Chrome download file. Conditions for providing Google Chrome services. How to add express panel

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  • Check out the new conditions and additional conditions.

If you do not agree with the new conditions, refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section.

Conditions for the provision of Google Chrome services

These services are provided to the Google Chrome executable code. The Google Chrome source code is provided free of charge on license agreements on open source software at

1. Relationships S. company Google

1.1. The use of products, software, services and sites belonging to Google (hereinafter referred to as the text of the services of "services", with the exception of services provided by Google as part of a separate written agreement), regulated by the terms of the legal agreement between you and Google. Under "Google" is understood by Google Inc., the main office of which is located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. This paper describes the main provisions of the Agreement, and also set out some terms of this agreement.

1.2. If you are not a different written agreement with Google, then your agreement with Google will always include at least those terms of use that are set out in this document. Next, they are called "Universal Conditions". Open source software licenses for source code Google Chrome are separate written agreements. In cases where the open source software licenses explicitly replace these universal conditions, your Google Agreement on the use of Google Chrome or individual components of Google Chrome is regulated by open source software licenses.

1.3. Your agreement with Google, in addition to universal conditions, also includes the conditions specified in the following additional conditions for the provision of Google Chrome services, and the conditions of all legal notifications operating in relation to services. which are further referred to as "Additional Conditions". In cases where additional conditions are subject to the service, with them it will be possible to familiarize themselves in the process of using this service or read in the concomitant documentation.

1.4. Universal conditions and additional conditions are a legally binding agreement between you and Google on using the services. These documents must be carefully read. The combination of these legal agreements is referred to as "conditions".

1.5. In the presence of discrepancies between additional conditions and universal conditions, the provisions of additional conditions relating to the relevant service will have prevail.

2. Taking Conditions

2.1. To get the opportunity to use the services, you need to accept the conditions. It is forbidden to use the services without accepting the conditions.

2.2. Conditions can be taken in the following ways:

(A) by pressing the method of acceptance of the conditions if it has been added by Google in user interface a particular service; or

(B) the actual use of services. In this case, you agree that Google will consider the fact of the use of services as the adoption of conditions.

3. Language

3.1. Translation of the English version of the conditions for other languages \u200b\u200bis provided solely for convenience. You agree that all relationship between you and Google will be regulated by the Conditions version english language.

3.2. In the presence of discrepancies between the English version of the Conditions and Translation english version will have prevail.

4. Providing services to Google

4.1. Google Corporation has subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide (hereinafter - "subsidiaries and affiliates"). In some cases, these companies will provide services on behalf of Google. You recognize and agree that these subsidiaries and affiliates are eligible for the provision of services.

4.2. Google is constantly introducing innovations in order to ensure maximum convenience for its users. You recognize and agree that the structure and nature of the services provided by Google can change from time to time without prior notice.

4.3. In this regard, you recognize and agree that Google has the right to stop (definitely or temporarily) the provision of services (or any functions as part of the services) in particular or users at all at their discretion without prior notice. You can refuse to use the services at any time. In case of termination of the use of services, there is no need to notify Google about this.

4.4. You acknowledge and agree that if Google blocks access to your account, you may not be able to use the services and access the account data, as well as files and information stored in the account.

5. Use of services

5.1. You undertake to use the services exclusively within the framework of (a) conditions and (b) of current laws, provisions, as well as generally accepted norms and rules of relevant jurisdiction (including laws supervising exports and import data and software into the United States of America and other relevant countries ).

5.2. You agree that you will not take part in activities that interfere with work or violating the functioning of services or related servers and networks.

5.3. You undertake not to play, do not duplicate, do not copy, not sell, do not exchange and not resell services for any purpose if the right to this was not granted to you by Google in a separate agreement.

5.4. You assume full responsibility (and Google is not responsible for any violations of your obligations stipulated in conditions, as well as for all the consequences of these violations (including damage incurred by Google).

6. Privacy and Protection of Personal Information

6.1. Information about applicable Google ways The data protection is contained in the company's privacy policy on the pages:\u003dru and Here are the principles applied by Google to handle personal information and ensure the privacy of users when providing services.

6.2. You allow you to use your data in accordance with Google Privacy Policy.

7.1. You are aware that for all the information (data files, text materials, software, music, audio files and other audio materials, photos, videos and other images), to which you can access in the process of using the service, the responsibility is exclusively the person who provided this information. All this information will be referred to as "content".

7.2. You must understand that the content provided to you with services, including among other things. advertising announcementsPlaced in services, as well as sponsored content included in the services, can be protected by intellectual property rights that belong to sponsors or advertisers providing this content to Google (or other persons and companies operating on their behalf). It is forbidden to change, rent, transmit, sell, distribute and create derivative products based on this content (in whole or in part), if it was not allowed by Google or owners of this content in a separate agreement.

7.3. Google reserves the right (but does not assume any obligations) partially or fully view, check, filter, change, reject or delete content from any services. For some services, Google can provide tools to hide sexual materials. Such instruments include a secure search (see In addition, to limit access to invalid materials can be used paid Services and software.

7.4. You are aware that when using services you may encounter a content that wears an offensive, obscene or unacceptable character, and that you use the services at your own risk.

7.5. You assume full responsibility (and Google is not responsible for anything or before third parties) for the content that you create, convey or place to display in the process of using services, as well as for the consequences of these actions, including damage incurred by Google .

8. Property rights

8.1. You recognize and agree that Google (or its licensees) belongs to all legitimate rights to services, including property rights and property rights, as well as all rights to intellectual property, which is a part of the services (regardless of whether these rights have been registered And on what jurisdictions they are observed).

8.2. If there was no other written agreement with Google, the conditions do not give any right to use any trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names and other characteristic brands of Google.

8.3. If you have received the right to use any of these trademarks, concluding a separate written agreement with the company Google, then you agree that you will use them in accordance with this Agreement, all the current provisions and all applicable conditions and recommendations on the use trademarks. These recommendations can be found on the https: //www..html page (or by other URLs that Google from time to time provides for this purpose).

8.4. Google confirms and agrees with the fact that it does not receive (or your licensors) any rights, including property rights and property rights, in accordance with these Terms for any content that you send, publish, pass or place To display in services or with their help, including intellectual property rights with respect to this content (regardless of whether these rights are registered or not, as well as in which countries they are accepted). If there was no other written agreement with Google, you agree that you are responsible for the protection of these rights and ensuring their compliance and that Google does not take any obligations on your behalf for this action.

8.5. You agree that you will not delete, hide or change any notifications about property rights (including copyright notifications and trademarks) that can be obtained with services or with their help.

8.6. If the company Google in writing is clearly not permitted otherwise, you undertake in the process of using the services not to use trademarks, service signs, trade names and logos of any companies or organizations in such a way as to unintently or deliberately call a false idea of \u200b\u200bthe owner or authorized user Such trademarks, items or logos.

9. License provided by Google

9.1. Google provides you with a personal, existing in all countries, a free, indescribable and non-exclusive license to use the software supplied by Google in the provision of services, in the form in which it is provided by Google (hereinafter referred to as "Software"). The only purpose of this license is to provide you with the rights to use Google Services provided in accordance with the terms.

9.2. You (and any other persons with your consent) are prohibited from copying and modifying software and any part of it, as well as create derived products based on it, reconstruct, decompile and try to extract its source code, except when it is clearly permitted. Or is required by law or when it received written consent from Google.

9.3. In accordance with section 1.2, if Google in writing is clearly not permitted otherwise, you are prohibited to assign (or subproduction) your rights to use Software, Provide mortgage law regarding the rights to use software or otherwise transfer any rights to the use of software.

10. Content license provided by you

11. Software updates

11.1. You can automatically download and install updates from Google servers. These updates are designed to improve and further develop services and may contain error corrections, additional functionsNew software modules And completely new versions. You agree to make such updates (and allow Google to provide them with you in the process of using services.

12. Termination of the relationship with Google

12.1. These conditions will be valid until they are terminated by you or Google, as described below.

12.2. Google can at any time cancel a legal agreement with you if

(A) you broke out any position of the conditions (or performed actions clearly testifying to your reluctance or inability to comply with the conditions of this situation), or

(B) Google is obliged to do this according to the requirements of legislation (for example, if the provision of services you are illegal or ceases to be legal), or

(C) Google's partner who provided you services stopped cooperation with Google or stopped providing you with services, or

(D) Google ceases to provide services in the country in which you live or in which you use services, or

(E) Providing you services becomes unprofitable from the point of view of Google.

12.3. No position referred to in this section does not affect Google's rights in terms of the provision of services described in section 4 of these Terms.

12.4. Termination of these conditions will not affect any legal rights, commitments and responsibilities that acted for you and for Google (or were obtained during the terms of the conditions) and for which in these conditions there is an unlimited period of validity. At the same time, the provisions set forth in paragraph 19.7 will continue to apply to these rights, obligations and responsibility without time limit.

13. Restriction of warranty

13.1. None of the provisions of these conditions, including sections 13 and 14, should not exclude or limit the guarantees and the responsibility of Google due to the damage caused if this is not provided for by the current legislation of jurisdictions that prevent the exclusion of certain guarantees or conditions, restrictions or exclusion of responsibility Damage and losses due to negligence, violation of the contract or implied conditions, as well as for random or indirect damage. Thus, the limitations established by the legislation of your jurisdiction apply to you. Google's responsibility is limited in the maximum permissible law.

13.2. You clearly realize and unconditionally agree that you are using services exclusively at your own risk and that services are provided to you on the terms "as is" and "as accessible."

13.3. In particular, nor Google, nor her subsidiaries and affiliates, nor her licensors declare and do not guarantee you that

(A) services will comply with your requirements

(B) services will be provided continuously, in a timely manner, safely and without errors,

(C) any information you received as a result of the use of services will be accurate and reliable,

(D) Defects in the work or functionality of any software granted to you within the service will be corrected.

13.4. Loading any materials and their receipt by other ways using Google Services is performed at your own discretion and risk. All responsibility for any damage caused by your computing system or other equipment, as well as for the loss of data caused by the loading of such materials, is assigned to you.

13.5. Tips or information in oral or written form you received from Google or with the help of services do not provide any guarantees, not expressed explicitly in these conditions.

13.6. Google is openly refuses to explicitly and implicit guarantees and conditions of any kind, including, among other things, implicit guarantees and conditions for marketability, suitability for a specific purpose and absence of violations of property rights.

14. Limitation of responsibility

14.1. In accordance with the general provisions described above in paragraph 13.1, you clearly realize and unconditionally agree that Google, its subsidiaries and affiliates and licensors are not responsible for:

(A) Any direct, indirect, random, special, indirect and penalty losses incurred by you, regardless of the method and circumstances of damage. This loss includes, among other things, the missed benefit (both direct and indirect), damage to the prestige and business reputation, loss of data, the cost of acquiring replacement goods or services and other types of intangible damage;

(B) any loss or damage caused to you, including damages and damage as a result:

(I) your calculation on the completeness, accuracy or accuracy of any advertising information or as a result of cooperation or transaction between you and any advertiser or sponsor, which you received the promotional materials using services;

(Ii) any changes made by Google in services, as well as possible temporary or permanent termination of the provision of services (or any functions provided within the data of the services);

(Iii) deletion, damage or disservation of any content and other data processed or transmitted during the use of services;

(Iv) failure to understand the accurate account information to Google;

(V) Privacy disorders of your password and other account data on your fault;

14.2. Google's liability limit in front of you, described above in paragraph 14.1, is acting regardless of whether Google has been known about the possibility of such damage.

15.1. Google policy provides for a response to notifications about the estimated copyright violations in accordance with the current international law on intellectual property (including the provisions of the Copyright Protection Act in the Digital Epoch in force in the United States) and removing accounts in the event of repeated violations. In detail with Google's policies, you can find on the HTTPS: //www..html page.

15.2. Google is considering complaints about the illegal use of trademarks in relation to its promotional activities (see the HTTPS: //www..html page for details.

16.1. Funding for some services is carried out with the involvement of funds received from the placement of advertising ads and marketing materials, therefore, advertising materials may be displayed during the use of such services. These ads can be relevant to information stored in services, requests made using data services, and other information.

16.3. In view of the fact that Google provides you with access and the ability to use the services, you agree that Google has the right to post advertisements in services.

17. Other content

17.2. You recognize and agree that Google is not responsible for the availability of external sites and resources, and does not assume any responsibility regarding advertising, products or other materials posted on these sites and resources or affordable.

17.3. You recognize and agree that Google is not responsible for losses or damage incurred by you as a result of accessing these external sites and resources or the resulting accuracy, completeness or accuracy of advertising information, products and other materials placed on These sites and resources or available with their help.

18. Change conditions

18.1. From time to time, Google can make changes to universal and additional conditions. When making changes Google creates new version Universal conditions and places it on the page, and new additional conditions are transmitted to you when using appropriate services.

18.2. You understand and agree that the use of services after changing universal or additional conditions is considered by Google as the adoption of these conditions.

19. General Legal Conditions

19.1. In some cases, together with services, you can (both as a result of their use and in connection with it) use some services of other individuals or companies, as well as download their software and acquire goods from them. The conditions of the individual agreement between you and the relevant individual or legal entity may apply to the use of such services, software or goods. In such cases, conditions do not affect the legal relationship between you and other individuals or legal entities.

19.2. Conditions make up a full legal agreement between you and Google, regulate the use of services you (with the exception of services that Google provides on the basis of a separate written agreement, if any) and are completely replaced by all previous agreements between you and Google with regard to services.

19.3. You agree that Google can send you notifications, including information about changing these conditions by means of email, regular mail or alerts in the framework of services.

19.4. You agree that the absence of any actions or lawsuits on the part of Google aimed at applying any legal norms or means established by the conditions (or which Google has in accordance with any existing law) does not mean the company's refusal Google from their rights and does not hinder Google to use these legal norms and funds.

19.5. If any judicial authority, the Commissioner to consider this question, recognizes the invalidity of any provision of these conditions, then the corresponding provision will be excluded from the conditions while maintaining the action of all other conditions. The remaining provisions will continue to be valid, and their compliance can be provided in court.

19.6. You recognize and agree that all participants in the Group of Companies, among whom Google is the parent company, are third particiaries of these Terms and that these companies have the right to use privileges (or rights) provided by these Terms and directly require them in court . All other individuals and legal entities are not third particiaries of these conditions.

19.7. Conditions, as well as the relationship between you and Google, within these conditions are governed by the legislation of California without taking into account the inconsistency of laws. You and Google agree to transfer cases for consideration exclusively in the courts of Santa Clara Circus, California, to solve any legal issues related to the conditions. Despite this, you agree that Google has the right to demand adoption of interim measures (or use equivalent tools for judicial protection) in courts of any jurisdiction.

20. Additional conditions for Google Chrome extensions

20.1. The terms of this section are applied if you install expansion to your Google Chrome copy. Extensions are small programs developed by Google or third-party suppliers. They can change and improve functional google opportunities Chrome. Extensions can have broader access privileges to your browser or computer than regular web pages, including reading and changing your personal data.

20.2 From time to time Google Chrome can access remote servers (supported by Google or third-party suppliers) for extension updates, including, among other things, error corrections or improvement functionality. You agree to the fact that these updates will be automatically requested, boot and installed without your notice.

20.3 From time to time, Google can detect that some extensions violate Google Conditions For developers or other legal agreements, norms, laws and rules. Google Chrome will periodically upload a list of such extensions from Google servers. You agree that Google can remotely disable or delete any such expansion from the user system at its discretion.

21. Additional conditions for organizations

21.1. If you are a legal entity, a private person who has taken conditions on behalf of your organization (in order to avoid misunderstanding the term "you" in relation to legal entities In these conditions, it means an organization), declares and guarantees that it is authorized to act on your name that you confirm the availability of all necessary permits for conducting activities in the relevant country or countries, and your employees, employees, representatives and other agents who use the service are authorized Use Google Chrome and have legitimate rights to apply these conditions to you.

21.2. In accordance with these Terms and, in addition to the License provided in Section 9, Google provides you with non-exclusive, not transmitted by a license to play, distribute, install and use Google Chrome solely on computers intended for use by your employees, employees, representatives and agents In connection with the activities of your organization, and provided that the use of Google Chrome is carried out in accordance with the data.

Additional Terms of Use Google Chrome

This product is provided under license as part of the Patent license portfolio for AVC technology for personal and non-commercial use by the consumer with the purpose of (i) video encoding in accordance with the AVC standard ("AVC video") and / or (ii) decoding AVC video encoded User as part of personal and non-commercial use and / or received from a partner who has a license for the supply of AVC video. The license is not provided and is not intended for use for other purposes. For more information, contact MPEG LA, L.L.C. CM. Http://

Google Chrome may contain one or more components provided by Adobe Systems Incorporated and Adobe Software Ireland Limited (jointly referred to as "Adobe"). Using the Adobe software provided by Google ("Adobe Software") is regulated by the following additional conditions ("Adobe Conditions"). You are a person who is transmitted to Adobe software (hereinafter "sublicenziat").

1. Limitations of the license.

(a) player Flash version 10.x is intended only for use in the browser as a plug-in. The sublicenziat has no right to modify and disseminate this Adobe software for use for any purpose, except for use as a browser module to play the content of the web page. In particular, the sublicenziat has no right to modify this Adobe software to interact with other applications running outside the browser (for example, autonomous applications, widgets, user interfaces of devices).

(b) The sublicenziat has no right to disclose Flash version 10.x player API through the browser module interface by the method that allows its use to play the content of the web page as an autonomous application.

(c) Chrome-Reader software is prohibited to be used to visualize PDF or EPUB documents, which use protocols other than Adobe DRM or digital rights management systems.

(d) Adobe DRM mechanism The Chrome-reader software must be enabled when working with all PDF and EPUB documents protected by Adobe DRM.

(e) Unless otherwise permitted by the technical specification, the Chrome-reader software cannot be turned off the functionality provided by Adobe in Adobe software, including, among other things, support for PDF and EPUB formats and the Adobe DRM mechanism.

2. Transmission by electronic means. The sub-licensee can allow the Adobe software download from the website, via the Internet, Intranet or using another similar technology ("electronic transmission") provided that the sublicenzate undertakes to take reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized use of the software copies common to them, including Copies on CD and DVDs and other carriers, as well as transmitted by electronic means (if it is explicitly allowed). When transferred by electronic means permitted by this document, the sublicenziat undertakes to take reasonable measures offered by Adobe, including security measures and / or measures to control the distribution of sublicenzate product among end users.

3. License Agreement for the End User (EULA) and distribution conditions.

(a) Sublica is undertaken to ensure the dissemination of Adobe software among end users under a legitimate license agreement in favor of the sublicenziat and its suppliers. This agreement must contain the following conditions ("end-user license"): (i) ban dissemination and copying; (ii) the prohibition of modifications and derivatives; (iii) the prohibition of decompiling, reverse design, disassembly and other actions on the presentation of Adobe software in an understandable person shaped; (iv) indication of the owners of the sublicenziat product (according to section 8) - sublicenziat and its licensors; (v) Disclaimer for indirect, actual, random, penalty and mediated damage; (vi) Other refusals and restrictions adopted in the industry, including (as necessary) the refusal of obligations for all applicable regulatory warranties fully allowed by law.

(b) The sublicenziat undertakes to ensure the dissemination of Adobe software among its distributors under a legitimate license agreement for distribution in favor of the sublicenziat and its suppliers, the conditions of which should protect Adobe to the same extent as Adobe Conditions.

4. Open source code. Sublicenziat has no right to directly or indirectly provide or intend to provide third parties any rights or privileges regarding Adobe's intellectual property or proprietary rights, as a result of the application of which this intellectual property will be the subject of a license for open source software or a scheme, according to which as a result, The use of Adobe software will (i) disclosed or distributed as an initial code, (ii) licensed to create derivatives or (III) will be distributed free of charge. Sublica can distribute Adobe software for free with Google software.

5. Additional conditions. Taking into account the updates and new versions of the Adobe software (jointly referred to as "updates") provided to sublicenzitians, Adobe reserves the right to require additional conditions and provisions existing solely on updates and their subsequent versions and, provided that such restrictions are superimposed. Adobe on all licensees of these updates. The failure of the sub-licensee to accept such additional conditions or provisions means the loss of licensed rights to update data, and the licensed rights of the sub-licensee for the Adobe software automatically lose force on the 90th day from the date of the provision of additional conditions.

6. Notifications of proprietary rights. Sublicenziat has no right and cannot demand from distributors to delete or in any way to change copyright notifications, trademarks, logos and other notifications about proprietary rights aDOBE. (and its licensors, if applicable), contained in Adobe software, on its packaging and in the accompanying materials.

7. Technical requirements. Sublica and its distributors can distribute Adobe software and / or updates only for devices that (i) comply with the specifications posted on the page, (or child websites), and (ii) were approved by Adobe, as indicated below.

8. Check and update. The sublicenziat undertakes to send Adobe to check each product (and all of its versions), containing Adobe software and / or updates ("Supplicat Product") and subject to verification (exception criteria are communicated by Google). The sub-licenseial pays each shipment according to the applicable Adobe verification conditions published on the page. The distribution of the product of the sub-licensee, which has not been checking, is prohibited. The check is performed in accordance with the current Adobe procedure published on the page ("Check").

9. Profiles and Device Central. Sublicenziat undertakes to indicate in the profile specific data on sublicense products as part of the verification procedure or in other ways and provide this information In Adobe. Adobe has the right to use information from the profile to verify the sublicenziat product (if such a product is subject to verification) and (ii) display information from the profile in the Adobe Device Intelligence system located at / And accessible through the tools and services of the Adobe development services, as a result of which the developers and end users will be able to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow content or application looks in sublicense products (for example, as video is displayed on a different phone).

10. Export. Sublica is notified that the laws and norms of the United States prohibited exports and re-export of certain goods and technical data produced in the United States. Adobe software may fall under these prohibitions. Sublicenziat agrees not to export and not re-export Adobe software without appropriate permits of US governments and other states, if necessary.

11. Terms of technology transfer.

(a) unless otherwise provided by the current permissions or agreements concluded with the relevant parties, the sublicenziat undertakes not to use and prevent the use of Adobe software in order to encode and decode exclusively data in format.mp3 on any device that is not a PC (for example, mobile phone or a telecase), as well as prevent the use of mp3 encoding and decoding mechanisms contained in Adobe software, no products other than ADOBE software. Adobe software can be used for coding and decoding MP3 data contained in files.swf or.flv, which also contain video, images and other data. Sublica is notified that the use of Adobe software on non-PC devices, as follows from the prohibitions set forth in this section, licensed and other contributions in favor of third parties belong to intellectual property rights related to MP3 technology and That Adobe and Sub-Rooms are not paying licensed and other contributions to such use on the expense of the rights to intellectual property of third parties. If the sublicenzate requires a coding or decoding tool or decoding tools, the sub-licenseial is responsible for obtaining all the necessary licenses for intellectual property, including the necessary patent rights.

(b) sublicenziat undertakes not to use, do not copy and not modify (i) ON2 source code (which is part of the source code) required by Adobe software to decode video in Flash format (.flv or.f4v), and (ii) source code Sorenson Spark (which is part of the source code) required to correct faults and improve the work of Adobe software. All codecs included in Adobe software can be used and distributed only as an integral part of Adobe software and cannot be used by any other applications, including Google applications.

(c) The source code can be provided with AAC codec and / or HE-AAC codec (AAC codec). Using the Codec AAC is possible if there is a sublicense license from the sublicenate for the necessary patents, according to Via Licensing, on the final products or products that use the AAS codec. The sublicenziat recognizes and agrees that he and his sub-licenseates do not receive a patent license at AACE codec from Adobe on this Agreement.

(d) This source code may contain the code provided by a license as part of the Patent license portfolio on AVC technology for personal and non-commercial use by the consumer with the purpose of (i) video encoding in accordance with the AVC standard ("AVC video") and / or ( (ii) Decoding AVC video encoded by the user as part of personal and non-commercial use and / or received from the supplier licensed to supply AVC video. The license is not provided and is not intended for use for other purposes. For more information, contact MPEG LA, L.L.C. See

12. Update. The sublicenziat undertakes not to prevent the actions of Google and Adobe companies to update Adobe software in all sublicense products containing Adobe software as part of the Google software package ("sublicenate products").

13. Notifications of authorship and proprietary rights. Sublica is undertaken to specify Adobe software in publicly available sub-license product specifications and place all relevant Adobe software signs (except for the Adobe corporate logo) on the packaging of the sublicenzate product and in promotional materials in the same form, in which trademarks of the other third parties will be given in what Products are part of the sublicenate product.

14. Lack of warranty. Adobe software is provided to sublicenzate for use and playback on "as is", and Adobe does not provide guarantees regarding its use and performance. Adobe and its providers do not guarantee and cannot guarantee the achievements of certain performance or results when using Adobe software. Unless otherwise provided by guarantees, conditions, statements or provisions that cannot be excluded or limited in accordance with the current legislation of the jurisdiction of the sublicenziat, Adobe and its suppliers do not guarantee, do not make applications and do not establish conditions and regulations (direct or indirect, implied by legislative acts, Common or private laws related to the use or other conditions) in relation to, among other things, the impulse of the rights of third parties, marketability, integrity, satisfactory quality or suitability for certain purposes. Sublica is undertaken not to provide direct or indirect guarantees on behalf of Adobe.

15. Limitation of responsibility. Adobe and its suppliers under no circumstances are responsible for sublicenzate for losses, complaints or incurred costs, indirect, indirect or random damage, loss of profit or savings, including the representative of Adobe, is notified of the risk of such a loss, damage, Costs, as well as for claims of third parties. The above limitations and exceptions are applicable within the framework of the law admissible in the jurisdiction by the law. The aggregate responsibility of the company Adobe and its suppliers under conditions or in connection with this agreement is limited by one thousand (1000) US dollars. No position of this agreement limits Adobe's responsibility to the sub-licenseate in the event of death or injury resulting from negligence or deliberate misconception (fraud) by Adobe. Adobe acts on behalf of its suppliers only for the purposes of exception, restrictions and / or refusal, guarantees and commitments specified in this agreement, but not in other cases and not for the other purposes.

16. Conditions for protection of content

(a) Definitions.

The "Rules of Compliance and Reliability" is a document that contains the rules for the compliance and reliability of Adobe software, hosted at or on child websites.

"Content Protection Functions" are elements of Adobe software designed to ensure the execution of compliance and reliability rules and to prevent playback, copying, modifications, secondary distribution and other actions in relation to digital contentDisseminated to the Adobe software users if such actions are not resolved by the corresponding digital content owners or its licensed distributors.

"Content Protection Code" is a code included in some versions of Adobe software that activates certain content protection functions.

The "key" is a cryptographic value contained in Adobe software and used to decrypt the digital content.

(b) License Restrictions. The right sub license for the application of licenses for Adobe software is governed by the following additional restrictions and obligations. The sublicenziat undertakes to ensure that its clients with these restrictions and obligations regarding the Adobe software to the same extent to which they are distributed to the sub-licensei itself. Failure to comply with the clients of the sub-licensei of these additional restrictions and obligations will be regarded as a significant violation of restrictions and obligations of the sub-licensee.

b.1. Sublica and its clients can distribute Adobe software that meets the rules of conformity and reliability only if this compliance has been confirmed as a result of the verification described above in Adobe.

b.2. Sublica is undertaken: 1) Do not prevent the operation of the Adobe software content protection functions and any other Adobe software used to encrypt and decrypt content for its enabled users of Adobe software; 2) Do not develop and not distribute products that would prevent the operation of the Adobe software content protection functions and any other ADOBE software used to encrypt and decrypt content for its enabled users of the Adobe software.

(c) The keys mentioned in this document are confidential information of Adobe, and the sub-licensee is undertaken to follow the procedures for handling the original Adobe Company, which can be provided by Adobe in writing on request.

(d) Security measure. Sublicenziat agrees that non-compliance with this Agreement may entail a violation of the protection functions of the Adobe software content and apply specific and long-term damage to the interests of Adobe and digital content owners, which are protected by data protection functions, and that any material compensation may be disproportioned damage. Based on the foregoing, the sublicenziat further agrees that Adobe, in addition to material penalties, may require adoption of interim measures to prevent or restrict damage as a result of a violation of the agreement.

17. Estimated third-party beneficiaries. In the Google Agreement with the sublicenzate, including, among other things, the Adobe Conditions, Adobe Systems Incorporated and Adobe Software Ireland Limited are third-party beneficiaries in relation to Adobe software. Despite any provisions of this agreement with Google about the opposite, the sublicenziat agrees that Google can provide Adobe company identification data for sublicenziata and confirm the sublicenziat in writing license agreement With Google, part of which are Adobe's conditions. The sub-licenseiat undertakes to conclude agreements with all its licensees and, if such licensees are allowed to distribute Adobe software, part of these agreements should be the terms of Adobe.

Note. When installing Google Chrome will be added google repositorySo that the system can automatically update the browser. If you do not need this feature, follow the "Sudo Touch / ETC / Default / Google-Chrome" command before installing the package.

Take the Terms and Install

Google Chrome. - A complimentary and most popular browser, allows you to quickly and efficiently process both the usual Internet sites and documents and complex services, superstructures and applications.

Download a new version of the Google Chrome 2019 browser right now and get the full autonomy of the tabs relative to each other, the quick program of the program, high security and a great service warning service on malicious sites.

According to the majority of Internet portals Google Chrome, and the people of Google Chrome are a true leader in the class of web browsers with great potential, secure web surfing and many others.

Basic abilities in the browser Chrome from Google:

  • fast and convenient interface;
  • download speed WWW-pages on the Internet;
  • availability of own functional for checking sites for viruses;
  • a huge number of useful extensions for own settings in a programme;
  • and of course compatibility and synchronization of the browser on any windows devices, Android, iOS and others.

How to download and install Google Chrome on a computer

Go to the downloads section and click on the "online" version of chromium for Windows, and after saving installation File Run it. Next, you need to follow the tips of the installer. It is best to choose a logical disk with application installation. If you are an experienced user, you can choose a version of 32 or 64-bites for Windows if you do not understand what it is, we recommend downloading the version "online", it itself recognizes the system and install the necessary browser.

How to update chrome

To implement this action, you will need only a couple of minutes. You need to click on the "Settings and Management" button in the upper right corner of the web browser window. In the menu that appears, select "About Google Chrome browser". The current version of the browser and the system will be displayed, whether it is the latter. If a more recent assembly is available, then the "Update" button will be located in the same window, by clicking on which will start. background process Application updates. After the update is completed, you will also be prompted to reboot Windows.

How to install additional extensions

In the Google Chrome Web Observer, there are mini-applications (extensions), they can be integrated to increase the productivity and utility of the browser. You can, for example, add weather widgets; mail icon showing new letters; Automatic translator from the desired language and much more.

To install additional extensions, click the "Settings and Management" button in the upper right corner, in the encountered menu, select "Advanced Tools" and further "Extensions". There are new extensions in the "still expansion" link of the same name. By clicking on the link, you will be straightforward to the online store, where very, very many popular and useful extensions and install them extremely simple: you should click on "Install" and then restart the browser itself.

Now I will tell you how quickly and without problems download the free online browser Google Chrome (Google Chrome). I'll use internet Browser Explorer.
To download the browser you can enter a request "Download Chrome". To your request search system Let's give many places from which you can download the program, but I recommend installing from the official site, as it will protect the computer from viruses and will give the opportunity to establish the latest version of the program.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 4.

Now you have to appear the window as in the photo below, you need to click on the button Save

Step 5.

Then you have a window "Save as"This means that you need to select the location of the program to the computer. Two options for saving the program are possible: Desktopand Local disk . I do not recommend saving to a local disk with, as it clogs the system and slows down the computer. Then press the button "Save".

Step 6.

After loading the browser to your computer, you will see an inscription. Congratulations, you downloaded the browser Google Chrome on your computer, for his order enough to click once on the button Run. Here

Browser review

Google Chrome. He has everything required tools For convenient and secure web surfing. This browser quickly downloads web pages, has a convenient user interface. Google Chrome will protect against dangerous sites, protect confidential information. To expand opportunities, you can install different plugins and expansion. Download Google Chrome for free in Russian can be in direct links below, where they are presented latest versions browser.

System Requirements for Computer

  • System: Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1) or Windows 7 (32-bit / 64-bit) | Mac OS X.
System requirements for phone
  • System: Android 5.0 and above | iOS 10.0 and higher.
Google Chrome capabilities on a computer
Smart search string
Support for an intelligent address string to enter site addresses and search phrases. In addition, when searching for your Google Chrome information will show you tips.
Support voice search.It is not necessary to introduce a search query from the keyboard, it is enough to pronounce it out loud.
Tabs and bookmarks
Navigating tabs.
Addition interesting pages sites in bookmarks.
Control visual bookmarks for quick access to frequently visited sites.
Demonstrating the contents of the tab or desktop from the browser on TV or other devices.
Built-in translator
Automatic translation of the contents of web pages from a foreign language to the one that is specified in the browser settings.
Protection against malicious sites, as well as files downloaded from the Internet.
Lock " unwanted"Extensions and plugins.
"Incognito" mode
In this mode, you are not saved: the history of visits, passwords, bookmarks and other data.
Synchronization of data between devices (computers, tablets, smartphones). Bookmarks, search history, tabs and browser settings will be available on all your devices. For it, you need to log in to Google Account.
High speed
Thanks to the special google regime Chrome instantly opens up web resources and saves up to 60% of Internet traffic (even when watching video).
Safe Browsing
Google Chrome will protect the tablet or smartphone from malicious links, downloads and phishing. When moving to a malicious site, the browser will inform you about it.
The browser will protect your story from unauthorized persons in the "incognito" mode. In this mode, the history of visited pages, cookies, as well as these sites will be preserved.
Quick access to sites
When creating a new Google Chrome tab displays your favorite sites in the form of a miniature. Select the site and browser will immediately open it.
View sites without internet
Thanks to a special button, you can download video, images and web pages and open them without connecting to the Internet. Very convenient if you are traveling (for example, fly on the plane).
Translation of foreign texts
Thanks to the built-in Google, the translator can translate entire web pages from a foreign language to native to one touch.
Voice control
Just tell Google what to do. For example, find some information on the Internet or open a webpage.
Personal recommendations

Google Chrome. It is very popular on the browser today, which includes all the necessary technical properties for successful work as a whole and solving the tasks assigned to the browser. It is worth noting that this product is based on the Chromium browser and the blink engine.

Download google chrome for windows 7

The combination of these two structures allowed to invest in software Google Chrome all the necessary options for convenient operation and high level Exit performance. The work of the browser under consideration began since 2008 and since that time continues their undoubtedly successful activity. In addition, the popularity of this browser is simply colossal - it proves 300 million people using this information server.

The possibilities of this product are very extensive and in the process of improvement acquired a multifaceted character. Is it worth saying that this service Its aim of improving the level of safety, speed and stability in general? Not so long ago, the developers notified users about what we plan to slightly change the discussed us structural system, namely, increase the speed of work to the maximum, but functionality is reduced to a minimum, since all the necessary options will be entered using the extensions provided.