Lenovo G500 does not turn on. Not included Lenovo laptop. External negative impact

Lenovo G580 laptop does not turn on. Disassembly and repair

Finding your lenovo laptop It stopped turning on, the operating system is not loaded, some kind of problem with indicators, then before referring to the repair, eliminate the most obvious reasons that you depend on your skills can eliminate yourself.

Problems that can lead to the fact that Lenovo laptop does not turn on:

  • power button;
  • battery;
  • food;
  • the wire;
  • connectors;
  • kuller;
  • video card;
  • rAM;
  • hDD;
  • motherboard;
  • screen;
  • BIOS and OS.

Feed power supply, cords, connectors, power buttons

Faced with such a problem that your laptop Lenovo G580, G50, G500, B590, G505, B560, G590, B570E, IdeaPad 100 does not turn on, check the power supply, cord and connection connectors. The inclusion button can also be the reason that the technique does not respond to the inclusion.

Visually inspect these elements - they should not have external damage. If there is an opportunity, then spend a test for working on another machine or connect a similar power supply.

External negative impact

The black screen when the Lenovo laptop is turned on or there is no reaction to turn on - the indicators can not light up - this can be associated with a drop / blow of your device or a liquid on it. Both of these factors are extremely negatively affecting its ability to further work.

It is best to immediately, especially in the case of liquid getting, contact Lenovo laptops repair specialists, where measures to eliminate the consequences and diagnose.

Permanent reboot, operating system problem, BIOS failure

Depending on the fault that occurred with your device, differently and manifests the defect "does not turn on Lenovo laptop."

So, if it still responds to switching on, but immediately turns off - this is the problem of the cooling system. How long have you been cleaning and replacing the thermal paste? Thus, the system prevents the failure of more serious components from overheating.

If the device is turned on, but loading does not happen - then this is a problem operating system Windows or basic BIOS system.

The latter fails occurs extremely rarely and, in this case, the lover is not recommended to reinstall it independently. But Windows can fail with an incorrect completion of work or using its licensed version. Having installation file., It is possible to easily reinstall it on your own.

Lenovo laptop does not turn on, black screen and do not burn indicators

More serious problems that led to the fact that the laptop Lenovo G580, G50, G500, B590, G505, B560, G585, B570E, IdeaPad 100 or other models is not included - is the failure of vital items for it: video cards, random access memory, hard disk, motherboard or screen.

If, when you turn on your gadget, you hear the reaction (launching the cooler, the characteristic sound of the OS start), but there is no image on the screen - the problem with the video card or the screen (matrix).

The problem of the hard disk is determined by the system with an output to the screen of the corresponding message on the black or blue screen on the critical error in operation.

HDD itself is extremely rarely breaking. Often, this is preceded by a fall or intensive shaking of the device.

About the outstanding unit of RAM, laptop will notify the user special sound signal. So, it must be replaced.

The most cruel, in relation to the owner of the breakdown is the failure of the motherboard. As a rule, repair often does not give a long result and in the end everything comes down to the fact that the fee must be replaced with a new one. In most cases, this is an expensive component and the replacement will be released no cheaply.

Recommendations for maintaining the lifebook Lenovo laptop

Careful and accurate attitude towards the technique significantly prolong the service life declared by the manufacturer.

Avoid mechanical impact on a laptop: intense or severe shaking, a drop or a blow leads to failure internal components apparatus.

Avoid contact with liquid or with high humidity in the air. Oxidized contacts can lead to closure and expensive repairs.

Perform a regular mechanical, with a replacement of thermal paste and systemic cleaning from viruses. So you warn the device from overheating and incorrect work OS.

Computers are eternal riddles for users. It is very difficult to predict whether this or that car will work normally for a long time. Nobody is insured against failures and malfunctions. What do you need to do if it was found that the Lenovo laptop does not turn on? Why can this happen? The best advice and recommendations will be presented below. Understand all this is not as difficult if you act by exclusion. Quite often, users immediately include a laptop to service centers. Do not do it. It is likely that the problem is allowed without assistance. So what options take place?

No battery

Does not turn on Lenovo's laptop? It is likely that the device simply does not have a power battery. This alignment is relevant when we are talking About working with the device without connecting it through the wire to the network.

Fix the situation is easy and simple. It is enough to insert into the laptop, in its lower part, the battery. The user will see a special niche on the panel. The missing part of the laptop is inserted into it. Then you can resume work with the device. Outcome no? Do not despair! There are still a lot of options!

Battery charge

How to enable Lenovo's laptop if the battery is inserted, but the device does not want to work anyway? Do not exclude that the charge has no battery. In this case, it will not work for a laptop without additional inclusion on the network.

It is enough to attach a special power wire to the machine, and then insert it into the outlet. And then - to wait a bit. On the front panel of the laptop should light up the light indicating the battery charge. A bit of waiting (usually a few hours) - and you can work with "Lenovo" without additional wires. True, as long as the battery does not discharge again. As practice shows, grabs an average charge for 4 hours.


The following reason is something similar to the situation with the laptop battery. Laptop refuses to turn on? It is impossible to exclude the lack of connection to the power source in principle. Why is this alignment allocated by a separate point?

The fact is that some Lenovo laptops are equipped with a built-in battery. It is under the bottom panel and is not removed so simple. In this case, it is recommended to find the power wire and turn it on to the network. And then - to attach to the device.

If the case is in the absence of nutrition, the machine will turn on and will work. Is there still no progress? Do not turn on what other situations take place? How to deal with them?


For example, the whole thing can be in damage to the power wire. Especially such situations are relevant for old laptops. Or if the power supply of the device is often used / shifted / exposed to external influences. Diagnose a similar problem to the user is very problematic.

If there is a similar power wire, it is recommended to connect it to a laptop, and then repeat the inclusion. Otherwise, it is better to attribute a device with all components to the Lenovo service center. There will help to deal with the problem quickly.

Another alternative solution is to buy a new power supply wire to a laptop of a particular model. The new component of 100% will work. Accordingly, the computer will turn on. And what if even after replacing the wire, progress does not have the place?

Laptop connectors

Does not turn on Lenovo's laptop? How to be in this case? When all previously listed options were excluded, you will have to pay attention to other nuances. Let's say on the power connectors to the device.

The fact is that sometimes nests on laptops are damaged. This reason is practically excluded on new computers, and more takes place when it comes to older devices.

Helps to correct the problem of the Lenovo service center. There will not only help to understand whether the case is really in the connectors, but also repaid them. Only in some cases will have to buy a new laptop.

Video card

What other options can be? All previously listed layouts are very common phenomena. But they are very quickly excluded. What to do if the laptop "Lenovo" gives? It is important to pay attention to what is happening with the device as a whole.

For example, when the cooler works. And normally, it does not make noise loudly, performs its functions. In fact, the laptop turns on, but there are no images on the screen. How to be then?

It is worth checking the video card. It is likely that it is faulty. The black screen instead of the enabled computer or laptop is a completely common phenomenon when you feel that I don't have something better to verify the theory, use the services of the Lenovo service center. After all, you can easily damage the remaining components of the laptop. After repairing or replacing the video card, the problem should be expected.


Does not turn on Lenovo's laptop? What to do? Such a situation is not excluded due to the conflict of equipment. For example, video cards and RAM. Or in general, the "RAM" broke. Actual for old laptops or those that have been modified to one degree or another. Especially when the user independently sorted the "iron" device.

As a rule, if the problem lies in RAM, the laptop will be in turning on to select a specific signal. It is impossible not to hear it. Everything or fixing a laptop is solved (the computer is attributed to the service center, then take a working gadget), or by purchasing a new device.


What circumstances can affect the healthy "Lenovo"? The reasons for the designated problem are very much. And independently reveal them is not as simple as it seems. How to be if the Lenovo laptop does not want to work? The monitor does not turn on, although everything is in perfect order, the power wire, the connection connectors, and the battery is also normal. Why are problems not excluded?

It is likely that the whole thing is in the computer system device. A confused or damaged BIOS quite often brings users a lot of problems. The computer may not be turned on in this case, simply restart, it is completely off and not to save what was performed while working with the device.

It helps only reinstalling and reconfiguring "bios". Typically deal with these system administrators, as well as employees service centers. The average user is not recommended to contact the BIOS independently. It is possible that the ineptly conducted reinstallation will turn the laptop "Lenovo" into the pile of useless metal. Fortunately, it happens extremely rare.


It happens that, despite the fact that the laptop or reboots constantly OS. Then you need to make sure that the hard disk is working. If it is missing or is in a faulty state, there is nothing to be surprised. In fact, the gadget works, but to download the operating system to it is nowhere.

Extremely rare phenomenon. It is well diagnosed by contacting service centers. Laptop in this situation is required to supplement hard diskwhich will work properly. The operating system is installed on it, after which a retry attempt is returned with the device. All right? Then you can not worry about the integrity of the laptop and its further work. Anyway there is no result? Does not turn on Lenovo's laptop? Other situations are not excluded. What exactly? What is it recommended to pay attention to users?

Turns on-turned off

Sometimes a computer or laptop turns on and immediately turns off. Or constantly reboots. You do not need to be afraid of such circumstances. It is required to draw attention to the work of the kuller. It does not work or function normally?

In any case, if the laptop "Lenovo" (or any other) begins to turn off spontaneously or restarts constantly, it can be concluded that the wines of the banal overheating of the equipment.

It arises for various reasons. One of them is a clogged cooler. Any laptop takes from time to time to clean. And cooler device too. It is required to take all possible actions to eliminate overheating. For example, clean the fan or replace it at all. It is also worth paying attention to the position of the computer - the laptop should not stand so that access to oxygen in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cooler overlap. All this will help return the performance of the gadget.


Sometimes the problem is the displays of the laptop display. Theoretically, it will work, but the user will not see the image. If we are talking about the damage to the display, the screen on the laptop "Lenovo" is required to install a new one. This is done only in service centers. And that is not always.

Most often, when the display is fault, you have to just buy a new laptop. And it does not matter which company there was a device - "Lenovo" or ASUS, for example. The main thing is that the reasons for the breakdown in all laptops are the same.

Now it is clear why Lenovo laptop does not work. The system is rebooted or any other gadget failure is observed - different situations were considered. The help of service centers in such defolds is not always required.

Lenovo G580 laptop does not turn on. Disassembly and repair

Having found that your Lenovo laptop stopped turning on, the operating system is not loaded, some kind of problem with indicators, then before referring to repair, eliminate the most obvious reasons that you depend on your skills can eliminate yourself.

Problems that can lead to the fact that Lenovo laptop does not turn on:

  • power button;
  • battery;
  • food;
  • the wire;
  • connectors;
  • kuller;
  • video card;
  • rAM;
  • hDD;
  • motherboard;
  • screen;
  • BIOS and OS.

Feed power supply, cords, connectors, power buttons

Faced with such a problem that your laptop Lenovo G580, G50, G500, B590, G505, B560, G590, B570E, IdeaPad 100 does not turn on, check the power supply, cord and connection connectors. The inclusion button can also be the reason that the technique does not respond to the inclusion.

Visually inspect these elements - they should not have external damage. If there is an opportunity, then spend a test for working on another machine or connect a similar power supply.

External negative impact

The black screen when the Lenovo laptop is turned on or there is no reaction to turn on - the indicators can not light up - this can be associated with a drop / blow of your device or a liquid on it. Both of these factors are extremely negatively affecting its ability to further work.

Best immediately, especially in case of liquid getting, contact lenovo laptops repair specialists where measures to eliminate the consequences and diagnose.

Permanent reboot, operating system problem, BIOS failure

Depending on the fault that occurred with your device, differently and manifests the defect "does not turn on Lenovo laptop."

So, if it still responds to switching on, but immediately turns off - this is the problem of the cooling system. How long have you been cleaning and replacing the thermal paste? Thus, the system prevents the failure of more serious components from overheating.

If the device turns on, but loading does not occur - this is the problem of operating windows systems or BIOS base system.

The latter fails occurs extremely rarely and, in this case, the lover is not recommended to reinstall it independently. But Windows can fail with an incorrect completion of work or using its licensed version. Having an installation file, you can easily reinstall it again.

Lenovo laptop does not turn on, black screen and do not burn indicators

More serious problems that led to the fact that the laptop Lenovo G580, G50, G500, B590, G505, B560, G585, B570E, IdeaPad 100 or other models is not included - is the failure of vital items for it: video cards, operational Memory, hard disk, motherboard or screen.

If, when you turn on your gadget, you hear the reaction (launching the cooler, the characteristic sound of the OS start), but there is no image on the screen - the problem with the video card or the screen (matrix).

The problem of the hard disk is determined by the system with an output to the screen of the corresponding message on the black or blue screen on the critical error in operation.

HDD itself is extremely rarely breaking. Often, this is preceded by a fall or intensive shaking of the device.

About the resulting unit of RAM, laptop will notify the user with a special beep. So, it must be replaced.

The most cruel, in relation to the owner of the breakdown is the failure of the motherboard. As a rule, repair often does not give a long result and in the end everything comes down to the fact that the fee must be replaced with a new one. In most cases, this is an expensive component and the replacement will be released no cheaply.

Recommendations for maintaining the lifebook Lenovo laptop

Careful and accurate attitude towards the technique significantly prolong the service life declared by the manufacturer.

Avoid mechanical impact on a laptop: intensive or strong shaking, a drop or a blow leads to the failure of the internal components of the device.

Avoid contact with liquid or with high humidity in the air. Oxidized contacts can lead to closure and expensive repairs.

Perform a regular mechanical, with a replacement of thermal paste and systemic cleaning from viruses. So you warn the device from overheating and incorrect operation of the OS.

Question: Lenovo G500 laptop hangs on the manufacturer's logo.

Hello. I have a laptop Lenovo G500. This problem happened, began to hang on the logo, and each inclusion. It began to occur after the update. I wanted to roll back the system, it does not go out, the recovery point is a critical update. I can't take place in the SC. While Ctrl + Alt + Delete is launched, but I'm afraid it will not for a long time. Can anyone know what to do?

Answer: alexeyvg, the button is, but it is not enough for a sense, it is pressed and the laptop hangs but the logo, as well as when turned on. I tried through the recovery system, it was successful, but the problem remains.

Q: Lenovo G500 does not turn on

Good day. Such a problem: there is a Lenovo G500 laptop (59-391955), several days ago, I put Windows 10 on it (license, not a pirate), everything worked less stable, sometimes crashed critical error (The Start and Cortana menu did not work) and required a reboot. From the evening turned off the laptop without any problems, in the morning the laptop is turned on, but Lenovo appears and then the download does not go. Run in different slots put, the BIOS does not open.
What could be and how to fix it?

Answer: Managed to run. Pressed the BIOS load button, again was the screen with the inscription. A couple of times I clicked Ctrl + Alt + Del and Windows booted, all files in place, everything works.

Question: Lenovo G500 (LA-6931P REV 1.0) does not load from disks in uEFI mode, everything works in Legacy.

Brought to the repair laptop Lenovo G500 (LA-6931P Rev 1.0) with a malfunction - does not turn on. Opening and a runaway inspection revealed a hole in a cartoon and a grown loaf of the matrix. During diagnostics, audio codecs and a SLJ8E Hub have been added to them.
After replacing the above (hub put SLJ8C, there are no others now) and the firmware of the cartoon, the beech started, but it turns out that the 7-ka in Legacy mode is perfectly loaded and works (the only one after installing firewood on an atya video was blue screenBut switching to the BIOS on UMA and beech is loaded normally).
And when I insert a disk from 8 or 8.1 and I translate the beech to download in the UEFI mode beech when downloading writes that it does not find boot deviceAt the same time in UEFI mode from the drive and USB flash drives Loading goes fine.
Bios sewed into the cartoon merged with the old cartoon on this board, the main bios also sews a proven dump. What to see and can the new hub or half-hearted bios chip?

Answer: I poured into another flash drive the image cut out of the BIOSIS, still does not want to load.

Rounded on a clean drive 8.1 in UEFI mode - everything loads and works. There is no native disk to this beech, but in repairing from the same client there are several other Lenovo with discs on which it costs 8 or 8.1, but this beech does not want to work with these disks in UEFI mode.

How to test the beech closing the topic.

Question: Lenovo G500 (LA-9631P) flew bios.

Lenovo G500 laptop, LA-9631P platform.
flashka - Cfeon QH64-104Hip
cartoon - KB9012QF A4
BIOS flew. The owner's words, reset the bios settings to default, saved the settings, and then disappeared the image.
I dropped a flash drive, made a dump just in case, filled a worker dump dump with a clean me, - the laptop started, I gave the label, "EFI Network 0 for IPv4 (Mac Add) Boot Falled"
bios Strach
Product Name - Invalid
Lenovo SN - Invalid
If you make any changes in the settings and save, then after the reboot - the black screen. And only helps if you flash the BIOS programmer again.

What could it be? Or do I do something wrong?

Answer: "The default switchable graphics is running. UMA mode is turned on manually only." Fully agree with the statement. And you try to sew to another, obviously good flash drive. May help.

Question: Lenovo G500 - Black Screen when starting

I wanted to kill Windows 8 on Windows 7, as the screen was divided into 4 parts. In Bios, changed one setting on the Legacy First. After that, when launching a laptop was a black screen. On the morning, the screen when starting from the blacks passed to white (the photo is attached).

Added after 2 minutes
Radikal RU - Link instead of stars

Added after 5 hours 21 minutes
Nobody will help?

Answer: Viyulya

Question: The Lenovo G500 screen does not immediately turn on.


There is a laptop Lenovo G500 8GB RAM, 500GB, I3 2.4 GHz
I use almost a year and a half, I hope to work, in the university and I use at home. Basically phpStorm, Chrome, etc. Soft. I almost never turn off, just close the lid (sleep mode, not hibernation). Windows 10, restart rarely, mainly when updates require reboot. My problem: Somewhere a month ago, the laptop began not to turn off. I turn off, the message "Shutdown" is shown and then the screen turns off, while the laptop still works, the coolers are spinning and so it can preserve eternity, I tried not to touch, it doesn't turn off. Therefore, I find the shutdown button. After that, if you turn on the laptop, it will start, but the screen does not light up and I tried to wait, but it just costs it when it is turned off, after some time the coolers begin to be ripe and everything. I tried many techniques and kinda found a method. I will turn off the laptop, I close the lid for a while (differently from the pair of minutes and more) and then open the cover and turn on again. Sometimes the laptop starts normally, the screen lights up, etc. I also tried to pull the battery for a while (also from the pair of minutes and more) and then turned on again, also sometimes turns on sometimes not. I even reinstalled Windows, but not in it. I also have a 2nd monitor if it can somehow affect. In those cases when the laptop screen does not light up and with a connected monitor, the system does not load anyway, the laptop just works, heats up as if it works.
And even if the laptop is enabled to restart, it also does not turn off, or it may turn off but does not show anything. What could be the problem? Maybe someone had a similar one? I tried to describe the problem in detail, I hope the decision will be found.

Answer: Zzz7zzz.,