We care about checking Google account (FRP) after resetting the smartphone settings (Hard Reset). Google account recovery on Android How to circumvent confirmation google

Why Instagram asks to confirm the account?

After entering the login and password from your Instagram account, we go to the profile from the IP address, which is different from the one you use usually. The IP address or proxy is an online address from which the bot will put likes, subscribe or unsubscribe.

The automatic security system is triggered by Instagram, which only checks whether you really make these actions: there is nothing terrible.

How to confirm the account?

- On the DO Insta website in the corresponding window:

After adding an account, select the method for which it will be convenient to confirm the account: using the phone or email number. The number or address of email will be used. Mail that you previously tied to your account Instagram: Make sure you have access to them. The code that will come to the SMS message or in the letter will need to enter in the next window and click on the "Confirm Account" button.

- through an application or website Instagram:

You can also simply go to the application or on the instagram site to do the same actions that were described above.

After that, be sure to log in to your account via the application or website Instagram, make sure that everything is in order. If you do not enter, but simply return to our service, then when you try to add an account to Do Insta, instagram will again ask the account confirmation: it turns out a vicious circle.

Initially, verification in Instagram served as the identifier of public pages of celebrities and influential people. This icon caused great interest among major branded companies, as he attracted attention and highlighted from the total mass. An Instagram account confirmation icon showed that the company is really serious. Of course, this did not mean and does not mean that all those who do not have official confirmation are fakes. But the icon really helps stand out, giving priority positions in the issuance of search, as well as access to some additional features. Therefore, official confirmation is a special status in instagram to which many ordinary users are now seeking.

So, we will analyze how to make a confirmed instagram account.

It is worth understanding that the administration of the social network does not distribute the icons to the left and right. It is necessary to go through a specific procedure and expect a solution. If you are not a mega-popular person with a million subscribers, then you have to try a little to get the verification icon.

Of all social networks in Instagram, it is more difficult to get official status. There are no specific automated algorithms, all decisions on the issuance of the verification icon are made by moderators in manual mode. Therefore, technically fooling the system will simply fail.

Sometimes the administration itself comes into contact with the owner of the profile, which has many subscribers and great activity. Offer to confirm the account. But not everyone is lucky. However, you can try. For this you need:

1. Apply Instagram Administration and wait for the letter to the email you.
2. After answering your application, you must scan the passport with your photo and send scan to the social network support.
3. If the administration approves your application, then next to your nickname you will see the coveted icon. You will be informed about the refusal.

To apply for the administration, go in your profile to the "Parameters" section, then "Support", further "report a problem" and click "Other". A blue icon will appear, click on the cursor next to it. Now you can write a letter of administration asking for verification. Be sure to specify the binding to Facebook, if this binding is not, then you will be 100% refused.

There is a simpler way to declare the administration about your desire to get a blue tick. In the "Settings" block, go to connected accounts, select Social Sit and enter your authorization data. Click on the "Authorine" button and expect when the administration itself will contact you.

Some want to get a tick that they start to actively raise the number of their subscribers by all possible methods, including cheating bots. There are special services for this, which are winding subscribers. With such programs, you need to be ashamed as possible, since the administration will definitely check the history of subscriptions and profiles of your follovers. If it is found that you have many bots and fakes, you will refuse you.

Also will look at the filling of the profile. Photos must be high quality, unique and personal. If you have some photos from the Internet, then verification you are unlikely to go. Also as much as possible, specify information about yourself, in the most detailed and correctly fill in the profile. If you have a company's commercial account, your popularity and image will play a decisive role among customers.

Now you know, how to confirm accountin Instagram. It is worth understanding that the administration will need time to carefully check and make a decision. You do not need to bother moderators with messages and requests to accelerate. After filing the application, wait patiently. If the administration considers your contribution to this social network weighing, you will get a cherished tick.

In order for you to have access to all the capabilities of YouTube, you must start the account. Only after registration you can evaluate the video, comment, communicate with other users, add publications to bookmarks. And create your own channel on which you can do well. Below we will tell you how to confirm account On YouTube, tie and untie the google profile from video hosting. Consider whether it is possible to be binding YouTube to another Google account.

How to confirm an account on YouTube?

The profile confirmation is necessary so that the Utub system can identify and prevent the activities of spammers and other ruled violators. This is done by phone number. When you provide a video hosting room, he will drive it on its base. Thus, it will be able to find out if the combination of numbers with many other accounts is not connected.

In addition to compliance with security after confirmation, another feature will be available. You can upload videos for more than fifteen minutes.

How to do it?

  1. Follow the link YouTube.com/verify.
  2. In the field, enter Mobile number.
  3. It will come to it with the code. You can order both a text message and a call.
  4. Enter the code numbers.

It happens that the code does not come. In this case, try to request it once or select another fork. For example, instead of text, voice. The code may not come if you have a lot of accounted to one number. You need to specify another phone.

And what to do if, look in the relevant article.

How to tie Google to YouTube?

Binding Google to video hosting occurs at the time of registration. Without an account in Google, you will not be able to create an account in YouTube.

If you do not have a profile in Google, but you want to register in video hosting, then the procedure is as follows:

  1. Go to YouTube and click on "Login". The button is located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Further click on "Create Account".
  3. Now fill out your data: the name, surname, email address. If you do not have a mail, here you can create mail to Gmail. After that, come up with a reliable password consisting of at least 8 characters.
  4. Enter the mobile number and address of another email. This is necessary so that you can always restore access to your account.

How to untie the Google account from YouTube?

As we have already written above, without creating an account in Google there will be no account in video hosting. Two villages are connected with tight. That is, it is impossible to untie one from another. Only if you delete your profile completely.

How to tie a youtube channel to another account?

Bind the project to another account Google is impossible. But you can transfer it to another page.


From the article you can make several conclusions. Binding Google to video hosting occurs at the time of registration on the latter. And it is impossible to untie one account from another. Only if you delete all the data forever.

When you create a Google account, to the e-mail address, the letter specified when creating it will receive with reference confirmation. Click this link to confirm that the address belongs to you. Otherwise, some of the services and google functionswill not be available.

To make sure your account has been verified, log in to Google Accounts Main Page. If it has not been verified, you will see a message in which there will be a request for Account confirmation.

Entry through OpenID

If when creating google account You specify email address from Yahoo !, You can confirm it by entering Yahoo! Using your email address and password. This reliable and secure check is possible due to the fact that Google and Yahoo.com support the OpenID protocol. It works on some sites and allows you to confirm the identity of the user.

How to check the score through OpenID:

  1. Create Google account by specifying the address with Yahoo! (which ends on yahoo.com, ymail.com or rocketmail.com).
  2. On the next page, click Check the address by registering with Yahoo.com provider.
  3. You will see the window of the entrance to Yahoo!. Enter your email address and password for Yahoo! Then click the Login button.
  4. You will see a window with a question whether you want to resolve www.google.com use your identifier Yahoo! and reading your data from this site. If so, click I agree.
  5. Ready. On the verified Google user accountYou can use various services and functions.

Before you provide your username and password to any site, always check its address in the address bar to make sure you can trust it.

Google never requests username and password by e-mail. Never inform personal information (for example, data for logging in, bank data or number credit card) on e-mail.

Some users are scattered. They periodically forget their passwords and login. Often this situation arises when they buy supported phones. When you try to connect, you need a new entry of the "Google" account. As a result, many ask such a question: "I can not enter the" Google "-Acunt! What to do?".

The concept of "Google" -Kack

"Google" -Acunt is an account of a specific user in Google. It is created during registration on the relevant site. With it, the user gets the opportunity to use mail, disk, social network Google+, YouTube video hosting, as well as other Google services. Besides, this account We are interested in users and tablets with an installed Android OS.

This system creates the above-mentioned corporation, therefore, to prevent theft, or taking into account the permanent use of the gadget, the manufacturer binds them to a specific account "Google". It is the last circumstance most often happens that they cannot enter the "Google" -Account.

The main reasons for the impossibility of entering the account

The first reason is the forgetfulness of users. There are those who create an account, for a long time They do not use them, so the password forget safely. However, it is easy enough to restore. To do this, when registering, you need to specify an e-mail or mobile numberwhere the message will come if you click on the "Forgot Password" link.

The same problem concerns that the login is forgotten. Recovery occurs in a similar way. When registering, specify your real Full name, because when you restore the login, you will be asked for, and if you have entered the fictional data, you can hardly remember them. If you remembered - the confirmation code will come (by mail or phone), after which the input to the account will be available.

If you received a message that such a user in "Google" is not registered, then check all the data, including the backup e-mail, remember - did you change the phone number, and if so, whether it is available at the moment.

Sometimes when entering the account through the browser, a message can be issued that disabled cookies files. It is necessary to include them. The order of their inclusion in each browser is yours. If it does not help - you need to clean the browser cache.

Observing these simple instructions, you can save yourself from the question of what to do if I can not enter the "Google" -Acunt.

If the account is blocked, then it will take more time on its recovery.

Entrance to your mobile phone account

In order to enter the Google account with mobile phone With pre-installed operating system Android, you need to go to the phone settings, open in "Accounts", then click on "Add Account". Some models suggest adding accounts not only Google, but also others. Click on Google, after which a menu appears in which you enter a login and password. Here you can create a new or primary account if it has not yet been created.

With the right entry of registration data, you will enter your account, and this data will be used by your gadget.

So the answer to the question on the phone? "Will be quickly found.

We enter the account after using the settings reset function

After the output of Android 5.1, the gadgets based on it received a function that should contribute to their protection from using stealing or loss. The meaning of this feature is reduced to the fact that the gadget asks after applying the reset function to enter the Google account. If you remember all the data of your account, this is your phone, and not purchased from the hands, the solution of the problem does not represent any complexity. Just enter your data and that's it.

For different models of gadgets, there are ways to bypass the protection of "Google". Within one article, it is impossible to consider them all. We give some universal methodsBut without guaranteeing them to trigger on a specific model.

  1. Insert your SIM card into a locked gadget, call it, accept the call, click on the "Add New Call". In the number of numbers randomly press the numbers by clicking on "Add a number to an existing account", after which it should be prompted to add "Google" -Acunt, enter this data, overload, after saving the randomly dialed number in the account.
  2. Until the first click (first 3 steps), we repeat the steps of the first method. In the number set, press * # * # 4636 # * # *, as a result, you should get into the advanced settings menu, click "Back", go to the settings menu, select "Archiving and Restoring" or "Restore and Reset", turn off the recovery functions , Including data redundancy, restore the factory settings (re-reset), after downloading, we enter your "Google" -ACCount.

Thus, if in the "Google" -Acunt not to log in after resetting the settings, you need to try these two ways. If it does not help, try to search for instructions for your gadget yourself on the network. It may require installation third-party programs, FastBoot support.


Finding a solution to the problem "I can not enter the" Google "-Kackout" is actually easy. In the article we described several effective ways. Try first remember the login, password, contact "Google" for help. If you cannot unlock the phone after applying the settings reset, try apply various methodsto restore access.