Smart for your full description. MGTS, the tariff "Smart for its own. Smart for his own in the Crimea

Few people know that the reason for the low data rate is hidden in the ban on creating a local network in your device. Installing this limit is one of the main drawbacks of Yota. If the user exceeds the restrictions given by the tariff, local network Turn off or take an additional fee for distributing the Wi-Fi. The cost of connecting unlimited access is from 90 to 190 rubles, depending on the duration.

Despite regular attempts mobile operator Install barriers, "Folk crafts" learned to cope with a similar problem and willingly select new options, how to distribute the Internet with Yota.

Wi-Fi Distribution Without Borders

The operator clearly divided tariff plans For each type of technology and a connection method. If the established rules are violated, the data transfer rate is limited. To determine which gadget is the SIM card installed, the provider uses:

  • IMEI is a unique digital code. It is assigned individually for each device. And on the devices from Apple, it is impossible to change this parameter.
  • TTL is a number reflecting, through which maximum amount The devices can be transmitted data. With it, the "duration" of traffic is detected. Most often the indicator is 64.

Users to start modem mode on yother, just change this data. Make it can be manually or using installed application. And I don't need to pay anything, it is enough to download the program from the official site and make an algorithm of action.

Change TTL.

Internet from YOTA in modem mode is directly related to this number, so to fight with restriction, enough reduce the indicator for one position.

To adjust the TTL on the phone with Android OS, you need to connect root and download the application SYSTL EDITOR 2.0.. It helps to freely change network parameters. After starting, find the SYSTL EDITOR section. Log in to it, the search string will open to which you need to enter net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl. A file will appear where it will be necessary to adjust the TTL value per unit. For example, if it was 64 correct by 63.

You can fix it on a computer with any Windows: 7, 8.1 or 10. At the same time, you do not need to download additional programs. So that the Internet distribution on Yota has been active, a number of simple actions must be carried out. The procedure looks in the following way:

  1. Run regedit.
  3. The folder will open, create new record under the name "DWORD (32-bit)".
  4. In the file, specify number 65 in the DefaultTtt field.

After the Internet manipulations conducted on devices operating on the basis of Android and the PC will work without failures.

With the help of a TTL change, you can remove limitations for smartphones on iOS. But the TETHERME program will be required, which is in the app store App Store.. but similar method Only those who have been performed by jailbreak will be able to use.

Imei change

Such a method is suitable for gadgets operating on the basis of WINDOVS. To bypass the "barrier" on Windows Phone and turn on on yota distribution wifi. From a mobile phone will need:

  1. Dial on the USSD command * # * # 3646633 # *. This will help get into engineering mode.
  2. Go to the Connectivity tab and go through the path: CDS Information - Radio Information - Phone 1.
  3. In the top line, specify EGMR - 1.7 and your IMEI. It can be found using the request * # 06 #.

The result of these actions will be the termination of the restriction, and the distribution of the Internet from the phone on yother will be affordable.

VPN on 3G.

This method helps to get inorganized access to some applications that are blocked by yota. To carry out "Operations" download SOCKS-proxy. They can be taken from free resources that many have appeared on the network. You will also need to install Proxifier prog.

Run it and specify the pre-found proxy address. Created files transfer to the folder with the program for which you want to remove the limit. If it is Steam, then in the title will be reflected in stream.exe and steamwebhelper.

Editing Hosts Files

Such manipulations will help disguise the history of visits from the provider and get unlimited access to torrents. To distribute Wai Fi with Yota:

  1. On the computer, find the System 32 folder, then Drivers and then etc.
  2. Hosts file "hid" in it.
  3. Open it with a notepad (or other than NotePad ++).
  4. Copy and paste the text by reference
  5. Save the changes made and close.

Configure Wi-Fi with modem

Disable the lock to distribute the network through the router using the command line. Enter the administrator's rights, for this:

  • In the "Start" menu in the search row VBEE CMD;
  • In the resulting results, find the label and click on it right-click mice;
  • In the drop-down menu, select the "Startup from the administrator" line.

A window will appear, where you should enter Netsh WLAN Set HostedNetwork Mode \u003d ALLOW SSID \u003d MY_WI-FI KEY \u003d 1123581321 KEYUSAGE \u003d PERSISTEN. Instead of Wi-Fi, specify the reinforced network name, and instead of the last combination of numbers any set, for example, 22233344. The command helps to install the driver and create unlimited output to the network.

Distribution on Mac and iOS devices

On Apple Gadgets (iPhone, iPad) to eliminate the restriction, you will need:

  1. Run Terminal.
  2. In the command line introduce sudo sysctl -w nt.inet.ip.ttl \u003d 65.
  3. Come up with a password.
  4. Restart the device.

Removing the "Barrier" on Linux

To distribute the Internet and activate the modem mode on Yota, passes step by step the following algorithm:

  1. Type the Ctrl + Alt + T combination.
  2. In the window that opens in the command line, lend sudo vi /etc/init.d/local.autoStart and press ENTER.
  3. Specify the password and press I - this will allow you to get into edit mode.
  4. Enter the TTL # lock script! / Bin / bash sudo iptruting -t mangle -a postruting -J TTL -TTL-SET 65. It will change the value to one position.
  5. After completing you to adjust, press ESC.
  6. To start the script, type SUDO CHMOD + X /ETC/init.d/LoCal.AutoStart.
  7. And now add it to autorun Sudo Update-RC.D Local.Autostart DЕfaults 80.

The laptop operating system automatically adjusts the TTL indicator to a new one, which will allow you to start distributing WiFi.

In my city I became available for connecting the mobile operator - Yota. What is attractive in it? The price is 240 rubles per month and unlimited mobile Internet With 4G support.

Yota speed location

To our joy now this restriction is not difficult to deceive / remove / disable :)

If you have operating system Windowsthen you need to open command line (Run), enter in it regedit.exe and follow the next path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ SERVICES \\ TCPIP \\ PARAMETERS. Then you need to right-click on an empty space (in the right window) and select New\u003e Qword (64-bit) Value. Name her defaultttl, after double-click Mouse over it on the right side. Switch the radio button on Decimal (decimal) and enter 65.

For Mac Os. Everything is much simpler :-) You need to open the terminal and insert the following command to: sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.ttl \u003d 65

Now it remains only to restart the computer and it is desirable to wait half an hour before trying to distribute the Internet again. After that, you will remove the restriction on the distribution of the Internet.

P.S. Torrents, unfortunately, will be loaded at limited speed. How to solve this problem without buying a VPN or its analogues, I do not know.

Often mobile operators limit the speed of the Internet for various reasons. Let's talk how to remove the speed limit Yota.


Yota, which recently began its work in the cellular market, offers its customers an available Internet without restrictions on the use of traffic. For example, you can choose the highest speed and use the network how much will it want. And those who use the Internet from a smartphone, unlimited Internet cost from 230 rubles per month.

Of course, many advanced users wish to use SIM-cards through a modem or tablet, or share Wi -fi. And here the problems begin, even though they do not immediately become noticeable. Sim-maps can only be used in a specific device, for example, only on the tablet, and the distribution of Wi -fi is generally paid.

There is also a restriction on downloading from torrents. Here the speed is only 64 kbps. How to get around the limit of Yota speed from different devices?

Observe IMEI and TTL

First of all, disarm with the rearrangement of SIM -Cart from the phone in the modem. To use the Internet with the tariff, designed For your phone, you need to change the IMEI modem number on the IMEI smartphone. Similarly, the situation is also with the tablet. Just remember that the change of this number is not completely legal!

Next you need to understand what TTL is. This indicator shows the time how much the traffic package will act. It usually equals 64. That is, when connecting the Internet, the operator is transmitted to this value. But, when connecting through a router or other device, the indicator becomes below. As a result, the network becomes clear that other devices for connecting are used.

That is, when distributing the Internet from the phone, it is router. This network naturally notices, and takes its measures, that is, limits the speed. You can, of course, increase it for money, but many do not want to pay, and they try to find any possible way to bypass restrictions.

How to set up a router?

Yota - remove speed limit

The meaning of the operation is to distribute the Internet with the value of TTL -64. To do this, the router must be specified that this indicator does not decrease. When the device is connected to the router, the value of TTL will decrease, but since we put it so that it does not decrease, the indicator will be restored.

A similar function may be absent in the modem, so copy the file with the router configuration and its control panel, find the modem settings in it and write - IP Adjust -Ttl Inc 1. Next back insert the file into place, restart the router and enjoy speed.

But you can do a different and increase the TTL for two units, because a computer will also be added here.

How to set up a modem?

First, find the profile instruction on your device on the Internet.
If you do not want to dig a lot in the modem settings, then change the TTL indicator through the computer. In our case, the number 65 is set, because when the modem is connected, it will decrease by one.

How to set up android?

If you distribute the Internet from Android, then there will also be a speed limit.

For the reason that rights sUPER USER on smartphones basically not provided, First, look at what TTL value transmits your smartphone to the network.

For this :

  • Install the program so that you can work in the terminal mode, and in its command line, we write CAT / PROC / SYS / NET / IPv4 / IP _Default _TTL
  • Now the smartphone will display the basic value of the desired indicator.
    Next, using a computer or laptop, increase the TTL per unit so that the smartphone passes the data according to the basic value
    Reconnect the Internet and use the high-speed Internet without restrictions

How to set up iOS?

If you decide to use the distribution of the Internet via iOS, then through the computer, exhibit the value of TTL 65 or 63. You can do it with automatic Tetherme tweak or through the terminal where you need to enter the SYSTL -W NET .inet .ip .ttl \u003d 6 command.

Configure your computer

If the laptop connects to the phone, then you need to increase TTL on the computer per unit. Then the network will use a standard value for smartphones.

  • Go to the Start menu and select the "Run" string.
  • Enter the REGEDIT command
  • Find a branch in the window called HKEY _LOCAL _MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONLSET \\ SERVICES \\ TCPIP \\ PARAMETERS and create a parameterdword (32 bits) in it with DefaultTtl name
  • Specify in it the value of 65 (ten-digit system)
  • Now you can include the Internet

Customize Mac Os.

Turn on the Terminal program to deliver the TTL temporary value. Enter sudo sysctl -w net .inet .ip .ttl \u003d 65, and then enter the password to log in. To install a permanent TTL, then create a SYSTL .conf file in the ETC folder. Its location is as follows: / etc / sysctl .conf. Open this file and write Net .inet .ip .ttl \u003d 65 in it.

Customize Windows Phone

To make this change the TTL indicator through the computer, since it is impossible to do this through smartphones with this system. How to configure the computer, we described above.

Removing restrictions on torrents

Yota - download from torrent without restrictions

We have already figured out how to be with the restriction of the Internet speed. But to bypass restrictions for torrents you need to have some knowledge in setting up operating systems.

There are two solutions:

  • Activate encryption in the download program from torrent
  • Connect to the Internet with VPN

Encryption is not available for each torrent-client, therefore, you need to download such where this function is. For example, QbitTorrent. Go to its settings, turn on the DHT and select the "Encryption Requirement" item.

According to many users, it often does not work or makes speed even lower. Perhaps Yota guessed such an opportunity and defended himself from it. Therefore, it is better to use VPN.

This method may require certain costs, since the use of such services is mainly paid. Choose the most convenient service and configure your computer. How to make it looking for on the site of the selected program.

Now the data will be transmitted through an encrypted channel, which is not amenable to decoding. Accordingly, the operator will not be able to understand the transmission protocol used.

Video: Removing the speed limit from Yota

Many users know that the reason for the low cost of mobile data from iota is the prohibition of their distribution to other devices. Despite the attempts of the provider to create a full-fledged barrier, the craftsmen have long decided this problem. Subscribers who have long been cooperating with the provider, know how to circumvent the restriction of iota to distribute the Internet for PC. Others - when trying to do this, get an instant reduction in the transmission rate or the complete absence of the network. Many users do not want to acquire full-fledged tariffs on personal Computer, in order to economize. If you are members of such subscribers, then read this article.

Any provider offers rates without infringement. Of course, they are much more expensive than the rest. So that the user does not abuse the benefits, Yota provided a number of obstacles when used mobile Internet. These include:

  1. Ban on the use of torrents - the maximum speed connection is lowered to 64 kbps.
  2. WiFi speed becomes small or the connection disappears.

Spellible users have long found a way to get around the blocking of Yota to distribute the Internet. If you have never come across this problem, consult your knowledgeable person in advance. If there is no such surrounded, check out the article. It is described in detail how to use mobile data on a computer or on several devices.

What is IMEI and TTL and how do the operator determine the device?

To the network start working on a laptop, rearrange the SIM card from cell phone in the modem. Before you find out how to bypass iota restrictions on the computer. Transmitter you can purchase in any branch of Yota or store. In order for the connection to work correctly, you need to make a manipulation of changing the modem on the smartphone. Consider that such a procedure is illegal, when detected, the supplier has the right to refrain the fine. If you fail to choose the code, use the IMEI generator

After changing IMEI - code from a certain number of numbers and characters - start changing TTL. Its value shows the time of life of the traffic package. In most OS, it is 64. The default provider reports 64/128. If you are using third-party deviceThis lifetime decreases by 1.

Thus, the operator understands that there is an unauthorized use of access in world Wide Web on third-party gadgets.

When you distribute the network from the phone, the device begins to act as a router. This allows ioth to determine what the distribution occurs. The provider immediately takes measures and cuts the data transfer rate. Despite this, many users have long learned to bypass the prohibitions, the distribution of the Internet Yota from the phone on a laptop without restrictions occurs without any problems.

Configuring a router: How to distribute Wi Fi on Yota for free?

If you want to share traffic from a smartphone on a personal computer or laptop, you will have to carry out a small modem reconfiguration. Do so that when transmitting data the number of TTL has not changed - the unit that is taken when distributing, somewhere added. To do this, the router is installed special softwarewhich artificially sets this unit. Make it you can independently through the control panel. Open the internal parameters of the modem, in the command prompt, write the "IP Adjust-TTL Inc 1" function.

Do not forget to keep the changes made, after which you restart the router. After turning on all data and systems, the system will allow you to distribute the network to any devices, you can use one traffic immediately on the phone, PC, tablet, and so on. If necessary, the described function will allow add and more To TTL - just change the last 1 on the desired figure. Consider that after each interaction with the router, you must reboot.

Setting up modem

With the right approach to the settings, you can make that data from the smartphone start working on the modem. Such a way will help you to save a considerable amount of money. When you change the parameters, you also need to change it by the code for the phone. When the operation is completed, restart the machine and adjust the TTL level via the command line. If you have any difficulty on PC with Ubuntu, contact your 4pda site. There you can find a lot detailed instructionsto help customize.

If you do not understand all technical parameters, and you want to start using megabytes from the phone, try initially change TTL in personal settings Computer. Through special program Make a level of 65 units. When distributing, the data rate will fall to standard 64, which will allow you to obtain unhindered access to high-speed Internet.

Bypassing the restrictions of Yota on android

If you want to know how to distribute Wai Fi with iota without limitation from Android, read some rules. With the right approach to the procedure, you can avoid the occurrence of infringement in the data rate. Push the TTL level of the device. This can be done like this:

  • Download the terminal application.
  • Specify CAT / PROC / SYS / NET / IPV4 / IP_DEFAULT_TTL code.
  • Rate the value that appears on the main screen.

After connect the machine to the computer, run the command line. If necessary, add the number of units to TTL, which will allow the network to be easily unhindered. If the mobile phone works under the operating iOS system, stick to the same algorithm. Many users do not understand how to remove a slowdown, because of what is forced to contact the specialists and pay money.

Bypassing Iot restrictions on Windows 10

The easiest way to get around the containment to distribution using a laptop running Windows 10. To remove a slowdown, spend manipulations:

  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator.
  2. Open the registry.
  4. Creation of duplord.
  5. In the created value, we write Default TTL, set 65 in the TTL cell.

After that, save the settings made, restart the machine along with the modem. If it did not help make a way around iota blocking, try to delete the created folder and conduct the manipulations again. If it does not help, contact knowledgeable person. Perhaps your OS does not allow to get around without additional add-ons. If you need to create a constant setting that increased the TTL level to a specific number, go to the hidden System32 folder. There, create the SYSTL file to which you want to register the Net.inet.ip.ttl parameter.

IOS reconnaissance for internet distribution

To learn how to distribute the Internet with Yota without restrictions on iPhone, it is enough to familiarize yourself with simple algorithm. To remove the limit it is not necessary to know specific technical specifications, you only need full compliance with the rules. First, insert the SIM card into the device, then turn on the Internet. When he will be loaded on top string The main screen is prescribed the connection speed. If the network does not automatically connect, then:

  • Open settings.
  • Go to cellular communication.
  • Open cell data.
  • In the APN item, enter Internet.yota.
  • The remaining items do not require filling.

After entering the parameters, restart the phone. So the network will work as correct as possible. You can use megabytes from iota both on your smartphone and on other devices. Network Setup does not cause problems to do everything correctly, stick to the algorithm:

  1. SIM card from the mobile phone insert in the modem.
  2. Turn on the device, activate the modem mode.
  3. Connect it through the YUSB cord to a personal computer.
  4. Manually register the address of the access point.

After you connect traffic, you can freely distribute it to other users without cutting speed up to 64kb. If you do everything right, you can enjoy access to the World Wide Web you can first time.

Remove the Mac OS restriction

Bypass the ban on dividing traffic on Apple computers under Mac OS is easier than any other. To do this, run the terminal program that helps to put the TTL value. In the program that opens, type sudo sysctl -wnet.inet.ip.ttl. To distribute the Internet Yota from the phone on a laptop without restrictions was constant, create hidden file In the ETC folder. It is prescribed a Net.inet.ip.ttl string. After that, the system will ask you to enter a password to a laptop, and then completely reboot it.

How to add speed on Yota?

The connection speed depends largely on the selected tariff. If for use on mobile phone Speed \u200b\u200bis enough, then when working on PC it may not be enough. To cope with the problem, the easiest way to change the tariff for more speeds. You can do it in personal Cabinet User or in any iothi branch. Immediately after saving the settings, you will get access to the high-speed network. To optimize traffic without changing the tariff parameters, you can distribute priority tasks.

Disable automatic update, Write in the system when you need to download. If you have a trafficking time before, you can order additional megabytes In a personal account.

Try to minimize the use of online programs that require a lot of traffic. If the bypass of the restrictions of ETU does not allow you to normally watch movies on the network, give up automatic download Some data. To do this, open the download manager in which everything is described in detail, to which traffic is spent. Remove the restriction simply, if you know how to spend all manipulations. Modern browsers 2017-2020 allow us to use the turbulent, which speeds up the download and saves traffic.

Hello everyone, dear friends is a post update of 30.11.2017! All good, I did not disappear and do not die :), I just had some life circumstances 🙂 I know that many did not work, now everything will go like oil!

Free VPN to crawl Steam \u003d\u003e !!!

Important! For those who have Windows 10 -.

Available method, thanks speak Andrei 🙂 Also available!
Still not to sleep! Be sure to everyone! 🙂

Before any action with a computer! On Android, Lumia and IOS, we delete the official client Yota, it is hard for the palette !!! You only include distribution, and at the ioth base station you have already burned you through their own application 🙂 Like post, if you agree 🙂(Like button on the left)

Immediately I will say, basically this solution is suitable for Android and Lumia, for iOS try this method first, it will not work, then we act on this article -! Because we make changes not to the phone, but in the computer's operating system, do not worry, we will not touch any vital components 🙂

01.10.2014: So I decided to take a simka from Yota as a mobile operator, but as it was a pity to learn that Yota filters traffic, which comes to their cellular station (base station) at distribution wi-fi From the phone on a laptop ... 30.11.2017: Here is already I. unlimited tariffs canceled if you " old unlimited on everything", Then you are a lucky one, but with one correction - you will have to go a little and fulfill several tricks on the computer 🙂 But I did not despair and quickly went to the Internet for finding a problem solving. But before that, it was necessary to understand how this iota limits me at speed, everything turned out to be simply limited by the number of TTL, which comes to the cellular iota station, it should be equal to 64.

And also, iota flies through its own application, with the help of which we pay, change the tariff and find out important information! I hope you deleted it and install only when it is necessary and again delete 🙂 it is important!

What is TTL? Roughly speaking, this is the number of hops (times), how much the package has passed devices to a cellular station, in Windows this number is 128, therefore, in this case, when the packet / signal passes through the phone, TTL becomes equal to 127, and we need 64 🙁

How to change TTL in Windows to bypass speed restrictions from Yota?

To do this, we need to understand what the value of TTL should be on our laptop, and this is 64 + 1 \u003d 65 , HOORAY! For those who have Lumia, Nokia, Microsoft Phone act according to scheme 129 + 1 \u003d 130 Since the standard TTL in your phone is equal to 129.

1) Go to the Start menu, and in the search string we write regedit.exe, run with administrator rights.

2) A program will open, go to the next registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ SERVICES \\ TCPIP \\ PARAMETERS

For users Windows Vista., 7, 8, 8.1 (Thanks say Nikolai In the comments), it is also necessary to edit the registry at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ SERVICES \\ TCPIP6 \\ PARAMETERSThe rules in both cases are also said in the next step.

3) Next, in the right pane with the right mouse button and choose Create - DWORD (32-bit)We assign the name to this parameter " Defaultttl."And set its value 65 - Android and iOS or 130 - Lumia, Nokia, Microsoft Phone, respectively. ! In decimal terms. Next, be sure to reboot \u003d) pleasant use, September 2015 we read on !!! .

Since September 2015, Yota decided to filter the addresses of sites and services on the Internet for which the phone should not walk (especially if there is no Yota official program and it distributes Wi-Fi to a computer with a replaceable TTL) - this means that if the computer from "Right" TTL will travel to update Windows, then immediately in the browser will pop up a blue window, and the PC itself will not be updated. In their number entered:

1) All addresses Steam - gamers will have to sweat ... But everything is possible!
2) Addresses windows updates
3) Addresses of modem updates
4) Address updates for PC programs (eg Antiviruses, Photoshop, Vegas Pro and Others)
5) Addresses of servers of popular PCs (WoW, League of Legends and Others)

Speaking briefly, now you do not go where it should be 🙂 or search (through traffic analyzer, about it is slightly lower) and block the unwanted addresses in the HOSTS file (this applies to Windows), or use paid or free VPN, Proxy.

Even on Proxy or VPN, some addresses will be blocked in hosts, the same as Windows Update Servers. Exit from this situation if you have operating windows system, serves the change of IMEI on the distributing device (smartphone, telephone) on IMEI from Windows Phone (through special calculators, for example), it is possible only on some phones on which COM ports are not blocked, for example on Sony Xperia. Z This should not be done. Because of this, you have to use such complex schemes 🙂

Although you can just buy a used Windows Smartphone With 4g, for example, and use it purely for distribution of the Internet.

How to wean Windows Fall yourself?

Here you need to edit HOSTS file. And now how to do it:

1) go to Explorer by the address - C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ DRIVERS \\ ETC:

2) We see the HOSTS file, open the file in any editor, you can both in a notebook, but it is better to use NotePad ++ (Download link). With him there are fewer problems with the "administrator rights", as it can be simply started with them at once. Above NotePad ++. Convenient to watch logs traffic analyzer and to complement hosts file. His DataThat we will teach you a little lower, so better download it and install it, it will be very needed!

Everything, now already for sure, pleasant use !!!

A little theory, do not go, it is better to read it:

The value of the defaultttl parameter Sets the number of hops after which the IP packet is destroyed.

All, now you can freely distribute the Internet from the phone via Wi-Fi without any speed restrictions.
Good luck all, comments are welcome!

To find out your TTL on the phone ( Android) if it is different from 64, we look at any conductor to the file at:
/ Proc / SYS / NET / IPv4 / IP_Default_Ttl

Service update dated 04.01.2015:

Our way with changing TTL is fully working!
Dear friends, Yota now introduces fee for the distributed Internet from the phone. It will be:

  • Free - 128 kbps for 30 minutes, and remember was 1 megabit / sec?
  • 50 or 90 for Moscow rubles - 2 hours without restrictions
  • 150 or 190 for Moscow rubles - 24 hours without restrictions

If you have a limitation page with our way, you need to enter a phone to flight mode, completely clean the browser from the history and cache and resume the distribution of the Internet 🙂

Posting post from 11/11/2015:

So, woman workingBut there was a lot but! Now sit on Windows with TTL 65 (for those who have lumia, then TTL 130) has become more difficult, since Yota decided to follow usersso that no departure happened blue window -. This is very important, since the Yota is the same, you yourself.

Posting post from 03/06/2016:

Link to videos on Vimeo, if you have errors - In short, everything written in this article is clearly shown in this video, I advise you to see anyone who has any questions or something does not work!

Oct 1, 2014 Just blog