Is it possible to remove Windows 10 Defender. How to completely disable Windows Defender (Microsoft Defender). Setup and stop at time through computer settings

About the possibilities of the built-in Anti-Virus Windows Defender, as well as about internet features Exlporer long have been going to legend. And if the latter at least allows you to enter the Internet and download the installer of a normal browser (and new IE versions allow it to make it faster, which pleases), Defender, alas, is capable of loading the processor and disk once a day, and display notifications about the verification. However, there is a sense in such an inspection - the reviews of independent sites show that Windows defender provides only the basic protection:

As you can see, it is on the penultimate line below - worse only antivirus Comodo.. Therefore, there is no particular sense to keep the Defender included - first, it will turn off when installing a third-party antivirus, and secondly, I will not even be turned on, the protection will not be able to provide, but the computer resources will consume.

In Windows 8.1 and below, the defender could be disabled without problems from the control panel - yes, Windows once output notified that the system remained without protection, and only. But in Windows 10 Microsoft decided to make one unpleasant thing:

That is, Windows 10 itself turns on Defender after some time, and, of course, immediately after starting, the system scanning begins, which slows down the devices with weak processors and hard drives. However, the ability to turn off the defender still remained, and there are even two ways.

Disable Windows Defender via the registry editor (suitable for all versions of Windows 10)

To begin with, go to the registry editor - for this, press Win + R, in the window that opens, enter the REGEDIT and press Enter:

After that, go along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Policies - Microsoft - Windows Defender:

We press on the right right-click right-click, select Create - the DWORD parameter, and call this DisableAntispyware parameter:

Press it right mouse button - change, put the value 1 and click OK:

Everything, after rebooting the computer, the defender will be completely disabled. To enable it again, you need to change the value of the created parameter to 0, save the changes and restart, then click on the Start - Parameters (gear icon) - Update and Security - Windows Defender - Enable, and in the window that opens, click "Run".

Disable Windows Defender through group policies (suitable for Windows 10 Pro)

For users of the PRO version, it is possible to disable Defender easier. To do this, press Win + R, enter the gpedit.msc and press Enter:

In the window that opens, go to the computer configuration - administrative templates - Windows components - EndpointProtection:

We go to the "Disable EndPointProtection" parameter, change the value to "Inclusive", we save the changes and reboot the PC:

All embedded antivirus is turned off. To enable it, you need to return the value of the parameter to "not specified", save the changes and reboot. After restarting, you need to click on the Start - Parameters (gear icon) - Update and Security - Windows Defender - Enable, and in the window that opens, click "Run".

The operating system should not only be as functional and productive as possible, but also well protected. In Windows, such protection provides a comprehensive security system, an important part of which is Windows Defender. - Built-in anti-virus program from Microsoft, intended for automatic and manual search, detecting and removing viral threats. In addition, the built-in defender of Windows 8/10 can monitor and prevent suspicious changes in real time in certain OS segments.

However, the overwhelming majority of users prefer him third-party anti-virus products and is harmoniously. The tests conducted by independent laboratories have shown that provided by Windows Defender protection both in the eighth and in the tenth versions of the system is very conditional, significantly inferior in many of the parameters of popular antivirus programs. It is not surprising that more and more users are wondering how to disable Windows 10 defender at least for a while, and even better on an ongoing basis.

Disable the defender through the parameters

In theory, when installing third-party anti-virus software, Defender should turn off automatically, but you can do it and manually. The easiest and most obvious way is to disable the Windows 10 defender through the settings of the "Parameters" application. So, open "Parameters", go to the "Update and Security" section, switch to the "Windows Defender" category and set the "Real Time Protection" switch to the "Off" position.

Know, however, that this method cannot be considered reliable, since after a while the system itself will turn on the defense again.

Using the Local Group Policy Editor

But how to turn off windows Defender 10 forever so that it never turned on again? It is quite possible, only this time you will change the settings for more high level. Team gpedit.msc. In the "Run" window, open the local editor group Policy and go to the left column on the way Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Endpoint Protection.

On the right side of the window, find the "Disable Endpoint Protection" policy, click on it twice and activate the "Inclusive" radio button that opens.

After that, the defender will be disconnected on an ongoing basis, and at any attempt to launch it in conventional method The system will give an error.

Via registry editor

Disable the Windows 10 defender is also possible via the registry editor. In this case, the result will be similar to the previous one. Team regedit. Open the registry editor and expand the branch in the left column HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / POLICIES / Microsoft / Windows Defender. On the right side of the editor window, create a new 32-bit parameter of the DWORD type, name it DisableantispyWare. And set as its value 1.

If the parameter is already present, simply change its value from 0 to 1. Close the registry editor and restart the computer so that the changes can enter into force.

Windows 10 Defender Service

IN previous versions Windows Defender Service Systems could be disabled in the "service" snap. In Windows 10, it is impossible to do this, since the corresponding option is locked for editing, and if you open its properties, you will see that all service management elements are inactive.

Use to disable the built-in antivirus methods above or below.

In the task scheduler

There is another way to deactivate Windows Defender. How to turn it off, we will now show. This time we will use the task scheduler. Run it command taskschd.msc. and go to the left column on the way Job scheduler library - Microsoft - Windows - Windows Defender.

In the middle column, find the "Windows Defender Scheduled Scan" task, click on it twice, switch to the "Conditions" tab, check the checkbox in the checkbox "Run a task with a simple computer" and set the value 1 day.

Alternatively, on the Action tab, you can replace the path to the executable defender file. Consider only these methods are ineffective.

Third-party utilities

The main ways to disable Defender to the tools of the system we disassembled, now let's see how to turn off the Windows 10 defender with third-party utilities. The most frequently used of them are Nodefender, Win Urdates Disabler and Destroy Windows 10 Spying.


Nodefender utility is the simplest. It does not require installation, and the disabling of the defender in it comes down to pressing one "Disable Windows Defender" button. True, the use of the program has some features. So, before disconnecting the defender itself, you need to open its settings in the "Parameters" application and deactivate the "Real Time Protection" functions, " Cloud Protection"And" Automatic Sending Samples ".

Win Urdates Disabler.

The Win Urdates Disabler utility was originally developed as a means of disabling updates, but it also knows how to turn off the defender. The program is distributed in normal and portable versions, supports Russian. It is extremely easy to use it. We launch, mark the bird "Disable Windows Defender", click the "Apply Now" button. After making changes, you will need to restart the computer.

Destroy Windows 10 Spying

A similar way works Destroy Windows 10 Spying. After running this utility, you will need to switch to the "Settings" tab, enable professional mode and mark the "Disable Windows Defender" item.

Changes will take place after rebooting.

Full removal of the defender of Windows 10

By and large, with the stop of Defender, it's all, it remains only to answer the question of how to delete Windows 10 defender forever and whether it is possible to do it. This is possible, but why disrupt the integrity of the system, forcibly removing the component, if you can simply disable it? Being disconnected, the defender does not consume system resources And even more so does not occupy an or significant place on the disk.

If you still want to get rid of it, follow these steps. With the help of any of the above utilities, disable the defender, make sure that it is also disabled in the local group policy editor, then continue to locate C: / Program Files, unlock (change the owner) Windows Defender folder and remove it with all its contents.

You also need to delete the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows DefenderAfter receiving access rights to it.

If you cannot delete a folder from under a running system, boot from any "live" disk with the built-in file ManagerFor example, Dr. Web LiveDisk. Find the catalog on the disk (most likely it will be located in the location Win / E: / Program Files) And remove it in forced mode.

The development of Windows Defender, performed by Microsoft's programmers, is a protective software that is an integral part of the OS such as Windows 10 and the earlier release of Windows 8 (8.1). The protection activation process occurs along with the installation of a certain system on your personal computer.

the main task this software - support information protection personal computer From all sorts of viral attacks, from introducing a variety of "harmful" programs into the system. However, in some exceptions it is useful to know how to disable Windows 10 and 8.1 defender forever. After all, the protection process is performed quite usually, and as soon as the user device will be installed a fresh antivirus program, built-in software, in theory, automatically stops working.

However, the manual will help you explore and understand, in what cases, and most importantly, what techniques can block antivirus software, and if necessary, activate the protective software. Such an action may be needed to you in some episodes of work on the PC. The most popular of them, when the basic - built-in - antivirus program does not allow you to put the necessary utility to the utility (let's say, the game), defining them as a hazard carrier.

Sometimes, in addition to disconnecting the actual antivirus, it is important to also pay attention to filter SmartScreen.Since it can also block the installation of a new software onto a computer. Then his functional duties should also deactivate.

After fresh updates, the anti-virus utility icon is automatically shown on the Windows pane. To turn it off, you need to go to the task manager using the "Start" button and making the extended option, make a mark on shutting down in the Windows Defender Notification icon point (located in the "Auto-loading" field). After re-loading, the icon on the monitor will already be absent.

Turning off the defender winds 10 and 8.1

The initial stage of the process, how to disable the Windows 10 and 8.1 defender service coincides with both operational systems. Description how to fully turn off the antivirus software For Windows 10, it will be further shown. To begin deactivating the defender, click (right mouse button) on the "Start" (bottom left corner of the monitor) and find the Windows Defender icon on the control panel. It is located in the left column from above, for this, the user needs to switch to the view of the "icons".

The main window of the utility protection will be displayed on the PC screen. Sometimes in the User window, you can read the following message - notification "The application is disabled and does not monitor the PC." This window informs you that, at a PC, most likely, a different protective program from viruses and other negative factors is activated. Further work to remove the standard anti-virus support will be carried out specifically for a certain operational system.

Windows 10 system

The problematic question "How to remove Windows 10 Defender forever" for this operational system can be solved by a number of ways. First, standard. This method is not a 100 percent warranty of anti-virus support (Protector in automatic mode It will start working approximately about a quarter of an hour), but sometimes they use it.

On the "Start" pop-up panel, we find the "Parameters" item and click on it. Next, we go to the "Update and Security" department, we find the "Windows Defender" I need there. In the "Protect in Real Time" subparagraph instead of the "On" mark, press and activate the "Off" mark.

If your goal is to finally eliminate the antivirus, use the following methods. The essence of the methods is to use two types of editors: directly registry and local group policy editor (GPE). The sequence of actions to turn off the protective program using the GPE is as follows:

Display the window (pop-up) "Run" to the screen, using a combination of buttons on the Win + R keyboard, and type gpedit.msc, to activate the local group policy editor.

In the Computer Configuration menu, go to the "Administrative Templates" section. Then in the "Windows components" item, we find "Endpoint Protection". Click (twice) by the column "Turn off Endpoint Protection".

A window opens under the name "Turn Off Windows Defender" - the old option, the new looks like "Turn off Endpoint Protection". In the left part, you will see three parameters "not specified", "enabled" and "disabled". We make a mark on "enabled" and click OK.

Anti-virus software is completely deactivated. When trying to activate this software, the window will pop up with the message "This application is turned off with Group Policy."

The same procedure can be done using editor windows registry: Similarly, as in the case described above, open the "Run" window (combination of the Win + R buttons) and type Regedit, to start the editor. We pass the chain of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-Software- Policies- Microsoft- Windows Defender rows. Form the DWORD key, the key name is disableantispyware, sometimes it is missing. The key value may be twofold - to shut down 1, and for inclusion - 0.

All, protective program that was automatic way Added to a computer, disabled. Do not be surprised that you still see an antivirus icon, it will disappear after the first PC rebut. Accordingly, each time it turns on the window with a warning about a disabled protective program from viruses. You can remove it, for this you need to click on the message and specify "not to receive more notifications about anti-virus protection". Sometimes, if the previously described methods of deactivation did not help, it is necessary to apply special free software, which will be described in the article below.

Windows 8.1 system

To fully lock the protective software from the "pest" for Windows 8.1, you need to perform such actions. We go to the "Control Panel" menu and find the "Windows Defender" item. Select the subparagraph "Administrator" in the "Parameters" field. Remove the pointer from "Enable Appendix" notification.

The result of your work will be a new notice of the shut off the defender.

Using other applications for blocking Windows Defender

As described above, it is not always possible to deactivate antivirus software simple wayusing exceptionally opportunities softwaresupplied on your PC. Therefore, experts have been developed special utilitieswhich allow users to seek the goals. There are programs in free access on the Internet, while they are completely free.

One of these utilities using which is the ability to carry out the procedure for turning off the antivirus windows programs 10 (if the usual shutdown methods did not occur), is the Win Updates Disabler utility. She was written on simple language, no extra difficulty, softe language - Russian.

Initially, the program was written to disable Windows 10 updates, which are carried out automatically. However, the software can also activate and deactivate the function of protecting the operational system and firewall.

You can also work with a special development - Destroy Windows 10 Spying (abbreviated DWS). The utility was created to prevent tracking the system of your activity, but in the extended format you have access to turn off completely and antivirus Windows Defender.

Recommendations I. step by step guideHow to remove Windows 10 Defender forever, are also presented in video format. It will help you more detail to study the chain of turning off the protector (antivirus program), in case you have any difficulties when using a textual version of the manual. Video - the option contains a description and demonstration of the elimination of the antivirus program, using all methods described above.

How to activate the defender for Windows 8 (8.1) and 10?

In the event that in the "Windows Defender" menu of the control panel, you are reading a message that the PC observation is not conducted and the protection software is turned off, you can make two outputs.

  • The first: another antivirus program activated on the PC. Do not worry! When removing this utility from windows systems Defender is activated automatically.
  • Second: The defender was blocked by you deliberately, based on a particular life situation. Quite just to activate it again.

In Windows 10 to enable antivirus defenseQuite simply click on the proper message (search in the taskbar). All work will be made by the system automatically, without your intervention. True, this does not apply to antiviruses that have been turned off using editors. This episode will have to do steps on the reverse inclusion of the application.

As in the case of deactivation of viruses for Windows 8.1, and the inclusion of the defender requires its execution of consecutive actions. Right-click the mechanical manipulator (mouse) by the "checkbox" of the antivirus on the taskbar, in this way you will go to the program support center. Most likely, you will be paid notifications about the disabled protection against spies ( special programs), unwanted utilities, as well as that the protective program is not activated. To start an antivirus, you only need to click on the "Enable Now".

We really expect that the information provided was interesting to you and useful in such an important question, how to disable the Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 defender service, and you can implement it in practice. We are waiting for your comments, as well as estimates of our work! We helped you - share knowledge with friends. Thank you!

Windows Defender is standard application, protecting the computer system from trojans and viruses that can be picked up on the Internet or when transferring files from a flash drive and other media. It usually functions until another antivirus is loaded, which will turn off without your intervention standard protection.

However, it does not always happen, and there may be a need to deactivate programs manually. It is necessary in situations where the standard antivirus interfers to install the game or download any file. From this article you can understand how to disable Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 defender. Also in the end will be described how it is necessary to turn it back.

Deactivation method of Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 Defender

There is nothing difficult in turning off the protective program, even those people who own a computer will cope with such a task at the initial level. It is enough to be guided by the instructions and not retreat from it.

To begin with, you will need to go to the control panel. You can perform this in two ways:

  1. Click on the "Start" with the left mouse button and select the desired item.
  2. Translate the cursor to the lower right corner on the screen, in the selection section that appears select "Parameters" in which there will be a "control panel".

A window will appear in which all sorts of partitions for personalizing the computer will be presented. It is advisable to change the viewing type from the "category" to "major icons" so that it is easier to find the required function. Among all points there will be a "Windows Defender" - it is necessary for us. It will take on it to press and pay attention to the pop-up window.

If the inscription appears, which says that the application does not function, and they are not observed, the defender is already disabled, or by you, or other user with access to your electronic device, or antivirus. In this case, nothing will need to do.

How to turn off the defender in the modification of the eighth version "8.1" - a question that may be interested in people who have this application Activated and interferes with work. The answer to it is much easier than in the case of the tenth version of the operating system.

You must first go to the control panel and click on the standard protector icon, select the "Parameters" section and subsection "Administrator". If everything is done correctly, an item must appear with the name "Enable Annex".

A tick from it must be removed and click on the "Save Changes" button, but before you make sure that such protection is really no longer needed. If a good antivirus is still installed on the computer, it is not recommended to deactivate the built-in, since because of this, serious problems with the system may appear.

Disable the defender in Windows 10

The method of deactivation of built-in protection in 10 versions of Windows Much more complicated than in the eighth. However, it will be quite performed, the main thing is to follow the leadership, how to disable the Windows 10 defender for a while or forever.

Opening "Parameters", which are located at the top, it will be necessary to rearrange the "Protection in real time" item from the included state on the off. However, this option is suitable only for those people who need to temporarily deactivate the standard defender. It will not work for about 15 minutes, and then automatically turn on.

There are other, more complex ways to help conduct a shutdown forever. They should be used if this kind of protection is not required or interferes.

Instructions for the first way:

Run the local group policy editor using the Win + R combination and enter the gpedit.msc in it. After that, click on the "OK" button.

Go to the device configuration - administrative templates - Windows components - Endpoint Protection. In the final version, dozens may not be such a section. Therefore, its owners will need to go to Defender Windowswhere there are also functions to deactivate the built-in protection.

Find the Endpoint Protection in the main window editor, open it and make the "Enabled" parameter. After that, click "OK" and leave the editor.

If everything was done correctly, the defender of the Visnovs will be disabled, as soon as the notification will be received, in which it will be prompted to start the program.

You should not be afraid of inscriptions that the computer is under threat, as it does not mean anything.

For the second method, you will need to use the registry editor:

Opening it, you must select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ POLICIES \\ Microsoft \\ Windows Defender partition. It is necessary to make the DWORD parameter to be called Disableantispyware, if so is not in the section. The main thing is to choose to it value 1 if the defender needs to deactivate. If you want it to be in the on state, then the digit needs to be changed by 0.

After that, the program should not interfere with work, and you can safely install games or a new antivirus.

How to activate defender windows

It may happen that you or a certain program deactivated the defender, which can be understood from the corresponding pop-up window. If now for any reason you need to make it a worker, then this can be easily done by clicking on the required notification in the Security Center. The question of how to enable the Windows 10 defender, if it is disabled, will stop being relevant, since the system will do everything alone. However, if you used the registry editor, you will need to implement reverse operation do it yourself.

How to enable Windows 8.1 Defender, if it is disabled, also easily solved question. You just need to go to the support center and view messages that there.

If they say that standard program Against viruses is disabled, you can activate it by clicking on "Enable Now". After that, everything should earn without your intervention. If this happens, the system has probably damaged and should be restarted.

Windows Defender is a means of protection against malware, which is included with Windows 10 to protect your device and data from viruses, extortion, spyware And many other security threats.

Although it is an antivirus that provides reliable protection in real time and even automatically disconnects itself when a third-party solution is detected, it is impossible to finally disable or delete it completely as in previous versions.

Nevertheless, there are still a number of scenarios when you cannot use the default antivirus. For example, when configuring a kiosk computer that will not connect to the Internet, no one can connect to peripheral devices. Or when performing certain tasks, which otherwise will be blocked by the security function. If you need to disable the Windows defender antivirus, despite the fact that your computer is vulnerable to threats, there are several ways to constantly disable antivirus using the Group Policy and Registry Editor.

In this Windows 10 manual, we will show 3 ways how forever turn off the Windows defender antivirus on your computer. (We also show you instructions on the temporary disabling of antivirus.)

How to disable Windows 10 defender forever

Using local group policies

If you use Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, LTSB or Education, you can use the local group policy editor to disable antivirus forever windows protection On your computer, using the following steps:

  1. Use a combination windows keys + R to open the "Run" command.
  2. Enter the gpedit.msc and click "OK" to open the editor of local group policies.
  3. Go through the next way:
  4. On the right, double-click the "Turn off antivirus program Windows Defender.
  5. Select the option "Enabled" to disable Windows Defender.

  6. Click "Apply".
  7. Click OK.

After you completed these steps, restart the computer to apply the changes.

You will notice that the screen icon will remain in the taskbar notification area, but this is because the icon is part of the Windows Defender security center, and not part of the antivirus.

At any time, you can turn on the Windows Defender defender again using the steps, but in step number 5, be sure to select the "Not specified" parameter. Then restart the device to apply the changes.

Through the registry

If you are using Windows 10 Home (home), you will not have access to the editor of local group policies. However, you can change the registry to completely disable the default antivirus forever using the following steps:

A warning. Editing the registry is risky and can lead to irreversible damage to your installation if you do not do it right. Before continuing it is recommended.

  1. Use the Windows + R keys combination to open the "Run" command.
  2. Enter Regedit and click OK to open the registry.
  3. Switch to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ POLICIES \\ Microsoft \\ Windows Defender.You can use arrows on the left.

    Council. You can copy and paste the path to the address bar to quickly go to the destination.

  4. If you do not see DisableantiSpyware DWord, right-click the Windows Defender icon (folder), select "Create" and press DWORD (32-bit value). "
  5. Call the DisableantiSpyware key and press ENTER.
  6. Change these values \u200b\u200b1. Initial meaning There will be 0, which means that Windows Defender is enabled. Change it to re-enable Windows Defender. You can also simply delete it.

  7. Click OK. Restart the computer. Windows defender will no longer protect against viruses and threats. It is better to use another anti-virus protection application.

After performing steps, restart the device to apply the settings, and then the Windows defender antivirus should now be disconnected.

If you no longer want the security feature to be disabled, you can enable it again using the same steps, but in step 6, make sure that you right-click on DisableantiSpyware DWORD and select the Delete option.

Disable Windows Defender via Command Line or PowerShell

  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator.
  2. In the PowerShell window, enter the command
    • Set-MPPreference --DisableRealthTimeMonitoring $ True
  3. Immediately after its execution, real-time protection will be disabled.

To use the same command in command line (also running on behalf of the administrator), simply enter PowerShell and space before the text text.

How to disable Windows 10 defender center for a while

How to disable Windows Defender using the O & O Shutup10 program

Note: after installation windows updatesThe system settings can be changed again. We recommend after installing updates to start the O & O Shutup10 program, the changed parameters will be highlighted, and you can return them back automatically.