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In the literal translation of "Smart TV" decrypted as "smart" - such a device provides users with a number of additional features. In addition to its direct appointment, the technique is able to entertain users with a media content (viewing video files, music, photos), and in some cases work with data exchange applications. Smart TV has not been wondering for a long time. At the dawn appearance, such devices cost quite expensive, but in 2020 it is possible to buy a model with smart features for a modest amount. Consider in more detail what the Smart TV function means in a modern TV, and is it worth choosing a smart TV for your home.

Smart features are provided with the possibility of accessing the Internet and the presence of the operating system. In fact, this means that using a TV, users can go online and enjoy different applications. Most relevant SMART TV features:

  • surfing and communication in social networks;
  • view online video;
  • gaming.

SmartTV to some extent similar to tablets and smartphones: users can go online to read news or find necessary informationcan install widgets and applications (including games). But the most actual function is view online video. For these purposes, you can use browsers, which is not very convenient, or install customers of popular cinemas and video services (YouTube and others).

In most SmartTV based on three OS:

  • TIZENOS - SAMSUNG development;
  • WebOS - LG development;
  • Androidtv is an adapted for the TV OS from Google.

In 2020, some companies began to use their own OS, but they are represented extremely rarely and really do not work, therefore there is no particular sense to consider them yet.

Internet access on smart TVs can be carried out via Wi-Fi or wired connections. To control SmartTV, the remote control is used, but it is inconvenient, so it's easier to use wireless mouse and keyboard.

Important! The network you can find information that SmartTV allows you to communicate in Skype. In the initial stages, such an opportunity was, and some manufacturers were installed in TV webcams. However, later the owner of Skype revoked TV support, so there is no one to have this function today.

Features of television OS.

As mentioned above, most TVs work with three operating systems. Sometimes you can meet in the description of the Linux OS, but in fact it is an android with a shell from a particular manufacturer.

Tizenos was designed in 2013. It was announced by a group of companies, but received basic support from Intel and Samsung. Today, its development is engaged in the Korean company. This operating system is widespread in smart clock and TV Samsung, but other devices work on it - refrigerators, washing machines. She has open code, That is, anyone who wants a programmer can be developed under it. To date, it has 4 versions. The most up-to-date TIZENOS 4.0, but it is installed only in 8K TV, 3.0 is used on televisions of smaller resolution.

System Features:

  • a simple and understandable interface.
  • a large number of applications.

Tizenos Maximum easy to master - The bottom of the screen is the panel with applications, services, and settings menu. By default, the OS has everything necessary for use, but if desired, it is possible to expand the functionality through the brand store. This will require registration, which is done quite simple.

The advantage of the system is that the choice of applications here is though not too large, but there is everything you need - customers of popular services and online cinemas, widgets and useful utilities for the TV. Find something superfluous or non-working on Tizenos is difficult. In addition, already "from the box" TV is ready to use.

Tip! For those who are poorly understood in modern technologies or simply does not like to spend time on the "fit" of the device for themselves - this is the perfect option.


WebOS is an operating system that appeared in 2012. Over its development worked many companies, and it was originally designed for different devicesBut the actual history of development began since 2013. Then the WebOS was redeemed by LG for use in smart TV. It is believed that LG came up with smart TV and first began to do them, using this particular system. It has an open code and based on Linux. At first, the WebOS had a different kind of disadvantage. In 2020 there are no problems.

System Features:

  • thoughtful and convenient interface;
  • a large selection of applications;
  • convenient control, thanks to the adapted Magicremote brand remote control with a gyroscope.

Webos in many ways reminds Tizen.. The interface here is implemented in a similar way - the horizontal panel with applications and services located below. Systems are similar not only visually, but also functionality, the possibilities are equivalent here. Like Tizen, televisions with webos have the default everything you need, and only with a great desire you have to put something from the brand store.


Android is a system that does not need a presentation. It is used on smartphones and tablets, and in almost the same form available for TV. Despite this fact, the versions of this OS on TV and mobile devicesah differ. If the latest most relevant is Android 10, then for TV is the fresh - 9.0, but the overwhelming number of devices is based on 7.0.

The main advantage of the system is that it is familiar with many users, and to work in it you can use an account from the smartphone - that is, bought applications without re-payment are transferred if necessary on the TV. The second plus is a huge selection of applications. Unlike the WebOS and Tizen applications for Androidtv thousands of times more, but here it lies the trick. Most of them are initially written for smartphones and tablets and take into account their features, in particular, small (on the background of televisions) screens. This means that by installing the application to the TV, you can encounter it unstable. On the other hand, Androidtv has more customization opportunities.

Minus system - for new users it is complex. To use you need to register in PlayMarket and installing applications. Second moment - depending on the manufacturer may differ stability. Often, the nown brands of Android is trimmed and working with serious lags, but similar fate was able to avoid the famous companies Sony and Philips.

Features of this device

How to connect a similar TV to the Internet? There are several ways:

  • with the connection via LAN-port to wired network (need the corresponding cable);
  • with help Wi-Fi devices;
  • in obsolete models, a special console is offered (in modern versions there are already built-in modules with wireless communications).

The volume of work and other parameters can be configured using voice commands - however, in low-cost models you will have to repeat them several times.

If the model is top, it can be equipped with a camera as well gesture recognition system: For example, you can move your hand and move the cursor on the screen, and shrinking the fist, activate the menu. But it is still better that the special additional remote control is in the kit, having a gyroscope and ensures the movement of the cursor during the corresponding hand movement.

Other functions of such a TV

Many models have the ability to read various media. However, it should be immediately prepared for the fact that the device will not be able to correctly read all the formats. What could be convenient for such an opportunity? First of all, the fact that you can record the necessary transmission for viewing at a more convenient time (of course, if the channel is not protected from viewing). A more advanced TV will make it even in the absence of its owners by previously displayed settings.

To any of similar devices You can also connect from the computer to a mobile phone. This allows you to control the TV from the mobile phone, turning it into the remote control (or display a picture on the screen).

So, Smart models are quite "smart" technology, but the price and year of release plays directly on their potential. Many options are combined with 3D technologythat did not particularly fit in specially created devices. In many presented TV, the number of content is even overly compared to the most necessary. However, this is what allows the user to choose exactly what is really interested in him.

IN lately Samsung TV manufacturers please their users by releasing various models that allow you to use Smart TV technologies. Thanks to the "reasonable" TV, people can apply their TV to access the Internet. If you compare modern televisions with internet access with cable TV, then in the first case, the users have great features.

Now it became much easier to watch high-quality cinema, TV shows and various TV shows. Today there are no problems with the number of channels and access to your favorite Internet resources. Despite the time of innovative technologies and technological progress, many do not know how to use Smart TV on Samsung TVs.

Let's start with the fact that in its location technologies, you will get free access to various entertainment and information sites, as well as, popular social networks. The manufacturer tried and quite competently thought out the functional interface, which has every smart Samsung TV, so you can master it as soon as possible. To use this system, the user must connect to the Internet, provided that its speed will be at least ten to twenty Mbps. You can connect through:

  • Wi-Fi,
  • cable (router),
  • technology "One Foot Connection",
  • Plug & Access.

You can configure the Internet in the Network Settings item. Before telling, how everything happens, you should know that TV is cable and ethereal. The first option is connected to the TV through a special cable, and to connect the ethereal, you need to use an antenna. It is possible that in your TV will not be built digital ReceiverIn this case, you need to buy it separately. Now about how to configure Smart TV on Samsung TV.

You will need only ten minutes to configure TV. Just take the following steps:

  • click on the green button of your console, turn on the "Menu",
  • choose the "Channel" submenu (it is designated in the list of pictogram),
  • go to Auto-tuning,
  • select the source of the Antenna signal,
  • from the proposed options, click on the "digital",
  • excrete the "OK" button,
  • click the "Start" button.

Here in principle and all the actions that need to be conducted to connect your smart TV. By the way, anyone can view all programs and resources using IPTV. This feature will help you choose any program or a movie to view, leave feedback on sites and much more. To configure this feature, you need to download and install the application on TV from Samsung Apps. To manage programs, you can use the remote or tablet, as you will be more convenient.

Any user can view movies and transmissions on free digital channels. For this, you must find out which broadcasting standard supports your device: DVB-T or DBV-C. We told how to use Smart TV on Samsung TVs, now let's talk about the options for configuring free channels. This can be performed automatically or manually.

For the first time, you should use the remote control panel. You need to press the "Menu" key on it, then press "Setup" - " Automatic setting" After searching on the screen, a list of digital channels will appear.

Setting in manual passes not as fast than automatic. To configure the channels manually, the source data is needed:

  • frequency value
  • channel speed
  • channel modulation.

If all this is, take the remote control, select the menu item to appear on the screen context menu. Next, choose "Setup" - " Manual setting" After, you will need to enter into the cells refined from the provider values \u200b\u200bof digital channels. Click the Save button. So you save the desired channel to view your favorite movies and programs. But the user will not be able to browse free channels if:

  • standards broadcasting channels and support for broadcasting this device do not coincide,
  • they are not at all in the television network,
  • channels are encoded.

It has not been a secret for a long time that inexpensive TVs can provide more opportunities than simply broadcast television channels or play video through all sorts of receivers, etc. We are talking about an additional SMART TV function on TV - what is it? On the technical language, this feature is translated as "smart television", which implies a separate interface on a modern LED premium TV TV. He stuffed with a variety of applications that integrate the possibility of entertainment in the device. Thanks to the built-in browser, the user can fulfill full-fledged surfing world Wide Web. Thousands of programs, sharpened under SMART TV, allow you to adapt the device to individual preferences of each user. If you have already purchased a budget TV without unnecessary bells, and the SMART TV function is missing, do not despair. You can buy a separate console that connects through the HDMI port and with using wi-fi Provide you with a full-fledged Internet interface.

Opportunities and principle of work

The principle of operation of this function is quite simple. You press the button on the remote control, which is marked with the appropriate inscription and get into the SMART TV special menu. Next, selecting a specific program or simply by going to the browser, enter the information you are interested in in the search string. Entering letters and numbers is carried out using a virtual keyboard, and the cursor control is made through the joystick on the remote or the mini-touchpad on it (depends on the model). There are more familiar ways for many people ways to control the TV - connect through USB port wireless keyboard or mouse.

The method of connecting the TV to the Internet also has several options depending on the manufacturer:

  • Connecting a network cable to the LAN port on the rear panel;
  • Connecting a special WiFi router to uSB port.which receives a signal from home router;
  • Built-in WiFi receiver receiving Internet without wire directly;

As for the fillings of the operating system itself, on the basis of which "smart television" works, then in most cases programs already installed. It can be online cinemas, widgets of individual TV shows, TV channels and so on. Most of them are in free access, and the other - has a trial period from 7 to 30 days and, in the future, requires subscription (MEGOGO, NETFLIX cinemas and so on). In fact, everything is not so sad. You can easily download free programs For every taste through a browser or market market. Also, you will be available view YouTube and popular social networks. Even the use of video calls using Skype can be implemented on a large screen by purchasing an additionally webcam. In addition to the above, SMART TV TV is able to record transmission or movies from digital channels on external carrier, display the contents of the flash drives or other similar devices, provides the ability to play the game.

Tip! If you do not know, it is worth moving a bunch of information on functions. Among them must be Smart TV, especially if there are teenagers in the family.

Quantity appearance The menu and the name of the browser with the marquer depends on the OC on which the device works. There are several kinds of them. We suggest to consider the most popular of them:

Features of using Weboc 2.0

This platform is the exclusive development of LG. The manufacturer sets the shell to all modern models of TVs of their ruler. The WEBOC 2.0 feature is that the desktop interface includes the entire SMART TV functionality. This operating system is designed specifically for the most convenient and simplified use. At the bottom of the main screen there are animated tabs of all available programs and services.

You can view some of them, without breaking away from the main viewing of the television channel. Navigation is designed so that the discovery, for example youtube ChannelIt will not provoke the closure of the previous program, and will translate the display to a small window. The use of external drives is simplified. The TV instantly recognizes the device, shows its icon on the main screen. All contents sorts by the type of file, in alphabetical order (the sorting method is configured to any preferences). Separate praise deserves a remote remote control Magic Remote. It is equipped with a comfortable joystick, scrolling wheels and supports voice control.

Features OC TIZEN

The creator of this operating system is Samsung. She tried well to ensure that the user with high comfort can use all the features of Smart TV on the TV. When calling the interface corresponding to the button on the remote control, the TV channel viewed is not closed. A tape from the menu appears at the bottom of the screen. In the default tape there are two categories, with popular applications and with recently visible. If you wish, you can configure your display.

For this, you can find out what SMART TV is on the TV with this platform. The operating system is multicount, which allows you to open several programs at the same time, while the screen will be divided into the desired number of cells, the size of which can be configured. New widgets or entertainment can be downloaded through the market, and what is noteworthy, in the case when you download games, they are saved in a separate interface called "Gameka". All popular Socials and Channels are already pre-installed. The console is equipped with a laser pointer, a gyroscope (moving the cursor with a hand-held driving on the console), voice control and standard buttons.

Features of work with Android TV

Using this operating system of Philips and Sony. But do not confuse the usual android interface in smartphones and tablets with Android TV. This shell is specifically adapted to the TV characteristics and has a bright, dynamic interface with large icons of all services, games and applications. The developers took the use of an account in Google for a single synchronization between all applications on Smart TV on the TV.

Content storage provides standard Google Play Market.True, not all files can be installed, only suitable for displaying on TV. However, the famous range of games and programs for Android is huge. Unlike other OS missing games, here you can safely acquire gamepad and enjoy the game on the big screen. As for the control, then to different models of televisions - different consoles. There are simply push-button and navigation only with arrows, there are consoles with a touchpad and a gyroscope. But in any case, you can always connect the peripheral device you need via USB port and use it without problems.

"Smart Television" based on Firefox OS

A platform of the Firefox company Panasonic has been attracted, which has become massively installing the OS into its new high TVs. price category. The SMART TV operation with the platform starts from the main screen, on which three large icons are located: Exit TV Channels, entrance to installed applications and an interface for external devices. Further, each of the icons contains subsections leading to other functions.

You can download new applications and games via Firefox Market, although the number of proposals is much more modest than on Play Market from Google. Installed browser Firefox is pretty smart and easily copes with all types of sites and play video on them. The remote control for managing navigation has a touchpad and a built-in microphone, which makes it possible to control the voice. By the way, the voice search issues the found options not only from the OS, but also from external devices.

An interesting video will tell in more detail:


Understand the SMART TV function in the TV and what it is, the operating system will help you. Popular OC types given in this article use giant manufacturers in the global market. This means only one thing that whatever the option you choose, it will be high-quality and productive. The only difference is that the interface and functionality is more suitable.

Some time ago, mobile phones from simple devices for communication turned into multimedia gadgets, and now it is already difficult to imagine how a person can do without a smartphone. Today the same happens with TVs. Almost all major manufacturers have implemented Smart TV functions, which significantly expands the TV functionality, turning it out of video broadcasting to a full-fledged entertainment center.

So, what am the smart TV? This is a technology that allowed integrating Internet and interactive services in TVs (games, applications) to televisions. With its help (and subject to availability wi-Fi network) You can communicate on social networks, browse the media system, play - in a word, do everything for which we use smartphones. True, it is still more exciting, since the smartphone screen does not compare with the TV screen. At first, Smart TV was integrated only in premium models, but now you can buy a TV from the average price segment with the same capabilities.

What capabilities opens the Smart TV function? First, Smart TV will like movie and serial lovers. Holders of TVs with this feature or consoles of smart TV do not have to look for a favorite movie or fresh Series, upload them to a USB flash drive and just after that start viewing - everything can be found by simply turning on the TV. There are special online stores for Smart TV, and you can find not only the classics, but also new products, fresh TV shows, cartoons, TV shows and shows, documentaries and more, and often - completely free.

Secondly, games. Buying a TV with smart TV function, you practically get a prefix - the choice of games is very impressive, many are not inferior to video games for computers and gaming consoles.

Thirdly, Smart TV makes it possible to watch videos from YouTube, Rutube and other similar services on the big screen, and for the sake of this one you can buy a smart TV.

Fourth, smart TV allows you to use a TV for Internet surfing in the same way as any other device. Email, news, weather forecast, poster entertainment and events - all this is now available not only on the smartphone, laptop, computer and tablet, but also on TV. In the "smart" TVs there is a possibility of connecting a mouse and keyboard.

Fifth, the SMART TV function is useful for recording programs and a TV show - subject to the lack of protection against recording.

However, there is smart TV and disadvantages. These include the high cost of "smart" TVs, although with the development of technology, their price is gradually decreasing. There is also a problem with playing video in format.mkv. But, perhaps, this is the only difficulty that can spoil the mood to the owners of TVs with the SMART TV function, they are only happy.

"Smart" TVs today produce all major manufacturers. We will consider the features of the systems from the giants of the market.

SMART TV in Samsung TVs

Platform Smart Hub. Smart Hub On which many Samsung smart TVs work, makes it possible to download games and applications, wander on the Internet, communicate in social networks and video monassenders, without leaving the TV. There are applications for Facebook access and other social networks.

Any games, apps and other can be downloaded from the Samsung Apps store, and the application selection is huge. But the default applications cannot be deleted, and it seems a significant disadvantage to many users. But Samsung is distinguished by innovative management - technology Smart Interaction Smart Interexhan used on newest modelsAllows you to control the functionality using movements or touch to the sensor console.

New models use an innovative platform Tizen Os. Tizen OS which reminds many Webos. Web OS from LG. Its main advantage - flexibility: the user can change the icons on the screen, customizing the type of screen for the needs and interests of the user. The system itself divides all applications into two list - the most popular and recently used. This allows you to find the desired literally per second. Remote controls of such TVs are equipped with a gyroscope and work as a digital pointer - many believe that such management is much more convenient to the buttons.

Smart TV in LG TVs

The Korean giant uses the Brand Platform WebOS 3.5. The taskbar is distinguished by a stylish design, but some users have questions for convenience - application icons can arbitrarily change in places, and for efficient work With so dynamic panel you need to adapt to it. In LG TVs, SMART TV has its own internet browser, as well as separate applications for all major social networks. SMART TV from LG provides access to VOD services Water allowing you to watch online video using applications like Yota Play. Yota Play , Zoomby. Zombie and others. Available useful application SmartShare. Smart Shee. With which you can display content from any smartphone, tablet, a camera or laptop to the screen.

Games can be downloaded through the LG Apps store - by the way, Russified toys there are a lot.

SMART TV in Sony TVs

While competitors tried to create their own operating systems, Sony went to another way - Smart TV in the TVs of this brand works on the basis of Android TV, for many familiar and intuitive. Perhaps it can be called the easiest to use. The menu is three horizontal tapes with icons that are sorted by category - recently viewed movies, applications and games. Games are not accidentally highlighted in a separate category - Android TV, according to many users, almost perfectly adapted for games. The choice of Android games is very wide, and there is an opportunity to use the gamepad.

If you have a device running on this platform, you can use it to control the TV, downloading the application TV SideView. TV Sydveyu And turning your gadget to the console. There is also support for iOS. The system supports and voice search.

As in other systems, there are Youtube applications YouTube , social networks, access to online repository movies, TV programs, games and other media content. In addition, Sony smart TVs have their own 16 GB storage.

What is the best TV with Smart TV? Answer this question is not easy. The functionality in all systems is very similar, the possibilities of approximately the same, the main difference is in the interface and convenience of use, and these are subjective parameters, so the choice remains yours.

A few years ago, the phrase "I have no TV" sounded proudly and pumped in my owner if not an intellectual, then a person with a good taste. But the trends quickly changed: first the home theaters and wide plasma panels were included in the fashion, then the LCD chefed sharply, and, finally, the SMART TV technology has everywhere, strongly expanding the functional TV.

Almost all models of TVs of the average price segment and all among other characteristics have a "Smart TV" line. The name itself suggests that the TV has a number of additional features, the ability to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi or Ethernet, the presence of a software shell and installed applications.

Classify "smart" TVs at once in several parameters, but the leading role remains at the operating system - it is the OS largely determines both the convenience of use and the complexity of settings, and a variety of programs that can be used.

The choice of platforms on a television show is wide, large brands willingly create their own shells. However, universal Android is widespread, perfectly familiar to users of smartphones.

  • Operating system Tizen.installed in modern TVs, the model is based on it since 2015.

The advantage of the system in an intuitive interface of Smart Hub, thanks to which even users who first encountered the platform will not have problems with control. I am glad and a wide selection of software in the Tizen Store, first of all - video applies are paramount to the TV. Explicit "minus" is in the presence of a number preset programsThat cannot be deleted.

  • Webos. - Company branded development.

In many ways, the platform is similar to TIZEN - the same multitasking support, a multi-color interface, the possibility of flexible interactive setting, even the remote controls are almost identical. Only the appearance of the control varies, and applications are downloaded from the LG Store, with the afflicting number of programs installed in several clicks.

  • Android TV. Support both little-known brands and major market players, such as Sony and Philips.

The advantages of the OS include the absence of a rigid binding to the brand, on the basis of this operating system you can find both quite expensive (for example, the Sony BRAVIA line), and quite budgetary smart TVs. Another "plus" - the ability to install applications from Google Play. And guaranteed support for Chromecast technology, with which it is easy to transmit content from mobile devices to the TV. The main deficiency is in fairly complex settings, however, the convenience of the interface depends largely on the specific model.

The choice is not exhausted by three positions - in addition to the built-in Smart TV there are external devices, special consoles that turn into "smart". Most often that devices on android database but admirers of "apple" can acquire brand apple consoles TV.. Prices for consoles are quite loyal, but the ordinary user will surely face difficulties when choosing and, most importantly, the device is connected.

How to choose Smart TV

Paradoxically, when choosing a TV with built-in Smart TV, the main thing is not to forget that you choose the TV: with a specific diagonal, color reproduction, screen manufacturing technology and an acoustic system. If, with other things being equal, the selected model suits, it comes in more detail more consider the characteristics that are important for the comfort of the use of Smart functions.

Wi-Fi support

In the first Smart TV most often there was a LAN module that allows you to connect the TV to the network through the usual Ethernet. This was largely due to the fact that the wireless connection could not provide sufficient speed, now the situation has changed. In order not to pull another wire to the TV, it is necessary to clarify the availability of a WLAN module that allows you to connect the TV to the Internet via Wi-Fi with.

The presence of USB sweats

To connect without any problems to TV external hDD, flash drive or even a mouse with a keyboard, it is worth checking in advance the presence and number of USB ports. On connection external device The TV should respond instantly.

The ports will come in handy and to record USB Recodering, with which a favorite movie episode or telephet can be written to the connected media in real time.

Number of HDMI ports

The rule is extremely simple and fair both for normal and smart-TVs: the more peripherals it is planned to connect to the TV, the more HDMI ports should be. Optimally, if 2-3 connector is available to simultaneously connect the game console, the media player or the outer speakers. By the way, the HDMI version also plays a role, standard 1.4 is already considered obsolete, so it is better to immediately buy a TV with HDMI 2.0.

The ability to control with a smartphone

Control remains one of the most important SMART TV problems - with a regular remote control you have to make too many manipulations even in order to simply move the cursor over the screen, and multimedia reminders, more reminiscent of the computer keyboard, is far from each model. Therefore, the ability to use a smartphone as a control element greatly simplifies life. By the way, if the manufacturer of the TV and the phone coincides, the control becomes much easier and more convenient.

Of course, in the modern market, a huge variety of both models of "smart" TVs and their diagonals. Therefore, for ease of choice in the ranking below shows top TVs Diagonals from 48 to 55 inches, because on research it is these sizes that use the greatest demand for not the largest urban halls and for spacious rooms of private houses.

Rating the best smart TVs 2019-2020

Available (up to 20 thousand rubles)


Those who want to get Smart TV on the Android operating system for little money, you can look at the AKAI LES-32D83M TV. This novelty was created by the famous brand in late 2018. This TV It is endowed with the Wi-Fi 802.11n interface, has a built-in 4 GB memory. With the device you can watch the essential and cable TV in the resolution of 720p HD, record video on the USB flash drive, watch photos and video with hard disk. The TV is engaged in its ease, compactness and fairly good sound.


  • Diagonal: 32 "(81 cm);
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 1366 × 768;
  • HD: 720p HD permission;
  • Brightness: 200 cd / m2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 1400: 1;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Sound power: 14 W (2 × 7 W);
  • Inputs: AV, component, VGA, HDMI X3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11n;
  • Power consumption: 65 W.

Additionally:Direct LED backlight; progressive sweep; stereo sound; DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2; 1299 channels; two dynamics; Volume sound; Automatic volume alignment (AVL); Formats: MP3, MPEG4, MKV, JPEG; coaxial output; headphone jack; 1 TV tuner; recording video on a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; protection against children; Mounting on the wall.


  • low price;
  • 720p HD;
  • ability to record video;
  • wi-Fi support;
  • low power consumption;
  • compactness;
  • lights (3.54 kg);
  • high-quality assembly.


  • glossy screen coating;
  • 1 tuner;
  • small screen.

Cost: 10-12 thousand rubles.

TV Telefunken TF-LED40S82T2S

Smart TV from Telefunken manufacturer is a very compact and cheap model with 1 tuner, but with Wi-Fi support and progressive screen resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels. Telefunken TF-LED40S82T2S TV has a fairly wide functionality at a low price. Indisputable advantages of the model are android supportreading a large number of audio and video formats. Accepts analog and digital signals: PAL / SECAM DVB-T2 / T / C.

When buying, pay attention to the country of origin. In this case, it may be Turkey or the Russian Federation. Depending on how the region is produced for the region; Such audio and video formats read the device.


  • Diagonal: 40 "(102 cm);
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 1920 × 1080;
  • HD permission: 1080p Full HD;
  • Update frequency index: 50 Hz;
  • Brightness: 270 kD / m 2;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Inputs: Component, VGA, HDMI X3, USB X2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi.

Additionally: LED backlight; progressive sweep; stereo sound Nicam, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2; 1100 channels; teletext; two dynamics; Formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, XVID, MKV, JPEG; coaxial output; headphone jack; 1 TV tuner; recording video on a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; Protection against children, light sensor, mounting on the wall.


  • price;
  • screen resolution;
  • Android 7.1;
  • 8 GB of integrated memory;
  • light (5.9 kg);
  • connecting headphones;
  • recording on the USB flash drive;
  • "Ovtility" of formats.


  • you should pay attention to the firmware;
  • weak speakers;
  • in 2020 1 GB of RAM for smart functional, frankly little.

Cost: 12 thousand rubles.

TV Thomson T43FSL5131.

Famous European brands try to keep up with the time of Asian. So, Thomson released his sMART version TV, having a high-quality 4-nuclear ARM A7 processor and MALI 450 video card.

Android, support for Wi-Fi, DLNA (reproduction of content from other devices in the present time mode) and control "smart" TV Thomson T43FSL5131 from the remote control - a reliable basis for quality work.

The manufacturer was supervised this model Convenient settings: contrast dynamic pictures, reinforce black and white, skin shade, game mode, movie mode, sport mode, sound only mode, etc. Multimedia content on the screen is displayed in 1080p Full HD format.

Many "smart" models are included for a long time, in contrast to the Thomson T43FSL5131 TV, there is a function « instant inclusion ", which provides fast loading.


  • Diagonal: 43 "(109 cm);
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 1920 × 1080;
  • HD permission: 1080p Full HD;
  • Update frequency index: 50 Hz;
  • Brightness: 280 kD / m 2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 4000: 1;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Sound power: 16 W (2 × 8 W);
  • Inputs: AV, HDMI X2, USB X2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi, Miracast;
  • Power consumption: 75 watts.

Additionally:Direct LED backlight; progressive sweep; Nicam stereo sound, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; 1099 channels; two speakers, automatic volume alignment (AVL); Formats: MP3, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), MKV, JPEG; optical output; headphone jack; 3 TV tuner; Record video to USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; protection against children; Mounting on the wall.


  • inexpensive;
  • 1080p Full HD;
  • brightness;
  • support DLNA;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • Android;
  • 3 tuner;
  • quickly turns on;
  • there is noise reduction;
  • light (7.2 kg);


  • glossy screen coating;
  • weak speakers.

Cost: 20 thousand rubles.

Top Smart TV in terms of price / quality ratio (20-50 thousand rubles)

TV Erisson 50ulea99t2 Smart

Smart TV from the Erisson brand, which has tremendous experience in the television and radio equipment market. Erisson 50uleA99T2 SMART TV is a model supporting Android OS and displaying content in the progressive 4K UHD format. The picture is characterized by paints and accurate color reproduction.

"Smart" TV Erisson 50uleA99T2 Smart quickly connects to wireless interface Wi-Fi, you can watch movies in 24p True Cinema format. Wireless connection Compensates only one built-in tuner, but it is a lot, given the rather low cost model. The TV has two enough powerful stereo speakers working on NiCam and AVL technologies.


  • Diagonal: 50 "(127 cm);
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 3840 × 2160;
  • HD: 4K UHD resolution;
  • Update frequency index: 50 Hz;
  • Brightness: 310 kD / m 2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 5000: 1;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Inputs: AV, component, VGA, HDMI X3, USB x3, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi.

Additionally: LED backlight; progressive sweep; teletext; stereo sound Nicam, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2; two speakers, automatic volume alignment (AVL); Formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, MKV, JPEG; coaxial output; headphone jack; 1 TV tuner; recording video on a USB drive; protection against children; TimeShift; sleep timer; Mounting on the wall.


  • price-quality ratio;
  • brightness;
  • color rendition;
  • 4K Ultra HD;
  • wi-Fi support;
  • wide connection capabilities;
  • sound.


  • glossy screen coating;
  • 1 tuner.

Cost: 24-35 thousand rubles.


The manufacturer highlights this model among the rest, emphasizing the large set of colors (1.07 billion colors), amazing realism of the color and high screen brightness.

This LED TV of the average price category has a diagonal 58 "and 4K UHD resolution . Excellent operation of two TV tuners: T2 (ethereal) and S2 (satellite) is complemented by the possibility of accessing the Internet.

SUPRA STV-LC60GT5000U TV has full set modern interfaces, Wi-Fi and Smart-TV module on android. Memorizing 1100 channels, video recording on a USB drive and a volume sound - pleasant advantages of the model. This manufacturer is peculiar to the quality of the assembly. Also Supra monitors the emergence of new technologies and introduces them to new models, so it is worth paying attention to this TV.


  • Diagonal: 58 "(147 cm);
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 3840 × 2160;
  • HD: 4K UHD resolution;
  • Update frequency index: 60 Hz;
  • Brightness: 330 kD / m 2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 150000: 1;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Sound power: 20 W (2 × 10 W);
  • Inputs: VGA, HDMI X2, USB X2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11ac;
  • Power consumption: 180 W.

Additionally: LED backlight; progressive sweep; stereo sound; DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; Teletext, two speakers; Formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), MKV, JPEG; coaxial output; headphone jack; 2 TV tuner; recording video on a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; Mounting on the wall.


  • value for money;
  • diagonal;
  • Ultra HD;
  • brightness;
  • color rendition;
  • viewing angle;
  • Android;
  • wi-Fi support;
  • not bad sound.


  • glossy;
  • heavy (21.8 kg).

Cost: 39-45 thousand rubles.

TV Xiaomi Mi TV 4S 55

"Smart" TV MI TV 4S 55 from Xiaomi 2019 is a very thin model that will fit into a modern apartment, furnished with a good taste, and will be a demonstration of elegance and high technology.

TFT IPS -panel (in-Plane Switching) has a resolution of 3840 × 2160 pixels, the backlight has branded TV, called Direct-Lit. The operating system with an exclusive shell of Patchwall may be interested in fans of new techniques, as the system can select and offer content for the viewer. The novelty is the remote control with voice control.

Iron, installed inside this elegant TV - a four-core amlogic processor with Cortex-A53x4 and graphic processor Mali-450 GPU. 2 GB of DDR4 RAM4 and 8 GB flash memory is sufficient for normal operation of the device without delay.

The speakers of Xiaomi Mi TV 4S 55 are 8 watts, while the sound is good and volumetric, with Dolby Audio and DTS support. As for the compounds, this model has only USB 2.0 connectors. Otherwise, the set of connections corresponds to the latest models of this manufacturer.


  • Diagonal: 54.6 "(139 cm);
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 3840 × 2160;
  • Update frequency index: 50 Hz;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Sound power: 16 W (2 × 8 W);
  • Inputs: AV, component, HDMI x3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11ac;
  • Power consumption: 120 W.
  • Audio decoders: Dolby Digital, DTS; Video decoders: MPEG1 / 2/4, Real, H.265, H.264.

Additionally: Direct LED backlight; progressive sweep; stereo sound, two speakers, Dolby Digital, DTS; Formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), MKV, JPEG; coaxial output; 1 TV-tuner (analog + digital), mounting on the wall.


  • price-quality ratio;
  • display;
  • 4K resolution with HDR;
  • sound;
  • Wi-Fi 5 GHz;
  • Bluetooth 4.0;
  • light enough (13.4 kg);
  • aluminum bezel;
  • stylish design.


  • not bright enough;
  • the need for firmware;
  • defective "Chinese" android;
  • does not support Google Play;
  • not a very convenient remote;
  • the microphone perceives the Chinese language;
  • legs are not very high quality;
  • the quality of the assembly is not perfect.

Cost: 40-50 thousand rubles.

Checked (50-90 thousand rubles)


Reliable Smart TV Sony KD-49XF7005 on the Linux platform is one of the innovations of Sony. HD resolution (4K UHD) and HDR-10 technology installed in this TV are advanced on the market. The device pleases the juiciness of the image, the detail of each pixel, high-quality, without rush, the display illumination and DLNA support. The dynamic scene index is 200 frame / sec / Motionflow.

Operational linux system (VEWD) Allows the user to upload a limited paid application content (VewD store), which suits not all. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the XSmart app, which gives the key to the newcomers and free IP TV channels.

Wi-Fi model catches perfectly, and the built-in 4 GB memory expands the capabilities of the device. From pleasant characteristics It is worth noting: 3 HDMI inputs, optical output, video recording, timeshift; Stereo sound Nicam.

For those who find a common language with the built-in VewD browser, the TV can be a full "smart". For all other - very high quality TV with great opportunities and a unique picture.


  • Diagonal: 48.5 "(123 cm);
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 3840 × 2160;
  • HD: 4K UHD, HDR-10 permission;
  • Update frequency index: 50 Hz;
  • Brightness: 350 cd / m2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 3300: 1;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Sound power: 20 W (2 × 10 W);
  • Inputs: AV, HDMI X3, USB X3, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11n, WIDI, Miracast;
  • Power consumption: 115 watts.

Additionally:EDGE LED backlight; progressive sweep; Nicam stereo sound, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; teletext; radio FM; Two speakers, Dolby Digital, DTS, Formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), XVID, DivX, MKV, JPEG; optical output; headphone jack; 2 TV tuner; recording video on a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; Protection against children, mounting on the wall.


  • image quality;
  • diagonal;
  • good assembly;
  • 4K extension (3840 × 2160);
  • hDR support (HDR10, HLG);
  • Wi-Fi Certified 802.11b / g / n;
  • image transfer (Miracast);
  • viewing angle;
  • thin frame;
  • digital television (2 multiplex);
  • support for a large number of formats;
  • radio FM;
  • not heavy (12 kg);
  • anti-reflective screen coating.


  • expensive;
  • outdated remote;
  • external power supply;
  • linux operating system (VEWD);
  • does not support android.

Cost: 45-60 thousand rubles.

TV Panasonic TX-55FXR600

The new Smart TV brand Panasonic offers buyers to experience the image quality 4K UHD using HDR 10 technology. This is a high-class "smart" TV at a fairly affordable cost. From the positive characteristics it is worth noting the wide range of connectivity, given 2 hDMI output 2.0, support for Wi-Fi and 24P True Cinema, as well as stable operation in the current time mode, in compatibility with multiple devices, which provides DLNA technology.

In addition, the Panasonic TX-55FXR600 has such useful features as voice control, illumination sensor, recording video on the USB flash drive, connecting headphones, sleep timer, etc.


  • Diagonal: 54.6 "(139 cm);
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 3840 × 2160;
  • Update frequency index: 50 Hz;
  • Brightness: 350 kD / m 2;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Sound power: 20 W (2 × 10 W);
  • Inputs: AV, component, HDMI x3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Miracast;
  • Power consumption: 189 watts.

Additionally:Direct LED backlight; progressive sweep; stereo sound, DVB-T Mpeg4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; teletext; Two speakers, formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), MKV, JPEG; optical output; headphone jack; 2 TV tuner; recording video on a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; protection against children, voice control, light sensor; Mounting on the wall.


  • optimal cost;
  • brightness and contrast;
  • 4K UHD resolution, HDR 10;
  • HDMI 2.0
  • support Wi-Fi 802.11ac;
  • 24p True Cinema;
  • light sensor;
  • build quality;
  • voice control;
  • anti-reflective coating.


  • energy consumption;
  • heavy (17 kg).

Cost: 60 thousand rubles.


The novelty of the seventh generation from the Samsung brand contains 4 times more pixels than its FHD predecessors. Local dimming technology provides excellent details of each pixel, which is reflected in the quality of dynamic scenes.

SMART TV functions on the Tizen operating system and is managed in the brand browser, which helps the user choose the content of it. In this browser, the preview of content is available for saving your time. Also, this TV is supported by Samsung Cloud, thanks to which you can store your photos and video "on the cloud", as well as transfer photos from the smartphone to the TV screen.

Dolby Digital audio decoders from two built-in speakers create a bulk sound when watching a movie or games. By the way, Steam Link will help you play on the big screen, so get ready for a completely new experience.


  • Diagonal: 55 "58" (147 cm);
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 3840 × 2160;
  • HD: 4K UHD, HDR 10 permission;
  • Brightness: 330 kD / m2;
  • Dynamic contrast: 130000: 1;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Sound power: 20 W (2 × 10 W);
  • Inputs: AV, component, HDMI X3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11n, Miracast;
  • Power consumption: 160 W.

Additionally:EDGE LED backlight; progressive sweep; Nicam stereo sound, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; Teletext, two Dolby Digital Dynamics, Automatic Volume Align (AVL), Formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), DivX, MKV, JPEG; optical output; 2 TV tuner; recording video on a USB drive; TimeShift; sleep timer; protection against children, light sensor; Mounting on the wall.


  • price;
  • diagonal;
  • 4K Ultra HD;
  • color rendition;
  • wireless connection;
  • sound;
  • fast smart TV;
  • convenient control;
  • assembly;
  • thin and stylish look.


  • weight (20.2 kg without stand);
  • poor quality of analog TV;
  • uncomfortable fastening (long bolts).

Cost: 53-60 thousand rubles.

Premium (90 thousand rubles +)


This new Smart-TV from the Samsung brand is not in vain refers to the premium series. Maximum resolution 4K UHD screen with support for HDR-10 technology is particularly brightly revealed on the new QLED type matrix, which uses the nanoparticle coating and almost unlimited color spectrum (more than 1 billion shades)!

The Q Engine processor processes, improves the combinations of colors and details the picture, preventing the "lubricant" of the image on the branded brightness control technology, contrast - Q Contrast Elite. "Clever" television samsung. QE65Q7FNA has a high screens update rate.

120 Hz and high dynamic scene index - 200 frame / sec / Motion Rate /.

With such excellent characteristics and high cost, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Built-in browser, Record TV and other desired functionality - yourself of course things.

SAMSUNG QE65Q7FNA can be controlled by voice and gestures. The One Remote multimedia remote control, which is supplied complete to TV, is very convenient in control.

It is also worth noting the Ambient Mode mode, which with help mobile application "Enters the TV in the interior, like a picture on the wall.

One Connect connector is a combined cable and optical signal in one wire.

Promised by the manufacturer Durability QLED matrix makes this model one of the main favorites on the market.


  • Diagonal: 65 ";
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 3840 × 2160;
  • HD: 4K UHD, HDR-10 permission;
  • Update frequency index: 120 Hz;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Inputs: USB / 3 pcs / Lan COM port (RS-232);
  • Power consumption: 153 watts.

Additionally:QLED; progressive sweep; Nicam stereo sound, DVB-T MPEG4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2; OS Tizen 4.0.4 Dynamics, Formats: AVI, MKV, H264 / MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV9 / VC1, AAC, AMR, LPCM, M4A, MP3, MPEG1, L1 / 2, WMA, JPEG, BMP, GIF, JPS, PNG, PNS; optical output; headphone jack; 3 TV tuner; recording video on a USB drive; voice and gesture management; TimeShift; sleep timer; Picture in the picture, mount on the wall.


  • image HDR-10;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • functional;
  • many speakers;
  • subwoofer;
  • 4 HDMI entry;
  • optical output;
  • matte screen coating;
  • silver case;
  • fastening close to the wall.


  • expensive;
  • energy consumption;
  • severe (27.6 kg);

Cost: 119-230 thousand rubles.


A huge TV with a diagonal 64.5 "- the flagship OLED model from LG. "Smart" TV LG OLED65C8 with a 4K UHD screen resolution, HDR-10 will undoubtedly become one of the leaders of sales in the current year.

Excellent brightness and wide viewing angles, real color reproduction allow the models to compete with other flags from leading manufacturers. Fast and efficient Smart TV on WebOS and Wi-Fi platform new version 802.11Ac is tribute to modern market trends.

4 Built-in dynamics with subwoofer provide Dolby Digital, DTS.

The model has two built-in tuner and ample connection capabilities, stoves excellent playback of any audio and video formats.

The manufacturer claims that the guarantee of the functioning of this OLED matrix is \u200b\u200b100 thousand hours. Those who managed to get acquainted with this TV personally note its brightness, fast work, Omnivorousness and universal (multi-brand) console.


  • Diagonal: 64.5 "(164 cm);
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 3840 × 2160;
  • HD: 4K UHD, HDR-10 permission;
  • Update frequency index: 100 Hz;
  • Brightness: 300 kD / m 2;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Sound power: 40 W (4 × 10 W);
  • Inputs: AV, HDMI X4, USB X3, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11ac.

Additionally: LED backlight; progressive sweep; Support 24P True Cinema; Support DLNA; Nicam, DVB-T Mpeg4, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2, Teletext, 4 Speaker, Dolby Digital, DTS, AVL Volume Auto Formats: MP3, WMA, MPEG4, HEVC (H.265), DivX, MKV, JPEG; 2 TV tuner; TimeShift; sleep timer; Protection against children, mounting on the wall.


  • picture as a whole;
  • 4K UHD, HDR-10;
  • brightness;
  • Smart TV;
  • sound and subwoofer;
  • reads a lot of formats;
  • 2 tuner;
  • universal (multi-brand) console.


  • expensive;
  • heavy: Weight with stand - 25.4 kg;
  • there are complaints of white color.

Cost: 173-330 thousand rubles.


The huge new SMART TV Sony KD-75XF9005, has a diagonal of 74.5 "(189 cm). The VA type matrix, tested, has the highest 4K UHD resolution and supports Dolby Vision and HDR 10. 24P True Cinema technology in such a capacity - this is watching movies in one breath.

In a matter of seconds, the TV is connected to Wi-Fi and, using DLNA technology, converts content from other devices into a juicy contrast image on the screen. The TV can be managed from a mobile application through android. The illumination sensor automatically adjusts the brightness of the image depending on the time of day and the brightness of the light sources in the room.

3 TV tuner: T2 (Essential), C (cable), S (satellite), S2 (satellite) efficiently handle incoming signals on DVB-T MPEG4 technologies, DVB-C MPEG4, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB- S2.

Smart TV Sony KD-75XF9005 has a 4K HDR processor X1 ™ Extreme and 16 GB of internal memory, as well as an impressive set of additional functions.


  • Diagonal: 74.5 "(189 cm);
  • Screen format: 16: 9;
  • Resolution: 3840 × 2160;
  • HD: 4K UHD resolution, Dolby Vision, HDR 10;
  • Update frequency index: 100 Hz;
  • Viewing angle: 178 °;
  • Sound power: 20 W (2 × 10 W);
  • Inputs: AV, HDMI X4, USB X3, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Miracast;
    • very high price;
    • no subwoofer;
    • heavy (35 kg without stand).

    Cost: 247-400 thousand rubles.

    Let's summarize

    • compact and high-quality AKAI LES-32D83M, allowing to use basic functions Smart-TV even in the country;
    • a small and representative Telefunken TF-LED40S82T2S on android, having 8 GB of integrated memory;
    • completely made and inexpensive Thomson T43FSL5131 with a 1080p Full HD resolution that supports android.

    2) We separately chose models, the best price / quality ratio (20-50 thousand rubles):

    This triple entered the "smart TV" from Xiaomi, Supra and Erisson; Each of which has its undeniable advantages at very small disadvantages.

    Sony KD-49XF7005, Panasonic TX-55FXR600 and Samsung UE58NU7100U, which have a common LED matrix, differences are to be in the platform and some technical parameterswhich were discussed above. These are new models in which proven technologies worthwhile are applied.

    4) It is also impossible to divide the category "Premium" (90 thousand rubles +):

    Here, the flagships from the leading manufacturers competing in the right to offer the best picture to the buyer. This is: samsung QE65Q7FNA with QLED type matrix, LG OLED65C8 with OLED and PANASONIC TX-55FXR600 display with VA type matrix, with the highest resolution of 4K UHD and support technology Dolby Vision and HDR 10.

    Thus, our SMART-TV 2020 review is divided into 4 segments on a price ground, each of which has three models that deserve the attention of buyers.

    In the eternal disputes on the topic "Which OS is better", there are quite a few copies and a unambiguous answer to give simply impossible: it all depends on the tastes of the owner and allocated to buy a budget.

    Updated: January 2020