Why ipad does not connect to WiFi. Why the iPad is not connected to Wi-Fi. Disable Wi-Fi Assist Assistant

Cases where mobile devices, including Apple, have problems with connecting to wireless Internet, appear almost every device owner. This kind of problem is strongly limited to the functionality of the device and put into a stupor of a person who is trying to solve this problem independently. In more than 90% of cases, the owner himself can find the cause and eliminate it, armed with the necessary prompts in advance. This article will help you answer the question "Why doesn't apad connect to Wi-Fi?". In it we will give several situations and tips for returning the iPad to normal operation.

"Failed to connect to the network" - the most common problem of the owners apple devices, Especially when using open public access points. May be accompanied by an infinite rotation of the connection indicator or its jerks.

To eliminate the error, perform several step by step actionstarting with the easiest:

  • Check the signal level.

Moving around the house or on the street, we change the distance between the ipad and the router, removing or approaching it. From the distance and barriers (walls) depends the power of the signal to the device. With its low level, there is a loss of information packages and delay, which can lead to involuntary disconnection or the impossibility of connecting to hotspot.

Decision: At home, you can rearrange the router to another place where the walls of the house are minimally overlapping the signal (closer to the housing center). In public places, knowing the location of the point, it is enough to sit down to it.

  • "Forget" network.

Under the word "forget" means removing a problem access point from the list available to add it again. This will update the connection settings and you can reinstall the password.

To do this, you need to be tapped by the name of the network in the list and click "Forget this Network", after which we are looking for it and enter the password.

  • Restart iPad and router.

If ipad never connected to WiFi, then you need to restart it. To do this - clamp and hold the "Home" button and "Power" 3-5 seconds. If there is an opportunity, then restart the router (it is a router), turning off and on the power on it again. After a minute, two can try to establish a connection.

  • Resetting the settings.

Reset all settings leads to zeroing the parameters of hotspots and clean the list of networks. It is necessary to do this only with a special need, since you will have to re-enter passwords for each of them.

Go to the menu "Basic / Reset" And tapnet "Reset network settings"

Important: Before reset, try to connect to someone else's router. If the problem remains - boldly proceed to zero.

  • Reduce the router.

If the ipad does not connect to the home WiFi, you will have to reconfigure your router yourself. If you are still afraid or unsure of your actions - invite your provider's specialist.

This instruction Applicable to all modern routers, but in the notation may differ slightly. Perform a few steps:

Error "Invalid Password"

The situation when the iPad writes an error about an incorrect password, occurs sometimes more often than the previous one. The case is rather not in the malfunction of the device, but in the inattention of the owner or error in the access code.

Often public WiFi (hotspots) are not protected by password and are freely available. The private networks, on the contrary, are encrypted from an extraneous complex code with 8 or more signs, including the lowercase and capital letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, symbols. Even knowing him by heart, a person can make a mistake with the introduction. The problem solving is to verify the password entry correctness.

Tip: Do not rush when you enter and follow the accuracy of clicking on the pop-up keyboard. If you give you a password orally, first write it down on a piece of paper, and then enter. In the event that you have forgotten the code home Internet (and did not change it earlier) - on back side The router enclosures have a sticker with information about the device and the necessary key -WLANKey.

Error "No Internet Connection"

This error occurs when the device connected to the access point, but the Internet does not work anyway - the browser pages are not loaded, and the online services cannot sync with the server. During the problem, the device writes "no Internet connection" in the settings of this hotspot.

Most likely, the reason in the router. To probably check it, you need to connect any other wireless mobile device to the network and make sure that there is no Internet connection. If so, then the router is not configured. If your iPad is connected to WiFi, but does not enter the Internet only you have to reset the network from the first item of this article.

Not safe network

Public points are usually not protected by password for general access to them. The minus is the ability to intercept confidential data by intruders at the time of use of the Internet. This is fraught with loss of control over pages in social networks, mailboxes, and even the presence of money on your bank accounts.

The message does not inform about the problem, but only warns that the WiFi point does not have protection against hacking, and it is not necessary to carry out financial transactions or transfer important information.

IPad does not see wireless networks

Such a problem occurs quite often and becomes a sudden unpleasant surprise for the owner. IPad may not see WiFi connections even in close proximity to the router. To check, connect another smartphone or tablet to the network - if everything is fine, then the problem is either in the ipad, or in its compatibility with the router.

The problem may wage in software or hardware mobile device. It concerns all IOS database of any versions. Oddly enough, it suffers from the latest new products from Apple.

That's what you need to do first:

  1. Remove the case with iPad. It can act as a screen that does not transmit radio wave from the router to the device's transceiver. Check out the performance with it without it.

Tip: Covers and bumpers often contain decorative painted inserts from a thin-sheet metal resembling foil. In order not to wear an ipad without protection, if possible, disconnect or remove them from the case. So you "kill two hares."

  1. Perform a device to restart the device and router.
  2. Make a reset network settings.
  3. Redighten the router (all of this is described in 1 point of the article).

If the network does not appear - the problem in the hardware device. It can only solve an experienced master or service center Apple.


In this article we led the most common faults and issues of iPad all versions of iOS and showed possible methods their independent elimination. The article does not indicate the remaining more rare cases like the lack of WiFi switch, as they are 99% of cases indicate a glitch operating systemDamage electronic circuits or internal antenna.

As you can see wiFi Setup On Ipad - it is easy, just follow the instructions, and you will succeed.

Almost all iPad versions include the Wi-Fi module. Wi Fi allows you to connect to any source - whether it is a home router or an access point in any firm. To connect to Wi-Fi, it is enough to enter the appropriate settings on the iOS-device, select the network and drive the password characters. And if the access point is in the organization - the connection is carried out even easier - because the password in this case is not needed.

If everything is fine, the iPad 1 or the Pro version should easily be connected to wireless networks. To find out if you have access to the Internet, take a look at the top of the display. There should be a Wi-Fi icon. Now on the iPad 1 you can open the browser and surf on the network.

But sometimes the owners of the tablet version 1 arises such a problem when the ipad does not connect to home wi-fi. Why this happens and is it possible to correct the situation - we will tell in our article. After all, this problem (especially if there is no 3G), gives the user a bunch of inconvenience.

So, what are the steps to do if iPad 1 stopped WiFait? Check the apparatus and connection in the following directions:

  • Make sure that where you are, you can connect to wireless networks. Try moving the first tablet (or another device model), trying to catch the signal.
  • One of the effective tips is to check the working capacity of the router, and whether the connection will be on other devices. Suppose on a PC or laptop.
  • I can also advise the reboot of the router, pulling out the outlet from the network.
  • Check the router drivers, update them if necessary.
  • Remove either update outdated software. Often the connection is not possible for this reason.
  • How to connect the network if the previous items are all right, but the connection does not appear? Go to the air mode, and then immediately - come back. If there is no result - make a reboot. This method must be able to correct the situation.
  • Again did not help? Then try radical ways. Click on the "I" icon, and then - by "Forget this Network". If a failure is again - use the reset function, take the password symbols. Select the Reset Settings option. These actions are resetting network settings and erase all passwords that have survived in the system. Therefore, it is recommended to resort to it only in extreme cases.
  • Another hard method is to restore data from the backup. But this requires a copy to make a copy when using iTunes. Connect the device to the PC and make manual update Your tablet. Remember that this operation will return the memory of the gadget to initial statelike after buying.
  • It happens that the cause of the problem lies not in the hardware component, but in mechanical damage Device. Try to remember, whether you did not drop the gadget and did not fall into it moisture. Weight These factors can damage the loop binding process items with the iPad modem board. In such a situation, the yield is a trip to the repair shop.

If the gadget was purchased in America, most likely, the case is in the router settings that limits the number of free points. It is known that in other countries for wireless connections there are only 12-13 points. And specifically in America - only 11. In the end, if the router is distributed at the 12th point, the tablet simply will not detect the network. To exit such a situation, do the following:

  • Go to the element settings. To this end, in the address bar, vboa the address of the router. For each company it is unique. An accurate combination of numbers can be found in the manual coming to any device.
  • Once in the Administrator section, go to the extended settings, and then in the Wi-Fi subsection. And then again to the main settings.
  • Change the country from Russia to America. The name of the country can be brought differently, depending on the model of the router. Confirm your solution by clicking the Change Button. In general, the interface can look everywhere in different ways, but the essence of the process does not change. Anyone, even a smartly serious user, intuitively understand what to do. After the entire operation, the gadget without problems should catch the network.
  • If you are trying to connect to wireless networks in an organization, ask for advice from its employees. If you make the master settings, you have at home, find out the cause of him.
  • When the gadget connects to Wi-Fi. But the Internet is missing, take advantage of the connection on other devices. If there is nothing going out there - maybe the problem has arisen from the company-provider. Then it is better to contact him directly.
  • Try to perform the procedure elsewhere. If everything happens - eliminate malfunctions in the network itself. But if you cannot connect to any network, contact Apple directly.
  • Make Updating Operations of the Router on the "Fresh" version and verify that your Apple gadget is included in the list of supported by the company. To get even more information - contact the router supplier.

How to connect the mouse to the tablet?

If you successfully solved all the problems, and now you can enjoy surfing over the network, you can stand a new task. Often users want to make something something like their device full notebook. And for this you can not do without a mouse and keyboard. And if everything is simple with the first element, then to connect the mouse, you will have to tinker a little.

Please note that the device must be "jailbreak", otherwise nothing will work.

So, to connect the mouse to the pad, follow such an algorithm:

  • Purchase a Bluetooth accessory.
  • Then buy BTC Mouse & TrackPad. The cost of its low is about 200 rubles. Of course, there are free alternatives to it, but then you will have to choose between the mouse and the keyboard. Together they will not function.
  • Go to the Bluetooth settings.
  • A message will pop up that synchronization is impossible. But do not pay any attention to it.
  • Click on the elder near the device name and on the "Forget it" item.

The element is determined and will work normally.

Any modern tablet can connect to Wi-Fi. To present the life of a modern person without the Internet is difficult, but what should I do if the device categorically refuses to see Wi-Fi, and there is no 3G module? The following are all answers to the question of why ipad does not connect to Wi-Fi, and how to fix it.

The most obvious option that the iPad is not connected to Wi-Fi is insufficient network coverage. It happens that the router, which distributes the Internet is not enough powerful and simply does not finish one of the rooms. In this case, you must transfer the device to the room where the router is located, and check if there is a connection. If it appears, then the problem is in the router - you can buy a more powerful version or a signal amplifier for an existing accessory.

In addition, it will not be superfluous check the operation of the network. To do this, you can use another device and restart the router. In addition, the reason that the ipad does not connect to Wi-Fi may be in the version of the device or router firmware. You should check if there is no update to the tablet and install it. After rebooting the Internet may appear. Similarly, you should enroll with the router - check on the manufacturer's website availability of fresh driver.

Important! A fairly common problem with Internet access is that by mistake on the tablet, the airline was turned on, which turns off all wireless connections. You can check it in the iPad settings if the mode is enabled, the Internet will not work.

When simple solutions did not help

If, after executing the procedures described above, the gadget does not all connect to home Wi-Fi, then you can move to more radical methods. Sometimes the reason lies in the fact that the settings in the tablet have come down. Open a list of connected Wi-Fi networks and click on "Forget Network". Next, re-conduct the connection procedure. To do this, click on the name of the home Wi-Fi and enter the password.
If this option does not help, and the device does not all connect to Wi Fai, it is recommended to reset all wireless connections settings on the tablet. To do this, in the settings menu, enter the "Basic" item and select "Reset Network Settings".

The last radical option that sometimes helps in the event that ipad does not see Wi-Fi - system restore via iTunes. To do this, the device will have to connect the cable to a laptop or PC and conduct a recovery procedure.

Important! It should be remembered that all the data from the tablet will be erased, and it will return to the state of the box. The method allows you to eliminate any software of the device, but will not save if the problem is in the router, or a mechanical failure occurred.

Customize router

Frequently often, Apple equipment is bought in other countries, and then the problem may be that its settings are relevant for the country where the gadget was purchased. In this case, the device will initially not be able to work with Wi-Fi. In this case, you can check how the router works. To do this, you need to log in to the PC browser. Correct address Can be found in the instructions for the accessory. For example rOTETER D-LINK The procedure will be the following.

  1. We enter the address in the browser. The menu will open with the router settings.
  2. Open "Advanced Settings" - "Wi-Fi" - "Basic Settings".
  3. In routers purchased in Russia, the Russian Federation region will be exhibited, it must be changed to the one where the device was bought.

After restarting the router and the tablet, the device should start connecting to Wi-Fi.

Other problems

If the tablet is connected to Wi-Fi, but does not go online, then the problem can be in the network itself or its settings. Often such a phenomenon can be observed with public networks For example, in the store household appliances or cafe. To save traffic, engineers put certain blocks to access sites, for example, leave workers only search engines or online store of your company. In this case, it will not be possible to correct the situation. A restriction cannot be circumvented. It is worthwhile to ask local employees - whether there are restrictions on access. Sometimes in this way close the ability to use messengerthat employees did not communicate during working hours, while the Internet will work.

If there is no access to the Internet in the home network, but at the same time the tablet shows that the networks are connected, then the problem is in most cases in the Wi-Fi itself. The best method is to make sure that - try to enter the Internet from another device. If the account does not have enough money, the provider does not disable the Internet, but simply sets the minimum speed of access that does not give any site. If there is no connection to the Internet on all gadgets in the house, then you should call the provider and find out the cause of the fault.

What if the ipad writes the "wrong password", although the password is true? There are several reasons here, and the most common one is the user is still enters the wrong password. If the connection occurs for the first time, you could give an incorrect access key, for example, the first character is large, and the small one is specified. When entering a password it is worth checking if the default is not included Caps Lock.. If the problem with the network, to which the device has previously already connected, then help can the "Forget Network" function and repeated password entry. It will not be superfluous to restart the iPad and the router, sometimes there was a short time, and he himself goes after rebooting the system.

Important! Users noted that the problem may occur after installation on the device jailbreak. This happens not always, but still happens. System rollback will help the factory state.

If all of the above tips are not changed by the situation, then the only option is a trip to the service center, since the problem in this case has a hardware, and therefore it will not be able to solve it.

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Almost all iPad models are equipped with a wireless system. connections Wi-Fi. This allows you to connect to any network source, be it a home router or any "hot spot" in cafes, restaurants, metro, offices, etc. Connect to Wi-Fi easily:

  • Go to the settings
  • Find the item "Wi-Fi"
  • Select the necessary network and enter the password (if the access point is in a public place, it is hardly protected by a password; password from home router You most likely reported while installing the device)

If everything is in order, then you can enter the network. To find out if Wi-Fi works, take a look at the top corner. There you will see the Wi-Fi icon. Now you can use the browser.
However, many of the iPad users came across such a problem when the device did not want to connect to wireless network Wi-Fi. In the absence of 3G connections, the inability to enter the network causes a bunch of inconvenience and makes the use of the device extremely defective.

What to do if the iPad fails to connect to Wi-Fi?

First, make sure your device is in the Wi-Fi area. Experiment with the location of your device, in order to improve the reception of the signal. Also check if your Wi-Fi router works and is there any Internet connection on other devices (for example, on a PC or laptop). Just in case, restart your router, just pulling out the outlet from the network. Also check on your router, and if necessary, update it. There are cases that it is outdated on your iPad, which is also the reason for which it does not connect to the wireless network. Therefore, if you have iPad 2 or iPad mini with old version iOS, update them.

If everything is in order with the network sources, then try to go to the "airrest" on your device, and then turns back to normal mode. If this trick did not work, restart your device.

Did not work out? Then go to more radical means. To start, click the "I" icon near your network, and then click "Forget this Network". If this method led to failure, we use extreme methods - in the device settings, select the "Reset" item, enter a password if you need and select "Reset network settings".

This option will not only reset all the Internet-related settings, but also delete all saved passwords. therefore this method You need to use only in extreme cases.

But another radical method is the recovery of data from backup. Of course, for this you need to prudently save the data of your device in iTunes. Connect the device to the computer, and manually update your iPad. It is worth noting that in this case absolutely all the data will be erased, and your device will be as if it just came out "from under" the box.

It also happens that the reason lies not in the program part, and the tablet does not connect to the network due to the mechanical breakage. Remember if you didn't drop your iPad in lately Or did he not lying for a long time In the raw room. A mechanical shock or moisture ingress inside the tablet could lead to a plug of a loop connecting the iPad processor part with a modem board. In this case, the only way out will be fixed in specialized service centers.

If your iPad was brought from the US, the case is most likely in the settings of your router, which limits the number of free channels.

The fact is that in Europe to work with wireless connection 12 or 13 channels are used, and in the USA - only 11. Thus, if your router distributes on 12 or 13 channel, then your iPad simply will not see the network. It is possible to solve this problem as follows:

  1. Go to the settings of the router. To do this, enter the address of the router in the address bar. It is unique for each manufacturer. For example, or The exact address you can learn from the instructions for use, which always comes complete with the device. For example, we take a D-Link router.
  2. After hitting the admin panel, we go to the "Advanced Settings", then in the "Wi-Fi" subsection and from there go to the "Basic Settings".
  3. Next, we change the country with Russian Federation (or Russia, depending on the device) on the United States (USA). Save the settings by clicking "Change". In your router, these settings may look different, but the basic principle is the same everywhere. After that, your device must easily connect to the network.

The iPad owners are not protected from such a very annoying problem as a violation (inability, malfunctions) of the device to Wi-Fi. Options when wi-fi does not work on ipad correctly can be different. In the first case, the device may not see the Wi-Fi network (any or specific) - a fairly common cause
which makes it completely impossible to connect to the Internet. If ipad does not find home network, first of all it is necessary to check the correctness of work Wi-Fi Routera (for example from another device: computer, smartphone).

The next step in solving the problem may be changing the channel settings and the router region. This particularly affects the devices purchased abroad and not certified legally. Basically, the IPAD production of the United States involves connecting to the device wireless communication Functioning on 11 channels, while in European countries, 13 channels are often used. Therefore, it becomes impossible to connect such an ipad to the 12th or 13th Wi-Fi Router channel. Check on what channel it works can be on main page The router settings (if a specific channel is not specified, the router may be to the search mode of the most free channel).

The second reason associated with the configuration of the router itself, because of which wi-fi does not work on the ipad is incorrectly selected region. You can change it by passing the path "Router Settings" - the Wireless tab - the Region / Region item, where you need to select US / The United States from the proposed list.

In addition, there may be situations where the ipad is initially connected to the Wi-Fi network, the Internet "Surfing" and downloading files and applications is available without any problems, does not immediately download the browser (or it does very slowly) sites and do not function on the Internet. Most of the reasons for this are solved by a simple restart of the device, re-connected to the network or reset the network settings (passwords will be lost, login). Also rebooting the router can give a positive result.