In the window Uninstalling or changing a program Right-click on the line [email protected]/ [email protected], and then click the Remove button. Confirm the removal of the program.

    Check startup for the presence of Mail.Ru elements:

    1. Press the key combination Win + R.

      In the Open box, enter msconfig and click OK.

      Uncheck the boxes where mail.ru is mentioned and click OK.

    Check Internet Explorer Add-ons for Mail.Ru elements:

    If necessary, remove bookmarks from your browser that were added automatically during the installation of the program:

    Set Yandex as the default search for the Internet Explorer address bar.

    Note. At this point you can download and install from Internet browser Explorer Yandex Elements - all settings will be performed automatically. To set Yandex as your default search yourself, use the instructions.

    Set Yandex as your browser home page:

Setting your chosen search as the default may not work correctly if there are programs in the system that affect the browser's search settings. Programs of this type can be [email protected] and [email protected]. If Yandex search is not installed or was installed but changed to [email protected], and some browser settings have also changed, use the following instructions:

    Remove the programs [email protected] and [email protected] from section "Control Panels"Programs and components:

    1. On MS Windows, go to menu Start → Control PanelPrograms and components or use search by "Control Panels".

      In the window Uninstalling or changing a program Right-click on the line [email protected]/ [email protected], and then click the Remove button. Confirm the removal of the program.

    Check startup for the presence of Mail.Ru elements:

    1. Press the key combination Win + R.

      In the Open box, enter msconfig and click OK.

      Uncheck the boxes where mail.ru is mentioned and click OK.

    Remove the Mail.Ru extension:

    If necessary, check Google Chrome for Mail.Ru bookmarks: click → Bookmarks → Bookmark Manager.

    Unpin extra tabs in the main browser window:

    Set up your browser start page:

    Set Yandex as home page:

    Set Yandex as your default search:

Setting your chosen search as the default may not work correctly if there are programs in the system that affect the browser's search settings. Programs of this type can be [email protected] and [email protected]. If Yandex search is not installed or was installed but changed to [email protected], and some browser settings have also changed, use the following instructions:

    Remove the programs [email protected] and [email protected] from section "Control Panels"Programs and components:

    1. On MS Windows, go to menu Start → Control PanelPrograms and components or use search by "Control Panels".

      In the window Uninstalling or changing a program Right-click on the line [email protected]/ [email protected], and then click the Remove button. Confirm the removal of the program.

    Check startup for the presence of Mail.Ru elements:

    1. Press the key combination Win + R.

      In the Open box, enter msconfig and click OK.

      Uncheck the boxes where mail.ru is mentioned and click OK.

The Mail.ru service can be very intrusive. Moreover, it is intrusive to such an extent that we ourselves do not notice how various products from of this service end up on our computer. Moreover, the user’s inattentiveness is to blame for this. When a person installs any program on his computer, during the installation process he does not uncheck some items, which precisely contribute to the fact that in the future the user begins to have questions like: how to remove mail ru search from Yandex.

The problem lies in this program: "" and other similar products from Mile. First you need to delete them, and then mess with the browser.

Open the “Start” menu, visit the “Control Panel” section, then click on “Add or Remove Programs”. If you have a list installed applications is not huge, then you can quickly find the program we mentioned above. You will also need to get rid of the Sputnik mail.ru utility. Right-click -> left-click on “Delete”.

Half the battle is done, now we need to do some manipulations with our browser or browsers.

Personally I work withMozillaFireFox, but I’ll also tell you how to remove the mail ru search from Yandex in Google browser Chrome.

Point one - and here the search for Mail.ru immediately appears. This nuisance will need to be removed. Click on the button under the number 2, then go to the “Add-ons” section. And here we see that the “Sputnik toolbar” from the above-mentioned service works for us. Delete it immediately, and then do not forget to restart your browser program.

If your entire page has changed, that is, there is no Yandex at all, there is only Mail.ru, then in this case you need to do the same manipulations described above. First, remove programs from Mail.ru from your computer, and then remove add-ons in the browser you are working with.

Now all that remains is to do the “finishing touch”. Pay attention to the item under number 2, where Mail.ru addresses are now indicated. We need to register the search engine we are working with. In this case we're talking about about Yandex. Accordingly, we enter the following address: . Don't forget to restart your browser.

Brief instructions for removing the pest fromGoogleChrome:

Click the button on the screenshot, and then click the settings tab

Take a look at the attached image which shows the button we click on. Next, go to the main “Settings”.

Personally, I don’t have a problem; accordingly, it’s not listed in the Mail.ru address bar. You need to edit this item by indicating the Yandex Internet address.

Surely Mail.ru got into our Chrome “Extensions”, and we need to remove the pest from there too. Open the “Tools” section, and from there go to the “Extensions” category. There should be a toolbar from Mile here. Delete it, and then restart your browser program.

If you did everything correctly, the problem will definitely be solved!