Takes to create simple objects in Photoshop. Simple techniques for working with photos in Adobe Photoshop. Adjust the contrasts of medium tones

I know exactly what many are interested in photography and retouche. Below read the article where the set is collected useful techniques retouchingthat will make a candy from any photo. The article will be released in two parts, today - its first part

1) Natural Light Strengthening

Sunlight creates texture. It is both the shadow sites and the places where it can shine without interference. To somehow control the intensity of light in the picture, you can use this method:
Create new layer, CTRL + SHIFT + N and put it COLOR DODGE mode 15%. Now using the brush and pipette (just pressing Alt), try slightly adjust colors.

So it is possible to increase not only the light, but also the saturation of the color gamut, getting a more realistic result.

2) infrared simulation

File- Browse in Bridge - and open our PC image to open in Camera Raw.
We edit the selection of the image by moving the slider .. Then go to the HSL / GRAYScale tab, and select "Convert to GRAYScale", and put blue -85, green +90, yellow +20.
Now the sky has become almost black, but shrubs are white. You can add a grain effect - in the "Effects" tab, we put 15 on the amount, 20 per size and 80 to roundness. Also add vignette (Vignette) - -30 Number, 40 midpoint and -35 roundness.

3) Levels

When applying Levels Adjustment, you can install black and white points to regulate shades, but how to determine where the most dark and bright places?

To do this, go to New Adjustment Layer\u003e Threshold. We move the slider to the right until the pair of white spots remains. This is the brightest spots. So, using Color Sampler Tool, put a marker there.
We do the same, moving the slider to the left - so we get the most dark plot.

Now find neutral gray. Add a new empty layer between Threshold Adjustment Layer and a layer with a photo, pour it 50% gray. To do this, go to Edit\u003e Fill (SHIFT + F5), and choose 50% Gray - the blending mode is chosen by difference.

We choose our threshold again, and move the slider to the left to the end. Then - right, until the small black dots begin to appear - this is intermediate tones. We put the third marker there.

Remove TRESHOLD and 50% Gray. Create a new adjustment layer, "Levels". First, top, pipette
Click on the 1st marker (dark), and further, respectively.
Ready! We reduced the number of shades.

4) work with color

Let us pass in the "Layer" menu, then New Adjustment Layer\u003e Hue / Saturation, set the "Soft Light" mix mode, and put a tick on the "Colorize".
We play with shades - for example, for cold shades put
HUE 210,
Saturation 50.
Lightness 10.

and for warm
Hue 30.
Saturation 30.
Lightness 5.

In addition, you can create an additional layer with a tint. Create a new layer, poured it with color, the overlay mode will be ViVid Light, and Opacity 12%. Now invert the mask of this layer, Ctrl + i (in general, make it transparent). You can now draw a white brush on it, giving the desired places the desired shade.

Very helpful when working with portraits and textures on the background.

5) Adjust the contrasts of the middle tones.

To increase the number of parts in the landscape shooting, you need to increase the contrast of the middle tones.
Copy the background to the new layer, Filter\u003e Convert for Smart Filters. Then choose Filter\u003e Other\u003e High Pass with a 3px radius. Change the overlay overlay style, and open the properties menu of the layer properties.

For the first gradient, this layer, with ALT, set values \u200b\u200b- from 50/100 to 150/200

Thus, we increased contrast only at the average tones. To change the value of High Pass, just click on it 2 times in the Layers panel.

6) Sunset

Sunset, especially at sea - a very beautiful sight. You can imitate it. To do this, go to New Fill / Adjustment Layer-Gradient Map, and open the gradient panel. Expose this gradient, at the same time putting the Soft Light 50% mode.

You see the result!:

7) Creating a Smile

Druel the area around the mouth using the Polygon Lasso Tool. Then select\u003e modify\u003e Feather at 10px. Copy the new Ctrl + J layer, and go to Edit\u003e Puppet Warp. It turns out such a grid ..

The grid size can be monitored through the Expansion field at the top panel. Arrange points in the reference places - those places that should not move. Imagine that you hang the picture on the wall. Now put the points in those places that you will shift - and move them.
You can hide the grid by pressing Ctrl + H.

8) backlight drops

Falling drops are quite picturesque sight, and it will not be superfluous to correct them in color. Alternatively, use the gradient. Create a new layer style - gradient (from # 772222 (RGB 119, 34, 34) to # 3333BB (RGB 51, 51, 187)):

9) skin color

If the skin does not look perfectly after retouching, then this may be due to its overall shade.
You can control it. To do this, create a new layer of Adjustment Layer\u003e Hue / Saturation. We choose a mask we make it transparent, inverting the color Ctrl + I.

Now a white brush, paint the mask in those places where the skin. Depending on the color range, the photo, customize the sliders - everything is very individual. We should change the skin color, and nothing more.

10) Matching skin tones

The tan or a blush can spoil the photo, especially if people with different skin shades are nearby. But in Photoshop there is a tool to correct this: Match Color.

Imagine that there is a photo where 2 people are captured, and one skin clearly casts red.
First, we allocate red skin (for example, Quick Selection Tool - W). Selection of FEATHER for 10-15px, and copy to a new layer.
Then we highlight non-red skin. And we do the same.

Activate the layer with red skin, and go to Image\u003e Adjustments\u003e Match Color. Use the sliders to adjust the tone to the desired result. The intensity of the effect can be adjusted through the opacity of the layer)

11) Lower noise

Images with lots of noise annoy. One of the ways to remove noise - through the channels.

Copy the layer and move on to the Channels panel - we need a channel with the smallest noise. Copy it and go to Stylize\u003e Find Edges. Then we apply Gaussian Blur to 3px.

Now click on the miniature of the channel, pressing the Ctrl and turn on the RGB mode. Go back to the Layers panel, and create a mask.

LC on a layer miniature, Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Surface Blur - further customize the sliders as convenient for us. Mask guarantees security.

The essence of the method is that the most dark places of photography - contours - remain uncrowded due to the mask, everything else - we are blocked.

12) Retro Effect

Go to Layer\u003e New Adjustment Layer\u003e Curves. Go to RED mode, and drag the slider slightly down for shadows and a little up for light. The same for Green. But for BLUE, we do the opposite. Shadows will be given blue, and bright areas will become yellowish.

Create a new layer and hollow it # 000066. Overlay mode - "Exclusion." Now copy the photo layer, and put the imposition mode "Soft Light."

Again, you can group layers with photos and play transparency before getting the desired result.

13) definition of layers

If you work on some complicated collage or template, you probably happened to have a layer of layers with names like Layer 47 / Layer 3 Copy 2, etc. ... To finally do not get confused, there are several solutions in Photoshop.

For example, if you select the Move Tool and click on the PC layer, then the list of layers located behind the current layer appears (although, admitted, not too convenient way - if there are a lot of layers and groups, it is difficult to find the right one)

Or Move Tool + Ctrl + LC on a layer - immediately the transition to that layer on which you have pressed are made.

If you press Ctrl + LC on a layer thumbnail - then all the contents of the layer will be selected.

If you click on the arrow with the upper right corner of the Layers panel, and select Panel Options - you can configure the dimensions of the thumbnail, as well as the display style of the miniature or the layer display relative to the entire content, or simply the layer map.

14) resource savings

If you are using plugins, then probably noticed how they are inhibited by the download time Photoshop.
To avoid this, create a folder with the name, for example, plugins_deactivated in the Adobe directory\u003e Adobe Photoshop CS5 (or what you have) - and move the expansion there rarely use. With the new PhotoShop launch, it will boot faster, and the plugins can be returned to their folder as soon as they need.

15) Sepia.

Sepia is a classic genre) to enhance the sepia effect, moving in Layer\u003e New Adjustment Layer\u003e Photo Filter, and select Sepia Filter with Density 100%.

Now go to the properties of the layer, and move the slider for First Gradient. To divide them into parts, use Alt. Thus, we get a smooth transition between adjusted and non-uncrocheted areas. Now sepia looks elegant.

16) Clean the binding

Probably, many annoying that sometimes objects do not get there, where we want, but tied to other objects. This, of course, is good and convenient, but sometimes it is not necessary. To remove the binding, simply clamp Ctrl while dragging the object.

17) Many shadows from one object

Sometimes you need to create from one object, for example, 3 shadows. It is quite realistic to do. First, throwing out one shadow. PC click on the FN icon - and in the list that appears, select "Convert to Smart Object" - our object and shadow are now one whole. Now we can discard the shadow and again to convert to Smart Object.

Plus, as I wrote in post "10 useful acceptance Photoshop."You can convert a shadow to a new layer, again clicking the PC on the FN - and selecting Create Layer. So you can create an infinite number of shadows, and applying to each individual effects.

That's all! It was the first part of the post! Thanks for reading! I hope that this material you were useful) so as not to miss the second part, as well as on time to receive all other blog materials, you can subscribe to or


Photoshop features are limitless: With this program, you can create luxurious visualization, the desired atmosphere, emphasize the mood of the picture or completely transform it. It is not always necessary to spend hours or even days for the processing of one photo - often enough minutes and knowledge of several techniques in Photoshop.

You will learn how:

Get rid of "Ledney" in the gradient

Often, the use of the gradient leaves behind the "ladder" - color transitions, visible to the naked eye. Many designers do not imagine how to get rid of them, although there is a simple and fast way. To start, change the image mode from 8 bits by 16 bits in the tab Image / Image.. Convert a layer into a smart object if it is not, - you can do it in the tab Filters / Filters.. Here are found item Blur / blur and turn on Blur over the surface / Surface blur. Moving sliders, achieve the result that will suit you.

If there are several sharp transitions after blur left, create a new layer with a Ctrl + Shift + N key combination, in the window that opens, select Mode Overlapping / Overlay And check the function Fill with neutral / Fill with Overlay-Neutral Color. Open tab Filters / Filters., Choose a section Noise / Noise And turn on the tool Add Noise / Add Noise. In the window that opens, set the value that will help hide the remaining transitions.

How to make a gradient softer

Create the effect of sun rays

To add the sun's rays to the image, first you need to choose the brightest sections of the picture - it is from there and the sun will shine. Make it the easiest tool Color Range / Color Range.

When the tool window opens, select the mode in the first drop-down list Illumination / Highlights.. Then move the parameter slider Scatter / fuzziness left and focus on the parameter Range / Range.. It is necessary to make so that the brightest sections of the image are selected.

Once you click the "OK" button, the program itself will select the desired sections - copy them to a new layer using the Ctrl + J command and convert the layer into the smart object. Go to the tab Filters / Filters., Select Blur / blur and then - Radial blur / RADIAL BLUR. In point Blur method / Blur Method Put Linear / Zoom And set the parameter Number / Amount. Maximum. In a small window on the right, the program will show how blur will be located, it is very important to correctly designate the center, which must match the light source.

To make rays more saturated, it is enough to create a duplicate layer using the Ctrl + J command the required number of times. All created layers highlight, click on them right-click Mice in the list of layers and select item Convert to Smart Object / Convert to Smart Object. Now it remains only to add a bit of blur: go to Blur Gallery / Blur Gallery And select Tool Blur field / Field Blur - With it, you can adjust the degree of dispersion at different parts of the layer.

If you want to make an image more realistic, try different layer overlay effects; You can still create a mask and remove some rays from the image using the tool Brush / Brush Tool. To make a picture even more attractive, you can create a layer-fill, set it transparency about 3-5% or experiment with the tool Curves / Curves.

How to create the effect of sun rays in Photoshop

Unusual way to control brightness using curves / Curves

All who works in Photoshop, use the tool Curves / Curvesbut few know what is capable horizontal Curve / CurveBut its use is one of the simplest and most convenient techniques in Photoshop.

To test a new way to use the tool, open any image, create a correction layer. Color Tone / Saturation / Hue / Saturation, reduce the parameter Saturation / Saturation. to a minimum and transfer layer to overlay Soft Light / Soft Light. Then create a layer with Curves / Curves., Apply it to a saturation layer by clicking on it with the Alt pinch, and make a neat horizontal curve. Select the hand icon on the panel Curves / Curves And click on the fragment whose brightness does not suit you - you can easily manage the light and dark areas of the image with the mouse without affecting the shades.

Horizontal curve - a convenient way to control the brightness without affecting shades

We do the sky more saturated

Open the desired image in Photoshop and create a new layer-fill over it. As a color, select a darker tint of the sky. Now make a layer with color only in the sky, - turn on the mask and go through the desired areas with Brushes / Brush Tool. Then go B. Overlay Settings / Blending Options - We are interested in settings Overlay, if / BEND, IF. Load the cursor to the arrow near the parameter Layer / Underlying Layer And click on it with a pinch key Alt - the arrow is divided into two parts, moving which you can achieve the desired effect. If you stopped and the sky is too saturated, you can always change the transparency of the layer.

Create a dramatic effect is very simple

Create rain effect

The Photoshop program already has a special function to create the effect of the rain, you only need to find it. Go to the tab Window / Window, Select Operations / Actions, and then - Image Effects / Image Effects. In the list that opens, find the tool Weak Rain / Light Rain, Select it and press the arrow at the bottom of the window. The program itself will create an effect, but you can adjust it manually.

Rain effect can be created in a couple of minutes.

Change the time of day per minute

To begin with, create a correction layer Color Search / Color Lookup, in the tool settings, locate the file NightFromDay.Cube. - The image will already change the colors. Then create a new correction layer Gradient Map / Gradient Map. Among gradients need to find Blue1 / Blue1. Or create it yourself yourself. After the gradient layer is created, change the overlay mode on Soft Light / Soft Light. It remains only to correct the image using the tool Curves / Curves.

1. Press TAB to hide the toolbar and palette, SHIFT + TAB will score only the palette.

2. Double click on the gray background will open a dialog box for opening a file.

3. To select all the layers, press Alt + Ctrl + a.

4. Caps Lock. Clear your cursor to a clearer cross.

5. Press the F key, and you can select one of the three different screen modes, which will make the work area anymore.

6. To draw a straight line with a brush or a pencil, make one click at the start point, then hook shift + click at the end point.

7. Pressed CTRL will turn any tool in the Move Tool (moving) while you hold it.

8. Pressed space (space) will turn any tool in the hand tool (hand) while you hold it.

9. Pressing Ctrl and "+" or "-" increases and reduces the scope of the image.

10. If you use the Eyedropper Tool (pipette) with ALT pressed - this will allow you to take a color sample for the background color.

11. Ctrl + Alt + Z and Ctrl + SHIFT + Z Use to cancel and return a series of actions.

12. The canvas ramer can be easily enlarged using the Crop Tool tool, stretch it out of the canvas and click OK.

13. Ctrl + J will create a copy of the current layer.

14. Ctrl + SHIFT + E Solte all visible layers into one, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E Solte a copy of the layers in one new layer.

15. Ctrl + D to remove the selection, Ctrl + SHIFT + D to return selection.

16. SHIFT and "+" or SHIFT and "-" will change the layer overlay mode to: Normal, Dissolve, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, etc.

17. If the Brush tool is selected, the tool transparency can be changed by pressing the corresponding digit on the keyboard.

18. Hold Alt and make a click on the eye icon next to the layer icon on the layers palette to hide all other layers except the current one.

19. Select a layer, hold alt and make a click on the border between the upper and current layer to create Cliping Mask

20. Holding alt Click on the creation button "Create a New Layer" button on the layers panel to appear dialog box with settings for a new layer.

21. Holding Alt Click on the New Channel Create button »Create a New Channel» on the channels panel to create an alpha channel.

22. The MOVE Tool tool is available in the settings AUTO SELECT LAYER layer is available depending on the location of the click.

23. Working with Grid grid, pull the upper left corner where the scale for Grid is located, and the beginning of the reference will become in the place where you release the mouse key. Double click in the upper corner, reset the reference point in the original position.

24. By creating a path using the Pen Tool tool, you can hide / show it again using a Ctrl + Shift + H combination.

25. Ctrl + TAB will switch you between different windows with images.

26. Holding SHIFT + Alt The transformation of the object will be produced in proportion to the center.

27. If you have a Move Tool tool and you want to copy something, just clamp Alt and pull the image. Holding SHIFT + Alt The object is easy to move along the tensioning Grid.

28. If you want to align the horizon or uneven edges after scanning, take the Ruler Tool tool (ruler), draw a line along your curve, then go to Image\u003e Image Rotation\u003e Arbitrary, the turning angle of photoshop will substitute itself, it remains to click OK and image turned.

29. To display the Rules panel, press Ctrl + R.

30. CTR + E Solte the current layer with the underlying.

31. If the Brush Tool tool is selected, you can control the brush diameter by means of the ["and"] buttons.

32. Double click on the Zoom Tool tool will return the scale of the image 100%, and by the hand tool will stretch the image to the screen area.

33. Change the active layer when assistance alt.+ [or].

34. Move the active layer up or down using Ctrl + [or].

35. To hide the GRID guides, press Ctrl + H.

36. Press X to translate foreground color and backgrounds in places.

37. Press D to reset colors settings for the foreground and the background in the default color: black and white.

38. To display the BRUSHES palette, press F5.

39. Ctrl + Click on the layer icon on the layers panel will create a layer contents.

40. If you want to see the contents of the layer mask, then climb alt and make a click on the layer mask.

41. Alt + Click on the creation mask icon for layer will create a black mask.

42. For the best organization of the layers - grouped the selected by pressing Ctrl + G.

43. CTRL + SHIFT + N will create a new file, with the output of the dialog box; Ctrl + SHIFT + ALT + N will create a new layer in the working file.

44. When the Brush Tool tool is active, the [and] keys are reduced and increase the diameter of the brush, and Shift + [or] will change the brush rigidity.

45. Click Alt so that burning tool will perform the Dodge Tool function, and vice versa.

46. \u200b\u200bWhen you create text, click on ENTER Creates new stringTo finish writing to write Press Ctrl + Enter or ENTER on the numeric keypad.

47. You can move the layer to any other open image in Photoshop, T.O. A copy of the layer will be created. Hold when dragging pressing the shift and the contents of the layer will be inserted well in the center.

48. After using the filter, its action can be mitigated using the Fade function by pressing SHIFT + CTRL + F.

49. You can copy it with a layer mask with a pressed alt on another layer.

50. From the Vertical Guide Grid it is easy to get a horizontal, selecting the Move Tool tool, clamp Alt and click on the guide itself. And vice versa.

1. Remove the current layer by closing Alt and pressing 3 times L.

2. Working with the Move Tool's instrum you can choose any layer by clicking on the part of the object with a pressed Ctrl.

3. Double click on the top blue strip, in any window palette, will turn it.

4. Double click on the gray background will open a dialog box for opening a file, SHIFT + Dual Click will open Adobe Bridge browser.

5. Tired of gray background around the image? Take the Paint Bucket Tool (bucket) tool, hook shift + click on the gray background and it will change in any color that you have chosen as the foreground color.

6. To select all the layers, press Alt + Ctrl + a.

7. Caps Lock will change your cursor to a clearer cross.

8. Press the F key, and you can select one of the 3 different screen modes, which will make the work area more.

9. To draw a straight line with a brush or pencil, make one click at the beginning point, then clamp shift + click at the end point.

10. Pressed Ctrl will turn any tool in the Move Tool (Move) while you hold it.

11. Ctrl + Alt + Click will create a copy of the image and move it along the movement of the mouse.

12. Pressed space (space) will turn any tool in the hand tool (hand) while you hold it.

13. Ctrl + Space + Click will increase the scale of the image, Alt + Space + click - reduce.

14. Pressing Ctrl and "+" or "-" changes the scale of the image as percentage.

15. If you use the Eyedropper Tool (pipette) with a pressed alt - this will allow you to take a color sample for the background color.

16. MEASURE TOOL (LINE) - Make a line, and then hook alt and create another line from the end of the first - this will help you determine the angle between them.

17. Ctrl + Alt + Z and Ctrl + SHIFT + Z Use to cancel and return a series of actions.

18. Alt + Backspace and Ctrl + Backspace will fool the image of the foreground color and the background, respectively. SHIFT + Backspace will call the image fill dialog box. Alt + SHIFT + Backspace and Ctrl + Shift + Backspace will fool the image of the foreground and the background color, but leaving transparent places transparent at the same time.

19. If you clamp Alt and cause a free transformation using Ctrl + T, it will be made above the copy of the object. Ctrl + SHIFT + T will repeat any last transformation.

20. Canvas ramer can be easily enlarged using the Crop Tool tool, stretch it out of the canvas and click OK.

21. Ctrl + J will create a copy of the current layer.

22. CTRL + SHIFT + E Solves all visible layers into one, Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E eats a copy of the visible layers into one new layer.

23. When using marquee tool (highlight), hold the ALT to make the starting point of the highlighted area.

24. Ctrl + D to remove the selection, Ctrl + SHIFT + D to return selection.

25. When you create a selection using MARQUEE TOOL tool, climb space to move the selection, release to continue to allocate.

26. Pressing SHIFT and "+" or "-" will change the layer overlay mode to: Normal, Dissolve, Multiply, Screen, Overlay.

27. If the Brush tool or any other is selected, the layer transparency can be changed by pressing the corresponding digit on the keyboard:
- when you click on one digit
- To specify more accurate% transparency [Hold 7, and then 2, as a result, it will give 72%].

28. Hold Alt and make a click on the eye icon next to the layer icon on the layers palette to hide all other layers other than the current one.

29. The color sample can be taken not only from the image in Photoshop, but also outside the program. Reduce the photoshop window so as to see the image where you want to determine the color, take the Eyedropper Tool (pipette) tool, make the click inside the photoshop and not releasing it out the window.

30. Select a layer, Hold Alt and make a click on the border between the upper and current layer to create Cliping Mask, so The upper layer will be visible within the framework of the lower, and the lower will replace the mask.

31. Holding Alt Click the creation button of the new layer "Create a New Layer" on the layer palette to appear the settings dialog box for the new layer.

32. Select a layer and holding down Alt, make a click on the trash can on the palette of the layers, so The layer will be removed without excessive question. Make a selection for transparency where you want, go to the Channels tab and click Ctrl + click on the "Create New Channel" button, so on The alpha channel will be created only for selected areas.

33. File\u003e Automate\u003e CONTACT SHEET II - Create small prevings for each file, covered in this moment In photoshop, in a separate document in a row and sign them.

34. The MOVE Tool tool in the settings features the AUTO SELECT LAYER layer, depending on the location of the click.

35. Working with the Move Tool by pressing Alt + Shift + with the right mouse button on different objects of the image located on different layers, will allow you to select all these layers.

36. Working with Grid grid, pull the upper left corner where the scales for Grid are located, and the beginning of the reference will be in the place where you release the mouse key. Double click in the upper corner, reset the reference point in the original position.

37. By creating a path using the Pen Tool tool, you can hide / show it again using a Ctrl + Shift + H combination.

38. Navigation control using keys can be often more efficient mouse:

Home \u003d Scroll into the upper left corner
END \u003d scroll into the lower right corner
PageUp \u003d scroll up one page
Pagedown \u003d scroll down one page
Ctrl + pagep \u003d Scroll to the left for one page
Ctrl + PageDown \u003d Scroll to the right to one page
Shift + pagep \u003d scroll up at 10 pixel
Shift + pagedown \u003d scroll down on 10 pixel
Ctrl + SHIFT + Pagep \u003d Scroll to the left at 10 PIXEL
Ctrl + Shift + Pagedown \u003d Scroll to the right on 10 PIXEL

39. Ctrl + TAB will switch you between different windows with images.

40. F12 will return the condition of the image that was in the last preservation.

41. Hot keys for channels: RGB, CMYK, Indexed Color

Ctrl + "~" \u003d RGB
Ctrl + 1 \u003d Red
Ctrl + 2 \u003d Green
Ctrl + 3 \u003d Blue
Ctrl + 4 \u003d Other Path
Ctrl + 9 \u003d Other Path
Ctrl + "~" \u003d CMYK
Ctrl + 1 \u003d Light Green
Ctrl + 2 \u003d Pink Red
Ctrl + 3 \u003d Yellow
Ctrl + 4 \u003d Black
Ctrl + 5 \u003d Other Path
Ctrl + 9 \u003d Other Path
Ctrl + 1 \u003d indexed
Ctrl + 2 \u003d Other Path
Ctrl + 9 \u003d Other Path

42. Holding the Ctrl on the Navigator palette you can stretch the red rectangle, thereby scaling the image.

43. Hold Alt and make a click at any step in history, so The step will be copied.

44. Click Alt and pull the step from one Action to another, get a copy of the action.

45. In the Lens Flare filter (FILTER\u003e RENDER\u003e LENS FLARE), set the exact coordinates by closing Alt + by clicking on the preview window.

46. \u200b\u200bHolding SHIFT + Alt The transformation of the object will be made proportionally from the center.

47. If you have a Move Tool tool, and you want to copy something, simply clamp alt and pull the image. Holding SHIFT + Alt The object is easy to move along the tensioning Grid.

48. If you want to level the horizon or uneven edges after scanning, take the MEASURE TOOL tool (ruler), draw a line along your curve, then go to Image\u003e Rotate Canvas\u003e Arbitrary, the turning angle value of Photoshop will substitute, it remains to click OK and image turned.

49. If you create something in Illustrator "E, sweep and paste in Photoshop, it will ask what form to insert: pixel or shape.

50. To display the Rules panel, press Ctrl + R.

51.To the image was clearly in the center of Ctrl + A, Ctrl + x, Ctrl + v.

52. CTR + E Solte the current layer with the underlying.

53. If the Brush Tool is selected, you can control the brush diameter using the [and] buttons.

54. Double click on the Zoom Tool tool will return the scale of the image 100%, and by the hand Tool tool will stretch the image to the screen area.

55. Working with the text:

Ctrl + H will hide the selection of selected characters.

If you are allocated symbols, make a click in the font type selection string, and you can use the arrow on the keyboard to select the type of font.

Alt + Left or right arrow will change the indentation between characters by 10.

Ctrl + Alt + Arrow left or right will change the indentation between the Sivolas per 100.

56. Ctrl + Alt + T will create a copy of the object you want to transform.

57. Ctrl + Alt + Arrow to the right, left, up or down scores the current layer and shifts to 1px.

58. Change the active layer using Alt + [or].

59. Move the active layer up or down using Ctrl + [or].

60. To hide the GRID guides, press Ctrl +

61. CTRL + [PLUS key] will increase the scale of the image, Ctrl + [Minus Key] - reduce. Ctrl + Alt + [Key Plus] will increase the scale and window size, the same for Ctrl + Alt + [minus key].

62. Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool tool, click Backspace to cancel the last step.

63. Press X to activate the foreground color and background places.

64. Press D To reset colors settings for the foreground and the background in the default color: black and white.

65. To display the palette with the BRUSHES settings, press F5.

66. To display the Layers palette, press F7.

67. Ctrl + Click on the layer icon on the layer palette will create a layer content.

68. If you want to see the contents of the layer mask, then clamp Alt and make a click on the layer mask.

69. Alt + Click on the creation mask icon for layer will create a black mask.

70. When using Polygonal Lasso Tool, clamp SHIFT to create straight corner with a pitch of 45 degrees.

71. In order to move on the visible part using the capture, use a clamping space in the selection mode (V).

72. CTRL + SHIFT + N will create a new file, with the output of the dialog box; Ctrl + SHIFT + ALT + N will create a new layer in the working file.

73. Let's return to the brushes, the [and] keys are reduced and increase the diameter of the brush, and SHIFT + [or] will change the brush rigidity.

74. Click Alt to Burning Tool to perform the Dodge Tool function, and vice versa.

75. Stamp Tool clones images (Alt + Click - to determine the area for copying). It also works if several images are open in Photoshop and you can also clone any sections from other images, it is enough just to arrange images within visibility on the screen.

76. Ctrl + Click on the layer icon creates the selection of an object on this layer. If you need to highlight more than 1 object on multiple layers, hold the SHIFT additionally.

77. To combine the palettes in one, pull the labels of any tab to another palette to other shortcuts and it moves.

78. When you create text, pressing ENTER will create a new string to finish writing Press Ctrl + Enter or ENTER on the numeric keypad.

79. You can move the layer to any other open image in Photoshop, T.O. A copy of the layer will be created. Hold when dragging pressing the shift and the contents of the layer will be inserted well in the center.

80. Create new document In Photoshop, 500x500px size, create a new layer, take the Brush Tool tool, select the standard round, any diameter and put the point at the top of the center (position as in hours 12). Press Ctrl + Alt + T, it will create a copy of the point and allows you to transform it. Pull the point in the center of the transformable Pivot point object and install it clearly in the image center, at the top. Enter the angle of the 30 degrees and click OK. And now the trick - press Ctrl + SHIFT + ALT + T 10 times and you will see what happens.

81. SHIFT + Click on the blue top strip from the toolbar or palette, moves them to the side border of the window.

82. How to choose a group of layers without using a layer palette? How to select one layer, we know from paragraph 81, and add another layer in the group you can enjoy Ctrl + Shift and making a click on a part of the object located on another layer.

83. Delete several layers can be removed by simple perrusting of the layer group on the basket icon on the palette of the layers, how to choose a group know from paragraph 82.

84. Press TAB to hide the toolbar and palette, SHIFT + TAB will score only palettes.

85. After applying the filter, its action can be mitigated using the Fade function by pressing SHIFT + CTRL + F.

86. Copy the layer mask, you can having threw it with a pressed alt on another layer.

87. From the vertical GRID guide, it is easy to get a horizontal, selecting the Move Tool tool, clamp Alt and click on the guide itself. And vice versa.

88. Saving a document using Save for Web Information about the document is lost to save information Use Save AS.

89. For the best organization of the layers - grouped the selected by pressing Ctrl + G.

90. To display the Rules panel, press Ctrl + R

Learn to handle fast and efficiently your snapshots with a course. "Fast photo processing in Photoshop from A to Z" Link to the course:

As already mentioned in the first lesson on the skill of photoshop, that you never cease to learn from a new one in this program. New methods and tools available for use are always appearing. We decided to collect another 25 techniques and advice in photoshop needed to each designer.
Sit down, carefully read and enjoy the unexplored!

Master manipulation using the "Puppet Warp" tool.

This tool is not used so often as other photoshop tools, but if it works, it turns you into a design star! Puppet deformation allows you to install points (pins) on the layer and then manipulate and flex an object in a realistic manner. In other words, a peculiar framework is created, which allows you to control the changes of the object like a puppet.

Below is the image of the snake, which I removed from the background and placed on your own layer.

Using puppet warp (Puppet Warp), I added several checkpoints to the object and changed the position of the snake on the surface. Great, isn't it?

You can find more detailed information on this tool.

Editing with one click using adjusting layers (Adjustment Layers).

You are all familiar with the correction layers and know which incredible result can be obtained using them. But you may not notice that some of the corrective layers contain quite interesting and useful settings. In my example below, I opened the Corrows Correcting Layer (Layer-New Adjustment Layer -Curves) and at the top of the Options dialog box opened the drop-down menu of the already specified settings.


I especially like the set of settings inside the correction layer "Black and White" (Black and White).

Did you know?

You can use the adjustment layer as a clipping mask to a specific layer, if you click at the bottom of the correction dialog box of the two rings icon (Clipping Mask). Otherwise, the correction will affect all the layers below.

Full control over contours in the contours panel (paths).

If you spend time, drawing contours in photoshop, the "contours" panel (Paths) is mandatory for you. The palette of contours in Photoshop is essentially the same as the palette of the layers, but serves only to create contours.

In this panel, you can create new outlines and delete them, download their allocation, circle and pour in any color.

Creating and editing your own key combinations.

Have you ever a desire to change the key combinations in Photoshop default or create your own? It is easy to do. Go to the Edit-keyboard Reduction menu (Edit | Keyboard Shortcuts).

In this panel, you can change the default settings and even add your own.

Perfect control over the Text Tool (Type Tool) with the "Symbol" palette (Character).

The "Symbol" palette contains all the necessary features for editing text and paragraphs. Access to the palette is carried out through the Window-Character menu or when active tool "Text" (Type Tool) Click in the upper menu of the edge icon on the right.

Optimization of the workflow using the Operating Environment function (Workspace).

Photoshop presents five windows operating settings. One for 3D images, for design, movement, drawing and photos. Choosing one of the workspaces, you will see that Photoshop opens the most necessary panels for work in this area and organized in such a way that the necessary functions become easily accessible.
Working Environment Selection is carried out through the Window menu | WorkSpace (Working Wednesday window).

You can also create and save your own workspace. Go to the Window menu | Workspace | New Workspace (Working Wednesday Wednesday Work Environment), we assign a name working environment. This is very helpful adviceIf you use several workflows.

Bending reality with filter "Plastic" (Liquify).

My favorite filter in Photoshop - Plastic (Filter | Liquify). You can create interesting deforming effects here, but looking realistic.

Under the example below, I used the brush in the plastic filter to increase the eye of the girl and spinning the hair to give the image a bit of madness.

Exclusion of confusion in working with the "Showing Layer Edges" function.

The function of showing the edge of the layers during your work is very useful. It is convenient if you work in a document with a plurality of layers and it becomes difficult to say where it is (at what level) one or another layer. Access to this feature is done through the menu: View | Show | Edges Layer (View-Show-Edge Layer).

Now when you click on the layer or several layers, they will be highlighted in the working window of the document.

Selecting specific colors and shades with the Color Range function.

A huge part of work in Photoshop is the allocation of objects. And to make it quickly and efficiently will help you with the Color Range (Color Range) function. It allows you to highlight any color or shade.

Access via Menu: Select | Color Range (Selection-Color Range).
At the top of the dialog box, you can choose any color or range of lights, shadows and halftone.

As soon as you click OK, your selected area will be highlighted. In the example below, I chose the range of lights to be selected on the photo.

Organization and classification of documents.

In the uppermost program panel there is an icon of the organization of files with a drop-down menu. This is very useful feature In case you have a lot of documents open or if you work with one or more documents at the same time.
The work area of \u200b\u200bthe screen will reflect such a number of files that you select from the list.

Configuring the PHOTOSHOP menu default.

If the absolute rationalization of the process is needed, you can configure the default program menu. Remove what you do not need during the work. To perform the settings, go to the Edit menu | MENUS (editing menu).
To remove unnecessary parameters, simply click on the eye icon in the settings dialog box.

Did you know?

You will also burn to highlight certain menu items in any color on the menu bar. We simply click on the word "no" (none) in the column and assign any color from the drop-down list.

Editing and setting up your brush.

The brush settings panel (Window-Brush or F5) allows you to fully control the operation of your brush. Here you can make any changes to the already existing tool parameters or create your own brushes and save these adjustments in the form of a new brush.

Use the mask palette.

The layer masks provide incredible conditions for non-destructive editing of the layers. But if you never examined the parameters this method, I do not know half of the flexibility inherent in this tool.

The layer mask is added by pressing its icons at the bottom of the layer panel (Add Layer Mask). Open the "Masks" palette (Window | Masks). When choosing a mask you created on the layer, all functions are immediately activated in the masks panel. Below I created a mask with a copy of the Red Alpha Channel (Red Channel) in the photo.

Adjusting the decisive function (Feather) in the masks panel, I can create a soft focus effect on the photo. The effect is preserved completely and can be edited without prejudice to the original photo.

Knowing these parameters gives much more flexibility to the disguise process.

Editing JPG images in Camera Raw.

There are a number of excellent tools found in Camera Raw, and they are not limited to the family formats of the chamber. You can open any JPG images in Camera Raw. Open Bridge (icon in the highest menu), select the image and click on it, by selecting it, selecting from the menu - open in Camera RAW (Open in Camera Raw).

One of my favorite tools with Camera Raw is a corrective brush (Adjustment Brush). The following is an example of editing an image using this tool. You can see the lesson on using a corrective brush.

Using alpha channels for more accurate selection.

It is often overlooked by the method of isolating the object from the background on the mask using alpha channels.

For example, we have a bird on a white background that you want to delete. Open the Channels Palette and choose the most contrasting channel for our image. In this photo, the Blue Channel (Blue) is the most contrast.
Copy this channel by dragging it to the thumbnail to the icon of the new channel at the bottom of the palette.

If desired, we can remove the remaining black areas on the bird using a white brush (Brush). Next, load the selection of this channel (Ctrl + click on its icon), return to the layers panel (Layers) and hide the background on the mask by pressing it the icon below the layers panel.

Relief design with the "Texturizer" function (texturizer).

This is one of the small filters of a program that can inspire on experiments from time to time. We load this filter through menu Filter. | Texture | Texturizer (texture-texture filter-texture).

I used a tree photo to create texturing.

In the filter dialog box, choose the canvas texture (Canvas). The effect is not bad, but not particularly interesting.

There will be a real pleasure to use your own textures. You can download them into the filter by clicking on the arrow next to the section "Texture". The only requirement is that the format of the loaded texture should be PSD.

In the example below, I downloaded the original image of this tree as its texture that creates an interesting effect in the picture.

Creating gif animation in Photoshop.

Creating gif animation is not what I often do, but when there is an opportunity, I use it. Making the personnel of animation in Photoshop is not only incredibly simple, but also interesting. Open the animation panel (Window | Animation) and create a new frame by pressing the icon below the panel. You can edit, add and rearrange the document for each frame. Then select the display time of the frame by pressing the arrow below the miniature frame. To view the animation, use the player keys at the bottom of the panel. To save the animation in GIF format, go to the File menu | Save for Web & Devices (File-Save for Web and Devices). Select GIF as a file format.

Clearing with the Info panel.

You may ask what is the "Info" panel (INFO) and why it takes place on the screen. I also asked it a question myself many times, but the truth is that the Info panel contains a lot of useful information.

Look at the screenshot below and you will see what data are reflected in this panel.

Working with color schemes through the extension "Kuler".

If you were interested in color schemes in excess of the default program, then, probably, you know about the project "Adobe's Kuler Project". This is a community on the Internet dedicated to flowers with a huge number of interesting options and color ideas. Access to the extension "Kuler" is carried out through the Window | Extensions | Kuler (cooler-extension window). With the "Cooler" panel, you can search and view any color options, and you can also visit the site page. As soon as you find the resulting color solutions, you can add them to your palette "Samples" (Swatches) for further work.

Editing video in Photoshop.

I bet that you did not know that the video could be changed within the photoshop program. It is very easy to do. You can import videos through the menu: Layer | Video Layers | New Video Layer From File (Layer Layers Video New Video Layer File). All video frames are edited as a regular layer. To access individual frames, you need to open the timeline of the animation (Window | Animation). In addition, you can make global changes in the video by adding correction layers in the layers panel.

A quick video lesson on the use of video layers is presented.

Creating vignette using corrective layers.

I recently found a way to create a vignette using the Gradient Fill Corrective Layer. I love adjusting layers, so this method In the piggy bank of their tricks.

Open any of your photo. I used the photo you see below.

Now add the Corrective Layer "Gradient" (click on the correction icon at the bottom of the layer panel and select from the list - Gradient Fill). We set the direction of the color of the gradient from white transparent to black. Change the mixing mode of this layer on soft light (Soft Light).

Further, on the gradient layer (Gradient Fill), open the layer styles (click on the Add Layer Style icon) at the bottom of the layer panel and add the style of the Gradient Overlay style (Gradient Overlay), but already with a radial style. We again use the color from the translucent white to black.

This method is good because the vignette always remains editable and the correction layer can be transferred to a new document with automatic resizing.

Source photo.

Perfect placement when using alignment objects.

This advice may be apparent for some, but you will be surprised how long I used photoshop before these tools noticed.

When you activate the Move Tool (V)), the alignment icons appear in the top panel. When you select a variety of layers (Ctrl + Click on miniatures of layers), then then try clicking on any of the data icons, and see what happens.

Knowing these functions, you can save a bunch of time in the working process.

Using the shift filter (offset) to create a repeating pattern.

Often you have to create your textures and patterns, so the "Shift" filter function is necessary.

To create a repeating pattern, you must select a square from your texture file. It is preferable to one that has a homogeneous tone. Copy (Ctrl + C) Selected Square to a new file of 500 × 500 Px.

Now go to the menu: Filter | Other | Offset and set the shift to the right and down horizontally and vertical to +250.

I entered the value of +250, because I have the size of the document 500 px, i.e. Shift half the size of the document.

Now, using a stamp tool (Clone Stamp Tool (S)), remove the line in the center of the document. This file can be saved as a repeating pattern and will look like a 500 Px seamless pattern.

Organization of your layer panel with grouping.

You can know this feature of the program well, but there are some nuances. I usually do not comply with layers, so the result of my projects may consist of a plurality of tens of layers. To keep the order in the work, I group layers in the structural parts. This is an important point in work, because the grouping allows you not to be confused in details when sharing files and work in the group.

Did you know?

Inside groups, you can create new groups for the further organization of the layers in the panel.