Windows 7 0x00000050 error codes. Solving specific options for the appearance of an error. Problems with updates

What I like the computer, so it can diversify the life of a regular user at any moment by all kinds of interesting situations. For example, the appearance of a message about the error code of the Page Fault In Nonpad Area. What does this trouble be able to bring a proline of unforgettable sensations into a boring life of a person, regardless of what a series of Microsoft Operations is installed on its computer.

In Nonpacted Area Windows 7, its share of spikes in Nonpaged Area offers, for example, the fact that the developers of this OS decided to designate several possible problems at once:

  • Trouble with equipment that simply decided to play in the box or was established by some other organ, and not by hand.
  • Problems with software, for example, with all the favorite antivirus or with the system registry.

So, who is easily easily (?) - you have to look for a problem that is called the error code of the error code, based on these prompts.

By the way, OS WINTOVS is so striking with its diversity of errors that we even created a whole section of the site with which there is always the opportunity to get acquainted.

Methods for solving the first option possible reason

Immediately you should warn our readers that sometimes the occurrence of the blue screen of the Page Fault In Nonpad Area may be associated with certain financial costs, since something has been broken to change something new. Alas, but it is so ...

So, the first treatment option is very simple: if you decide to show yourself immediately after connecting to a new device, then it should be deactivated, try to connect correctly. If it does not help - it means not fate to expand the functionality of your computer in this way.

Nevertheless, let's treat that users hands are located in the right places, so this trouble occurs not because of the wrong connection any external devices. Smart people say that this problem most often arises due to malfunctions with a graphic board or rAM. Especially in cases where the error takes the appearance of this phrase - Page Fault In Nonpaged Area Win32K SYS. What to do? The first option is to try to diagnose devices using the profile software. But not all so smart as Bill Gates, so it will be easier to use the physical version of the check:

  • The memory planks alternately removed from their places on the motherboard, the PC state is checked.
  • It is recommended to ask for a better friend 100% work memory and check the performance of your PC with it.

Similarly, you should proceed with the video card - most of the modern motherboards have an integrated graphics card, in which it is necessary to temporarily switch the monitor (simply rearrange the plug from place to place) so that it is possible to conduct a diagnostic procedure.

If in one of the proposed options Page Fault in Nonpacted Area Windows 8 stopped appearing, then congratulations (!), You found the cause of trouble - take money and Ida to the store, for a new spare part!

We solve the situation on the second option

Surprisingly, but often an error in Nonpacted Area Windows 10 occurs immediately after installing some kind! Clear stump you need to remove! But how to do it, if the proceeds of uninstalling prevents this not a multiplog message? "Uzzbuggy", - as one cartoon character said - there is a way out of the situation:

  1. Press the button on the PC housing that is responsible for the forced reboot command.
  2. We manage to press the "F8" magic button on time.
  3. Select the login point in safe mode.
  4. We find the opposite software, and perform it full removal from the hard drive - so that there is no trace from it!

Sorry? Of course, it is a pity, because it was probably a very important program! It does not matter - you can search the network a better version or download analogue from another brilliant developer.

But let's imagine the situation that all the above reasons do not concern this trouble? Then how to fix Page Fault in Nonpacted Area?

Well, renew the reboot process with the required pressing "F8", choose the last good configuration. We are waiting for the result. Run command line, Drive "Regeidit" into it. We are waiting for the result. I. To drive the last nail into this problem, so that she forget the way to your computer, once again run the string and force the system to execute the command "CHKDSK / F / R".

Everything. Treatment performed blue screen Page FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA disappeared, and you can continue to lay your favorite solitaire "Kosynka"!

"Blue Death Screen" can catch the user by surprise, having interrupted its operation without the ability to save the material. In addition, a person who has never come across BSOD, but heard such a wording, thinks to restore normal work Computer is expensive, difficult or simply impossible. But everything is not so fatally, as it may seem at first glance, because with this screen, the PC reports that some kind of defined systemic problem arose. Different problems have different formulations. Error 50 or STOP 0x00000050 is decrypted "Page FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA" and is associated with the inability to send to the memory segment or other reasons. They should be disassembled more.

Causes of the appearance of an error 0x00000050

To start a competent elimination of the problem, you need to figure out why it originated. It should be understood that it was preceded by the occurrence of a ill-fated screen: possibly connecting the periphery or installation of a new software led to the problem. This will make it much easier to eliminate it.

In any case, it is necessary to deal with what common factors contribute to the appearance of BSOD Page Fault in Nonpad Area:

  • Error 0x00000050 often appears due to the installation of faulty PC components or when these components fail: a breakdown of RAM or a faulty video card. Usually win32k.sys files, igdpmd64.sys, ntfs.sys or ntoskrnl.exe in the report say that the cause of the problem lies in it.
  • Installing some antiviruse programs can provoke malfunctions. Error 50 sometimes arises due to Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
  • The conflict between the operating system and some drivers or their updates can cause BSOD.
  • The incompatibility of the OS and some updates that will need to roll back to a more acceptable version or remove at all.
  • Defeat by malware.
  • Faulty hard drive.
  • New peripheral equipment, not suitable for the current operating system, or arising problems with its connection to the computer.

In different versions of the operating windows systems There are individual factors that contribute to the occurrence of BSOD 0x00000050, which require a personal approach. The Microsoft website has automatic correction packs aimed at treating a specific version of the OS. The reasons for the errors of the operation of different OS are the factors described below.

Error 0x00000050 on Windows XP

When the error code of 0x00000050 pops up on Windows XP, it is likely that a problem in a computer infection with a haxdoor virus variation, which has different names and configurations, but the most common - mszx23.exe. This file installs an unnecessary driver that hides the actions of this virus, leads to a failure and starts an error with code 50. If unwanted files are deleted, then it is possible that they will appear again. To cure Windows XP in this case, it is necessary to make changes to the registry. Incorrect actions can lead to more serious problems, so it is better to turn to the master or pre-make backup Initial registry for its recovery.

Before resorting to such radical methods, you should eliminate the presence of more harmless viruses, malfunction of the equipment, the inconsistency of the devices of this Operation and other issues listed.

Error 0x50 on Windows 7

The common factor of the occurrence of BSOD 0x00000050, which pops up when using Windows 7, is the absence of the requested data in the OP. Because of this, an error 50 Page Fault In Nonpacted Area is almost always associated with incorrect work of storage devices. But not only the computer's memory can cause similar problems when working Windows 7 or its installation. How to correct the problem on the "seven" - Consider below, since the recipes of its cure largely coincide with similar actions on other Windows series.

Error 0x00000050 on Windows 8

On the Windows 8 "Blue Death Screen" Page FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA also brightly illustrates the incorrect operation of memory devices. A specific reason can be considered any failure that has led to either a malfunction of the RAM or Winchester or to the dysfunction of control files. Therefore, in most cases, the standard solutions to the problem will help faults that will be described below.

Error 0x00000050 on Windows 10

In addition to the list of main factors of the system malfunction, 0x50 Page FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA, on Windows 10 to this problem, it sometimes brings an incorrect operation of the UTorRent application. If the program starts automatically, the BSOD Page FAULT IN NONPAGED Area occurs when loading "dozens". After removing Torrent, the problem will disappear if the error is Page FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA download windows 10 lies in this place.

Correction Stop error 0x00000050

Speaking simple wordsThe error 50 Page FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA makes an obvious focus on malfunction of memory devices. Therefore, the first attempts to get to the truth will be associated with the search for problems in the OP. Check for other factors either will not be superfluous.

  1. To check the OP, it is recommended to scan it using a special built-in utility or MemTest. If there are several line of operating line in the PC, then you need to pull them out alternately system Block Or a special laptop compartment (when the computer is turned off, naturally) and check if the blue screen is not eliminated. If the petal is the only one, then it will most likely be replaced. You can still clean contacts from pollution, sometimes this method also takes place.
  2. If STOP 0x00000050 Page FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA started bothering after connecting peripheral equipment, the source of the problem may wage in control files or their updates or in additional connection tools. You must view the device connection cable. Conflict driver error can be eliminated by turning it to previous version either, on the contrary, apply updates.
  3. To check which file has become a catalyst incorrect work, You can analyze error information through programs that can look at Damps with BSOD reports.
  4. The problem with win32k.sys is detected when the Kaspersky Anti-Virus is started when the program control files are not supported by the OS. If the error concerns SYS, HAL.DLL, NTFS.SYS, NTOSKRNL.EXE, you can stop the paging file. When rebooting the system, the problem may eliminate. But if this happens, you should start the paging file again.
  5. Stop 0x00000050 often calls the SYS driver. As a rule, BSOD appears after sleep mode. To troubleshoot the problem, you can turn off quick Start Systems. Another option is to delete the driver and install it again with all the necessary updates.
  6. It will not hurt to scan PC for viruses. Often they are masked for some harmless drivers, for example, nvlddmkm.sys and sys files. This recommends using Security Task Manager.
  7. The reason for memory errors can wovel in hard drive malfunction. If this factor is confirmed, unfortunately, the correction of the situation can be achieved, only replacing it.
  8. On the Microsoft website, developers offer ready decision Question for different versions of Windows. To take advantage of them, you should download the Package Package, "Sign" Agreement and establish hotfix on your PC.
  9. If you could not solve the problem on your own, it is better to contact a specialist who will quickly eliminate the error.

How to prevent a mistake in the future

It is impossible to completely prevent the appearance of Blue Screen of Death, the cause of which is error 50. Some preventive actions, to avoid trouble, reduce the risk of incorrect operation of the operating system, but the wear of components, their breakdowns are not always able to control the usual user.

In any case, the following measures can be taken to prevent:

  • scan the computer for viruses and remove malicious files;
  • avoid dubious sites, unknown references, downloading broken versions of programs;
  • prevent incorrect exit of the system;
  • monitor OS updates, download them from developers sites;
  • regularly check the connection and serviceability of all components.

Sometimes even the elementary cleansing of the system unit from pollution and dust can help avoid the appearance of a gosstalk.


Blue Screen of Death always talks about the presence of a system problem. Error Stop 0x00000050 Page FAULT IN NONPAGED Area is no exception, and if you know about the factors leading to its occurrence, it is quite simple to cope with the problem with your own. The main thing is not to panic, because the "screen of death" is just a way to which PC is trying to inform about the problem and describe it, and not a non-refundable breakdown of the computer. If you try to delve into the question, you can not only eliminate the problem without resorting to expensive master of the master, but also to avoid its occurrence in the future.

An attempt is attempted to connect to system Memorywhich is unacceptable.

Causes of occurrence

As practice shows, the source of the problem should be called the installation of damaged hardware or failure in the process of their activities. It is envisaged to use the Windows 7 operating system as well as XP. Such a situation may occur in the RAM defect process.

There are no cases when the start of the problem was the use of some antiviruses. Especially stood out in this direction Product from Kaspersky company. The error occurs not when it is functioning, but during installation events. If the NTFS file system has defects, then there is a possibility of a similar failure.


It is assumed to issue a message of the following type:

Stop: 0x00000050 (Parameter1, Parameter2, Parameter3, Parameter4) Page_Fault_in_nonpaged_aRea

Here we are interested in what exactly the four parameters indicate:



With value 0, the read operation is provided, 1 - records


Specifies the address where memory refers to


The parameter is reserved

Capable solutions

It is envisaged quite a large number of moments that can be implemented on the way to correct error:

  • When the addition of some hardware to the device will be added shortly before failure, it is required to remove them. When this is done, checking whether the problem is not repeated.
  • System services are checked. It is necessary to turn off those of them that do not cause confidence. In some situations, the error will appear every time the device starts. It is necessary to restart and press F8 during the process. After that, the option is selected with the launch of the last successful configuration.
  • If the problem lies in the antivirus, it is required to disable it for a while and see, continues or fails or disappear. If the problem is in this program, update is updated latest version or installation of similar software from another developer.
  • In case of damage to NTFS, you need to run the command line and execute CHKDSK / F / R. It is used to detect errors in the system. The prerequisite is considered to conduct a preliminary restart.
  • Considerable help can be working with Event Viewer.. It is required to analyze the magazine to detect a device or driver responsible for the appearance of a failure.
  • In some cases, it helps disabling the capacity of the BIOS memory caching.

Standard solutions are not suitable in some cases. It is necessary to consider certain options for this error in order to more effectively restore the operation of the device.

Failure for Windows NT

This is most often preceded by the following situation. On a device running under Windows NT, service pack 2 (SP2) is used. When the user deletes the TCP / IP protocol and adding it to the future, the high probability of an error occurs when trying to load the device.

The system has a special service. remote access (RAS), in the configurations of which the use of TCP / IP protocol is set. Disabling leads to the appearance of a failure. There are several methods to ensure the solution of the specified problem. The easiest way is to conduct a certain sequence of actions after adding a TCP / IP protocol back:

  1. It is required to install the service pack 2 (SP2) after the addition was performed, but before rebooting the device. Thus, it is necessary to select the "no" option in the window, which is issued after adding TCP / IP protocol.
  2. Another option involves the implementation of the TCP / IP ban in the RAS configuration, with the subsequent reset of the operating system. When this is done, you need to install the service pack 2 (SP2) and resolve TCP / IP via RAS.

In the latter case, you can use different approaches. It depends on the type of available file System. With FAT, you should load the device using another OS. This can include MS-DOS or Windows 95. The transition to the location WINNT \\ SYSTEM32 \\ DRIVERSwhere the driver is searched Tcpip.sys. It must be replaced.

In the presence of Windows NT and file nTFS systems There is a parallel installation of the operating system to another place. After that, as in the previous case, the TCPIP.SYS driver is replaced, which is in Winnt \\ System32 \\ Drivers. A reboot to the primary Windows NT and the re-mounted SP2 is performed. When it is done, later installed system must be removed.

Failure in case of switching from Windows NT 4.0 on Windows 2000

In this case, the error will be issued directly during the update. A distinctive feature is the fact that parameter2 \u003d 0x00000001, but parameter4 \u003d 0x00000000.. This clearly talks about the type of problem. Most likely, in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONLSET \\ SERVICES \\ TCPIP \\ PARAMETERS \\ INTERFACES \\ (Interface ID) \\ TcpallowedPorts is an overly large number of ports. Recovery of health provides for the removal of TCPallowedPorts itself or the greatest number of keys from it. When such events are made, you can safely update the system further.

Failure when working Windows 2000

When installing a PC card on a laptop under windows control 2000 Professional, there is a possibility of issuing the error of the specified type. The reason is often to use the Roxio Inc.`s Easy CD Creator program. The developer is aware of a similar problem. To no longer appear, you need to update this software. Download it follows from the company's official website.

Failure in the Sentinel.sys driver when booting Windows 2000

In this case, the error code will contain a string where the problem is specified directly in the Sentinel.sys drive. It is important to execute the following action plan:

  • In the process of implementing the first item, you need to press F8.
  • Among the proposed options, you must use a secure mode.
  • The Sentinel.sys system driver is deleted.
  • Failure during Windows XP

    Similar error occurs on this operating system Versions Professional and homemade. The process of occurrence is standard in all situations. The automatic restart of the device begins, after which the message and failure in the system is displayed on the screen. Certain symptoms may vary on the basis of which factors caused the cause. Should take into account the fact that uSB driver Universal Reader from Developer software Lexar Media is not able to function in conjunction with Windows XP.