File extension OFF. Page Last updated

Came to Russia 16 years ago new format retail called off-price. The pioneer was the Familia network. We learned from Retail Development Director Alexander Grishak how this format is developing, what real estate is best suited for it, and how their stores attract customers.

— Tell me, are you sticking to the planned plan for opening stores? How many stores will open in 2017?

— We started the year with 109 stores, and we plan to end at the beautiful figure of 150; for this, we will open three more stores in December. In 2017, we plan to open another 40 stores.

- That is, the plan that you had initially does not change.

- He is changing. We planned to open only 30 stores this year, but, as you can see, we are opening 41. We will not revise the plan for 2017, although the same could be said about 2016 at one time.

— Plans must be tied to indicators such as revenue and profit growth trends. Are you okay with this?

— All the stores we have online are profitable. Our financial indicators are among the best.

- Compared to what?

— All retailers say that their revenue is falling. Our Like-For-Like indicators are 17% this year, which is one of the best indicators.

— Is this related to the format or type of your audience?

— The format is tailored for a specific audience, these are inseparable things. So I'll answer yes, and it will be true for both options.

— Is there any type of real estate that you prefer over others?

— We prefer to open in shopping centers. This is our favorite format. It’s very good when there is a food operator nearby, we get an excellent synergy effect. With our presence we enliven the shopping center, generating traffic of about 2000-2500 people per day.

At the same time, we have individual projects on the street, they are also successful. But on this moment We focus on development in shopping centers. The buyer always saves time, and it is more convenient for him to purchase everything in one place.

— Supermarkets also come in different segments. Doesn’t it matter to you whether it’s “Azbuka Vkusa” or “Pyaterochka”?

- It doesn’t matter at all. This can be any food retail, both federal chains and local players.

— Do you plan to close shops on the street?

- No, they will continue to work. By the way, if there are interesting offers on the street, we are always ready to consider them. But so far they haven’t been there for a long time.

— What do you pay attention to when choosing a landlord?

— It’s great when there are landlords with whom you can sign one contract and open as a package. We are proud of our partnership with Maxi Development (Maxi shopping center in Tula and Smolensk), Adamant (Balkansky shopping center, Continent shopping center on Zvezdnaya, Mercury shopping center), IMMOSHAN (Auchan shopping center in Tambov , shopping center "Aquarel" in Volgograd), "TEN Group of Companies" (TRC "Gorod" in Lefortovo and on Ryazansky Prospekt, shopping center "L-153"), X5 Retail Group, with which we currently have four operating stores.

All owners shopping centers are divided into two types. The first, conditionally, let their objects go with the flow. But there are companies that are really engaged in their development, for example, the RosEuroDevelopment company, with which we opened the Familia department store in the Planeta shopping center in Ufa this fall.

— About your format. What does off-price mean?

— The off-price concept is not a new idea. The outgoing year 2016, by the way, became an anniversary year for off-price retail in the world - the history of our industry began with the opening of the Zayre brand discount store in Boston in 1956. In the United States, goods were traditionally sold in the basements of large department stores. famous brands with a markdown, and the buyer knew where to go when he needed to buy something very good, but for a reasonable price. Often, for such “basement sales,” goods were even specially produced based on collections from previous seasons. Over the years, the economic situation has led to more and more more people began to show interest and a desire to shop in places where you can buy branded items at fabulous prices.

Now everyone, even the richest Americans and Europeans, buy goods in off-price stores, because, first of all, it is a drive, a “treasure hunt,” excitement and anticipation of getting a famous brand at a super-best price. These are emotions, and they are worth a lot!

What distinguishes off-price from other trading formats at special prices are the brands that you can buy from us with a profit of up to 85%! The buyer excitedly looks for them in the general mass of goods, so that when he comes home, he says: “I bought a super thing at a super price!” Thus, the essence of the format and our goal is not to buy and sell cheap, but to satisfy the need of our customers for a bargain.

For the American off-price market, 2015 was truly significant, when online trading and the main players of the American off-price market - T.J. Maxx, ROSS Stores and Burlington - began to actively take over a significant share of the regular retail business. Large retailers, having appreciated the huge potential of off-price, began to open similar stores. This is how, for example, Macy’s Backstage and Saks OFF 5th appeared. As a result, at the turn of 2015-2016. 604 off-price stores were opened in the United States, and their total number today is approaching 4,300.

As for the off-price market in Russia, this industry in our country is in its “infancy” compared to the West. Familia company is the founder of this format trade in Russia and is currently the absolute leader in the segment - both in the number of stores and in sales volumes.

— Products with defects, substandard?

— For off-price, it is permissible to purchase goods with minor manufacturing defects that do not affect its consumer qualities. It's about about a deviation in stitching, say, on a shirt or T-shirt, or mismatched seams on socks. This product is specially marked, informing the buyer that this is a “second quality” product. One of the main principles of off-price retailers is that the volume of such goods in the store should never exceed 5%. A large share will lead to the fact that the off-price retailer risks discrediting itself. The buyer will think: “So that’s why there are such low prices...", will be disappointed and will no longer return to the chain stores. For a successful off-price business, it is extremely important that the buyer is always sure that he is offered a product of excellent quality at a super competitive price. The inclusion of a “second-quality” product must be compensated by its significant brand manufacturer.

- Let's talk about your product. As I understand it, these are some unsold collections.

It's not that simple. In addition to classic stock, this can be regular deliveries of unsold goods from well-known brands during the season from different regions of Russia and another 35 countries of the world, from where Familia buyers deliver goods! Causes? Collections in fashion retail are updated every 4-6 weeks. Often, a cool product simply does not have time to wait for its buyer before it is replaced by the following collections. And no one can cancel the vagaries of the weather! It’s unlikely that a warm jacket will come in handy in the European autumn, when it’s +15 outside, but it will be indispensable in our bad weather.

Factories also often optimize production processes by producing more goods than planned for implementation. Familia buyers always keep their finger on the pulse and buy back the surplus goods produced. As a result, Familia stores quickly receive the most current seasonal and fashion trends products from well-known brands, bypassing even their branded stores along the way.

Another source of goods is canceled orders at factories. These are difficult times, many chains are forced to reduce the number of their stores, and they no longer need as much goods as they ordered at production.

And I’m just speaking in broad strokes; for the secrets and tricks of off-price purchasing, you’d better turn to our buyers.

— The question immediately arises: if this is the same product, then why don’t they buy it only at off-price, but still go to mono-brand stores? Your prices are much lower.

- Yes, it's true, prices are lower. This is again due to the peculiarities of our procurement system. In the USA and Europe, regular retail has long been working in close partnership with off-price networks. We are the ones who help solve the problems of our partners. Every year, more and more companies, including Russian ones, understand that it is impossible to make money on an outdated product, that every day it only brings greater losses. They value their partnership with Familia, as our cooperation allows them to save on operating costs, such as warehouse rental, as well as obtain working capital. Having included us in the budget, the partner can afford to experiment, which can give him an advantage in such a difficult time for regular retail.

— You position yourself as the pioneers of the off-price format for Russia. Are you following how this format has begun to develop here?

— Familia today is the result of more than 16 years of painstaking work on the implementation of unique technologies and business processes. Being a pioneer and leader in the industry is always difficult and very responsible, you set standards, they compare with you, they look up to you. We have something to be proud of! Familia has come a long way, gone through rebranding, today our department stores are not comparable to the first stores of the chain and their assortment.

The off-price market in Russia is certainly growing, and we, as its current leader, are growing along with it. Over this year we plan to increase the number of our stores by 37%. As for turnover, we expect it to increase by 40-45% compared to last year. Speaking about our followers, given our pace of development, I think it is purely mathematically impossible to catch up with us in the foreseeable future.

— Did you have any desire to create a ROSS Stores or T.J.Maxx franchise? Why did you create your brand?

- What for? And, most importantly, how? In our business, there is no magic book of instructions, following which you will make your business guaranteed to be successful. We closely monitor the development of off-price in the West, actively train with experts from the founding companies of off-price, and integrate time-tested best practices. But for the sake of truth, I must say that we adapt a lot to Russian realities.

— What is the difference between off-price and discount? There are enough discounts in Russia.

— A discount center is, as a rule, a store any chain of stores. The discount includes goods that could not be sold in a regular store for about one year (less often one and a half, two or six months), including the sales period. In addition, goods with defects, both invisible and visible to the naked eye, are often sent to discount centers. But, in any case, the origin of the product is obvious.

— What is the difference between Familia, which operates in an off-price format, and a discount center?

Firstly, as in the case of stock centers and outlets, Familia department stores are distinguished by a wide range of branded goods. After all, it’s strange to expect to see, say, Wedgwood china in a sports discount store? And at Familia you can simultaneously purchase branded goods for the whole family and home.

Secondly, as in the case of stock centers, Familia is distinguished by the fact that its products correspond to seasonal demand and fashion trends.

And finally, as always, benefits. No matter how much goods are discounted at discount centers, this is always a compromise with the quality or timeliness of the goods. Moreover, the lower price level in discounts always has a limit determined by the positioning of the brand. Familia is always the maximum bargain, while the size of the benefit has no limits, as evidenced by the truly exceptional “goodies” that our customers find, especially after regularly carried out revaluations.

— For example, fix-price stores in Russia have become very widespread. Could this happen with your format?

— Fixed-price stores are also an American format that has had enormous success all over the world. What these stores offer is what Americans call cheap for cheap, which means cheap goods Low quality. Their range is wide choose industrial consumer goods, beauty and health products, and sometimes food products.

As for off-price, in Russia our format has enormous potential. Without looking you can say that Russian Federation At least 1,000 more stores can be opened. And this is easy to do, although the figure seems quite large. We only have 150 of them so far.

— For now you are very concentrated in Moscow. And when you come to a certain region, how do you determine whether it’s worth going there?

— It is also very debatable how concentrated we are in Moscow. We actually have a lot of stores here because there is a concept of logistics costs. Our distribution center is located in the Moscow region, and it is operationally most convenient to deliver goods to Moscow. But if you look closely at our network, only a quarter of the network’s stores are concentrated in Moscow. We have 15 stores in St. Petersburg, four stores each in Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Ufa and Voronezh, three each in Tula, Perm, Belgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara and Kazan. We are very actively developing in the regions.

In the regions we are even more in demand than in the capitals, because there is less opportunity to purchase branded clothing. For example, in Saratov, where we have three stores, even though it is a city of over a million people, it is impossible to buy some brands anywhere except here.

Nowadays the southern direction is especially developing. There is only one department store in Krasnodar, but we understand that there is huge potential there. One store was opened in Sochi and Adler.

— What is your easternmost store?

— In Tyumen, where we again have three stores. In the medium term, we are thinking about Siberia. But in order to enter there effectively from the point of view of business processes, you need to open 15-20 stores at once. But the capacity and prospects are obvious. Novosibirsk alone will perfectly accommodate about four stores.

Converting 3D models from other formats to the PRO100 format with the ability to unload into PRO100 and give different materials to individual parts of the model is not easy, but it is doable. And the end result is worth it.

What programs will be needed?

To accomplish this task, we will need 3D MAX, Deep Exploration CAD Edition v5.0, (you can also use another version - Google can help), a 3DConv converter (3DConv.rar), and, in fact, PRO100 itself.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to download a couple of archives with Max’s models, there are a lot of archives divided into categories for free download in the public, but if you draw it yourself it will be really cool.

And so, let’s say you downloaded a bunch of Max models, unpacked them, then open the one you need in Max and use file-save-as, save it in .3ds format (of course, this can also be done through Deep Exploration, but this is provided that you find an additional plugin for this function)

We open it in Deep Exploration and see that the model consists of several parts.

Now you need to conditionally determine how many colors you need to paint the future model for PRO100.

Next, use the cursor to select directly on the model those parts that will have a different color and delete them using the delete button. We save those parts that remain via file-save-as in the .off format in the 3DConv folder, under the number (we keep in mind the parts that were deleted), and we do this as many times as you want to split the model into.

We go to the 3DConv folder, we see our just saved file there, then in the same folder we launch the mesh_p.exe converter, the 001.meb file appears, which we copy to the PRO100 library and begin to edit it. This library element in its original form has a size of 1*1*1 pixels, for example, to proportionally change the size, I first increase it by 10 times (that is, I simply add 0 to the dimensions) and then exactly 2 times.

We perform the same operation with those parts that were previously removed (which we kept in mind). After all the operations done, I have files 001.meb, 002.meb, 003.meb and so on in the PRO100 library.

Now we simply collect all these parts into one element, give them all different materials, and group. Well, I got something like this.

Who's too lazy to repeat this procedure, you can download finished model fan from 3D Max for PRO100 here

This material will help you convert a model from different formats into the .meb format for PRO100 with the ability to add color, but without displaying textures on this element, in order for the model in PRO100 to be displayed with all the necessary textures, the .meb file needs to be passed through another script that applies something like a coordinate grid to it, which will display all the textures correctly in PRO100. But more on that in the next post

We hope that we helped you solve the problem with the OFF file. If you don't know where you can download an application from our list, click on the link (this is the name of the program) - you will find more detailed information regarding where to download a secure installation version of the required application.

A visit to this page should help you answer these or similar questions specifically:

  • How to open a file with the OFF extension?
  • How to convert an OFF file to another format?
  • What is the OFF file format extension?
  • What programs support the OFF file?

If, after viewing the materials on this page, you still have not received a satisfactory answer to any of the questions presented above, this means that the information presented here about the OFF file is incomplete. Contact us using the contact form and write what information you did not find.

What else could cause problems?

There may be more reasons why you cannot open an OFF file (not just the lack of a corresponding application).
Firstly- the OFF file may be incorrectly linked (incompatible) with installed application for its maintenance. In this case, you need to change this connection yourself. To do this, right-click on the OFF file that you want to edit, click the option "To open with" and then select the program you installed from the list. After this action, problems with opening the OFF file should completely disappear.
Secondly- the file you want to open may simply be damaged. In this case, it would be best to find a new version of it, or download it again from the same source (perhaps for some reason in the previous session the download of the OFF file did not finish and it could not be opened correctly).

Do you want to help?

If you have Additional Information about the OFF file extension, we will be grateful if you share it with users of our site. Use the form below and send us your information about the OFF file.

File Summary OFF

OFF files are associated with one file type(s) and can be viewed using MeshLab, developed Open Source. In general, this format is associated with two existing application(s) software(s). They usually have the format Object File Format. Most often, OFF files are classified as.

3D Image Files OFF files were found on Windows platforms

, Mac and Linux. They are suitable for desktop PCs (and mobile devices).

The popularity rating of the OFF file extension is "Low", which means that these files are generally not found in most user file storages.
If you have trouble opening OFF files, or if you simply want to learn more about their associated programs and developers, see the full information provided below.

Popularity of file types

File Rank Activity This file type is still relevant and is actively used by developers and application software. Although the original software of this file type may be overshadowed by a newer version (eg Excel 97 vs Office 365), this file type is still actively supported by the current version software. This process of interacting with the old operating system or outdated version».

software is also known as "
backward compatibility File status


Last update

File types OFF

Master File Association OFF

File OFF is an ASCII-based format used to describe 3D objects. It defines a collection of planar polygons and vertices that create the surface of an object. Try a universal file viewer In addition to the products listed above, we suggest you try a universal file viewer like FileViewPro. This tool can open more than 200

various types

files, providing editing functions for most of them.

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| Terms |

Troubleshooting problems opening OFF files Common problems opening files OFF MeshLab is not installed By double clicking on the OFF file you can see a system dialog box telling you"This file type cannot be opened" . In this case, it is usually due to the fact that MeshLab for %%os%% is not installed on your computer

. Since your operating system

The wrong version of MeshLab is installed

In some cases, you may have a newer (or older) version of the Object File Format, not supported installed version applications. If you do not have the correct version of the MeshLab Software (or any of the other programs listed above), you may need to download a different version of the Software or one of the other application software listed above. This problem most often occurs when working in an older version of the application software With file created in more new version , which old version cannot recognize.

. Since your Sometimes you can get a general idea of ​​the OFF file version by clicking right click mouse over the file, and then selecting Properties (Windows) or Get Info (Mac OSX).

Summary: In any case, most problems that occur while opening OFF files are due to not having the correct application software installed on your computer.

Install optional products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) |

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Other causes of problems opening files OFF Even if you already have MeshLab or other OFF-related software installed on your computer, you may still encounter problems while opening Object File Format files. If you still have problems opening OFF files, the reason may lie in other problems preventing these files from being opened

  • . Such problems include (presented in order from most to least common): Invalid file links OFF VWindows registry phone book » operating room)
  • Windows systems Accidental deletion of description
  • OFF file in the Windows registry Incomplete or incorrect installation
  • application software associated with the OFF format File corruption
  • OFF (problems with the Object File Format itself) Infection OFF
  • malware Damaged or outdated device drivers
  • hardware associated with the OFF file Lack of sufficient resources on the computer system resources

to open Object File Format

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The Flash (SWF) we know today developed from an early FutureWave software product in 1996 called FutureSplash Animator. Due to slow internet speeds, the company developed software to enable fun animations that were not system dependent.

How to fix problems opening files OFF

If you have installed on your computer antivirus program Can scan all files on your computer, as well as each file individually. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure it is highlighted file, then you need to right-click on this file and select the option in the file menu "scan with AVG". When choosing this parameter will open AVG Antivirus, which will perform the check this file for the presence of viruses.

Sometimes an error may occur as a result incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem encountered during the installation process. This may interfere with your operating system link your OFF file to the correct application software , influencing the so-called "file extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling MeshLab may solve your problem by properly linking OFF to MeshLab. In other cases, problems with file associations may arise as a result bad software programming developer and you may need to contact the developer for further assistance.

. Since your Try updating MeshLab to latest version to make sure you have the latest patches and updates installed.

This may seem too obvious, but often The OFF file itself may be causing the problem. If you received the file via an attachment Email or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (for example, a power outage or other reason), the file may become damaged. If possible, try getting a new copy of the OFF file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A damaged file can cause collateral damage to previous or existing malware on your PC, so it is important to keep your computer up-to-date with an up-to-date antivirus.

If your file is OFF related to the hardware on your computer to open the file you may need update device drivers associated with this equipment.

This problem usually associated with media file types, which depend on successfully opening the hardware inside the computer, e.g. sound card or video cards. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

. Since your If when you try to open an OFF file you receive .SYS file error message, the problem could probably be associated with damaged or outdated drivers devices that need to be updated. This process can be made easier by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps do not solve the problem and you are still having problems opening OFF files, this may be due to lack of available system resources. Some versions of OFF files may require a significant amount of resources (e.g. memory/RAM, processing power) to properly open on your computer. This problem occurs quite often if you are using a fairly old computer. Hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This problem can occur when the computer is having trouble keeping up with a task because the operating system (and other services running in the background) may consume too many resources to open the file OFF. Try closing all applications on your PC before opening Object File Format. Freeing up all available resources on your computer will provide the best conditions for attempting to open the OFF file.

If you completed all the steps described above and your OFF file still won't open, you may need to run equipment update. In most cases, even when using older versions of hardware, the processing power can still be more than sufficient for most user applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work, such as 3D rendering, financial/scientific modeling, or intensive multimedia work) . Thus, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(more commonly called "RAM", or RAM) to perform the file open task.

Try refreshing your memory to see if this will help you open the OFF file. Today, memory upgrades are quite affordable and very easy to install, even for the average computer user. As a bonus, you you'll probably see a nice performance boost while your computer performs other tasks.

Install optional products - FileViewPro (Solvusoft) |

Converting an office chair model.

3D models, even if they consist of several separate elements, when converted to the PRO100 format, merge into a single inseparable block. And if each individual element requires its own texture to be applied, this becomes a problem. To resolve this issue at the time of converting a file from *.3ds V *.off it is necessary to separately convert each component of the original model into separate file, which after final conversion to the format *.meb can be grouped together already in PRO100 itself.

1. Take a chair model in the format *.3ds and open it in Deep Exploration.

2. We remove all elements except one, from which we will begin the conversion.

3. Save the selected element in the format *.off . We repeat these steps for each element, deleting all the others, namely deleting, and not turning off their display. In our example, the chair consists of three elements, which means there should be 3 separate files.

4. Move the files to the folder with the converter and run mesh.exe.

Converter operation:

5. As a result, you get 3 files in a format corresponding to each element of the model.

6. Open the received files one by one in PRO100, and when the program asks you to replace textures, click “Skip all”.

7. By default, the model opens as a point with dimensions on the sides of 1 mm. We immediately set more or less intelligible parameters.

8. Open elements are adjusted to your size and grouped.

9. Last thing. we apply textures, model the scene (optional), “name” the model and save it to the library for future use.

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