Error 2 When updating iphone 4. iTunes errors when recovering, updating and synchronizing iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (error codes, causes and solutions). Standard ways to eliminate errors in iTunes

The phone stops turning on and does not work until setting the correct update version. Consider more detailed how to properly get around the problem and restore the work of an apple gadget.


The value and causes of appearance

Error 6 occurs when you try to restore or. It may even appear if you are no longer for the first time restore the phone through a desktop application.

Connecting a phone to a PC, can pass without problems, but the probability of an error occurs remains, as it is associated with the server, and not with a client side.

System message with a code problem appears after keystrokes "Restore this iPhone" or "update" in the main iTunes window.

Exterior Error Window:

Depending on the pre-installed version of iTunes, the program can define an error as an unknown or assign to it "6", "9" codes.

Causes of malfunction:

  • ABOUT sibs in the structure of the downloaded firmware file;
  • Data packet headers are damagedthat send client program to the Apple server to get a copy of the firmware;
  • On the iPhone is launched incorrect mode for installation new version IOS.

Method 1 - Deleting an incorrect firmware file

Before the beginning , iTunes application Sends a query package server that contains information about the smartphone model, update version.

The server automatically scans the authenticity of the device (the model with the jailbreak is not subject to update in the official way) and sends a firmware file to your computer in IPSW format.

Immediately after successfully installing the IOS version, the downloaded file is deleted from the computer's memory.

Since due to an error 6, the iPhone update operation is not completed, the file remains on the computer. When you try again, nothing happens, and the problem appears again.

To reload the firmware package from the server, you must delete the initial file manually:

  • Run in root folder hard disk PC;
  • Open directory Appleàitune.s;
  • In the window that opens delete all files with extension. IPSW.;

  • Disable the phone from the computer and restart the PC;
  • Re-connect iPhone 6 to iTunes And try again to restore the device.

If the problem was precisely in the "bat" copy of the firmware file, installing the new IOS version will start automatically.

Note that all data and files will be deleted from the device and screw themselves only the content that has been added or backup.

Method 2 - Enable DFU Mode

DFu. - this is a special mode work iPhone, with the help of you can resolve 95% of the hardware and software faults. From the usual DFU recovery function, the possibility of interaction with all schemes motherboard directly.

Also, DFU is characterized in that when the phone is enabled, the phone does not give absolutely no signs of "life".

The screen does not respond to keystrokes, no inscriptions and messages appear.

To correct the error 6, run DFU. If the first way to solve the problem did not help, Follow the instructions:

  • Connect the iPhone to the computer;
  • Then turn off the phone while holding the Home and Power button for 15 seconds;
  • After 15 seconds, release the "Power" key, but be sure to keep the "home". After a few seconds in the main window of iTunes a message about the discovery of a smartphone in DFU will appear..

If you did not manage to run DFU, make sure all actions were performed in the following sequence:

  • As a result of successful performance, the smartphone screen will be highlighted with dark blue And it will not be shown any inscriptions.
  • To run hardware rollback and software settings phone, as well as error correction 6, in iTunes click on "OK" in the system message of the detected device with DFU.

  • Then go to the Overview tab of the application. On the right side of the window, click on the device name and press the key "Restore…".

The recovery process will take from 10 to 30 minutes. After successfully completing the action, you will receive the appropriate message in. To bring the phone from an active DFU Hold the "Power" and "Home" buttons for 10 seconds. Next release the keys and click on "Power". Smartphone will start switching on.

Method 3 - Creating your own firmware

This solution is suitable for advanced users. His essence is formation on a smartphone is not server version of Apple firmware, but downloading and launching a custom IPSW file:

1 Decide with the firmware version and file. Download necessary document In IPSW format, you can from developer resources 4pda. or Github.. After downloading, scan the file by antivirus;

2 Disconnect the function "Find My Phone". To do this, go to iCloud from a computer or another Apple gadget, log in to use and disconnect the location of the device;

Almost every user iTunes. I came across that the program refused to perform any action and showed a pop-up window with an error number ...

What do these errors iTunes mean and how to solve the problems that have arisen - about it below ...

Cause of error 1: Version of iTunes. Too old or firmware does not match the device.

Error Solution 1: Update iTunes to the latest version, download the firmware again (make sure you download the software version for the desired device).

Cause of error 2: The loaded firmware is packaged incorrectly.

Error Solution 2: Most likely, you are trying to install Custom firmware (not original assembly). Just download the original firmware, or use third-party software to install Custom firmware.

Cause of error 3: This error The user can observe at the end of the iPhone, iPad firmware, which may indicate a faulty modem inside the device.

Error Solution 3: In fact, the error is a similar error -1 and if the latter is corrected by the recovery mode, then the error number 3 can only be solved in the service center by replacing the modem.

Cause of error 5: The firmware is not installed in the mode for which it is intended. (DFU MODE / RECOVERY MODE).

Error Solution 5:

Cause of Error 6: Firmware installation error due to damaged boot / recovery logo (occurs when installing custom firmware). Error Solution 6: Download the original firmware, or try to install in different modes (DFU MODE / RECOVERY MODE).
Cause Error 8: iTunes can not install the firmware, due to the fact that it does not this device (For example, you install the iPod Touch firmware on the iPhone).

Error solving 8: Download the original firmware for your device model.

Cause of Error 9: Kernel Panic. Critical error kernel. Analog blue Screen Windows. It may occur when cutting data over the cable at the time of installation. Or when using a poorly collected Custom firmware.

Error Solution 9: Check the USB port and connector on the iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch.

Cause of error 10: LLB is not detected in the firmware ( Low Level. BOOTLOADER), installation is not possible.

Error Decision 10: Preset Custom firmware or use the original.

Cause Error 11: Part of the files are not detected in the firmware.

Error Solution 11: Preset Custom firmware or use the original.

Cause of error 13: Cable or USB port is damaged. Either Beta. iOS version Trying to install from under Windows.

Error Solution 13: Change usb and cable. Can also help disable USB. 2.0 in BIOS.

Cause of Error 14: Broken firmware file. Either the problem of cable or USB port.

Error Solution 14: Disconnect the antivirus. Change usb and cable. Try the original firmware.

Cause of error 17: An attempt to update is not the original firmware (Custom).

Error Solution 17: In this case, you need to restore the device from DFU or Recovery Mode.

Cause of the error 20: The device is located in Recoveru Mode.

Error Solution 20: In this case, you need to enter DFU MODE.

Cause Error 26: Errors when assembling the firmware.

Error Solution 26: Load another firmware.

Cause of error 27 and 29: ITunes error, which is found in the old versions of the program.

Error solving 27 and 29: Update iTunes to the latest version.

Cause of error 28: Fault 30-PIN / Lightning cable or connector in the device.

Error Solution 28: Repair in the service center or replacing a 30-pin / lightning cable.

Cause of error 34: Not enough space to install software (on hard disk).

Error Solution 34: Free a little place to install software (on the disk where iTunes is installed).

Cause of error 35: Incorrect access rights to the folder (the problem occurs on Mac OS).

Error solution 35: In TERMINAL.App, we enter:
sudo Chmod -R 700 / Users // Music / iTunes / iTunes Media
where - the username.

Cause of error 39: An error occurs when synchronizing photos.

Error Solution 39: Several of your photos cause this error, you need to find them by exclusion from synchronization.

Cause of error 40, 306, 10054: Problems with a connection to the server.

Error solving 40, 306, 10054: It is necessary to disable antivirus software, proxy, browse the cache of the browser.

Cause of Error 54: It occurs when postpone shopping from the device in iTunes.

Error Solution 54: You can try a number of actions:

  • iTunes\u003e Store\u003e Authorize this computer
  • Remove C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ all Users \\ Application Data \\ Apple Computer \\ iTunes \\ SC Info
  • Exclude music from sync by deleting the folder (then you can return the folder to the place)
Cause of error 414: Content is designed for persons over 17 years old.

Error Solution 414: Agree with such rules or change the date of birth in the account settings.

Cause Error 1004: Apple server temporary problems.

Error solving 1004: Firm up later.

Cause of the error 1008: Apple ID has unacceptable characters.

Error solving 1008: So that such an error does not occur, you must use only Latin letters and numbers in Apple ID.

Cause of error 1011, 1012: IPhone / iPad modem problem.

Error solving 1011, 1012: Hardware problem requires repair.

Cause of error 1013, 1014, 1015: When checking the firmware, after the update, the inconsistency error occurred.

Error solving 1013, 1014, 1015: You need to download the Tinyumbrella utility. It uses the Kick Device Out of Recovery feature.

Cause of error 1050: Apple Activation Servers are temporarily unavailable.

Error Solution 1050: Activate the device after a while.

Cause of error 1394: The device operating system files are damaged.

Error Solution 1394: Restore the device or try to make Jailbreak again, if the error appeared after it.

Cause of Error 14 **: Cable data transfer error.

Error Solution 14 **: Either the firmware file is broken (you need to download another), or a USB cable broke.

The cause of the error is 1600, 1611: An error occurs when installing custom firmware via DFU MODE.

Error solving 1600, 1611: Try to install via Recovery Mode.

Cause of Error 1609:

Error Solution 1609:

Cause of Error 1619: iTunes is too old for your device.

Error Solution 1619: Update iTunes to the latest version.

Cause of Error 1644: To the firmware file adds third-party programs.

Error Solution 1644: Restart the computer, turn off the antiviruses if you do not work with the firmware file.

Cause of error 2001: Error occurs on Mac OS. Problem with drivers.

Error Solution 2001: Update Mac OS.

Cause of 2002 errors: Third-party processes work with iTunes, thereby blocks access.

Error Solution 2002: If this is not an antivirus, then restart the computer.

Cause of the 2003 error: Problems with USB port..

Error Solution 2003: Use another USB port.

Cause of error 2005: Problems with DATA cable.

Error Solution 2005: Use another DATA cable.

Cause of error 2502 and 2503: Errors Installer due to limited access to temporary files. It occurs on Windows 8.

Error solving 2502 and 2503: The problem is solved by adding full access to the user to the C: \\ Windows \\ TEMP folder. This is done as follows:

  • press right-click Mice on the C: \\ Windows \\ Temp folder;
  • we go along the path "Properties - Security - Change" and choose your user;
  • put a tick opposite " Full access", After you need to save changes.
Cause of the error 3000, 3004, 3999: Access Error Apple Server.

Error solving 3000, 3004, 3999: Access is blocked by any program. For example antivirus. Disconnect them, reboot.

The cause of the error is 3001, 5103, -42110: iTunes can not download the video due to hash errors.

Error solving 3001, 5103, -42110: Update iTunes.
Delete the SC Info folder:

  • Win7 - C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ All Users \\ Application Data \\ Apple Computer \\ iTunes
  • Vista - C: \\ PROGRAM DATA \\ Apple Computer \\ iTunes
  • Mac OS - / Users / Shared / SC Info
Cause of error 3002, 3194: No saved haze on the server. (Apple or Saurik).

Error solving 3002, 3194: Update to the stable firmware version. Delete a string: from hosts file in:

  • Win - C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ DRIVERS \\ ETC \\ HOSTS
  • Mac OS - / etc / hosts
Turn off antiviruses, try to restore via shift. Also an error may occur when trying to roll back previous version iOS. IN lately Downgrade is impossible, calmly update to last version iOS. A difficult mistake, explanations on which were allocated to a separate article -.
Cause of error 3123: Problems with computer authorization in iTunes.
Cause of error 3195: Error when receiving SHSH.

Error solution 3195: Repeat the firmware update.

Cause of error 5002: Refusal of payment.

Error Solution 5002: Look for errors in the filled data of the bank card.

Cause of error 8008, -50, -5000, -42023: The time of the firmware injection session has expired.

Error solving 8008, -50, -5000, -42023: Delete the downloads folder in your iTunes Media folder.

Cause of error 8248: The problem occurs if plugins are installed for iTunes, which are incompatible with new versions of the program.

Error solving 8248: Remove iTunes plugins. It often happens that the problem is in the memonitor.exe process, close it.

Cause of error 9006: Something blocks the download of the firmware.

Error solving 9006: Download the firmware from another place, or solve the problem with antiviruses.

Cause of error 9807: Something blocks test signatures and certificates.

Error solving 9807: Decide the problem with antivirus.

Cause of error 11222: Blocked access.

Error solving 11222: Disconnect the firewall and antivirus.

Cause of error 13014, 13136, 13213: Something prevents the work of iTunes.

Error solving 13014, 13136, 13213: Update iTunes, restart the computer, turn off the antivirus software. The problem should disappear.

Cause of error 13001: The media library is damaged.

Error solving 13001: Remove the iTunes library files.

Cause of the error 20,000: Error may occur when using non-standard windows topics.

Error Solution 20,000: Install the standard Windows theme.

Cause Error -39: iTunes can not download music from iTunes Store..

Error solution -39:

Cause Error -50:There are problems with the connections.

Error solving -50: Update iTunes. Make Relogne Account. Turn off the antivirus software.

Cause Error -3259: The waiting time is exceeded to connect.

Error solution -3259: Update iTunes. Check for connecting to the Internet. Remove incomplete downloads, can help output / iTunes account. If it does not help, try to restart the computer.

Cause of Error -9800, -9812, -9815, -9814: The time and date in the system is not properly set.

Error Solution -9800, -9812, -9815, -9814: Exhibit in the system settings, the correct date and time.

Cause of Error 0xE8000022: Damaged iOS files.

Error Solution 0xE8000022: Restore the firmware.

Cause of Error 0xE8000001, 0xE8000050:

Error solving 0xe8000001, 0xe8000050: Reinstall Appsync Twee from Cydia.

Cause 0xE8008001 error: The problem occurs when installing applications on a jailbreak device.

Error Solution 0xE8008001: Install Cydia Tweak Appsync.

Cause of Error 0xE8000013:Synchronization error.

Error Solution 0xE8000013: Synchronize the device again.

Cause 0xE8000065 error:A mistake in operating system.

Error Solution 0xE8000065: Restart the computer, use another USB port. If it did not help, then the problem in iTunes and will require the restoration of the firmware.

If you did not find an answer to your question or something did not work out, and in the comment below there is no suitable solution, ask a question through our

Editing the Windows registry manually to delete containing key errors Error 2 is not recommended if you are not a PC maintenance specialist. Errors allowed when editing the registry can lead to the inoperability of your PC and put irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma, delivered not in the place, can prevent the download of the computer!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster [Download] (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and correct any error-related problems. Using the Research Research [Download], you can automate The process of finding damaged registry entries, references to missing files (for example, causing an error %% error_name %%) and non-working links within the registry. Before each scanning, a backup is automatically created, which allows you to cancel any changes to one click and protecting you from possible damage to the computer. The most pleasant thing is that the elimination of the registry errors [Download] can dramatically increase the speed and performance of the system.

A warning: If you are not an experienced PC user, we do not recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use of the registry editor can lead to serious problems and demand reinstalling Windows. We do not guarantee that malfunctions that are the result of the incorrect use of the registry editor can be eliminated. You use the registry editor at your own risk.

Before manually restore windows registryYou must create a backup, exporting a part of the registry associated with an error 2 (for example, iTunes):

  1. Click on the button To begin.
  2. Enter " command." in lock search ... do not press ENTER!
  3. Holding the keys Ctrl-Shift. on the keyboard, click ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit." and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the error-related key (for example, iTunes) for which you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File Choose Export.
  10. In the list Save B. Select the folder to which you want to save the iTunes backup.
  11. In field File name Enter the name of the backup file, such as "iTunes Backup".
  12. Make sure in the field Export range Selected value Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension.reg..
  15. You now have a backup of your iTunes-related registry entry.

The following steps with manual editing of the registry will not be described in this article, since it is highly likely to damage your system. If you want to get more information about editing the registry manually, please read the links below.

iTunes (Aytyuns) - the program is stable and reliable, and therefore many users first encountered with this utility are not very surprised. Unfortunately, no program is insured against failures, but fortunately, in the case of iTunes, in most cases there is a way to quickly correct one or another problem, if it is, of course, not some unknown error. The fact is that all sorts of bugs, which can "please" iTunes, Apple engineers have been classified, assigned them numbers and led the manuals for their elimination.

In this article we will tell why the error 54 appears in program iTunes.And how to get rid of it.

Error 54 appears when there are any problems with synchronization of iTunes and iOS-devices and in the overwhelming majority of cases wearer, and not hardware. So calm down, you most likely disappeared, and you can get rid of the mistake yourself - just follow our manuals and everything will work out. However, before proceeding with our recommendations, make sure that you are not trying to synchronize immediately a very large amount of information - try the exchange of files in parts, and possibly errors and the trail will float.

Error 54: Elimination

So, the error 54 interrupted your work with iTunes, it happened (with a probability of 99.9%) at the moment of trying to synchronize one or another content using the utility between PC and IOS-device. The error window appeared before you. "Unable to synchronize the iPhone [ device name]. An unknown error occurred (-54). The first and most simple measure of its elimination, which is recommended, including on the Apple Support page - click "OK" in the junction of the window - quite often this action helps synchronization will quietly continue.

First aid

If this "trick" does not pass, we carry out the following - also quite simple instruction - Restart iTunes and reboot the iOS-device, and then perform another synchronization attempt.

Content combining in the iTunes Media folder

Error still does not give you synchronizing files? Moving on.

If you are not first working with iTunes, you know - to transfer content from a PC to the iOS-device, first of all execute the "Add file to the library ..." command. With this media library, the program orders your files in a special folder iTunes. Media and, let's say, gets permission to work with them. But sometimes media library files software failures and / or incorrect actions From the user side are stored in several locations, which often leads to an error 54. To combine files in iTunes Media:

Important moment! If you are trying through the program to transfer shopping in the iTunes Store to the iOS-device, and you can only interfere with the error 54, you may be best to try to download them directly from the device itself - to do this on the iPhone / iPad / iPod, open the iTunes Store application, Tap the "More" section, then "Shopping" and click on the cloud icon.

Exit from iTunes.

Error 54 is still in place? Then we try to delarusize - and simply speaking, get out of your account in iTunes:

Now come in account Again, and check if the error did not disappear:

Removing old backups

Deavutorization did not help? Moving on. You probably have done more than once with using iTunes. Backup copies of information stored on iOS-device. Every time you create such iTunes updates old copy, and creates a new one, over time they accumulate, which can cause errors of one or another nature. Therefore, it is desirable to get rid of them from time to time, well, if you encountered a mistake 54, it is not just desirable, but necessary:

Eliminate the conflicts of the

If all of the above measures did not help you eliminate the error, then most likely, the case in conflicts by software. As a rule, this kind of conflicts arise if some program has not been updated on time and / or protective programs identified iTunes as a suspicious utility. Let's deal with the order, what to do in the same case.

Software Update

First of all, I will update everything outdated.

Disable security programs

If the updates did not help, we take the last "desperate" step - we turn off the antivirus and / or firewall. Do not worry! Without security programs, we will not make you make, we mainly check the problem or not in them. If, when you turn off the protective utilities, the error will disappear, which means, most likely, iTunes somehow got into suspicious programs and must be transferred to trusted. Sometimes this measure does not help, then we recommend updating security programs. If the update does not help, it will be necessary to remove them completely and put it again.

Well, in extreme cases, if the error appears and after reinstalling, we advise you to simply turn off the antivirus and / or firewall at the time of sync.

Instead of the result: if nothing helps

Well, on this ways to eliminate the error 54 approached the end. We hope you managed to "win". Otherwise, we recommend contacting Apple Support. If they do not find the right decision there, then it is probably still the cause of the error is hardware - it is possible to blame the IOS-device, possibly a PC. One way or another, in this situation will have to contact service centerIf you, of course, 100% are not sure that you can cope with the repair yourself. By the way, to check who is to blame - a PC or iOS device, try to synchronize with another computer - if an error in place, the "apple" is blamed, otherwise PC.

IPhons are capable of simultaneously perform a huge number of tasks, so that they become not just means of communication, but reliable assistants in work and on vacation. They allow you to listen to music, view and edit photos, play games and make new acquaintances. By and large, these devices are able to replace bulky stationary computers.

However, like any gadget, can present its owner an unpleasant surprise in the form of an error 29 when restoring the iPhone 4S. Such a failure can permanently slow down the work of the device and bring the user a lot of inconvenience. What if the usual reboot of the device did not help solve the problem? How to quickly and effectively correct the situation?

Errors 29 when recovering iPhone 4S: Signs of malfunction

In addition to the fact that the appropriate inscription appears on the phone screen, when the device restarts, the following may also occur:

  • The active program "crashes" by itself and an error appears 29.
  • After the warning appears, the phone and computer connected to it can disable themselves.
  • In addition to error 29, "iTunes error" may appear when recovering the iPhone 4S.
  • The device (phone or computer) begins to work more slowly, not always the press on the screen.

This problem occurs not only on the phone itself, but also on the PC through which the update is carried out.

Error 29 when restoring iPhone 4S: Causes

If such failures occur constantly, you should find out what could affect the operation of the system. Most often, the problem occurs for the following reasons:

  • At the next update, iTunes was installed with errors. It may have occurred a network failure, and not all updated files were injected.
  • The iTunes registry was damaged. This happens if the user independently decided to replace the iPhone 4S firmware. Especially if programs from third-party manufacturers were used or were downloaded setup files With unknown sites.
  • A virus appeared in the system. In this case, malicious programs are not only affected by iTunes registries, but also affect other important applications that are responsible for the correct operation of the system.

In addition, an unknown error 29 iPhone 4S may indicate that the user installed an additional software that error could remove part of the ITYUNS files.

In any case, as with most errors on iPhones, you can go in two ways: restart the device or recover the settings to factory.

A simple hardware reset will not affect the files stored on the phone, so this procedure is considered the most "gentle". In order to produce it, you must perform the following:

  • Click the "Power" keys (located on the upper end of the device) and "home" and keep them in this position from 15 to 60 seconds until the device starts rebooting.
  • If an inscription appears on the iPhone screen to turn off the phone, nothing needs to be taken. If the smartphone is turned off, it will be impossible to restart in the right mode.
  • When a logo with an image of an apple appears on the screen, you need to release both keys.

After that, the phone can be loaded longer than usual. Do not be afraid, as this is an absolutely normal situation.

If the device did not respond to manipulations, and an error 29 occurs update iphone 4S, you will have to go to tougher measures and produce a "coarse" reboot.


Before performing this procedure, it is very important to create a backup and save all important data from the phone. To do this, the easiest way is to use the "cloud". After all photos and documents were saved in a safe place, you can start. In order to restore the factory settings and "reset" the system must be done as follows:

  • Connect the device to a computer using a regular USB cable for this. At the same time, the PC should be exactly the one with which the phone is usually synchronized.
  • Open iTunes. When the device is recognized, an iPhone appears on the uppermost part of the computer monitor. It must be pressed for it.
  • The Overview tab opens.
  • At this stage, you can re-backup. To do this, it is enough to click "Create Now."
  • When backup It will be completed, you must click "Settings" and go to "Basic".
  • Select "Reset".
  • A proposal will appear to erase the content and old settings. It must be confirmed.
  • Wait for the end of the operation. She can take more than an hour.

After that, you need to check the operability of the phone. If everything is fine, you can restore the backup of the files and continue to enjoy the iPhone.

Summing up

Be sure to take note of the warning that any low-quality firmware iPhone. 4S can lead to very serious consequences. All updates should be made in automatic mode or when downloading the necessary files from the official website of Apple. It is worth understanding that any failures may require expensive diagnostics of the system, so it is better not to experiment.