Android applications: educational programs for children. Best Android Apps New Android Apps of the Year

The Android operating system has been and remains very popular and in demand, and accordingly, Android applications are also very popular on the Internet.

Therefore, we will analyze which programs for Android can be considered the best as of the beginning of 2017. We have only one criterion - popularity among users.

We took the Play Market and looked at user ratings various applications and compared these indicators with what people write on forums and in in social networks.

Thus, we have our own list of the 10 best applications. This will not be a rating, it will simply be a listing of the most popular programs for Android.

1. Viber

Viber ranks first in the TOP of free applications. It's on this moment most popular messenger.

For a long time Skype held this title, but now everything has changed. Indeed, Viber is much more convenient. The quality of communication (the sound itself) is many times better than in Skype. And this is far from the only advantage of Viber.

Other Viber features:

  • works even with a poor connection;
  • 200 participants are available in group chats;
  • message length - up to 7000 characters;
  • free calls to regular phones.

2. VKontakte

This is a proprietary application of the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS.

The same functions are available here as on the website. Its advantage is that less traffic is spent and the user does not need to work with the browser.

Other features in this case are:


In Ukraine, OLX is the main platform for advertisements. Today there are versions of OLX for Poland, Kazakhstan and many other countries.

The application helps you quickly and conveniently work with your own and other people's advertisements.

OLX App Features:

  • with each new event (for example, a response to an ad), a notification is sent to your phone;
  • chat with buyer/seller available;
  • When posting, you can attach any photos and videos from your phone to your ad.

5. Unified Remote Full

This is the first application on the list of paid ones. True, it costs a ridiculous amount - 1 UAH (or equivalent).

Unified Remote allows you to organize remote control computer via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.


  • support for different OS - Windows, Mac, Linux;
  • you can control any programs, keyboard or mouse cursor;
  • easy setup and 18 control modes.

6. Program to unlock Poweramp

The developers of a player called Poweramp chose a very interesting approach. They posted trial version and made unlocking the full version paid. But this unlocking does not happen in the application itself, but through a separate program.

Users rated this very unlocking program very highly. And the Poweramp player itself was liked by many. Some even write that it is best player on Android, although you can’t tell from its ratings on Google Play.

This program has no special features, it costs 26 UAH and simply makes it accessible full version Poweramp.

7. AliExpress Shopping App

Really convenient application, which allows lovers of inexpensive shopping to quickly make purchases. This is a proprietary program from one of the largest trading platforms AliExpress.

The features of the application are:

  • each user has personal account, which remembers the buyer’s history and personal data;
  • permanent offers discounts and coupons;
  • convenient tracking of goods delivery.

8. Skype

Good old Skype, which even after many years does not lose its popularity. This is still the same messenger that allows you to exchange messages and make video calls.

It still works just as well, but in comparison with Viber, of course, it loses.

The features of Skype are the same as before (despite updates to the program, mainly only the interface changes):

  • video conferences for up to 25 people;
  • chat for 300 users;
  • possibility of calls to mobile and landlines(paid).


An unusual Chinese application that allows you to make the person in the photo more beautiful.

This is not a mistake - the Meitu app removes all kinds of pimples, depressions, scratches and the like from the face of the person in the photo.

In the description, the developers write that this is just a part of Photoshop designed to improve human beauty.


  • possibilities - skin improvement, removal of acne, spots, face lift and leg lengthening;
  • you can make a collage of photographs;
  • A high-quality set of photo editing tools.

10. "Odnoklassniki"

The possibilities are the same as in the application for VKontakte. You can edit your page, add photos and other materials, join groups and do everything you usually do on the website.

There are few features here:

  • the ability to make calls to friends;
  • the ability to edit photos;
  • opportunity to give gifts.

Applications created for gadgets running on operating system Android, a lot has been created.

All of them, for convenience, can be divided into several categories. In this review we will look at the most useful of them.

Please note that some of the applications are completely free, some are shareware (with the ability to make purchases or purchase a paid version with advanced features).

Some applications are paid.

Android applications: working with files

A program for synchronizing installed applications between different devices running on .

It’s convenient because once you’ve configured certain game settings, for example, on your phone, the same settings (or saved level) will be on your tablet and your other devices.

With this program you can connect your Android device to your laptop.

By doing this, you will be able to share files, and you will also be able to receive or send, as well as uninstall or install applications.

This application is considered one of the best for cleaning gadgets from excess “garbage”.

Useful in cases where there is little system space left on the device and it is not possible to install this or that application.

Android Applications: system applications

This application is designed to create backups applications, data and settings on your gadget.

It features additional useful functionality: it is possible to transfer all applications to a memory card.

You can also remove those system applications that are not removed in a standard way.

An application that allows you to save battery power on your gadget.

Distinctive feature: indication of the predicted battery life of the device, also shows the approximate time required to charge the device.

The paid version allows you to maintain and view device charging statistics.

This multifunctional program will allow you to check your gadget for viruses and show how much memory applications take up.

You can also enable power consumption modes, speed up those installed on the device, or stop this or that process.

Helpful information:

Android applications: video, audio, multimedia

Convenient program for instant and automatic transfer to the video you are currently shooting.

After registering on the program’s website, the video you shot will instantly appear on your website page (of course, when the device is connected to the Internet).

It’s useful because the video files are saved on the site and you don’t have to worry about losing data on your device - a copy is always at hand.

A program for listening to more than 50,000 radio stations from around the world. It is possible to add your own stream (by entering a URL).

It is also possible to save your favorite songs and stations in your favorites, save playback history, and rewind or rewind songs.

Master of telecontrol

Master of telecontrol

This universal infrared remote control will fit various devices: air conditioner, music center and so on.

For operation, it is possible to select the type of device and manufacturer’s brand.

Android Applications: everyday life

With this planner, you can write down your plans and ideas, set reminders for the required time, create voice notes that the program can convert into text.

A program that collects discounts from all coupon sites.

It will save your time: when you see a product or service you like in “real life”, you check in the program whether there is a discount on it, and if there is one, you immediately buy it online.

This program is an “advanced” voice recorder.

If you need to record something urgently, don’t look for the voice recorder button on your device; this program records all the sounds around you in the background.

All that remains for you is to rewind the recording for the required period of time and save the fragment you need.

Android Applications: Finance

With this small application you can track the Bitcoin exchange rate.

It is characterized by low resource consumption and is quite informative: the program has four course charts: for the last six months, a month, a week and 24 hours.

This application will be useful for those who want to keep abreast of stock indices, currency fluctuations, etc.

Distinctive feature: it is possible to add indices of other companies or exchanges, as well as prices for precious metals and energy resources.

Android apps: maps and navigation

This Android application can show you how to get from point A to point B using public transport.

There are route maps for most major cities in Ukraine. A useful feature is that it informs you about the cost and travel time on different routes, the number of transfers, etc.

The main “advantage” of this program is the ability to work without connecting to the Internet.

A detailed directory of organizations, equipped with a navigator and map, will tell you their address, opening hours, contacts and even user reviews.

Also shown are city transport routes, plans of large retail establishments, and on which side the entrance to the building is located.

Android applications: social networks, communication


Moreover, it is not necessary to create your own account.

The selection of public pages in the program is sorted by various topics. By selecting the necessary publics, you can create your own reading list.

Android Applications: Educational Programs for Children

In this educational game, your child completes various tasks from the kitten.

It will be interesting for younger children: for example, a child will need to catch a fish of one color or another and put it in a round or square aquarium.

A useful function is keeping statistics: parents will be able to find out what games the child played, his correct or incorrect answers to tasks.

Your child will learn the basics of arithmetic in a fun and playful way.

By clicking on a number, the child will hear a funny poem about it.

Having “befriended” the hedgehog, he will lead him to a clearing where the number of mushrooms specified in the exercise grows.

Android Applications: Foreign Languages

Free application for learning foreign languages.

It differs from many similar ones in its game form of learning and competently similar lessons on various topics.

This program for teaching foreign languages ​​will help those who “cram” new words.

It is necessary to repeat words at certain intervals, this way they are better remembered.

Android apps: for all occasions

The application is specially designed for those who want to lose weight, but cannot give up sweets.

Translates “yummy” into the number of steps that must be taken to neutralize the sweetness.

The built-in pedometer allows you to set a goal - to walk a certain number of steps per day.

With this program, you can form good habits while getting rid of bad ones.

In addition to the built-in ones (for example, spending more time outdoors), it is possible to add your own (for example, learning to knit).

This application will replace your visit to a nutritionist.

With its help, you can develop a menu for the day, week or even month (depending on the number of calories you want to allow yourself and personal data (height, weight).

In addition, the program will suggest dish recipes and maximum serving sizes.

This application was once noted by Bill Gates himself.

With its help, you can listen to one of three thousand lectures on a wide variety of topics - from tax legislation to human anatomy.

Using this program, you can instantly recognize a particular melody that you have heard but do not know the artist.

To do this, you need to bring the device to the sound source and press one button. Moreover, it is not necessary that the song be performed by the author himself; you can sing the tune yourself.

If your hearing is fine, the program will suggest the author of the song and even show the lyrics.

Program for treasure hunters.

Of course, it will not change professional equipment for searching for metals in the ground, but the developers claim that the application is capable of finding cast iron, steel or iron (metals that are magnetic) in the earth's thickness.

The application will be useful for those who want to improve their photography skills.

Provides access to features to assist with lighting and focusing while shooting.

It is possible to make adjustments to real mode, zooming in on photographed objects, editing pictures.

Surely parents who are concerned about their children’s “smartphone addiction” will like it.

Allows for certain time(for example, doing homework or walking outdoors) block selected programs on specified time.

Users of this “reader” distinguish intellectual feature processing of selected books: in a special window, the authors of the application have entered data on the author, title, and date the book was added to your personal library.

It is possible to choose the font and background color that is most comfortable for the eyes.

The application is specially created for those who are absent-minded.

Did you put it somewhere and can’t find it? Now you don’t have to search the whole apartment looking for it – just clap your palm loudly.

The program detector is automatically activated and your gadget will notify you where it is with a pre-configured signal.

Users of this program are a community of people around the world who do not mind or are lazy to share free Wi-Fi hotspots.

It is possible to connect to these points using the smartphone settings.

To do this, just find the password in the program, copy it, go to settings, paste it there and use the Network.


Thanks to this application, it is possible to create “deep” photographs with the so-called parallax effect.

Your device's camera can capture images from four angles, creating a truly 3D photo.

This application is an intellectual game that allows you to maintain motivation in self-development. Moreover, the character who needs to be developed is yourself.

Points in the game are earned by completing a wide variety of tasks: from the “art” of buying clothes to active sports.

The program will be of interest to those who love nostalgia.

Timehop ​​can combine photos from previous years, SMS messages and posts from four social networks.

After this, you can see what happened on the current date over the past years.


As you can see, there are a lot of really useful programs for Android. The main thing is to decide on the direction.

And if you think our list is incomplete, write in the comments which application should be added.

Every day, PlayMarket is updated with dozens of programs for Android: almost any software has several analogues (sometimes they number in dozens). Search indeed good software in a colossal catalog is sometimes too complicated because it takes up too much time. Often we lack patience and perseverance, and we choose the best from the worst. But it shouldn’t be this way! Therefore, especially for you, we have selected the best programs for Android and compiled the TOP 10 applications. It is quite possible that in such a list you will find what you have been looking for for so long.

Call recording from Appliqato

If you are interested in recording calls on Android, the best program is Appliqato. Thanks to its good functionality, this unique application has won the favor of a huge audience of users all over the world.

The first thing that attracts you to Appliqato is its pleasant interface and simple design. The main page of the program - there are only two folders called “Saved” and “Inbox” - all your recorded conversations are located here. There are several operating modes available for users of this software: “Ignore all”, “Record all” and “Ignore contacts”. In the first case, only those phone numbers that are entered in the settings are recorded. In the second - absolutely all conversations. And in the third - only calls that came from unknown numbers.

The program is very easy to use, but is not without its drawbacks. It's about advertising. However, you can disable it, but to do this you will have to purchase a paid, more functional version.

QR Droid Code Scanner

The purpose of this software is to decipher QR codes using the camera built into the Android device. Also, QR Droid Code Scanner can successfully handle the most common barcodes. Thanks to this feature, you do not need to download additional application, thereby saving space on your phone. The scanner is quite convenient to use.

Even the most inexperienced user can understand the settings. The principle of working with this utility is completely simple: just point the camera at the desired object and wait a few seconds until identification occurs and the contents of the code are reflected. In addition, this QR code reader for Android allows you to find out the data hidden in travel guides, as well as read personal information contained in the QR code. For example, contacts or email address.

GPS Anti-Radar from AIRBITS & Reactive Phone

Thanks to its excellent functionality software is a good replacement for its stationary counterpart. The radar detector application for Android is the best among many similar ones. It identifies control cameras along the route and provides data about all traffic police posts. In addition, the program immediately warns that the speedometer has exceeded the permitted speed limit by more than 19 km/h.

The main advantages of GPS AntiRadar are:

  • Simple and very convenient interface;
  • Complete with detailed maps of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan;
  • Ability to work together with other software in the background;
  • The utility does not take up too much space and does not consume much battery; it can also work on weak devices.

Lightroom Mobile

Lightroom Mobile tops the ranking of the best Android apps for photo editing. This is a universal photo editor that allows you to professionally process images directly on your smartphone. To use the program's functionality, Android version 4.1 is required. and higher.

The program also allows you to organize your pictures and synchronize them with other devices. It is possible to edit any photo using the potential of Adobe. In this case, you can use a whole set of tools, ready-made presets and more complex filters. The program interface is quite simple - as a rule, no difficulties arise with them.


Roadly (radar detector) – great program for Android, a video recorder that is designed to help drivers on the road. In addition, this unique utility includes functions for recognizing road signs and a radar detector that warns about cameras. Roadly is equipped with a warning function about the location of fixed cameras and their coverage area. The program options allow you to send the recorded video to YouTube with just one click.

The unique functions of this software are: recording coordinates, current speed directly into a video file, automatic stop/start when stopping or moving. Since the application actively uses smartphone resources, it is important to ensure permanent connection to charging.

Secret Video Recorder HD

Excellent modern program for Android spy, this is one of the best secret video recorders. This unique software is very convenient and simple to use. It only takes one click to start and then stop video recording. However, the application does not reflect on the screen what it records. In addition, you can use your smartphone as usual at the same time, playing games or browsing pages in the browser. The phone does not produce any sounds, but the video will be of very high quality. You can download this software completely free of charge.

Features of Secret Video Recorder HD are:

  • No preview;
  • Unlimited video recording;
  • Support rear and front camera;
  • Night mode support.

Lime HD TV

Best programs To watch TV on Android, our rating includes Lime HD TV. Such innovation program- an excellent way out of a situation where, due to the lack of an antenna or for some other reason beyond your control, there is no access to television. You can watch your favorite movie or TV show absolutely free, but there are some restrictions on the list. Although among the 140 free information, children's and sports channels there will certainly be something to watch.

The highlight of Lime HD TV is the ability voice search, and fast switching between channels. Thanks to this utility, you will not be bored on the road or in a situation where you need to while away an hour or two.


The Noom pedometer automatically counts the user's steps around the clock, using only two percent of the battery charge per day (this is very economical, because per day of use such software uses energy similar to twenty minutes of display operation). This pedometer program for Android is a real find for those who are actively involved in sports, trying to lose weight or maintain weight at a certain level.

By downloading Noom you will always be aware of your daily activity, sometimes being surprised at how much or little you move. The features of the pedometer are that it works in the background and that the interface is available in Russian, the program is free for users, consumes very little energy and, most importantly, is a good motivation for doing sports.


The top programs for Android also include the password manager Keeper. It is the leading software for secure digital storage and easy password management. Not only individual users, but also organizations will be able to use such a utility. To protect confidential information, the presented software uses strong encryption and multi-factor authentication.

Keeper offers users cloud-based, encrypted password storage that is accessible in any situation. In addition, you can use your account on any other gadget, including a personal computer.

VK Live

VK Live is software for VK live broadcasts. This is a real find for bloggers, including beginners, who dream of popularity. The service allows you to publish video broadcasts on your VK page and in a group. In addition, using such software, you can watch live broadcasts of celebrities and your friends, chat live, responding to comments, adding stickers and hearts, create your own broadcasts, making money on it. VK Live is quite easy to use. To record, just connect and then configure the camera and microphone. As soon as you start broadcasting, all users who follow you will receive a corresponding notification about the start of the broadcast.

In addition to its advantages, the program has some disadvantages. In particular, we're talking about about the inability to block individual users, as well as the lack of information about who has already viewed your posts. In addition, there are no age restrictions on VK Live.

Reading time: 46 min

It's difficult to single out any of the best applications for Android, since most of them are in different niches and perform completely different functions. The article will discuss the most interesting, popular and useful applications who can make out of your Android devices fully functional gadget.

Video and photo editor Music

The program tops the best apps for Android 2017, but this does not mean that it is the most functional in all areas. The leading position is given in the field graphic processing. The application allows you to add certain effects, masks, change and adjust levels. Thanks to the only application, it is possible to add stickers, cut off unnecessary ones, and focus on a person or object. At the same time, you can easily add music, add comments, annotations.

The best cleaning app for Android - Clean Master

Clean Master is a free application for Android optimization, which is installed on 1 billion devices. Thanks to the program, it is possible to clear all extraneous junk from the system: garbage, cache, unnecessary notifications, and also speed up work by cleaning RAM. The utility is aimed at increasing privacy, as well as improving device performance.

Music app - Deezer

Best apps For music on Android, Deezer tops the list as it has a lot of built-in features and capabilities. The program's audio library contains about 40 million tracks, which will allow you to find almost any program.

Even in free mode, you can enjoy your personal playlist, find interesting mixes of your favorite tracks, listen to radios of various musical genres, create many different collections and find lyrics to any song.

Best TV app for Android – PeersTV

An excellent application for accessing various TV channels, as well as broadcast recordings. The main advantage of the program is the large number of live broadcast channels (about 100 channels). If you have a Chromecast set-top box, you can stream live TV from your smartphone to your TV. A small fly in the ointment is the presence of advertising and the possible disappearance of certain channels.

The best weather app for Android - AccuWeather

The program is considered one of the most informative; without leaving the main window you can find out what is happening on the street now, what will happen in the near future, as well as additional parameters outside world. The disadvantage is associated not so much with the application itself, but with the lack of information transmitted by weather forecasters. The program has a weather map, a minute-by-minute forecast for 2 hours ahead, as well as recording video with forecasts, but some functions are not available in the CIS.

The widget on your desktop has an extremely pleasant appearance, which is very beautiful, effective and without unnecessary elements.

Timbre: Cut, Join Cut, Join

The application allows you to quickly, efficiently and as easily as possible replace the composition in a video, change the format of video and music. To do this, you just need to have a smartphone at hand, in its memory or on microSD card to contain the file itself and installed application. The program is able to complete the file conversion procedure in a matter of seconds or minutes. At the same time, there is a built-in small editor for adding, trimming and changing music and the video itself.

Antivirus Dr.Web Light

Choosing which is the best application for Android in the field of Internet security is not so easy, but most people prefer Dr.Web Light. This antivirus is the most downloaded of Play Market, its high popularity is due to high-quality protection, high performance, and low processor load.

Thanks to the application, incoming and outgoing traffic is filtered, as well as viruses are checked in the phone memory and on the microSD card. Allows you to identify infected apk files and delete them or add them to the quarantine zone. There is also preventive protection, potentially dangerous applications are blocked.

DU Recorder

DU Recorder is the best camera app for Android, it allows you to capture the screen and add certain effects to the video. An extremely useful program for creating your own reviews, guides, playing games, etc.

At the same time, it has wide functionality, allowing you to record not only video, but also sound, as well as the external environment, that is, your comments. The utility is completely free and works stably, with virtually no need for post-processing. Mainly used for recording clips from videos, live broadcasts, saving video calls.


Even the best applications for Android are not able to give as many positive emotions and laughter as MadLipz. Inside the simple interface, you can re-record your own voice to create demo clips, their length is about 15 seconds. Thanks to the program, you can act as a director, screenwriter, performer, as well as producer in videos.

The procedure is simple - select any clip from the library (it is quite extensive), then record several tracks for each video and you can upload it to the network. For inspiration, you can also look through the works of other project participants.

Tiny Scanner: Scan Doc to PDF

The best free apps for Android can be not only entertaining, but also useful. Before us is one of the excellent assistants, especially for people who are constantly involved in typing and converting texts. Gone are the days when you had to photograph everything; now you can scan it. So anyone Text Document You can shoot it with a camera, and it is automatically converted into PDF format.

At the same time, it is possible to slightly process the resulting image and share it on various social networks or cloud storages.


Allows you to find out absolutely free of charge the person who is calling you if he is not in your address book. This way you can prepare for the conversation or determine whether it’s worth picking up the phone at all. The program has a built-in blocking and blacklist to prevent annoying calls.

The list of useful, convenient and interesting applications can be continued for a long time; only a part of the incredibly large range of programs is presented here.

If you have any questions on the topic "The best applications for Android", you can ask them in the comments

Best apps for android

5 (100%) 12 votes

This is the 9th edition of the best applications from App Store and Google Play. There are both fresh programs and proven oldies, selected from thousands of stupid applications for which developers also ask for money. So it will be interesting.

I finally got around to a major update to the decent Things task manager. With the arrival of the third part, no special functions were added, but the developers significantly redesigned the interface, which is a pleasure to work with. I really liked the interactive plus sign for adding tasks, projects and areas. The reimagined swipe controls also worked well. I really liked the intelligent interactive tutorial, which will walk you through all the features of the application, even the unobvious ones. The program is cross-platform, but especially for Apple devices. The price tag is not small - $10. Those who have previous version Things 2 is not worth purchasing the program - old version Enough with your head.

The same segment leader - OmniFocus has more opportunities, but is it another matter whether you need them? Whether to take the program or not depends on the budget. If it allows, then you will get a moderately functional, beautiful and convenient application. If you need a simple, free and minimalistic program that can store discount cards, then Pinbonus is ideal for you. Like other analogues from the App Store and Google Play, there is synchronization with cloud storage, which is important because you can install the application for all relatives and they will add their cards, convenient sorting and Russian language. Although there is a special mode for displaying barcodes, not all readers can recognize them. This is a problem with all applications of this kind.

The famous Adobe studio knows a lot about retouching like no other. Mobile app Photoshop Fix will be an excellent assistant in photo correction. Serious tools, combined with precise settings and a simple interface, allow you to effortlessly transform images. There are tools for cropping, correction, plasticizing, restoration, blurring, working with light and color, and a dozen more useful options. I especially liked the plastic. The program automatically recognizes parts of the face and offers real magic by moving the sliders. Photoshop Fix has Russian localization and a cool guide to the tools. And the best part is that all functionality is free and there are no ads. A real find in the world of image editing. If only landscape orientation had been added, there would have been no price for them.

In addition to Photoshop Fix, I suggest downloading Photoshop Express as a powerful, effective, and simple image editing tool. The application can do all the basic operations like cropping, straightening and rotating photos, fights red-eye, removes defects, applies filters, creates frames and watermarks. Photoshop Express is easy to read Raw formats and Tiff. As with Photoshop Fix, there is support for cloud synchronization with popular cloud storage, the program is in Russian and absolutely free. Adobe mobile products for the digital photography industry.

In the comments of the last issue of the best applications, I was advised to simply have a bunch of currency converters. I found Coinverter the most attractive. The program is free and extremely clear. On home page All selected currencies are displayed and the main one is highlighted. Conversion occurs immediately for all specified banknotes. The program does not have any advertising or in-app purchases. The interface is simple, even too simple. There are no statistical data for courses in past days. It is inconvenient to add a new currency, because there is no search or scrolling scale with the alphabet. They forgot about the widget and the existence of 3D Touch. Also missing is a built-in calculator. So if you are interested in simple free converter currencies without unnecessary bells and whistles, then Coinverter is ideal for this task.

Another great image editing tool. There is an impressive toolkit, a bunch of interesting and customizable profiles, and a mechanism for working with face correction and positioning. And the developers haven’t forgotten about landscape orientation. The correction and processing tools were impressive. Snapseed is convenient in abundance detailed settings. The application is a pleasure to work with. It’s convenient that there is a quick view button before and after image correction. Snapseed is free, in Russian and distributed free of charge. Your photos will definitely be better, and some actions can be performed much faster than in a more serious computer editor.

If you are too lazy to look for news on your own, then you need to resort to the help of news aggregators. A good option would be the Anews app. Choose a region, Russia, Ukraine are there, but Belarus and Kazakhstan are left out, a topic of interest, and add the resources you like in the settings. I looked through the categories with equipment and cars and I can say that all more or less famous resources are present. But you can’t add your own. The main menu is block type with horizontal scrolling. Landscape orientation There is. News can be added to saved ones or reproduced with a speech synthesizer, although the whole thing doesn’t sound as great as in audiobooks. There are no advertisements, there are no more interesting settings either, but it copes with the main function of the programs.

Summer is the time for vacations and travel. But with a limited budget, it can be difficult to choose a trip further than the nearest resorts that even your neighbor has visited. The Hitlist service won the App Store Editor's Choice award for its high-quality selection of budget travel. Here you will find profitable offer, hot discounts tailored to your wishes, there is a thoughtful search by continents, regions, beaches, islands, types of recreation and other criteria. All you need to do is invite your friends, book tickets and move on to new discoveries. Among the obvious shortcomings are the inability to add cashback from the application and the lack of Russian localization.

Comments often ask for an alternative to the standard music player. Flacbox would be a good option. The program plays music from cloud services, allows you to download tracks from there, manages files in the cloud, works with playlists, wi-fi disks and has a whole bunch of built-in features, like a sleep timer or support for the flac format. True, there is a good DAC here and you will have to buy additional headphones. You won't notice much of a difference in the standard EarPods. The program is in Russian, and the only inconvenience will be banner and pop-up advertising. Which is disabled by purchase or disappears in the absence of an active Internet connection.