What update is safe to install on windows 8.1. Plugs for non-recommended Windows updates. What could see Microsoft with these changes

When Windows 8.1 Update update has been released last month, Microsoft has grown surprise: if you want to receive updates in the future windows security 8.1, you first need to install Win8.1 Update.

The requirement is unlike anything else in windows Stories - And it was complicated by the game of words and continue problems with installing Win8.1 Update.

But there is a positive moment in this: Windows is developing before our eyes.

First, a remark about the repellent terminology of Microsoft! Windows 8.1 Update.(Windows 8.1 update) - from the capital letter U. - It is essentially a separate special patch for Windows 8.1. This patch, April 8 in Tuesday ("Tuesday Patches") laid the beginning of the series.

Being important This patch can be obtained in several ways. Most Windows 8.1 users of individual or representing small business will see KB 2919355 through the Windows Update service. This is a service from updating in favor of Windows 8.1, which was carried out through Windows Store. (Windows Store). You can also download Win8.1 Update with MSDN if you have one expensive subscriptions, or through a corporate connection with Windows Server Update. SERVICES (WSUS) from Microsoft. If your company has acquired corporate licenses, you can connect to the Volume Licensing Service Center from Microsoft. Some of those versions are slightly different from KB 2919355. But for the purposes of this discussion, KB 2919355 - this is "Windows 8.1 Update".

Win8.1 Update. is not Service Package! As a rule, service windows packages Contain cumulative corrections and several new features. Before they are implemented, they are relentlessly tested both inside and outside Microsoft. Windows 8.1 was not a service package, but it also passed through a long test period. It was released a year after Windows 8.

Windows 8.1 Update may not have been checking the same level; It was released about five months after Windows 8.1.

In fact, nor Win 8.1, nor Win 8.1 Update qualifies as a service package simply because Microsoft did not label them in this way. The naming of the update "service pack" attaches an important difference. When Microsoft releases service packages for existing products, the company updates them with new patchs for at least two years according to the topic of Microsoft Products Support Policies. There is no official policy for simultaneous releases or from the "update" discharge.

Thirdly, Microsoft is going to continue to make patches for Windows 8.1. It just will not give the average user to receive these Windows updates. It's offensive.

All this comes down to trust - mainly in relation to the ongoing support from Microsoft certain versions Windows and supply of stable platforms (provision of simultaneous releases, updates of simultaneous releases, updates to updates, etc.). Recent news that Supports Windows 8.1 will end so soon, it was like a thunder among the clear sky - essentially when Windows 8.1 Update and came out. As far as I know (and I am sure you will correct me if I am wrong!), Extremely accelerated deadline for completion supports Windows 8.1 - in the history of Windows at all first. As noted, even when products were updated by large service packages, Microsoft always released sample patches preceding service packages for one or more years.

But again, nor Windows 8.1, nor Windows 8.1 Update is the official "service pack". Thus, Microsoft can set the rules along the way.

Administrators in enterprises are littered with work. If you are responsible for several hundred (or thousands, or one hundred thousand) computers, and you need to be sure that they continue to work, you need to fully test patches before they are distributed. Windows 8.1 Update This is a great change - that which may require significant testing and, possibly retraining for a large number of Windows users.

For those administrators who installed Windows 8.1, there is very little time to deploy Windows 8.1 Update and in order to maintain the relevance of the latest security patches. (What is even more strange, Windows 8.0 systems will continue to receive updates for two years.)

The change is a good action - especially if it seems that the work on your main product is a cat under the tail. But the product of large, undeclared, sudden and actually forced changes, as those associated with Windows 8.1 Update, will not add any friends or customers.

For what canseek Microsoft with these changes

We would well feel about the future Windows if we had a kind of action plan. But Microsoft did not provide him. Collecting information about recent changes and many rumors around it, I came to several conclusions. They can be correct, they may be erroneous. But they are based on multi-year observation of Microsoft.

First, Microsoft is clearly trying to gain the rate of updates. This is declared, confirmed and played well. This is what is not entirely clear: what will be with Windows users who do not install systematically relatively fast new modified versions of Windows? Or, as in the case of Windows 8.1 Update, they will not be able Install the latest and best.

Secondly, it seems that Microsoft quickly seeks to the so-called three-servers branch Windows. It is likely to happen with Windows 9. This is a rotation of 180 degrees from the Windows 8 strategy about the Unified user interface For all devices.

I spoke about the multiple editions of Windows in February 27, "turmoil in Microsoft: Implications for Windows users." Speaking in two words, there were rumors and leaks of information that the next main starting Windows (Under the code name "Threshold" ("Benefit", or "Beginning"), the show of which is expected at the beginning or mid-2015) will be separated into three versions.

If the assumption is true, then the Metro version will be the desktop version, and what I like to pronounce, the version "Old Fogy's" (OFV) (for old-fashioned). The first two will receive frequent updates - perhaps every few months. OFV will receive security patches and other corrections, but nic functional improvements. Significant improvements in the functional in OFV will appear only with the main updates - maybe every one - three years.

The plan relative to the approach with three versions seems clear - and somewhat original, given the current state of Windows 8. Again, keep in mind that all this is an assumption. Microsoft practically said nothing that will be after Windows 8.1 Update. However, this is how it looks with my position.

Microsoft will create a version of Windows 9 - let's on this moment Let's call it Win9 Mobile, - designed for sensory portable devices, mostly on the ones we now call tablets and phones. I foresee what this version will be very reminded today's Metro. This version will absorb Windows RT, which will disappear from the ruler. There she and the road!

The second version that we mark as Win9 Personal, It will be focused primarily on people and small businesses that remain solid keyboard and mouse adherents. My assumption is that Personal will be surprisingly similar to the present Windows 8.1 Update, but with two main additions: a reborn "Start" menu and Metro floating windows on the desktop.

It is about the same scheme that the head of Windows Terry Terry Miererson showed at the recent Microsoft Build () conference. Then Myerson promised that Microsoft would make these functions available to all Windows 8.1 users as an update. " (Yes, it would be possible to call it Windows 8.1 Update Update, which undoubtedly extends to the Exception Department department.) Most likely, those frequent updates will be necessary.

The OLD Fogy's version (I have to mark it as a trademark), it is intended for companies that do not want to hold a regular championship of self-catering, updating all PCs every few months. As noted above, the OLD Fogy's version will receive security patches, but there will be no significant "improvements" in the user interface.

To some extent requirement windows installations 8.1 Update reflects the approach with three versions. As stated if you have Windows 8.1, you must install Windows 8.1 Update to get new patches (the essence of the Win9 Mobile and Personal approach). If you are using Windows 8, you do not need to do anything - Microsoft will continue to release security patches for Windows 8, but the user interface will remain unchanged (as with OFV).

Together with the three versions of Windows 9, I also expect to see that Microsoft will hand out on hiring , just as it happens now with Office. I have no idea how it will succeed, but with Office 365 Microsoft has success. Thus, Windows 365 could fit on a scenario of the update racing. Apparently, you would not have to use patches - they would simply appear magically.

Again, I do not have official information about all this. This is just a logical forecast (one of many possible options Development of events) From what we saw and that a little turned out to be revealed by Microsoft. But the new rules for installing Updates from Microsoft regarding Windows 8 / 8.1 / 8.1 Update, with all possible disadvantages, fit well into the idea of \u200b\u200bthree windows versions 9.

Some important decisions you need to take in the near future

What to do Windows 8 users who are not connected to corporate Server WSUS?

If Microsoft did not change his mind (we can always hope), you only have two possibilities:

Regarding Windows 8.0. : If you still have Windows 8 (i.e. if you are not installed Win8.1), you can stay on Windows 8. Many companies will do this way; They are not satisfied with the uncertainty with future windows changes 8.1 Either a sign that Microsoft changes the established rules of updates along the way. People will have to decide whether stability is preferable in comparison with significant advantages of Windows 8.1 Update. But if stability is key to you, I would say that you would be more winned with Windows 7.

About switching to Windows 8.1 Update : If you have already installed Windows 8.1, Microsoft made a choice for you. If you are important to security, sometime between the current moment and the 13th of May you have to be installed and should already earn Windows 8.1 Update. For most people, this means using the KB 2919355 patch through Windows Update or Microsoft Update. For some people, this process will not be pleasant. I have not seen any failures of the KB 2919355 on the machines, but there were a lot of people who have spent many hours in vain to install it.

Honest criticism of Windows 8

I launched Windows 8 on my main manufacturing machine before operating system was released. I installed Windows 8.1 as soon as he went to MSDN, and I passed on Windows 8.1 Update at the end of March, when probable final bits were selected. I used Windows 8 and 8.1 - and I now use Win8.1 Update - every day and throughout the day. I am writing books about all versions of Windows 8. Ha, I am writing books with the OS. I am writing a lot, and that means Windows I chase mercilessly.

You are probably familiar with my continuing criticism of Windows 8, and I certainly think she is deserved. I believe that the former head of Windows Steve Sinofsky and the team missed his chance when put a metro-interface to our throat. They used the whip, not a gingerbread. I am convinced that the output of Windows 8 lowered Windows to an unprecedented low point. Yes, even lower than Windows ME. This says something.

But you know what? Windows 8 gets better. To changes in version 8.1, perhaps I remained cold, but I have a slightly warmer feeling towards Windows 8.1 Update. Despite the fact that there are less changes than I would like, they allow (although not particularly simple) do not intersect with Metro and still perform some work. I would not say that Win8.1 Update is significantly better than Windows 7 for the type of work I do, but it is not bad - and there are some functions that actually work better than they worked in Win7.

I guess that the understanding returned when - oh, Lord, help! - I attached metro app On the taskbar of your desktop. (Do not tell anyone, okay? I have a reputation that should not suffer.) I decided to find out the weather forecast will be easier using the application Weather in Windows 8 than opening the browser and click the bookmark or making phone unlock and pressing the application icon .

Yes, I know that the application looks funny when it is deployed on full Screen On a 30-inch monitor, but with Windows 8.1 Update it takes only a few seconds to start the application the weather from the taskbar, to see what will be the next weekend, and then click the cross to return to work on the desktop.

Sometimes new is better. While Microsoft allows me to mess around with Metro - and does not stick it to my throat - I could still attach some Win8 app. It may well be!

Windows 8.1 automatically sets important updates immediately after their appearance. In addition, you can configure Windows Update for automatic installation Recommended updates and notifications about their availability.

In addition, you should specify that Microsoft Update must be enabled in order to download updates for other Microsoft products. Optional updates, such as Language Packages and Updates with Microsoft Update, are not automatically installed.

What happened to the Windows Update Web Site?

Websites www.windowsupdate.com or update.microsoft.com are no longer required to use the Windows Update Center. Instead, all actions related to the Windows Update service can be performed in the window Computer Parameters.

And then Update and recovery.

How to enable automatic update Windows 8.1

If the automatic update was not turned on when the computer is first started, at any time you can change the settings in windows service Update.

To enable automatic update

  1. Change computer settingsand then button Update and recovery.
  2. Press or click Edit Method Change.
  3. In chapter Important updates Select the appropriate option.
  4. In chapter Recommended updates Check the box Add recommended updates as well as important updatesAnd then click Apply.

Should I check for updates

If you are using automatic updateYou do not need to check the availability of critical and recommended updates. The Windows Update Center will check the updates and set them when they are ready.

If you do not use an automatic update, you must independently check the availability of updates at least once a week. Important updates are usually published once a month. However, updates can be released at any time.

Regardless of the settings, some updates are not automatically installed. This applies to optional updates and updates that need new conditions for use. When these updates are available, the Windows Update service will display a message that they are ready to install.

To check availability

  1. Launch windows program Update, quickly sliding your finger from the right edge to the center of the screen (if you use the mouse, hover the pointer to the right bottom corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up) by pressing the parameters → Change computer settingsand then click Update and recovery.
  2. Click Check nowand then wait until Windows search recent updates For your computer.
  3. If updates are found, click Install updates.

Read and accept the conditions license AgreementAnd then click Finish, if required.

Note: To complete the installation of some updates, you may need to restart the computer. Before starting, save and close all files and applications so as not to lose any data.

How much is the automatic update of Windows

Windows Update is provided free of charge. However, depending on the method of accrualing the Internet connection board, the freight charge or the time required to download updates may be charged.

How to find out which updates were installed

The Windows Update service is kept history of updatesSo that you can check which updates were installed and when it happened. You can also delete selected updates from this list, but this is necessary only for good reasons.

To view the update history

  1. Run the Windows Update program, quickly sliding your finger from the right edge to the screen center (if you use the mouse, hover the pointer to the right bottom corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up) by clicking the parameters button → Change computer settingsand then click Update and recovery.
  2. Click View update log.

It is necessary to restart the computer after the update

The system will inform you on the input screen, whether you need to restart the computer to complete the update installation: the option offers immediate reboot and the option to postpone for later, up to 3 days.

If you are away from the computer for a long time, windows system Automatically restart the computer to complete the update setting.

To explore and immediately wanted to update it to Windows 8.1. Now I will tell you how to do it and what problems may arise.

Now I will tell my story. For testing, I immediately downloaded Windows 8 Enterprise, but what I did not, the new version did not appear in the store. As I understood to update corporate Windows, you need to pay money ...

Beating, because I spent 2 hours, I decided to establish a professional version.

That's what I did to upgrade Windows 8 to Windows 8.1:

1. Download and install the update KB 2871839. You can download by selecting the desired version.

2. After installing and restarting the computer, it is best to go to Internet Explorer and write in the address: MS-Windows-Store: WindowsUpgrade

A shop will open in which you can download it. See below.

What to do if Windows 8 does not appear in the store?

You may encounter the fact that.

If there is still no Windows 8.1 in the store, then you can have an outdated cache, it can be cleaned by entering the wsreset.exe command in the Command (Win + R) or entered in the search in the right pop-up panel.

And also try to turn off antiviruses, firewalls and all do not need programs for a while.

How to update windows 8 to windows 8.1?

But how it is done according to the standard:

We go to the start (if you did not go on the MS-Windows-Store link: WindowsUpgrade) and choose the store.

There will be a sign with information about downloading Windows 8.1. Click Download.

Way to download and install.

Then she asks reboot. Reboot.

After launch, we agree with the license.

Select standard parameters. If you want to change, click Configure.

If you do not have a Microsoft account, you click to use the existing account.

After the actions made, Windows 8.1 will appear

Here are such simple actions you can upgrade Windows 8 to Windows 8.1.

Microsoft, even though we were slightly silent, but you probably already know, released Windows 8.1 Preview for public testing, now it is available as free update For all users of Windows 8.

If you have already updated your car to Windows 8.1 or you plan to go to in the near future, you can evaluate the list 50 important functionspresented in fresh release 8.1.

Start: Microsoft listened to numerous complaints and restored the Start button in their rights to Windows 8 to assist in fast switching on the initial screen. Sufficiently click right-click Mouse on the Start button to see the Power User Menu (Windows + X Menu), in which the shutdown option, reboot and some other actions are hidden.

Install background desktop pattern as starting screen: 8.1 Equipped with the ability to automatically set the desktop background as a start-screen background. When you change the desktop background, Windows automatically copies this image to the start screen.

Using a leek screen as a frame for image: The lock screen can now be applied as a frame to output your own photo archive with local disk, as well as through SkyDrive.

Little tiles On the starting screen: the option of placement on this screen of tiny tiles of applications appeared (without notifications in them).

"Very big" tiles On start-screen: Some tiles on the start screen, such as stocks, social notifications and weather support additional tiles of large dimensions.

Ability to disable the Charms panel: The option is present in the taskbar and navigation settings. Panels appear when you hover the mouse cursor to the upper or lower right corners of the screen.

: In Windows 8.1, you do not need to open the CHARMS settings to access the shutdown and reboot. Press the "Win" + x "x" keys or right-click on the Start button to turn off and restart the device.

New PC (PC Settings): The updated panel 8.1 has gained easy access to all device settings, you do not need to climb the old control panel. In new parameters, you can now: Change the display resolution, power parameters, clarify the brand and PC model, change the product key, start installing updates and even join the domain. Plus there is a SkyDrive control and viewing an accessible place.

Internet Explorer. 11 : IE11 created on the basis of developments from IE10. Improved work on touchscreen, accelerated page loading and access is available to synchronize different devices at 8.1.

Moving images As background initial screen: Start-screen now supports the installation of moving images, there is nothing to decorate your workspace.

Deleting applications from multiple computers: If you use the same account microsoft recording On several of your computers, you can "alone" remove all applications from all machines.

New Skydrive: The updated SkyDrive makes it easy to view and manage files in your cloud storage.

Boot screen of colored fish: The preliminary version included a boot screen in its composition, but it will certainly cut out in the coming RTM assembly.

Changing the size of the application: Now you can change the size of the application as you like, like desktop programs.

All applications at the start: Press the button with the down arrow or slide the down screen, you can immediately see everything installed applications.

Backlight recently installed applications: The start screen now highlights new applications for quick access to them.

(Boot to Desktop): When this option is enabled, Windows 8.1 is loaded directly to the desktop, bypassing the start screen, unsuitable on the desktop machines.

Start screen synchronization: Users can synchronize applications, tiles and start-screen layouts with other registered PCs on Windows 8 C accounting Microsoft.

Download manager in Metro version IE11: The last update of Internet Explorer 11 includes a download manager that can be obtained using a Ctrl + J key combination.

New starting screen settings: Windows 8.1 includes new starting screen templates, background drawings, including animated.

Built-in gesture support: Unlike Windows 8, a new version Does not require the installation of drivers to enable support for touchpad gestures. All gestures touchpad Supported from the box.

Specified access (Assigned Access): new feature In 8.1 (including RT) to limit the user's capabilities. Only one application from the Windows Store remains open.

Synchronization of tabs in IE11: Internet Explorer 11 supports the synchronization of tabs in several devices on 8.1. You must log in to your Microsoft account to activate this feature.

Updated Windows Store: The updated store now offers over a million applications.

Monitoring network behavior: Windows security officer ( Windows Defender.) I got the option of monitoring network behavior to detect and stop well-known and some unknown malicious applications. IE 11 has learned to scan extensions of type ActiveX just for this purpose.

Access point for connection: Any device that has been updated Windows 8.1 and connected to the Internet is able to become a wireless access point for ten other devices.

READING LIST: Functionality is intended for a split screen mode (SNAP View), side-side with other applications, supported up to three applications.

Support for several monitors For applications: Modern applications now fully support work on multiple monitors.

Auto updates fresh versions Applications: Windows 8.1 automatically checks and updates all installed applications and does not require manual intervention.

application Outlook for Windows RT: The update brought the RT version of the Outlook 2013 application for the corresponding modification of the operating system;

Multiple copies of applications: In Windows 8.1, it was possible to open several copies of one application on the screen at once (applications with the "modern" modern-interface). This is in addition to changing their size.

Powerful search: In addition to local files, the search in Windows 8.1 tries to show all the results, taking into account the SkyDrive and Bing base.

Alarm application: Windows 8.1 got a beautiful alarm clock application.

Delete multiple applications: Now you can choose multiple applications on the starting screen and delete everything at once.

Calculator application: In addition to the usual calculator, Windows 8.1 includes a modern version of the calculator.

Application for scanning: free app To scan documents and photos, a scanner is required.

App meal and drinks: Free app to find dishes and drinks. It allows you to manage your recipes, plan the power mode and shopping list.

Appendix Help and Tips: The application provides assistance and tips for convenient use of Windows 8.1 and all the system features.

READING LIST.: We have already talked about one option of the same name. This feature is available as a chip only for modern internet version Explorer, it looks like read later. Particularly interesting for users of tablets using Modern UI.

Dictaphone (Sound Recorder): As follows from the name, convenient application To record sound in Windows 8.1.

Application Health and Fitness: one of the most useful applications In Windows 8.1. In addition to this, there is a small sports tracker for sports.

Starting the camera from the lock screen: Access to the camera directly from the lock screen, even if your computer is blocked.

Removable device as a location for saving the default files: The function allows you to configure Windows 8.1 to save files to a removable disk.

Viewing SKYDRIVE Scene: No longer need to open SkyDrive to analyze the volume of busy and free space in the SkyDrive storage. As we have already mentioned, everything is in PC parameters (PC Settings).

Saving files on SkyDrive by default: when you turn on this windows features 8.1 Allows you to save files in SkyDrive by default, and not in local folder with documents.

Quiet clock: The application for pauses notifications to the specified clock. For example, at night.

In addition to the above mentioned features, there is still whole line functions designed specifically for business purposes. Comment on the most important innovation for you Windows 8.1 below.