Is it worth clearing the DNS cache. By restarting the DNS client. How to delete all temporary files using programs

This question is asked very often. Sometimes you need to completely clean and completely restore DNS. You do it with common method. It works well, but not always. So you need to know about it a little more. Today you will learn how to completely clean and fully restore DNS on PC.

Fully reset DNS on PC

How to Clean DNS and restore the connection:

I will tell you about the cleaning method and full reboot dNS. He will also reset your Internet connection. In any case, let's start.

Reset and restore DNS in Windows:

In Windows, you must do this using the command line. First you need to open CMD. You can do this.

At the same time heal Windows logo + R On the keyboard keyboard.

Now printed cmd. and press input.
After you open the command prompt, enter the following commands and after each press ENTER.

ipconfig / Flushdns. >
ipconfig / registerdns. >
ipconfig / Release >
ipconfig / renew. >
netsh Winsock Reset..

Now restart the computer.

Note. Sometimes you may need to open cmd. as an administrator. IN Windows 7 Go to section Programs\u003e Standard. Then click right-click Mouse over the command line and select " Run on the name of the administrator" IN windows 10, click PKM. on icon window and choose the item " command Line (Administrator)«.

Reset DNS in Windows Mac:

To completely clean and fully restore DNS. in Mac Os., follow these steps.

1. Close all programs and browsers.

2. Go to the section Applications\u003e Utilities\u003e Terminal

If you use the services of medium and minor providers, you can often be versed bugs in their DNS servers. This happens with the configuration curve, and problems in the operation of the hardware, and with the errors of the administrators themselves. And pay for it - users of course. At best, instead of the necessary sites, the "server was not found" will be issued, at worst - will start throwing out on all sorts of incomprehensible sites, incl. Even malicious nature. And now you changed the addresses of the DNS servers and ... all the same and continues. What to do? And you just need to clean the DNS cache windows client.

To reset the cache DNS there are two ways:

Method 1. Command line

Press the Start button and write the "Command Line" phrase. Without a difference - Windows 7 or Windows 8, or even Windows 10 - in all versions to start the search and the command line label will be in its results. Click on it and get a black console window. It must be written in it:

ipconfig / Flushdns.

And press the ENTER button. It should work like this:

If everything went well, then as a result you should get the inscription "SuccessFully Flushed the DNS Resolver Cache". This means that Cash Casha DNS has passed successfully. You can still start the command for loyalty:

netsh Winsock Reset.

By this you will reset WinSock settings. Sometimes it also helps.

If you have any problems with the command line, or you need to often clean the DNS cache, then you use this BAT file to download.

Method 2. Restarting the Windows DNS client

Click the Win and R buttons and get the "Run" window:

In it type: Services.msc and press the "OK" button. Thus, we launched a Windows Console of Windows Services. Here you need to find the DNS client service:

Click on it with the mouse to highlight and click on the "Restart" link indicated in the figure of the arrow. After restarting, the Windows Kesha DNS will be reset.

How to clean your Windows 7 cache

Surely you often heard the phrase - clean the cache. Allegedly from this computer will add speeds in work. To some extent it is true, but what is the Windows cache and where to look for it? The Word itself comes from the English verb Cacher, that is, to "hide".

Consequently, we are talking about files reliably hidden from the user's eye. So there is, you need to shift the lift of the folders to clean the entire cache of the computer running under windows control 7, XP or other version. But there is more simple ways.

General concepts

There is a minimum of 4 types of cache:

In addition, some programs in the process of their work can create their temporary files. To remove them, it is enough to clean the cache of RAM.

Before proceeding to consideration of cleaning methods, it is worth answering the question - what gives Windows itself or working on a computer to remove these invisible files? In most cases, the cache, browser, for example, is a huge number of small files accumulating in the process of computer.

We looked at the online video and it already lies in the cache and will be there before rebooting or manual cleaning. They launched the game and she ranked most of the RAM. But when you came out of the game, part of it can remain busy. The same with some programs. At the same time, RAM may not be enough for other tasks. Yes, and on the hard disk, temporary files without cleaning are started to occupy gigabytes of memory.

Why do it endure when you can clean the cache quickly and easily?

Methods for Brazier

In this case, there is no single recipe. Different programs Offer their variations. Clean the temporary files in the browser you can, go to its settings. W. Google Chrome. The required item is called "Clean the Story".

Look more: how to change the fonts on windows Computer 7

Be careful: you can select only cache cleaning or simultaneously delete saved passwords, visits history, settings for sites and so on.

W. Internet Explorer. This option is referred to as "delete browser magazine", and Firefox has "Delete a recent history".

Method for cleaning memory

To unload RAM from excess rubbish and speed up the computer, first look at the address: Start - computer (right mouse button) - Properties. If your Windows is 32-bit, open the start again and run the program "Run".

Copy the command to the new window:

% windir% \\ system32 \\ rundll32.exe advapi32.dll, processidletasks

and perform. The memory is cleared! For 64-bit Windows, use such a command:

% windir% \\ syswow64 \\ rundll32.exe advapi32.dll, processidletasks

Methods for DNS cache

We are talking On the saved data regarding the computer requests to the Internet servers. If you want to fully clear this story, perform simple actions:

  • Open Start.
  • Go to all programs - standard.
  • Run the command line on behalf of the administrator (right-click).
  • In the window, enter IPCONFIG / FLUSHDNS and press ENTER. Ready!

Sometimes it is enough to clean the DNS history to open a site that does not want to boot.

Methods for sketches of files

This species Cash allows you to quickly boot up the sketches of photos or video. This is especially useful when there are dozens and hundreds of files in the folder. Therefore, decide whether to clean them.

  • Open Start.
  • In the search line, enter "Cleaning the disk".
  • In the running program, select disc And click on the OK button. The application scans the disk for temporary files.
  • In the list that appears, select "Thumbnails).

OK and "Delete Files". Ready.

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Clean DNS cache on Windows Computer

Most internet users enters favorite resources from a homely or office computer. Thanks to synchronization, you can start reading at work, and continue at home. But did you come across at least once in your life with the fact that on the same computer site works great, all pages are available and open almost instantly, while on the other you can not connect with the server at all? If you are reading this article, then you probably faced.

Yes, the problem is very often arising due to the fault of the Internet service provider. Especially if this is some kind of local company, not a federal giant, which has offices in all regions of the country. If there is no reason to believe that your supplier DNS servers work incorrectly, or the problem is resumed when the server address is changed in the settings network card Computer or in the router itself, the problem is clearly internal. And she is called incorrect work cache DNS.

How to Clean DNS Cache? How does it function and why arise problems with access to individual sites? We will give answers to these questions in today's material. Carefully read the instructions if you also encountered a similar situation.

What is DNS and what is needed by cleaning his cache

If you explain so simple wordsThe DNS is a kind of notebook or the base of all available Internet sites. When you enter the site name in the address bar of the browser, the computer converts this address into a digital format consisting of 4 separated digits among themselves. The task of the DNS server - to the highest possible time to compare the usual letter address with digital. The larger the provider and the better it works technical supportThe better the DNS server will function faster.

The closer the geographically located DNS to your computer, the faster there will be connections to the desired page. That is why almost any provider recommends using own server Instead of public, such as Yandex or Google DNS. To speed up the computer, the computer caches information about all visited sites and stores it in system section Windows. Such a cache is stored both on the operator server and on local computer. Therefore, if on different computers The site operates in different ways, you need to clean the DNS cache on a problematic computer.

Make a DNS service reset can be in several ways. Let's look at each of them closer.

Cleaning cache DNS.

Through the command line

It is very simple and at the same time practically the most reliable way. To clean the DNS cache on a computer with Windows 10 you need to run command line windows On behalf of the administrator and apply several commands.

Depending on the version of Windows, you can get into the command prompt in the following way:

  • windows 10. Right-click or click the Win + X key combination, then select the "Command Line (Administrator)" string.
  • windows 8-8.1. Press the Win + R buttons combination, enter CMD and click ENTER.
  • windows 7. Similarly, Windows 8, press the Win + R combination, after which in the search box, type CMD and click the Enter key.
  • ipconfig / flushdns;

    Cleaning the DNS cache through the command line

  • ipconfig / registerdns;
  • ipconfig / release;
  • ipconfig / renew;
  • netsh WinSock Reset.

Each command should be used in turn, and its input must be confirmed by the Enter key. After graduation, be sure to restart the computer. Cleaning DNS Cache on your PC with Windows 7 should eliminate problems with unavailability of some web resources.

Restarting the DNS client

A special Windows Special Service is used to manage the DNS cache. It can be managed through a special computer management menu. Regardless of version operating systemYou can get into it in one of the following ways:

To clean the cache, you need to find the "DNS client" service, click on its icon once, after which you press the "Restart" button in the left column. After that, also restart Windows and try to enter the site. Everything should work like a watch.

Restart DNS client


The problem with access to some web resources due to the incorrectly working DNS cache on your computer is solved very simply and quickly. If you use our instructions, you can get rid of difficulties literally in a few minutes. If you notice that your computer often does not allow you to some sites, you will need to clean the cache regularly. In the comments, we ask you to write you some of the two options to solve you.

How to clean the cache in windows 7

≡ 4 July 2015 · Rubric: Computer Liquacity · 35,863 views

In operating room wINDOVS system There are several types of cache. When she is overfed, it creates problems in the operation of the OS. Especially becoming noticeable during the long-lasting work of the computer.

How to Clean Cash Memory

Press PCM on the Desktop "Create" - "Label".

Enter one of the following values \u200b\u200bin "Specify the location of the object".

32-bit:% WINDR% \\ System32 \\ rundll32.exe advapi32.dll, Processidletasks 64-x discharge:% windir% \\ syswow64 \\ rundll32.exe advapi32.dll, processidletasks

32-bit:% WINDIR% \\ System32 \\ Rundll32.exe Advapi32.dll, ProcessIdletasks

64-bit:% windir% \\ syswow64 \\ rundll32.exe advapi32.dll, processidletasks

Enter any name convenient for you and click "Finish"

Run the label whenever you want to free up the RAM.

Or another way. The above values \u200b\u200bare simply copying to "Run" (Win + R) and click "OK"

Thus, you delete unused RAM.

Clear Cache DNS Windows 7

The DNS cache applies to store information about which requests made computers to different servers. When a secondary appeal to one or another server occurs, the cache memory raises the record, thus disappears the need for unnecessary requests. DNS User must update when there is a need to update full information on the site.

Run the command (Start -\u003e All Programs -\u003e Command Show). Rotate IPConfig / Flushdns key.

Cleansing sketches

This is done using the "Disk Cleaning" program. We go to "My Computer", right-click Click on " Local disk FROM". In the menu, select "Properties". Open the General tab

In the window that opens, in addition to the necessary, you can choose and additional cleaning parameters. Then click "OK" and "Delete Files".

If desired, this case can be turned off at all. This is done in the local editor group Policy operating system (Win + R Enter the gpedit.msc and "OK" command). Further on the picture and turn off.

How to clean your browser cache

In any web browser, click the Ctrl + Shift + Del combination of hot keys and choose the desired one.

And you can also use the CCleaner program.

And what ways do you use?

xN - E1agaedegkgsq.xn - P1AI

How to Clean Windows 7 Cache?

For those who still do not know - there are several types of cache in the Windows operating system, which in some cases it is necessary to clean. For example, if problems appear in the system. Consider several cases.

How to clean up the DNS cache in Windows 7?

DNS cache stores information about computer requests to various servers. If the cache already has information about accessing a computer to such a service, then when you repeatedly appeal to the specified resource, the speed of its boot can be pretty increased. At the same time, in some cases it is necessary to clean the DNS cache if you have, for example, there are any problems when contacting various resources, which is not related to the cache in browsers.

To do this, run the command prompt (click "Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard" - "Command Line") and write IPConfig / Flushdns.

How to Clear Computer RAM Cache?

Now we will clean the computer's cache. We will have a little longer on this operation.

On the desktop, click on the right mouse button and select "Create" - "Label" in the menu.

A window will appear. It needs to specify the location of the object. To do this, write something one in the string depending on the configuration:

windows 32 Bit:% WinDir% \\ System32 \\ Rundll32.exe Advapi32.dll, Processidletasks

windows 64 Bit:% WINDIR% \\ SYSWOW64 \\ Rundll32.exe Advapi32.dll, ProcessIdletasks

And click on the "Finish" button.

An icon appeared on the desktop. In order to clear the cache memory, simply press twice the specified icon.

How to Clean Cash Sketches?

Sketches are miniatures of pictures. When you re-load the image, the latter is loaded faster. In some cases, however, the sketches can take a lot of space.

Clear cache sketches simply. Go to the "computer", press the right mouse button on system Disk (Usually it is a C drive) and select the item "Properties". A window appears. On the General tab, click "Clearing Disk".

Wait until the system evaluates.

Select "sketches" and click "Clear System Files".

If you found a link to this instruction as a result of issuing your search engine And they decided to familiarize themselves with her, then surely became interested in how to clear the DNS cache in the Windows operating system. It will also be logically assumed that you have already received errors with when trying to connect to the Internet.

If your computer is the only one in the network that can not install an Internet connection, while others work normally at this time, then you have a good chance to try to clear it DNS-cache. This will help correct the problem.

This solution must be taken if you change the address of your DNS server to another and will ensure that your PC will request it in a new one, and will not use a pre-cached address. Let's see how this can be implemented in practice.

The first decision is suitable for all versions of operating windows systemsstarting with XP and ending with a new top ten. The second is only for 7, Vista and XP.

How to Clean the DNS cache

Run the command prompt with administrator rights. This can be done using the search field on the taskbar or in the Start button menu, followed by a call of the context menu by clicking the right mouse button on it and select the start-up method on behalf of the administrator.

Enter the following command:

Ipconfig / Flushdns.

and press the ENTER key on your keyboard. The execution of this team should usually correct the problem. However, some individual applications may have their own DNS cache, which also needs to be released. As an example, you can take a web browser Mozilla Firefox.which is at least you need to close and run again. This may not be enough, so you have to clear the web browser settings.

In Windows XP, Vista, 7 you can try to restart the service itself that processes caching. If you use one of these operating systems, in the command line window, perform such commands alternately:


enter each of which confirm the Enter key.

If you have the need to restart the same service in the tenth version of the OS, try only to restart the computer. This simply action will automatically restart not only it but all other parts software on PC. Blind and read other useful and interesting computer advice that we picked up specifically for you.

If you use the services of medium and minor providers, you can often be versed bugs in their DNS servers. This happens with the configuration curve, and problems in the operation of the hardware, and with the errors of the administrators themselves. And pay for it - users of course. At best, instead of the necessary sites, the "server was not found" will be issued, at worst - will start throwing out on all sorts of incomprehensible sites, incl. Even malicious nature. And now you changed the addresses of the DNS servers and ... all the same and continues. What to do? And you just need to clear the Windows client's DNS cache.

To reset the cache DNS there are two ways:

Method 1. Command Line

Press the Start button and write the "Command Line" phrase. Without a difference - Windows 7 or Windows 8, or even Windows 10 - in all versions to start the search and the command line label will be in its results. Click on it and get a black console window. It must be written in it:

And press the ENTER button. It should work like this:

If everything went well, then as a result you should get the inscription "SuccessFully Flushed the DNS Resolver Cache". This means that Cash Casha DNS has passed successfully.
You can still start the command for loyalty:

By this you will reset WinSock settings. Sometimes it also helps.

If you have any problems with the command line, or you need to often clean the DNS cache, then you use this BAT file to download.

Method 2. Restarting the Windows DNS client

Press buttons WIN. and R. And get the "Run" window:

In it type: Services.msc and press the "OK" button. Thus, we launched a Windows Console of Windows Services. Here you have to find a service DNS client:

Click on it with the mouse to highlight and click on the "Restart" link indicated in the figure of the arrow. After restarting will occur reset DNS Kesha Windows.

Most internet users enters favorite resources from a homely or office computer. Thanks to synchronization, you can start reading at work, and continue at home. But did you come across at least once in your life with the fact that on the same computer site works great, all pages are available and open almost instantly, while on the other you can not connect with the server at all? If you are reading this article, then you probably faced.

Yes, the problem is very often arising due to the fault of the Internet service provider. Especially if this is some kind of local company, not a federal giant, which has offices in all regions of the country. If there is no reason to believe that your supplier's DNS servers work incorrectly, or the problem is renewed when the server address is changed in the settings of the computer's network card or in the router itself, the problem is clearly internal. And it is caused by the incorrect work of the DNS cache.

How to Clean DNS Cache? How does it function and why arise problems with access to individual sites? We will give answers to these questions in today's material. Carefully read the instructions if you also encountered a similar situation.

If you explain very simple words, the DNS is a kind of notebook or the base of all available Internet sites. When you enter the site name in the address bar of the browser, the computer converts this address into a digital format consisting of 4 separated digits among themselves. The task of the DNS server - to the highest possible time to compare the usual letter address with digital. The larger the provider and the better its technical support is working, the better the DNS server will function faster.

The closer the geographically located DNS to your computer, the faster there will be connections to the desired page. That is why almost any provider recommends using your own server instead of public, such as Yandex or Google DNS. To speed up the computer, the computer caches information about all visited sites and stores it in the Windows system section. Such a cache is stored both on the operator server and on the local computer. Therefore, if the site has functions differently on different computers, you must clean the DNS cache on a problematic computer.

Make a DNS service reset can be in several ways. Let's look at each of them closer.

Cleaning cache DNS.

Through the command line

It is very simple and at the same time practically the most reliable way. To clear the DNS cache on a computer with Windows 10, you need to run Windows command prompt on behalf of the administrator and apply multiple commands.

Depending on windows versionIn the command line you can get as follows:

  • Windows 10. Right-click or click the Win + X key combination, then select the "Command Line (Administrator)" string.
  • Windows 8-8.1. Press the Win + R buttons combination, enter CMD and click ENTER.
  • Windows 7. Similarly, Windows 8, press the Win + R combination, after which in the search box, type CMD and click the Enter key.

Each command should be used in turn, and its input must be confirmed by the Enter key. After graduation, be sure to restart the computer. Clearing DNS cache on your PC with Windows 7 should eliminate problems with unavailability of some web resources.

Restarting the DNS client

A special Windows Special Service is used to manage the DNS cache. It can be managed through a special computer management menu. Regardless of the version of the operating system, you can get into it in one of the following ways:

To clean the cache, you need to find the "DNS client" service, click on its icon once, after which you press the "Restart" button in the left column. After that, also follow restarting Windows And repeat the attempt to enter the site. Everything should work like a watch.


The problem with access to some web resources due to the incorrectly working DNS cache on your computer is solved very simply and quickly. If you use our instructions, you can get rid of difficulties literally in a few minutes. If you notice that your computer often does not allow you to some sites, you will need to clean the cache regularly. In the comments, we ask you to write you some of the two options to solve you.