Lottery in tanks online. WORLD OF TANKS Roulette for free, gathered around themselves the most different opinions of users, both using this service and third-party observers and analysts.

Share and win from 100 gold

It is not a secret that most loves freebies. Halyava, which also benefits, love doubly. Tankists in this matter, to put it mildly, no exception - many want to get a cherished premium tank, or a bunch of gold, not particularly spending this matter.

As a result, many players peck on various offers on the Internet, often becoming victims of fraudsters who sell goods at fixed prices. Tank roulettes are arranged otherwise, the official name is "a shop of random things by game world Of Tanks, "and here is already hidden a keyword.

Those services in which the real range from the official premium store is playedWorld of Tanks. , are not fraudsters . You must understand what to buy kV-5, E25 or Type 59 is impossible. "WG" will never sell them or sell bonus codes.

In this article, we maximize you to tell you how to distinguish fraudsters from the roulette and how to understand which roulette is real, and which is set to the minimum win!

All current roulettes are offered to experience good luck and, roughly speaking, win more gold, than you can buy in official stores. Some honest services adhere to this rule, and some are not. It should be understood that if you lost, you give a chance to someone to win. If the roulette was given to everyone a chance to leave the "plus" from the first game, then there would be no meaning in their existence.

Now the sidotal community is literally shot by similar resources - "Shops of random things on the gameWorld of Tanks. ", Offering getting a bunch of gold, or premium technique practically for free. It is literally in several clicks to log in to the site, replenish your personal account and experience fate by opening one or another case, the price of which depends on the maximum possible win.

Opinions regarding the so-called tank roulettes among the players, naturally, divided. "Victims" immediately appeared (we did not know the word in quotes), who began to scream about the "divorce" and "kidalovo" (even without trying, moreover, such people simply do not believe that winnings on such portals are possible ), the second part of the players proudly boasts to premium accounts won accounts, gold, tanks (!) For some small 100-200 rubles (compared with prices in the premium store, this amount of money is really petty).

So who can believe, and what are the most rouges dedicated to our favorite game? In this case, it is necessary to peer in the root.

Despite the fact that "Shops of random things on the gameWorld of Tanks. »Have many analogues in others online games, It makes no sense to compare them, because they are all unique, especially in World of Tanks. In other games, the "engine" of such services has long been lying on the Internet and can put on his website any "schoolboy", our situation is different. Each large roulette is created from scratch and create their separate groups of people, so we should figure out which creators made an "honest roulette", and who created "Lochotron" . Immediately we want to say that part of the roulette is derived from old good slot machines. Yes, in essence, there is a virtual "One-handed gangster" in which instead of a winning combination drops a slot with a specific prize. And at the same time, the winnings will always be minimal. But, let's repeat, not everyone works exactly that way. But the essence that you buy a category, twist the "drum" and something falls to you, implemented by everyone. It is important where and what is the chance of falling out!

The main misconception of most players is the statement that tank roulettes are clean water fraud. This myth is easily divided by the example of a specific site proven

This "store" uses automatic authorizationWargamingOpenID.What guarantees maximum protection Your account from hacking. On the aforementioned site,through OpenID there is a transfer only your nickname, which is a huge plus. it works with popular payment systems (payment box office), which, as a rule, do not have fraudsters, because for banal store registration, it is necessary to provide all the information about the owner and its kind of activity. Lochotron will not pass.

Another of the most common myths about tank roulettes are the assertion that the default is the result losing for the player, or the sequence of prizes is pre-programmed. This is not true.

First, as in the "material" fellow in virtual roulettes, the winning loose depends only on the random number generator . "Randomizer". The result of the game is completely unpredictable, other factors cannot influence it in principle. Based on this, to predict, or choose any method of calculating a possible result is impossible.

This User Agreement has been prepared and developed in order to regulate the relationship between users and the site administrator, determining the mutual rights and obligations of users and the site administrator, including the legal status (provisions) of the latter, conditions and grounds for their responsibility, conditions and foundations of liberation from it, and Also, the procedure for applying relevant impact measures for violations of the site use rules.
This User Agreement is recognized as a public offer addressed to the administrator of the site an unlimited circle of fully legal and capable individuals (citizens) - users, to enter into an agreement for the provision of entertainment services provided for by this agreement and determined by the functionality on the site, and in the manner established in the Agreement .
The acceptance of this Agreement recognizes the user of actual (conventional) actions, indicating the adoption of the terms of the agreement, in particular, such actions include the authorization of the user on the site and payment of the site administrator services.
The User Agreement accepts the user's familiarization and consent of the user with its terms and conditions, as well as the User's commitment to execute all the provisions and rules established in the text of the User Agreement.
The site administrator and the user together in the text of this Agreement are referred to as "Parties", and individually as "side".

1. Terms used in the Agreement

1.1 For the purposes of this Agreement, the Terms below are used in the following meaning:

1.1.1. Website - the result of intellectual activity, which is a composite product located on the Internet under certain network addressconsisting of web pages including and containing computer programs ( software), providing its technical functioning, a graphical solution (design), content, namely test information, photographic images, pictures, videos, etc., designed to provide entertainment services to the site users. Under the site in the text of this Agreement it is understood as the site located on the Internet under domain name (address) - www ..

1.1.2. Site administrator - a person with the rights of ownership, use and disposal by the site on legal grounds and providing a website to use users to provide the latest entertainment services provided for in this Agreement and specific site functionality.

1.1.3. User - Any individual (Citizen), who has passed (s) a procedure for authorization on the site and carrying out (s) use of the site in accordance with its main purpose and functionality, in particular to obtain entertainment services provided through the site, and moral and psychological satisfaction from the use of the site.

1.1.4. Authorization on the site - Individualization and identification of the user conducted by assigning the last unique name on the site through an account (based on the account data) of the user in the multiplayer online game "World of Tanks".

1.1.5. Coin - Internal currency of the site (calculation unit) used by users to obtain certain entertainment services provided through the site.

1.1.6. Bonuses - The number of coins provided by the site administrator to the user for the use of site services.

1.1.7. Account account - Personal Card of the User on the site, reflecting information:

  • about moneyah, received from the user to the acquisition of coins;
  • on the number of coins spent by the user to receive certain entertainment services provided through the site;
  • on the number of bonuses provided by the user administrator for the use of the site services;
  • about the remainder of the unspent (unused) by the user coins;
  • on other data and operations at the discretion of the site administrator.

1.1.8. Site service - Block, a set of services defined by a single value and meaning provided by the site administrator.

1.1.9. Email (e-mail)special technologywhich provides shipment and receipt of emails, letters, files, documents, etc. Through the use of the Internet.

1.1.10. Account user - Special virtual space on the website allocated to the user after authorization on the site containing certain information about it, including the user's account, and necessary to use the site in accordance with its primary purpose and functionality.

1.2 The agreement may be used by the terms not defined in paragraph 1.1. present agreement. In these cases, the interpretation of terms is made in accordance with the text and meaning of this agreement. In the absence of a clear interpretation of the term in the text of this Agreement, the interpretation of terms should be guided by the interpretation of terms: first of all - determined on the site specified in paragraph 1.1.1. of this Agreement, in second place - in accordance with the norms of current legislation Russian Federation.

2. User authorization and personal data

2.1 The use of the site is allowed only by persons who have passed the authorization procedure on the site. The use of websites who do not have full law and legal capacity in accordance with the legislation of the country's residency is prohibited.

2.2 The use of the site is allowed exclusively in non-commercial purposes aimed at meeting the personal emotional and psychological needs of users, improving the moral and psychological state of the user, etc.

2.3 The site authorization is made through the user account in the Multiplayer online game "World of Tanks". The site administrator at its discretion and sole solution can determine the order and information necessary to authorize the user on the site.

2.4 When authorized on the site, its use, as well as on the relevant request, the user must indicate (including in its account) and provide the administrator of the site full and reliable information, in particular, about your name, surname, patronymic, addresses Email, contact number mobile phone etc.

2.5 The site administration is entitled to block and / or delete a user account on the site in case the user within 3 (three) months does not use the coins on the account of the use of the site, in particular services provided in accordance with section "Arta". In these cases, the balance of coins on the user account is irrevocably canceled and is recognized as the site administrator's user board for using the site in terms of familiarization with information located on the website. Blocking and / or deleting the user account is simultaneously recognized by the termination (termination) of this Agreement.

2.6 After termination of the agreement, the user is not entitled to declare any claims or requirements for the site administrator, including, but, not limited to, requirement of cash payments, the return of coins, their translation, etc.

2.7 The user hereby recognizes and agrees that the placement of information on the site, as well as its transfer to the site administrator, including its personal data is carried out by them independently, voluntarily and at their personal discretion. By placing its personal data on the site, the user confirms that it makes it voluntarily, and that he voluntarily provides them with the site administrator for processing. This user confirms that the provision of information them in the manner prescribed in this Agreement is carried out solely on the independent discretion and the willing of the user.

2.8 This User provides consent to the processing of its personal data. The site administrator has the right to use personal data of the user in order to enforce this Agreement, in particular to entertain the site users.

2.10 Obtaining information about users is carried out by the site administrator from the following main sources:

2.10.1. Information reported and / or specified and / or user-posted on the site as part of its use, in particular:

  • user data specified and defined when authorized on the site, in particular name, surname, gender, email address, alias, password and other user data defined at the discretion of the site administrator;
  • data on users posted by them in their accounts on the site;
  • data on users, posted and / or those indicated by them in their posts by email;
  • data provided by users on the motivated request of the site administrator. This This establishes that the site administrator has the right to request users from users the necessary site administrator to fulfill its obligations to ensure access to the user to the site, as well as to fulfill their other obligations to users. At the same time, users are charged with a duty on timely and reliable provision of relevant information to the site administrator.

2.10.2. Information obtained in automatic mode From the software services used by users when using the site, in particular:

  • data on the hardware stationary device that is used by the user when visiting the site, including the brand (model), operating system and its version, a unique device identifier;
  • network data mobile communications, model (brand) of the phone, about the location of the user, if a mobile device is used to enter the site;
  • data recorded in server logs, in particular information about search queries Users, cookies files, IP addresses, about failures in the system, etc.;
  • Data on the domain of the user provider, country of its location, etc.

2.11 The site administrator does not check the accuracy of the information provided or received from users, does not control their right and legal capacity. The site administrator is presented and the administrator comes from the fact that the user in all cases without exception provides complete and reliable information about himself, and supports this information Actual condition.

2.12 Considering that personal data with the user's consent is publicly available, nevertheless, the site administrator when processing personal data of users undertakes to take all organizational and technical measures to protect them from unauthorized access by the method not provided for by the site. However, it is possible that as a result of a malfunction in the work of the site, viral or hacker attack, technical malfunctions and other circumstances. Personal user data can be accessible to other persons. The user understands this and agrees that it will not make a claim to the site administrator in this regard, given that it makes his personal data with publicly available.

2.13 The site administrator will strive to avoid action by third parties aimed at obtaining, changing, blocking, destruction, distribution, copying personal user data.

2.14 By virtue of this Agreement, pointing out its personal data on the site, the user certainly agrees:

  • with the provision of personal data an unlimited circle of persons using the site;
  • with processing personal data by the site administrator;
  • with the distribution of personal data using the site;
  • with other actions of the site administrator in relation to such data in connection with the functioning of the site.

2.15 The user undertakes to store data to use the site in an unavailable place for any third parties, as well as not to report and not provide relevant information to third parties. The user is fully responsible and the risk of all possible potential and real negative consequences associated with the non-fulfillment of this Regulation.

2.16 The site administrator processes only those personal data of the user who have been posted on the site. Personal user data are processed using software and hardware and technical means Site.

2.17 The user undertakes not to post on the site personal data of other persons, as well as not to use personal data from other users in any way, not relevant to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, in unlawful or illegal purposes, in order to extract benefits and any other purposes that do not meet the objectives of the site .

2.18 The user has the right to demand an exception (deletion) of information about it from the database formable on the site. To do this, the user must send the corresponding notification to the site administrator's email address with the user's email address, information about which is to be deleted.

2.19 By general rule The site administrator is not entitled to transfer information about users to third parties, with the exception of cases where such a transfer is necessary for executing the administrator of its obligations to users, as well as in the cases specified in paragraph 2.20. Agreements.

2.20 Cases of information about users who do not require prior consent:

  • government agencies, including the bodies of inquiries and investigations, the prosecution authorities and local governments by their motivated request;
  • on the basis of a judicial act;
  • third parties in their motivated request in case of violation or intended violation of their rights and interests;
  • in other cases defined by applicable law.

2.21 The administrator does not bear any obligations to protect personal data, except in the cases directly specified in this Agreement.

2.22 Since the site and World of Tanks are different resources managed by non-affiliated persons, and since the site from the World of Tanks is not transmitted (access) Personal data of the user, possibly indicated by the last when registering on World of Tanks, the site is not responsible for How WORLD OF TANKS and other resources collaborating with World of Tanks are collected, stored, processed, change, destroy user data.

3. Subject of the Agreement

3.1 Within the framework of this User Agreement, the site administrator provides users with providing users to users technical capabilities The site installed by its functionality, and the user undertakes to pay the administrator services in the amount, and on the conditions established by this Agreement.

3.2 The provision of services by the site administrator is aimed at ensuring the possibility of leisure users, entertainment users, etc. Without providing the possibility of obtaining a material gain using the site services, in particular the "Art" service.

3.3 Users using services are forbidden to take conspira attempts and interaction with each other in order to influence the results of the provision and provision of these services in the interests of one or more of these users. Identifying the site administrator of such facts, will serve as a basis for a ban on the user's access to the appropriate services of the site or in general to the whole site.

3.4 The services provided by the site administrator are entertainment and entertainment (graphics / animation presented on the site). Site services are conceptually connected with the theme of multiplayer network games. The services provided by the site administrator are aimed at meeting the personal emotional and psychological needs of users. The user as a result of the use of services may experience emotional satisfaction from obtaining relevant services.

3.5 Services provided by the site administrator are not services for organizing and conducting risk-based games, i.e. They are not gambling, lotteries, totalizers and are not other services, in which the user carries any material risks. That is, services are not processes in which the user concludes a risk-based advantage agreement. Services provided by the site administrator do not contain elements of a gambling, do not contain elements and signs of the risk-based winning agreement (based on risk games, risky games).

4. Service "Arta"

4.1 The site administrator provides users with entertainment services for the provision of service of the site "Art". As part of the use of the relevant service, the user provides entertainment services in the form of viewing virtual graphic animation in the form of a shot from the tank through the cells (fields).

4.2 Cell selection (fields) on which a virtual-graphic shot from the tank will be made directly and independently by the user. The user selects 2 (two / a) cells (fields) from 9 (nine) proposed by the site administrator.

4.3 For receiving these entertainment services in the form of virtual-graphical animation in the form of a shot from a tank of cells (fields), the user contributes coins in the amount determined at the discretion of the user itself.

4.4 If in the 1st (one) of the cells (fields) selected by the user, there is another virtual animation-graphic tank, the site administrator provides the user with a bonus, as a number of coins made by the user for obtaining this service multiplied by two . In the event that in both cells (fields) selected by the user, there is another virtual animation-graphic tank, the site administrator provides the user with a bonus, as a number of coins made by the user for obtaining this service multiplied by five.

4.5 The corresponding number of bonuses provided by the user administrator is recorded (credited) to the user account and is added to other coins available on the user's account.

4.6 The user independently and its will define and selects the cell (field), which will be made virtually graphic shot from the tank. At the same time, the user absolutely clearly and accurately understands, aware of and agrees that:

  • the coins entered by the user are a fee for watching the appropriate virtual graphic shot from the tank;
  • nothing in this section of the Agreement and in general in agreement guarantees the user theoretical or actual (real) possibility of obtaining bonuses. The user may not receive any bonus, despite the payment;
  • payment for using the services of this service does not entail the provision of any additional rights, advantages and privileges;
  • the technical functionality (system) of the site in automatic mode can be set minimum and maximum amount Coins required for services this serviceindicated and formable directly on the site;
  • the definition of the cell (fields) in which other virtual animation-graphic tanks will be located, is carried out by the site system in automatic mode by random selection.

4.7 General instructions on the use of the "Art" service:

  • Specify the number of concrete coins;
  • Choose 2 (two / a) cells (fields), where you think there are tanks;
  • Wait for guidance on target and shots;
  • Find out the result of your shooting.

5. Calculations between the parties

5.1 For the provision of services provided for in this Agreement, the User undertakes to pay for the site administrator a remuneration in the sizes and the procedure defined in the text of this Agreement or in the relevant Site Services.

5.2 Payment of administrator services is carried out by writing off the relevant number of coins from the user account on the payment of services for using the services of the site provided by the site administrator.

5.3 Methods of replenishing the user accounts used by payment systems are determined at the discretion of the site administrator and are introduced into the technical functionality of the site. As a result of payment of funds, the number of coins is credited to the user account, corresponding to the amount of funds paid by the user administrator. The corresponding ratio of the amount of money and the number of credited coins is determined in accordance with the data of the multiplayer online game "World of Tanks".

5.4 Commissions related to the payment of the site administrator services (with the user's account replenishment) are paid by the user independently.

5.5 The refund of the funds received from the user and converted to the coin is not done under any circumstances.

5.6 The output of the coins on the user's account is possible exclusively at the user's account in the WORLD OF TANKS multi-user online playback. The minimum number of coins for the possibility of withdrawal is 200 (two hundred) coins. Output term - within 3 (three) working days from the date of delivery of the appropriate application for the conclusion.

5.7 For the output of coins from the user's account, the Commission is held in the amount of 5 (five)% of the number of coins deposited from the user account. This Commission is similarly recognized and is considered to be considered a user board for using the site, its technical capabilities, for familiarization with information located on the site, etc.

6. Responsibility

6.1 For violation of the conditions established by this Agreement, the user and the site administrator are responsible in accordance with applicable law.

6.2 For violation of this Agreement, the site administrator has the right to apply the following measures to the user:

  • block the user's access to its account for a certain period or without limit period;
  • cancel (deactivate) a user account;
  • limit the sphere possible use The site by the site for a certain period of time or without determining the term.

6.3 The site administrator is not responsible for the losses and costs that have arisen from the user in connection with the use of the site, in particular:

  • losses and expenses caused by the use of information posted on the site.
  • losses and expenses caused by unauthorized access of third parties, including other users, to the user account.
  • losses and expenses arising from the user in connection with the non-receipt of the bonus, receiving a bonus that does not meet the desires and intentions of the user.
  • losses and expenses associated with problems on the side of the multiplayer online game "World of Tanks".
  • losses and expenses caused by the administration not dependent on the administration, cataclysms and force majeure factors.

6.4 The site administrator is not responsible for refusing a multiplayer online game "World of Tanks" in enrollment of coins displayed by the user from the user account in this game.

6.5 The site administrator is not responsible for non-commissioning of moral and psychological satisfaction, as well as for not satisfying the personal emotional and psychological needs of the user as a result of obtaining services provided through the site.

6.7 The user undertakes not to make any demands or claims or claims to the administrator associated with the user (refusal to provide the user) bonuses, providing the user with bonuses that do not meet the desires and intentions of the user.

6.8 The site administrator is not responsible for possible failures and breaks in the work of the site and the loss of information caused by them.

7. The procedure for resolving disputes

7.1 This site administrator and the user have established a claim pre-trial procedure for resolving disagreements and disputes arising from the application of this Agreement. The term for the response to the presented claim is 10 (ten) working days from the date of its receipt.

7.2 About all the problems and disadvantages associated with the functioning of the site, as well as with the execution of obligations, the user is obliged to inform the site administrator no later than during the day from the date of the detection of relevant problems and shortcomings.

7.3 In case of an agreement on controversial dispute agreements, arising from this Agreement is subject to consideration in court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the location of the site administrator.

8. User Agreement

8.1 This Agreement enters into force on the Internet on the Internet on the site specified in paragraph 1.1.1. present agreement.

8.2 This Agreement lies indefinitely and loses its strength when it is canceled by the site administrator.

8.3 In the case of amendments to the Agreement, such changes take into force on the publication of the new version of the Agreement on the site, unless the deadline for changes in force is not defined in addition when they are published.

8.4 The user undertakes to independently monitor changes in the provisions of this Agreement and is responsible and negative consequences associated with non-compliance with this obligation.

8.5 1.1. In disagreement with relevant changes, the user is obliged to stop using the site. Otherwise, the continuation of the use of the site means that the user agrees with the terms of the agreement in a new edition.

8.6 The current version of the agreement is located on the website at: https: // Site.

8.7 This Agreement was drawn up in Russian. If there are any inconsistencies between the version of the agreement drawn up in Russian, and the version of the agreement translated into another language, priority and direct use will have the provisions of the Agreement compiled in Russian.

It's no secret that almost all people, especially users of a variety of online video games like freebies. Of course, players of "World of Tanks" no exception. Many tankers will not refuse to get a new premium tank or a bunch of gaming currency, without spending on it large amounts of money and a lot of time. A lot of users covered by this desire are often bumping into various fraudsters.

There is a WORLD OF TANKS Roulette for free, the official name of which sounds like "Casual Things Store"

All existing on this moment Online roulettes can offer users to try happiness and get the opportunity, roughly speaking, buy more gold than on the site, for the same money. The gaming community of tanks before the dump is filled with this kind of things that offer all participants to get a huge amount of inside-game currency, or premium technique for almost nothing. It all is done as simple as possible: just a few minutes for authorization on the site, replenish your wallet and ready, you can already experience your destiny, starting to open some cases, the prices of which depend on what maximum winnings it can provide the user.

WORLD OF TANKS Roulette for free, gathered around themselves the most different opinions of users, both using this service and third-party observers and analysts.

Of course, with the advent of Rouletons, those who became victims of deceptions immediately appeared, or even shouting "divorce", not even trying, but based only on personal opinions. There are those (and not enough of them), who shares their victories: currency winnings and premium techniques.

In order not to get into the first category, it is always worth very carefully to choose sites and resources that provide such gaming services. Playing roulette is only through the official game site to keep the guarantee of obtaining your prize in the event of a victory.

One of the most frequent misconceptions of users is that absolutely all roulettes are not different that fraud. No, of course, those lovers of freebies who are trying to earn not honest ways, but there are enough resources tested by time and quality. When choosing a roulette, it is very important to pay attention for the period that it functions and on the agreement you give during registration on a particular resource.

Take advantage of the roulette called and try good luck, in addition to the first registration, the gold fever is activated, in which the coins are falling with a certain frequency. In one hour, people are informed in the VKontakte group in front of the money rain.

Also, do not forget about the existing promotional products from WOT Leader RU, for example:

Subscr - Promotional code on -20% of the cost of opening cases over 399p. Duration 24 hours.
Vkgrgf. - Increases the amount of the replenishment of the balance by 5%. Duration 1 hour.