Turn on the network card in the BIOS. Network stack in BIOS - What is it? What is Network in BIOS

Many consider the BIOS of a separate chip on the motherboard. In fact, the basic I / O system is set of firmwarerecorded on a permanent storage device (ROM). It is often called "BIOS".

At the moment the computer is turned on, the program contained in the ROM provides the ability to work and primary setting All computer components. They are specify Parameters and transmit to controllers the corresponding commands to control the components. Some parts of computers have their own BIOS, and communication with them is provided through a similar system on the motherboard. Therefore, interaction with a hard disk, flash drive or SDD is possible before launch operating system (OS).

Briefly summing up, the basic system performs the following functions:

  • Evaluation of performance equipment at the time of power on;
  • Setting the basic parameters of the equipment by the user;
  • Primary drivers for devices are also included in the BIOS system, the OS uses them to fully load.

During preloading, information about the status of the computer can be estimated by software. Errors Downloads are indicated by different signals.

Basic I / O System Settings

To access the menu bIOS settings You must clamp the appropriate key when the computer is loaded. It depends on the manufacturer of the computer, but most often Del, F2, F8 or F10. At the same time, the further loading of the OS is stopped, and the user sees in front of him Basic interface To configure or receive information.

To enter the interface on the products of ASUS used F2 key, which is clamped before pressing the power button. When working with Windows 10, it is possible to call an interface. base system Before rebooting OS. SHIFT + item "" in the off menu. IN service menu OS need to select "Return to factory settings and optional", then additional features and "launch interface UEFI After rebooting. "

Navigation in the BIOS setup mode is carried out using keys arrows, Choosing Point ENTER, and changing the value of +/-. When you press F1. Help appears F9. Returns the initial settings, and F10 Causes output from the interface while saving settings. To exit without saving the settings, you must press ESC.

Main menu (main)

This screen appears after logging in to the BIOS settings and contains basic information about the computer and the basic system. To change on it, only systemic time and date (System Time. and SYSTEM DATE.) These items are highlighted in blue. They are given in the following format: day of the week<month><number><year\u003e and system time<clock><minutes><seconds\u003e. In the information about the "hardware" available data manufacturer of processor, his name and clock frequency in ghz (item Processor Information). Also indicated the size of the installed RAM in MB.

In addition, for the convenience of the user, on the right side of the screen in two windows, it is indicated in the top, summary of the item on which the cursor is installed, and in the lower - memo on the control keys.

Sequentially, the main screen shows the following information about manufacturers and versions:

  • BIOS manufacturer. Paragraph Bios Vendor.
  • Version of the basic system, or Version..
  • Gop Version.. Primary graphics controller version (GOP). It helps to identify the discrete video card and provides basic firmware to work with it from the motherboard.
  • Primary controller version ( EC VERSion.). It performs the simplest actions when running a personal computer;
  • Serial operating system number or Serial Number. It is necessary to use the licensed version on this computer;
  • User access level interface ( Access Level.). Without changing security parameters, the administrator is usually indicated here.

The information specified here does not have any benefit for most users. But during the upgrade of the computer without replacing the motherboard, it becomes necessary. On it you can learn about compatibility Equipment with new components. If the new video card refuses to work, it is possible to update the BIOS to a version that supports the new Iron.

When resetting the settings, the system time is reset, while on this screen it is necessary to install current date and time.

Advanced Settings (Advanced)

Menu section allowing you to perform thin setting Base system. It includes a fairly large number of sub-clauses that range from version to version:

  • Easy Flash.. Start update with Flash drive. Useful subparagraph running the BIOS update procedure directly to the file on the HDD computer
  • To turn on / off the sensor on the touchpad, a string is provided Internal Pointing Device.. If you set the DISABLE value, working with a laptop without a separate mouse will be impossible.
  • For the activation of the laptop when lifting the cover corresponds to the string Wake On Lid Open. When it is turned off, you will have to constantly press the power key.
  • To save the battery charge in the off state Power Off Energy Saving must be included. It is responsible for the supply of electricity on the USB ports in the off state, it can lead to charge depletion.
  • Intel Virtualization Technology. Not quite ordinary subparagraph, it is associated with the possibility of processing graphic information processor when creating a virtual machine in the operating system. For ordinary users, shutdown or inclusion of this feature will not change anything
  • Data protection when working with a processor is possible when enabled Intel Aes-Ni. This is a set of instructions for encryption that helps the processor protect data when stored or when transmitted on the network.
  • VT-D. or Virtualization Technology for Directed I / O This item is responsible for using hardware virtualization technology for I / O devices. Now this feature is supported by all modern processors, it allows you to process calculations and information from I / O devices virtual machines Using the "iron" of a real computer on which emulation occurs.
  • SATA Configuration.. This subparagraph contains information about the SATA devices connected, such as a hard disk and optical drive drive. In case of failures with this equipment, you can get the necessary information here.
  • Graphics Configuration. Contains the configuration of the internal graphics processor Intel. Here you can change the amount of RAM, which is allocated for the needs of the calculation of graphic information. It is responsible for it DVMT PRE-ALLOCATEDIt can take values \u200b\u200bfrom 64 MB to 512 MB.
  • Technology Anti-Theft from Intel Allows you to protect your laptop from theft at the hardware level and make inaccessible data on the hard disk in case of their particular importance. To do this, 3G module must be in the computer. The inclusion of this function is in the Intel (R) submenu Anti-Theft Technology Configuration.
  • For the configuration of USB ports and their work corresponds to the submenu ( USB Configuration.). When using the keyboard connected to this port, it is necessary to be attentive to the item. USB Legacy Support. When it is turned off, the keyboard will not work until the OS boot, which means the user will not be able to control the boot disks and flash drives or get into the BIOS interface. Change point Xhci. will terminate support uSB devices 0 or USB 3.0. The AUTO value allows the basic system to work with both versions of the interface.
  • Network Stack Allows you to load the OS using a virtual disk by local networkEven if the computer does not have its own HDD.

Download menu (BOOT)

In it, the user installs order Download information from external storage devices. Here you can also select the priority boot of the operating system if there are two or more systems in a computer. Until a recently, this paragraph was only permission to download from a disk or flash drive and the priority loading submenu of systems. The last two points were responsible for adding additional devices to the boot diagram and removing unnecessary.
With a gradual transition after Windows 8 and 10 output, an additional item appears on the UEFI. Secure Bootwhich does not allow you to download software from unknown sources. It can greatly complicate the launch of the OS from the boot flash drive or boot disk, even if they are fully operational. Therefore, when reinstalling the system, it is worth disabled this item.

Fast loading system helps function Fast Bootwhich is usually always enabled. For activation of the compatibility mode, subparagraph is responsible Launch CSM.It is necessary for those users who want to reinstall the OS, perhaps even the previous version.

SECURITY (Security)

Security allows you to set passwords of various levels when loading the base system, after it is booting and when accessing the HDD disk.

The first subparagraph is responsible for installing Password on the input In the BIOS settings interface, it is possible to divide the applicants on administrators and users. The administrator has rights to change all system settings, while the user is very limited in rights.

Rows answer for the installation of passwords Set Administrator Password. and Set User Password.. After their installation, the corresponding items change Status.. For password to HDD, the principle is similar: lines Set Master Password. and Set User Password. Install passwords, Status string reports on their availability.

Output menu from the interface (Save & EXIT)

When you finish working with the interface for setting up the basic system or obtaining all the necessary information, the user goes into this subparagraph.

  • Output without saving settings ( Discard Changes and Exit);
  • Return to the initial or factory settings ( Restore Defaults.);
  • Output with the preservation of all changes ( Save Changes and Exit);
  • Saving changes made in the last session ( Save Changes.);
  • Delete changes ( Discard Changes.).

Paragraph Boot Override. Allows you to manually select the downloadable OS, in cases where there are more than one hard disk.

Launch EFI Shell From File Allows you to download the OS on the hard disk with external devices. At the same time, it is necessary to use the EFI shell, which should be on removable media.

Troubleshooting BIOS

Most users cannot harm the basic system with their actions. The first problems begin when trying to improve the computer or laptop.

When increasing the number of RAM or installation new video card desirable refresh BIOS. to Samoa new version. This will help avoid hardware incompatibility. Usually in this case, the computer simply refuses to see a new device. After successful "flashing" the ROM, this problem disappears.

To initialize this procedure, it is necessary to use either internal subprograms, such as Easy Flash.or programs in the OS. On the computer manufacturer's website you need to find more modern. It is also advisable to check whether it will support the installed equipment by reading the version description.

Upgrading the basic system version can lead to incompatibility with already installed equipment, since the ROM has a limited amount and support for new devices is possible only by removing information about outdated information from it. For this reason update BIOS. It is shown only in the case of installing new equipment, and when the computer is stable and the absence of changes in the "prophylactic" reprogramming is not desirable.

During the rewrite procedure should not happen Disconnect the computer from the network. If this happened, restore information The ROM will be very difficult, most likely impossible and then the help of a specialist is necessary. Works on changing the software of the motherboard are repairs, so the user conducts them at its own fear and risk, depriving the guarantee at the wrong conducted.

When installed password In the basic system and the impossibility of its configuration to restore the computer's performance, the possibility was specially left. hardware reset on factory settings. This feature is associated with the features of the BIOS settings storage. The system itself is written on the ROM, and its settings are in another memory, called CMOS.. To clean it, you should find jumper or jumper Near the battery system Power (For hours when the computer is turned off). Also helps extraction This battery, if it is removable.

Some motherboards allow you to adjust the noise published by the cooler thanks regulation Fan revolutions. This is useful when using a PC in the office, where the noise level is quite high, and the tasks performed by the computer will not lead to the overheating of the processor.

For lovers overclocking System components Working with BIOS / UEFI parameters becomes a routine occupation. In advanced versions, you can configure thin voltage and frequency parameters directly through the base system interface. It is understood that the user knows about the consequences of coarse work with these parameters. Typically, such settings are available for expensive processor models, motherboards and video cards.

Receipt on sale SSD drives did not solve the problems of working with huge amounts of data that you need to quickly read with hard disks. In this case, technology is used. For this, two or more disks are combined, and the information is distributed according to them according to special algorithms. Thus, you can get a significant increase in speed and reading information. Most of the setup occurs in the BIOS interface.

or U.niFied. E.xtensible F.irmWare. I.nterface is a firmware built into the motherboard. Came to shift Bios. Like the last, controls the equipment at a low level and makes it possible to start the initial configuration of the computer start.

The main features of the new system:

  • Built-in download manager.
  • Availability graphic interface for settings.
  • Support for loading operating systems (OS) with GPT disks.
  • Storage of dumps after a failure in NVRAM (with the availability of the OS).

UEFI can interfere with a computer download from a flash drive or installation early versions Windows (7 and below) and Linux. In this case, it can be turned off. To do this, in UEFI you need to switch it to legacy mode Or disable Secure Boot.

To determine the type of firmware (BIOS or UEFI), it is enough to go to its settings and look at the appearance. If there is a graphical interface with the possibility of settings through a mouse, talks about using UEFI. This will also say the presence of an option with the type of loading LEGACY. Another way - open in windows file C: \\ Windows \\ Panther \\ setupact.log And find in it the words Bios or UEFI.

In more detail about UEFI on Wikipedia

In this article we will get acquainted with the concept of UEFI and the application of this technology in Windows 8. That is the technology UEFI? UEFI abbreviation is decrypted as UNIFIED EXTENSIBLE FIRMWARE INTERFACE (Unified extensible firmware interface). This technology is designed to convert the traditional computers loading system and must come to replace the outdated system. Bios.. However, this is not just upgrading the old technology, but in principle new approach to computer download technology and running OS. In fact, the UEFI practically has nothing to do with the PC BIOS system.

If the BIOS is the code (hard and virtually unchanged), stitched in a special BIOS-hype on a system board, then the UEFI is a flexible programmable interface located on top of the entire hardware component of the computer with their own firmware. UEFI code (much larger than the BIOS boot code) is in a special / EFI /, which can be stored in a wide variety of places: from a separate chip on the system board, to the hard disk or network storage partition. In fact, the UEFI is an independent lightweight operating system, which is an interface between the main OS and firmware that control the hardware low-level features of the equipment, which should correctly initialize the equipment and transfer the maintenance of the main ("large") operating on the computer.

The UEFI includes iron testing services, boot and test services, as well as implementing standard interaction protocols (including network), devices drivers, functional extensions And even its own EFI-shell, in which you can run your own EFI applications. Those.

What is a UEFI how to install Windows 10 (and older versions) on a computer with UEFI

already at the UEFI level, you can enter the Internet, or organize a hard disk backup using the usual graphic GUI users.

The UEFI specification in the next year-two will be used in all new motherboards of leading manufacturers, and finding a new computer with ordinary BIOS will be almost impossible. One of the most popular features of UEFI, which can be implemented on a computer running under it are: "Safe loading" ( secure Boot In Windows 8), low-level cryptography, network authentication, universal graphic drivers And much more. UEFI supports 32 and 64-bit processors and can be used on system with ITANIUM, X86, X64 and ARM processors

All modern operating systems (Windows, Linux, OS X) support boot through UEFI.

However, if the UEFI uses in Mac OS X (bootcamp bootcamp) and Linux is sufficiently superficial, in Windows 8, the benefits of the UEFI environment can already be used on the full program.

By the way, for the possibility of downloading old OS, supporting only BIOS, in UEFI, there is a BIOS emulation mode called Compatibility Support Module (CSM).

What advantages can be obtained when using UEFI and Windows 8 sharing?

One of the main advantages is the possibility of safe download (SAFE BOOT) - technology that allows you to prevent the execution of unwanted programs during computer initialization (in more detail the secure download technology in UEFI will be reviewed in a separate article).

Thanks to the UEFI Windows 8, you can install 3 TB and more on discs and more, and, accordingly, loaded from these disks. This is due to the transition from the MBR in (BIOS) partitions table to GPT (UEFI).

Using the UEFI instead of BIOS is one of the key components that provide fast Windows 8 download (UEFI code works faster due to the fact that it was entirely written from scratch, without necessity to pull the plume of the ancient rules and compatibility). In addition, the UEFI when reading uses a special size of the EFI I / O unit, which allows you to read 1 MB of data at a time (in BIOS - 64kb). In addition, a decrease in start-up time is achieved due to the fact that there is no need to look for the bootloader on all devices: boot disk Assigned to UEFI at the OS installation phase.

So, we noted that Windows 8 supports UEFI loading, but there are a number of features:

  • The computer must be compatible with UEFI v2.3.1
  • UEFI is supported only in the 64-bit version of Windows 8.

    32-bit versions of Windows do not support the UEFI functions (on new computers of this OS will have to work in CSM emulation mode).

  • Windows 8 for ARM (Windows RT) will not work on equipment that does not support UEFI, or allows you to disable Secure Boot

In subsequent versions of Windows (and near Windows 8 SP1), developers are planning to implement a variety of other UEFI functions, such as: RootKit Prevention (detection of rootkit during the download process), Network authentication (loading authentication, is particularly relevant in the OS remote exploration scenarios), etc. d.

Access to UEFI settings from Windows 8

It is worth noting that on new computers with pre-installed Windows 8, which uses UEFI to get into the UEFI setting menu (BIOS replacement), the usual way to press the Delete or F2 key (or another key given by vendor) will not work. Because Windows 8 (especially on SSD) is loaded very quickly, it is difficult to have time to press the key to enter the UEFI setting mode during this time. Somewhere it was written that Windows 8 on SSD with UEFI is waiting for the key to press the entire 200ms key. Therefore, there is a procedure for calling the UEFI parameter settings program from the boot windows menu 8.

To get in boot menu Windows 8 can be one of three ways:

1. In the PC settings ( PC settings) Select the General section ( Generel) and in the subsection Special download options ( Advanced Startup.) Click the Restart button now ( RESTART NOW.)

2. The same effect can be achieved by holding the SHIFT button when you press the RESTART button in the completion menu.

  1. Another option of entering the Windows boot menu is execution in command line Shutdown.exe / R / O / F / T 00 commands

After rebooting, the menu will automatically open windows downloads 8 in which you need to choose points Troubleshoot.->Advanced Options.. In the advanced options window, there is a separate button. UEFI FIRMWARE SETTINGS.allowing the PC after rebooting to get straight in BIOS Computer (In fact, this is UEFI, settings in which are equivalent to traditional BIOS computers).

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The main advantages of UEFI.

Advantages of UEFI:

improve security When protecting the processes occurring before starting or downloading, from BootKit attacks.

reducing the download time or recovery after hibernation;

- Support for disks by volume 2.2 TBA;

- Support for modern device drivers with 64-bit built-inwhich system can use to attract more than 17.2 billion gigabytes of memory during startup;

- opportunity use BIOS with UEFI Equipment.

As of 2010, most of the modern operating systems have already supported GPT. Some, including OS X and Microsoft Windows, support only download from GPT sections in systems with EFI firmware, but most of the modern distributions (such as Debian) can be downloaded from GPT partitions in systems with a heritage or BIOS firmware or EFI interface.

All 64-bit Versions of computers under windows controlthat meet the requirements of the certification program for Windows use UEFI instead of BIOS. To find out if it supports computer UEFI.You need to refer to the documentation supplied with the computer.

On the change of old as a computer world, the BIOS system comes something completely new called UEFI. Unfortunately, in addition to the mass of useful innovations, UEFI will bring a lot of problems with them.

As already mentioned BIOS is limited by 16-bit commands and 1 MB of the addressable memory, UEFI is not limited in this way.

UEFI can work in 32-bit and 64-bit modesThat allows you to significantly increase the amount of RAM, and the ability to perform more complex processes. She is independent From the architecture and driver drivers.

MBR(Main boot record) By virtue of its features limits the maximum size of the boot disk to 2.2 TB. UEFI uses partition table GUIDthat uses global unique identifiers of sections addresses and allows loading from a hard disk of this size as 9.4 ZB (Zetabyte). The terabyte is 1024 GB, and the Zetabyte (Zebibyte) is 1024x1024x1024 GB. Also, UEFI allows more download options, does not prescribe special file systems and has excellent network loading abilities. Faster Loading is carried out due to the absence of the need to search for the bootloader on all disk.

More simple Preparation of bootable media, no need for recording different boot sectors, availability own manager Downloads - Now it is not necessary to start a multi-level leapfall loaders to organize multi-loadingwednesday, in EFI NVRAM is regularly stored all records of available boards, I. switching Between the downloaded OS is carried out in the same way as between boot carriers. More protected Loading environment. Graphic UEFI configuration mode, implemented with support for graphics and mice.

There is no restriction on the 4 main sections, and as a result, the absence of the need for logical sections. Increased security - GPT stores a backup of the partition table at the end of the disk, so in case of malfunction, there is a possibility of recovering the markup with the help of a spare table. Protection against damage by outdated programs by Protective MBR. It is possible to use old boot sectors.

Analogs of boot sectors in GPT are stored as follows.EFI uses loader storage eFI / BOOT folder, located in the root of the FAT32 section. The default file must be downloaded. /Efi/Boot/BootX64.efi. If the downloadable disk is marked in the MBR style, then the presence of the FAT32 file system on the first section (if there are several of them) and the file with the loader underlying the default path, are the only loading conditions from this media (CD / DVD are also supported). In case the disc is marked in the GPT style, section not necessary Must be the first, but he has boot flag must be present (Check and set you can via gparted).

Secure Boot - withsECURE BOOT PERICATION is developed by Microsoft as part of the UEFI project and allows you to protect the bootable environment from interference in boot files by control signs Downloadable files for compliance white key list, stitched In UEFI as trusted. "By-effect" of such protection against rootkits is the inability to install an OS other than Windows 8 (on this moment Only it supports Secure Boot), and also eliminates the ability to start with old MBRs and bootable CDs / flash drives.

Fast Boot Mode - Rabotheys only on Operations installed on GPT markup, in the case of Windows - only Windows 8.

UEFI Shell - Ethat wednesday of work With the EFI environment (terminal-like), which allows you to run EFI-compatible loaders on the go, perform the simplest operations with files, and also operate the built-in load manager.

The load time goes much less, which is achieved using parallel initialization, unlike BIOS, which initializes all components sequentially. It is noteworthy that the operating system will be able to use the UEFI drivers, and not upload their own. For example, if you are undemanding to the graphics subsystem, you can not download, and therefore not to install new drivers, but to use the drivers offered by UEFI.

UEFI is a whole interface located in the / EFI directory, which can also be on the chip, and on the hard disk section and even on a separate removable disk. Those. Any adapted programs can be added to UEFI. Already, from under UEFI BIOS, some manufacturers have the opportunity to enter the Internet.

As a result of such a flexible approach, the UEFI system becomes something like a very lightweight, but quite independent operating system. That is, essentially, in the computer uEFI system is loaded first, under its control A random set of necessary actions is performed, and then the loading of the operating system itself is already launched (from this, by the way, it does not complete that the download process becomes longer - in advance the flexible configuration of the system is able to boost significantly faster).

If you figure it out, the UEFI itself is an operating system, it looks like DOS something, because performs text teams. It can help figure out the reasons for downloading the main operating system if this happens, but only experienced users can work in it.

UEFI is sometimes called pseudo-os Nevertheless, it is capable of accessing all the hardware to the computer itself. That is, at the UEFI level, it is quite possible, for example, to go online or organize backup hard drives, and this is all under a full-fledged graphical interface under the usual "mouse" control.

All these extended boot data are stored in a roomy flash memory or hard disk, it means that there is much more space for things such as language localization of the system, a developed diagnostic system at the download stage, useful utilities (type of archiving, restoration After a failure, scanning for viral infection) and so on.

Fully built based on program code, UEFI really became combined cross-platform system. Already today, UEFI specifications are provided in the work of almost any combination of chips with 32- and 64-bit architecture produced by AMD, Intel and numerous ARM licensees. The only thing that is required to ensure this versatility is compile Source code for the requirements of each specific platform.

UEFI is loadedstrictly In accordance with the established rules. If a OS. does not support UEFI, bIOS emulation mode is activated. PC boot process based on BIOS. simple enough: after pressing the on button starts the BIOS (post-test), which checks the condition of the equipment and downloads the software - simple drivers For individual hardware components. After that, the BIOS performs the OS bootloader search and activates it. That in turn loads the operating system or displays the list of available OS.

UEFI database computers are loaded in a similar way. only until the download options. After that, everything happens otherwise. UEFI has oS's own bootloader from integratedmanagers started installed systems. For him on the disk is created small section (100-250 MB), Formatted in file System FAT32.called EXTENSIBLE FIRMWARE INTERFACE SYSTEM PARTITION (system section expandable built-in softwareinterface ESP.). On it are located drivers Hardware components to which the running operating system can be accessed. The general rule is: with the exception of DVD, UEFI can only be loaded from the media formatted in the FAT32 file system.

W. ESP. There are advantages: thanks to the UEFI drivers and the OS bootloader, Windows starts faster and more adequately responds to critical drivers. But interface UEFI imposes and restrictions: It allows you to install OS only on hard driveswhich are posted according to the standard GPT.The latter is not supported by any BIOS version, since, in contrast to the traditional markup scheme (MBR), uses addresses of sectors 64 bits long. In addition to Windows 8, the UEFI interface is supported only by 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and 7, as well as Linux with a kernel 3.2 and above. Moreover, for PCs certified to work with the "eight", Microsoft prescribes the use of the Secure Boot option. In this mode UEFI Runs only confirmed OS loaders that contain drivers S. digital signature Microsoft..

As well as Windows 8. Just bootloader Shim (Linux) It has drivers with the necessary for Secure Boot signatures.

In other OS, they are missing. Therefore, if you want to install on similar computer In addition to the "eight" and Windows 7 or Vista, you must open the UEFI menu and disable Secure Boot. If you select an incompatible with UEFI, you will need to use Compatibility Support Module (Compatibility Support Module, CSM), which can be enabled in UEFI. Unfortunately, manufacturers use various uEFI versionsand sometimes it's hard to understand how to disable Secure Boot and go bIOS emulation mode.

UEFI - What is it? UEFI bootable flash drive. Installing a UEFI.

BIOS Personal Computer, despite the constant updates, "double" implementation and other innovations, in fact, remained the most outdated component of modern computers. Starting from the very first PCs in BIOS, nothing dramatically changed. Its for a long time did not take seriously the manufacturers, fearing for the fact that continuity will be offended basic functionsnecessary for the proper functioning of old operating systems.

But the old systems went into the past, and those that are still used can be run using software emulators. Therefore, fighting the old BIOS habits has become not particularly necessary. In fact, when loading with BIOS, do not even get the display of national alphabets, not to mention support network devices, optimal modes of operation of equipment, convenient decisions on the update, etc.

A story about what UEFI is, it is better to start with the history of the emergence of this technology.

UEFI development history

The history of the UEFI begins in the mid-90s.

What is UEFI and how does this Windows installation mode differ from the BIOS?

Even then, for powerful server platforms, there is not enough standard BIOS capabilities. Therefore, for the first Intel-HP ITANIUM systems was developed new technologywhich was named Intel Boot Initiative. A little later, the name was replaced by EFI or Extensible Firmware Interface.

The first official specification was EFI 1.02, which was born on December 12, 2000. In early 2002, a specification appeared 1.10. And in 2005, the Alliance of Companies was formed under the name Unified EFI Forum or UEFI Forum, and the technology itself changed the name with EFI on the UEFI. Now the development of UEFI is engaged in UEFI Forum, the composition includes companies such as AMD, Apple, Dell, HP, American Megatrends, IBM, Intel, Lenovo, Insyde Software, Microsoft and Phoenix Technologies. The latest UEFI specification is a specification number 2.3.1, which was published by the UEFI Forum Alliance in April 2011.

Advantages of UEFI

Obviously, UEFI is a new step in development personal computers. But what real advantages Represents the use of this technology instead of the old good BIOS?

  • UEFI allows you to boot the operating system from high-volume hard drives. Using the BIOS, you cannot load the operating system from the hard disk with a volume of more than 2 TB.
  • UEFI does not depend on the processor architecture and can be used both with X86 processors and with processors based on Arm architecture. While BIOS supports only x86 processors.
  • UEFI allows you to use a graphic shell with a mouse support that is much more convenient to the Asshetical BIOS interface. At the same time, the UEFI shell allows you to perform many tasks without using the operating system. For example, connect to the local area network.
  • UEFI allows you to load the operating system much faster. Thanks to the parallel testing of the computer components, the time that passes from the moment of turning on the computer until the operating system starts can be reduced to 2 seconds.
  • UEFI is equipped with a boot manager and allows the user to choose which operating system it wants to download. At the same time disappears the need to use a special mechanism to select the operating system within the loader itself of the operating system.
  • UEFI is equipped with new ways to protect against malicious programs.

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    BOOT DISK. - A BOOT DISK IS A Removable Digital Data Storage Medium From Which A Computer Can Load and Run (Boot) An operating System. Or Utility Program. The Computer Must Have A Built In Program Which Will Load And Execute a Program from a Boot Disk Meeting ... Wikipedia


  • Professional Windows Embedded Compact 7, Samuel Phung. Learn to Program An Array of Customized Devices and Solutions As A Compact, Highly Efficient, Scalable Operating System, Windows Embedded Compact 7 (WEC7) Is One Of The Best Options for ... electronic book

Good afternoon, Lisa.

You did the right thing that was posted a snapshot of your BIOS. I confess that not every girl would have come in a similar way, and many do not even suspect the existence of the basic system. Nevertheless, it would be nice to provide additional informationthat would help answer your question more. More specifically, I'm interested in the following: we are talking about a simple inpatient PC or laptop / netbook; Did you open system unit (In the case of a PC) and did any manipulations with a hard disk and a DVD drive produced? This is a very important point, and now I will explain to you why.

Problem with DVD.

At first glance, you encountered one of the most common problems. The fact is that in the bios it is indicated that he should first read the information from the DVD carrier, and only then load other devices. This is usually done to install or reinstall the operating system (it uses the boot disk). This feature allows you to bypass system Disk, after which the computer is loaded with special utility. After that, there is a turn to reinstall OS.

It is worth noting that this was practiced a few years ago. Starting with Windows SP3, the system (as a rule) automatically sets all the necessary parameters, so the user does not require manual data entry. As you can see, the age of the computer in your case also plays a role.

Conflict with jumpers

I did not ask for nothing, did you (or someone else) produced a hard disk or DVD manipulation. The fact is that on both listed devices from the back, there are special connectors with adjusted jumpers - "jumpers". These small devices (just a few millimeters) create contact in a specific chain, as a result of which one of two devices is loaded first. These contacts are several types, but from the main one to select the following:

  • master (primary value);

The contact connection circuit can be found on the hard disk sticker (on the front panel) or DVD drive. The probability of switching "jumpers" is small, but it is impossible to exclude it.

Other problems

As for the other obvious reasons for your problem, several main assumptions suggest here:

  • the hard disk is not connected (check if its post is determined or whether it is not written in other sections of the bios);
  • hard disk breakage (POST can publish characteristic sound);
  • bIOS itself (might need to flash).

Specifiable on the topic

As you can see, the above described is solid assumptions, and the final answer will only be able to give you an experienced master. However, I still can help you help. The inscription "Network Boot" indicates a connection to the network. This feature is necessary for network administrators and in most cases is used in enterprises with their own domain. Try to disable it by setting the value "desable", after which you go down to line number 3 "IDE1" and try to find your HDD. If it happened, everything is in perfect order. Save the settings, leave the bios, restart the computer and enjoy it.

I sincerely hope you could help you with your problem solving. I wish all sorts of success.

Sincerely, Alex Grimm.

Network card, most often, default in modern motherboards. This component is necessary to ensure that the computer can be connected to the Internet. Usually everything is on initially, but when configuring or changes in the configuration of the BIOS configuration device can be reset.

Depending on the BIOS version, the process of turning on / off network cards may vary. The article provides instructions on the example of the most common versions of the BIOS.

It is also recommended to check the relevance of the drivers for the network card, and, if necessary, download and install the latest version. In most cases, updating drivers solves all the problems with the display of the network card. If it did not help, you will have to try to include it from the BIOS.

Enabling network card on AMI BIOS

Step-by-step instructions for a computer running on the BIOS from this manufacturer, looks like this:

Turn on the network card on Award BIOS

In this case step-by-step instruction Will look like this: