Creating a new virtual machine. Disable virtual machine

VMware Workstation is a virtual machine to start operating systems installed on a computer. VMware Virtual Machine Emows Computer Hardware, allows you to create virtual machines, run one or more operating systems working in parallel with Windows installed on your computer.

VMware Workstation Pro emulates the computer hardware, allows you to run on the computer to start the software in an isolated environment. You can install a virtual machine oS (For example, Linux on Windows, or, on the contrary) to work in a virtual environment without affecting the real system.

Check unfamiliar or suspicious software, check in the work new antivirus without installing it on your computer, try working in another operating system, etc. In this case, the real operating system will not be affected in the case of dangerous actions performed on the virtual machine.

The real operating system installed on the computer is called host (host), and the operating system installed on the virtual machine is called a guest operating system.

The American company VMWare is the largest software manufacturer for virtualization, manufactures programs for personal computers: Paid VMware Workstation Pro and free VMware Player with trimmed features.

VMWare Workstation Pro (in the article Overview of this program) supports the installation of several different (or identical) operating systems: various distributions of Windows, Linux, BSD, etc.

Please note that the guest operating system consumes computer resources. Therefore, during work virtual machineThe real computer should not run resource-intensive applications, and at the same time open several virtual machines at once. The more powerful computer, the more comfortable work on the virtual machine. On the powerful computers Without problems, several virtual machines will work simultaneously, and on weak, only one virtual machine.

Install the VMware Workstation Pro program to your computer. By default, the program works in English, on the Internet there is a good Russification from Loginvovchyk, which you want to install after installing the program. After that, the VMWare Workstation Pro virtual machine will work in Russian.

After startup, the main VMware Workstation window opens. At the top of the window there is a menu to control the program. On the left is the "library", in which virtual machines installed in VMware will be displayed. In the Home tab, there are buttons to perform the most commonly demanded actions: "Create a new virtual machine", "open a virtual machine", "Connect to a remote server", "Connect to VMware VCloud Air".

Creating a new virtual machine

To create a virtual machine (VM), click on the "Create a New Virtual Machine" button, or enter the "File" menu, select "New Virtual Machine ...".

A wizard will create a new virtual machine. In the first window, select the configuration type "Normal (recommended), and then click on the" Next "button.

The following window offers a selection of the type of installation of the guest OS, three options are available:

  • installation from the installation DVD disk inserted into the computer's drive;
  • use to install a system image file in ISO format from a computer;
  • installing the operating system later.

In the case of selecting the first two options, after selecting the settings, installing the operating system to the virtual machine will begin. In the third case, the installation of the guest OS can be started at any other convenient time after completing the virtual machine setting.

In case of installation later, select the guest operating system. If it is not listed, select "Other". Then select the OS version. A large selection of versions for each system is offered (more than 200 OS are supported), there is also an option Other different bit (34-bit and 64-bit).

If you install a guest system in the process of creating a virtual machine, then a window with a quick installation information opens. The Windows product key and password are not necessary, you should select only Windows version.

If there is more than one logical disk on your computer, then I recommend changing the location of the storage location of the virtual machine files in the user profile (default setting) to another disk of your computer.

What is it for? In the event of a Windows failure installed on the computer, you will need to reinstall the system. After reinstalling the operating system, the VMWare virtual machine file saved in the user profile on system diskwill be lost. If the virtual machine is not located on the system disk, then the Windows reinstall does not affect it.

To reuse, you will need to install the VMWare Workstation program, and then connect the virtual machine. Do not have to still install and configure.

Therefore, on the "E" disk (in your case, most likely, there will be a "D" disc) of your computer, I created the "Virtual Machines" folder, in which the folders with the files of virtual machines installed on my computer are saved.

For a new virtual machine, create a folder named this VM in order to separate its files from other VM.

Next, you must select the maximum disk size occupied by the virtual machine (by default - 60 GB, the size can be changed), the type of saving a virtual disk: in one file, or in several files. This size will be taken from your computer hard disk for the needs of the virtual machine.

When saving a virtual disk in one file, the VM works more productively than when divided into multiple files.

In the final window, click on the "Finish" button. After that, the installation of the guest operating system will begin.

Read more about the process windows installations Read here:

If the setting was selected to install the operating system later, then in this window there will be no item "Enable this virtual machine after its creation", accordingly, the installation of the guest system will not begin.

Configuring VMware Virtual Machine

By default, the configuration of the virtual machine is optimal for most cases. If necessary, you can change some parameters, as well as add shared folders.

In the settings, in the "Equipment" tab, you can change the amount of memory for this virtual machine, the number of processor cores, the volume of the hard disk occupied by the virtual machine. In the "CD / DVD (SATA" section, you can select a drive or file image of the operating system for installation (when you select the installation later), make other settings.

In the "Parameters" tab, in the "Shared Folders" section, select the "Always Enabled" setting, activate the "Connect as a network drive to guest windows" item.

Next, click on the button "Add ...", in the Add Shared Folder Wizard window, create a common folder for data exchange with a real system and other guest systems. General folder It is advisable to create not on the system disk according to the reasons described above.

On my computer already there is such a folder (Data Sharing). I chose this folder for a new virtual machine. Next, enable this resource.

When settings, the default is allowed dragging, inserting and copying files from the real to the virtual system, and in the opposite direction.

Opening a virtual machine

After reinstalling Windows (My case), you can open previously created virtual machines saved on your computer. In the main VMware Workstation window, click on the "Open Virtual Machine" button, or in the File menu, select "Open ...".

Select a file (on my computer, virtual machines are in the Virtual Machines folder) of the virtual machine, and then click on the Open button.

On your computer, I opened the previously saved virtual operating systems: Windows 10 x64, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Mac OS X.

Launch Guest OS in VMware Workstation

To launch the guest operating system, in the VMware Workstation Pro program window, select the tab from the desired OS (if several guest OS is installed), and then click on the "Enable Virtual Machine" button. You can enable the system from the "Virtual Machine" menu, "Power", "Run a virtual machine".

To release the mouse cursor from the virtual machine, press the "Ctrl" + "Alt" keys, and to switch the mouse cursor to the virtual machine to "Ctrl" + "G" (or click in the virtual machine window).

Installing vmware Tools.

VMWare Tools - driver package and services that improve the work of the virtual machine and its interaction with peripheral devices. Immediately after installing the operating system to the virtual machine, you need to install VMware Tools. This will appear a reminder in the program window.

In the "Virtual Machine" menu, select "Install the VMware Tools ..." package. Next, open the Explorer, start the installation of the VMware Tools with cD-ROM drive. After the package is completed, restart the guest operating system.

Pictures of the state of the guest OS

In VMware Workstation, you can create a picture of the state of the guest OS. After creating a snapshot of the system status, in case of failures in the operation of the guest OS, you can return to the previous operating condition of the system.

The "Virtual Machine" menu you need to click on the "Create a Status Snapshot" item. Next, give the name to the picture, if necessary, add a description.

To restore the state of the guest OS at the time of typing, select in the context menu "Back to the picture: N". Next, restore the system status. The current state of the OS will be lost.

Created pictures can be controlled via status snapshots: Create, cloning, delete pictures. There are three buttons on the menu bar to control the status of the system.

Disable virtual machine

To exit the virtual machine, in the "Virtual Machine" menu, click on the Power Context menu, and then select "Finish the Guest OS". The operating system will complete its work, as with the usual disconnection of the computer.

When choosing a PUNTA "Suspend the guest OS", the system will pause its work, without disconnecting services and applications.

How to go to VMware virtual machine BIOS

In the process of starting the virtual machine, it is not possible to enter the BIOS due to the fact that the BIOS screen loads almost instantly.

In order for the user to have the ability to enter the BIOS of the virtual machine when the system is loaded, you must open a configuration file (extension file.vmx) of this virtual machine in the notepad. The configuration file is located in the virtual machine folder, in place selected when creating a virtual machine.

Enter the following line at the very end of the configuration file:

Bios.bootdelay \u003d 15000.

This parameter sets the BIOS screen delay in milliseconds, in this case, 15000 \u003d 15 seconds. You can choose another time interval.

Now the user will be able to click on the desired key On the BIOS screen opened.

Deleting a virtual machine

To delete a virtual machine, open the tab of this virtual machine to VMware Workstation Pro. In the "Virtual Machine" menu, select the Control menu item, and then "Delete from a disk" item. In a warning window, agree to delete (this is irreversible action).

After that, all the guest virtual machine files will be removed from the computer.

Conclusions Articles

VMWare Workstation Pro virtual machine is a powerful application for creating guest virtual operating systems running on a computer, along with a real OS. The guest operating system will be isolated from Windows installed on the computer.

On the modern market of software, there is a huge number of virtual machines (VM), but today's review is devoted to VMware Workstation. This is a program designed for simultaneous installation and using multiple operating systems from one computer.

How to install vmware workstation

Installing the VMWare Workstation is absolutely the same as any other program. After the application window appears on your computer, in the left part of it, you will see all available virtual machines, and in the right - directly working window, with which the control is performed.

Special attention should be paid to the creation of VM. In VMware Workstation there are two ways: normal and selective. After selecting the type of configuration, you need to choose compatible programs and the operating system itself. Next, the list of settings will be automatically proposed.

It is important that you can not only choose the type of operation, but also the number of cores involved in the work. But experienced users advise not to spend too many resources on the guest OS. Increased resource consumption will only slow down the device, but will not affect the performance of the guest operator. Installation is also invited to select the number. random access memory. As a rule, it is enough to choose the value proposed by the system automatically, but the setting can be performed in manual mode.

Stages setup

After that, you can start up. In the process of operation, the software can be paused, while all the entered settings and parameters will be saved. To turn off, just click on the appropriate button in the working window. It is important that sooner or later the work of the virtual machine will have to stop, as it will accumulate in it unnecessary filesSlowing the device.

You can use VM, even after reinstalling the main OS. To do this, just open the working window and copy it.

In general, VMware Workstation can be called useful software. This program has high functionality and simple interfaceand allows you to carry out operations on different operating systems without negative consequences for the computer.

VMWare Workstation for Windows

Virtual machines have already firmly occupied their place among the tools that significantly improving the efficiency of using server platforms and personal computers. The ability to consolidate several virtual servers On one physical allows organizations of various levels to significantly save on hardware and maintenance. Desktop users use virtual machines, both for learning purposes and in order to create protected and portable custom environments. In the corporate environment, virtual machines on desktop systems are also used to test software in various configurations, launching specialized virtual templates and centralized storage of virtual custom desktops. With the mass use of virtual systems, the main activities and optimization of virtual machine performance are one of the most important events. While most virtualization platform manufacturers provide users with users and system administrators a variety of tools and means to maintain effective virtual infrastructure, performance optimization, both the platforms themselves and virtual machines are a thinner point. The use of various optimization techniques largely depends on the platform used, the use of virtual machines, available tools and personnel qualifications.

In Russia, the most popular virtualization tools are VMware products. And this is not by chance: VMware, being one of the oldest participants in the market, at the moment it is its leader and largely determines the directions of development of the scope of virtualization as a whole. To date, the most important interest for users is the commercial platforms VMware Workstation, VMware ESX Server and free platform VMware Server. Despite the fact that VMware Server is a server platform, many users successfully apply it as a desktop platform due to its free, although practically all parameters functionality product VMware. Workstation 6 is much higher.

Issues of optimizing virtual machines and guest systems running in them arise both at home users of virtualization products and companies seeking to use hardware resources as much as possible. This is especially true for virtual servers that must have a high availability property from the internal or external network, and servers that intensively use any of the computer hardware resources (for example, a hard drive of database servers).

Comparative Vmware Server and VMware Workstation Overview

VMware Workstation and VMware Server products, although designed for different categories of users, however, are used in similar situations. VMware Server is used not only to maintain the small infrastructure of virtual servers in the SMB sector (Small and Medium Business), but also applies to the development and testing purposes. Also, many home users use VMware Server as a free alternative to VMware Workstation product, although the latter has significantly large functionality It is for the end user. From the table below, you can see when you need to use VMware Workstation, and when it is enough free vmware. Server.

CapabilitiesWorkstation 6.0.0.Server 1.0.3.
Run as a serviceNo (but there is the possibility of folding UI in System Tray)Yes
Starting a virtual machine when loadingNotYes
Local controlThick client, command line
Multiple user accessNotYes
Software interfacesC / COM / PERLC / COM / PERL
Remote host managementNotWeb Console
Remote virtual machine managementNotThick client
Multiple installation managementNotNo 1
The ratio of virtual machines on the core2-4 2-4
Support hardware virtualizationIntel Vt.Intel VT (Experimental)
Generation of virtual hardware6 5
Virtual Processors via SMP (Symmetric Multi Processing)2 2 (experimentally)
Maximum RAM for one virtual machineup to 8 GBup to 3.6 GB
Maximum RAM for all virtual machinesUnlimited 2.Up to 64 GB 2
IDE controllers / disks on them1/4 1/4
SCSI controllers / disks on them1/7 4/60
Maximum virtual disk size (IDE / SCSI)up to 950 GBup to 950 GB
Virtual Network Adapters per virtual machine10 4
Virtual switches10 9
Snapshots through a fat clientYesYes (only one)
Snapshots through the command lineYesNot
Cloning of virtual machinesYesNo 3.
Teams of virtual machines (in one virtual network segment)YesNot
Virtual Machine Activity RecordingYesNot
Debugging virtual machinesYesYes
General folders with host systemYesNot
Record virtual machine activity in video fileYesNot
Drag & Drop interface between the guest and host systemYesNot
Officially unsupported host systemsSUSE LINUX 7.3.Windows XP Professional (32/64 bits)
Windows XP Home.
Windows 2000 Professional
Red Hat Linux 7.0
Red Hat Linux 7.1
Support 64-bit systemsYesYes
Paravirtualization supportYes 4.Not
Price$ 189 (when downloading from the site)
$ 209 (retail supplies)
Free 5.
  1. Available when used with the product Virtual Center (not free).
  2. In operating systems with the PAE-mode enabled.
  3. Available when managing the product Virtual Center (not free).
  4. Available when using VMware Virtual Machine Interface (VMI) 3.0.
  5. Technical support is not free, but not necessary. Users can buy VMWare Gold. or Platinum Support and Subscription Services.

Performance Optimization VMware Workstation and VMware Server

Optimization of virtual systems running platforms VMware Server and VMware Workstation consists of four key components:

  • correct hardware selection and optimization
  • setting and optimization of host platform
  • configure and optimization of the Virtualization and Virtual Machine Platform
  • optimization of the guest system


When choosing equipment for the host system, it is necessary to explore the average load physical systemIt is necessary to virtualize and select the so-called virtualization coefficient - the number of virtual machines running simultaneously on one physical platform. It is necessary to take into account not only the workload of the processor, but also all the hardware resources, since the extremely intensive use of any resource of one virtual machine can lead to a slowdown in the work of the host as a whole.

According to expert estimates, most servers currently use approximately 10-20 percent of computer hardware powers, therefore, in this case, for the VMware Server product, you must adhere to the ratio of 2-4 virtual machines on the processor core, leaving some reserve for peak loads on what -Lo from servers. When using VMware Workstation, users often create dozens of virtual machines, and the number of simultaneously running virtual systems may be different, depending on the guest OS used.

When choosing hardware components for a virtualization server or host for a desktop platform, you need to consider the following hardware resources:

  • Memory
    Rate the amount of memory used by virtual machines and applications running in them, add memory required for the host OS (depends on the selected platform) and support the virtualization platform (usually at least 64 MB).
  • Disks
    Try to use high-performance SCSI discs and RAID arrays. remember, that RAID arrays may be of different typesAnd the productivity of the disk system depends on its choice. Make sure that the discs of the host system are not overwhelmed, as it acts greatly on the performance of virtual machines, especially when creating snaps or working with Redo-disks. Using SAN or NAS storage device, make sure that you have read and write caches and correctly exhibited their size.
  • Net
    When selecting network adapters and communications devices, consider the following recommendations:
    • use switches ("switches") instead of hubs ("hubs")
    • when using Gigabit Ethernet cards on hosts, make sure that you use cables and switches with the corresponding bandwidth
    • do not use more physical network interfaces than necessary - unnecessary adapters accept broadcast packages, which slows down the speed as a whole


When choosing a host operating system for VMware Server or VMware Workstation, it is necessary to consider its equipment requirements and plan the resources allocated in advance virtual machines. The most attention when optimizing the host OS needs to be given memory, disks, network interfaces and operating system services. Of course, the host system cannot establish any additional software that can adversely affect its speed.

Virtualization platform and virtual machines

When optimizing the system of virtualization and virtual machines, it is necessary to take into account many parameters and various options for using virtual machines. In each individual case, it is necessary to carefully study which of the aspects when setting up a host or guest OS can be a "bottle throat" (Bottleneck), which significantly affects the performance of the system. In particular, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • CPU

    If your processor uses Hyper-Threading technology to represent two logical processors for one physical, do not turn on the virtual SMP (two virtual processors) in the settings of the virtual machine when it is created.

    You can also manually set priority for virtual machine processes:

    go to the "Edit" menu, select "Preferences", go to the "Priority" tab and assign the priority of the active virtual machine (INPUT GRABBED - when the cursor is inside the virtual machine) and the other virtual machines in the background (INPUT UNGRABBED).

    These settings affect all host virtual machines. You can also assign them for a specific virtual machine (they will block the global settings): Go to the "VM" menu, then "Settings", go to the Options tab and Advanced category.

  • Memory

    If you use a host OS not only to start virtual machines, but also for other tasks you can specify the number of physical memory that virtual machines can use. To do this, go to the "Edit" menu, select "Preferences", go to the MEMORY tab and set the required amount of memory for virtual machines.

    Here you can also determine how virtual machines will use the paging file. By default, part of the memory of the virtual machine is reset to the paging file. If you set the parameter "ALLOW MOST VIRTUAL MACHINE MEMORY TO BE SWAPPED", this will allow you to start a larger number of virtual machines simultaneously, but will adversely affect their speed. The choice of the first parameter will entail using only physical memory The host system, which will speed up the speed, however,, accordingly, will reduce the number of simultaneously running virtual machines.

    VMware WorkStation and VMware Server use unused memory cleaning procedures (Memory Trimming). Generally speaking, this parameter does not greatly affect performance, but its shutdown can slightly increase productivity when working with virtual machine disks. You can disable it by adding a line to the VMX file Memtrimrate \u003d 0. or in the settings of the virtual machine:

    VMware products also use general access To the memory pages (Page Sharing), which allows virtual machines to share one copy of memory pages, which is especially effective when starting the same guest systems, with the same applications running in them. In this case, this approach saves up to 30 percent of physical memory, but reduces the speed of I / O operations. If you have enough RAM, this technique can be disabled by adding a line to the VMX file: sched.mem.pshare.enable \u003d "false"

  • Disks

    If possible, use virtual machines stored locally disks. If network resources are using, follow the network bandwidth and availability. By default, VMware Server and VMWare Workstation use SCSI emulation. Do not change this parameter, since the use of virtual IDE disks reduces speed. Use virtual disks The "Preallocated" type, instead of "growable", although the second and beneficial from the point of view of the site used (grow as far as filling), they work slightly slower. To set the "Preallocated" type disks when creating a virtual machine, check the Allocate All Disk Space Now. You can also create independent (independent) disks for a virtual machine that can be permanent (Persistent) and non-permeable (nonpersistent). The contents of these disks exists regardless of instant pictures of the virtual machine (snapshots). Non-permanent discs are distinguished by the fact that their content is reset when the virtual machine is turned off. Independent-Persistent wheels have the best speed and are recommended for most use options. In order to create such a disc, select the "VM", "Settings" menu, on the Hardware tab, select a disk and click "Advanced", make sure that the "Independent" and "Persistent" checkbox are set.

    Remember also that the use of snapshot slows down the speed of the disk subsystem, so do not use them without need.

  • Net

    Delete all unused virtual network adapters for each virtual machine in the "VM" menu -\u003e "Settings". With intensive traffic exchange with the host OS, the most effectively use the type of bridged network interaction, rather than NAT, since in the latter case there are costs of maintaining a virtual NAT device.

  • Other
    • Disabling debug mode

      By default, VMWare Workstation collects debug information, which can slightly slow down the performance of the virtual machine. This feature can be disabled in the "VM" menu, following "Settings", the Options tab, the "Advanced" category, then set the "Gather Debugging Information" combobox to the "None" value.

    • Disable logging

      For virtual machines in VMware Server and VMware Workstation, the logging mode is enabled, which practically does not affect performance, but it can be turned off by adding a Logging \u003d "False" to the VMX file.

    • Turning off CD / DVD-ROM drives

      Many forget that some old operating systems, such as Windows 98, constantly check the presence of a disk in the drive, which leads to the loss of speed. Virtual CD / DVD-ROM can be disabled in the Virtual Machine Settings:

Guests and Applications

The optimization of the guest system is the most subtle time optimization of virtual systems, since much depends on what purpose a virtual machine is used which applications in it are running and to which components of the system are the highest speeds for speed. The most significant settings are: processor, memory, discs, network adapters and virtual machine software.

However, first of all, after installing the guest system, you need to install the VMware Tools package, which contains improved device drivers that significantly increasing the speed of the guest system. The VMware Tools application can not be installed in all guest OS. To install this package, when you run a virtual machine, after full OS download, in the "VM" menu, select "Install VmWare Tools".


After all the four listed optimization measures are carried out, it is necessary to continuously monitor the performance of virtual machines, especially if they work as virtual servers. The purpose of optimization in this case should be a stable simultaneous work of several virtual systems on one physical host. Regularly update the software and the virtualization platform, and then you will be able to maximize the use of virtual machines as on desktops and as flexible server elements of the IT infrastructure of the enterprise.

Video of demonstration B. good quality - 720p - everything is clearly visible. For those who do not want to watch the video - under the cut decoding demonstration and screenshots.


1. Transcript with small editing.
2. Please remember the difference in writing and oral speech.
3. Screenshots in a large size, otherwise nothing to disassemble.

Colleagues, good afternoon. We begin to demonstrate VMware NSX. So, what would like to show today. Our demo infrastructure is deployed on the basis of our MUK distributor. Infrastructure is quite small - these are three servers, servers have ESXI in the 6th version of the update 1 V-center updated, that is, the most freshest thing we can offer.

In this structure, we have received several VLANs from NSX network engineers, in which the server segment can be placed, video desktops, a segment that has access to the Internet in order to access the video desktop. On the Internet, well, access to transit networks so that colleagues from MUK can connect from the inner network, right? Any operations related, for example, if I want for some demo or some pilot to create a few more network port-group networks make a more complex configuration, you need to contact colleagues from MUK, ask them to work on equipment - That has done it there.
If I need to interact between segments, then either again negotiate with the networks, or in a simple thing - a small machine, a router inside, two interfaces, there and here, as we used to do.

Accordingly, the use of NSX 10 pursues two goals: on the one hand, it is to show how it works not on virtuals, on the gland, yes, that it really works and it is convenient; The second moment is to really simplify the specific tasks. Accordingly, what do we see at the moment? At the moment we see what virtual machines appeared in this infrastructure after NSX has been implemented. Some of them are mandatory, it is impossible without them. Some appeared due to a certain setup of the infrastructure itself.

Accordingly, the NSX-manager is mandatory - this is main server.through which we can interact with NSX, it provides the V-center web client to its graphical interface, it allows you to access it through the REST API in order to automate some actions that can be done with NSX or some scripts, Or, for example, from various cloud portals. For example, VMware VREALIZE Automation or portals of other vendors. For technical NSX-y, you need a cluster from NSX controllers, that is, these servers execute an official role. They define, they know, yes, they store information about how the physical ESXI server, which IP addresses and MAC addresses are currently present, what new servers we have added, which falls off, distribute this information on ESXI SERVER, that is, in fact, when we have created using the NSX, L2 segment, which must be available on several ESXI servers and the virtual machine attempted to send an IP package to another virtual machine in the same L2 segment, NSX Controllers know exactly what a host actually needs to be delivered. And they regularly give this information. Each host owns a table, which IP, which MAC addresses on which hosts are, what are real, physically packages need to be transmitted.

If we open the configuration of any host, we can see the same interface through which packages will be transmitted over the network. That is, we have the parameters of the VMKERNEL adapter, this host will be using this IP address to the VXLAN network packages. A little bit here we have a small monitor, so you have to get out.

And we see that a separate TCP / IP STACK is used to transfer these packages, that is, it can be a separate default gateway different from the usual VMkernel interface. That is, from the point of view of physics: in order to deploy it in the demo, I needed one VLAN, in which I can accommodate these interfaces; preferably - and I checked that this VLAN is not only distributed on these three servers, it will stretch a little further if the fourth-fifth server appears, for example, not in the same chassis, where these blades are standing, and somewhere separate maybe even not in this VLAN-E, but which is routed here, I can add, for example, the fourth server that will be in another network, but they will be able to communicate with each other, I can stretch my L2 networks created using NSX from these three servers, including this new fourth.

Well, actually now go to how NSX himself looks like, that is, what can we do with it with a mouse and keyboard, right? We are not talking about the REST API when we want to automate anything.

Section Installation (Now we are there, I hope you will switch) allows us to see who we have a manager, how many controllers, the controllers themselves unfold from here. That is, the manager we download from the site VMware, this is Template, we turn it out and implement in the V-Center. Next, we set up the manager, specify a login-password to connect to the V-Center to the server in order for it to register the plugin here. After that, we connect to this already interface, say: "We must implement controllers."

The minimum, if we say, for example, about some test bench, the controller may even be one, the system will work, but it is not recommended. The recommended configuration is three controllers, preferably on different servers, on different stars, so that the failure of a component cannot lead to the loss of all three controllers at once.

We can also determine which hosts and which clusters running this V-center of the server will interact with NSX. In fact, not necessarily the entire infrastructure running a single V-Center server will work with it, there may be some sample clusters. Selecting clusters, we must install additional modules on them that allow the ESXI server to make encapsulation / decapsulation of VXLAN packets, this is done, again, from this interface. That is, you do not need to go to SSH, you do not need any modules manually copy, from here they pressed the button, traveled the status "It turned out / failed".

Next, we must choose, in fact, how this setting of the VMKernel interface will occur. That is, we choose a distributed switch, choose an applint, that is, where it happens; Select the load balancing parameters when the links are several, depending on this, when we have only one IP address of this type, sometimes there may be several. Now we use in mode one by one.

Next, we must select the VXLAN ID. That is, VXLAN is a technology that resembles VLAN, but these are additional labels that allow in one real segment to isolate different types traffic. If the VLAN identifiers are 4 thousand of them, the VXLAN identifiers are their 16 million. Here we actually choose a certain range of VXLAN numbers segments that when automatic creation Logical switches, will be assigned to them.

How to choose them? Actually, as you want, of this range, if you have a big infrastructure and there may be several NSX implements so that they do not intersect. Quite simply. Actually, just like VLAN. That is, I use the range from 18001 to 18999.

Next, we can create the so-called transport zone. What is the transport area? If the infrastructure is large enough, imagine, you have about the order of hundreds of ESXI-Serve, about 10 servers on the cluster, you have 10 clusters. We can not use all of them to work with NSX. Those of them that we have involved, we can use as one infrastructure, and we can break, for example, into several groups. To say that we have the first three clusters - this is one island, from the fourth to the tenth - it is a different island. That is, by creating transport areas, we indicate how far this vxlan segment can spread. I have three servers here, you will not know much, right? Therefore, everything is right here. Just all the hosts from me fall into this zone.

And one more important point. When setting up the zone, we control how to go information sharing information about IP addresses, MAC addresses. It can be unicast, it can be MultyCast L2 level, it can be unicast, routed via L3 level. Again, depending on the network topology.

These are such a certain preliminary things, that is, again I repeat: everything that took place from the network infrastructure is that I have all the hosts on which NSX should operate with each other by IP using if necessary, including, including and ordinary routing. And the second moment is that MTU here in this segment, where they interact, was 1600 bytes, and not 1500 - as it happens usually. If I can't get 1600 bytes, so I just have to in all designs that I create in the NSX-E, clearly fasten the MTU, for example in 1400 so that I fit in the physical transport in 1500.

Further. I use NSX, I can create a logical switch. This is the easiest way to compare with the traditional network (VLAN to cut). The only thing that, no matter how I know, where my physical servers are connected, yes, here are the same switches. Theoretically network can be more complex. You may have some of the servers are connected to one switch, part to another, somewhere L2, somewhere L3. As a result, actually creating a logical switch, we cut VLAN immediately on all switches through which traffic will go. Why? Because in fact we create VXLAN, and the real physical traffic that will see switches - it is traffic from an IP address per hypervisor to an IP address of another hypervisor, the UDP type, inside the VXLAN content.

That is, thus cutting networks is very easy. We simply say: "Create a new segment", choose the type of transport Unicast, choose which transport zone, that is, in fact, on which ESXI clusters this segment will be available. We are waiting for a little - and now this segment will appear. In fact, what happens when we create these segments? That is, how to connect a virtual machine there? There are two options for this.

Option number time.

We say directly from here that connecting a virtual machine to the physical network. And some of our customers said: "Oh, this is what our networks want." They go to network settings, and says, here you have, lace from the car, including in the port of a logical switch, right? And choose, here - the car, here, respectively, the interface.

Either the second option. In fact, when creating a logical switch, the NSX manager refers to the server's V-center and creates a port group on a distributed switch. Therefore, in fact, we can go just in the properties of the virtual machine, select the desired port group, turn on the virtual machine there. Since the name is generated programmatically, it will include the name of this logical switch, the number of the VXLAN-segment. That is, in principle, from a regular V-Customer-Customer, it is clear enough, in the gamble the logical segment you turn on the virtual machine.

Further. A few more machines that were visible at the very beginning, yes? And here, where did they come from. Some NSX functions implements directly at the module level in the ESXI kernel. This, for example, routing between these segments is a firewall during the transition between these segments, or even within this segment, some functions are implemented using additional virtual machines. So-called Edge Gateways or Additional Services when needed. What do we see here? We see that in my infrastructure there are three of them, one of them is called NSX-DLR, DLR is a Distributed Logical Router. This is a service virtual machine that allows the distributed router to NSX-E to work, it does not have network traffic through it, it is not data-playn, but if our distributed router is involved, for example, in the exchange of routes using the Dynamic Routing Protocols BGP, OSPF, From somewhere these all routes should fall, other routers must contact someone and share this information. Someone should be responsible for the status of a distributed router or not. " That is, it is actually a certain management module of a distributed router. When it is configured, we can specify that it should work reliably, respectively, two virtual machines in the HA-pair will be introduced. If one for some reason has become unavailable, the second one will work on its place. Two other EDGEs that have the type of NSX Edge are virtual machines through which the traffic that goes into external networks that are not managed by the NSX-Ohm. In my scripts, they are used for two tasks: NSX Edge is simply connected to the internal networks of the MUK data center network, it eats, for example, my V-Center is how it was on the usual standard port group, it works there. In order for I could with some virtual machine on the NSX Logical Sweethell to reach the V-Center, I need someone who will connect them. Binds them with me this virtual machine. She, indeed, one interface is connected to a logical switch, another interface is connected to a conventional port group on Standart Switch to ESXI, which is called NSX Internet EDGE. Guess what is different? It is about the same, but the port group to which it connects is the port group that is connected to the DNZ network in which honest white Internet addresses work. That is, on it now, on one of its interfaces, a white IP address is configured and you can connect to this demo, using NSX Networking. Accordingly, additional services are such as distributed routing, we configure here in the Pameval point, if we want to make firewall, if we want to do NAT, if we want to do Log Balancing or, for example, VPN, external connectedFor this, we open the Internet EDGE properties.

We sprawl a little in time, so I will not show everything that I wanted to show.
Accordingly, in the EDGE properties, we can control the firewall, this is a firewall that will be applied when traffic through this virtual machine is going through, that is, it is actually a certain perimeter firewall. Further, it may have a DHCP server, or it can make a promise as IP-Helper, as DHCP-Helper. He can do NAT - what I need here for EDGE, which looks one side of the honest Internet, and the other in the internal networks. It has a load balancing. It can act as a point for a VPN tunnel or as a terminator for client connections. Here are two bookmarks: VPN and VPN Plus. VPN is the site of the site, between EDGE and other EDGE, between Edge and our cloud, between Edge and the provider cloud, which uses our VCNS technologies or NSX. SSL VPN Plus - there is a client for various operating systems that can be put on your laptop or user, they will be able to connect to VPN to infrastructure.

Well, literally the last few moments. Distributed firewall, that is, the firewall is applied on each host, as the rules we can specify here IP addresses, package numbers, port numbers, the name of virtual machines, including masks, for example. Make a rule that from all machines whose name begins with UP, allow walking at 14:33 to all machines whose name begins with DB. Allow traffic from a typewriter, which in the daddy of the V-center one, will go to the daddy another, connect to Active Directory, say that if the machine is included in a specific group AD, then this traffic is allowed, if not included, then traffic prohibit. Well, different other options.

Plus, again, what to do with traffic? Three actions: Allow, prohibit, refuse. What is different to ban from refuse? And one and the other blocks traffic. But one just does it quietly, and the second sends back the message that your traffic was killed. And it is much easier then in diagnosis.

And literally an important addition at the end. That is, such a component as Service Composer. Here we can integrate NSX by some additional modules, for example, this is an external load balancing, this is an antivirus, it is some IDS / IPS system. That is, we can register them. We can see here which configs are, we can describe the same securities. For example, a group of demouses is a group that includes itself in the machines on which the user from the Demousers group was launched. What do we see now? That one virtual machine is entering this group. Where's she? Here.

Virtual desktop, the user is connected there. I can take a rule in a firewall, which is to say that allowing the users of one group access to one file servers, and users of another group allow access to other file servers. And even if it is two users who come to the same, for example, a desktop VDI, but in different timeThe firewall dynamically apply different policies to different users. Thus, it is possible to build a much more flexible infrastructure. There is no need to allocate individual network segments, individual machines for different types of users. That is, network policies can dynamically reload depending on who is now using the network.

Distribution of VMware solutions in

This article is dedicated to the best virtualization platform for VMware Workstation desktop computers, and love me lovers VirtualBox, Hyperv, etc.

A virtual machine is a program that allows you to emulate an independent computer in a working operating system. The virtual machine allows you to perform your own operating system and applications as a physical computer.

Such a program allows you to emulate a processor, RAM, hard disk, BIOS, etc.

The emulation program itself, as well as the operating system operating in it, is called a virtual machine, while the main operating system and the physical machine is called the host system.

Purpose VMware Workstation

1. VMWare Workstation allows you to try out any (almost any) operating system on a computer without the need to create new sections on a physical hard disk.

2. VMWare Workstation Allows you to install several operating systems on one computer without the need for appropriate configuration of physical hard drives.

3. VMWare Workstation allows you to work with several operating systems simultaneously with the possibility of dynamic switching between them without rebooting the system.

4. VMWare Workstation allows you to test applications running various operating systems (for example, XP and 8).

5. VMWare Workstation allows you to emulate a computer network.

6. VMWare Workstation allows you to reduce the risk of infection of the host system, by starting not secure software in an isolated virtual environment.

7. Teachers use VMware Workstation to create virtual machines for students, including all applications that are required for learning. Nothing terrible will not happen if the student in the process of learning is intentionally or inadvertently destroying the experimental environment. To restore a damaged virtual system from backup (previously created snapshot) will be needed only a few seconds.

System Requirements VMWare Workstation Technology Preview 2014

As stated in the documentation for the VMware Workstation Technology Preview 2014 program, system requirements To the platform similar to VMware Workstation 10, except for the following:

1. 32 - the discharge operating systems are no longer supported as a host system (now the platform can only be installed on 64 - discharge systems)

2. Windows XP 64-bit, Windows Vista 64-Bit, Windows Server 2003 64-bit and Windows Server 2008 (64-bit (not including R2) are also not supported as a host system.

The rest of the system requirements are similar to VMware Workstation 10

  • Mining clock frequency Processor 1.3 GHz.
  • The minimum number of RAM for the 1GB host system is recommended 2 GB.
  • The minimum number of RAM for the guest system is 256 MB.
  • 1.5 GB of free hard disk space

There are versions of the program for Windows, Linux. Windows and Linux version of the program have a single serial numberSo buying an application for one of these OS, the user can use it to another for free. If you need a Mac program, then you need to install VMware Fusion.

There is a VMware and a free product - this is a VMware Player, which can be used for free in personal non-commercial purposes.

What is the difference between Vmware Player and VMware Workstation?

VMWare Workstation is a much powerful solution with advanced features, such as creating pictures, remote connections To vsphere, cloning, sharing virtual machines, advanced setting and much more. Workstation is intended for use by technical specialists - developers, quality control experts, system engineers, IT administrators, technical support specialists, consultants, etc.

Installing the VMware Workstation program

1. Download Preview VMware Workstation 11

Fig.1 Site vmware.


c. Download program. To download the program, you must register on the site.

2. Start the program installation file Vmware.Workstation.(The new version of VMware Workstation is installed only on the 64 BIT Windows system).

3. In the first step of installing the program, click the button Next

4. In the dialog box license Agreement Install Radio Point I Accept the Terms in the License Agreement and press Next

5. In the next window of selecting the program installation method, specify Typical

6. Specify the way to install the program Vmware.Workstation. and press Next

7. If it is necessary, when you start the VMware Workstation program, updates were checked, check if Checkbox checkbox installed Check for Product Updates On Startupand press Next

8. In the next window, you must specify whether the program will send anonymous statistics to the VMWare company. This statistic contains the name of the product used, the version, the assembly number and the program configuration. These data allow companies to identify popular configurations and timely optimize their product in the right direction 10. At the end of the installation, you must enter license key The programs that were listed above.

11. Upon completion of the installation, click the button FINISH