Information about the SIM card number display. ICCID of a SIM card - what it is, how to find it out and determine its location. Determine the owner of the Megafon number

Not all citizens are aware of how to find out who has a SIM card registered on it. People rarely need such information. However, there are times when incoming calls come from unfamiliar numbers, after which it is not always possible to determine who tried to contact you. This article provides information on how to determine the owner of a SIM card by phone number.

SIM card - connection with the world

Every time you apply for a new SIM card in salons cellular communication The buyer is required to present identification. However, recently, anonymous SIM cards have become in great demand. In this case, the citizen does not need to show any documents; the phone number in this situation is already registered to a third party.

However, such actions are not legal, since Federal Law No. 126-FZ dated July 7, 2003 states that within 10 days after issuing a SIM card, the seller must enter information about the buyer into the general database of cellular phone numbers. However, the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for different ones only for sellers.

Administrative fines range from 5,000 rubles for individuals and up to 200,000 rubles for various enterprises. Therefore, there is no penalty for purchasing a SIM card without presenting an ID.

Anonymous SIM cards are in great demand among business travelers and migrants who are not registered in a particular region. Regardless of the fact that almost every mobile phone owner buys their SIM cards officially, using the method with the operator, while presenting documents, a difficult situation may develop in which it will be necessary to identify the owner of the SIM card.

Ways to determine the owner of a SIM card

There are two ways to find out who the SIM card is registered to:

How to find out who has a SIM card registered in Russia? The necessary information can be obtained in 2 ways. Go to personal account on the official website of a specific operator. To log in, you need to provide your username and password.

Your personal account contains information about your current tariff plan, as well as other data. In accordance with the rules for the provision of cellular communication services, the operator, after an appropriate request, is obliged to provide the subscriber with all the information of interest.

Therefore, a citizen will have to come to the office of his operator and make a written application, present an identity card, and request specific information about the owner of the SIM card.

In a situation where the phone receives various threatening messages from illegally registered numbers, and through a personal account on the website there is no way to determine the owner of the SIM card. When the police make an official request, the mobile operator will have to provide the necessary information.

Simple ways to determine

How to find out who has a SIM card registered on it without much effort? In fact, such a procedure requires some effort. Cellular operators are given the right to process the personal data of their subscribers, and not to distribute them. Therefore, to obtain information about the owner of the SIM card, it is possible, upon request, from prosecutors or, as mentioned above, authorized employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There is a proven way to check the region in which a specific SIM card was registered:

  1. The search engine indicates the code of the number being checked. Search engine you have to specify the region in which the code will be used.
  2. If the number was registered in Russia, you can use a special widget from Yandex, which will help determine the region where the number is registered.
  3. Today, anyone can download a cellular company's database. If the information provided in it is up-to-date and information about a specific subscriber is present, the owner of the number can be determined without much difficulty.

There are many online services that allow you to determine the region to which a specific phone number is assigned. However, it is not recommended to leave your personal data on such Internet resources in order to avoid any problems in the future.

Now we should consider the possibilities provided by specific mobile operators.

Checking Beeline subscribers

If you have a SIM card for this mobile operator, without much difficulty you can log into your personal account on the Beeline website and get the necessary information about the owner and the current tariff plan.

Available today special application“My Beeline”, which allows you to view information about the card owner. You must request a login password by typing the command *110*9# into your device.

If you do not have access to the card, you can request necessary information in Beeline offices. Employees are not authorized to disclose this information, but they can help for a certain fee if you can come to an agreement with them.

Checking MTS number

How to determine the owner of an MTS SIM card if you need to re-register it in your name? Without the owner, it will not be possible to do anything like this, even in a situation where the card has been used for several years.

The number is checked on the official MTS portal on the Internet in this way:

  1. You need to find the “Personal Account” item. Then follow the specified link.
  2. The required telephone number is indicated. A password will be sent via SMS, which you will have to enter.
  3. The page will indicate the name of the SIM card owner, balance, available services, current tariff plan, available accumulative points.

Tele2 subscriber identification

If anyone has any doubts about the rights to a SIM card from the Tele2 operator, you need to go to the company’s website to check. In the cellular communications industry, fraudsters find quite favorable conditions for their activities.

Information can be accessed through Personal Area using a special one-time code. After entering the necessary information in the appropriate fields, you can see the full name of the card owner and his exact address in the “Edit Profile” section.

Sometimes subscribers receive a phone along with a SIM card as a gift. To apply for a card in your name, you need to contact main office companies. This procedure is acceptable in a situation where the owner and user of the SIM card are present. To re-register a phone number, both parties need to present.

Determine the owner of the Megafon number

The Internet will help you find out who the SIM card is registered to.

Determining the owner of a SIM card from the Megafon operator is practically no different from the procedure for identifying the owners of the numbers of the above operators.

If you receive threatening messages on your number, you need to contact one of the Megafon offices with a corresponding statement, which should state the real cause of concern. If representatives of the organization approve what has been accepted, the personal data of the desired subscriber can be obtained.

Often the reasons for determining the owner of a number are not so serious. To do this, you can try to implement the procedure for monitoring social networks. Many active citizens find it easy to provide information about their cellular operator and contact phone number.

Additional Information

Sometimes it becomes necessary to determine to whom a landline number is registered. When the old directory does not contain the specified subscriber, it is better to download the updated version from the Internet. You can also always contact help desk in order to find the necessary information. Some employees can be contacted for help for additional remuneration.

With the help of modern Internet technologies, you can determine the owner of a landline number absolutely free of charge. There are certain sites that promote effective search information about certain people. To do this, enter the area code and phone number. To prevent scammers from making money on themselves, you need to use only free services.

After reading the information presented in this article, no one will have questions about how to find out who the SIM card is registered to. Russian operator cellular communications.

The video will tell you how to find out information about the owner of a landline number or any mobile operator:

How SIM cards appeared

SIM stands for Subscriber Identification Module or Subscriber Identification Module. As the name suggests, the SIM card serves to identify the subscriber in the cellular network.

At first, user identification on the network was carried out based only on the factory number of a cell phone - ESN (Electronic Serial Number). When there were few subscribers and equipment manufacturers, this approach was justified. As a result, the equipment, that is, the cell phone and the subscriber, were identified with a single code. Among other things, this approach created a complete dependence of, say, the service package and phone number on the device. That is, having changed your cell phone, you had to go to the operator’s office so that the serial numbers of your phone were entered into the database. If your mobile phone broke down, it took some time before you could use communication services again.

It would be much more convenient to have subscriber identification independent of the phone. The developers were guided by this idea GSM standard, who proposed to separate the identification of subscribers and equipment. The Finnish company Radiolinija was the first to apply this idea in 1991.

The proposed identification scheme is still in effect today. In particular, as we have already said, a SIM card is used to identify a subscriber in GSM cellular networks (as well as in many others). For completeness, we note that modern cell phones are identified by the system using a 15-digit IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identifier).

Having talked about the history of SIM cards, let's try to take a closer look at these interesting devices.

What is a SIM card: purpose and development
In short, a SIM card is a computer. The SIM card contains a microprocessor, buses for input and output of information, a typical set of computer types of memory ROM (read-only memory), RAM (operational memory), EEPROM (rewritable). The card stores various data, some of which it handles with extreme care in order to ensure the safety of the subscriber.

In particular, the following information is stored on the card:
IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identifier) ​​– International identification number mobile subscriber. In fact, it is the username in the system.

Ki (Key) – individual identification key.

ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card ID) – serial number cards.

The IMCI and ICCID are stored unencrypted on the card and are relatively easy to read. But Ki is reliably hidden from outsiders; all operations with it are carried out by the card using the internal processor and memory. Such secrecy is necessary for one simple reason - if someone finds out the IMSI, ICCD and Ki of your SIM card, they will be able to make calls on your behalf and for your money.

In addition to identification data, the card can store Additional information. In particular, the phone book, SMS messages, call lists, SIM menu. By the way, all of the above functions did not appear in SIM cards right away. So, in the early 90s, cards were equipped with 8 KB of memory and provided only basic capabilities (receiving and making calls, receiving SMS, roaming) necessary for working in cellular networks. In the mid-90s, the range of functions supported by the card expanded.

At the end of the 90s, cards with 16 and 64 KB of memory appeared, which, including more capacious copies, are still used to this day. Modern SIM cards support a lot of functions, among which the so-called SIM Application Toolkit should be noted. This opportunity allows the operator to equip subscriber phones with an additional menu item that gives access to various services operator.

Currently, SIM cards are being created, the volume of which reaches hundreds of megabytes. In particular, the Msystems company produces cards under the general name MegaSIM, having capacities of 128, 256, 512 MB and 1 GB. A gigabyte card called S-SIM was announced at the end of 2006 by Samsung. This card allows you to store many useful information– music, videos, games.

The idea of ​​SIM cards inspired UTStarcom to develop a new concept for mobile phone personalization. The essence of the concept is that a mobile phone should consist of a body, a keyboard, a display, speakers and the required minimum of microelectronic components. And everything that is responsible for personalization and additional features device, must be placed on a special card called MobileCard. This card can be compared to system unit a regular PC, while a telephone, according to the company's plan, is similar to a set of peripherals for connecting to a system unit.

Now that we are more familiar with SIM cards, let's talk about some techniques for using them.

Features of use
Many of us have encountered the problem of multiple SIM cards. The simplest (but expensive) solution is to buy several phones - according to the number of these same cards. However, there are better ways. In particular, if you constantly use two or three SIM cards, you can try to get a so-called Adapter for 2 SIMs (or even a tripler) designed to combine several chips from SIM cards under one housing. If two or three numbers are not enough for you, think about the so-called MultiSim+Reader - a card that combines several regular SIM cards - usually up to 10.
The essence of MultiSIM is that basic identification data from regular SIM cards is entered into this card. To obtain this data (in particular, Ki and IMSI), the card can be “hacked” using special software (and a SIM card reader - SIM scanner). Not all types of cards can be hacked. For example, there are several encryption algorithms used for subscriber authentication. This is COMP128v1, which is most widespread in Russia, and COMP128v2 - its implementation occurs in currently. Only cards using the COMP128v1 encryption algorithm are susceptible to hacking.

The encryption algorithm (as well as Ki) is used at the stage of user authentication by the network. It looks like this: Ki is known to the SIM card and the so-called AuC - (Authentication Center) - authentication center. In order to verify the authenticity of the card, AuC sends a randomly generated 128-bit number to the device, which is processed using an encryption algorithm, for example, the already mentioned COMP128v1. Moreover, all calculations are carried out inside the card. The result is a 32-bit number (SRES), which is sent to the AuC for verification. If the SRES calculated by the AuC matches the SRES calculated by the card, then it passes authentication and the user is connected to the system. The hack involves bombarding the card with requests and calculating Ki based on its responses.

After a SIM card is hacked, its data can be entered onto a duplicate card. The creation of such cards is not to the liking of cellular operators, because it is always more profitable for them when a subscriber uses the services of one company.

Having discussed the features of cloning SIM cards, let’s say a few words about the safety of their use.

Safe work with SIM cards
SIM card is complicated electronic device, so it’s easy to accidentally damage or break it. The most common problem that many users experience is that their device “does not see” or suddenly stops seeing the inserted SIM card. This can happen, for example, due to moisture condensation in winter, after the phone has been moved from a cold street to a warm room. Anyway, this problem being treated in the following way: The card should be removed from the device and its contacts gently wiped with a soft, lint-free cloth. After this everything should work.

If we talk about security, SIM cards have several levels of protection. As a rule, subscribers have to deal with PIN and PUK codes. Strictly speaking, it is recommended to keep the phone in a state protected by a PIN code at all times, but rarely does anyone follow this recommendation.

IN Lately, All more people learn about such a thing as ICCID SIM cards. In this article we will tell you what this option code is, how to determine the phone number, owner, and geolocation using it. Let's figure it out in order - why it is needed.

Each SIM card has an assigned ICC ID

What is this special code?

Iccid (Integrated Circuit Card IDentifier) ​​- unique international number SIM cards assigned to each card, this code is individual and should not be repeated. Usually this number is written on the SIM card itself, next to the digital chip. The IMEI itself is often located there. As a rule, people ask to find out by a unique code:

  • where is the device located;
  • is anyone using it now?
  • calculate PUK code
  • the phone number itself;
  • owner, his location.

Often this information is punched out along with the IMEI when buying a phone second-hand.

Using the code, you can find out whether someone is currently using your device or not. It is worth saying that the operators mobile communications with a high degree of probability, this individual number printed on a SIM card will not be issued to an ordinary user. Therefore, you will need to contact law enforcement agencies. They often work closely with mobile operators, and they themselves mobile companies They do not want to have enemies in power and willingly cooperate in various problems.

Your smartphone has been stolen or lost: as soon as the ICCID operation is activated on Apple’s servers, and this happens when the device is connected to iTunes, you will be able to understand whether your mobile phone has been found and is being used.

How to find out the ICCID of a SIM card

Do you have new SIM card(nano card)? - there is an opportunity to find out unique number this way: by downloading an application on Android called ICCID. It is recommended to do this in Google Play. By the way, similar programs are SIM Card Details or SIM Serial Number.

We find using ordinary parameters:

  • go to “Settings” - scroll to the very bottom “About phone” - “General information” - “Sim cards”.

Depending on the brand and model of the device, this cannot be done on every smartphone, be careful. It's easier to download the application.

On iPhone, follow almost identical steps:

  • go to “Settings” - “General” - “About device”;
  • Let's look at the information of interest, individual code.

We do it in iTunes:

  • connect the smartphone to the PC;
  • launch the application on the computer;
  • after finding the mobile phone in the program, go to the “Browse” tab;
  • A window will open, click on “Phone number” several times with the left mouse button and the line will change. Just wait for the information you need to appear and copy.

If you have an unactivated iPhone, lock the device and when unlocked, an “I” icon will appear on the screen in the lower right corner. You should click on it to find out all the necessary data.

How to find out the location of a SIM card by ICCID?

The location of the SIM card can be found out from the cellular operator, but only upon request from special law enforcement services. You simply go to the relevant authorities (often: the police), write a statement, and then they act.

On the Internet, on many sites you can see an interesting service: “Determination of location coordinates by ICCID” for a small (or large) fee. Don't be fooled - it's a scam.

Remember: it is impossible to calculate the exact coordinates using the identification number, it is impossible!


In conclusion, I would like to say that ICCID are unique numbers assigned to each SIM card, written on its back or solid card. With its help you can find out PUK1 and PUK2, phone number. This can only be done by having connections in the subscriber department of operators or through special services. You won’t be able to find out the exact location yourself.


First try to find the contract for the provision of communication services that you signed with this operator, or an envelope with card codes. It should also include her number.

If you have not found the agreement, first check the balance status on this SIM card (MTS - *100#, then the “call” button; “Beeline” - *102#, “call”; “Megafon” - *100#, “call” "). If you have a positive balance, you can call any relative or friend and ask them to dictate your “old new” number to you or send you an SMS message with this information.

Use the “Call/Call me back” service if there are not enough funds in your account to outgoing call. For MTS subscribers, there is a single request for all telecom operators: *110*, then comes the number of the subscriber you are asking to call back, then # and “call”. However, the number of such requests is limited: no more than five per day. Megafon and Beeline subscribers can send up to ten requests per day to subscribers of any telecom operator by dialing the command: *144*, then the number of the subscriber to whom the request is addressed, then # and “call”. After sending the SMS message, you will receive a notification that the request has been delivered.

You can find out your number in another way. Dial on your phone: *110*10# (Beeline), *112# (MTS), *127# (Megafon). Receive an SMS with your phone number.

Call your carrier's support line. Wait for a response and ask for your phone number information. However, depending on the company's policy, you may be asked to dictate your passport number or they may refuse you, advising you to contact the telecom operator's office directly.

Contact your telecom operator's office with your passport. The manager will check your passport details and provide you with information about your phone number.


  • how to find out sim phone number

A situation happens when we are asked for our phone number in order to call, but we just can’t remember it. How to get out of this situation if your operator is Beeline?


It’s very simple to create your own on a Beeline SIM. To do this, enter the USSD request *110*10# and press the call key. The message “Your application has been accepted” will appear on the screen and within a few seconds you will receive an SMS notification with your number in 10-digit format (without the first eight).
This USSD request is free for all Beeline.

However, this method is not suitable for Beeline corporate clients. For such subscribers, this request simply does not work. What to do in such a situation? to corporative clients The Beeline network will first have to find out the number of the person who is asking for your number. Explain to him that you cannot remember your current number (for example, you have several SIM cards) and ask him for his number, then call. Your phone number will appear on the other person's phone screen.

Helpful advice

The phone number is also indicated in the contract, which is supplied in a special Beeline envelope along with the SIM card.

Today " Beeline» is one of the largest and developing cellular operators in Russia along with MTS. The company diligently takes care of its image and the interests of its customers. System users often have the problem of determining their own phone number or the phone number of a friend. This is not at all difficult to do if the number belongs to Beeline.

You will need

  • Access to the Internet, data of the person whose number needs to be determined


Information about any Beeline subscriber can be obtained quite simply from various popular services. The most important service is Internet Search. This site provides the opportunity for a large number of sources. This resource will help you find out a lot of information about the owner of a number. To do this, you will need to enter the data you know into the search boxes.

Third place goes to Online Detective. You can find out everything about a person, even his location. A search on such a service allows you to find a person by car number, first and last name, and so on.

You can also download Beeline number databases on various forums, both for a fee and for free.


Try to find out the subscriber's number through friends, but in any case, you should not do this if the person you are looking for does not want to contact you.

Helpful advice

Always use only proven services, this way you have a better chance of achieving desired result.

Not everyone can quickly remember 10 digits of their number, and when you find yourself in front of a mobile payment terminal, you can find yourself in a difficult situation. You can instantly determine your Beeline phone number by calling service number.


The simplest and quick way yours - by 067410. The connection will occur before the first beep, and you will be notified that the application has been accepted. He'll come right away SMS message, which will indicate your number. Calling 067410 is completely free.

Exactly the same message, which will indicate your mobile number, can be obtained using the service command. To do this, dial *110*10# or *111*2*1*2# on your phone keypad and press the call key. Requesting a message is also free.

Video on the topic


  • Beeline

A person changes his mobile phone at least several times in his life number your phone. It is in the first few weeks that constant confusion with new numbers occurs - you may forget, for example, their sequence or not remember the number at all. MTS has made several ways for its subscribers to find out their own number.

You will need

  • Mobile phone


The reminder service is free service and you can use it in Russia even when your balance is less than zero. MTS offers several ways to clarify information: using a USSD request and calling the support service.

To perform all actions to remind a number, the MTS operator SIM card must be installed in the phone and be in the call waiting state.

The first method is the most popular among subscribers. This is due to the fact that there is no need to wait for a response from a contact center specialist. By dialing the command *123# on your device and pressing the call key, you will see the number in the federal 11-digit format on the screen.

You can contact the support service by dialing 0887, after which you will need to select the required item. Typically, in many regions, the mobile operator asks you to press the number 0, after which you will be automatically transferred to a specialist. A company employee will dictate your number or send it via SMS.

Another very “everyday” way to find out your number is to call, for example, your friend on his mobile or landline phone with a determinant. But if you decide to act this way, you must have the required amount on your balance, since a minute of conversation costs a certain amount of money, according to tariff plan.

Also, when purchasing a SIM card, a number in federal format must be written on its packaging.

A familiar situation - you forgot your own phone number. This happens especially often if you have several SIM cards and use them in turn. There are several ways to find out your phone number.


Some cellular networks provide a service that allows you to find out your own number. If yours is connected to Beeline, dial the USSD command *110*10#. The answer will come in an SMS message. If you are an MTS subscriber, use the USSD command *111*0887# for the same purpose, and you will receive a response in the same way. You can also, if you are a subscriber of this operator, call 0887, but if you are in roaming, such a call will be paid and expensive. The Megafon operator provides this service not in all regions, the method of obtaining it may vary, and sometimes it is paid even if you are in your home region. As a Megafon subscriber in the Moscow region, use the free USSD command *105*6*1#, and in the North-West region, use the paid command *127#. The operator "Skylink" in most services provides the subscriber with his number in automatic mode does not provide.

When using a landline phone, as well as a cell phone while roaming, or if the operator does not have an automatic number reminder service, use the following technique. Take another cell phone that belongs to you personally, on which the caller identification service is enabled, and whose number you know, and from a phone whose number is unknown, call it. When the phone rings, reject the call. You will find out your number for free even when roaming. Do not call a landline phone with caller ID for this purpose. This way you will find out only the last seven digits of the number, and when the device detects it, it will automatically pick up the phone and the call will be subject to tariffication.

If you are a Beeline subscriber, you are in home network, and you have activated the unlimited service sending MMS, and there is no other device at hand, send an MMS message of any content to your own address Email. Then go to your Mailbox, and see from which address the message came. Keep in mind that MMS messaging is not actually unlimited when using this service. There is a limit, and it is equal to 300 messages per day.

Finally, if none of the above methods work for you, call your carrier's support line and ask them to dictate the number you're calling from. When you are on your home network, such a call is usually free. If necessary, provide the consultant with your passport details.

An integral part cell phones GSM is a SIM card. It stores all user and service information. The SIM card number is indicated in the service agreement with the cellular operator when purchasing a phone. It happened that you did not remember the SIM card number, and the contract is not at hand. How to determine the SIM card number?


Most universal method- call from this phone to any phone with caller ID (cellular or home), and your number will appear on the display. All that remains is to rewrite it. To be safe, write it down in the memory of your phone with the note “Your number” or “My number”.

If you are a subscriber of the Megafon network, then dial *111# from your mobile phone. Press the call key and you will be taken to the service management menu. Select “Remember tariff/number” and receive a message with your phone number.

You can find out the SIM card number on Beeline by also calling *111#. Then go to the “My Beeline” menu, press number 2, then 1. In the “My data” column, press number 2 again.

If you are an MTS subscriber, then send a request *123#, and the number will also appear on the display of your phone; or dial 0887 and press Call.

Look through the menu of your own phone; in some models, in the “Service” tab there is a column - “My number”. Press “Ok” and the number of the inserted SIM card will appear on the display.

Currently, there are special devices for reading SIM cards. One of these devices - Spy Reader - can read any information: last dialed numbers, subscriber's phone number, telecom operator - and restore deleted data.

And do not forget that specialists from service call centers of operators help to sort out all problematic situations at any time. Their numbers, as a rule, are already in phone book SIM cards are also written in the service agreement. Just dial short number and ask the operator your question.

Video on the topic

In order to legally find out the operator’s subscriber number cellular network, you need a fairly compelling reason, since no company simply discloses customer information.

. Also, the information in these directories may be unreliable, and the disks may contain viruses.

Insert the purchased CD into the drive and be sure to check it for viruses. Launch and select the search item, name, patronymic, passport details, place of registration, and so on. View the displayed results, select among them those that more or less match your query criteria. Please note that use this method illegal and may entail certain consequences.

Find out the number of the person you are interested in in a more legal way, for example, by searching for social networks. Enter the user's first and last name, view the data on his page in the contacts section. If they are hidden from unregistered users or users who are not on your friend list, add yourself to that person and view your contacts after they approve your application.

Before starting the disc, turn on your antivirus.

Tip 9: How can Beeline subscribers find out their phone number?

Not every mobile phone owner can remember his number, and the reasons for this are completely different. For example, a subscriber recently bought a SIM card, has difficulty remembering numbers, or finds himself in an unusual situation when data in the form of a personal number is urgently needed, but it is difficult to navigate. To understand how you can find out your Beeline phone number, you need to consider everything possible ways.

Find out your Beeline number when your phone or modem is nearby

It is possible to quickly and effectively find out your Beeline phone number if mobile device is in your hands, and you can do this in one of the following ways:

1. Send the USSD command *110*10#, and the response in the form of the subscriber number should be displayed on the phone display. The combination can be sent without restrictions in quantity and time frame.

2. Call 067410 and receive the necessary information about the number in the form of a voice message.

3. Dial free single number operator Beeline 0611, then, following the answering machine prompts, wait for a connection with the manager and ask him a question of interest.

4. Call a friend or send him a message asking him to dictate the forgotten number.

If you need to find out the phone number of the owner of a USB modem with a SIM card from the Beeline operator, then you need to perform the following steps:

Login to the USB modem application;

Open the “Account Management” section;

Go to the “My number” subsection and click “Find out number”;

Wait for an SMS message containing your phone number.

How to find out your Beeline number if there is no phone nearby

Often annoying situations happen to people when it is impossible to find out their phone number using a mobile phone or modem. So, the phone can be lost, it can be stolen. In such cases, the competent authorities and the operator will need personal number to block it so that unscrupulous citizens cannot use it.

Exist following methods, which allow you to find out your Beeline operator phone number:

1. Find the packaging of the SIM card, on which the number should be indicated;

2. Take an agreement for the provision of services from the mobile operator Beeline and rewrite your number from there;

3. Go to your friends or relatives who live nearby and ask them for your phone number.

Finding out your Beeline phone number is not so difficult, because the methods described are available to every subscriber in any situation. These methods do not require payment, any phone settings or activation of additional services. And if you can’t remember your phone number, then one of these methods will probably be stored in your memory so that it will come in handy at the right time.

New technologies are constantly entering our lives, old ones are being improved, accelerated, and made more convenient. Personal gadgets are especially valued by developers; new applications, games and programs are released almost every day. However, all this requires high-quality Internet service, since most utilities consume traffic. At the same time, the old 3G Internet standards can no longer cope, and the 4G format has come to replace it. But not all phones and SIM cards support more modern technology, and new devices do not always include the updated network automatically. Correcting the situation is quite simple, just a few movements on the smartphone screen are enough.

What is 4G and what are its technical characteristics

4G (from the English fourth generation - fourth generation) is a generation of mobile communications with increased requirements. The fourth generation is usually referred to as promising technologies, allowing data transmission at speeds exceeding 100 Mbit/s for mobile (high mobility) and 1 Gbit/s for fixed subscribers (low mobility).


The 4G standard can be divided into two standards: LTE and WiMAX itself. However, in the conditions of its WiMAX technologies can only serve "static" users, and also Cell phones, which travel at speeds of up to 115 km/h (you can’t catch the network on high-speed trains and autobahns). At the same time, despite its “lateness” (the fourth generation LTE was released in 2009, and WiMAX in 2005), the LTE standard has become more popular and preferred for mobile networks.

The main characteristic that interests all users is the data transfer speed. According to the fourth generation standard, users with low mobility (travel speed up to 10 km/h) should receive up to 1 Gbit/s on their devices. For high mobility (from 10 km/h and more) - the speed will be up to 100 Mbit/s

At the same time, you shouldn’t think that we get the declared speeds; this will almost never happen. There are many factors that influence the transfer of data to the Internet. wired networks. Firstly, 4G technology is based solely on packet data transmission, and the speed even on wired networks of this kind can be slow. Information from a resource to a user passes through several nodes, and very often packets can be lost in the wilds of the web. Therefore, the missing data is requested again, and this wastes time. Secondly, there are always physical limitations. For example, the terrain or network congestion.

4G standards were patented and began to be implemented in 2012, and in 5-6 years of using these networks, I have never seen the coveted round numbers in speed tests.

The main mobile format of 4G Internet is based on the LTE standard

How to find out if a smartphone supports 4G

If we talk about smartphones, it is now quite difficult to find a working device that does not support 4G technology. Qualcomm, the main manufacturer of chips for smart phones, began production and implementation of processors that work with the LTE standard at the end of 2012. Therefore, if your device model is less than six years old, then it can probably use 4G.

In my memory, the smartphone lived for three and a half years at most, while two batteries deteriorated and were replaced, just before the “end” the ability to connect to Wi-Fi deteriorated, and the last step towards death was that the phone stopped detecting the mobile operator’s network. It was not possible to revive the device. I also heard from friends and acquaintances that even with the most careful handling of devices, they still get damaged around the third year of operation, after which they need to be replaced with new models.

There is an easy way to find out whether your phone supports 4G connectivity or not. To do this, you need to tinker a little with your smartphone’s settings.

  1. Open the “Settings” of the device, go to the “SIM cards and mobile networks” item.

    Open the “Settings” of the device, go to the “SIM cards and mobile networks” item

  2. Next, go to one of the SIM cards, no matter which one.

    Go to the settings of any of the connected SIM cards

  3. Click on the “Preferred network type” item.

    Open the “Preferred network type” tab

  4. We change the setting (if it exists and is not already set) to “Preferably 4G (LTE)”. If there is no such item, the phone does not support such a standard.

    Change the setting to “Preferably 4G (LTE)”

What to do if your phone does not support 4G

Unfortunately, there is only one guaranteed solution - buying a new phone. Smartphones are initially programmed to operate in certain frequencies; 2G and 3G networks differ from LTE standards, therefore it is technically impossible to connect to the corresponding standard. On the Internet you can come across possible applications or firmware for smartphones that promise a change technical characteristics, however, do not deceive yourself: not a single program will force the receiver to operate at a frequency for which it was not originally adapted. Similar apps are most likely malicious codes who can both steal personal data and make money transfers.

How to find out if a SIM card supports 4G

There are several ways to understand whether a SIM card supports a fourth generation connection:

  • using USSD command;
  • instructions or box with SIM card;
  • with the help of an official store consultant.

If your SIM card was issued a long time ago, it is best to contact a mobile phone store straight away. Firstly, consultants will give a qualified answer as to whether you can already use 4G or whether you need to replace the communication chip. Secondly, you can replace the SIM card immediately on the spot, without changing the number and completely free of charge.

To understand whether your SIM has 4G support using the packaging, just look for the corresponding icon on it. Manufacturers often display it on display, and it is not difficult to find the coveted two symbols.

Photo gallery: what the 4G icon looks like on plastic SIM card containers

Manufacturers of MegaFon SIM cards indicate support for 4G technology on the container Beeline SIM cards also contain a 4G indicator on the container MTS, like other operators, indicates support for 4G technology on the container Manufacturers of Tele2 SIM cards also indicate whether the SIM card supports 4G

Also, some operators provide the opportunity to find out about 4G support for a working SIM card using a short USSD command:

  • "MegaFon" - *507# and call button;
  • “Tele2” - *156# and call button.

Beeline and MTS do not provide such an opportunity.

What to do if the SIM card does not support 4G and how to replace it with another one

If you suddenly discover that your SIM card does not support 4G communication standards, you need to contact the nearest mobile operator store so that consultants can replace the outdated chip with a modern one. It's better to call in advance hot service operator to see what replacement conditions are available. For example, do you need a SIM card owner’s passport or other documents? The procedure is completely free and will only take a few minutes. The old SIM number is transferred to the new chip, and the only drawback is that the contacts of the old SIM card will not be transferred to the new one. Therefore, before replacing, you should save the information on your phone.

It is very easy to correct your smartphone settings or replace the SIM card with one that meets the new standard. The exception is too old devices, which are long overdue to be replaced with more modern models.