Standard fart. Removing Classic Shell

Classic Start Menu for Windows 10 ( Classic Shell) is a program designed to return to latest versions Standard Visual Display OS Windows elements for more convenient operation of the device. After all, the tiled version of the Start menu has a changed arrangement of icons, new names of options and other updated elements that make working with the operating system more difficult.

The program not only returns the classic menu design, but also makes extensive customization of parameters and styles. Simple and at the same time functional utility will allow:

  • return the Start menu to its usual design;
  • simplify operation Windows functions 10;
  • learn about free memory in information “data state”;
  • independently adjust the location of shortcuts and programs by dragging and dropping with the mouse;
  • return additional tools to Explorer;
  • restore the usual search bar;
  • expand options for setting functionality and visual characteristics;
  • get recently opened documents displayed in favorites;
  • return familiar gadgets to the menu.

The program has fine settings, thanks to which the user can not only restore his favorite menu type, but also adjust the operation of the utility to his personal wishes.

The utility also adds the following commands: go to the root directory, display folder properties. Working with files is carried out using commands context menu and mice.

Advantages and disadvantages

Whether it’s worth using the program or whether it would be a better option to get acquainted with the new version of Starter in Windows 10 can be determined by comparing the positive and negative characteristics of the utility:

  • simplicity of the installation and configuration process;
  • Russified interface;
  • small system requirements;
  • the opportunity to get a licensed version for free;
  • the presence of functions that allow you to change the appearance of the program.
  • decrease in performance Windows systems 10;
  • negative impact on battery life.

How to use

First you need to download the file. Afterwards, the program needs to be installed. This is quite simple to do - you need to left-click on the file twice and then follow the instructions of the wizard. At standard procedure a set of elements responsible for visual display and functions will be installed.

For manual settings program, you need to pay attention to the elements Classic Start Menu and Classic Shell Update, because they are responsible for the visual design and functionality. To adjust appearance explorer and browser, it is important that the Classic Explorer and Classic IE elements are active.

As a result, a window with options for settings will appear on the screen. You can set up the operation of a new launch both immediately and after the start of operation. The program will automatically start displaying the interface in Russian or English language(depending on which language is enabled).

Of course, among all the utilities designed to set a standard Start menu style, this program is one of the simplest and most convenient. It has standard settings, which allows you to start using it immediately after installation. The utility also functions in the system using a minimum of resources, so it can be used even on low-power computers and laptops.


In this video you will get acquainted with the main features of the program, and also receive detailed instructions regarding its settings:


If you want to return the Start menu to its usual visual design and functionality, then download the utility for Windows 10 from our link. The download of the program will be completely free.

Classic Shell - free program to return the previous appearance of the classic Start menu in the operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista. The program changes the visual display of elements operating system Windows for more convenient use.

Many users experience inconvenience when using the Start menu due to the fact that the Windows developer, Microsoft company Constantly changes the settings, options, and appearance of the Start menu.

Therefore, many users want to return the classic Start menu for the operating systems Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8. In the Windows 7 operating system, users change the appearance of the Start menu in the style of the Windows XP operating system.

The free Classic Shell program returns the classic look of the Start menu and allows you to make extensive settings for the display of styles, options and design of the start menu.

The Classic Shell program consists of three components:

  • Classic Start Menu - return of the classic Start menu
  • Classic Explorer - Adding a Toolbar to Windows Explorer
  • Classic IE - customizing panels in the browser Internet Explorer

In this article we will look at the operation of the Classic Start Menu component, which allows you to create the old Start menu in the Windows operating system. Not all users need other program components.

The Classic Shell program works in Russian. You can download the Classic Shell program from the official website of the developer. On the downloads page, select the “Classic Shell x.x.x (Russian)” file to download to your computer.

Installing Classic Shell

Installation of the Classic Shell program occurs in Russian and does not cause any difficulties. Go through the Classic Shell installation wizard one by one.

In the Custom Installation window, you must select application components to install on your computer. By default, all components are selected for installation.

We want to bring back the classic Start menu, so we only need to keep the “Classic Start Menu” and “Classic Shell Update” components (for automatic updates).

The “Classic Explorer” and “Classic IE” components change the appearance of Explorer and Internet browser Explorer, and not all users need such changes. Therefore, disable the installation of these components.

Classic Shell for Windows 10

After left-clicking on the Start menu, you will see the classic Windows 7-style Start menu installed in the Windows 10 operating system. This is what the Start menu looks like with default settings.

The classic Start menu for Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 will look similar.

Setting up Classic Shell

After installing the application, the “Classic Start Menu Options” window will open. In this window, all program parameters are configured.

You can change Classic Shell settings at any time. To do this, click right click mouse on the “Start” menu, and select “Settings” in the context menu.

In the “Start Menu Style” tab, you can select a classic style for the Start menu in the style of the Windows XP or Windows 7 operating systems.

With default settings, the standard Start button is displayed on the Desktop. Instead of the button image from the operating system, you can set the image from Classic Shell (two options) or add your own image if you have a similar image.

By default, the main settings in the program are made in the tabs: “Start Menu Style”, “Basic Settings”, Cover”, “Start Menu Customization”.

Check the box next to “Show all parameters” to configure other parameters in the Classic Shell program.

After this, they will become available additional settings in the tabs: “Menu View”, “Start Button”, “Taskbar”, “ Windows Settings 10", "Context menu", "Sounds", "Language", "Controls", "Main menu", "General behavior", "Search field".

Although the program is configured optimally by default, the user can independently change the application settings to suit his needs by experimenting with the settings. To do this, select the settings, see what happened after changing them. If it turns out that you went a little overboard with the settings changes, you can return the program settings to their defaults.

In the application settings you can hide unnecessary functions, change the display of items and icons, change the order of items, remove items from the Start menu.

To do this, select the element, select a command and display. After right-clicking on the desired element, select additional functions.

In the “Cover” tab you can select a cover for standard menu"Start". By default, Windows 10 uses the Metro skin. You can choose from other skins: Windows Aero, Metallic, Midnight or Windows 8, a minimalist Classic Skin or No Skin.

Classic Shell parameter settings can be saved to an XML file in order to load settings from this file when new installation Classic Shell programs. To do this, use the “Archive parameters” button, select the desired option: “Save to XML file” or “Load from XML file" To reset the program's settings to default, select "Reset all settings."

Removing Classic Shell

Classic Shell program is uninstalled in a standard way. If the program was not uninstalled correctly, or some problems arose during the uninstallation process, use a special utility that can be downloaded from here.


The free Classic Shell program installs an alternative (formerly classic) Start menu in the Windows operating system. After installing the program on the computer, the user can return the classic appearance of the Start menu in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, and make other changes to the appearance and settings of the start menu.

Quote: asdf

this is necessary to turn your computer into a “black box”, so that the information is unstructured and you do not understand what and why you have it installed, so that you can easily install whatever you want from the “control center”, and you do not notice anything, in order to make a service search and indexing cannot be disabled as an essential part of the menu. You find the software you need by searching and be happy, the rest is none of your business. This is also due to the wild growth in the size of the distribution, confusion and a large number of folders and subfolders, repeated assignments, and logically poorly structured. Everything is done to ensure that even highly qualified specialists cannot understand and track what is happening on their computer. Your computer is being turned into a terminal for providing some kind of computing and information services. At the same time, your actions are absolutely transparent to the “control center”, and you have no guarantees - you can experience a “denial of service” at any time. All your content is indexed by the search service and the list is transferred to the control center, which at any time can remove any “sedition” from all computers in the world, check the “world” for the presence of files with certain keywords.

Essentially the same menu. What happened? From the point of view of the theory of algorithms, they expanded a hierarchical, multi-level menu into a linear list... and display this list in a small window, so that only a small part is visible at a time. This objectively worsens the perception of information. Imagine, in a movie theater you are required to wear a diving mask, so you can see only part of the screen, the rest is hidden by the mask, and you have to constantly turn your head and see only part of the film. It's the same here. Only brainwashing-resistant idiots can consider this an innovation - this is a clear cut in functionality. Menu search can be implemented separately. .... and the only reason for this is so that the user psychologically gets used to considering his computer a “black box”, which he does not control and does not have a complete picture of the filling of.

And many Linuxes, especially Ubuntu, follow the same path - turning the system into a non-customizable black box with limited functionality... and bells and whistles that attract "progressive idiots"

It’s such rare delusional and paranoid nonsense that it’s disgusting to read. Win since 3.11 was like this, ideologically nothing has changed, suffering from the transition from XP to Win 7, my sincere misunderstanding - I did not experience absolutely any discomfort, everything is really intuitive. A friend who likes Vista and doesn’t like 7 just crawled under the table - even the small ones themselves admitted the failure of Vista and Millennium and said that 7 is what Vista should have been. Glitchy clumsy slow shit

With the transition to the tenth modification of the Windows operating system, most users were very happy that the “Start” button, which was absent in the eighth version, again appeared in the system interface. However, the menu itself combines both the classic look and the innovations of Windows 8. This concerns a large number of unnecessary tiles with links to services, services and programs. And many users would like to return the classic Start menu to Windows 10, so that the existing one does not clutter the Desktop. How to do this will be discussed further. The average user can be offered three simple options.

Price issue

The user audience regarding innovations in the main menu was divided into two camps. On the one hand, it is argued that in terms of management it has become more convenient, because you can pin your own frequently used programs in it without the need to display a shortcut on the “Desktop” or pin applications to the “Quick Launch Panel”.

On the other hand, it is believed that the menu takes up too much space on the screen, and many tiles are animated, which somewhat distracts from the work. However, each user has their own preferences. However, for those who want to restore the classic look of the main menu, there are some simple solutions.

How to make the classic “Start” in Windows 10 in the simplest way?

Let's start with the most basic things. As you can see, immediately after installing the system on the computer, the main menu has enough big size. But this absolutely does not mean that it cannot be changed.

In other words, in the question of how to make a classic “Start” in Windows 10, you can start from this. To resize, place the cursor on the edge or corner of the menu window and drag to the left (or down, if necessary) to reduce the size.

Of course, the result will simply be some semblance of a classic menu, and not the option that many are accustomed to seeing. Therefore, you can create a classic Start menu for another way. The crux of the matter is to simply get rid of the tiles attached to it.

There is nothing easier than using RMB on each tile and selecting the unpin command from the context menu. When all items are removed, the menu will return to its normal appearance.

How to return the classic Start to Windows 10 using third-party programs?

But manually unpinning tiles is not always convenient. You can simplify your solution to the problem of how to make a classic “Start” in Windows 10 by using utilities specially designed for this purpose.

Among the most popular programs we can highlight Stardock Star 10, Classic Shell, iObit Start Menu, etc. All three applications are almost equivalent in their capabilities, however, many users and specialists who have tried them practical application, it is recommended to install the Classic Shell program. Firstly, it takes up minimal space and does not affect RAM even when running in the background. Secondly, the application does not cause conflicts in the system or violate any settings.

Separately, it is worth noting that with the help of this utility you can ensure that the main menu looks exactly the same as in the “old lady” Windows 98!

Possible malfunctions in the operation of the Start button and the main menu

The question of how to make a classic “Start” in Windows 10 has been sorted out. Let's look at possible failures. Sometimes you may encounter an error in the Windows 10 Start menu, when the Start button itself disappears; it happens that the menu is not called up (either by pressing the button, if there is one, or by pressing the Win key).

There are several methods to correct such failures. In the simplest case, you need to restart the Explorer service in the Task Manager.

You can use the EnableXAMLStartMenu registry key and set it to "0" instead of one (if there is no such key, you need to create a corresponding DWORD value). Application also helps special teams in the PowerShell console. Sometimes it may be necessary to remove one of the installed updates and then block it.

But all this seems too complicated for the average user. Therefore, it is better to download a small program called Start Menu from the official Microsoft website, which, after launch, will correct all errors.


In general, there is nothing particularly difficult about changing the new Start menu view to the classic version. As for errors and failures, the easiest way is to download special utility, so as not to experiment with the registry and the PowerShell console (especially since not everyone knows how to handle these system tools).

In terms of changes to the menu itself, they will do just fine special programs, since in the background they have virtually no effect on RAM or processor load (this, so to speak, is for the laziest who do not want to deal with deleting tiles manually). True, they will always be located not only in the list of active processes and services, but in the system tray, but you will have to come to terms with this.


Whatever one may say, habits stay with us for a long time. So, having used it for a long time Windows time 7, there is no particular desire to abandon its familiar environment when moving to a new version of Windows.

And in Windows 10, as we know, the Start menu interface has been significantly redesigned. In general, it was changed back in Windows 8, but some users are switching to Windows 10 straight from Windows 7, delaying the upgrade process until the last minute.

It is clear that everything new a priori cannot be the best, so the same can be said regarding the Start menu in Windows 10, at least this is the opinion of some users, including the author of these lines.

But the situation with Windows menu 10 is not fatal, but fixable. Menu design and functionality Windows Start 10 is completely refundable. And the process of returning the good old Start menu, which has delighted users since time immemorial, will be described in the best traditions of the site resource

Making the Windows 10 Start menu exactly the same as it was in Windows 7

To accomplish this task, we need to use a free and, importantly, Russian-language interface program called Classic Shell.

This program consists of several modules that are selected during installation. Let's take a closer look at which modules are responsible for what and what exactly we need in order to return the design and functionality of Start in 10, similar to what was in Windows 7.

  • Classic Explorer– using this module you can return the design file explorer, which was in Windows earlier, before Windows 10, 8
  • Classic Start Menu– this module is responsible for returning the Start menu, it must be installed without fail (the rest are optional)
  • Classic IE– as you might guess, this module is responsible for setting up the interface Internet browser Explorer, which is built into Windows by default.
  • Classic Shell Update– this module is responsible for the ability to update the utility itself, checking the output new version through the Internet

After downloading and installing the utility, you need to configure it. As soon as you click on the Start menu, a settings window will be displayed.

In the first tab, which is called Start menu styles, you can select the desired design of both the Start menu itself and the button that calls it.

In the main settings tab, you can set the behavior of the menu when you click on certain items, display recent or frequently used programs, configure when you click on the shutdown item, and some other parameters.

On the cover tab, you can select the menu design and customize its accompanying elements.

And the Start menu customization tab allows you to specify which menu items and options should be displayed and which should be hidden.

It is worth noting that this is not a complete list of all possible settings, which can be configured in this program. If you check the box Show all options, then your eyes will see where larger number options and settings that can be changed thanks to the program.

A truly flexible and powerful solution with which you can not only return the original design and functionality of the Start menu that was available in Windows 7, but also flexibly customize it for yourself.