Software for web design. Design programs, software for designers. DrawPlus Starter Edition by Serif - Free graphic design software for Windows

In this article, I decided to review software for website design, as well as the tools that a web designer encounters in his work.

Such tools not only help make work better, but also make work easier and save our precious time. Nowadays, there are more and more such programs, I will tell you about those that I myself directly encounter with.

Web design

Web design is a type graphic design in the field of web development focused on the production of websites and the creation of web applications.

On the one hand, a web designer needs to be able to correctly place graphic and text elements of a website using the hypertext markup language HTML, and know the technical intricacies, on the other hand. In other words, a website designer must be both a web programmer and an artist.

Tools and Tools for Web Design

I will try to list the main programs that I come across most often when developing web projects. Let's start with tools for entering code, creating, layout and layout of the site.

Adobe Dreamweaver– a popular HTML editor, with support for programming languages ​​DHTML, PHP, JavaScript, Ajax, CSS styles, and others. This program includes a content management system, supports working with scripts and can optimize web pages for various browsers.

The Dreamweaver window is divided into two areas:

  • HTML program code is displayed at the top of the screen;
  • The site being created is located at the bottom.

Notepad++– convenient and simple, and most importantly free text editor for programmers and web designers, works with a variety of programming languages, has syntax highlighting with convenient tag entry.

After marking up the project layout, you need to think about graphic elements and try to make the web resource beautiful. The most popular graphics editor is Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop is a powerful program with rich functionality for processing and editing raster images of various graphic formats. When creating websites, you have to devote most of your time to this program, since with its help you can perform many operations:

  • image processing;
  • photomontage;
  • drawing;
  • retouching;
  • color correction;
  • graphics transformation;
  • apply various filters and much more.

If it is necessary to integrate animation elements into the project, then it is necessary to use programs for creating flash animation.

Adobe Flashsoftware to create animation works, interactive buttons, banners, using object-oriented animation tools. An example of one of my flash works:

Server platform and software environment

Next, we need a platform to test the project for local computer. There are many local servers for initial placement and testing of a web project. Started using the software shell Denwer, which includes Apache, PHP, MySQL, Perl, PostgreSQL.

IN Lately I use a more functional portable server platform with a rich set of services and functions Open Server, which includes: Apache, Bind, Nginx, MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, Memcached, PHP, ImageMagick, Ghostscript, Sendmail, Adminer, PHPMyAdmin, etc.

To accommodate file structure site on the hosting server will be useful to us FTP FileZilla, with which you can easily connect to an FTP server and work with files. Although all modern hosting services have this functionality in your personal account.

At the testing and debugging stage, the well-known Internet browsers : Mozilla FireFox, Opera and Google Chrome.

For advanced web programmers

For more advanced programmers, the development environment will be useful NetBeans, which supports programming languages ​​such as: Java, C, C++, PHP, Python, JavaScript, etc.

NetBeans is completely free and includes the necessary features and tools to create professional web projects and mobile applications.

This is not the entire list of programs that you have to deal with when creating websites. There are also programs for working with fonts, creating buttons, banners, utilities for optimizing and simplifying program code, tools for checking the correctness of web pages, graphic systems for creating three-dimensional images and many others, not to mention tools.

Web design is one of the most versatile human endeavors. On the one hand, the rules of the hypertext markup language - HTML - are extremely simple, and anyone can learn their basics in a couple of days. On the other hand, there are a lot of technical subtleties, tricks and pitfalls sufficient to turn good work into useless typing. At the same time, the task is to conveniently and clearly place data on the page - and this is no longer accessible to everyone. Finally, the site must be simply beautiful, that is, the programmer must also become an artist...

You can create a simple web page in five minutes, but it takes years to improve. In addition, the published work is open to everyone - and, unlike other areas of programming, there are almost no "shop secrets" in this one. In such conditions, design tools are important - and you will find them on our DVD.

Web design tools

A common belief among some designers is that “real” web designers work in Notepad. I honestly admit that I don’t understand how the ability to create additional difficulties for oneself is connected with professionalism! I believe that somewhere there are fans of screwing nails with screwdrivers, lovers of riding a bicycle in stilettos, and experts in eating soup with chopsticks, but this text is definitely not for them.

So what does a webmaster's arsenal consist of? Firstly, it is an editor with syntax highlighting and convenient tag entry. There are two types of such editors: graphical (WYSIWYG principle - what you see is what you get) and for direct input of HTML code. Using the former, you can quickly create a web page and easily change it, the latter allow you to write correct and compact code and are not limited in creation tools. As a rule, such programs are capable of independently launching a written page in a browser and uploading it to the network, automatically creating tables and other standard tag structures.

The list of tools does not end there: page compression tools that can remove extra spaces and other unnecessary characters are important for the designer. The page source code becomes less readable, but the size is reduced. Another popular tool is programs for checking the correctness of web pages. Even if a site displays well in browsers, it may not meet the standard - and this often leads to problems in the near future.

Web Designer Tools

Editor's Choice

HateML Pro

Version: 1.105

License: freely distributed

Language: English

An excellent editor for a web programmer, supporting HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, VB Script, XML and even SQL. The program offers to work with source code page or script is convenient and offers a whole arsenal of various tools for this. The “Tag Inspector” is especially good, allowing you to easily change and configure tag attributes. Work with styles is perfectly implemented, allowing you to both create separate files with CSS and embed styles into the page.

The program includes several options appearance, you can also personalize the program to suit your needs. In addition, there are a number of useful little things: color management, Special symbols,removing redundant characters. Unfortunately, additional functions programs do not always work stably, but this does not create big problems.

Interface: 8


Version: 1.0

License: freely distributed

Language: Russian

Great program for creating websites, allowing you to simultaneously create a page in graphical mode and change its source code. Like Firefox, this program grew out of a Mozilla project and then developed independently.

The program has all the elements necessary for web design: tables, forms and even styles. The program monitors the correctness of the code, while at the same time leaving freedom for creativity.

NVU integrates tools for checking page validity (requires a network connection) and cleaning pages from redundant characters. In addition to them, there are many different little things that make life easier when writing web pages.

Unfortunately, the program's development has stopped, so we can't expect new features.

Interface: 9

Actual Drawing

Version: 6.0

License: introductory

Language: English

This paid program contains a whole range of various tools for web design. As you can easily guess from the name, its basis is graphics editor web pages, allowing you to create a page from several graphic objects: images, blocks of text, menu items, tables, forms and the like. Each of the objects has attributes that can be easily and quickly managed.

The kit includes 16 sets of templates, which can be used to build websites with a standard structure (and there are most of them on the Internet). In the unregistered version of the program, some templates are accidentally hidden, and for a full selection you have to call the menu several times in a row.

The program has many small automation solutions built into it: converting images, changing multiple files at once, checking links. It’s nice that working with the program is based on layers: this concept allows you to create complex sites without cluttering objects.

Unfortunately, there is practically no provision for working with the source code of the page - for professional designers this can be a critical drawback. It can also stunt growth for an aspiring web developer.

Not the least contribution to the popularity of the program belongs to the help system, which describes step by step many of the procedures necessary when creating a website. The standard help is supplemented with small “recipes” that describe useful little things.

Interface: 8

Alleycode HTML Editor

Version: 2.2.0

License: freely distributed

Language: English

Alleycode HTML Editor is an example of an HTML editor that focuses on the source code of the page. We are offered to work exclusively with html, and to automate the entry of tags there is a whole set of buttons for automatically entering tags. The developers took into account the need to work not only with basic tags, but also with forms, frames, and tables. PHP is also supported.

It’s worth mentioning separately about working with styles. Alleycode HTML Editor, unlike many other tools, has wizards for working with CSS, templates for creating styles: the developers clearly expect that designers will base their work on styles.

Unfortunately, the lack of various useful little things and the ability to check the code for simple errors is striking.

Interface: 7


Version: 9.55

License: freely distributed

Language: English

A comprehensive web page graphic design program with a focus on meeting a variety of standards. Designers will find a wide range of different tags and their attributes useful. Works well with styles and XML. Unfortunately, the program's interface is not very good; the little things that are so important when working with the program on a daily basis are not always thought through.

The second purpose of the program is also interesting: Amaya allows you to easily write down mathematical expressions, and then use them in other programs and upload them to the network.

Interface: 7


Version: 5.3

License: freely distributed

Language: English

A simple editor without fundamental differences from many other tools, characterized by stable and reliable operation, as well as full set basic functions: code highlighting, convenient color input (right mouse button), a set of ready-made tags, a table creation wizard, automatic search and convenient call different browsers. In addition, the program allows you to check HTML for correctness, as well as automatically structure the code for better understanding.

Unfortunately, the latest versions of the program so far pay little attention to styles, which does not allow us to call “Arachnophilia” universal program for web designers.

Interface: 9

Matrix Y2K Website Studio 2005

Version: 1.7.7

License: freely distributed

Language: English

A full-fledged tool for web design with all the functions characteristic of this class of programs: preview, a set of tags, convenient entry of elements. At the same time, support for styles is clearly insufficient, in addition, there is a clear lack of special means for automation.

Matrix Y2K will be useful primarily to PHP programmers and, apparently, is intended for them. If you like the program, it makes sense to visit the site: a new version of the “studio” is expected in the near future.

Interface: 7

MAX's HTML Beauty++


License: freely distributed

Language: English

The development of this program was frozen back in 2003, and this is what causes the most important shortcomings of the program, for example, insufficient support for styles. Nevertheless, one cannot help but note the excellent interface of Beauty++: in appearance it looks like a regular editor, but it allows you to easily and clearly change tags, add attributes and generally change the web page. In addition, the program helps to check the correctness of the code.

Interface: 9

Enersoft SiteGenWiz Platinum

Version: 1.6

License: freely distributed

Language: English

An unusual program designed to create not individual web pages, but entire sites. First, the designer must build the structure of the future site, then choose a design, modify it to his liking and enter site-specific data. Finally, the last stage of work is website generation. Of course individual pages You can improve it after that.

SiteGenWiz cannot be considered a universal website creation tool, and for novice users it can even be harmful: if you use it exclusively, your creativity may simply disappear. However, an experienced web designer will be able to significantly simplify his work, and additional settings will help you create a unique website.

Interface: 8

Virtual Mechanics Site Spinner

Version: 1.6

License: freely distributed

Language: English

The purpose of this program is to help people who are just learning HTML: the program allows you to enter snippets of HTML code and immediately view the result.

Interface: 7


Version: 1.0

License: freely distributed

The functions of this program are extremely narrow: it allows you to structure and clean up CSS style files. In fact, the official name of the program is “Neat CSS Cascading Style Sheets.” EasyNeatly doesn't even have GUI, it has to be launched either using context menu explorer, or from command line! However, the program performs a useful and rarely seen function: it either compresses the style file for later transfer to the network, or structures it for easy editing.

Interface: 1

Total Validator

Version: 1.14

License: freely distributed

Language: English

The goal of the program is simple - to compress as much as possible HTML pages before uploading to the network. Extra spaces, other unnecessary characters, redundant information - the program erases all this, reducing the code size by 5-20%. The program implements simple but necessary little things: a backup copy is created changeable pages, compression is possible and separate files, and entire folders.

Interface: 8

Browsing the web


Version: 11.5

License: freely distributed

Language: English

A well-known browser that is not widely used in the CIS countries, but quite popular overseas. Version 11 has a wide range of functions: ad blocking, automatic filling of forms, saving an online profile, reading RSS, and the like. A wide range of functions allows browser developers to hope for the growing popularity of Avant Browser, so for a full-fledged site a test in this program is necessary.

Interface: 7

Netscape Navigator

Version: 9.0 beta

License: freely distributed

Language: English

A living legend of the world of Internet browsing, who once lost the “great battle of browsers” Internet Explorer. Not long ago, the developers announced the return of the famous program, but it was no longer possible to achieve its former popularity. A new version has a standard set of functions characteristic of modern browsers.

The developers plan to return the popularity of the program thanks to a new social network: according to their idea, users will be able to advise each other on sites directly through the browser, and with the help of such a “popular vote” it will be possible to determine the best site on the network. However, this idea is a matter for the future.

Interface: 7


Version: 9.22

License: freely distributed

Language: Russian

Popular web browser, for a long time former absolute leader among paid Internet viewers. Competition from Mozilla turned Opera into a free program that immediately gained popularity.

Unlike Firefox, which requires the installation of many add-ons, Opera already includes many different functions: mail client, torrent client, download graphics at will, customize appearance, download manager and much more.

Unfortunately, Opera is prone to memory leaks, so it efficient work volume required random access memory no less than a gigabyte.

Interface: 9


Version: 2.0.2

License: freely distributed

Language: English

A popular add-on for Internet Explorer that adds many new features to this browser and improves its interface. Maxthon is almost as functional as Opera and Firefox: it has tabs, graphics loading controls, appearance customization, protection against data loss when frozen, improved work with forms, groups of links and much more. At the same time, the advantages of Internet Explorer are preserved: close integration with the operating system and low resource requirements.

Interface: 9

So, let's be clear: you need a tool to speed up your work. That is, you don’t need to master all the functionality perfectly, you need to learn how to work quickly. Whichever tool you choose, learn the key features and master all the shortcuts.

Learn to use them automatically, and only then move on to more advanced functions. To design simple websites, you just need to know how to set a font, draw simple shapes, work with layers, change colors, etc.

Rice. 7.0: I designed my website using a few basic tools, one font and three colors.

Once you get comfortable with your tool, you'll be able to quickly test different ideas (which will help you produce better results) and finish your work on time (which will make your clients and employers happy!).

If you are just starting to learn design or have been wanting to switch to another tool, I advise you to experiment with several options and choose the one that is most convenient for you. We all have our own life experiences and our own habits. If you like a program for some reason, most likely you will master it much faster.

It's important to understand that at some point you may have to switch to another tool. Most of us have been using Photoshop for years because there were no alternatives in the market. Over the past couple of years, the situation has changed radically.

Web design has long ceased to be static, and we are trying to fill the gap between design and code. Most likely, many new features and even tools will appear in the near future.

Popular design programs

When choosing a design tool, an important role is played not only by the speed and quality of the program itself, but also by its popularity in the professional environment. It will be easier for you to work with other designers and developers (for example, as part of a large-scale project) if you use the same software.

1. Sketch– $99/year (Mac only)

Figure 7.1: Sketch

I use Sketch for most of my current projects. The tool is very fast, intuitive and quite easy to use (I switched to it from Photoshop without any problems). Sketch is one of the most popular design applications, so most developers and designers are familiar with it.

Sketch has everything you need for design: guides, grids, symbols, perspective transformation (for previewing designs on iOS), vector editing, prototyping, libraries, asset export, cloud (to share designs and libraries) and even code export . There are also a lot of plugins and resources for it.

The biggest drawback of Sketch is that it only works on Mac. However, you can export projects for applications such as InVision And Zeplin to create specifications and guidelines for developers.

2. Figma– Free or $12/month (web app)

Fig 7.2: Figma

Figma is relative new program for design. This is perhaps Sketch's biggest competitor - and it's growing very quickly. Figma has all the same features as Sketch - plus multiple designers can work on the same project at the same time.

The coolest thing is that Figma is completely free if you have up to three projects, and for just $12 a month you will unlock all the features and be able to create an endless number of projects. The application runs directly in the browser - therefore, on almost any operating system. User interface resembles the interface of Sketch and Adobe XD: if these tools are familiar to you, then you don’t even have to master anything.

This is a great option if you are a beginner designer and would like to try your hand without investing in expensive software just yet. I used Figma in several of my projects and found it very easy and fast.

3. Adobe XD– Free (Mac and Windows)

Figure 7.3: Adobe XD

Adobe XD is another strong player in the world of professional design applications. I think it's great for UI design, wireframing, and prototyping, although it lacks a few advanced features compared to Sketch or Figma.

The advantage is that the tool is free for both Mac and Windows (although it may be paid when it is finalized). Plus, it's an Adobe product line - so you can share assets with other tools like Photoshop or Illustrator.

The interface is very similar to Sketch and Figma, so you can use three tools at once - and switch between them without any problems (except that some hotkeys are different!).

4. InVision Studio– Free (beta version, with early access)

Figure 7.4: InVision Studio

InVision Studio is a new full stack tool that is still in beta but looks promising. The interface is a copy of Sketch and Figma, which have already become the modern standard of design tools.

I've been experimenting a bit with InVision Studio and since I'm generally good impression from other InVision products, I am sure that the guys will be successful when the official version is released.

5. Webflow– Free or $16/month (web app)

Figure 7.5: Webflow

Webflow is a full-stack tool for creating functional and responsive websites that can be hosted directly on their platform (or exported and hosted elsewhere).

I'm not a fan of design-to-code tools because the generated code usually doesn't perform very well and is difficult to work with. However, Webflow is very good. You have full control over the CSS code, plus the tool shows you how HTML and CSS work because all design elements behave as expected in the browser.

I think Webflow is great for creating quick prototypes, simple sites, one-pagers, etc. Many professional designers I know use Webflow - so it's worth taking a closer look at!

6. Adobe Photoshop– $20.99/month or as part of Creative Cloud ($52.99/month)

Figure 7.6: Adobe Photoshop

It's no coincidence that I put Photoshop at the very end of the list. Photoshop is a very popular website design program, but it is losing the battle with Sketch, Figma and other tools. If you're still using Photoshop, that's fine, but be prepared to move to another tool in the near future.

Current web development standards force us to make more flexible projects, move closer to the code, and work within the framework of the design system. Photoshop is too slow and generates too much large files compared to the above tools.

However, I still use Photoshop to manipulate photographs, create graphics, and edit illustrations.

Figure 7.7: Quick comparison of Sketch, Figma and Adobe XD interfaces. Look how similar they are!

Other tools that I use at work:

Here full list tools that I use in my work.

There are many free graphics programs and image editing tools that can be considered as an alternative to Photoshop. I have compiled a list of the best of them. Some of them are free online services, while others are available for free download and installation on your computer and mobile devices.

Vector graphics

1. SVG-Edit - developing vector graphics in the browser

If you need to programmatically render a drawing or vector graphic, you can do so using the Scalable Vector Graphics format ( also known as SVG). And the program for developing Scalable Vector Graphics is called SVG-Edit.

It is open source software. SVG-Edit is a powerful tool that allows you to create or edit SVG elements. The tool is built on top of CSS3, HTML5 and JavaScript. With its help you can quickly edit and process two-dimensional ( 2D) vector graphics:

2. DrawPlus Starter Edition by Serif - Free Graphic Design Software for Windows

Free graphic design software. This is a 2D vector graphics editor program that allows you to draw, edit and create professional designs.

DrawPlus also contains a number of features that allow you to create 3D objects using extrusion, apply a wide range of 3D styles with a huge collection of brushes:

With DrawPlus, you can easily develop graphic designs, logos, technical drawings, animations and more. There are various preset templates. Guides for beginners are also available to help you get started with the program.

3. Inkscape - vector graphics editor for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

If you are looking for a replacement Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw, then InkScape is the tool that should suit you. It is an open source vector graphics editor with many powerful features:

It also supports SVG integration with advanced features for print and web design. This is a professional graphics editor with a simple and easy to use interface.

4. Skencil - vector graphics program for Unix / Linux

Free graphics software for running Linux/Unix. It is a flexible and powerful tool for creating illustrations, diagrams, etc.:

5. Ultimate Paint - an image processing tool for Windows

Functional 32-bit program for graphic drawing. Latest version supports a set of basic functions that can be used without any restrictions:

Ultimate Paint supports flexible brush controls that let you create creative designs. As well as PEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, AVI (read only), TGA, WMF / EMF, ICO (read only), IFF / LBM and WAP BMP formats, as well as Twain-compatible scanners.

6. SmoothDraw NX - free image processing tool for mobile devices

A simple touch-based freehand drawing tool that can be used to capture images High Quality. It supports many types of brushes ( pen, pencil, airbrush, natural brush, etc.), retouching tools, layers, etc.:

7. Fat Paint is the best drawing program

Fat Paint is known as the best software for graphic design, painting and logo creation. This free program for image editing, which allows you to create pages, vector illustrations, logos, edit photos and develop web designs:

8. My Paint is an open source graphic design application for Windows and GNU/Linux

Graphic design software that lets you focus on creativity rather than interface management:

It is a fast and easy to use open source graphic design application that is available for both Windows and Linux users.

Image editing tools (pixel graphics)

9. - Free image editing software for Windows

Paint.NET is a great alternative to built-in graphics Paint editor. It is an easy-to-use image editing tool with a set of basic and advanced features:

Due to its powerful features, this editor is often compared to other digital photo editing packages such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paint Shop Pro, Microsoft photo editor and GIMP.

10. GIMP - GNU image processing program for Linux, Windows and Mac OS

Another powerful one graphics program for computer, which is widely used for photo retouching, processing, image composition, etc.

It is a free and open source graphic design software that is widely known as an alternative to Photoshop. Although GIMP was originally created for Unix, it is now available for other operating systems: Windows, Mac OS X, etc.

11. Pixlr - photo editor for iPhone, iPad, Mac OS and Android

Powerful image editing application for IOS and Android. It can be downloaded for free from App Store or Google Play Store. It's interesting and powerful editor photos, which allows you to quickly crop, rotate and adjust any image.

Pixlr has over 2 million combinations available free effects, which allow you to make the image unique.

12. Sumo Paint - browser-based graphic design app

If you want to get started working with images in the browser, Sumo Paint can help. You can use it to edit photos online or install the program to access all the features in offline mode (paid subscription):

With Sumo Paint you can edit your photos right in your browser. Although this requires Adobe Flash.

13. Image Magick - Bitmap image converter for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android and iOS

A powerful tool for converting images from one format to another. For example, from .jpeg to .png. This is a graphical raster image editor program that allows you to create, edit and convert raster images to other formats.

The program contains useful functions such as cropping, rotating and converting images, mirror reflection etc. Which makes it a convenient tool for graphic designers.

2D/3D and animation

14. Daz Studio - 3D models, 3D animations for Windows and Mac

If you want to start learning 3D design and animation, install DAZ Studio. You will have at your disposal a sufficient amount teaching aids that will make you a 3D animation ninja, no matter what your level is at the moment:

With DAZ Studio you can create your own 3D characters, avatars, and graphic design elements.

Create your own short films and animations, illustrations for books and magazines, etc. This free software will be quite useful when learning 3D.

15. Sculptris - 3D design software for Windows and Mac

If you want to unleash your potential in 3D sculpture, 3D painting, then Pixologic can help you do it.

It is a 3D modeling tool with powerful features that will help you get comfortable in the world of digital reality. If you are new to 3D sculpting and 3D painting, then Sculptris is best point, where you can start.

16. Blender - Free and open source 3D software for Windows, Mac and Linux

One of the best graphics programs for creating 3D projects. It is open source software that can be downloaded and installed for free on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, etc.:

Blender contains many 3D tutorials and a gallery of previously created projects available for download. There is also an active community whose members are ready to answer your questions.

17. Google SketchUp - 3D for everyone on Windows and Mac

3D SketchUp is still the most... in a simple way drawing in 3D. It is a powerful 3D modeling software that allows you to quickly create 3D objects. The program is very easy to use.

18. 3D Canvas - 3D modeling software for Windows

Provides intuitive software for real-time 3D modeling and 3D animation. It provides tools for simple controls 3D scene with drag-and-drop functions:

It is a graphic design program developed by Amabilis Software. It is available in three versions - 3D Crafter, 3D Crafter Plus and 3D Crafter Pro. Basic version is free, while Pro and Plus are paid. The program runs on Windows 7/8/Vista.

19. Art of Illusion - open source 3D modeling software in Java

Open source software for 3D modeling and visualization. It is written in Java, so it is a powerful 3D design program that can be used on many virtual machines Java.

On the project website you can find many manuals and galleries of works. In addition, active forum participants are always ready to help. Therefore, even if you are new to 3D modeling and just taking your first steps, Art of Illusion is perfect for you.

20. Anim8or - 3D modeling software for Windows

One of oldest programs for 3D modeling, which was introduced back in 1999 and is still actively used all over the world. It is intended mainly for 3D modeling and character animation under Windows:

Anim8or includes many powerful features: a tool for creating and modifying 3D models, TrueType font support, a built-in 3D object browser, a Joint character editor and much more.

Data visualization

21. Google Developers - Google Chart Tool Web Apps

A powerful tool for creating and customizing charts with various data. Is easy to use free application for data visualization that makes it easy to create interactive pie charts, line graphs, segmented charts, etc.

With this graphics program, you can create a visual representation of your data and get code to embed it in web pages, spreadsheets, etc.

22. - web application for creating interactive infographics

Infographics are new way visual representation of data, which is developing at a rapid pace. is best program to create and publish interactive infographics:

This social platform to create and share infographics, allowing you to interact with other users and share interactive visual representations with them.

23. - creation of infographics and visual diagrams online

Another powerful interactive tool for creating stunning visuals and infographics. With you can create infographics, charts, and other visual representations using three simple steps: Choose a template, visualize your data, and then publish it.

You can also choose free charts from a collection of over 30 interactive chart types.

24. - create and publish visual ideas online

Another powerful tool for creating infographics. Even if you don't know how infographics are created, all you have to do is go to the site, choose a template and get started:

Within of this service There are a huge number of graphic shapes and objects, as well as infographic templates with which you can create and publish visual representations online.

25. - visualize your resume online

A personalized tool that allows you to create and visualize your resume in one click. All this is available for free.
With over 500,000 projects already created, is the #1 resume creation service. It contains more powerful tools to help you create your resume.

Other graphic design programs

26. Favicon Generator - free Favicon generator

This tool is a free Favicon generator that allows you to create Favicons for your website. Just upload the file and click the "Generate" button.

27. ColorPic - color selection on a desktop computer

ColorPic is free tool to pick up color from the monitor screen. It allows you to capture color palettes up to 16 colors at a time. You can also use an advanced mixer to mix four colors.

28. Fast Stone Image Viewer - a tool for viewing, editing and batch converting photos

This graphics program for artists supports advanced features such as red-eye removal, color adjustment, photo viewing, sharing e-mail, framing, etc.

Fast Stone Image Viewer is another powerful functional tool for viewing, editing and batch converting photos.

29. Pixel Toolbox - design development for Windows

Pixel Toolbox is a powerful tool designed to create impressive graphics for Windows. Create, edit and apply 1-bit patterns, wallpapers, icons and cursor icons - all with one tool.

30. Prezi - Free Presentation Software

Powerful, free software that lets you create, edit and use presentations remotely from anywhere. It is available for desktop PCs, smartphones and tablets. There is also integration with cloud service, which expands the functionality of the program.

New Free Graphic Design Software

31. Canva is a surprisingly simple graphic design program

It's a free web app that lets you design almost anything. Simple drag-and-drop features make working so easy that you don't need to be a designer to create stunning graphics.

With the help of the graphic design services and programs discussed above, getting started is very easy! Wish you all the best!

This publication is a translation of the article “ 31+ Best Free Graphic Design Software to Create Stunning Graphic Visuals", prepared by the friendly project team

3 votes

Welcome to my blog. Today I decided to prepare useful selection for designers. I visited the most popular webmaster sites and found the 50 best tools to help you create your design.

I present to your attention programs for web design, the best online services and tools recognized by professionals. I don’t agree with all points, but who am I to argue with specialists working on sites such as Netology ,, say-hi and others.

I have slightly expanded this list on my own and divided it into categories. Now I present it to your attention.

Basic programs

Of course, not a single web developer can do without standard set from Adobe, through which all work is carried out. Now it’s the end of 2016 and many professionals claim that the increasingly popular program Sketch , which has been replacing the usual Photoshop for several years now, is about to do this. In 2017, we will all be actively studying this particular program.

This is even despite the fact that it is not yet in Russian and is only suitable for Mac OS. Most professionals claim that it is much better suited for interface design than Photoshop.

If we talk about other Adobe products, then it’s up to you to study them or not. And yet they are still on the lists.

  • Illustrator as the best tool for working with vector graphics and creating illustrations.
  • InDesign as the optimal utility for printing.
  • Adobe Muse is the perfect platform for creating

In addition to Adobe products, professionals recommend paying attention to other brands and their products. Macaw is recognized as one of the most popular programs for web design. Unlike Sketch, it is suitable for Windows and allows you to program without knowing the code. It automatically generates itself. You can download it for free directly from the official website. The truth is only on English language.

Creative Bloq offers another modern service as an alternative to Adobe Muse Pinegrow , it is suitable for drawing any website with subsequent automatic conversion of the image into code. The same can be achieved with Jetstrap.

Well, if you need to work with applications, then this will most likely help you Foundation for Apps .

Graphics bank

Every designer needs graphics. If you draw everything yourself, it will take a lot of time. Some items can be ordered from someone else, or you can purchase or pick them up already ready-made pictures from banks. A good designer will never steal, but download from a good site - why not.

For example, on you can find icons, and on video covers.

On And IconStore you can find a lot free images. Vectors and even PSD layouts. On my own behalf I can offer Photoshop-master And Pixabay . will quickly generate graphics. Add your own colors and get a striped picture. Want to create your own animated background? with a smooth color transition? This website will help you with this. . It will not only show the result in real time, but will also create a code that only needs to be inserted into the site. this is a collection where you can find icons and all the information for designers about popular brands: WatsApp, Facebook, VKontakte and so on.

Logo and favicon maker

I was surprised, but on many popular and prestigious websites for designers you can find a link to a service that helps. On Netology, for example, they offer or . I prefer Logaster .

To quickly create, you can use the portal . By the way, I already wrote about him. Good stuff.

Working with color

The bad designer is the one who doesn’t trust help. professional services for creating the best combination colors. You can find many resources for this on the Internet. For example, I like ColorScheme .

Service Material Palette offers to choose two colors, and she will complete the rest of the scheme for you: fonts, dividers, and so on.

On 0to255 you can look at different shades, although you also have a Russian alternative - Yandex.

If you see a beautiful picture, you can use the service extract the color scheme from it. By the way, it really helps to decide exactly whether to use this or that image on your portal. If it is not successfully combined with the basic circuit, then the answer is obvious.

Working with fonts

The first and most best resource for working with fonts Google Fonts. This is a huge collection of fonts, including in Russian. Convenient to choose and easy to use.

To find the perfect combination of fonts, experts recommend using the service: or .

You may also find this browser extension useful . Find beautiful font, hover your mouse over it and get information. All that remains is to find him.

And in the online editor on the website you can change it a little and make it unique.

Final stage

When the project is ready, you need to check how everything will look in standard browsers from computers and on the screen mobile phone. will help you do it quickly.

Using the service you can insert your screenshot into thousands of images of phones and computers and see how your site will look on different gadgets from several angles.

A very useful list is on the website . Have you done everything correctly, is it possible to submit the project? Just check the boxes and make sure you haven't forgotten anything. It's a pity, but the service is only suitable for those who speak English.

If, in addition to design, you also do layout, you can build a utility into the code tota11y . It will highlight errors.

Well, don’t forget about development. I think that it would be useful for any designer to choose a course on missing knowledge from Photoshop-Master commands .

Courses for designers from the PhotoshopMaster team.

In addition, I invite you to subscribe to my blog newsletter and VKontakte group. This will allow you not to stop in design development for a second and improve every day.

OK it's all over Now. See you again and good luck.