Extracurricular event in computer science "own game". Extracurricular event in computer science "own game" Presentations own game ppt in computer science

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Slide captions:

1 COMPUTER DEVICE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2 IDENTIFY THE PROVERB 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 3 TERMS 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 4 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 5 CHOOSE 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 6 PUZZLES 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Thematic blocks



System unit


Sound card

The computer is your best friend. A book is your best friend

You can't ruin a computer with memory. You can't spoil porridge with oil

Tell me what kind of computer you have and I'll tell you who you are. Tell me what kind of friend you have and I'll tell you who you are

A computer without a program is like a lantern without a candle. A crazy head is like a lantern without a candle.

They meet you with a laptop, they see you off with your mind. They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their minds

The computer on the table is not just for gaming. A head on your shoulders is not just for a hat

Saves bit byte. A kopeck saves the ruble

I removed three baskets. Lied with three boxes

To a donated computer system unit they don't look. They do not look at a given horse's teeth

A universal software-controlled device for information processing. Computer

Information about the world around him that he receives through his senses. Information

A science that studies all possible ways of transmitting, storing and processing information using a computer. Computer science

Device for quickly moving around the screen and selecting necessary information. Mouse

A device designed for computing, processing information and controlling the operation of a computer. CPU

The information is contained in it only while the computer is running. RAM

Is used for long-term storage information. HDD

A device for entering information by pressing keys. Keyboard

Device for visual display of information. Monitor

For the Latin name of the Delete key, what is its corresponding Russian name? Removal

A computer device that is located in front of the display screen and is used for typing text and controlling the computer using the keys on the keyboard. Keyboard

Which key can be used to delete an entered character? Delete, Backspace

What are the names of the F1 - F12 keys? Function keys

What is the purpose of the CapsLock key? Fix or cancel capital mode

Does the alphabet switch with keys? Alt+Shift

What type are the Ctrl, Shift, Alt keys? Control keys

What is the purpose of the Home and End keys? Move through text on screen

What is the purpose of the Esc key? Cancel an action

Through which sense organ does a person receive tactile information? Leather

Everything we hear - human speech, music, birdsong, rustling leaves, car signals - refers to... Sound information

Name the sense organ through which a healthy person receives most of the information. Eyes

Knowledge and information about the world around us is... And information

Name the main devices of a computer. system unit, monitor, keyboard

Name the input devices? keyboard, mouse, scanner, microphone, game controllers (joysticks), digital cameras, modem, etc.

Name the output devices? monitor, acoustic speakers, headphones, printer, etc.

What are the two types of networks? Local and global networks

This is a worldwide system of united computer networks for storing and transmitting information. Internet



Vershinina Nina Nikandrovna, teacher of computer science and mathematics of the highest qualification category, Vitkulovskaya Secondary School. Nizhny Novgorod region, Sosnovsky district. Work experience – 42 years, computer science teacher – 23 years.

Winner of competition the best teachers general educational institutions for monetary incentives for high teaching skills and significant contributions to education within the framework of the Priority National Project “Education”, 2006.

In my work, I give priority to such educational tasks that are not only aimed at acquiring knowledge of specific facts and rules, but also develop in students the ability to see their application and use this knowledge themselves in Everyday life. Prepare a person to solve practical problems in conditions information society, i.e. teach how to use the tools computer equipment and technology, independently solve problems, obtain and apply knowledge. Teach students to apply acquired knowledge in practice. Solving this problem makes it possible to involve each student in the educational process, not through passive acquisition of knowledge, but through active cognitive activity through the possibility of applying acquired knowledge in practical activities. When studying each topic, students clearly understand: where, how, for what, this knowledge can be used. Satisfying the interests of schoolchildren, developing their inclinations and talents, and maintaining a sustainable interest in the subject is carried out to a large extent through extracurricular work, because in the classroom the teacher is limited by the school curriculum and time. Extracurricular activities, in turn, have a positive impact on classroom activities: students and members of clubs study educational material more carefully and in depth, read additional literature, and master new programs.

This game is an analogue of the television version of the game “Own Game”. The questions are compiled to summarize knowledge in computer science for grades 10-11. It is possible to replace questions for using the game, both in lessons and in extracurricular activities for students in grades 8-9.

Event goals:
    Stimulate students' cognitive interest in the subject "Informatics". Develop students' logical thinking. Strengthen students' knowledge of computer science
Equipment: computers, multimedia projector, screen, “Own Game” presentation, music discs for music breaks. These classes are held during computer science week. 3 students are selected from each class in grades 10, 11a and 11b. The game lasts 4 days. The first three players play on the first day. On the other two days of the week, other players play. The three winners of the games meet for the fourth time this week in the final. The main prize can be a rating or other incentive. The questions change. The teacher acts as the facilitator. The invited (not interested in the victory of any of the players) 2 students of the 9th grade are responsible for scoring points. Support group - students in grades 10-11. Presentation questions are displayed using a multimedia projector. Lesson duration (45 minutes).

Progress of the lesson

LEADING. Welcome to the “Own Game” intellectual competition, where everyone earns marks with their own mind.LEADING. Rules of the game: initially, lots are cast, whoever gets the right begins to choose the nomination and face value of the question. The player who wants to answer the question raises his hand. The player who answers correctly chooses the next question. If the question remains unanswered, then the choice of the next question remains with the player who chose the previous question. Among the questions there is an “auction question” in which students “trade” their points among themselves for the right to answer. There is a question “Pig in a poke”, by choosing which you will be obliged to give it to one of your opponents. If the question is answered correctly, the value of the question is credited to the player’s account; If the answer is incorrect, the value of the question's face value is deducted from the player's account.A presentation is launched through a multimedia projector and the students begin the game.


    What is a text editor? (100)

Answer: Text editors- These are programs for creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents.

    What are the main functions of a text editor? (200)

Answer: Text editors allow you to create, edit, format, save and print documents.

    What is text editing and formatting? (300)

Answer: Editing is a transformation that adds, deletes, moves or corrects the content of a document. Editing a document is usually done by adding, deleting, or moving characters or pieces of text. Formatting is the design of text. Except text characters formatted text contains special invisible codes that tell the program how it should be displayed on the screen and printed on a printer: what font to use, what style and size of characters should be, how paragraphs and headings should be formatted.

    How to insert mathematical formulas into text? (400)

Answer: The formula editor is a separate program that runs from Word. Inserting a formula is done using the Insert→Object command. In the dialog box, select Microsoft Equation 3.0.

    Auction (500)

Question: What types are there? coordinate devices input and what is their principle of operation?

Answer: Manipulators (mouse, trackball), touch panels and graphics tablets. In optical-mechanical manipulators (mouse and trackball), the main working element is a massive ball (metal, covered with rubber), the rotation of which is converted into the movement of the mouse pointer on the monitor screen.

Touchpad, moving your finger along its surface is converted into moving the cursor on the monitor screen. Pressing on a surface touchpad equivalent to pressing a mouse button...

Using a special pen and mouse on a graphics tablet you can draw, draw diagrams and add captions to electronic documents


    The spreadsheet cell range is... (100)

Answer: many cells forming a rectangular area.

    What does the principle of absolute addressing mean and what symbol is used to specify absolute addressing? (200)


Cell addresses used in formulas are absolutely defined and do not change when moved. When specifying absolute addressing, use the $ symbol.

    How to add a sheet, delete, rename, select all sheets, move? (300)

Answer: Context menu Add a sheet (delete, rename, select all sheets, move)

    How to correct (edit) data? (400)

Answer: F2 and make changes, or double click on the cell with the left mouse button, or click in the formula bar and make changes.

    Entering formulas. (500)

Answer: The formula begins with the “=” sign. A formula is a collection of cell addresses interconnected by operation signs or another function. The formula can use 4 mathematical operations (+, -, /, *), many functions (the list of used functions is presented in the dialog box Menu Insert  Function.


    Pictured below general scheme computer devices. What device is missing in this circuit? (100)

Answer: Output devices.

    The most dangerous to the user’s health is... (200)

Answer: monitor

    What connectors and slots are available on system board? (300)

Answer: Slots for installing controllers external devices. Socket for installing a processor. Connectors for installing RAM modules.

      What is the main job of the processor? (400)

Answer: The main work of the processor consists of two actions - reading the next command from a program located in RAM and performing the actions specified in this command. Such an action could be performing arithmetic and logical operations over data, outputting information to a peripheral device, etc.

    Main memory. (500)

Answer: Main memory is a device for storing information. It consists of operational and permanent storage devices.

IN random access memory (RAM), which is often also called RAM, with hard drive or floppy disks, programs that are currently running are copied (loaded).

Read-only memory (ROM) permanently stores information that is recorded there when the computer is manufactured.

The ROM contains:

    test programs that check the correct operation of its units every time the computer is turned on;

    programs for managing the main peripheral devices– disk drive, monitor, keyboard;

    information about where the operating system is located on the disk.


    What is a pixel? (100)

Answer: A pixel is the smallest area of ​​an image whose color can be set independently.

    Floppy disks, books, pictures provide information mainly...(200)

    store and transmit transmit and process process and sort sort and store
Answer: store and transmit. a) input of images; b) storing the image code; c) creating images; d) viewing and displaying the contents of video memory.

Answer: Creating images.

    Big size file - one of the disadvantages... (400)
    raster graphics vector graphics
Answer: Raster graphics

Answer: Raster image stored using dots of different colors (pixels) that form rows and columns. Each pixel has a specific position and color. Storing each pixel requires a certain number of bits of information, which depends on the number of colors in the image.

Vector images are formed from objects (point, line, circle, rectangle, etc.), which are stored in computer memory in the form of graphic primitives and mathematical formulas describing them.


    To describe branching in algorithms,…(100) is used

Answer: “if” construction

    What do you mean by algorithm? (200)

Answer: A clear and precise instruction to the performer to carry out a procedure aimed at solving a specific task or achieving a set goal

Which algorithm matches this block diagram? (300)

Answer: IF even

THAT divide by 2

OTHERWISE subtract 1

Divide by 2


    Properties of the algorithm. What do they mean? (400)

Answer: Discreteness. Accuracy (determinism). Comprehensibility (effectiveness). Limb. Mass character.


The process of solving a problem must be divided into a sequence of individual steps.

Accuracy (determinism).

Any action of the algorithm must be strictly and unambiguously defined in each case. Those. any command of the algorithm must determine the unambiguous action of the performer.

Comprehensibility (effectiveness).

An algorithm compiled for a specific performer must include only those commands that are included in its command system.


Each individual action and the algorithm as a whole must be able to be completed.

Mass character.

This property shows that the same algorithm can be used with different source data.

    Cat in a poke (500)

Question: (800)
10101 2 + 247 8 = ? 16

Answer: BC 16

After the end of the game (counting points), the teacher sums up the results, thanks the players for their participation, congratulates the winner, and awards. (Evaluation in the magazine, prize) Literature used to compile the development of the game “Own Game”
    Newspaper "Informatics". – M.: Publishing House September 1st, 2008, No. 4. Monitoring of the IV stage of the experiment on modernization of structure and content
    general education. Final test in COMPUTER SCIENCE for students of 11th grade of secondary school. 2003
    Journal “Informatics and Education”. M.: Pedagogy. 1990, no. 4. Journal “Informatics and Education”. M.: Pedagogy. 1991, No. 3 Ugrinovich N. D. Informatics. Basic course: Textbook for 8th grade. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2004 Ugrinovich N. D. Informatics. Basic course: Textbook for 9th grade. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2004 Ugrinovich N. D. Informatics and information Technology. Textbook for grades 10-11. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2002

I round

History of development computer technology

100 This German philosopher and mathematician created the first computer capable of performing all four operations of arithmetic (1673, the final version was presented to Peter the Great in 1694).
Answer. Godfried Leibniz

200 This year, a team led by the talented inventor Dr. Ted Hoff created the first Intel 4004 microprocessor.
Answer. 1971

300 It is known that ''3030'' is the brand of the famous rifle. Why is the drive introduced by IBM in 1973 and all hard disks later received the name “Winchester”?
Answer. The drive consisted of two disks of 30 MB each

400 Which of the available images shows the Small Electronic Calculating Machine, produced in 1951?
Answer. On the 1st

500 In 2002, the number of personal computers sold in the world (since their introduction in 1981) exceeded this figure.
Answer. 1 billion

Units of information

100 Minimum unit of information
Answer. bit

200 How much information will the second player receive after the first player's first move in a tic-tac-toe game on a 4 x 4 board?
Answer. 4 bits

300 (Auction question) Fill in the blanks with numbers: ____ KB = ____ byte = 16384 bits
Answer. 2 KB = 2048 KB = 16384 bits

400 How many times will the information volume of a text page increase (the text does not contain formatting control characters) when it is converted from MS-DOS encoding (the encoding table contains 2 8 = 256 characters) to Unicode (encoding table contains 2 16 = 65536 characters).
Answer. 2 times

500 The Multi tribe has a 32-character alphabet. The Pulti tribe uses a 64-character alphabet. The tribal leaders exchanged letters. The Multi tribe letter contained 80 characters, and the Pulti tribe letter contained 70 characters. Compare the amount of information contained in the letters.
Answer. Letter volume pl. Multi – 400 bits and pl. Remotes – 420 bit

File system

100 An organized set of data, with a name, stored in long-term memory
Answer. File

200 Which of these extensions is not an extension batch file:

1) EXE
2) BAT
3) BMP,
4) COM.

Answer . 3) BMP

300 It contains the file name and indicates the beginning of its placement on disk.
Answer. Catalog

400 (Pig in a poke "800") With this operation, the arrangement of files and folders on the disk is organized, and often, due to their more compact and economical placement, part of the disk space is also saved.
Answer. Defragmentation

500 Which maximum amount characters can have a file name in Windows and MS-DOS operating systems.
Answer. In Windows – 255, in MS-DOS – 8

The World Wide Web

100 Individual hypertext documents that together make up a Web site
Answer. Web page

200 In 1999, they first appeared on the Internet. music files in this format
Answer. MP3

300 This is a specially organized text that includes hyperlinks that allow the user to instantly go to other resources.
Answer. Hypertext

400 Which of these search engines not Russian YANDEX; APORT; GOOGLE; RAMBLER
Answer. GOOGLE

500 What is the name of a program or computer that passes through a stream of information coming from a network in order to protect the computer or network from unauthorized access?
Answer. Firewall

Round II

Who's who in computer history

200 A scientist who proposed principles for constructing computers.
Answer. John von Neumann

400 What was the name of the Lyon weaver who created the world's first programmable device - a loom that could independently decorate fabric with patterns according to a given “program” stored on a punched card?
Answer. Joseph-Marie Jacquard

600 Name two student founders of Microsoft.
Answer. Paul Allen, Bill Gates

800 (Question-auction) The world's first female programmer.
Answer. Ada Augusta Lovelace

1000 Academician, creator of the Soviet computer - a small electronic calculating machine (1951), the first not only in the USSR, but throughout Europe, a device capable of storing a program in its own memory.
Answer. Sergey Alexandrovich Lebedev

Computer hardware

200 When you turn off your computer, all information from this device is erased.
Answer. RAM

400 What is the name of the computer device that processes information?
Answer. CPU

600 That's what they call it Hardware computer (“hardware”).
Answer. Hardware

800 Of the expansion cards available here, please show me the video card.
Answer. In the 3rd picture

1000 (Pig in a poke "1200") Which of these people in 1948, in his work “The Theory of Mass Communications,” described the binary structure of any information and was the first to use the term BIT in relation to computer science?
Answer. Claude Shannon (photo No. 2)

Long-term memory

200 Name the device shown in the figure.
Answer. HDD

400 Flexible magnetic disk, placed in a plastic case.
Answer. Diskette

600 Laser CD with a capacity of up to 700 MB.
Answer. CD-ROM

800 These cards of different formats are used to store information in cameras, players, and pocket computers.
Answer. Flash memory cards

1000 Using a shorter wavelength laser (405nm versus DVD's 635nm) caused the tracks on the 12cm disc to be "closer together", resulting in a capacity of 23GB per side of the disc.
Answer. Blue Ray wheels


200 Name popular program for processing and editing photos.
Answer. Adobe Photoshop

400 A basic program that ensures the joint functioning of all computer devices and provides the user with access to its resources.
Answer. operating system

600 (Question-auction) Name the program for working with archives: DrWeb; WinRAR; ACDSee; FineReader
Answer. . WinRAR

800 Special program, which controls the interaction of programs and applications with the device.
Answer. Driver

1000 What are programs that are permanently located in RAM called?
Answer. Resident

III round

Number systems

300 101,01 2 . 10 2 = ?

A) 10101 2 ; B) 1010.1 2 ; C) 10.101 2 ; D) 101.01 2
Answer. B) 1010.1 2

600 (Pig in a poke "800") In 1982, according to Time magazine, he received the title of “Person of the Year.”
Answer. Personal Computer

900 10111 2 = ? 10

A) 23;
B) 22;
C) 46;
D) 39.

Answer. A) 23

1200 49 10 = ? 16

A) 48;
B) 50;
C) 73;
D) 31.

Answer. D) 31

1500 (Question-auction) 7 8 + 43 8 = ? 8
Answer. 52

Information input/output devices

300 Name a device that is not an output device.
Answer. Keyboard (3)

600 Name a device that is not an information input device.
Answer. Monitor (4)

900 There are the following types of these devices: manual, tablet, broaching. All of them are designed to convert printed images into digital, computer format.
Answer. Scanners

1200 In 1963, Douglas Engelbart first demonstrated to the public the “grandmother” of all these devices today, which looked like a large iron on two wooden wheels.
Answer. Computer mouse

1500 (Question-auction) Name the device.
Answer. Plotter


300 Such programs are called multimedia
Answer. Programs that can work with several types of information: graphic, sound, video

600 The multimedia computer must include...

A) printer,
B) projection panel,
C) CD-ROM drive and sound card,
D) modem.

Answer. C) CD-ROM drive and sound card

900 Which of the following programs is not used for working with sound?

Corel Draw;
Sound Forge;

Answer. Corel Draw

1200 (Question-auction) Which of the presented games is a strategy game?
Answer. 4th

1500 These programs do not allow you to edit text, graphics, sound, or video. Their task is more modest - to play a musical composition or display a picture on the screen
Answer. Players and viewers


300 This is an exact prescription that defines the process of transforming an object from the initial state to the final state in the form of a sequence of commands
Answer. Algorithm

600 (Pig in a poke "700") What is the name of a special menu containing a set of commands associated with the current object? In the operating room Windows system 95982000XP this menu always opens with a click right click mouse on object
Answer. Context menu

900 What value will y have after executing the program fragment?


x, y: integer;



for x:=1 to 9 do


writeln('y=', y);

Answer. 45

1200 Determine what the value of variable N will be as a result of executing the algorithm

Answer. 2; 2

1500 (Pig in a poke '400') What does the Start button open?
Answer. Main menu

Final round (Custom Game)


1) Number systems.
2) Keys.
3) Viruses.
4) Operating systems.
5) Internet.

Number systems

In the positional number system with this base the equality holds: 3 x 3 = 12
Answer. 7


Pressing these two keys simultaneously cancels the previous action
Answer. Ctrl+Z


This group of viruses spreads not on executable files, but on documents prepared in programs from the Microsoft Office suite
Answer. Macro viruses


Working on this operating system was started in 1991 and completed in 1993. Due to the openness of the kernel architecture and its free nature, it managed to conquer the world in the shortest possible time
Answer. Linux


They have high-speed connections from their servers to the Internet, which allows them to provide Internet access to users on a commercial basis over dial-up phone lines
Answer. Providers

Goals of the game:

  • Repetition, consolidation and deepening of material on the topics: “History of the development of computer technology”, “Concepts of computer science”, “Algorithmics”, “Logic”, “Number systems”, “Operating systems”,
  • Stimulating students' cognitive interest in this topic and the subject “Informatics” in general.
  • Formation of a sense of collectivism and healthy competition, the ability to defend one’s views.
  • Development of mental activity, memory, ability to think logically.
  • Work on improving speech literacy, increasing student motivation in the classroom through a game form of work.

Technology: group

Equipment: two computers (one for displaying a multimedia presentation of “Your Game” (Appendix 1), the other for quickly calculating results in Microsoft program Excel (Appendix 2)), multimedia installation, screen, signal cards (floppy disks), stationery, 2 sheets (A4) for the final round.

Two teams of students participate. Each team has 10 people.

Game plan:

  1. Organizing time (5 minutes).
  2. "My own game" (32 min.)
  3. (3 min).

Preparatory work: Review the material covered.


  1. Organizational moment (familiarity with the rules of the game)

"Own Game" consists of two rounds and a final. Each round consists of 4 topics with 5 questions each (20 questions). The questions are arranged from left to right, in increasing order of difficulty:

  • I round – cost of questions (from 100 to 500),
  • Round II – cost of questions (from 200 to 1000).

The teams start the game by lot (which captain will answer the question correctly and quickly). The choice of topic and cost of the question is made by the captain.

The presenter reads out the question. The team leads the discussion and, if ready, raises their hand. The first team to raise their hand is given the opportunity to answer the question. The discussion ends here. The captain points to the player who will answer (or answers himself). If a team answers correctly, then it is given the right to choose the next question; if it answers incorrectly, then the other team is given the right to answer the same question.

In addition, the game has unusual questions: “Question-auction” and “Pig in a poke.” The “Question Auction” goes to the team that selected the question and allows them to increase the value of the question within the accumulated amount.

A correct answer to the “auction question” increases the team’s total points by the bet made by the team in the auction; an incorrect answer decreases it. If a team chooses a “Pig in a Poke” question, it automatically transfers it to the other team. The correct answer to the question “Pig in a poke” increases the total number of team points by the cost of this question, the wrong answer decreases it.

The second round starts with the team with the fewest points.

The final round (“Custom Game”) presents three possible topics for the round.

One by one, the teams remove topics they don't like. (The team with the fewest points begins to remove) until one topic remains.

  1. Next, the teams place a bet within their accumulated amount.
A question is asked. Teams think about it for 40 seconds, write the answer on paper, and read it out. A correct answer in the final round increases the team's total amount by the bet placed, while an incorrect answer decreases it. Scoring is done automatically in MS Excel by an independent expert (teacher). The team with the most points wins.

My own game

  • (accompanied by a presentation slide show).
  • Presentation
  • What is the original meaning of the English word computer?
  • car;


  • calculator; . master Number systems 100 Convert the number 20 to binary number system Answer: 101002. I have 100 brothers. The youngest is 1000 years old, and the oldest is 1111 years old. Could this be possible? Answer: Yes in binary system dead reckoning

(Question-auction) The name of a number system in which the contribution of a digit to the value of a number depends on its position in the sequence of digits representing the number. Answer: Positional system

The invention of these numbers belongs to the Indians, but we call them “Arab”, since the peoples of Europe learned them from the Arabs. About what number system we're talking about? Answer: Decimal system

Pages of history

  • 100 The French writer V. Hugo said that “history does not have it.” You have used it, but you can use its virtual version without turning off your computer. What is this? Answer: Shopping cart
  • 200 Peter the Great cut it to Europe; this happens on the screen when the computer is running. What is this? Answer: Window
  • 300 For Audi it is four rings, for Peugeot it is a bear cub. What does the computer company Apple have? Answer: image of an apple
  • 400 (pig in a poke) In 1945, a mathematician was brought in to work on the creation of a computer and prepared a report on this computer. The report became widely known because it clearly and simply states the general principles of computer operation. Name this mathematician. Answer: John von Neumann
  • 500 What is 86 SMOPUIM? Answer: Windows – 98

History of the development of computer technology

  • 100 This German philosopher and mathematician created the first computer capable of performing all four operations of arithmetic (1673, the final version was presented to Peter the Great in 1694). Answer. Godfried Leibniz This year, a team led by the talented inventor Dr. Ted Hoff created the first Intel 4004 microprocessor. Answer. 1971 It is known that 30/30’’ is the brand of the famous rifle. Why did the drive introduced by IBM in 1973 and all hard drives subsequently receive the name “Winchester”? Answer.The drive consisted of two disks of 30 MB each Which of the available images shows the Small Electronic Calculating Machine, produced in 1951? Answer. On the 1st (Question-auction) The world's first female programmer. Answer. Ada Augusta Lovelace.

Computer Science Concepts

  • 100 His political course was guided by liberal ideas. Find the hidden concept. Answer: CURSOR. For Ostap, this role turned out to be quite easy. Find the hidden concept. Answer: PASSWORD A lively dialogue ensued between them, and it seemed that everything would work out. Find the hidden concept. Answer: LOGIC And only when she was on the ferry did Nyura remember this. Find the hidden concept. Answer: MENU(pig in a poke) The name of which famous computer company can be translated from in English in Russian as “Melkomyagkaya”? Answer:. Microsoft.


  • 200 How will the number 2 be written in the binary system? Answer: 10. 101,01 2 . 10 2 = ?
    A) 10101 2 ; B) 10.101 2 ; C) 1010.1 2 ; D) 101.01 2
    Answer: C) 1010.1 2 10111 2 = ? 10
    A) 23; B) 22; C) 46; D) 39.
    Answer: A) 23 4567 8 + 7532 8 = ?
    A) 12099; B) 14231; C) 12231; D) 14321.
    Answer: D) 14321(pig in a poke)101101000101.0101 2 = ? 16 Answer: B45.5.


  • 200 (pig in a poke) Before you is a poem written in the 60s of the twentieth century by programmer S.A. Markov:

The bright beginning of spring...
Green forests
Blooming. And lindens and aspens,
And my thoughts were clear.
I took this May for myself
The right to clothe the branches with leaves,
And there are marks in the soul for a whole month
He places it randomly...
And the line is easy to write,
And the brushes are torn on the sketchbook,
Lies disappear in the guise of truths,
And I tell her bye!

How many words related to the syntax of a certain programming language are there in the poem? Answer: start, arrays, and, assigned, integer, labels, string, false, true, while. (10 concepts)

Try to formulate a famous Russian proverb using its block diagram.

Answer. A smart person won't climb a mountain, a smart person will go around a mountain.

Determine the result of the algorithm using the flowchart. X = 3

Answer: x=83

The performer can draw vertical and horizontal lines, and also perform a 90° turn. Which of the following figures will he not be able to draw? What is the name of the algorithm developed by an ancient Greek mathematician around 300 BC? e. Answer: Euclidean algorithm (finding gcd)
  • 200 Name the founder of the science of logic. Answer. Aristotle The Unicorn is known to lie on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and tell the truth on the rest of the week. On what day can he say: “Yesterday I lied. After tomorrow, will I lie for two days in a row? Answer: Tuesday Solve the problem: Three friends live in the same house - Borya, Vasya and Dima. One of them plays football, another plays chess, and the third writes poetry. It is known that: Vasin’s friend said with disappointment: “Yesterday I failed to convert the penalty.” The poet’s friend said: “Dima! You should also write poetry for our football team.” Name the football player, poet and chess player. Answer. Borya is a football player, Dima is a poet, Vasya is a chess player. (Question-auction). Yura, Ira, Olya, Sasha and Kolya are standing in line for ice cream. Yura stands before Ira, but after Kolya. Olya and Kolya are not standing next to each other, Sasha is not next to Kolya, Yura, or Olya. What order are the guys standing in? Answer Kolya, Yura, Olya, Ira, Sasha. In what order are the following numbers arranged? 8, 2, 9, 0, 1, 5, 7, 3, 4, 6.
  1. Answer: In alphabetical order of words - names of numbers.
  2. Number systems.
  3. Historical figures

Number systems

OS. In the positional number system with this base, the equality is satisfied: 3 x 3 = 12.


Work on this operating system began in 1991 and was completed in 1993. Due to the openness of the kernel architecture and its free nature, it managed to conquer the world in the shortest possible time. Answer. Linux

Number systems.

Howard Aiken, creator of the world's first computer, said: “If he had lived 75 years later, I would have been unemployed.” Who are we talking about? Answer: Charles Babbage

  1. Summing up and awarding the winners

The teacher summarizes all the points in a MS Excel table, shows the table on the video projector screen, and announces the winners. The teams are being awarded to thunderous applause.