Admin modx access to the main page. How to unlock user or reset password from MODX Revo, MODX Evo admin panel via phpMyAdmin. Prefix for friendly URLs

So, the system is already installed and even functioning. It is visible in the browser. But if you now go to the site, then you will not see anything other than a meager English inscription.

So let's start slowly to understand the admin panel.

Where is the MODx admin

For authorization in the admin panel, go to , while is the domain address of your site. You will see a simple window where you will need to enter the administrator login and password that you set during installation.

And here she is in front of you MODx Evolution control system in all its glory. After installation "from scratch" and the first authorization in the admin panel, you will be automatically redirected to the system configuration page (this is where the basic settings are set). After making the necessary changes, click the "save" button - otherwise the results will not change.

In the future, you can get to the settings page from the admin panel by successively clicking the Tools - Configuration tabs.

Basic MODX Settings

Now it's time to start tweaking the basic system settings. In principle, most of the parameters do not need to be changed, since the system is already user-oriented. But if there is a need to tweak something somewhere, then you will at least roughly know where to look for it. Usually, setting up MODx takes no more than a minute, especially since there is a small hint in Russian next to each parameter - it’s just a lot of text, but you really don’t need to do anything there

Site tab

Site header

Here you must enter the name of your site. In this field, you can write anything you want, or one word, or the name of the domain, or even the name of the site with a small description of it. Because we will display this title in the title of the page in the future, then I would advise you to enter short description. Such a description will never be superfluous for search engines.

Control system language

From the drop-down list, you can select the language into which the administrative part of the control system will be fully translated. It's just super convenient. First, you can work with certain language skills with clients from different countries while allowing them to manage their site in their native language. The list of supported languages ​​is quite large, from Bulgarian to Spanish, including even such exotic languages ​​as Japanese, Chinese and others. Secondly, you don't have to look for localizations of your system into any language anywhere or ask for help with translation on various forums. Thirdly, the translation provided by the system is a professional, complete translation, that is, absolutely all pages and secondary elements (tooltips, comments, and so on) are translated.

The default language is the one you specified when you installed MODx. We have Russian-UTF8 by default, leave it unchanged and move on to the next field.


Here we set the encoding of the site pages. Select "Unicode (UTF-8) - utf-8" from the dropdown list.

If this option is enabled, then all ampersands (&) in links will be replaced with the construction & according to the XHTML format. Do not bother much here - leave the default "Yes"

First page

Here you need to enter the ID of the page that you want to make the start page, the visitor will get to it when loading the site. The default is ID=1. I advise you to leave it as it is, but keep in mind where you need to make changes to temporarily direct the visitor to another page, for example, with a very important information, or news, while not changing the main page.

404 error page

Enter the ID of the page that a visitor should go to when they type in the browser the address of a non-existent page, or click on a broken link on your site. This can happen periodically, and you have the ability to direct such a user to a special page that notifies you that the page is missing. To be honest, it is very fashionable now to create interesting designs for 404 error pages and many when designing websites include requirements for the original 404 page in the terms of reference.

By default, ID=1, which means that the person requesting a non-existent page will go to the main page of the site. As long as you don’t have a 404 error page, you can leave it by default, we’ll decide what to do with it along the way.

Access denied page

ID of the page that visitors should see if they try to go to closed page(403 - access denied). Leave it unchanged. The default is unit.

Site status

Leave online. If you select "offline", site visitors will see a message that the site is unavailable and will not be able to view the site itself. This can be useful when carrying out maintenance on the site, updating the design, structure, and so on, in order to restrict access to the site and leave it only to the administrator.

Site Unavailable Page and Site Unavailable Message

If for some reason you set the status of the site to "offline", then you can use these fields to set the ID of the page that visitors should see if they try to enter the site. By default, the page is not created and the visitor will simply see a message about the site being unavailable, which you can change in the "message about the unavailable site" field

Register visits

Provides data for the analytics plugin, such as a checkbox that determines whether to count views for a particular resource. Leave "no" until we need it.

Number of best scores

The number of top scores in statistics reports. Leave the default - 10.

Default Template

You need to select a template that will be applied to new resources by default. When editing a resource, you can set any template. The "Minimal Template" template was initially created and installed by default. Let's leave it as is for now, later we will change it or create a new one.

"Publish" by default

While you are working on local computer, you can set the value to "Yes" so that new pages are immediately published after saving. But when managing a finished site published on the Internet, it is better to set “No” so that after saving the publication can be finalized, previewed, corrected errors, if any, and, only after that, check the “Publish” checkbox in the page settings . This way you can avoid viewing intermediate versions of your publications by site visitors.

"Cached" by default

Select Yes to have new resources cached by default after creation.

A few words for beginners about what web page caching is and why it is needed. Web page caching is the process of storing frequently requested documents on (intermediate) proxy servers or the user's machine, in order to prevent them from being constantly downloaded from the origin server and reduce traffic. Alternatively, web page caching can be done using the CMS of a particular site to reduce server load during high traffic. This means that when a user reloads the same page, it will be partially taken from the cache, and loading will take less time.

Searchable by default

In most cases, you will need to create pages that are searchable on the site, so leave the value "Yes". With this option, you can hide various service pages on your site from the internal search engine.

Add to default menu

Leave "Yes" to enable automatic addition of the item to the menu.

Content Types

Here you can add content types (Content-Type) for the site. For now, don't add anything.

Difference in time

Select the offset (number of hours) between the time at your location and the server location. This parameter can be set after the site is published on the Internet. For example, if I am in Perm and the server is located in Germany, then I can enter an amendment of 5 hours (difference in time zones) to synchronize the time.

Server type

The default is "http", if you intend to use https connections on your site, specify it here.

Note: https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is an extension to the http protocol that supports encryption. Provides protection for transmitted data and is used to provide authentication and a secure connection. It is widely used, for example, in payment systems in online stores in order to encrypt transmitted data about credit cards. https is currently supported by the most popular browsers.

Check server HTTP_REFERER headers

Leave the default - "Yes".

Ribbon RSS news and RSS feed security

The addresses of the MODx RSS feed and the security RSS feed have been entered. These tapes will be broadcast on home page administrative panel on the "MODx News" and "Security News" tabs. They will broadcast news about the release of new versions of MODx or discovered vulnerabilities. This is very convenient, without leaving the admin panel, you can follow all updates and warnings from developers and quickly respond to them. The news, however, is broadcast on English language, but even superficial knowledge should be enough for you to understand them. If you don't want to use this RSS feature, you can delete the addresses of the RSS feeds, or enter the address of any of your favorite feeds that you read from time to time.

Friendly URLs Tab

Use Friendly URLs

Select Yes. This parameter allows you to allow the use of friendly URLs on the site. It was for this parameter to work that at the very beginning of the installation we renamed the ht.access file included in the MODx distribution kit to .htaccess, after setting the value to “Yes”, additional items will appear for further setting friendly URLs.

Prefix for friendly URLs

We leave this field empty.

Suffix for Friendly URLs

Here you can specify a suffix for friendly URLs, which will be separated by a dot from the page alias. Specifically, it looks like a file extension like .html, .htm, .php and others. The default is .html, but you can change it or remove it altogether. But, in my opinion, with the presence of this suffix, the URL of the pages looks somehow more complete, so I left it by default.

Use URL aliases

Select "Yes", then the value entered in the "Alias" field will be used as the page alias when editing the page. For example, this field will contain about and you left the suffix for friendly URLs as .html, so the URL of this page will look like this - http://your_site/about.html. If the Alias ​​field is left blank, then the URL will be generated based on the document ID and will look like http://your_site/2.html, where 2 is the page ID.

Use nested URLs

Select "Yes" to get the nested URL structure. For example, if the child resource is named "child" and the parent resource is named "parent", we'll get a URL like this:

Allow duplicate aliases

Select "Yes" to allow repetition of aliases. Note: this setting must be used in conjunction with "Use nested URLs" enabled.

Automatically generate alias

Select "Yes" to have the system automatically generate aliases based on page titles. That is, even if you leave the "Alias" field empty when editing or creating a page, it will be generated automatically based on the page titles. If the site is in English and the page names are written in Latin, then only this checkbox is enough to enable automatic generation of aliases. If the site is in Russian and, therefore, the page names are written in Cyrillic, you should configure the TransAlias ​​plugin (after saving the configuration settings). To configure the plugin, you need to follow: tab Elements → Manage elements → Plugins → TransAlias ​​→ Configuration tab → Set the Trans table parameter to russian and save.

Users Tab

On the users tab, all parameters can be left unchanged.

On this tab, you can edit email templates sent to users upon registration, upon password change, and so on. You can also set the amount failed attempts logins that are allowed before the user is locked out (to prevent attackers from trying to guess your password). To increase security during authorization, you can enable security code, while in order to enter the administrator panel it will be necessary to enter a code that is not recognized by various kinds of scripts (shown as a graphic image), in the "Words for generating CAPTCHA codes" field, you can enter the words that will be used to generate these protective graphic images.

Interface and Presentation Tab

Show tab with META tags and keywords

Set to "Yes", then when editing a resource, an additional tab "Keywords" will appear, where you can choose from a list keywords those that are appropriate for the page being edited.

File path

Enter the physical path to the files folder. On the local computer there will be something similar: Z:/home/site/www/assets/. When transferring a finished site to a server (if you developed a site on a local computer), this path is not always substituted automatically, therefore, when transferring a site to a hosting, I strongly recommend that you check this field and, if necessary, change it to the required one. On the server, this path might look something like /home/site/public_html/assets/.

On the "Interface and Presentation" tab, you can also specify file formats that can be uploaded to folders with images, flash files and media files through the admin panel (this is indicated so that only graphic files can be uploaded to the folder with images and so on). On the same tab, you can configure the HTML editor. Leave everything at default for now.

File Manager Tab

Path for file manager

Enter the physical path to the root folder for the file manager to work properly. This field also needs to be double-checked for correctness when transferring the finished site to the server. On the local machine, the path may look like Z:/home/site/www/, and on the server /home/site/public_html/.

Files allowed to be uploaded

Here you can specify, separated by commas, files of which extensions can be uploaded to the server through the file manager.

Max upload size

Maximum size of uploaded files, value in bytes. Leave the default (1048576), but keep in mind where you will need to change if necessary.

Permissions for the new file and permissions for the new folder

Leave the default.

Well, that's all. You have become familiar with the basic settings that you can configure on the system configuration page. You can return to the configuration page at any time, so don't worry if you missed something.

Good! Again, I'm filony and for more than a month you have not seen a single post from me. I am correcting myself. This post will be of interest to developers on the system Modx Revolution. In this tutorial, I'll tell you how to make site editing easier for an ordinary manager who doesn't know a bit about sites.

To begin with, let me remind you how to set up the Modx Revo admin panel - I wrote about this in. I have some changes, or rather a simplification of this very admin panel. The point is that in that access policy ( for those who do not understand - read the post carefully at the link) tabs are indicated that a regular manager will not need in any way, but, on the contrary, can lead him into a stupor (say, such tabs in the menu as "System Setup" or "file source"). I propose a new access policy. Feel free to follow all the points that are described in that article, but on the 6th point, leave the checkboxes only on these parameters:

  • change_password (User can change his password)
  • change_profile (User can edit his profile)
  • class_map (See the list of classes in the class map)
  • countries (View list of countries)
  • delete_document (Delete and move resources)
  • directory_create (Create directories on the filesystem)
  • directory_list (Get a list of subdirectories for a directory in the filesystem)
  • directory_remove (Remove directories in the file system)
  • directory_update (Rename directories in the file system)
  • edit_document (Edit resources)
  • file_create (Create files)
  • file_list (View a list of files in a specific directory)
  • file_manager (Use file manager)
  • file_remove (Delete files)
  • file_tree (See file tree in left nav)
  • file_update (Update files)
  • file_upload (Upload files to a folder)
  • file_view (View the contents of a file)
  • frames (Use MODX backend)
  • help (View Help page)
  • home (View welcome page)
  • list (Ability to "list" any object) "List" means to get a collection of objects)
  • load (The ability to "load" objects, or be able to return them as an instance of an object at all)
  • logout (Ability to log out as a user)
  • menu_site (Show "Site" item in the top menu)
  • menu_tools (Show "Tools" item in the top menu)
  • menu_user (Show "User" item in the top menu)
  • new_document (Create resources)
  • publish_document (Publish or unpublish resources)
  • purge_deleted (Purge trash)
  • resource_duplicate (Duplicate resource)
  • resource_quick_create (Use "Quickly Create Resource" in context menu)
  • resource_quick_update (Use "Quickly update resource" in context menu)
  • resource_tree (View resource tree in left nav)
  • save_document (Save resources)
  • sources (Manage file sources and file source types)
  • source_delete (Delete source files)
  • source_edit (Edit source files)
  • source_save (Create and save source files)
  • source_view (See source files)
  • tree_show_resource_ids (Show id in resource tree)
  • view (The ability to "view" objects)
  • view_document (View Resources)

With such settings, the admin panel will have only everything that a regular manager needs.

Removing unnecessary tv-parameters and placeholders from the admin panel

Often, fairly simple sites (which are just the majority) do not need a bunch of incomprehensible placeholders like "Alias", "Summary (Introduction)" or all "Settings" with a bunch of incomprehensible parameters that are unnecessary to a simple layman. And you only need "Header" and "Resource Content". Now I will show, using the example of one of my sites, how to set up a simplified admin panel for the manager.

Go to Form Settings

Then click on "Create a new profile"

Name it "manager" and check the box "Active". We save

Right-click on the profile and click "Edit"

In the window that opens, click on "User Group" and add "manager"

We return to the "Profile" and click on "Create a new set of rules" (I have already created several)

In the "Action" we specify "Update resource"

Most likely, you will already have a template and a page created, and at this stage you will be setting up the admin panel, so I advise you to also choose "Update resource", and then just copy the parameters to "Create Resource". As you probably already guessed, these are rules for editing a specific template, and "Action" determines when to apply these rules: when creating or when editing. If you don’t understand, it’s okay, everything will become clear later.

In the template, select the template for which you want to set rules

I will assign rules to the template "Services".

Tip: For me it is very convenient to open two browsers: in one ( Chrome) admin panel under "admin", and in the second ( Opera) under "manager"

Next, edit the newly created set of rules

Now the fun begins. If you are in this section for the first time, then you may feel bad from a bunch of incomprehensible parameters. But after a while, you will begin to understand what's what.

Ruleset Information and Resource Fields Tab

Ruleset Information and Resource Fields contains all the parameters that we see in the admin panel

Here they look like this:

For example modx-resource-content- this is the parameter responsible for the "Content of the resource". If we uncheck the box, then when editing the "Service" template, we will not see the "Resource Content".

All parameters are separated into separate blocks. For example, in modx-resource-main-left

included options such as:

  • Title
  • Extended title (longtitle)
  • Description
  • Annotation (introtext)

If we uncheck the boxes, they will disappear from the admin panel (don't forget that this will only happen for a specific template, in this case the “Service” template)

But we will not do this, it is better to decide which placeholders we need and leave only them. In this case, I need a Title, Menu Item, Resource Content and TV Options that I created myself. I unchecked the following options:

and got this admin panel:

I don't really like that the main tab is called "Document". It can be renamed under "Regions"(more on how to do this below)

Regions tab

"Regions" are responsible for blocks. Say modx-resource-settings responsible for the entire blog, where the title, description, template selection, alias, checkboxes "Published" and so on. Perhaps for clarity, I will make screenshots-cheats. Let's analyze each block separately:


This is the whole block called "Document"

So here's to rename the block "Document", say in "Basic information" need in "Tab Title"(see previous screenshot) opposite modx-resource-settings write "Basic information"


Left side of the block "Document"


Right side of the block "Document"


This is the whole tab. "Settings"


Left side of the block "Settings"


Right side of the block "Settings"




The whole tab of tv-parameters


This setting does not affect the display of blocks.

Well, with tabs "regions" we figured it out. Let's continue editing the rule sets for the template "Services"

I need to pull my tv options to main tab and remove the tab "Settings".

First, remove the "Settings" tab

This is done by unchecking the following regions:

Tab "Settings" disappeared

Now we transfer the tv-parameters to the main tab and remove the "Additional fields" tab

I have tv icon and "img". In order to transfer them to the main tab, you need in the section "Additional fields" in "Region" specify a new region modx-resource-main-left(this is done by double clicking the mouse)

and uncheck modx-panel-resource-tv(as well as with modx-resource-access-permissions) In chapter "Regions"

Now the admin looks like this:

We still have two tv-parameters: title and snippet. I made them specifically for SEO, so that the manager would not have them in front of them, but their SEO specialist or I myself used these parameters. Yes, it certainly could be used, say description and introtext for these purposes, but I need to hide them in another tab called « SEO optimization» (default placeholders, unfortunately, cannot be transferred to other tabs)

Create a new tab "SEO optimization"

To do this, go to the section "Regions" and press the button "Create new tab»

Now we insert this id into additional fields in our tv-parameters title and snippet

And look at the result:

The result is a clean, easy-to-administer, tabbed page "SEO optimization".

You can learn a lot from this article and maybe rediscover the benefits of Modx Revolution and how flexible it can be in development. That's all for me! Until new posts.

Many MODx developers already know the answer very well, how to get out of this situation. However, for beginners who recently got acquainted with CMS MODx, such a problem often happens (I made such a conclusion from the number of requests with a similar problem). If you have a similar situation, do not be alarmed, this is not a mistake! This is, so to speak, a protective reaction of the system to the possibility of guessing a password when entering the administrative part of the site.

The essence of the problem.

The thing is, to protect yourself from password guessing when entering the administrative part, CMS MODx provides excellent protection. Its essence is to block the user in case of incorrect password entry three times in a row. The measure is necessary and extremely useful.

CMS MODx User Unlock

To unlock a user, we go to our database, for example, through phpMyAdmin, then we find the “modx_user_attributes” table and set the value of the “blocked” field of the desired user to “0”. The user has been blocked, we are checking.

We go to "your site". "zone" / manager / and enter your data - login and password. Login must be available.

To avoid this situation, I recommend not using "admin", "user", "superuser", "administrator", "manager" and other popular logins as a user login with "admin" rights when installing the system. Attackers will first of all start working with this phrase as a login. Do not use simple passwords- "qwerty, 12345", it is better that your password contains a combination of upper and lower case letters, as well as numbers.

If you enter an incorrect username or password several times (by default 3 times) when entering the site's admin control panel, the control system will block you and you will see the message "Your access to the control system has been blocked by the administrator."

Most simple solutions:

  1. If for some reason you don't know "Email account" or there is no access to this mail, then you can restore access by changing the mail in phpMyAdmin:
    modx_user_attributes and in the field email
  2. We go to the database through phpMyAdmin. Finding a table modx_user_attributes
  3. We exit phpMyAdmin, update the login page in the admin panel, after that you can go to the admin panel with your username and password.

Important: The "modx_" prefix in your database may be different! Depends on database settings.

How to change MODX Revolution user password via phpMyAdmin

  1. modx_users hash_class put hashing.modMD5, fields salt and cachepwd we clean, and in the field password change the value to:

    Now the password from the control panel is - qwerty

qwerty to safe.

How to Unblock a MODX Evolution Admin Panel User

  1. Click "Forgot your password?" enter "Account E-mail" and you will receive a password reset link in the mail.
  2. If you don't know "Account E-mail" or you don't have access to this mail, you can restore access by changing your mail in phpMyAdmin:
    We go to the database through phpMyAdmin. Finding a table modx_user_attributes and in the field email change the mail to your own and return to step 1 to request a password change.
  3. We go to the database through phpMyAdmin. Finding a table modx_user_attributes and change the contents of the fields to 0 (zero) (if there is something there):
    blocked, blockeduntil, failedlogincount;
  4. We exit phpMyAdmin, refresh the login page in the admin panel, everything should work.

How to change MODX Evolution user password via phpMyAdmin

  1. We go to the database through phpMyAdmin. Table modx_manager_users the desired user has a value in the field password change the value to:


    When editing, in the phpMyAdmin "Function" column, specify MD5. Now the admin password is qwerty(above is qwerty password in MD5 hash)

  2. Exit phpMyAdmin, refresh the admin panel login page, enter your login and New password, everything should work.

Do not forget to change the password for the user in the admin panel qwerty to safe.

In order to get into administrative panel site on MODX Revolution, you need to go to:
your-site/manager. As a result, we get to the page:

We substitute the username and password, after which we go to the page

The site pages themselves are stored in the leftmost tab (Resources) of the left column of the administrative panel.

You should be aware that deleting a document in this column, we move it to the trash. That is, if necessary, it can be restored. To permanently delete it, you should click on the trash can symbol and confirm the deletion of the document.

The middle tab of the left column contains site templates, plugins, snippets, modules, and custom add-ons. Deleting any document in this column may affect the performance of the entire resource. A deleted document is permanently deleted, without the possibility of recovery. Unless absolutely necessary or without understanding what you are doing, it is not recommended to edit anything in the documents of this tab. If in any doubt, contact the person who carried you out.

The third tab "Files", which opens when you click the mouse, also contains important components of the web resource, changing the parameters of which may lead to the inoperability of the site. However, the column file system contains folders and files that still need to be edited, for example, when adding prices or images.