When IPhone 3G came out. In which year Iphone came out ...: Overview of all iPhone by year. Design - everything is still

  • Telephone
  • Wired headset
  • USB cable
  • Network adapter
  • Device for changing the SIM card

Manufacturers mobile phones, smartphones and communicators taught us for the fact that the new is almost always very different from the old one. The new device should have a number of very serious differences. It is best that they can be seen from afar. New design, new features, new services, accessories, new all. When we are waiting for an announcement from any company, we are waiting for a certain breakthrough and getting up trouble when it does not happen. If this is a new flagship, then give us a unique design. Give us a new form factor. We are bored, we want new and new. Naturally, at the time when the announcement associated with the iPhone 3GS began, everyone was already understood everything, but did not fully believe that the company would venture to present all the same, only with a different speed of work. Well, what it is, can it be seen, can it be boasting it, is it usual to us "beads"? Is it a familiar to us subject for discussions on forums and with friends? No, not at all. It was unusual when someone does not do as everyone else and does not "roll out" a ruler of three different devices, for a different audience, and is completely different. With what? Well, for example, bringing to mind to the existing operating systemused in both the phones and players. Update iPhone OS 3.0 brought for devices from Apple so much that another manufacturer would turn it into a huge black marketing noise. Another company under the new "firmware" would provide a whole line. But Apple's approach is different - every user at least the very first iPhone, even though the first touch can get a lot of new opportunities for money. Playback management using shaking, working with wireless stereo chambers, excellent search, impeccable Copy & Paste, work in modem mode without additional software with Apple computers and on windows database etc. The refinement of the system is kept constantly, hourly and everybody. And the whole range of various devices in Apple do not hurry, apparently understand the simple thing. It is only worth spraying forces, to start with different segments - everything, the house disappeared. To go beyond the fans and geeks that require the availability of QWERTY, OLED displays, 64 gigabytes of memory - also the road to the bright kingdom called "Nowhere", not a mass market.

As a result, the iPhone 3GS, if we talk about our country, it turned out to be far from Favor. Officially, we do not sell the model, it is very expensive on the gray market, and there is no understanding for what to pay. In addition, the efforts of people who stubbornly vaccinated love for iphone first Generations in various forums, this device has turned into a naughty object or for a blonde, or for a certain character of a fashion chronicle. A number of friends do not even imagine what can still be done with this thing, besides calls, listening to music. There are many stereotypes, to break that no one. Often I hear extremely funny statements about the device, obviously from people who never used the device. For some reason, some believe that in our country, the use of Apple brand affects the change in sexual orientation, especially like to talk about such windows users Mobile. I do not even know what to do to me, a married man with a child, the owner of the iPhone, two MacBook, Apple TV and iPod Classic. I can not say that I look at the representatives of my sex or I dream of rhinestones, tosing robes and so on. Apparently, this is an attempt to humiliate a minority gadget in response to the frequent attempts of this very minority aggressively instill their tastes, views on the technique. Yes, and it happens. It is worth a fifteen teenager to become owner iPod shuffleHowever, the awareness of its importance immediately appears, the excellence, which is poured into a huge number of meaningless discussions, disputes, wars, and so on.

In addition, as I said earlier, with the advent of the sale of official iPhone 3G, many have lost interest in the mysterious overseas toy. No need to engage, installing special software, take and use, programs are available in the AppStore, it is cheap, you can pay with a debit card - happiness. As soon as I call what I call the "Dungeon Children" syndrome, the disputes stood up, stood up discussions, many sites were missing, entirely dedicated to the iPhone. The second wave with the arrival of iPhone 3Gs, officially we have not yet been selling, did not happen just for the reasons mentioned above. IPhone 3G users do not understand what this is what it is necessary to pay about thirty thousand rubles and more. I slept, the fashion went, so now you can now be more or less calmly communicated with representatives of other camps or with the mothers of iPhone 2G users, "Tru Iphona" at all times. As for fashion - indeed, many avoid purchasing this device precisely because it is too often found. I can't remember how many times it turned out in a party, where every second has such a device, you will be able to think about it, and whether I do not make the main one for any exotic?

Therefore, I would not want to this material It was a certain subject for disputes or wars. In Russia, I suppose the community of users from Apple, many people choose the company's products not only for design and differences, but also for the possibilities of which a number of which are not found in other devices. For example, if we talk about the iPhone, then these are the following moments, list them:

As for mail, you can argue, did not write about some other applications. For example, it is a "clock", it is pleasant to use the alarm clock here, there was still no case that the signal does not work. I was silent about the AppStore; In general, I just don't want to disputes, so I stopped only, in my opinion, at the best. There are also negative moments, some of them will be critical for many:

  • Need to use iTunes to transfer music, movies, photos, sync with Outlook and so on. There are a number of very strange restrictions - by default, your device "closes" only on one computer, it is not very cool.
  • Not very long work time with active use, in my case it is a day and a half in standby mode.
  • A number of minor moments: When using multiple mailboxes with a minimum check interval, it is difficult to get through to you, someone does not like that all banners are not displayed in the browser. Well, of course, multitasking is a key drawback for which the iPhone is often kicking. For example, ICQ cannot be launched, then fold it and not lose connection. No, when you click on the button, the program is simply closed, then it must be started again. Promises add multitasking We hear for quite a long time, but so far WHO and now there. To be more accurate, then it is as such, you can, for example, listen to music and use the browser.
  • In fact, it turns out that it is best to use the iPhone in a pair with a headset from the kit, pick up the headphones to improve the quality of sound difficult. This is a very subjective opinion. This is not only about the quality of sound, but also about the use of the headset at all.
  • Microcracks on the housing next to the sound off lever, the SIM card slot, of the three iPhone 3G samples everyone suffered from this disadvantage. Practically inconspicuous, in no way affecting work, but still their presence is a little angry. I note that the iPhone 2G had another trouble: with a completely neat circulation, the hull is easily covered with scratches and scratches. But it is very difficult to "kill" the apparatus. My girlfriend had a phone at the time when she swung on a swing, crashed into a pillar, flew several meters and fell to concrete. Furious, greeted, with broken glass, iPhone continued to work. For several thousand rubles, she changed the case, the battery to heap, some other details - that's all, almost a new device.

So, I feel that already three pages speak at all about what you want to hear about. So, what is good iPhone 3GS? What's new? Do I need to consume it or not? Forward, let's understand. I believe that you already know perfectly, with what the iPhone eat, so I will dwell on the main innovations, plus I will answer some questions asked me.

Design - everything is still

Visually to distinguish iPhone 3GS from the iPhone 3G is almost impossible, because there are no changes in appearance. Dimensions are 115.2x62.1x12.3 mm, weight - 133 grams. The device is still convenient to wear in his pocket, plastic, according to the company's statements, the other, more eco-friendly applied. Let's hope that microcracks will not appear over time.

Display - not dumping

The iPhone 3GS has a very interesting display, in the sense that a curious coating is applied that protects it from fat deposits. For iPhone 3G, this is a real misfortune, after long conversations, especially in the heat, the phone must be wired. And it's not a fact that it will be done with a qualitatively ordinary paper napkin, it is better to apply a cloth from suede or microfiber. Saves and green "miracle-rag", look for in stores, suitable for any technique in general, I really like it.

So, a simple test: two clean apparatus, carry out freshly made fingers display iPhone 3G. The track is. I spend your finger on the display of iPhone 3GS. The track is essentially no. The display seems very smooth, well, like an ice rink, completely different sensations compared to 3G. In the course of use, this moment is very pleasing. Naturally, the rear lacquered surface is quickly covered with prints, but it's greatly staining the display is problematic. It is dirty, yes, but it is not very noticeable, easily eliminated, does not look terribly. I think any 3G user will appreciate the innovation, especially if the device constantly uses.

By the way, about the case, packaging and set of delivery. By and large, nothing has changed, everything is just like 3G. About microcracks I can not say anything, iPhone 3Gs on the hands of just about a week.

Updated headset

Actually, the update is minimal here, it has the possibility of adjusting the volume directly from the console on the cable, it is convenient, previously had to get a phone or snap off the buttons in your pocket. This is another advantage of the iPhone, because we are very small, but a full-fledged remote control, with it you can stop and run playback, rewind the compositions back and forward, adjust the volume. There is no surprises in the quality of sound, with complete headphones iPhone. 3GS demonstrates good opportunities for daily use. Not for audiophiles, not for those who are used to listening to music alone, - on full volume with this headset you will hear all others. The reason to change it to something else ... But something as convenient for conversations, and for music is unlikely to find. It is a pity that we do not sell Motorola EH series headsets.

Speed \u200b\u200b- is

Changing the processor did not pass in vain, the prefix "s" here just denotes the speed (Sport? Speed?). The device works faster, but what is it noticeable, what is expressed? Perhaps only in comparison with the iPhone 3G you can understand the difference. To do this, we put both devices with a side view, connect to Wi-Fi and start running different applications at the same time. Immediately an understanding comes, which was meant under the letter "S". Click on the Safari icon, 3GS has already started, a page has opened, 3G still starts. Let's open YouTube - 3GS has already opened a list of videos, you can choose and run the desired, 3G it is still started. Open the AppStore - the same. Let's open "Calculator" - opens at the same time. The output here is simple: iPhone 3Gs works much faster with heavy applications. At the request of the readers, I conducted an experiment with ICQ (several open sessions) and a launched player. Indeed, if you do such a trick on the iPhone 3G, then the work becomes slow and completely uninteresting. If we talk about 3Gs, then the sky and the earth are no "brakes", everything is very fast. Messages go instantly, the list of subscribers is quickly loaded, the mini-player is displayed (you quickly press the multifunction key twice).

Comparison of speed with Apple iPhone 3G

In general, the speed of iPhone 3GS is extremely interesting and much more preferable than 3G. But here there are a number of key moments about the change of one to another. If you are C. using iPhone only call and listen to music, use simple applications It seems like "hours", then there is no sense for you in the update. Moreover, only the iPhone 3G user will appreciate the speed of work, he has, with what to compare. If you are important to install applications, the use of a browser, mail, view YouTube.Use third-party applications, To look at 3GS not only possible, but also need. Especially if there is no desire to go to another brand.

What kind of processor is used in iPhone 3GS? Not so long ago, a device called odroid, which uses the same processor, as in the iPhone 3GS (at least, the press materials say so). Additional searches lead us to Samsung S5PC100. In the light of this - a rumor about the immature update for iPhone 3GS, where high-resolution video support will be. In addition, the specified solution is best suited for games, I think, in 2009, we are still waiting for the mass of surprises in this regard.

Work time - not happy

The time of operation of the iPhone 3GS, in my opinion, remains unchanged. I did not specifically watched official data, but simply used the device as usual. For me, normal mode is a constant check of three mailboxes, the use of the browser, the music included Wi-Fi and Push, about the time of the conversation per day. Actually, in the late afternoon, the rank of the charge indicator decreased more than half, and the iPhone was charged all night. In a quiet mode, he spent the evening and night, only rare calls and SMS, Mail, Wi-Fi was turned off. And in the morning, a message about ten percent of the battery charge appeared on the screen. Further, torment did not, connected the USB cable. In general, do not count on for a long time. The case, in principle, the corrected, on the market there is a mass of accessories for the device, these are covers with a battery, and so on.

I completely forgot, another interesting feature in 3GS is the ability to enable the battery charge in percent. Useful thing, earlier to see interest, it was necessary to "break" the device programmatically.


There is a compass. What's like that - I didn't quite understand, it is necessary, apparently, to go on mushrooms along with the iPhone 3GS to appreciate it in dignity. If I suddenly get caught and not return, it means that testing failed.

As loyal comrades suggest, the compass is not just a compass, but a certain thing for the introduction of "advanced reality technology". For example, I recommend to look at the site of the Acrossair program, where the compass is also involved, and the camera to indicate the direction towards the nearest metro. This is just an example, but the opportunity is impressive - for a pedestrian, suffering from topographic cretinism, this is a find.

In the compass settings, you can choose a magnetic or true north (why I do not know), coordinates are displayed, you can immediately go to the map.

Nike + iPod.

Right in the settings appeared the corresponding item, that is, iPhone 3GS without installing additional software can work with the Bluetooth sensor Nike + iPod, original clock. Everything is going to buy a "Nike" with such a functionality, there is a person on our forum, a long time that uses this economy (Zenpc, hello). I believe that on the autumn we will write an article about this side of the device. In the meantime, not to inflate the material, limiting the praise for this functionality, for the morning and evening runners is a useful addition.

Three megapixels

Changed the camera module, now it is 3 megapixel instead of two. The quality of the pictures you can appreciate yourself, I will only say that for "treshka" it is more than a normal result. In the camera's menu, the switching lever for shooting video (VGA, 30 FPS) appeared, and you can also appreciate the rollers on your own. Naturally, for the iPhone, these are not key opportunities, but you can remove masterpieces, you need only a normal tool called the head. For example: in the Flickr service there is a community called Photos Taken with An Apple iPhone. Seventy more than thousands of photos, there are incredibly beautiful frames, and you will not think about what is done at all by a photographic phone. In addition, there are a number third-party programs To edit, give effects, drawing, and so on.

I will summarize: as always, it's not about megapixels, but only in your skills.

Examples of photos:

(+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG (+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG
(+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG (+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG
(+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG (+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG
(+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG (+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG
(+) Zoom, 1536x2048, JPEG (+) Zoom, 1536x2048, JPEG
(+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG (+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG
(+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG (+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG
(+) Zoom, 1536x2048, JPEG (+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG
(+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG (+) Zoom, 2048x1536, JPEG

Video examples:

Oops, forgot about the most important. In the iPhone 3GS, it was possible to manually set the focus point: click on the desired area - the focus moves there, everything is very fast and clear. It is typical for the photo, and for the video. Such is a pleasant little thing.

Voice control

In testing, the iPhone 3GS "European", on this moment This is the best option for buying (and the most expensive). You do not need unlocks and so on, insert your SIM card and get started. There is nothing to worry about the program part, the Russian language can be installed in the settings, and the Russian keyboard, in general, even now this unattended device is fully prepared for the services of any person, not even familiar with english language. One of the very important features of the iPhone 3GS is the presence of voice control, it starts with a debt of pressing the button below the display (it is "Home"). In the settings you can choose a voice control language, there are many languages. So what can you do and how does it work? Let's start with the opportunity:

  • A set of subscriber number, I must say "Call, Julia", for example. It is impossible to say that everything is cloudless, much depends on how you pronounce the word. Some contacts are typed from the first time, some are not recruited completely, as if they are not. I believe that here it simply simply did not optimize, when set in English, everything is fine.
  • A set of numbers, you need to say "number, eight nine zero and so on." There are no questions here, perfectly works, everything is fine.
  • Very many player commands, voice can start or pause playback, turn on shuffle mode, make the player play similar compositions (Genius), include such an album or playlist. Another when I wrote about Voiceover in iPod Shuffle, I made an assumption about something like that in the iPhone - here it is, a visual confirmation. The voice control is working normally, as long as we are talking about long names, for example, I have so called many mixes. With conventional albums, the device copes without difficulty when a relatively short and intelligible name, clear album, playlist. Let's say I have players "Morning", "Day", "Evening" - there are no questions here, excellent.

If the subscriber name you called is not entirely clear or has a few similar names, the device will warn you about it, will offer to choose.

Surely there is still a number of improvements, changes, however, in the current state, the voice control of iPhone 3GS is extremely convenient in some cases, its presence and implementation pleases. True, there are no instructions here, on the display you see the names of the teams when I say the word, the waves "jump", demonstrating the fact that the device heard you. And the instruction, in my opinion, you need.

Works voice control and when using headset. You can activate it with a long pressing of the multifunction button, everything, like with iPod Shuffle, is pronounced the team, we get an action. Interestingly, when using a wired headset, there are much fewer problems with defining the name in the notebook.


Well, that, let's get to the final chords. Apple's new product cannot be called the hottest in 2009 or the most expected. This is a neat and logical continuation of the iPhone 3G with very strong differences, all of them are extremely positive:

  • The speed of work has really increased, due to this, daily use has become an order of magnitude more pleasant, much more pleasant. This is especially true of working with heavy applications. Let's hope that the game developers will use the iPhone 3GS hardware capabilities on the full coil.
  • The display of the display really protects you from tedious and long cleaning, makes the device with tidy; I do not know how, but this thing works.
  • Headset with a full-fledged remote control.
  • I liked the implementation of voice control, let's hope that recognition will work better in localized devices.
  • Nike + iPod, the availability of this application is initially a good addition.

The remaining additives, it is video, and the compass are less important. There are not many videos to the phone, in addition, for the iPhone, there were applications that allow you to do this trick. Well, of course, that this functionality is originally, but it is secondary here (to put it mildly).

So, for the beginning, the withdrawal for the owners of the iPhone 3G, who do not want to move on nothing. Updated stands, the difference you will feel in the first hours of use. For example, it's time for me to return the phone to the owners, and I think with horror about how I reset back for the iPhone 3G. When, how and for how much to buy 3Gs is your business, you can take the "Europeans", you can wait for the beginning of official sales, it all depends on the amount in the wallet. You can, in the end, stay on 3G in anticipation of new devices, but when it is not known to anyone. I doubt that until the mid-2010, a new iPhone model will appear in Russia.

Conclusion for owners of other devices, smartphones or communicators. At the moment, the iPhone 3GS provides the owner of unique capabilities for working with the touch display, web surfing, interesting and easy mail, and how the IPhone game platform has longly furnished all competitors (if you talk about phones). Neither N-Gage, no gaming "swells" from SE does not go to any comparison with what is happening with the games for the iPhone. Good toys can find a lot, many of them are extremely unusual, fascinating. This is the first moment. The second is the ability to view the video, this is a well-working YouTube, given the display size (3.5 inches, resolution of 480x320 points) and the speed of work, viewing becomes extremely pleasant. The third moment: despite the seeming "non-corporateness", the iPhone may well become your faithful companion in affairs. For example, using the MobileMe service from Apple, you get the ability to synchronize mail, calendar, contacts, bookmarks in the browser between the laptop (in my case) and the phone. Thanks to him, right on the phone you can use the idisk program for storing and viewing office documentsother files (including music). Nobody agitating anyone, but say that the iPhone "for ladies" and cannot perform some mysterious "business functions" at least ridiculous.

Another thing is that recommending this device to buy I would be far from all. Let's say if the basic your tasks are to call, write SMS, it is hardly worth spending. I will not recommend 3GS and "relevant fashionable" - there are much more interesting new items for you, such as Nokia N97, Samsung I8910 and so on. Apple devices are no longer fashionable, forgot, drove, it's time to understand it. And in general, it was sold on nine thousand, fu, nightmare, cheap. For fashion, this is a nightmare and impossible. Also, in no case to the 3GS you should not approach the Adepts of Windows Mobile - there is no place to dig here, there is nothing to configure, so it is not worth it. If interesting, surfing from a mobile device is important, normal, beautiful mail, multimedia opportunities, convenience and speed, then yes, iPhone 3GS is your choice.

Apple managed to make it impossible: not only leaving the emergence of the market already formed, but also to flip a number of ceased obstacles. For example, it is a permanent completion of the existing OS for family devices. And not a refusal of her, inventing new system, inventing new devices for a new system, finishing the new system, not everything turned out, the rejection of it, inventing a new system, new devices, completion, refusal to further infinity. So because some other companies come. Hint, I think, is clear. The appearance of the iPhone 3GS, and not a certain hellish mechanism, in which everything is in a new way, from iron to the interface, just demonstrates Apple's approach in this area. Very reminds a joke about a couple of bulls, slowly descending from the mountain.

The author is grateful to ICULT.RU for the apparatus provided for testing. "European" showed itself perfectly, thanks (smiley).

As it always happens, before starting sales of the iPhone 3G, there woke a lot of rumors about what a new device looks like from EPL, and what is its characteristics. And now, in early January 2007, the head of the company introduced the world a new gadget, which, on loud statements by Steve Jobs, was to make a revolution on the mobile device market.

Iphon 3 was thrown into the market only 6 months after his presentation, but this did not prevent fans of "apple" smartphones to immediately settle down in long queues to acquire a novelty.

It should be noted that in the first few months the third iPhone was sold in America only on the terms of the conclusion of the manufacturer's contract with a specific communications company. And only significantly later, when the device began to be sold in Europe, agreements were found and with other operators. Some time later began selling unlocked smartphones that could already work with sim cards of almost any companies providing communication services. However, the cost of such phones reached 1000 dollars.

Of course, the third generation iPhone was met by a wide range of consumers not so enthusiastically, as the very first smartphone from Apple. This is explained by the fact that, starting with the second generation devices, they stopped being exclusive, and they acquired the mass. If the first gadget for a long time was available only to residents of America, the second quickly got on the shelves of European stores.

As for the 3G model, its sales began in Russia already in July 2008. I must say, this smartphone quickly acquired its fans. What are the main characteristics of the third-generation device, will show the iPhone 3G overview.

If the first smartphone from the epple was presented exclusively in white, then the third came out in two color solutions - black and white. At the same time, the model with memory 8 gigabytes producer released only black. But the models with 16 gigabytes are black and white. Why this decision was made - unknown. One can only assume that the manufacturer found white color more spectacular and status. But these are just guesses. However, as it is known to constant consumers of the "apple" company, many devices, and not just smartphones, it produces in white.

By the way, the boxes in which Apple phones are sold are also black and white. And in general, the appearance of the packaging, starting from the very first iPhone, has practically not changed. The box remains the same compact, with the image of the smartphone.

When opening the package, a device immediately wrapped in a film immediately appears. To remove it, you need to lift the substrate. Under the device is a small envelope. It contains instructions for use, a rag for wiping, a metal element for removing the sim - slot.

It should be noted that in the third generation iPhone, the extraction of a SIM card from the device is very difficult. To do this procedure, the user must be armed with any sharp object, such as a needle. At the top of the end of the gadget tube there is a fine hole for which you need to press the end of the needle, and the sim card will pop up.

As mentioned above, the first devices from the epple were sold locked, and a frequent change of sims was not required. But afterwards, when smartphones from this company have become massively distributed, the manufacturers thought about making the process of extracting sims easier and convenient. So in the gadgets appeared a SIM edge, which, by the way, was not very familiar to users, since it is very easy to lose.

Headphones in the iPhone version 3G is quite high quality. Sounds go clear and clean, without unnecessary noise effects. This is a big plus, since the low-quality headphones are attached to most mobile devices, which the user is forced to change, acquiring a more expensive product.

Telephone headset acquired a more elegant look. Microphone Answer Button in this gadget is harnessed in a box of plastic. You can control the player from the headset.

Many users thank the company for a good configuration of iPhone 3G. In particular, as a number of owners of this device are noted on the forums, it is often a rag for wiping the hull that is coming in the kit, as fingerprints often remain on the housing.

Appearance: Characteristics

Let's start the design description from criticism. Most users are dissatisfied with the fact that the smartphone version 3 goes with a plastic back cover. Recall that previous versions The manufacturer did metal. I must say, this fact has quite upset the iPhone 3G users. After all, the metal tube gives a mobile gadget status and high cost. And in general, the device is quite pleasant to the touch. The only minus in this regard is that it is quickly planted when touched the fingers.

Owners of white smartphones periodically leave complaints on the forums that cracks arise on the body of the apparatus. But the manufacturer does not comment on these situations.

As for the preservation of the gadget, we note that it quickly loses the freight form of a silver edging, framing the screen. The screen protection is pretty good, which is evidenced by numerous tests conducted by users. Scratch, of course, may appear on the display, but it occurs in particular negligence and non-accuracy of the user.

Consider the appearance of the third smartphone from the epple in more detail. At first glance, it sees that it is quite large. There are no sides, as well as transitions from the display to the case. There is only a seating of a screen having a silver color.

The control keys are one of the only one, and it is located in the body of the phone, slightly squeezed into it.

The spoken speaker grid is at the very top of the front of the smartphone. Next to it are illuminated sensors. The level of brightness of the screen lighting periodically varies according to their indicators. The sensors are practically invisible for the usual eye, they can only be seen in the conditions of bright illumination.

The rear panel of the device is made of glossy material. At the top of the left there is a chamber window.

The top end contains an entrance for headphones. There is also a power key and separation key under the SIM card.

Below is the connector for the date - cable, monophonic speaker and microphone.

We note that the keys in the third iPhone are chrome, in earlier versions of Apple gadgets they were black. Such keys, especially on a white background, look very impressive. But on the black model, they also look attractive.

Continuing the conversation about the advantages of the new device - the 3G smartphone - we also note the improved headphone jack. Now any headphones that have a 3.5 mm connector can enter it.

Of the advantages, it can be noted that the new model of the phone has become thinner by 1 millimeter. In this case, the edges of the device have become more rounded. Because of all the earlier models of iPhones, compared with the third generation model look massive and clumsy.

To keep in one hand this device is convenient, its weight and dimensions do not cause the user of discomfort. But if wearing the device in the pocket of the shirt, it is likely that he will delay it, because You can't call the model very miniature yet. As for wearing in jeans pockets - a similar situation. So it is better to wear a gadget in a special protective case, and in a bag.


This smartphone model is equipped with a Mac OS X processor. The processor frequency rate is 620 megaggers. Number of kernels - 1. Recall that the number of cores in the processor is one of the main performance indicators, since it is the main computing element that processes all instructions of the user. Accordingly, than the number of nuclei is larger, the processor will be able to perform more commands for a certain period of time. Also, the mobile device works faster what applies to applications and games.

What is the memory of the third generation iPhone?

This indicator is no less important than the performance of the processor. It is a storage device that allows the processor to carry out the relationship with applications at the current time.

This indicator in the third version iPhone is 128 megabytes. RAM frequency indicators in this device are 103-megahertians.

The volume of the built-in memory is only 8 gigabytes.


The battery in the 3G iPhone is not removable. According to user reviews, the complete charge of the battery is enough, on average, for 12 hours. If the smartphone during the day was used very actively, then it discharges in about 6 hours. Activities implies navigation on the Internet, listening to music, watching video and so on. Of course, the battery is not very powerful. But, on the other hand, users rarely actively use gadgets throughout the day. And if the owner of the device very rarely makes calls, and the multimedia does not use at all, the battery of the smartphone can hold out without recharging 1-2 days.

On average, if you use a gadget moderately, that is, talking half an hour a day, listen to music for no more than 2 hours a day, carry out Internet surfing for no more than 1 hour a day, then charging for a day may well have enough.

If you compare the third generation model with gadgets early versions, then her battery is undoubtedly more powerful. But a number of users noted that they did not notice a significant difference in this indicator. sure, we are talking About those who actively used, and the first, and the second, and the third version of the phone.

Council. If you want the battery of your iPhone to be discharged as long as possible, turn on it waiting for it. Staying in this mode, the device is automatically disconnected from all wireless networks.

Experienced users noticed that if the third iPhone is used very actively during the year, then after this period the battery sits greatly and it is necessary to charge it at least 1 time per day.

It also happens that the Gadget user shows over the activity, that is, 6 hours a day and more spends on the Internet. In this case, under the charge of the battery comes every 5-7 hours.

Display: Quality Characteristics

Screen quality is one of the most important indicators of a smartphone that any buyer takes into account when acquiring a gadget. IPhone 3G has a 3.5-inch diagonal screen. The screen resolution of this phone has an indicator of 320 × 480 pixels. It should be noted 2007, when the third iPhone was released on the market, there were very few mobile devices with such high display quality indicators. Today in this plan, the third iPhone is also quite competitive, but there are devices with more perfect devices.

When you first look at the display, you can see a clear bright picture, without any grain. But you can see pixels all the same, only with a very close screening of the screen. Of course than the display of smaller sizes, the better the picture looks like.

In any case, the display of the device under consideration in today's review is very good. On many other smartphones of the image (icons, etc.), it seems to be depressed deep into the screen, and in the third iiphone this is not observed. Icons seem to be immediately under the glass. It looks very beautiful and effectively.

As the advantage of the phone screen, it is possible to note the fact that the display does not fade under the influence of sunlight.

The viewing angles are also high quality, you remain beautiful. The image varies with any slope of the device.

I became a real test for Apple: The company for record time should have solved many problems encountered when working with the first iPhone, and develop a device that could conquer the most demanding mobile users who are accustomed to the most modern technologies - for example, in Japan.

In just a year, Apple really managed to do it: new iPhone 3G became one of the best products of the company. However, he had several flaws.


The iPhone design is directly related to the presence of a large touchscreen display, so inventing the wheel and re-develop the design of the new iPhone 3G Apple did not have to. The device is almost no different from the traditional iPhone, except, perhaps, the greater the width of the case and the modified shape of the back cover.

In addition, the device body is a few millimeters thicker (12.3 mm against 11.6 mm) due to the fact that the new iPhone supports GPS and 3G. The housing of the touchfone is entirely made of high-quality glossy plastic.

Some may seem that compared to the old iPhone, whose body was distinguished by metal inserts, the new plastic iPhone 3G looks cheap. However, the whole body of the new iPhone looks much more stylish and, moreover, it is more convenient in his hand, does not slip.

However, the plastic case still may be a problem for the iPhone owners of traditionally black colors (we will remind, the iPhone 3G came out in black and white colors). Absolutely all fingerprints are visible on the smooth black surface, and the housing will lose their attractiveness in just a few days. A white model with 16 GB of memory is more expensive, but there will be less problems with the case.

On the housing of the new iPhone 3G scratches can also appear easily, as on any other plastic phone, so you should avoid a number of leaks with sharp objects (for example, keys).

The main advantages of the new iPhone 3G:

  • The most convenient OS for Internet browing and media
  • Having support for 3G networks
  • Improved sound quality
  • Thanks to the change in the design, the phone is more convenient to hold in hand
  • The functions of the phone are significantly expanded due to the new

    The main disadvantages of iPhone 3G:

  • Using 3G significantly reduced battery life, the phone requires almost daily recharging
  • Still no MMS and voice set
  • The camera leaves much to be desired
  • On the black housing, fingerprints are visible and scratches.

    Contents of delivery

    During the withdrawal of the iPod music player to the market, Apple tried to complete the device with everything necessary in order to get the location of buyers and stand out among numerous player manufacturers. Over time, the iPod grade became less and less impressive. Now it came to the fact that in the box with the player lies only uSB cable and case. First generation iPhone. It went on sale in very good equipment - a power adapter and stylish, desktop docking station lay in the box. This gave hope to fans of "apple" products that Apple intends to pay more attention to the set of delivery of their devices.

    However, iPhone 3G suggests that Apple continues to follow the previously laughed room - the poorer is the equipment for big money. So in the box with the iPhone 3G, the buyer will no longer find a stylish docking station that is now offered separately for $ 29. The standard dock looks less presentable, but it takes less space, which is an undoubted plus. In addition to the power adapter in a box with a "applephony", there are ordinary stereo handphones and a USB wire.

    3G: the most significant improvement

    One of the most significant iPhone innovations was supporting 3G. In addition, the data transfer rate and 2G networks increased. On average, the data transfer rate from the original iPhone owners did not exceed 133 kb / s, which is only twice as much as Dial-Up. However, the data transfer rate from the new iPhone 3G is significantly higher and varies from 800 kb / s to 1.1 MB / s. It is worth noting, however, that these indicators are very dependent on the capabilities of the mobile operator.

    Internet surfing due to the increased speed has become much more convenient. Of course, leaving the Internet with the iPhone 3G, the high-speed network will not be forgotten, but sites - thanks to the last browser Safari. - Loading much faster. And the speed of working with e-mail, even with the attached files, is almost no different from the speed of checking mail on a computer with a high-speed Internet connection.

    It is worth mentioning about third-party applications that are provided in the iPhone and which actively use the high speed of Internet access from the mobile phone - for example, Myspace Mobile and Twitter.

    However, the high data transfer rate of the new iPhone 3G in some cases may seem not too valuable innovation: Apple has limited the amount of data downloaded from the App Store of these programs less than 10 MB and ensured access to iTunes Store. Only through Wi-Fi. This is done, first of all, due to mobile operators who do not want to allow owners of new iPhone 3G to download hundreds of megabytes without charging for this additional fee.

    The obvious deficiency of the iPhone is the battery life that because of 3G leaves much to be desired: only 5 hours in talk mode. However, for the device with such a large display, this indicator, in comparison with the remaining 3G devices, above average. Charge the phone will have to be at least once a day - those who often use the connection.

    Sound quality

    After listening to a lot of complaints from the iPhone owners about the sound quality, Apple decided to eliminate this problem - in the new iPhone 3G significantly improved sound became one of the main improvements. This applies to both voice calls and music.

    From influence foreign noiseHowever, the iPhone 3G is completely not insured. Therefore, if environmental noise is a constant problem, it is better to purchase a Bluetooth headset with the technology of suppressing foreign sounds.

    The quality of music and ringtones in a new device - at a high level, but there is a risk of skipping a call or a text message, since some ringtones sound somewhat quiet.

    The new iPhone 3G is the first apple device with support for GPS, and this inexperience, despite all the efforts of the company's developers, is still obvious.

    To the greatest existence of GPS will delight lovers to shoot at a mobile phone camera: iPhone 3G provides for the possibility of geoteeration. In addition, GPS will appreciate and Google Maps users will be appreciated - to determine the location in real time you can practically instantly and with a high degree of accuracy. In this iPhone 3G where better devices Type Nokia N95 and BlackBerry Curve, the location process that sometimes takes more than a minute. iPhone 3G is required only a few seconds.

    However, until the full GPS navigation tool in the iPhone 3G is still not reaching. Apple developers themselves note that the GPS chip in the phone does not have sufficient features in order to enjoy navigating the car. However, the iPhone 3G pedestrian will still help find the road.

    Recall that a lot of new applications from third-party developers based on GPS-technologies appeared in the App Store. Some of them may interest the owners of the new iPhone 3G.

    On iPhone 2.0 OS

    How many apple did not focus on specifications The new iPhone, the influence cannot be underestimated.

    For business users, one of the most important innovations was the inclusion in iPhone 3G support for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync and Apple MobileMe, which make it possible to synchronize and exchange the calendar information, contact list and email. Thus, users who need these features have lost their motivation to the acquisition of smartphones and communicators with BlackBerry and Windows Mobile.

    A few more changes provided for Apple made a new iPhone much more convenient for daily and frequent use. The function of mass deletion of messages will certainly like those who get a lot of daily e-mail. Also became more convenient to find contacts.

    Perhaps most of the owners of the iPhone 3G will like the App Store service and several hundreds of applications from third-party developers, which can be purchased with it. This new Apple device is relatively different from most smartphones.

    At the moment, the App Store is about 800 applications for the new iPhone 3G - from mobile games and applications, just improving the functionality of the device, to customers of social networks and voice applications. About mobile games should be said especially - thanks to touch control, 3D graphics and motion sensor, they can captivate almost any iPhone 3G owner on a very long time.

    There are several minuses: First of all, the iPhone 3G applications cannot be simply minted and left to function. In addition, there is no VoIP and video recording in the new phone.


    The new iPhone differs from similar touch phones, first of all, convenient and fast web surfing, as well as a clear intuitive touch interface. It is worth recognizing that Apple decided many problems associated with the first iPhone, taking into account all its shortcomings. Quick Internet access in combination with GPS support and multiple third-party applications makes iPhone 3G very attractive for potential buyers.

    However, Apple is clearly there, where to grow - take at least obvious flaws of GPS. Battery running time that leaves much to be desired, makes most iPhone 3G holders constantly have with you charger. A number of important functions that were not in the first iPhone are missing and in a new device - in particular, support for MMS, voice dialing. The iPhone 3G camera with a resolution of 2 MP also does not matter any comparison with much more modern and high quality cameras New phones - Already at the end of the year, several models of 8 MP cameras from leading manufacturers will be presented on the market.

    Technical characteristics of iphone 3G:

    • Network: GSM / GPRS / EDGE (850/900/1800 / 1900 MHz), WCDMA / HSDPA (850/1900 / 2100 MHz)
    • Operating system: iPhone 2.0 OS
    • Camera: 2 megapixels
    • The volume of the built-in memory: 8 or 16 GB
    • Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR
    • Wi-Fi (802.11b / g)
    • USB 2.0
    • A-GPS.
    • 3.5 mm nest
    • Conversation time: up to 10 hours in 2G networks, up to 5 hours in 3G networks
    • Standby time: up to 300 hours
    • Web surfing time: up to 5 hours in 3G networks, up to 6 hours in Wi-Fi networks
    • Work time in video player mode: up to 7 hours
    • Music player mode: up to 24 hours
    • Dimensions: 115.5 x 62.1 x 12.3 mm
    • Weight: 133 grams

    Technical characteristics of iPhone:

    • Network: GSM / GPRS / EDGE (850/900/1800 / 1900 MHz)
    • Operating system: iPhone OS
    • Display: Touch, 3.5 inches, 480 x 320 Points
    • Camera: 2 megapixels
    • Volume of built-in memory: 4, 8 or 16 GB
    • Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR
    • Wi-Fi (802.11b / g)
    • USB 2.0
    • 3.5 mm nest
    • Opening hours Conversation: up to 8 hours

  • This upgraded Apple attempt to offer a new product market. The first apparatus did not have some important elements for the American and European user (the same 3G), and was also clearly not intended for a mass sale. This is now Foxconn plants stamping 150 thousand phones per day, and some operators, if you believe rumors, the company from Cupertino proposed to sell some completely fantastic volumes of devices.

    Here, however, it is worth making a reservation. For a mass sale, the phone was not intended in countries where these sales were officially: the standard for the device of this class was supplemented with the operators with quite large rates (more use the services of the operator - for example, data transfer - forced the phone itself). As a result, the iPhone repeated the marketing formula of other products of Apple - not suichenious, nontrivial, not for everyone.

    Outside the coating zone of AT & T and other (few) official operators reigned "gray" market: the delivery of mobile phones by the Renitian went there, where consumers are especially a pant for functional image devices. It is not significantly known than this was explained - whether the theory of the conspiracy (attempted Apple partisan methods to expand the range of the spread of the iPhone) or a spontaneous market reaction, which requested a very good product (this option seems to us closest to truth). However, the iPhone has gained considerable popularity and has become a 100% recognizable telephone in far from Cupertino countries.

    From iPhone to iPhone 3G

    The launch of the iPhone at one time became one of the most emotional debuts in the entire history of mobile communications. In this process there were aspects that caused surprise with their nontriviality. To begin with, the method of promoting new items, which began to be produced by the company who made the first steps in the global market of cell phones.

    The very appearance of a new player is about large size - after bankruptcy Siemens Mobile (as soon as BenQ / Qisda, which almost suffocated from a too big swallowed piece), Crisis Motorola and Depression Sony Ericsson. - It seems B. currently unthinkable. Numerous companies of the second echelon from this year from this second echelon and do not leave (and from year to year their share on the market is steadily declining).

    "Success stories" in relation to mobile phones can be remembered unless in the case of Samsung and LG, which came to this segment relatively recently (in the late 90s - early 2000s). However, by the standards of the cellular car market, this is already a dense past.

    The appearance of the iPhone in the market, where it would seem, it was long ago established a pretty serious effect. The hype around the apparatus was partly due to its innovative concept ( touch screen In the phone - the phenomenon is not new, but only Apple made this screen really convenient to work without a stylus), but first of all - the inability to accept the fact that the most interesting phone Recently was invented by the company that had nothing to do with mobile communications.

    Of course, the iPhone had enough deficiencies that, after the months of "Pershot" on various kinds of forums, even those people who did not hold this device in their hands and do not plan to do this. This is extremely modest camera capabilities, irritating Bluetooth, paranoid proprietary Apple and obvious flaws in trying to "creatively interpret" things that have become the mobile industry standards (for example, working with SMS).

    Apple's opponents emerged almost subconscious irritation: why other leaders' companies (among them Motorola in torment and Nokia with a permanent sales crisis in the USA) did not think before the release of such a device, and the manufacturer who ignores some aspects of sending SMS, did it?

    Twenty times the reworked market in which marketers found (or created) all sorts of niches (selected on sexual, psychological and anthropological signs) with vigorous "rouadmaps" and strategies, turned out to be blocked by the device, which even before his appearance set the tone of an incredibly high stitching (he was Equivalent to the advertising campaign is about $ 400 million - Microsoft intends to spend $ 300 million to reduce the degree of vista demonization).

    Now LG, which has shown its touchscreen phone before Apple and even allowed themselves to be styled by the "plagiarism" from the Kupertino, a separate line prescribes the number of "sensory" devices sold.

    the iPhone has become an impressive profitable for Apple, without a swing, bringing a large revenue to the manufacturer - both by selling and in the form of deductions of operators.

    But Apple felt the need to make a new marketing step - and on stage iPhone 3G appeared on the scene. This almost religious phenomenon was preceded by branded "Marketing" the feature of the American company - a sharp "deduction" of the channels of implementation. A few months before the start of sales of the 3G version, old iphone It was impossible to buy.

    This Apple again stood out against the background of other manufacturers of mobile phones, which are planning the "second breath" of the devices as their price decreases and after the release of a newer model, which is replaced by a veteran. Often the devices are drunk to death. An example of this is forever young (until recently) Razr.

    "Dry" channels led the audience to acquire the iPhone, in the usual Cupertino state - an excitement, against which the new iPhone 3G was shown.

    iPhone 3G.

    After a long time, the iPhone 3G was in our hands. The main question that torments us is - Is it worth changing the old iphone to a new one? The main question that torments suffering buyers is how to buy a phone cheaper? Let's start with the second.

    White 16 GB iPhone 3G, which came to us for the test, sold on the market for about $ 1700-1800. And this is not the case where the sellers get an incredible margin, because the "at the entrance" the device has an astronomical cost.

    As you know, with a decrease in the price of the phone in the USA to $ 199 / $ 299 (with the terms of the contract, which, in the aggregate, is more than the contract of the first iPhone), Apple and its partners have significantly strengthened the security measures. The activation of the apparatus in the United States is now produced only upon presentation of the social insurance number, credit card and identity card, and make a purchased phone outside the AT & T or Apple store without activation is unrealistic.

    In Europe, the situation is similar: the few "open" phones are crazy money, and "free" iPhone is sold with the cabin contracts (board in the event that you want to remove the device for sale abroad). As an example shows these contracts, our enterprising citizens bypass (for example, grabping the phone with them after several months of student work in Britain), but this volume is not enough to meet demand.

    Moreover, the old reserves of the iPhone of the first generation are now also sold at a price that is not comparable to the original (one more months before the debut of the 3G version, the phone could be used on average for $ 600-700). There will be no salvation from this oppression - if only in our markets will not occur certain tectonic shifts. For example, the awaited IPhone debut in retail chains russian operators and related retailers.

    Is it worth the current owners of the iPhone to purchase a 3G version? In general, no. There are not a lot of hardware changes. The 3G-bond is in demand in Ukraine and in those few cities of Russia, where the 3G networks are deployed, but not in Belarus.

    The GPS module works well (if you do not count the long-term connection with satellites), but at the moment the device can only be used google mapswhich are detailed for Russia, but not for Belarus and Ukraine. Do not forget that these cards "eat" a huge amount of traffic. In addition, the positioning was able to do the old iPhone - using the base stations of the operator for the landmark.

    Unfortunately, the 3G-functionality of the phone could not be checked and until they were entitled to comment on those horns that are properly coming from the US and Europe. However, the connection in the native 2G-standard for us is completely normal and no different from the first iPhone.

    The 3G version has other small differences. Some of them are very pleasant. First of all, it is a white color of the back of the housing. After consumer tests, we insist on the fact that the white version is better. It is absolutely not noticeable with scratches (they are noticeable on the black model), it is less braky, and the real religious fanatics of the white "apple" plastic "ass" of the phone is able to deliver a feeling of deep satisfaction.

    As it is easy to notice in the photo, the verses of the iPhone 3G are somewhat beveled compared to the old option. Speakly, they make the phone more subtle, although harsh reality (and comparison side by side) completely correctly indicates that the new apparatus is thicker than the predecessor.

    Another pleasant moment - the nest of the headphones finally takes the plugs of non-notorious white headphones Apple iPhone, but your loved ones. In addition, the appearance of the slots in the lower part of the phone has changed (the speakers, by the way, have become tangible louder, but I would still like a more assertive sound).

    From the hardware changes, we were able to recall the differences in displays. New screen Slightly greener than old, but so deep differences can be caught only comparing phones side by side. No problems with the picture on the 3G version were not observed: as in the first iPhone, it is clear and juicy.

    Separate mention deserves firmware. The iPhone 3G standard is firmware 2.0.0 (currently available 2.0.2, which, by the way, should correct problems with 3G reception). This firmware can be installed on the old iPhone (or iPod Touch.). At our disposal there were phones with firmware up to the 2nd version and the iPhone of the first generation, rebuilt to the 2nd.

    iPhone 3G is really equipped with a more efficient battery. If the previous model, with an average load, worked without recharging about 2 days, then almost three will work with an economical handling of charge. True, this aspect is very dependent on the intensity of Wi-Fi use and data transfer. In general, the duration of the player in listening to music has grown by four hours compared to the first option.

    In the rest of the iPhone 3G, an even account is no different from his older brother. Repeat all the descriptions of the menu and the capabilities of the phone are meaningless. It is easier to refer to the review of the first apparatus, and even better - read

    12 years have passed since the output. During this period, the "apple" company managed to develop and release more than two dozen models of communicators. We propose to remember the chronology of the releases of iPhone smartphones, noting the characteristic differences between each of the devices.

    iPhone 2G or which iPhone was released in 2007

    In January 2007, Apple introduced his first communicator - iPhone 2G.- different from the products of competitors with its stylish design and powerful hardware and software filling.

    The work of Cuppertinov was assessed in dignity - the smartphone "apple" company has achieved significant popularity in the market of mobile devices.

    If you ever come to encounter this already rariting model, you can identify it by such signs: the device has small dimensions, a display with a 3.5-inch diagonal, a black front panel and a silver-colored metal cover with a black plastic insert. The operational memory of this small miracle was calculated only 128 MB, while the volume of flash memory depended on the configuration and ranged from 4 to 16 GB.

    Legendary presentation iPhone. 2G from Steve Jobs:

    iPhone 3GS, or which iPhone was released in 2009

    For the first time, the model of the smartphone with the mysterious letter "S" in the title. Apple, desire to preserve intrigue, refuses to decipher the symbol, but we, after eight years, we can assume that this mysterious "S" is a reduction from "Special" or "Second Edition". The iPhone 3GS model differs from 3G on the advantage of hardware and software update and the appearance of a version with 32 GB of internal memory. It is possible to distinguish the novelty from the predecessor only on the marking on the rear panel: the 2008 device is matte, and the 2009 gadget is bright white.

    iPhone 4, or which iPhone came out in 2010

    This year, a smartphone form factor was reworked for the first time. The iPhone 4 model was created in a new stylish design, received a 3.5-inch retina display and traditionally was equipped with relevant "hardware" and updated by software. The color gamut of devices remained the same: the gadgets were produced only in black and white.

    the iPhone 4 became the latest Apple smartphone, which presented Steve Jobs.

    iPhone 4S, or which iPhone was released in 2011

    In 2011, the release of the iPhone 4S smartphone was released. This model is almost externally identical to the previously distinguished gadgets only by the number of antennas for receiving the signal and their location: the iPhone 4 is three of them, and one is located on the upper end of the device, and the iPhone 4S these elements are four and are located symmetrically on the side. Also this year it turns out to be available with 64 GB of integrated memory aboard.

    iPhone 5, or which iPhone came out in 2012

    2012 is marked by the appearance of iPhone 5. And again followed the change of design, the display increased from 3.5 to 4 inches, the rear glass panel changed the metal, the Lightning connector and Nano SIM support was added.

    iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, or which iPhone was released in 2013

    Contrary to tradition, two models come out at once: iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S. The innovations in the first model are limited to the hardware improvement in iPhone 5, additional coloring options and plastic housing.

    As for the iPhone 5S smartphone, then compared to the predecessor, the design has not changed almost not changed, but it appeared an important element - a tykopic scanner Touch ID, built into the home button.

    iPhone 6, or which iPhone came out in 2014

    This year, Apple has decided to produce two models of the smartphone in parallel at once: normal and with an enlarged screen diagonal. The presentation featured 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus. Changes were made again in the design, the features of the devices became softer, streamlined, new coloring options were added.

    iPhone 6S, or which iPhone was released in 2015

    In 2015, the release of the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus took place. Externally, they can be distinguished from the models of the previous year only by the letter "S", engraved on the rear panel. From the sight of invisible, but important features of new products, you can call the presence of a screen with 3D Touch technology (sensitive to pressing strength).

    iPhone SE, iPhone 7, or which iPhones came out in 2016

    In early 2016, unexpectedly appears smartphone iphone. SE, the design of which is borrowed from the iPhone 5S, and the hardware stuffing from the iPhone 6S.

    You can distinguish the novelty from the 2013 model by the engraved sign "SE" on the rear panel of the gadget.

    In the fall of 2016, the release of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus took place. Externally, they are not particularly different from the models of the previous year, unless new colors have been added once again.

    In addition, the iPhone 7 Plus received the main double chamber.

    The characteristic feature of the novelties was the absence of a 3.5 mm audio connector and move the antenn for receiving the signal to the ends of the devices. Plus, a complete set with 256 GB of integrated memory has become available.


    iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus came out in 2017

    Already a few months before the presentation of the 2017 smartphones, it was known that Apple will first show three devices at once - the flagship with top characteristics and unique features, as well as the logical continuation of the 4,7-inch ruler and 5.5-inch devices.

    The event was held in the company's new-headquarters. The leaders of Apple's departments to the latter retained the illusion of intrigue until the latter, and the public tried not to yawning in anticipation of "One More Thing". Nevertheless, Phila Schiller managed to attract the attention of the attention to the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus from the first seconds of his speech.

    The main chip of the G8 design has become a glass rear panelwhich allowed to implement a function wireless charging. In the rest, the appearance of smartphones has practically not changed, in comparison with 2016, and only a rare case from iPhone 6 will not suit the iPhone 8.

    The iPhone 8 differs outwardly from previous iPhone models

    In addition, the palette of the hulls was reduced from six to three colors - silver, gold and gray space.

    The performance of the iPhone 8/8 Plus is once again evolving the Apple's own design processor. The A10 Fusion change came to 70% faster 6-nuclear A11 BIONIC, and the M11 Motion CO processor replaced, respectively, the predecessor M10. The graphics chip also updated - the first GPU, created by Apple engineers, which is 30% more efficient than in iPhone 7, is used in the iPhone 8.

    Screen, cameras and peripheral modules have changed the minimum. You can select the above-mentioned and technology, a 4-diode flash of the main chamber, Bluetooth 5.0, a function that is a system that adapts the glow of the screen to the surrounding lighting.